“I would have preferred for Jason to be here into Jury, Just for sympathetic reasons”

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8:48pm Kitchen jmac, JAmes, Austin and liz
James asking him about his time bouncing.
James say if a little asian guy came up to him and told him he didn’t want to mess with him what would he do.
Asuint wouldn’t mess with him, wait for help and escort the guy out of the bar if he’s causing trouble.
Austin says you always avoid a fight at all costs because you never know, they could pull out a knife, Gun or claws gouge your eyes out.
Jmac talks about people that come in with a mouth full of rotten teeth. Jamac thinks it’s either crystal meth or mountain dew.

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8:54pm Jason and Becky
Jason says the only girl in the game that is weak at playing it is Julia. Jason has been complaining that he wants to see a cast of strong women on the show.
Becky leaves
Jason – why do people want to keep this big fit girl here.. are these people delusional.. delusional
Jason lites a cigarette “so much for me quitting this summer”
Becky joins him. Jason says he’s sour because of these mofo are getting jury cheques for working out all summer. says they are going to get 10 grand for doing nothing, “Still grateful for being here.. just waiting for a twist.. I’ll do anything for some money.. don’t even save me.. I’ll shred some letter for money” (during big brother canada 2 Ika had the option to shred houseguests letters from home for money. She did it. unbenounced to her the rest of the house was watching sealing her fate that week)
Becky says the people that win in the beginning go home in the middle.
Jason says he’s so mad he’s not even getting to the 1/2 way point.
Becky says she never watched the show before getting cast but once she was she spent all her spare time studying the show and watching the past seasons.

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9:15pm bedroom James and Jackie
Jackie we have to do something we have to get more people on our side
Even if we wanted to work with them they won’t they have already taken a shot even if we pretend.
James knows the other side isn’t workable says they are just doing damage control so if they get power they won’t target them.
James – we gotta win dammit we gotta win, just hope it’s no true false questions I hate em.
Jackie – I don’t even know where to begin if they want me out they’ll get me out..
jackie is very discouraged thinks even if she starts talking to people something like what happened this week will happen again.

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9:35pm Jason and Jackie
Jason saying he’s going home but will try and help his allies on his way out.
jason says it was Austin, Liz, Steve, Shelli and Clay that wanted him up.
Jackie says Chelli (Shelli and Clay) and Vanessa have made amends with AUstin and the twins.
Jason – she doesn’t care if you go up she just doesn’t want to go up
Jackie – she did me dirty
Jackie can’t believe they are so threatened by Jason.
Jason – backdooring me is shooting fish in a barrel
They both think the reason the house is giving them are ridiculous
James joins them say the whole other side of the house is hanging out together.
Jackie sighs says sooner or later they’re going to have to turn on each other like the did with them.
James has a idea for a prank he’s going to save a bud light can and randomly come out of the Storage room “We got alcohol”

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9:48pm Becky and Shelli
Becky feeding her information about the other side. Says they know Shelli and Clay had something to do with it based on how much they are getting called into the Diary Room.,
Becky doesn’t know any exact game plans. She knows the other side want the HOH badly.
Becky says Jason, Meg, and James are now starting to talk to her they use to never talk to her.
Shelli says they did the same thing to her week one never talked to her until they needed her number.

9:50pm James grabs a zucchini puts on a condom and fills it full of hand lotion. Makes a giant mess
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Jason and James in the backyard chit chatting.
Vanessa, Steve and Jmac playing chess on the sky bridge
James says he took a condom and filled it with lotion put it under her pillow. “Meg’s going to scream”
James – if me and Jackie get axed.. best for meg to roll with Clay and Shelli
Jason – She’s got to
Jason says Becky wants Steve out next week
James – smart
Jason it’s smart weaken them a little bit then go for the head when you have a double

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10:01pm Austin and Liz
(I’m noticing Liz and Austin are interacting as good friends again)
Austin says that side of the house wanted to lay low and coast downstairs and the whole game passed them by.
Austin – Now all they want to do is make fun of everyone they weren’t allied with and now all those people are allied so now they are f****d and we are f****g killing it
They start to studying dates..
They wonder if Big Brother is just going to keep Liz in the game until Thursday. Liz says it’s a big hassle when they swap they have to get the handlers and a driver. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production.
Austin says it would be so amazing if two of the three of them win the HOH. They will go up to Jackie “You’re done”
Austin points out that Jackie hasn’t even talked to him since Monday.
Austin is going to tell Jackie and James She was trying to get him out and James was trying to throw the BOB, “I’m ready to go Evel Dick on them.. If I go into Meg’s face she would cry. I don’t think I have it in me though”

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10:29pm Becky and JAckie
Becky saying a good pre double eviction target is Steve. When it’s double eviction you get out a strong player. She doesn’t want to put up a strong social player before then they can talk themselves off the block.
Becky – The best players in the game get nervous on double eviction, I’m not nervous”
Becky – people would waste a eviction if they sent me out on Double eviction
Jackie says Clay is denying that they had a final 8 “Why”
Becky heard him say that they were all in the room.
Jackie says she’s not sure how close Meg and Clay are because they have that “Brother and sister thing going”
Becky says the people going on the block have been the safest people in the house the people not on the block are the ones going home. She adds if you are on the you play the BOB and if you lose the POV. Two chance to get immunity, 75% chance getting off the block, 20% chance of going home. .
Becky knows there’s alliances, side alliances and people being cared along for votes. She just doesn’t know who is were.

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10:50pm Austin and Liz practicing wrestling moves
(They are not hitting each other just taking turns practicing some moves)
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11:01pm backyard couch Jason and Meg
Meg says Clay, Shelli and Steve are up there playing Chess, ‘When did chess become the fun thing to do” Jason says
Jason says he’s not rolling over yet he’s going to try some sh1t. Jason says Jackie thinks the vote will be 6 to three, Meg, James and some “rando”.
Meg says she’s more fine with Austin and Liz because at least they are real Shelli and Clay are “Fakey Mc’Fakes”
Jason – I will never like him.. she with that fake laugh..
Meg – True

James pulls out the knock out blow

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11:20 they get alcohol

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11:41pm Toasting for the demise of Jason thank you liz AKA one of the devil reject. He tried to blow up their game but

They have a second toast for Liz winning the BOB by herself

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11:55pm Hammock Steve, Clay and Shelli
Steve saying whoever wins the next HOH will not get a chance to play in the Double eviction.
Shelli says the twins are perfect for double eviction. Steve agrees says any of the three Austin, Twins will do.
Clay says you can consider Johnnymac and Becky a couple they could be a potential target for double eviction. Adds she’s not a target of his and Shelli’s.
Steve starts talking about how he misses social queues. Brings up how bad things were a couple years ago. When he started going to fredonia he was very awkward but things have been getting better for him.

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53 thoughts to ““I would have preferred for Jason to be here into Jury, Just for sympathetic reasons””

  1. It sucks because the only way to get one of the sixth sense is for Meg james and Jackie to win both HOH

  2. The dumbest move in this game for Jason and Meg was voting out Jeff. It sunk their game. He was the other sides leader and after he was evicted they have fallen apart

    1. One of the best point made here all season. Jeff still here the house is way different. Not a fan of the guy but he understood things the outsiders are barely getting now.

      Off topic am I understanding Van hating the twins? Has to be a ploy right to fool Slay? That seemed to be here secret plan I thought. Wait for Austin to leave then scoop up the twins plus likely Seve. Maybe I’m unable to figure out Nessa just like production….one of the best lines all summer from Vanessa. Production is upset with me because I’m switching targets….” Were try to do a TV show here!” Gold AG pure GOLD!

      1. Let’s not get crazy. Jeff cared about one thing..hooking up and getting in someone’s pants..his game was weak ( on both points) .and way sloppy..his mouth was huge. He sucked. He wasn’t much better than Austin..just not as lucky to have Vanessa! Why is it people keep trying to make something out of the weakest part of the house this season? They suck..nuff said. Jason, Meg, James and Jackie, they are hanging by a thread.

        1. I think that people who usually root for BB underdogs usually had decent people…they were smart, or social but not good at comps, or just misfits who fought too hard. This year started off like that, with two sides and a likable middle. But right now the Jason side of the house has been duped and can’t accept they were duped (they kissed Clelli’s asses for 2 weeks) and they are mentally and physically not strong. So I mean there’s underdogs and then there’s bad players.

          James/Meg/Jason are terrible game players. Jackie listened to Jeff, look where that got her.

          If there’s underdogs that might win, it’s Jmac and Steve (I don’t like him) because the Twins like them and so do most of the side of the house that has had power. They could get James, Meg, Jackie, Becky’s jury votes….and depending on how Clelli/Vanessa/Twins fallout, part of that group.

  3. I hope Jackie and Meg win HOH and then they put Austin/Shelli and Clay/Liz cuz I think that will cause strain on the alliance esp if Austin throws it for Liz

  4. pls production, send in Derrick to coach James Meg , Jackie ! They almost there and need direction!
    Come on, pls, I do want them win ! Pay Derrick if he successor coached !

  5. Jason irritates me. now he wants a twist, and doesn’t think its fair that they get to sit around

    dude…cmon…YOU SAT AROUND!!!!!! they played the game and picked off your side, you were given a chance to sit the block and went out of your way to say “NO”. I just for the life of me can’t understand why he thinks because he watches a lot of Big Brother that he deserves to stay

    its not about his personality at this point, you haven’t played the game. you sound crazy bitter. and you are an example of what one shouldn’t go and do when on the block. fold, give up and pray for a twist. SMH

  6. Seriously, Austin has a Masters degree in Medieval History? …Is that even a thing, or do you get that after playing so many hours of Dungeons & Dragons?

        1. Huge GOT fan…love the reference! I wish BB handed out punishments & it landed on Austin to shave that nasty looking birds nest off his face & cut that long frizzy hair. It’s doing nothing for ya dude,& makes him look creepier. Bring back old school BB style that we know & love. BOB sucks!

  7. Jackie is still so pissed she didn’t get to be the HOH this week. Haha. Then she sits around trying to talk shit about Vanessa and the WHOLE time she is looking around to see if Vanessa is around to hear her. LMMFAO! She is scared shitless of Nessa! So funny. Clueless Jackie just now seeing that Nessa owns this game and trust me if she could figure out a way to get Nessa to take her in she would drop her allegiance to James, Meg and even Becky in a split friggin’ second!

    Jason now finally talking game when he realizes he gone. He is thinking “oh fuck why did I sit around for weeks and my main accomplishment was just talking shit about everyone”

    1. I agree..expected way more out of Jason & yes he talked trash about people but so did Van & the others(Austin,Liz,Clay& Shelli) so come on now..Van making up crazy b.s. lies about Jason, giving weak, pathetic,lame excuses to put people up-Day & the phone booth really?
      Van is always boo frigging hoo about getting blood on her hands/bathing in blood(pre-Jason nom,not speaking of her move now). Van is a puss like Shelli who can’t own their choices but takes the pathetic excuse of using “the house” wants this-Stop! Jackie is slow to catch on but definitely not afraid of Van please baha haha!
      Maybe Jackie is worried of catching Van’s bed bugs(her own words for her nasty break out) from that dirty looking hat,but is Jackie afraid of Van personally-No! They(vipers:Van,Shelli,Clay,Austin & Liz) have the numbers so who would not be worried from that perspective but honestly Jackie has confronted & been vocal with Van & Shelli, even both girls commented on Jackie coming at them.

  8. I am not sure if they are saying he deserves it, he just NEEDS the money. He is the only legit broke person in the house. The entire house, besides him, is far less concerned about money. Its funny-not funny that a millionaire is kicking him out of the house. Kinda annoys the shit out of me, really.

    1. Although I agree that it’s unfair that Vanessa was cast due to her personal wealth (i know rich people have been cast like Frankie but he said he would donate his winnings and stipend to charity), it’s unfair to say he “needs” it the most, others on the cast worked hard to be where they are, if he spent more time in school, he wouldn’t be broke (he said he didn’t go to college and barely passed highschool on the feeds)

      1. But he also works and mentioned to Vanessa he’d suffered abuse. Personally I’d rather have Jason on the show who loves Big Brother than Austin who is there to get on TV as the guy mauling the twins and trying to build his alter ego Judas so the WWF sign him back.

        The only reason Austin is still in the house is because of the letter “i”. He went from begging like a baby to Vanessa to suddenly talking about what losers Jason, Jackie, James and Meg are. And he plans on yelling obscenities at Jackie during the next HOH comp to either result in making her cry, quit or throw her off.

        Yeah I’d much rather hear one liners from Jason like: “the BOTB used blank slates, it was perfect for Clay because it’s just like what’s inside his head”.

        1. Do you know how the world works? Get your head out of your arse! You need money for school. Unless you want to go under crippling debt, just to come out to a recession and no jobs! Think about it. You make 35,000/year, Say for a 6 month course… It costs 1/2 year earnings = $17,500 and tuition and books $5000 plus the cost of living. $1500/month living expenses. Thats a whopping $31,500 in debt for a 6 month course! (where I Live anyways) Sure you can find grants, school aides, part time jobs to offset… but then your mind is focused on your financials rather than your 6 month photography course! How the fuck do the poor get poorer? Its priveledged middle to upper class thinking they are not “working hard enough”! Jason does NEED the money more than anyone there. PERIOD!

          1. You can take night courses at a trade tech or community college and get some work skills to move up from minimum wage. I was raised poor but concentrated on typing skills which got me into secretarial which got me moved up to Administration which ended up a fairly prosperous career in Human Resources. There are millions of people in this country who work their way up, but the key word here is work. Jason showed us a very lazy life habit in the time we’ve known him, he was more into sitting around yakking gossip than working the game.

    2. You are right on Batman-exactly what he is saying. Plus he truly loves the game, besides for Steve, Jason has mad BB love. I give Jason credit because he owns his mistakes & is mad at himself, not going off on the others & even said he will not give production the vile anger towards the others that they want.
      Van did him dirty but he acknowledged he should not have helped her study, gave people inside details on the game & should not have run his mouth as much. He said it right to Van last night when her fake ass came out to cower & tell him how much she respects his maturity on how he is handling it.

  9. I wish they would not give the hgs APPLES!!!! So sick of them(almost every season)smacking,slurping,crunching on apples right into thier microphones.

    1. I don’t want to hear them eating or drinking anything. I don’t want to hear them brushing their teeth either. If the person isn’t talking during that time, I don’t understand why production can’t mute their microphone until they finish eating/drinking/brushing teeth.

  10. She probably won’t win she’s not the vest player but without a doubt Meg is the nicest woman in the house. Attractive personable gets along with everyone she’s the most genuine. The only other one who comes close is Becky. Maybe they’re boring but Meg is a young woman with class and social graces. She’s the one u marry

    1. As long as you’re not Steve.
      But then most of them have been pretty rude to him, Meg included.

  11. Ugh…Megalodon is so transparent. She keeps suggesting putting up everyone to get out Shelli…except Clay. She wants to clamp her gaping maw on his Honeybutt and float to the end with him. I don’t think she would have the guts to take out Shelli herself, though…out of fear that Clay won’t like her if she did it…so she will try to get one of the others to do it for her. And Jason needs to get it over it. He thinks the rest of them don’t deserve to be in jury over him…when all he has done is sleep all day, gossip away any pertinent info he comes across, and chain smoke in the backyard…while cattily insulting everyone in the house with his clueless side-kick.

  12. All you floater fans that hated on vanessa…….The irony is great. Like I’ve said all week don’t hate players that actually play the game. Bash active players but cry when floaters do nothing and continue to lose comps and get out strategized. Who is laughing now?

  13. zzzzz production plz give the power to the other side of the house so this can get more interesting. I’m sick of Austin, Shelli, Clay and Vanessa! Ugh time to get them out! I hope it’s Julia that gets rid of Austin!

  14. I’m so sick of Liz thinking she’s all big and bad for blowing up Jason’s game. She isn’t going to be all smiley when clay and shelli turn their back on her and get her AND her sister evicted. I was Team Jason and JMac but I guess it’ll just be Team JMac for now

  15. Okay Jackie. Get over it. Stop talking about it. You wouldn’t talk game all season and now you’re shocked you got screwed. I felt bad for you for a brief moment but now you’ve annoyed me and I want you gone next week. And I felt bad for Jason until the apple, lip smacking and constant shit talking. As a super fan, you should respect the blindside. Yeah, it sucks, but you’re not doing anything about it but crying in your bed. Get up and campaign or stfu and walk out that door Thursday. That’s all.

  16. I usually end up switching my favorite players to the underdogs mid season but I am all for Vanessa still as long as she keeps Steve by her side since he is the biggest underdog in the house right now. Also, I usually don’t like floaters in the finals but I’ll be just as happy with Jmac and Steve in the final 2. Even though Steve has clearly picked a side but it’s only because the crap side did nothing but make fun of him when Vanessa dove in and swooped him up. If the crap side would have stopped talking shit about everyone and tried to play the game, they would not be in this predicament right now. I don’t feel sorry for them at all with how they treated Stev-O in the beginning…and Jackie trying to be his friend fight now posses me off.

  17. So I thought when Jason sat there and layed it out for Becky, telling her she’s only being used, that a lightbulb went off for her. Then 30 minutes later she goes inside and trashes everyone she needs to Shelli cause she actually still thinks she’s on her side! She is so bad and ignorant.

  18. So I thought when Jason just sat there and laid it out for Becky, that she’s just being used, a lightbulb came on for her. Then she goes inside 30 minutes later and trashes all people needs to Shelli cause she actually still thinks she’s in with her! She’s so bad.

    1. Becky’s on the block against Jason.
      She’s trying to ensure she stays this week.
      Of course she’s going to rat Jason out to Shelli.
      If she’s stupid for anything it’s naming names she’d put on the block next week before the eviction vote. Or trusting Jackie. Either of those could get her evicted this week.

      1. And they should get Becky evicted. But not after claylly and Vanessa. Becky is no good for anyone’s game. She’s so scared and wants to be the power side so bad. The dumb bitch don’t even realize that shelly and her fake fucking teeth is using her and she’s not apart of what they have. She needs to go this week. She’s so boring

      2. It wasn’t just Jason she was talking about. She was telling Shelli what they all have been saying through out the day. You can tell by the she talks with her that she still thinks Shelli has her back. She needs to roll with Jackie and get John if she wants any chance at the finals.

        1. The problem with “roll with Jackie” is she’s seen Jackie huddle up closer to Jason in the past 24 hours. She’s on the block against Jason. Everyone saw how pissy Jackie got with the blindside. Where is Jackie’s concern for Becky? You know, the one she promised would be safe this week? Her concern is for Jason. Sure. roll with someone that is more concerned for the other person on the block.
          It may be irritating that she’s trying to suck up to the larger more powerful dominant side of the house, but realistically, Siding with the people with no power, who are closer to the person she’s on the block against would not help her stay this week. Do you roll with three people that are huddled around your competitor or what you’ve been told is six people on the other side in a game of numbers?

  19. Austin needs to stop. Talking about how if he and Liz win HOH he’s going to walk up to Jackie and tell her you’re done! Okay, kinda like he said right after the POV he was going to say all kinds of things to make himself the target and take the heat off of them! He ran to his corner with Liz and said and did nothing!! They took all the heat! Be a man! Otherwise just shut the hell up and stop!

  20. Jason realizes that Shelli is running the house and holds a lot of power, but instead of using this insight to suck up to her and try to save himself he decides to bash her, call her a she-demon and tell all his floater friends to target her. Some superfan. Bye Bye Jason.

  21. I hope Clallie learn that Meg is targeted them hard core. When those thow win the next HOH they can put up Meg, James, Jackie, and Becky. Buy, buy Meg.

  22. I love how people are protesting about jason being put up, like he’s done so much. Meg crying all day like there was a death in the family. These two act like they’re at summer camp, and talk crap about everyone else. You are going to play the game now? I really don’t know where jackie’s head is currently

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