“If I could do anything in the world.. I really want to be an Instagram influencer. and like get money “

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Cliff
Have note are: Tommy, Christie, Jackson, Kat
Nominations are: Jack and Jackson Bella
Power of Veto Players are – Cliff, Jack, Jackson, Sis, Sam, Kat
Power of Veto holder – Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jackson used the Veto on himself Cliff nominated Bella

Powers in the game

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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10:30 am wake up time. Jacks boil is looking nasty

10:37 am Holly, Sis, and Tommy
Holly yelling them that Jessica and Nicole were making hot digs at 2 am because Nick and Bella are being extra cuddly especially now that Bella is going.
Cliff joins them they start talking about how “All About That Bass” isn’t actually body-positive and the singer got praised for it.
10:43 am Holly, Cliff, Sis, Nick, and Tommy
They are talking about the backyard being closed down because the Hot Tub needed fixing
Holly – I hate that hot tub
Nick – we haven’t had the hot tub in weeks
Holly – they had to redo it. they had to redo the hot tub because there was a bacterial infection in it
Nick – are you serious
Holly – yup
Nick – how do you know
Holly – Becuase I had it and it sucked
Nick – you and the hive thing
Holly – skin disease not a skin disease I’m being really dramatic. Like hives
Holly – and they told me it was from the hot tub and that’s why when the yard was closed they redid the whole thing
Nick – the linning
Holly – put new water and new linning in it .. I’m pretty sure i”m not the only person cause they knew exactly the second they say it they were like OH that’s whatever whatever from the hot tub

Feeds flip..

11:09 am Nick and the sixshooters

Nick – even though my eyes are closed I still see static in the background
Nick – every background I see is static I never knew how to explain it to the eye doctors they did all these tests to my eyes and my eyes are fine
Nick – I see static on you when I talk to you it’s like TV

Nick – I was so upset when it happened. I just woke up one day and I had it I was in 7th grade I woke up I thought I saw Abraham Lincon in my room. I swear to god.
Jack – so the story is Abraham Lincoln gave you static
Nick – yeah
Nick goes on about how none of the doctors knew about it but he’s finally found something about it on the internet it’s called visual snow
Nick – it’s the worst

11:13 am

Cliff – It’s day 35 .. I was thinking it was Wednesday. god, we have all day today and all day tomorrow. OH my gosh it’s going to be horrible (My thoughts exactly)
Nicole – yeah we’re locked in

NOON – nothing but chit chat

12:04 pm Sis and Christie
Sis – I just want to hang out
Christie feels low energy today the slop is catching up to her.
Christie complains that Jackson slams the Have nots door “he doesn’t care if he wakes anybody”

Sis – thank goodness this next one is endurance and you’re good at that
Christie thinks she means put Jackson up
Sis – you’re good at endurance you won’t drop early so you don’t have to go back on it
Christie says she doesn’t want to win head of household “I already nominated two people and both stayed”

Christie says she wants Nick gone but if Sam won the veto and saved him Nick will be gunning for her.
Sis – I’ll put up Nicole and tell her she’s a pawn .. I just don’t know if I can backdoor Sam just because of our relationship
Christie – I don’t think Sam will put me up
Sis agrees she doesn’t think he’ll put her or Christie up
Christie – I have a good relationship with Sam

Sis – when I get out of here I don’t know what I want to do
Christie – you have to go back to school?
Sis – no I’m done.. I’m going to start my life
Christie – what did you major in
Sis – Community Health Science, Public health I don’t want to do anything in that field.
Christie – if you can have a dream job not related to this .. like anything
Sis – If I could do anything in the world? I want to be an Instagram influencer .. I could just go do events and like go wherever and not have to wake up get ready
Christie – like a nine to five

Christie – what could you see yourself doing career-wise if you had
Sis – I guess I would be a sports reporter. I really want to be an Instagram influencer. I want to be able to work on my own time. I could travel anywhere do an appearance or like do whatever and like get money

12:26 pm Christie and Sis

Christie calls Jackson a jerk and Jack is the sweetheart
Christie – jack is appropriate .. he talks about respect it just seems more authentic
Christie goes on pouring scorn on Jackson and pointing out how great jack is..

Christie about Jackson “he’s a douche ”
Christie is going to put up Jackson and Holly when the split happens

12:47 pm jack and Kat
Kat tells him he has her vote no matter what
(of course she did)

1:05 pm in the bathroom
Kat says the gel in her hair makes it feel like someone ej@cul@ted in it “it’s so sticky”

1:52 pm Nicole and Kat clean Cliff’s HOH room
Nicole – who would have thought Cliff was so messy

2:15 pm Jess and Sam

Sam says unless they win HOH it will be him and Nick going on the block
Jess – the only thing you can do it just win the f*ing HOH. I’m sure on the past seasons it was the same sh1t you have no other chance than to win the HOH
Jess says if it’s the wall endurance they have a 50/50 chance to win it “might be sis might be Nicole, Could be Christie”
Sam – if they don’t put me up and you up who else would they put up? Kat?
Sam – they’re close to Kat now. So who else? you and me would still go on the block
Sam – and now that they already have saved Nicole they wouldn’t use her as a pawn so again we’re at the bottom
Jessica groans. “I gotta pee”
Sam says he has to leave before it looks shady “I gotta watch who I’m talking with”
Jess – I don’t talk to you anyways
Sam – now that I’m in this whole new game change I’m trying to salvage what’s left. I want to be careful. look at how fast things get back and then I don’t know and it’s too late. Then I’ll have to call another house meeting”

2:20 pm Cliff and Kat
Cliff warns her she’s going to be campaigned to by Bella “I assume you’ve made your”
Kat – there’s no way I could not vote to evict her. She even gave me these pants
Kat – I’m like I’ll take the pants but I’m still voting to evict you
Cliff – I’m not going to try and convince you other wise .. I’m cool with it
Kat – no I’m worried her, Nick and Sam will come after me
Cliff – no they have bigger targets
Kat – yeah
CLiff – that’s cool I respect your opinion

88 thoughts to ““If I could do anything in the world.. I really want to be an Instagram influencer. and like get money “”

  1. If I could do anything in the world I would be an Instagram influencer .. that sums up the majority of the cast. Actually, it might sum up the majority of cast for the last 4 years?


    2. For real. They need to pick people who have zero social media accounts to begin with. People who don’t make their decisions based on America’s perception of them.

      1. I think it’s hilarious if she could have any job in the WORLD she picks that one .. Essentially she just wants to Travel, Tan and Party.

      2. As unpleasant as this has been to watch, can you imagine how awful it would be to be inside that house? It’s full of dummies and bad smells. I pity Nicole the most … I like Sam too, but he’s at least used to trucker life and filthy bathrooms.

        Will they ever crack down on Jackson for sneaking food? He seems ripe for some type of mental breakdown …

    3. The era of random people being “influencers” is slowly dying. I’ve read more stories about companies being so inundated with requests by people looking for free stuff for exposure. I think companies have figured out that the exposure isn’t worth it. Analyse might make it if she just posts skimpy bikini pics…but really there are tons of females as attractive if not more attractive who have more to offer.

      1. Totally agree! I really think the era of randos making it on youtubing, Instagram is over. Sis isn’t going to stand out up against the hundreds of thousands of smoke bombs (with personalties) on Instagram even with the BB / Stallone boost

      2. Well her “sports reporter” comment made ROFLOL. I can just imagine receiving an application from her to join one of the sites I edit. Most people vocalize better than they write. Given that I’d expect

        Sis application sample: like f-bomb like -f-bombing Russell Westbrook got like traded to the f-bombing Houston like Rockets.

    4. asks Jessica the same question: “I want to be a veterinarian, because i love children. (earth girls are easy circa 1991?)” blink blink. “I’m so confused.” blink.

    5. Her parents must be so proud of her. After 4 years of college she doesn’t want anything to do with her major.

      1. OMG MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!!!! What a freakin waste of time and money to want to do something that in 20 years, she’ll have nothing to show for (except saggy, leathery skin and a turkey neck from tanning too much)… smh

          1. Unlikely, she might land a husband with a comfortable life but the rich guys have a much wider selection and she’s not that elite.

            1. Plus with what shes done in the house, she will be damaged goods. No self respecting man of means would touch her with a 10 foot pole.

      2. Typical of way too many college graduates these days, have a degree in a field they don’t really want to work in, doesn’t pay a lot and end up with a huge college loan.

      3. Sis majored in Public Health. We can thank our lucky stars that she isn’t interested in pursuing a career in that field. 🙂

      4. I upvoted because Sis is a dunce but I have to say my daughter went to school and got a degree in Psychology but while she was getting her degree she found her passion and now has her own small business and works 7 days a week to try to grow it.

        There are lots of young adults who change career paths and work hard to succeed but Sis (not a young adult but a doufus) just wants money to be thrown at her.

        1. Then she should become a stripper! They LITERALLY have money thrown at them every night!

    6. What a slap in the face to her parents who paid for her schooling. How about getting a real job as once the “new thing” comes along and instagram is no more then what?

    7. I must be really old, is this an actual job with an actual paycheck? Seriously? And I see people saying that they need a cast with no social media accounts but I think they need a cast of people who are true fans of the show and by that I mean people who have watched the live feeds for at least 10 years. People who can tell you what happened in the hot tub season 2. People who remember how they had to earn the use of the toaster and the blender. This is just getting old, 1/2 of these people have never even seen this show. I’m sure they had to TELL them who Katelyn was. Can you imagine if they brought in Jun?

      1. This may not be popular to say…but even if they watch the feeds and could call themselves a super fan not everyone would be good let alone great at playing BB. Outright recruiting is just downright bad for the show…actually investing some time and interviewing over multiple times would help you find great personalities that bring something to the show. You canhave a diversified group of players withour having to resort to recruiting. BB already has a humongous pool of people who want to play. Spend more time interviewing and less time/money recruiting. That’s what is needed to make BB great again.

        1. I think CBS and production are lazy. They seem to have this incestuous pool of candidates many of whom have ties to others in the pool with chances to go on the various reality shows, holdovers from year to year, recycled rejects and the social media recruits.

    8. I wonder how the 401k is for Instagram influencers. Think it comes with a good benefit package? Lol, I would love to see some of these fame whore reality show contestants when their 10 minutes of fame runs out.

      Instagram influencer, we’ve failed as a society.

      1. They all want to be famous just for existing. They want the least amount of responsibility with the most amount of $$$$.

    9. Instagram influencer is a real job, and they can make a butt-load of money. I think it will be the perfect job for Sis.

    10. Isnt instagram planning on removing likes on instagram pictures soon? Which means its going to be hard to become instagram influencers, which also means we might start getting better Big brother players casted lol

    11. Who was it (I think the Jack-holes) who were talking about how they’d have 250k new followers when they got out – um Tyler & Kaycee were two of the most beloved F2 ever & they didn’t even get 70K followers (Tyler has 92k now b/c he gained more with his charity work, traveling & of course the showmance with Angela) . SMDH at the naivety of these people.

      1. Tyler and Kaycee and even Angela held onto their integrity the entire game which is why many people remember well with positivty. Agree this crew does not hold a light to BB20.

      2. It’s like the meet and greets, Big Brother just doesn’t have that I need to meet these people feel because most of them aren’t that interesting. I liked Tyler but I wouldn’t go out of my way to be in a room even with the legends of BB. I’d be hard pressed to name the cast from last season and I liked most of them.

        1. Same .. when A season is over I wipe it from memory and move onto the next one. BBOTT, CBB, BBCAN a lotta names.

          I have never had a desire to (pay) meet anyone from BB. I’m sure there are some great folks in there but it’s not my thing.

  2. can it be possible that this cast is the worst of all time . MAYBE EXCEPT FOR THAT YEAR THAT BABY HUEY RETARD JOSH WON.

      1. Christine from BB 16 was the worst. Not just throwing Comps but helping the other “team” and Donnie still pulled it out. My least favorite house guest of all time. Pre-show interviews I thought she had a lot of potential too. LOL

        1. BB 16 had the battle of the block which resulted in organized throwing of the comps. It became the norm and then so predictable. 16 was the most boring season ever. I think we spent a lot of time trying to work out how to make it actually work. There were hundreds of great ideas but mostly folks were like it’s just terribly implemented they should never do this again…BB17 it’s back as a “fan” favorite.

    1. Got that right josh egads what has happened to genuine thought conversation the dud stars was more Interesting

    2. I was trying to remember which I thought was the worst but couldn’t remember their names. Now I do. Season 15 with Amanda and Mccrea. Awful.

    3. The Josh win only had me gag on my wine as I sipped it down…Christmas would have had me puking my guts out for days…Paul would have seen me passed out because he was beyond anything acceptable.

  3. Well, Nick is in love with Bella and describes her as “perfect”. said she’s gonna be homeless after the show bc the guy she was living with will throw her out, but that’s okay cuz his family will love her and she can live there. WTF?

  4. Here’s a question. What was the seasons where there was an extremely obnoxious showmance where they never really got out of bed. She had long black hair and he did too. I think he was unemployed and never went to college and she actually did have some kind of employment. Maybe a realtor?

      1. They even left “stains” in the different beds they were in. Ah yes, the good old days of McRanda

  5. The hot tub is giving people urinary tract infections and rashes. Can you say contestant crud from such wonderful people

    1. So gross. Do they not put chlorine in it? They used to have a shower in the backyard, is that gone now? They should shower before and after the hot tub. You usually get uti’s from peeing in water because the vulva opens up and water/bacteria gets inside…

  6. Simon I get you dont like the cast but the headline of the Christie/Sis convo was pretty much a final 2 struck

    That gives Christie final 2s with Tommy, Sis and Jack

    Christie/Tommy have the lol final 3 with Jack, but listening to Christie/Tommy last night and Christie/Sis today it sounds like Christie/Tommys preffered final 3 is with Sis…with Jack leaving before Holly/Kat

  7. the schmooze game of christie and tommy…who does it better? how long can they keep it up? when will someone want to take a shot? maybe only nick/sam?

    i think tommy comes across more genuine but christies liveliness draws people in

    who wins if they are final 2? tommy perhaps more liked but christie by far wins on game

  8. i wonder how many days it will be for the next sis/nick one on one…maybe not until thursday or friday once nicks ball and chain leaves

  9. ive got no issue with someones choice of what they do for work

    sis played division 1 soccer, she majored in community health science and public health, and for the future considering being a social media influencer, and doing something in fashion/interior design or becoming a sports reporter for fox sports…i dont see anything wrong with that

        1. There’s money to be made begging on the side of the road. Many social media influencers are little more than beggars who think they deserve free stuff because people should listen to them. It’s a life where your entire self worth is based on other people’s perception of you. Many young people lose themselves trying to be what they think these faceless people want.

  10. So that dirty SOB Abe Lincoln gave Nick static in the 7th grade. I’m pretty sure I also heard Sis blame her crabs on George Washington.

  11. Christie will tell just anyone her plan. Why would she tell Sis she wants to put up Jackson and Holly? Isn’t Holly her BFF?

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