“I want to talk to Makensy and tell her but not tell her that she’s going to be my replacement nominee”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week

Midnight Makensy and Leah
Makensy thinks Cedric is either putting her up or Brooklyn. She’s worried about being up next to Kenny.
Leah tells her this is the best week to be on the block.
M – what if I don’t use it and then I’m f*** and I go home
Leah tells her if she’s on the block she better use her power.
M – If Cedric puts me up I’m going to be pissed Because I’m like, why would you not put somebody that you don’t want to work for that?
L – He’s working with people
M – but who is that? Kim Tucker, Kenny and him. This is the only four. Those 4. You mean you can’t put Kenny up? You can’t put Tucker up. He doesn’t put Cam up. He has eight other people.
M – Worries me to use it cause I don’t know who goes up. It could be you.
Makensy now saying if she doesn’t use it and people know she has it they will vote her out to just get rid of the power.
L – you have a lot of people that like you
M – that’s true but this is still Big Brother
L – Lisa thought she was fine.

12:10 am Angela, Kimo, Joe, Brooklyn
Angela going on about how much she wants to stay in the house.
A – I want to Stay when he initiates somebody else when Tucker pulls himself off and somebody else has to go up. That said I’m going to try my hardest in the Al arena to continue to be here and fight to
be here with you guys I hope that I don’t have the House votes to go home. I don’t think I’m that great of a competitor when it comes to challenges and so socially I’m not as great at that either at this point so I’m not a threat to anyone’s game to stay.

A- And I’ve already made the commitment that you’re not going to see me blow up and not sleep So there’s that too. And I honestly, I’ve played as honest from that point till now as I can. I’m not scheming and going behind people’s backs. I’m alone. I’m alone and I haven’t lied and haven’t cheated and I haven’t hurt anyone. I’m literally alone and I don’t even mind playing that way because I want to be honest and true and all the things that I am on the outside of here. So that’s what I’m going to try to do.

A – So I’m going to be like a brick house, Fort Knox, a bank, if you will, of any secrets or anything that I see or hear anymore. Like it’s just going to be all in here and that’s it.

12:20 am Cedric and Tkor
Cedric – I pretty much know what I am going to do. Pretty much know what everyone wants to do.

C – Yeah, like I said, I’ll go with the majority. Everyone in there was like, 4 of us not including me because I’m not including my vote.
C – So four out of seven is already majority. So it doesn’t really matter. It matters for input-wise. What they’re gonna
think. But I think at the end, like tomorrow morning, tomorrow. O.K. So that’s what I’m gonna do tomorrow afternoon. I’m gonna go or if you spread the word to just have people come up
and tell me that they like individually and tell me that they still cuz it won’t look weird because renomination’s are Monday. Spread the word to come up to my room and tell me who they still
want me to nominate and then I’ll take a tally of it. And then go with the majority, which I think is going to be MJ And then that night I’ll go to whoever it is and tell her like,
hey, look, I would really love for you to be a pawn and figure out what I’m gonna tell her from there and not. Yeah. So that’s that’s the goal. Play is a as a team. Yeah.
Let’s what we’ll do.

1:00 am Joe and Makensy

They’re complaining about not being able to get any sleep.

M – Yeah, I don’t know what to do about this week, honestly.
J – You think you’re going to go on the block?
M – I don’t know. I don’t know. I haven’t really. I mean, that wasn’t solidified. So I have no idea. But like, it’s something I need to think
that it’s possibility with him.
feeds flip to random conversation in the kitchen (this happens a lot like they don’t want too much game talk on the feeds) When we’re back.
J – I want Kenny out over Angela But my only argument is that I feel like Angela’s like that typical weak player that Slides by.
M – But that’s the thing, too. It’s like if we get Kenny out this week, then 5th week or 4th week, 4th week, there’s an easy target again because, like, we’ve been noticing. Like, Oh, like easy target. Angela, easy target. Angela. But then we we’re putting people up, and we’re like, realizing we’re like, why are we not this use use this opportunity when there’s easy targets that we just use as the pawn instead that we know we’re eventually going to get out. like, get out the good people because we’re putting up threats.

Feeds cut When we’re back it’s chit chat in the kitchen 🙁

1:10 am boxing

1:25 am Joe, Quinn, Tkor, Kimo, Rubina
Talking about what if Tucker doesn’t use it cause he wants to play in the AI and win that.
Quinn says Tucker thought about it for 10 minutes about using the veto on Kenny.
They brings up Kenny saying he’s going to leave if he doesn’t win HOH. “Cry about it”
Feeds flip to cedric in the HOH.

1:27 am Cedric talking to the camera
“So tomorrow afternoon. I want to talk to Makensy and tell her but not tell her that she’s going to be my replacement nominee. Try to finesse her not being super angry at me, which
probably won’t work”

“But I think it’s enough to at least give me a fighting chance next week, in the first round of nominees, if she wins HOH, I think if I don’t put her up as a renom, everybody in the collective is going
to be upset, shake it up. It’s going to be upset. shake them up. What y’all think sounds better. Shake them up, club, shake them up, gang, Crew they’re going to be upset”

“So I think I’m telling Makensy tomorrow. Look, everybody came out to me telling me to put you up as replacement. because you had a chance to fight in the veto. Everyone thinks she has a power
and you can choose whether you want to use”

“y’all ready for this bro? Let me sit back because I’m about to give you out of sauce. Let me sit back because I’m about to give you all the sauce. If y’all are in the feeds right now. you’re lucky because I’m about to spoil the episode. One of these episodes. Probably. Wednesday’s episode. If y’all are in the feeds this is what is happening”

“I’m going to tell Makensy tomorrow. I’m going to be like, look, people came to me telling me to put you up as nominee Like 90% of the house came up to me telling me to put you up as replacement. If I don’t do it, I’m going to get slaughtered next week. Now, with that being said, I’m going to give you some tips on what to say when you go up. I’m trying to keep in the good graces. Now we can talk about it and workshop it to work out all the kinks. But you can either use your power come off the block and replace yourself with somebody else”

Cedric is going to tell Makensy if she doesn’t use her power and doesn’t win AI arena her chances are still very high that she will not go home. “You’re not a primary or backup target this week you’re playing the roll of the pawn. I don’t want to guarantee your safety because you know the saying pawns go home ”

1:33 am Joe, Quinn, Tkor, Kimo, Rubina
Tkor says she doesn’t trust Kenny. Rubina says he is just assuming there is a girls alliance.
Joe – cause he has no f***ing idea what is going on though.
Rubina – I know because he doesn’t talk to us, right? But it’s like the girls are hanging out. It’s like no sh1t, b1tch. We’re gonna hang out. You guys hang out too.

Feeds flip AGAIN to Cedric in HOH talking about week 6 strategy and double eviction. Feeds flip to the backyard.

They are talking about the number of Jury members 9 or 7
J – Most of the time it’s 9
Joe says they might stick with 7 because it’s “Cheaper”
J – two more weeks
They talk about taking Kenny out this week then Angela the following week before they get to Jury. They think if Makensy wins HOH she’ll go after Angela
Quinn says she should want to go after him because he was lying a lot to Matt’s face.
Rubina – We all voted Matt out. She understands that was 2 weeks ago.
Tkor – If Makensy wins she’ll put the BROS on the block and Angela
Quinn – Angela is going to skate on by again
Rubina – you think so?
Tkor – YES
Quinn – against the BROS
Rubina – I don’t think Angela will skate on by
J – if she does it this week she’s done it 2 weeks in a row.
Tkor – Personally I think she should have been gone last week.
J – I agree with that to but everyone was saying
R – we didn’t have the numbers anyways.
J – Makensy and Leah SHOULD not have wanted to get rid of Lisa.
Tkor – they were just following the numbers
Tkor – for me, I mean, for me, I didn’t find Lisa annoying But like, for me, I feel like Lisa was easier to deal with than Angela
J – I agree with that
Q – I agree with that, Angela f***Ing stares at people
Tkor – Even though Angela is nicer it’s just so uncomfortable when she walks into a room.

2:40 am Tkor and Kimo
Tkor is giving him a update from her conversation with Cedric.
T – He wants to show his like loyalty to the collective or whatever. So he wants to make that move based on what the majority of people want
Tkor says if this “anderson” thing is real which they know is because of Quinn than they are at the bottom of the Collective.
Kimo – what Anderson thing… oh you’re talking about the 5 person thing
T – yeah, Chelsie, Cam, Cedric, Quinn, Brooklyn
T – then it’s you me and Joe.
T – If I’m thinking of a final 5 I want…
Tkor goes on about how there’s people she likes in the house but doesn’t think she can beat them and there’s people she doesn’t like and wants gone but she thinks she can beat them.
T – Ideally I would love to see, Brooklyn, you, Chelsie or Rubina win. Those are the people I would be rooting for. Those are the stories I am personally invested in.
Tkor goes on about liking Tucker and Cam but she’s never going to beat them in a Competition. Adds that she’s not part of the “Andersons” Like Cam.
Tkor mentions that she really likes Tucker and Joe but they talk too much. They tell everybody. Kimo Agrees.

Kimo is worried Makensy might put him on the block because he doesn’t really have a connection with her.
Tkor reminds him that he’s also not a threat to Makensy.
Kimo – True..

Tkor talks about BBCAN 6 how she was under the radar the whole game then at the end won some critical competitions. “I think of her story a lot in terms of how I imagine myself pursuing this” (LOL great)
Tkor – I want to be in this game as long as possible. I know traditionally the more of a threat you appear the faster you are out of the house.

5:00 am ZZzzzzzz

9:20 am Houseguest waking up.

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28 thoughts to ““I want to talk to Makensy and tell her but not tell her that she’s going to be my replacement nominee””

  1. If Makensey is nominated and uses her power, which houseguest are you voting for as the replacement? I’ll go first. I’m thinking Cam. My reasoning is he’s athletic, seems smart, attached to a lot of players so he’s “protected.” He could be good competition in the AI comp.

    1. I’d vote for Chelsie, simply because she’s a close ally of Cedric’s, and he deserves to have a close ally go up for being dumb enough to put the holder of that power OTB as the replacement nominee.

      Obviously, she’s not going anywhere, as she’s well protected by The Core, The Pentagon and The Collective, but she would be my choice.

      If Makensy is dumb enough not to use the power, she deserves to be voted out. It expires next week anyway, so why not?

  2. Question:

    I thought I read on this site that Quinn had told a supposedly solid, more recent alliance about his power. Or am I tripping?

  3. How did Angela ever receive an invitation to join BB? She is the most disgusting house guest they have ever had!

    1. I agree with you about Angela. For a 50+ grown ass woman, she is the biggest bully I have ever seen. And those fake boohoo cries with no tears. I was disgusted with the way she treated Matt right from the very start. Once he left she started in with Lisa… who’s next? What a great example of a mom she must be to her kids! It’s one thing to play strategically, but to actually bully other players about their looks, etc is totally unacceptable and shouldn’t be tolerated by BB!

      1. She’s just embarrassing herself AND her family. Her “Nana rocks,” in last week’s plea; seriously a poor role model to those grandkids. Just a whole bunch of ICK wherever she is concerned. Can you imagine anyone buying real estate from her after her deplorablebullying behavior? Say goodnight to your career “Nana!” Ugh, just ICK!

    2. i think she’s applied to a lot of other game shows and been in the casting pool as a result. her energy makes sense for one offs like wheel of fortune or press your luck.

    3. I put Tucker up there as well… his ego is so inflated that he makes Karengela look tolerable

  4. We’ll see if Cedric follows through with Makensy as the renom. He said in his pre-interview he wanted to play a loyal, honest game. That may come back to bite him if he doesn’t adjust his gameplay. Personally, I would pick Leah and let Makensy decide whether or not she should burn the upgrade for her closest ally.

    If the upgrade is used, I’m worried either Brooklyn or Joseph could be America’s 3rd renom. They’re 2 of my 3 pre-season picks and I don’t want either of them going out anytime soon.

    Even if they win the A.I. Comp or survive eviction against either Angela or Kenney, they could be someone’s next target and justify it with “America voted them OTB.”

    1. Why is everybody worried about this power (MJ”s) that expires next week anyway? Quinn’s power is much more powerful, and I’d be much more concerned about it, than I would be about Makensy’s!

      I guess the reason they aren’t is because Quinn only told 2 people about his power, and those people have pretty much kept their mouth’s shut about it (a major feat when you’re talking about Angela). Yes, Angela has told a couple of others, but the perception of her in the house is so bad, people don’t know whether or not to believe anything that comes out of her mouth.

    1. And you’re not allowed to point it out. This show is losing hundreds of thousands of viewers every year. It will be canceled either this or next year.

  5. Ok Dawg and Simon, sorry to say that this is already turned into a Kraken season, so much so that I had to replenish scotch, an bourbon to be able to put up with these immature out of touch wannabes.

    I had high hopes but they have been thoroughly trashed by these people. Is it any wonder Mr CIA won veto.

    I will drop some coin just so I can enjoy the post here love un autre’s post and insight.

  6. But then one of the old folks will go. And you will have Makensy being mad at you and she might win HOH and she’ll put you on the block. So you need to get one of the guys such as Cam or Leah or Kimo

  7. Hey Quinn,
    Remember when you were being an idiot saying you should take over an HOH and nominate yourself as a cover?
    It was really stupid that it was your first idea.
    Now…. the only real way to save yourself.
    The only people that would believe you’d risk yourself would be stink eyed by a few of the most self interested houseguests that believe eveyone is playing the game like THEY are playing.
    And all because you got an invisible HOH…. and squealed on yourself…. to the 2 biggest idiots in the game.
    House would think either Tucker or Kimo made up stories. Either way….
    Or continue being a fool. Your choice.

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