“If I get rid of God this week and Bob/Bru win I’m in serious trouble it’s not even a question” -Kev

POV Holder: Kevin Next POV May 8th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony May 3rd
HOH Winner Kevin Next HOH May 6th
Nominations: Bobby and Brittnee
Have Nots Zach, Bobby, Willow (Season slop pass)
POV Players Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili

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6:00pm Zach cleaning up the storage room
Bruno comes in tells Zach Godfrey says Kevin told him he’s going up.

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6:02pm Hot Tub brittnee and Godfrey
Godfrey says he’s going up
He know the two goblins, Willow and Zach are voting against him.

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6:05pm Kevin and Pili
Pili says if they keep Bobby and Bruno they will get rid of them.
Kevin says if Bobby and Bruno win HOH they are putting them up no Sarah.
Kevin says Bobby and Bruno are freaking out they don’t trust him.
Kevin – I think tomorrow’s ceremony is going to be a shocker.
PIli says Bruno is a good social player, “He’s like JP he’s good with everyone”
Kevin – will you support me 100%.. Zach and Ashleigh are not going to be happy
Pili – Yes of course.. it will be a big shocker but it makes sense..
Kevin – 50 minutes ago I said I’m using the veto on Bobby and Putting Godfrey up right to their face.. it’s a lie.
Kevin – If Bobby leave.. An endurance is coming soon..
kevin says Pili and Ashleigh can win the endurance.
Kevin – there’s going to be a lot of blood
Kevin says he never supported Zach’s plan to keep JP on the block.
Kevin – If I get rid of Godfrey this week and Bobby and Bruno win I’m in serious trouble it’s not even a question they’re going to stab me so I gotta get them first .. they’ll stab us
Kevin about Godfrey – He’s all by himself
Kevin say after the veto ceremony he’s going to go to godfrey and say the entire house wanted him backdoored.
Kevin says he’s going to tell Zach and Ashleigh his plan
Pili says Willow is with them
Kevin – Ya more than Bobby and Bruno
Kevin – If Bruno starts chasing me around with a knife
Pili – I’ll stab him I’ll jump I can stab him
Kevin – You’re so bad

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6:18pm Hot Tub Godfrey, Brittnee
Godfrey – the last twist was Bruno’s HOH yo
They chat about the modeling business and body images.
Brittnee says society wants the unattainable.
Brittnee says Kim kardashian’s body is fake.
Godfrey – There are women that look like that yo.. the bush women in Kenya yo You see them in videos.. there’s asses are huge man and their waists so small
brittnee says same with Guinea women
Brittnee says she’s all about diversity tall, short, large, small.
Godfrey why are models care about keeping their physique when it’s all photoshopped yo
They start talking about last week’s vault twist where Bobby and Sindy were able to choose between money and eviction or stay in the house.
Godfrey says they should leave the button in the living room he thinks they might
Godfrey – Oh my god these mosquitoes aren’t playing around .. they’re mosquitoes yo
Brittnee – they’re black gnats
Godfrey – yo.. they look like mosquitoes

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6:40pm Bathroom Godfrey gets a massage

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6:50pm Willow and Kevin
Kevin – God’s running around like crazy
Willow – watch him
Willow talk about Godfrey being flawed in this, “You go about it the wrong way”
kevin sometimes he makes good points
Willow – Yeah .. I’m like I can’t trust you you are literally going from person to person.. you know what I mean”
Willow says last week Godfrey was all about getting rid of Zach but this week it’s different.

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6:53pm HOH Kevin and Ashleigh
Ashleigh says that Bobby and Bruno will come after the boys not them, she’s not taking Brittnee and Sarah out she would rather compete with them in this game, “I know they will never put a girl on the block”
Ashleigh says the diaper alliance is super important to her
Pili says if Bobby and Bruno are winning HOH they are 100% coming after Kevin.
Pili doesn’t think they will go after Sarah and Brittnee
Ashleigh says they are beating Bruno and Bobby to the punch
Pili says it’s not smart getting rid of Godfrey
Ashleigh – Oh I don’t think so.. for sure Godfrey is coming after the showmances
Pili – I wish we could get rid of two people at once
Ashleigh – If Godfrey won HOH there’s no doubt he’s putting up Kevin and Zach.
Godfrey walks in “What you goblins up to”

7:00pm Bruno and Kevin
bruno asks him if he told Godfrey
Kevin says he did seems like he’s scrambling
Brubio – Yeah it‘s too bad
Bruno saying they have to watch out because the girls are never going to put each other up.

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7:14pm a race in heels .. Kevin wins



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30 thoughts to ““If I get rid of God this week and Bob/Bru win I’m in serious trouble it’s not even a question” -Kev”

  1. BBCAN3 is finally getting into it’s stride.. you know how I can tell? My favorite changes every 12 hours 🙂


    1. BB, I’m begging you on my knees: PLEASE turn the feeds back on the second the nom ceremony is over!!!
      It’s gonna be sooo good!!
      P.S.: BBUS16 did a pov ceremony they showed on the live feeds… just sayin’ 😉

  2. Ashleigh and Pilar are chilling, since no one is targeting them. What they need to worry about is that if they are on the block with their perspective others (who ends up wining Veto), than THEY will go home to weaken Kevin or Zach.

    I am still confused as fuck as to wait Kevin is going to do.

  3. Sounds like Kevin would prefer Bobby going over Bruno incase of an endurance competition idk as long as this post veto is entertaining and ultimately ends with Bobby going home I’m ok with all this.

    1. I would also like to see Bobby go before Bruno, However… I would fall off my chair ‘if’ Kevin’s real plan was to take out Zach. I believe everyone except Ash would vote to evict and Kevin would be wearing ‘ the biggest game play’. What player wouldn’t want to make a bigger move the Sindy’s? And now is the perfect opportunity for Kevin to do it.

  4. watch zach talk kevin into not nominating bruno & stay the course of nominating sarah. i would not put it past him at all. it’s like kevin wants so bad to feel a part of the ‘popular’ people it’s going to be the end of him.

  5. okay. finally kevin is revealing which of his four plans is his actual plan.
    it makes sense given his knowledge at the moment. too bad he doesn’t have all of the house alignments straight. if anyone but a diaper wins the next hoh, a diaper is nominated regardless.
    as I said when he won, if he plays his own game, not Zach’s puppet my respect for him will return. waiting for the actual pov ceremony to see if that happens (optimism and pessimism are battling it out right now).

  6. FINALLY THE MAIN DIAPERS (kevin and zach) are talking legit and good gameplay
    but it’s sooo hard to take them seriously in those maid costumes

  7. zach .
    shut the f up
    you’re stupid
    hope you go on the triple eviction

    kevin, you go backdoor bruno/ keep noms the same

    1. If noms are the same Britt goes home. She has Sarah, Pili, and Godfrey (Kev will hold him to it). Bobby has Zach, Bruno, Ash and Willow. The chop shop will stay in tact.
      Hopefully he has some chats with Sarah and Britt so they can argue for Kev to take Britt down.

  8. question for simon or dawg:
    I’ve read a few comments about a veto. not bobby’s but another veto.
    did someone get a special veto, or was the have not veto revealed already?
    secondary question because I missed a few seasons: what is the difference between regular veto and diamond veto? thanks in advance for answering silly questions like mine.

    1. Someone started goofing around GOD had a diamond veto. Not true and a few folks bought it.

  9. One thing I can say. If Bruno isn’t your target do not put him up. Bruno believes his social has him secure. Don’t change his thinking or you better not let him get HOH. Put Bruno up lets see if the diapers can get the 4th vote or even Zack and Ash vote Bobby can Kev rally all the girls. I think Bruno stays that’s my gut any way. I just cannot see Sarah voting to evict anyone but Bobby. To bad Kev decided to go with the girls. Sarah will be “team” evict diapers again Wednesday unless they win another HOH.
    Good o see the talk about the girl position. Maybe a Zack HOH he would target Sarah/B but I doubt it. Think it’s 5-2 girls after Wednesday. Then just a girls HOH set up by production and we get an all girl F2. Really think this is where the seasons headed.

  10. Everyone on the diapers become dumver whenever they talk to zach, yea including ash. If the two of them talk game, ash has a better read than zach….although i dont include pilar

  11. Ok, still confused. Is he getting rid if bobby or Bruno? Hoping if Brit is still on the block they are smart enough to get rid of the dead weight.

    1. Best understanding I have is B is coming down and Bruno is going up too sit beside Bobby.

      What Kev thinks he has…..
      Sarah and B as partners in get rid of B/B. Not the case IMO.
      GOD- this is interesting as they entered into an F2 deal this week. we all no neither honours that but Kev likely hoping it gets GOD working with him a couple weeks. Only if diapers have HOH.
      Zack/Ash- well here’s the part Kev is missing. He may just of broken up diapers if Zack is so opposed to evicting Bruno. In fact Pili maybe the only vote to evict Bruno. It won’t be what Zack says but rather his vote that will tell you what he thought of the Bruno nomination.

      Folks can applaud Kev but I think he falls short on the votes to evict Bruno. Got a better chance if B stays on the block and Bobby comes down to get girl votes. Think B is coming down though.

  12. Stupid Zach and Ashleigh are going to talk Kevin into not putting up Bruno for B. And then Sarah is going to be an idiot and talk shit to Ash which will make itself back to Kevin and end up getting herself put up.

  13. i see a kevin, pilar, sarah, brittnee, willow vs. zach, ashleigh, bobby/bruno, godfrey next week

  14. i’m so confused where everyone stands right now
    except for ashleigh, zach, and pilar
    cuz they’re such transparent players and they (not pilar) think they’re playing everyone
    and that everyone will take an alliance of 4 into a week with 8 people left

  15. I said it SEVERAL times yesterday. You could tell when Zach talked game with Kevin he (Kev) wasn’t as dialed in with Zach as he was to JP. Although Kevin might have been lying in the reeds acting like he wasn’t playing the game, the one thing he knows for sure is if Zach would nominate and leave his NUMBER 1 asset on the block he’d sell Kevin out in a minute.

    What Kevin doesn’t know is the entire house (outside the 4) want the couples broken up. Still, putting up Godfrey to vote out ONLY helps Zach game so this is a logical move on Kevin’s part since he believes he (Kev) has Sarah, Britt, Godfrey and Pilee on his side. The reality is he only has Pilee.

    Based on the Kev/Pilee convo it’s likely the Diapers will target Bobby but the girls may see this as a perfect opportunity to get out Bruno. Hard to know which way they’ll lean. Keep Bobby and risk him aligning to the boys, keep Bruno and risk him continuing to play both sides.

  16. A key to watch out for will be Sarah telling Bruno you have to know Godfrey sold you out to keep himself safe.

    This is important as to whether Bruno/Sarah can continue to work together moving forward. (since Bruno believes Godfrey is in his pocket, when in reality God is a loose cannon that will say/do anything to protect himself including selling out his number 1 asset.) Sarah has clearly seen through God the entire time and my guess is will work to take out God/Zach (together) in the triple evict .

    1. God has not sold out Sarah or Bruno to Kevin during this HOH. During Pilars HOH he claimed to be in the middle and alone. So it would be Sarah throwing God under the bus.
      Godfrey has thrown Willow under the bus to Britt and warned Britt to watch out for her.

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