If Sindy wins HOH “She’s going to come running to me (Jordan) ask me what to do”

POV Holder: Zach Next POV April 24
POV Used No POV Ceremony April 19
HOH Winner Zach Next HOH April 22nd
Nominations: Godfrey and Jordan
Have Nots Godfrey, Sarah, Jordan, Bruno
POV Players Zach, Jordan, Godfrey, Sarah, Ashleigh, Pilar

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10:00pm dancing in the HOH

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10:24pm hot Tub jordan, kevin and Sarah
Jordan saying that Bobby/Bruno are targeting Sindy he thinks he’ll go up as the pawn because he’s having a “Showmance” with her.
Jordan mentions he will vote Sindy out. Adds if Bobby/Bruno win the HOH and Sindy wins the the Veto Kevin is going up.
Jordan – Godfrey is the one person in the game nobody cares about.
Jordan calls Godfrey the tail of the snake not the head.
Kevin says Godfrey is very smart.
They mention how Zach was freaking out in the veto he really wanted to win it.
Jordan – He’s going to save his own skin before sticking his neck out for ours.
Jordan says the ideal scenario is Pilar winning the HOH so they can all get a vote.
Sarah – you haven’t been talking to Sindy at all
Jordan – nope..
Sarah – what will she do if she wins
Jordan – She’s going to come running to me ask me what to do.. I hope sindy Doesn’t win
Sarah thinks the HOH comp will be tailored for Sindy to win.
Jordan leaves

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Sarah warns him about Jordan says everything you tell Jordan goes back to Zach. Tells him she feels it in her gut. Kevin wonders if there is a way they can find out how close Zach and Jordan are, “Unless we blow it all up.. which would be bad”

They start to dissect what Jordan was saying.. they suspect Jordan is playing them and is protecting Zach.
Kevin thinks he was is more danger this week than he originally thought.
They suspect there was a different plan this week the target was not Godfrey.
Jordan comes back says everyone is going to bed and they know you two our out here they may be getting suspicious.

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10:53pm HOH
Zach tells ASheligh that Willow is not sleeping int he HOH tonight. She had her one sleep over
Bobby briefly comes in acts goofy when he leaves Ashleigh giggles “He’s funny”
Zach – It’s going to be tough to stab people in the back
Ashleigh – Don’t be the one to do it..

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11:03pm Have nots Bruno and Godfrey

Bruno – Me, you, bobby and Sarah .. but I don’t trust Sarah
Godfrey doesn’t trust her either but Sarah knows she can’t compete against the other side of the houses 6 (Diapers + Willow)
Godfrey – the game’s getting real bro
bruno – I we get rid of JP it will be HUGE blow to them.. F***in big move .. it’ll crush them
Godfrey says they will win the next HOH mentions Ashleigh is horrible at comps and Zach can’t win.
Godfrey – Willow is a bumbling fool man
Bruno knows Sarah will flip every week.
Godfrey – doesn’t matter man.. Zach’s right hand man is gone.. all we have left is kevin and his cheerleading squad.
Godfrey brings up jordan telling him about Bruno and Bobby being in an alliance and Bruno is the best spot to win in final 2 he’s a dad and well liked.. Godfrey adds that Jrodan was trying to get bruno or bobby up as a backdoor options last night.
Feeds cut.. when they come back Godfrey is still working on Bruno telling them that they are going after Bobby 100% the other side is 6 strong.
Bruno tells him he has to go to Bobby with that. “I think we can make this work.. we’ll talk in teh morning.. we’ll make it work”

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11:24pm Snuggling
She tells them this is how she keeps it PG-13 they hold hands, BArley tough and never kiss.
Pilar and kevin in the other bed. Kevin is saying that he told PIlar he’s Up 13 pounds since starting the show. So he was going on a diet no Candy. Kevin says it only lasted two days.

39 thoughts to “If Sindy wins HOH “She’s going to come running to me (Jordan) ask me what to do””

  1. Kevin and Sarah is like my ideal alliance. I do think that they should keep Jordan this week to advance their games.

    I’m curious if jury will be 7 or 9 people?

    1. As much as I want to this house to flip by getting jp out, the smart move is to keep him. if he wins hoh that is good for sarah and it seems like hes on the verge of joining sarah and saying bye felicia to zach… but i am also one of the only people who likes godfrey too like ugh.
      Needs to leave soon:
      Maybe JP or Zach (for good fucking tv)

      1. The V card has been checked, if there was EVER A CARD??! On Fan Fav around……………………….. 230 bbt

        1. NO, JORDAN HAS TO STAY, at least until jury! If he goes now he will wreck all my favourite podcasts for the rest of the season, NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I already had to skip all the Derrick guest appearances…

  2. Godfrey is actually fighting to stay, this week has the potential of being one of the most exciting yet.

    1. What I do appreciate about Godfrey right now is the fact that he’s started to talk game with others and is playing Big Brother. Hopefully we’ll be seeing some game related brainchildren from him.

  3. Godfrey NEEDS to keep reminding Bruno that Zach can’t play in the next HOH and with JP gone its really only Kevin and maybe Ash against the 6 of them (ssb + bbg) they probably could get Willow to throw it and Pilar HA she’s has no clue (3hrs = 2600 mins lmao). and Bruno needs to get over not trusting Sarah, he already doesn’t trust Zach and JP so why not strike first, dam-it who ate all the Gummie Bears? this is the time where they are needed most!!!

    1. More Bruno says I don’t trust Sarah, More I think he’s saying he’s afraid of her. They play the same way.
      In the chop shop, who did Bruno say he didn’t trust by week two: Willow and Ashleigh.
      What is the biggest fear he expresses: that girls alliance.
      Who does he consider the biggest threat: Sarah.
      What does he say he wants most: the bros riding to the end.
      Is this guy 32 or born in 1932?

  4. I don’t get to watch the feeds much and when I do they’re usually off for whatever the fuk reason, (always when something cool is going on). I could kick and scream and give up watching….but yet, here I sit, with hopes they’ll return soon like the hush hush message promises…driving me to drink I tell ya!

  5. Did Sarah know about the backdoor plan on Bruno? And Godfrey really needs to keep pushing! I believe he’ll be great. I just have a feeling dumbass bobby won’t commit and Jp will stay

  6. @ paulie…..i feel the same way about watching After Dark. i record it hoping something is gping to be interesting but often disappointed lol

    i watch now to see who on comp or the noms and sometimes you still have to guess. without these recaps even A D doesnt always show whst i going on.

  7. Kevin and Sarah is an interesting pair… I’m not sure whether Sarah can fully trust him considering what he did to Johnny, but they could work really well together.

    So if Godfrey stays he goes after Zach and Bobby/Bruno go after Kevin/Sarah. This does not seem beneficial to Kevin/Sarah.

    If Jordan stays then best case scenario for Kevin/Sarah would be Zach being the first or second victim of a DE. That leaves 9 left with Kevin/Sarah being at the top and JP being their new lapdog.

    1. What I know for a fact is that JP&Sarah BS each other big time until one of them will get booted out of the house (fingers crossed)

  8. Why where the fans allowed in the house?….no no no no the BBCan on the tv is super biased and scripted..am afraid the general population in canada actually like zac/jp/ash/willow/bobby…And PiLARRRR (Ugh..you know what i mean..no pun intended)… the fact that canada voted for pilar to stay over Risha scaries me ….if the fans kiss jp or za-sh ASS, when they are in the house –this will greatly influence the house decision to keep Jp…no no no not happy at all :(.
    i will it with all my heart for Jp to be evicted …just wen it about to get intersting production has to ruin it. ONCE again…TWISTO TWIST YOU SON OF A BISH!

    1. the fans that entered were picked off the website contest. in order to be eligible you had to have a certain level of points (brass?). in order to get the points required participants would have had to watch roughly one hour of feeds a day if not more. chosen participants had to be available on Friday the 17th (the day of almost no feeds). hg’s most likely saw video, I doubt they interacted with the fans.

  9. I never thought it could get any worse, but I was wrong. The heights and the depth of the conceit, arrogance, pomposity, self-importance, pride and egotism that Zach and Jordan have reached is staggering and requires penicillin for anyone who comes into contact with it. And Ashleigh? She’s proven herself to be an exact clone of Allison from BBCan2 – the playmate of the house bully, ready to service his physical and ego needs 24/7 while doing absolutely nothing in the house but waste oxygen.

    1. Asliegh is sitting tight, literally wanking off Zach. Hmmm, sexual favours for personal gain…almost whorish. She literally sucks. Kind of like a reverse Amanda/Mccrae.

  10. Just watched some of the livefeeds before the feeds went out ( which happens on a regular basis…. So frustrating). Anyway Bruno is using candy to figure out the best move for him and Bobby. He tries to explain his theory to Bobby but Bobby won’ t listen to any reasoning. He is so stupid when it comes to game play. It is almost like he has a man crush on Zack and can’t see anything but want Zack says. Wanted to grab him and shake him while watching this. Bruno needs to smarten up and do his own thing before Bobby pulls him down with him. Bobby hates Godfrey and nothing Bruno tells him about Zack gets through to him. Really what a terrible player. Bruno is worried about the people Zack has around him and that Zack and his minions will come after them but Bobby won’ t even consider the possibility. Bobby believes that Zack is truly loyal to him! Then Ash shows up and continues to blow smoke up Bobby’s butt and he believes that Z/A have his and Bruno’s back. If only they knew what Z/A say about Bobby he might change his mind. However, being such a terrible player Bobby would probably think they were just joking around. Get a grip Bobby or just go home!!!!!!!

  11. Still wonder how they’re gonna work 7 evictions in just 4 weeks (we know F4 would likely make it to final week)
    They’ll have to do 2 DE and 1 instant
    Or 2 instant and 1 DE. That would make it 3 instant overall
    Last 2 seasons never had more than one instant

  12. Totally agree with Fred. Ash is exactly a clone of Allison! Stupid,stupid girl! She talks to Z all the time and Z keeps saying ” it’s not good for my game, I would put up anyone to further my game ” Is she really that naive? Because if she isn’t it is an interesting way to play the game.

  13. Bruno is smart enough to make a move, if this JP blindside doesn’t happen, it’s all on Bobby. That guy sucks so much.

  14. Hahahaha! You can always count on Bobby to drag Bruno down. All Ash has to do is blow a little smoke up his a**, and Zach wink at him, and he’s like a puppy getting a good rub down.

    It’s ironic that Bruno is using Sarah’s candy strategy, and starting to realize that the numbers are against him. Bobby wants Godfrey gone this week, and Bruno is not going to be able to change that. I still don’t know why Bruno is so insanely paranoid about Sarah (and Bobby about Kevin). Either way their game, like Zach’s, is slowly beginning to tumble away.

    I can’t wait until: Zach, Bruno, Bobby, Ash, Pixie?, Willow and a shocked JP (a few weeks later) are gone.

  15. OMG Bobby shut up and listen!!! i wanted to reach threw my screen and slap that sandwich out of his hands and shake him and yell “you know NOTHING DUMBASS!!! i’m glad Bruno is finally seeing the light and they’re still worried about Sarah flipping BUT she not going to flip if she knows she has a group to work with! that’s what she wanted from the start, i can’t wait for the meeting Sindy wants tomorrow, i didn’t want her to come back BUT NOW…. she’s the one that could make this all work.

    i would LOVE to see Zach and JP’s face when JP gets voted out, also hope Arisa fakes them out…. Godfrey with a vote of 5 to 4 you are safe…. JP and Zach’s mouth will hit the floor… Jordan you have been evicted!!!

    1. JP ‘s eviction would be one of the greatest moments in BB history. To,see the look on both of these cocky dumbasses faces when his ass gets voted out would be too good!

      I completely agree with you on B-O-B-B-Y, what planet is he from? His dumbass is as stupid as mad scientist “genius” Jordan…

  16. Peter is going to have a hay day with Zack on BBSS when his arrogant ass goes out the door…and hopefully it’s before jury…that bathtub chat with Ash was just too much…they are both grade “A” hypocrites.

  17. I’ve often thought that the hoh room would actually be a disadvantage. it separates the player from the rest of the game. gives them personal comforts. takes them off their edge.
    case in point: captain crumble. note to production, you might need to build an addition on to the hoh room for Zach’s swelled head.
    it would be interesting to see where kevin stands right now. is he also feeling comfortable and complacent? I haven’t heard enough from him to actually get a read. he appears to still be sticking with the status quo when the house might go against the grain.
    Jordan should have come clean about the diapers when he had the chance. sarah had that one figured a week ago. his denial of that one is pretty telling. everyone knows sarah had that one figured. jonny told them. to deny it is to lose her trust. he admits to the chop shop 12 hours after she brings it up, but denies the diapers. that is why I think sarah will have no problem voting him out, contrary to what a lot of people seem to say on here.
    i’m flipping back and forth between wanting Jordan or godfrey evicted. it’s more entertaining from a drawn lines let’s see some game perspective to see Jordan go. and ya, his arrogance annoys me. but the whole indignant we control house chop shop mentality of Bruno and bobby is just as annoying. to see them get their way and possibly behaving more entitled irks me just as much.
    somehow, some way, don’t ask me how I’ve found myself invested in the game play of kevin and sarah when they are actually strategizing instead of playing at courtship rituals or emotionally tanking. i’d like to see them on the same side.

  18. Nice little quote from JP
    “those people on the forums are old guys in their basements and who are bitter and have nothing going on in their life”
    Oh how I hope that arrogant little $@$%^& gets voted out this week! n Zack next.
    Side note … Bruno needs to actually talk with Sarah and stop being so freakin close minded. Caution yes … but closed minded no.

  19. I’ve only been keeping one eye on this season since it’s been a little boring. Caught 10 minutes of After Dark tonight. They all gather in the washroom before going to bed and hug each other and wish each other a good sleep. How nice of them. Possibly the lamest crew of BB players ever assembled.

  20. It’s amazing how clueless Bobby is.. he is so blind, he cannot see the knife coming even from the front. He is like Beastmode, and cannot see that people have moved passed the original alliance. He is all “Chop Shop Rules” and is really the only one attached to that concept. If Godfrey goes home, he shat himself when he sees that the house wants him out.

    1. Not necessarily .. If they could pull Kevin in, they don’t need brain dead Bobby.
      It would be a better move for Kevins game. If they got rid of JP, Zack, n Willow.
      It would leave three groups …
      SSB – Sarah, Sindy, n Brit
      KAP – Kevin, Ash, n Pilar
      BGB – Bruno, Godfrey, n Bobby
      It would be a nice little showdown

  21. I used to really like JP and was rooting for him but he’s supposed to be a super fan. He should know that the number one rule is those who get cocky and feel safe go home! He deserves it.

    1. JP as a “Super Fan” (immature arrogant little weasel more like it ) should remember the famous “Marcellas” move. Oh how I hope JP gets voted out on Wednesday!!!

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