POV Holder: | James | POV Competition | Aug 29th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 31st |
HOH | Vanessa | Next HOH | Sept 3rd |
Original Nominations: | Meg and James | ||
After POV Nominations: | ?and ? | ||
Have Nots | Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg |
5:01pm hammock Liz and Austin
Liz – we haven’t had a hammock date in forever.. you don’t try and romance me anymore.. not that you have me
Liz – It’s our 12 week anniversary
Meg and James are poolside chatting, Steve is playing pool with Julia. Meg yells out at Liz and Austin that James is asking her where she likes to buy underwear, “Who asks that..,”
They laugh
Liz – Victoria secrets is the best
Meg agrees but says it’s expensive.
James – It’s a good question if we every date.. some girls like walmart
5:15pm Meg saying that Austin looks just like Bob Saget
5:20pm Still on the hammock Austin saying he wants them to be on Bold and Beautiful for their halloween episode.
5:41pm Everyone but Vanessa in the backyard.. chit chatting about phones. Steve has a Samsung note, he packs 3 batteries with him every day and charges them at night.
They get into a debate about Iphone Vs Android..
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5:55pm Big Brother Photo Booth … We want to see your side eye
6:24pm Kitchen James and Meg
James – why won’t Austin just tell us
Meg – they are awkward
Jame s- or working together
Meg – It’s so stupid, If I go home this week.. whatever
James – America knows you didn’t do anything wrong
Meg – I know
Meg doesn’t think it’s time to take out people for no reason.
James- Ya, do you think people are acting differently
Meg – I dunno, I don’t think the girls are but he is
Jame s- maybe they don’t know.. Maybe they don’t know what she’s going to do and they’re a little worried themselves
Meg – that means i’m going home
James – probably if Julia is up there.. cause Steve ain’t going to turn
Meg – Yup, is was it is
They’re agreeing the twins and Austin will take out Vanessa.
James – Vanessa isn’t winning this game anyways.. she makes it to final 2 nobody will vote for her..
Meg – Yup
Meg – I’m going to be the one saying I made 8 place but it’s really a 7th place.. I was 7th place for 10 minutes.. not even.
James – what’s the deal with Austin and Liz
Meg – they’re intense
James wonders if Liz and Austin are going to be together after the show. James doesn’t sound optimistic that Austin/Liz’ love will last.
Meg – You got to learn your days
James – too late I’m just going to go for the veto
James – If I win that HOH I’m going to yell TAXI CAB DRIVER BANG BANG
James – She’s probably looking at us with the camera (Vanessa HOH cam)
Meg – for sure she is
James – I don’t come out for nothing; eat, shit, shave and COMP
James – I gotta fight my way out of this..
They head to the have nots room to form what’s left of the goblin circle.
James starts saying he’s thinking of putting Liz and Vanessa up if he wins HOH. If the POV is played Austin goes up. “BAM”
Meg – who would you want to see win
James – Johnny mac he’s the most deserving to win
Meg – he has a social game we didn’t know about
James- Austin played a good game two
Meg – My final 2 I would like to see is you and him, you’ll win
James- he’ll win he’s never touched the block
They agree James will have Becky, Meg and Jackie campaigning for him in Jury
James – I have a lot of vote in there
Meg says the twins won’t vote for James
James says if Austin wins he will spend his money on wrestling equipment and ropes.
James says he’s playing this game for his daughter “I don’t want my little girl to grow up not having much”
James- I’m going to lay it on thick, I just want to make sure they are going to have a good Christmas this year”
Meg – you better send me something damn ass nice
James- I’ll pay your rent for a year
Meg – that’s too much
James – I wish they’re was a way I could keep you, I’ve always tried to keep you safe as long as I could, I’ve never said anything bad about you
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7:06pm havenots Meg and James
Meg mentions that Vanessa told her she was intimidated because James was wearing his sunglasses and hood.
They laugh.
James is getting them pillows blows out a huge fart. Tell Meg you know they are best friends when they can do that in front of each other.
James saying they should think she’s going home so if she does it’s not a big shock.
Meg – I really do think I’m going home
James – OK
Meg – She’s putting Julia up
James – I think so
JAmes – I think you are going home to…. DAMN that really sucks
Meg laughs “Thank you”
Meg – you are going to invite me to your wedding some day
James- Whoa pump the brakes on that. You’re going to be invited you are going to be the bride.
James says if they can survive being on this show they can make it outside.
James – You’re weird and I’m weird, I’m from the country you are from the city.. you like camping i like camping
Meg – I hate the outdoors you need the outdoors
James – I’ve been out here for 98 days I survived.
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7:17pm Jmac – I’m getting traps that’s a first
7:22pm – 7:45pm HOH Austin and Vanessa
Austin says he wanted to tell Vanessa about what he really was talking to Jmac about in the backyard.
Austin says he’s feeling really good about jmac right now. Austin doesn’t think he can win the next HOH he’s safe.
They agree if James is out of the HOH Austin can throw it.
Austin – worst case is you and me on the block together, we can’t veto each other
Austin is going to talk to James – “We straight shot each other since week 3”
Vanessa says Meg doesn’t think she’s the target this week.
Vanessa says Meg and James did good to last this long in the game their entire group went out one after another.
Austin says that entire group was always so loud keeping them up
They start talking about the Austin/liz relationship
Austin says Liz has expressed interested in moving to LA it has been something she’s wanted to do. Austin says they are going to be apart for a bit maybe visit each other in their home towns. They want to spend some time with family after the show.
Austin mentions some of his fears about the guys during the wrap parties “There’s predators about”
They bring up levels of trust with cell phones. Austin says he always had issues because his friends text him. His 5 friends are always texting him messed up stuff “Imagine 5 Jeff’s texting you sh1t”
7:25pm Hot Tub Twins
Liz says Julia isn’t going home “Vanessa wants Meg out so bad”
Julia – She’s such a fake person (Meg)
Julia says about Becky’s HOH “She shot herself in the big toe… because of her power trip”
Julia – Someone like Johnny Mac is a pawn I’m not a Pawn
The twins are agreeing vanessa is now their pawn if they win HOH.
Liz – we’re out of numbers I don’t want to use steve.
Julia – Sorry
Liz – Not sorry
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- “Goblins/Gremlins” = James and Meg
“The Generals” = anyone allied with Becky- “SOS” (Students of Sound) = Steve and Vanessa
- Rockstars = Steve and Jmac
- AUS-Twins = Austin, Julia and Liz
- “Austin’s Angels” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Vanessa
- “Brass Tacks” = Gobins and Austwins
- The new “Brass Tacks” = Aus-Twins, Meg, James + Vanessa
“Freaks and Geeks”“The Scamper Squad” = Aus-Twins, Vanessa, Steve- “The new Freaks and Geeks minus Vanessa” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Steve, Johnny Mac
- “The Authority” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Steve
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Just waiting for Austin and Vanessa’s, Helen moment when they’re both voted out before everyone in there 3 person alliance because it was too soon or too early to go after each other. They’re gonna be outside while the twins and Jmac and Steve are still in the game.
Pretty obvious meg doesn’t know who Bob saget is.
Actually, if you look at the top photo of he and Liz in the hammock. . . . . . . I can see the resemblance to Bob Saget and I KNOW who Bob Saget is. . . . . . . . just saying. <3
These twins need to leave the house ASAP. They always start talking shit about whoever is on the block that week. They change their minds about people in the blink of an eye and love saying how fake people are when in reality, they’re the fake ones. Would love some kind of twist to happen before eviction so one of the twins (preferably Liz) can get evicted instead of Meg!
I miss Helen. she made good rice.
Oh boy! These two are retched! There isn’t anyone they won’t talk shit on. They are sooo damn mean.
we all knew those slutty high school girls that thought they were all that, too bad some never age beyond those years and never reach their true potential in life…looking at two prime examples…sad!
I can NOT stand the twins! You know exactly what type of girls they were in High School… because they still act like it today. They Talk about everyone – with nothing logical to back it up! Meg is Fake?!!? I have to Say I did not like Meg initially – though She has grown on me because I think she is a genuine person. She doesn’t deserve to Win because lets face it – she hasn’t done much in this game. But they call her “Fake” Really?!?! These two talk dirt on EVERYONE and then the next week they praise everything about them. Really?!!? These two are USELESS. Liz should tread awfully lightly on her smack talk. She is Hooking up with a guy that has a girlfriend for 2 years back home… Yeah he is a real catch! Real Boyfriend Material. Sorry – Not sorry! ::Blech::
Oh good lord, these twins are something else. What qualifies Jmac being pawn material and not Julia. Also, wasn’t Steve selfish for not wanting to be a pawn for them. Hello pot you need to talk to the kettle; sorry, not sorry.
Other then Meg, James and JMac, the rest of these people can take a flying leap. They are the most childish, whiny, fake, nasty, delusional individuals that BB has ever had. James might be crude, but he has a heart of gold. I feel bad for him, he truly cares for Meg, and they will probably only be friends. But I am very certain that James truly knows the meaning of the word friend.
If James wasnt such a horny toad I might think he has some feelings for Meg. Was almost sweet talking about a wedding, but he’d say anything to get her to go camping. I sure hope Steve and Jmac do a number on Vanessa and vote Julia out.
I can not stand these twins….they think one minute to keep Meg and Steve because they are more fun and as soon as they are up they do nothing but badmouth them. I would have hated to see what these gals were like in high school …Oo…
Is there any proof they graduated high school? Wonder how many teachers they had to sleep with
Someone else on these boards commented about Austin looking like bob saget lol. I don’t see it! Maybe it’s all that hair and ponytail beards…
Check out the photo at the top of this page of Austin and Liz lying in the hammock. I can see the resemblance to Bob Saget in that photo, before, I just thought he looked like the Undertaker. <3
Pretty sure Meg is talking about Bob Seger, not Bob Saget.
Oh sweet Jesus, I pray that stupid isn’t contagious….but every time I listen to a conversation between the twins I feel like my IQ drops at least 10 points.
austin worried about guys at the wrap party. at least he’s aware liz will be leaving him that fast.
Liz will be making out with Jeff or Jace during the finale…
I get the Liz hate. But why Vanessa? It’s fine you can like or not like whoever you want but this board is so anti-vanessa that it is really not enjoyable to read the posts here. They are 99% percent just bashing Vanessa.
I guess it’s my own fault. I can stop coming here. Or maybe I will just read the recaps here and skip the replies which are just bash Vanessa. Oh well. Thank you Simon and Dawg for the recaps. They are helpful to keep up when I have no time to watch the feeds.
I agree. It’s like some kind of gang mentality on here. But if you pay attention, the same people post on here over and over.
It’s weird though, I get that people don’t like some houseguest but some people are just over the top. I don’t care for Meg much but I don’t live to bash her 24/7 lol. It’s weird.
If you watch feeds you’d notice Van, Liz Julia are bashers 24/7. The negativity of the show and the players have disappointed true BB fans. Comps, twists, takeovers have been replaced with non-stop bullying for a couple of years now as producers prefer this drama and recruit cast from Bad Girls Club and con related professions. Cast members are mean spirited, unnecessarily cruel and enjoy humiliating each other to the point of of mental break down. I am heartened when people disagree with the worst behaviors rather than accepting it as entertainment. The cheating, yelling, sobbing, name calling turns everyone off and has ruined a once favorite show.
Most people have actually stopped watching BBAD, feeds and network broadcasts due to lack of focus on competition. The twisted behavior and views of houseguests need moderated especially if the network won’t, or edits to glorify it for ratings. Vicious gameplay and houseguest resentment planning to withhold votes from Vanessa speaks volumes. With any luck, she will be voted out and we won’t be subjected to her much longer. If you read posts, people don’t even like to read the feed updates due to the cast. As with the racists last season, the bullies this season drown out all airtime, and viewers on every site are sick of it, and ringleader Vanessa.
I agree with most of your post except about the televised show and people stop watching it. BB wins their time slot by a fairly large margin (approx. 6 million viewers on average), three nights a week. And that is all the network cares about because it attracts commercial dollars. Granted they are usually up against reruns but that is also why BB is played in the summer and Survivor in the winter. If CBS didn’t have Survivor and ran BB in the winter, I think it would be a flop and the producers would be forced to change or it would be dropped. So as along as BB keeps winning their time slots the BB game style we have seen over the last few years isn’t going to change.
You’re right, this site has the best updates and the worst commenters. Vanessa tells Julia she’ll give her 10k if she goes home: everyone goes apesh*t, saying she should be evicted, criminally investigated, barred from professional poker etc. James tells Meg if he wins he’ll pay her rent for a year…crickets.
I think people overlook the comment because James isn’t gaining anything from it. If James makes it to the final 2, he already has Meg’s vote with or without the money. Vanessa’s offers were to gain an advantage.
What was Vanessa gaining by saying the $10,000 thing other than making Julia feel better about going on the block? Julia already said she would go up the night before. She was just saying she’s willing to bet that Julia will not go.
Vanessa is promising money and cars to Julia in order to advance in the game. James wants to pay Meg’s rent because he likes her.
Vanessa has offered to pay off Julia mulitple times. James on the other hand really wants to go camping.
LOL !!!
All the other houseguests have listened to Vanessa’s offers of bribes, cars, gifts, payoffs, splitting and staking contracts saying DR is still confirming rules, so James followed suit, angry Van continues to cheat unchallenged, which was another lie, Production told her no. That’s why she got called in again tonight and announce the rules she broke. Worst commenters because they don’t agree with you? Commenting rules state you should limit your postings to opinions of the show, not other posters. Use thumbs up down to agree disagree. Present your point of view about the show or players, convince if you must using facts.
Julia had already volunteered to go up when Vanessa made the 10k comment so she wasn’t offering it to manipulate her she was simply saying that she’s so confident that Julia is safe she’d stake 10k on it.
I didn’t refer to any specific commenters, perhaps I should ha
Vanessa was offering the 10k to placate Julia. The decision had been made before they all got to HOH then Vanessa plots so much they all got nervous so she offered the 10k to as a guaranty. What was funny was how she had put her sun glasses on to tell she got spanked, doing what she always accuses of others, hiding her eyes, to not reveal what she thinking. Then Liz jumped for her and say she was a gambler so making the offer was part of gambling as if that made any sense at all.
It would be one thing if Vanessa lied, bullied and went back on deals while in the house and then admitted it during DR sessions. Instead she internalizes her “reasons” and continues to play the victim ALL the time. I just can’t respect someone like that. She is endlessly paranoid and constantly twisting people’s words around to benefit her while screaming about how “honest” her game has been. Then in the DR she continues to claim she is honest and has NEVER went back on a deal. Her behavior is a sign of a serious personality disorder, not masterful gameplay.
she hasn’t claimed to be honest in d/r. She just hasn’t admitted lying as a strategy. She tells the other players she is honest and has integrity. It hasn’t been part of her d/r. It’s her silence about her own game play style that has everyone disturbed, and confusing it with lying because there is no admission.
she goes mental in the house, and doesn’t say she’s using crazy as a strategy in d/r.
She’s outplayed her competitors for weeks, and isn’t a likeable social player. That’s the main point of the hate. She’s all game and has no plot or storyline except game. Because of this she isn’t a likeable player people can identify with.
She’s claimed in d/r to be working more than one alliance simultaneously: when she was with Austin, but also with Clay and Shelli seperately, she owned it in d/r. Again on the Sunday episode when she says she’s with the Angels, but also trying to get in with Steve and John to cover her ass.
Her personality is annoying. Her game play isn’t any worse than the likeable players, she just isn’t courting the camera with personality. Add that she’s been the guiding force in the game for so long, and she’s going to get hate.
When Becky put her on the block Vanessa’s DR was all crying and “I never did ANYTHING to ANYONE”. She absolutely denied going back on deals and claimed that she had the most honest of games. I would expect more self-awareness and self-insight from someone who is playing a logical game. I will not deny that she is good at reading people and manipulation. However she is also delusional and cannot admit that she is playing a dirty dirty game.
Just rewatched that whole week episodes 21, 22 and 23 to respond appropriately. She did not say I’ve never done anything to anyone.
When nominated in 22 she said Becky just lied to my face and then insulted me personally in her speech but don’t count me out yet. while in tears.
in episode 23 she said she was on the block against her closest ally and it sucks/ she was confused because she thought there was a deal in place and she wanted answers/ Steve was one of the votes she was counting on and he was being sketchy/ Becky and i were in an alliance and she put me up i consider that a personal betrayal and i’m disappointed/ maybe if i make a great pitch to James it will work.
At no time did she say she hadn’t done anything to anyone. that wasn’t in d/r it was in her pitch to stay to her housemates to stay in the game.
Omg Vanessa #hatersgonnahate , her crying and everything else is part of a masterful manipulation! She pretty much orchestrated most of the evictions which is how you win the game and the money. She is a poker player with her game face on and far more intelligent than anyone else in the house. I want either her or Jmac to win…take your wining somewhere else!!!!
People can simultaneously appreciate that Vanessa has some talent as a player while also being a self-deluded, nasty person. In much of what comes out of her mouth, she is the pot calling the kettle black. She criticizes others for crying, when she is the biggest crier on the show. She talks about her unparalleled integrity, while lying and back-stabbing. She “conveniently” forgot her promise to James (documented on tonight’s show) that, during Vanessa’s next HOH, she would not nominate James or another person of his choosing. Yes, the twins are completely putrid, but Vanessa is pretty nasty, too.
yet all of that is fair game. the social game isn’t just being liked, its playing on others emotions
you can dislike that, sure. but its the game, its the part of the game that made people hate Chill Town, how dare they play those girls like that. Rosie O’Donnell treated Boogie like the scum of the earth. he is still a hero to me for that season(within Big Brother, you kind of have to pretend he only exists within that realm), sorry Erika, you knew it was a game and went in anyway.
however…using money offers to make people comfortable is NOT part of the game I know. people get played by fake emotions, Vanessa is supposed to lie and claim she doesn’t. shame on others for letting her dominate conversations, read them like the back of her hand, and use PC topics to make them uncomfortable.
that is on them.
I am a vanessa fan, and I agree 100% her commenting on someone crying is super hypercritical. I definitely don’t think she’s “perfect”. I like James and jmac too. But they ALL talk shit at one point or another. Everyone of the houseguest. And I do have the feeds and yes, I see every single one of them talk crap. The worse out of everyone is Julia and Liz
But having said that, I also agree that most of what she does is strategy, of course she’s going to say she’s honest when of course she’s not being honest in the game. It’s big brother! You have to lie and backstab,
And make them think you’re not.
Also everyone’s dr’s are heavily edited and scripted. Evel dick talks about this all the time on his Twitter. So we are not necessarily getting what the “player” wants out of those, but more what production wants.
I really respect how she cleans up after her messes, how she reads people better than pretty much anyone in recent memory in the BB house, how she knows what buttons to push and how she is able to control every conversation and turn it in her favor.
I also understand why feed watchers can’t stand her. she plays a manic game, and a lot of people liked Donny. I will never understand that one. he was a nice guy, but as a player? no way. and Vanessa’s tactics? I am good for EVERYTHING, tears, lying, claiming you don’t lie, using any PC related topics that make people uncomfortable….BUT….I don’t like her tossing money around as that is not part of the game unless won within the game PRE 500k. that taints her game for me—
but I agree, the vitriol is crazy, but so is Meg receiving ANY fan fav percentage over 5 percent.
Couldn’t agree more, it us to be 80% game talk 20% complaining. Its too bad, past seasons you’d get great game insight in comments section,
still the best site for updates
#hatersgonnahate, Vanessa is by far had the best game this season
I’ll say I hate Vanessa but I will also say she has controlled the game extremely well. That’s what makes the idea of promising gifts all the more irritating. It’s like an elementary basketball game where one team is up 20 points in the fourth and they still have all the starters in the game.
Hmmm: Lol, that last line is a great analogy.
Please no more Austin Liz crap please,please,ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllleeeeaaasssssssssee
I wonder how thw twins will feel when they find out their parents moved and left no forwarding address? Maybe they can bunk with Amanda Zuckerman, she lives in Florida.
they probably won’t care if the parents move as long as they leave the maid behind to look after their darling little girls.
How these twins have remained in the house would be a mystery to me if it weren’t for the fact that there are so many dead headed, delusional, whiney, wimps in the house without an ability in their little toes to even think for themselves. I guess after Audrey left production high and dry and made them erase HER/HIS name off the check, they figured the fans deserved to listen to those two nasal, horn honkie, hoes and their delusional “boyfriend”. As much as I’ve detested Vanessa this season, she has been the only houseguest to keep the game interesting, but even THAT has gotten old. I’m glad football season is upon us. . . . . . . . . . .
I agree that people are a little tough on Vanessa. I am not pulling for her and she drives me nuts. However, she is playing the game hard and sometimes plays it well. I can’t say the same for Austin and the Pussycats.
I hate when they show the twins eating. Why do they chew like that. Omg please get rid of them. Enough already!!
Why would someone playing big brother not know the days? A few comps a season are based on the days, part of the final hoh usually has to do with the days.
Come on. Why shoot yourself in the foot and make the game harder when you don’t have to.
That’s just poor planning and bad strategy.
Had to actually shut down the feeds tonight. I couldn’t take anymore of the twins. They are so childish and immature, not to mention just plain nasty people. Especially Julia, I run out of vile, nasty adjectives when it comes to her. There constant whining and bitching is just really hard to swallow. Its unbelievable to me how people can even stand to be around them.
this entire episode I kept thinking how Liz hating MAC ATTACK just makes me like him more
its one thing to read it on here and react, its another to see it on TV. usually reactions differ due to editing….not this time. if Liz hates you, I can’t help but like you more.
this season sure is interesting. big threats removed early, then it became about keeping around said threats to take out remaining threats. Its like they are all think they are playing a video game and need a character with more damage to beat the level. ANY of you can do the dirty work.
at least MAC is willing to “eat some brains”. and I really am glad we got more Vanessa DR Game Talk in regards to her thoughts on MAC and Steve. confirmed what many of us hoped/suspected in regards to her seeing the twins and the numbers. and man, she really knows how to play Austin. its hilarious. I bet she could claim Julia wanted Austin gone recently and get him to vote her out. seriously. he is that pathetic.
What James said about the things he wants for his kids was touching. I really hope he wins. If not with big brother then with some other way I hope and pray he gets that life for them. I hope him and Meg stay close its hard to make friends like him. He truly had her back. He might talk a lot of shit,raunchy and otherwise but he does have a goodheart.
How about he stops getting loaded with his loser friends and works harder to get his kid everything she wants, If one job doesn’t cut it then get 2 jobs or 3 if that is what it takes. Being a deadbeat that rather tailgate with his crew and get smashed every weekend isn’t going to get it done.
I don’t get the twins rationale for not wanting to use Steve as a “pawn”? Why are they protecting him? Do the twins and Steve have a deal? He could probably beat them in mental comps
I have learned the twins have only a couple things they consider within the game of big brother.
1. will it make someone mad, and the twins uncomfortable in the process
2. will they make it to next week
there is no other real consideration. they don’t want to “lose” steve and think he is too fragile. I’d argue the twins are some of the worst BB players to make it this far in the history of the game. Although few have got to play with their twin, and a hand picked Douche in Stinky Armor
Vanessa wants him protected because she can manipulate him to do her dirty work for her. And the twins are so stupid they believe every word Vanessa says – even when she contradicts herself. They don’t just believe her, they internalize it and flip on a hg on a dime, without even being aware of their erratic behavior. Vanessa is leading them around by a nose ring.
Austin is sooooo respectful, he asked me to be his GF! Lizzzzzzzzzahn, you idiot , no class twit! You are a laughingstock whore asking for privacy and respect. #fingergate
My God. If I were in the game I would have broken up the twins ages ago. Everyone should realize they will never betray each other and be an alliance. As players, this year’s cast is milquetoast. Perhaps it’s because last year’s cast was so gross and vulgar. Anyone with a brain would know the twins would work together. Austin is dumb as a rock and just latched on to the twins because he is street smart. My .02. Vanessa should have put both twins up and if one got taken down put up Austin. That would have been the play of the year if not the century.
I want someone to put Loch Nessa on the bock-just to see her CRY and have another MELTDOWN. Poor me…I’m soooo honest and trustworthy. How can this happen to me? WAWaaaaaa
Come on CBS! Instead of having another bad season of Big Brother having to watch a group of really unlikeable (Vanessa, Twins, Austin, etc) people run this house, introduce a special power (DPOV, audience poll, etc) and resurrect this season. You still have time! It was interesting earlier in the season at times, but it’s getting unbearable to watch. Tonight, I watched the preseason football game between the Raiders/Cardinals because I would have been sick having to watch paranoid, delusional, annoying Vanessa for an hour!
I’ve realized why I like Johnny Mac so much, he reminds me of Shaggy Rogers.
I love James and Meg together!! It’s rare to find genuine friendship, especially on a show based on lies and backstabbing.
You can see he feels badly he can’t protect her any longer. And two thumbs up to Meg for being a trooper and accepting the fact that she probably will be evicted with humor and class.
To the guy not getting the Vanessa hate…the woman is utterly and ridiculously paranoid. Factor in her emotional bullying, poor sportsmanship, mixing gameplay with personal feelings and playing the gay card (apparently being gay makes one a pariah who is all alone in the game), it’s hard to like her on a personal level and even harder to appreciate her strategy.
And James offered Meg a gift if he won; Vanessa is outright offering bribes.
PS– I thought Julia was tolerable but she’s delusional too.
The chick from last year had three kids, didn’t she? Derrick didn’t care about taking ” food out of their mouths”. People have children and that should not be a reason they win. I hate it when people use the sympathy card. Or any other card , racial/sexual orientation… Whatever.
Derrick happened to have his own wife and newborn baby to play for…….
Did anyone notice that Johnny became more likeable when he started working with Vanessa?
He seems to be happier and playing the game more and not sleeping as much. Just seems to be really enjoying being in the hpuse now.
Wow maybe Vanessa isn’t so bad afterall hey Johnny fans?
JMAC is happy to be of the block and has every intention of getting her out. He plays asking with her, stands up to her, refuses to talk to get or visit hey in HOH he was her renom target until Julia volunteered finally, and Austin is wedging the sisters apart to play his own game. Steve’s lying about being her friend, so is James, Meg and Austin.
That’s not true at all. Jmac and everyone else in the house will eventually have to gun for her, obviously. But he has no plan to take her out in the next couple of weeks. This week he wanted Meg out. Next week he wants to target Austin and Liz.
Steve got mad at her last week, but if you listen to his convo’s he has with the cameras by himself, he is not going after her either. In fact, he just said to the camera “If I win hoh, Vanessa won’t even go near the block.”
JMAC is happy to be off the block and has every intention of getting her out. He plays asking with her, stands up to her, refuses to talk to get or visit hey in HOH he was her renom target until Julia volunteered finally, and Austin is wedging the sisters apart to play his own game. Steve’s lying about being her friend, so is James, Meg and Austin.
Big Brother Rules are Bull Crap:
According to prior House Guests Vanessa did a major NoNo… one of the biggest and got a slap on the wrist. This is also apparently one of the rules that should get a Houseguest kicked out of the House or a penalty nomination. According to the former Houseguests you are not allowed to offer other houseguests money or bribes in the house to take you further… apparently did it multiple times to the Austwins.
Now this is not the first time the producers have turned a blind eye… it is why the rules are not published online anymore so that fans will not call CBS and Big Brother on this. It is one of the Houseguests never take anything seriously production tells them regarding the rules. I love the show but is really has NO integrity at all. It’s bullcrap…. what I would like to see is them announce to breach of rules Vanessas HoH is nullified and that they will be doing the HoH Comp again except Vanessa and Austin have to sit it out. Come on CBS show some integrity.
This is from a site that posted a copy of BB contestant’s contract:
“Prize sharing is categorized as rigging the game and a federal offense.”
Watching Meg and James on after dark right now. Meg continually rubbing her finger joints tells me she has arthritis in her hands and in that cold room, most likely in some real pain. I’m really hoping James or Meg gets a coup d tat this week. There would be amazing scrambling going on between that and a double eviction. Ratings bonanza for Thursday night.
…perhaps I should have said “some” of the worst commenters, but it’s not because they disagree with me. I understand why people criticize Vanessa for being too emotional and not owning some of her questionable gameplay, I don’t understand people diagnosing her with mental illnesses and making hyperbolic statements about her character.
Ridiculous. Holding one group to a separate standard than another. It’s laughable.
One player uses the gay card look at the insults, the other does it weeks early and crickets chirp while people cry.
One player offers incentives, arrest them, another does it: it’s a gift.
One player lies and they are evil, another does it and they’re playing the game.
One player breaks a deal and they should be strung up, another does it and what a great game move.
Two players trash talk and they are evil, another two trash talk and they are witty.
One player says some of the most disgusting perverted crap i’ve heard on live feeds, and they are a hero. Another player says a word out of line, and they should be dragged out of the house and beaten.
One player complains of being on their own in the game and there’s vitriol, another complains of being alone in the game and they’re an underdog.
Maybe if the supposed good guys were playing a better game the haters wouldn’t have to resort to being so absolutely vile to make up for their favorite’s obvious shortcomings. A favorite sucks so up the hate on someone playing harder. Makes sense. Weekly there are calls for some special power to save them. Really? Maybe they should just play better, strategize more, and study harder.
Nice double standard.
It’s all in the eyes of the beholder.
“The twins are agreeing vanessa is now their pawn if they win HOH.”
“Julia – Someone like Johnny Mac is a pawn I’m not a Pawn”
“Julia – She’s such a fake person (Meg)”