“I want to do it this week (put up Dani) but I have to get rid of Kasyar because of you guys.. what the f***”

Head of Household Winner – ENZO YO!
Have nots – Dani, Tyler, Da’Vonne
Nominations – Kaysar & Kevin
Power of Veto Players are – Enzo, Kevin, Kaysar, Tyler, Bay, David
POV Host: Memphis
Power of Veto holder – Kevin
Power of Veto Ceremony
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8:40 am Ian
Ian alone
This week was not by beast role. I wanted to win and not put up Kasyar. If Ksyar had got it it would have been great the kids alliance would have been blown up. I don’t like that Kids Alliance.
I don’t know who the replacement will be I think there’s a 10% chance it’s me.
Ian thinks he’s fallen into the wrong group.

9:37 am Enzo and Cody
Enzo saying that Dani has started a lot of sh1t “between me and you YO, we play nice this week and we get rid of Kaysar because Kaysar ios coming after you and Tyler anyway”
Enzo – the girls to they’re ready to make a move on her (Dani)
Enzo – Dani is f**Ing our game up.
Cody says Tyler brought up Nicole knowing about the slick6. “He said how come you guys never tell me”
They’re agreeing that Tyler has doubts about them now because of Dani
Enzo – Dani is going around saying Enzo you better watch out Da’Vonne and Bayleigh are looking comfortable on your HOH she’s the one saying it to people..
Enzo – Christmas is telling me a lot of f**Ing sh1t you
Enzo – I’m done.. we have a good thing with Tyler. Dani did that purposely to f** me and Tyler. I’m done with her I’m done
Enzo – play nice
Enzo says whoever wins the next HOH Dani will get to and try to clip them.
Enzo – next week is double eviction .. she’s gone yo F** that yo

Enzo – Tyler told me Da’Vonne is still talking sh1t why am I not putting up David .. I’m tired of this shit yo
Cody – Dani is trying to wedge between everyone
Enzo – Dani is talking to Da’Vonne and Bayleigh about us.. Da’Vonen and Bayleigh are terrified because they are at the bottom of the list
Cody – why do they feel at the bottom of the list.
They go round and round about Dani putting them in a tough spot with Tyler.
Cody – Dani is F**ing us with the core 4
Enzo says he’s done with the core four
Enzo – she’s very sloppy she’s overplaying everything .. I said Kasyar you’re a dead man walking you’re going out this week. He said I don’t care I’m blowing up everyone’s game I said okay cool
Cody – not our games.

Enzo – Dani is sloppy as F*** that is why Dani wants Kasyar out now .. yo Dani you’re playing too sloppy
Enzo says Da’Vonen and bayleigh made a move on Dani the other night

Enzo – I said yo that’s too crazy move right now
Enzo says Davonen and Bayleigh don’t think the slick six is a thing
Cody – the slick six is not an alliance.. It was you me and Tyler but now .. I think we’re still good.
Cody says Tyler wants to get rid of Dani and Da’Vonne
Enzo – he wants to keep Bayleigh, I’m down
Enzo – I like Christmas out of all the f**Ing girls
Enzo says after 10 minutes of telling Christmas she might go up she was downstairs talking to Dani. then 10 minutes Chritsmas comes up to teh HOH and tells him she doesn’t want to go up as the pawn.
Cody – no f**Ing way. whats’ her play there
Enzo – Dani’s not winning nothing man..

Enzo – she’s done get the f* outta here.. Tyler was like if I win HOh she’s outta here..
Enzo keeps saying that Tyler will go after Dani he’ll backdoor her.

Enzo – if I get rid of Kaysar that protects you and Tyler.. straight up he’s coming after you guys. now I’m like I want to get rid of Dani now and put it in her f**Ing face
Enzo now says they’ll wait next week to get her out they have the people to “Flip it’ they just have to make sure Dai doesn’t find out she’s the target

Enzo says he wants to get rid of Dani but he’s not wanting to play sneaky.. “Dani can’t find out if she finds out she’ll f** everything up”
Enzo – I’m f***ing done. I’m done with Da’vonne.. I’m done with all these mother f***ers

Cody – there’s another alliance between Memphis, Christmas, Dani, Tyler, and me.. to get Tyler back I’ll bring him up here and I’ll be let’s talk to Enzo.
Cody says Christmas came to him about this alliance
Enzo – Memphis is broke he’ ain’t doing sh1t
Enzo – I got Christmas ready to take Dani out.
Cody brings up the committee saying it was all Christmas’ doing.

Enzo – who is Dani going after if she wins HOH
Cody – nobody.. she said on teh double eviction she wants to go after Memphis
Enzo – she’s feeding Memphis that we want to go after him
They talk about how they are in a “bad Spot” now with tyler.
Enzo – why is Nicole in such a great spot she’s a f***ing champion why is Nicole and Ian in such a great spot.. for real
Cody – Nicole has you and me
Enzo – I like kaysar but he’s gotta go because he’s coming after you
Cody and then after that
Enzo says he could Keep kasyar and tell him not to go after them but then kasyar will figure out they are working together “He’s a smart guy” (LKOL)
Enzo – we could keep kaysar and Kasyar could go after NicoleF
Cody – Kaysar will always come after me
Enzo – I know my own alliance sucks and I have to get rid of people in that. I have to get rid of Kaysar the two people I care most in the game is you and Tyler and he’s f(**Ing coming after yo guys
Cody – it’s just annoying If he really said nothing all week and wanted to do this reset. If he just laid low then we could do something insane this week
Enzo – he thinks you, Dani, tyler, and NicoleF are running this whole f**Ing thing (OMFG the bullhorn wasn’t enough)
Cody – NicoleF is doing nothing.. that is why I’m like he’s completely off base.
Enzo – I’m not going after bayleigh I like bayleigh.
They talk about Da’Vonne isn’t winning to go after NicooleF but bayleigh is.
Enzo says they may be f**ed with Tyler a bit

Enzo says Tyler is ready to get rid of people. “He’s had it yo”
Enzo – we got to keep playing dumb with Dani.
Enzo – we got to play fake this week.. then whoever wins HOH next week we’ll throw them under the bus. I can’t stand her I can’t stand her (Nicole and Dani)
Cody says all those alliances they made were just to get through the first couple weeks. “In the beginning of the game, what are you going to do say no”

Enzo says the girls are playing the game for TV. “we already knew Dani was a snake, to begin with.. now she’s f**ing our sh1t with other people. I’m not with that I was willing to be a snake with you and snake other people then kill each other at the end. I was willing to do that. you’re f**Ing our game up .. I want to do it this week but I have to get rid of Kasyar because of you guys.. what the f*** ”

10:42 am HOH Enzo and Cody
Enzo says Christmas is going on the block “I got no other option right now.. that’s it.. get the f** outta here.. ”
Enzo – ohh bro I want to make so many moves but you can only evict one person
Enzo – you, me and Tyler need to talk and tighten back up
They agree Tyler keeps to himself.
Enzo – I’m done yo.. I’m done with Dani and i’m done with Da’Vonne yo
Cody – I want to make sure he’s set with us
Enzo – that’s my order yo.. Dani, Da’Vonne, and NicoleF yo.. I dn’t give a f** yo.. they know too much of our game.
Cody – I would go Da’Vonne, Dani, ian.. (LOL Cody and Nicole are playing everyone that’s what the yeller told them last night and this bozo is taking out kaysar)
Enzo – Memphis will go after Ian yo.
Cody – Bayleigh will go after NicoleF..
Enzo – I don’t care about Nicole as long as Dani’s gone.
They’re going to tell Da’Vonne that Dani has been targeting her for weeks.

10:55 am Enzo and Christmas
Enzo saying they got to get rid of Kasyar this week and next week they Gotta win HOH yo
Christmas – I don’t want him to blow that sh2t up with Dani and Me while I’m on the block
Enzo – no he’s not .. I was like what is going on.. Why did you say that about Dani.. He said because she’s playing the whole F***g house.
Enzo brings up that Dani did go to Janelle and Kasyar about an alliance and they told her no so then Dani flipped the whole house against them.
Enzo – and you said that to me.. and you were the only one that knew that.. BOOM I fact-checked.
Christmas says she had a conversation with Dani last week and she said Janelle was proposing the alliance. “She looked spooked.. she said she didn’t know why Janelle stopped talking to her. nad AJanlele’s version was that they were starting to talk about working together but she wanted to bring Janelle into her alliance and Janelle didn’t want to work with her people so Janelle said no”
Enzo says that is what Kaysar said
Christmas – Janelle fought .. trust me she’s beast she would have eaten all of us alive
Enzo – that’s why Dani wants Kasyar out so f**Ing bad ..
Christmas – because he knows
Enzo – Kaysar you’re gone this week you’re outta here but at least we have intell who the f* is sneak as f* in this house.
Christmas thinks Kaysar will throw that all out there. (Dani)
Enzo – he’s going to blow all this sh1t up he said he’s after Cody and Tyler he wants to blow them up
Christmas – you’re good with them right?
Enzo – yeah I’m friendly with them yes, he’s going to blow up Dai, Cody, and Tyler’s game.

Enzo – I told him to his face.. you’re going home bro .
Christmas says that Kaysar understands that Enzo has to do this..
Enzo – I told him everyone in this house wants you out I’m appeasing the house.
Christmas says that Kaysar wanted her to draw the line week 2 “New school doesn’t do that” (cause new school fuc*ing sucks yo)
Enzo – you got the stink you’re going home.

11:56 am Da’Vonne and Bayleigh

Da’Vonne says if there is some sh1t brewing .. “She’s trying to set me up” (Dani)
Da’Vonne goes on about a dream she had about this Dani was trying to get her out.
Da’Vonne says she’s staying in bed today “I’m not in the mood”
Da’Vonne – did Nicole say she wasn’t coming after you?
Bayleigh – No
Da’Vonne- ohh sh1t
Kevin joins them says that Enzo told him the plan is the same to get Kaysar out. He’s putting up someone that will ensure that Kasyar goes.
Da’Vonne says it’s not her or Bayleigh going up. Kevin doesn’t know suggests maybe it’ll be Ian.

Kevin – that’s not my role this season. I’m not the strategist I’m not the advisor (You don’t say.. )
Kevin – with Veto the conversations around me have changed.. the vibe I get is like.. winning things is going to dictate
Feeds cut..

1:08 pm POv ceremony is happening. Pretty sure Christmas is going up.

47 thoughts to ““I want to do it this week (put up Dani) but I have to get rid of Kasyar because of you guys.. what the f***””

    1. Enzo is classic all bark and no bite. In every one on one convo its like f*ck this yo im strong and doing what I want for my game… and then he just does what Cody wants and not himself. I thought maybe there would be a chance this week for Enzo to do something crazy since he seems like one of the more loose cannons in the house but its like Cody won this HOH anyways. Meow meow is a puss.

    2. Enzo sure does talk a lot sh*t,
      Tried to act all big and bad I’m gonna backdoor Ian in his words “i’ll Backdoor Ian, I don’t give a f#ck yo”

      Nice move bro you took the weakest move and took out Kaysar who’s alone.

      Enzo is the definition of a bulldog mouth with a puppy dog a$$

    1. Enzo would only do that if he could do it in secret – like his hinky votes. He’s not willing to do it in the light of day. Sigh..

    2. Yes!!! Then Kaysar can call Dani on all her crap, Enzo will tell DaVonne that Dani wants her out and get Day upset with her. Then Dani will throw other people in the group under the bus, it’ll be complete chaos, awesome for the feeds and fans.

  1. Wow… because of Dani and Day Memphis is in a good spot again. This game really does change every minute… now Nicole and Dani are in trouble when they were so fine early on!!! Xmas and Bay might be the only women who make it far

  2. Stupidity.
    Enzo. keeps saying he’d take the shot but has to protect tyler and cody from kaysar. tyler already said put dani up like… 12 times in their last conversation. So… it’s just Cody.
    Now he’s firing up David against Kaysar. And David being the complete idiot he is, believes there is a men’s alliance that he’s a member of. yeah. okay dave.
    note how many times cody tried to protect nicf in his exchanges with Enzo. But don’t believe the wall messages there Enzo. Be a good little Grod puppet.
    Now we know why Enzo likes David. David agrees with all of the Chauvenistic crap that Enzo tosses out. The absolute idiocy of David proclaiming win a comp.
    David lost a comp to… Jess and lost 2 to Cliff. He’s won nothing this season…. win a comp indeed.
    What Enzo doesn’t realize is firing up David means David goes out of the room and blows up your game with everything you tell him. As I said. Stupidity.

    So. if Enzo’s insisting Christmas be puppet now (even though she no longer wants to) what happens?

    1. Lol David isn’t a threat whatsoever… can’t win comps and in no way can he gather anyone for an alliance. He is the male version of Victoria

    2. Why would Enzo even risk Dani in the house for another week? Dani could win HOH. Stupid move. When will it be time to make moves, during final two. Lol.

      1. But Dani is not putting Enzo on the block, she has other targets. Why would Enzo risk Dani staying now and gunning for him? It was a safe smart play for Enzo. The dynamics will only change if Kevin, or Ian win HOH because then the rest will have to devouter one of its own.

  3. Why is the house keeping two players who’ve already won? WTH? Get rid of them first because obviously they know what they’re doing. Enzo talks all tough and then makes a chickens#$t move.

  4. So Christmas is going up as the pawn… Nothing can make this season fun. We had a yeller say that Cody and Nicole are playing the house. the message came over clear so everyone heard it and still same sh1t.

    1. Starting to think the real origin of meow meow was because Enzo was tired of his jersey buddies calling him a pu$$y, but didn’t have enough guts to wander too far from the name.

  5. I see that Enzo has joined the Krazy train. First he was all about Ian going out because he’s a past winner. Nicole too. Then ok let’s get Dani because she is stirring the pot. But, no still, even though I don’t really want Kaysar out, I’d rather go for Dani, but won’t. I won’t because Kaysar is coming for you guys. So even though I’d heard the voice from beyond the wall, & I hear you talk about Nicole, I’ll still get out Kaysar. No big move this week. It’ll be next week. Really?? I keep hoping that someone finally wakes up, & takes a shot. Most see it happening but, “next week…. Next week” we’ll do it. Um.. Next week is going by very quickly. So I guess when they get into the jury house, which most seem okay with, because they get more money, see that hmmmm. Maybe Janelle & Kaysar were right. We saw the signs, but we were waiting for “next week” to do a big move

  6. Talk mad shit and still do nothing. They are so dumb. Cody is protecting Nicole right in Enzo’s face and he refuses to see it. I hope Dani wins next week and takes one of them out. Stupid stupid move to take out Kaysar

  7. Dani u should have known u were next on the list once Janelle leaves. Praying for Dani or Nicole win HOH next week

  8. Dani is toxic and I think that she won’t last long. Never really liked her because of her backstabbing ways, but right now she is the only one that is adding some excitement to the show. Everyone else is boring. Yozo should just nut up and backdoor her but I don’t see it happening. The show goes on…

  9. QUESTION: Nozzcole & Dani remaining friends at the end of this shit show… what do you think?

    Thumbs up for end of BFF’S
    Thumbs down for stay BFF’S

  10. If any of you ever get in the BB house, please listen to the guy with a bullhorn on the other side of the wall.

  11. Enzo sure does talk a lot sh*t,
    Tried to act all big and bad I’m gonna backdoor Ian in his words “i’ll Backdoor Ian, I don’t give a f#ck yo”

    Nice move bro you took the weakest move and took out Kaysar who’s alone.

    He’s the definition of a bulldog mouth with puppy dog a$$

  12. information we didn’t know because feeds were blocked.
    Last night after the wall yeller the houseguests were separated into room.
    Tyler and Bay were in a room. Tyler told Bay about Dani targeting Bay/Day. Tyler had been at the pool table, Bay had been lying around out back off cam when the yelling occurred.
    Enzo was in HOH with Ian. Ian was beyond pissed. he had been standing at the pool table with Cody and Tyler when the yelling occurred.
    No word on the reactions of Christmas, Kaysar and Memphis yet.

    Tyler should not be telling Da so much about Dani targeting her. Da is not known for keeping her mouth shut.
    Dani should not be lying about not knowing Christmas was going on the block. Dani Enzo and Cody discussed Christmas’ volunteering. Christmas had spoken to Dani about it last night. This lie is pointless.
    Christmas should not be acting so happy to be on the block.
    At some point I expect her to get pushy this week. like season 19 pushy.

  13. Why every season are the players scared to make some big plays? Oh it’s too early or the person I don’t like has to strike first. They talk and treat the person like crap but won’t get them out.

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