Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Makensy and Cam
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots
2:20pm – 2:50pm Bathroom – Rubina talking to the camera..
Rubina – Oh my gosh. This has been a true test of patience. I have held my tongue than I can remember. Actually, I’ve survived being here. And the reason I’ve made it to the final four. I’m pretty sure is because I’ve kept my mouth shut in regular life. No. no. My mouth is wide open. I’m gonna let you know how I feel. But I guess that’s been my strategy is to shut up and it’s worked. I am loud mouth. Rubina. I am someone where you can’t see me but you’ll hear me just a small 4’9” girl. I am a Filipino. That means we loud. I’m not sure I would have made it this far but in the same, in the same light, it is equally what makes this so hard. I’m done with drama. I don’t do that. That’s not what l do. Who I’m around. I’ve been drama free since 93 basic so when I was with the final four. So it’s not as bad, but some people could be a little bit more humble. I won’t name names here, but it is.. I just want someone humble and gracious to win. Someone that would do great things with 750K. Like impact change. I really wanted it to be me but that’s an uphill climb. 82 days now, I am proud of myself. I have had to lose everyone. All my people. Its just me now. I’m the last older person.
Rubina starts reciting the past events of the season
3:27pm Backyard – Rubina playing pool while the others sleep.
4pm – 4:27pm Backyard – Rubina is now running laps / working out. Chelsie is cooking.
5:08pm The final four are making dinner.

5:25pm – 5:38pm Big Brother – House guests remember to enjoy yourselves, these are the good old days.
The house guests are thinking of things BB could give them to waste time.. wine, Monopoly, Scattergories, slim kits, nurf guns, water balloons, etc.
Rubina scares MJ @bigbspoilers #BB26 pic.twitter.com/eEiPOsrz1g
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) October 6, 2024
6:05pm Big Brother tells the house guests to check the storage room. The house guests go check and find that BB gave wine, cards, backgammon, Chineses checkers.
Rubina – oh my gosh cards! We’re going to get really good at something..
Big Brother: Big Brother loves you. The house guests go wild.
8:03pm Cards, cards, and more cards..
8:55pm They take a break from cards. Chelsie goes to shower. Cam – one more hour till we can go to sleep. Then its Sunday.
9:35pm Backyard – Chelsie
Chelsie practicing her final 2 speech.. “I believe I have several moves that were pivotal to the trajectory of this game. I believe I have several moves that were pivotal to the trajectory. Pivotal that caused a change of the trajectory of this game starting with day 44 rallying troops to ensure that if Tucker didn’t win, that we
evicted him.” Makensy and Rubina join her and Chelsie stops practicing her speech.
10pm Backyard – Chelsie and Rubina
Chelsie – Julie plays a huge role in the type of people who watch the show and I do think there’s gonna be new audiences that start to watch this show because it has been played. This cast compared to last year is the most neutral in age. Rubina – I agree. Chelsie – the range was perfect in the season. Last season I feel like there was a lot of older. Rubina – yeah. Chelsie – people that were casted (cast) but I feel like with the type of people are age ranges that you’re gonna have and personalities you’re gonna have new crowds watching this go. Rubina – Yeah. Chelsie – There’s something for everyone for sure in the season. Someone for everyone. Someone for every range. Rubina – Yeah. Chelsie – So I do think the love of this season outweighs the hate. Rubina – Yeah.
10:30pm – 10:58pm HOH room – Makensy and Chelsie chatting about past events of the season.
Makensy – I still wonder what Cam is thinking like the fact that he lost. He’s lost a lot to girls and to me. Chelsie – since day 45 a guy hasn’t won anything other than Kimo during the double eviction. Makensy – They still haven’t talked to me. I guess I don’t know if Cam wants me to pull him or what but I don’t know what the f**k to do. I really don’t. I’m at a loss for words and I’m struggling because it’s like there’s no good choice for me. There’s no good choice and it’s like I can make sure of history and get three women through or I can stay loyal to somebody who I don’t think would be loyal to me, but morally I’d feel better. Cam joins them and then leaves. Makensy – It’s so bad. I just feel like I’m not trying. But the thing is, is like I don’t need to because I’m not trying to like
socialize. There’s nobody like because I’m done talking. I thought you know where burnt out. I’m so done talking. I don’t want to be alone situation with them.
Makensy – No matter who I choose, I don’t think either one will choose me. Chelsie – I feel the same way but I don’t think they’ll be in the position to choose. I would evaluate head space. Makensy – I think Rubina would be more scared than Cam will be going into next week.
Chelsie – I think they already know they’d have to win, they’d have
to win the final HOH to even go to the final two. The only way they’ll get there is if they bring themselves there, unfortunately and I love them both.
Makensy continues to say the same thing over and over again about how scared she is that she is going to be third and how she has no idea who evict.
Chelsie – I keep thinking about the demographic that we reach our specific demographic and how proud they’re gonna be of of women like us sitting in those chairs. Even Auntie Julie. Makensy – Dude, Auntie Julie! Chelsie – she would be the happiest woman alive if you and I are in those last two seats.
11:14pm – 11:50pm HOH Room – Makensy and Chelsie conversation continued..
Chelsie – so in my decision making if I were you I’m thinking about
they’re like ability in jury she will have an immediate two votes.
Kimo and Tkor. If you throw her in jury, they then have to.. they can’t be numbers for each other so that’s why I think about that’s immediately two …she only needs two more. With Cam if he is sitting next to either of them or either of us or he brings either of us it’s up to the jury and I think he would lose either way but her because of likability and her closest allies being in there that makes me a little bit nervous. I do think whoever you do send home, they will still vote for you.. the issue is sitting next to them.
Makensy – I’m scared about is if I send her being a home her being
upset with me for not making that woman empowerment move. Chelsie -that’s her story. Makensy – I would agree. Chelsie – she has still not lived up to. Makensy – I agree.
Makensy – my head right now is leaning towards loyalty than my morals, which I’ve said to Cam. Day 45 I had his back since before he had my back. He didn’t want to send me home that week. She did. Chelsie – Yeah. It’s true. Forgot about that.
Chelsie – I’ve told him (Cam) to his face in the storage room how bad of a player he was in my superhero costume. I said are you serious roll the clip! He said what as he’s stretching his back I’m like what is your back hurt from? You took breaks during the competition, 30 minutes! I tried. I really tried! Ain’t no way you let Kimo… Kimo gets tired eating! He gets out of breath chewing! What do you mean you were taking a break during BB comics? Ain’t no way I said Cam. There’s no way you’re this bad. There’s no way you’re this bad!
Chelsie says she sees Makensy and Matt married after the show being a “hot a$$ power couple” with their own TV show. I would watch that. The feeds switch to Cam and Rubina. Rubina is talking about Coachella.
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On another site, the ratings go:
1 Makensy 2.48
2 Rubina 2.27
3 Cam 1.44
4 Chelsie 1.41
Sure looks like Chelsie isn’t well liked.
Mak for the win!
That’s my win order. MJ #1, Chelsie #16 anyone but her honestly.
Why? She been running the game since week 3 or 4. Give people credit for actually playing the game. What has Rubina done? MJ and Chelsie were a unit together. They both worked hard.
yeah, i think makensy will finish second to tucker in afp. hard to figure out third as rubina generally ranks highly but i imagine most of her votes actually end up going to tucker.
i don’t hate chelsie as much as everyone else does. she’s played a solid game. she just hasn’t been that interesting to watch while doing it.
It seems that other sites think Chelsea’s game is too easy. They don’t like it because the outcome is predictable. However, they do acknowledge Chelsea’s abilities.
People or fans of the game always dislikes the best player of that season.
Rubina and Cam have equal number of wins. But, I think they need to evict Rubina. She has more friends in jury who can possibly sway a few others to vote for her.
On the other side, Cam might actually win a comp in final 3! Then that could put a wrench in Chelsea and Mak’s plans.
I don’t think Chelsea has any plans to take Mak to the final 2 if it is her decision. Too risky. Say what you want about her but she has played the best strategic game with some winning of comps too.
But I believe Mak will take her and that is the difference between the two. Chelsea is smart enough to know the risk by not taking Mak and Mak is not.
Exactly. Chelsie will realize 750k is in reach and won’t second guess taking the guy who hasn’t won a single thing in this game. Vs the biggest winner. Cmon.
100% true
cam and rubina have both done nothing all season, but rubina’s game overlaps chelsie and makensy’s way less than cam’s does. chelsie or makensy going into final 2 vs. cam should be a guaranteed win, but chelsie’s positioned herself way better than makensy for that outcome as it seems cam would more likely take chelsie than makensy. chelsie’s also set herself such that makensy seems very likely to take chelsie to the end as well. i think we’re all hoping for makensy in the final without chelsie, but makensy doesn’t see the value of taking useless cam over strategic chelsie.
The only hope for Makensy is to win the final HOH.
Makensy needs to get rid of Cam and hopefully it will be her and Rubina final 2. I don’t want Chelsea to win anything.
Most people don’t want Chelsie.
ehn, i think mak’s best shot of winning is evict rubina and go to final 2 with cam. no reason to send cam to jury bitter. besides right now i think mak can get leah, quinn, and angela’s vote but will have a difficult time getting kimo or t’kor’s. she needs the vote of at least one of the next two evicted. against cam she probably gets that from rubina (and maybe even kimo, t’kor, and chelsie for the sweep). against rubina there’s a real risk of losing 4-3. and well, i think we all think she loses vs. chelsie.
Chelsie is not the most pleasant person but neither was Evil Dick. She won when she needed to. Galvanized people to control the votes when she had to. Ran other people’s HOH when she was not in power. So why should she not win.?
This is devil’s advocate.
She led each juror to believe they were staying. That is rotten jury management.
When she tells the jury she controlled HOH’s other than her own, she takes on the blood of getting them out without a head’s up. In wanting to not have the uncomfortable conversations, and leading people to believe she was keeping them… if in the moment jurors are offended, she could lose jurors.
Most petty juror is T’kor. T’kor thought Chellsie voted to keep her and that was the other reason T’kor was praising Chelsie. Finding out that Kimo was the one that supported her not Chelsie, and that she harbored feeling some kind of way… does that transfer when she feels lied to by Chelsie?
yeah, that was odd. i thought chelsie owned up in her good-bye message that she voted out t’kor and tried to blame the house for it. maybe it was just a d/r session
ultimately chelsie’s game hinges on how much the jury recognizes and respects her game or alternatively how bitter they are and don’t recognize what she did. i think her management of t’kor shows an awareness that t’kor is most likely to be a bitter juror whereas everyone else i think she probably could have owned what she did a bit more. quinn and kimo seem likely to respect game as game as does everyone left in the house. i get reading angela as bitter but i think she mostly just wants to be on the right side of the vote to feel accepted, so bitter juries she’s bitter while strategic juries she votes strategy. leah’s likely to do whatever quinn does.
I have a different read.
Angela… votes how her handler wants. She’s Grods vote on jury. If Grod wants drama, Angela votes off.
Leah. Leah votes how LEAH wants and tries to convince Quinn. He’s her simp. She is not his simp.
T’kor is a bias vote.
Kimo…. is the one that wants to vote with the numbers.
So T’kor will be pushing and trying to get Quinn against Leah’s pushing and trying to get Quinn.
i agree angela votes how her handlers want, but that’s why i think she’s more inclined to vote with the majority. if she does end up a deciding vote situation she’ll do what grod wants.
leah doesn’t care about the game, but she cares about keeping her simp happy about things that don’t matter to her so she can use him for things that do matter to her (mainly gifts and future reality tv appearances), so she votes how quinn wants because he cares about the game more than her.
yup, t’kor is all bias and bitterness. she’s terrible.
kimo doesn’t want drama. that may mean he votes with the numbers or that he votes with t’kor but his vote won’t be out of spite (unless you count t’kor’s spite).
quinn and t’kor may argue with each other over the vote and t’kor may attempt to use leah to get her way. but at the end of the day leah doesn’t care and i don’t see t’kor or quinn influencing each other significantly (grod on the other hand…).
No, T’kor will( mark these words) will vote for Chelsie as most if not all of them will because they “appreciate a masterful game.” All of the jury in post interviews admire the game Chelsie has played ’cause she played them all and also was smart enough to give them each some of her time so they still like her. Chelsie put in the work, no doubt( pay attention future Leah’s and MJ applicants to the show) . No one dislikes Chelsie, even T’kor. T’kor may walk out a little disappointed Chelsie didn’t vote for her but she still bought that Chelsie and she ( Rubina too) are working for a” higher cause.” Yeah Chelsie is just that good.
On a personal level, Dick owned his evilness, Chelsie lives in her own hypocrisy.
dick was a jerk, especially to jen. chelsie has been nowhere near as mean. i’d compare her game more similarly to vanessa rousso, who was also hated, in terms of how much she’s making the right decisions yet not owning them, and to an extent it’s a jury management strategy that we don’t particularly respect but if the jury falls for it, that’s on them. if they give her the money anyway meh. and if they don’t give her the money, it’s probably not gonna top paul abrahamson’s loss but it’d still be an entertaining outcome.
I make no comparison in their behavior, just each’s personality traits and how they come across.
as a viewer i’m rooting for makensy, chelsie, rubina, cam in that order. as a juror i think i’d vote chelsie to win, followed by makensy if chelsie’s not an option. pretty unsure what i’d do in a cam/rubina final 2 as a juror. it’d come down to whether cam owns that he rode chelsie and makensy’s coattails or if rubina can convince me that usurping quinn’s spot in the trio with t’kor and kimo was actual strategy over just t’kor/kimo just not managing their relationship with quinn particularly well. i think rubina gets a slight edge if both just say nonsense and don’t even attempt a cogent argument, but the door would be open for either to sell me or conversely to completely blow it.
Help! Can anyone name a single move Makensy made on her own, without influence from Chelsie or behind the scenes production?
it’s mostly her comp wins which aren’t insignificant. ozzy lusth is beloved in survivor and he never made his own moves either. i think you can give makensy credit for getting in with chelsie and cam to begin with as their early alliances like the pentagon did not include makensy. and it’s not like she’s only here because she never lost veto. quinn, leah, and even chelsie all had opportunities to nominate her and didn’t.
But did she actually do anything with her wins? And I’d have to give credit to Chelsie for picking up Mak as a pet rather than her working her way in with them. Mak was more beneficial to other peoples games than she was to her own.
she saved angela, took out leah, took out kimo. there’s some debate over the merit of her plays but they’re on jury and she’s not. i think the t’kor and kimo votes benefitted her game much more than chelsie’s even if there’s an argument that she should’ve just taken out chelsie then instead but i think taking a shot at chelsie puts a huge target on her back where most notably in the second half of the double eviction makensy didn’t touch the block despite never being immune. like kudos to chelsie for recognizing makensy was an asset and taking advantage but makensy did also not go out in sixth when chelsie had every reason to take that shot, so makensy’s social game isn’t completely non-existent, think of comp beasts in other seasons like victor who totally get put on the block and voted out the second they’re not immune.
shut up rubina.
Will a female-only TOP 3 be born again after Season 6?
its 2024 so it is very likely
As I listened to Chelsie practice her final 2 speech…. yeah. already.
i turned on captions for it.
She realllly needs to own. Instead it feels like ummmmm um um um. Yeesh.
IF she owns her game she owns the win.
What I was hearing was her game was victim that fought back.
She’s…. bullshitting that she was a target in early days. OF ANYONE.
So she’s fictionalizing false narrative of danger that she wasn’t in to justify how she played the game?
Let’s remember… Tucker was the ONLY one targeting her after KIMO revealed Pentagon… and he renom’d her with knowledge that Tucker would NOT have the numbers to get Chelsie out… even within his OWN group.
So she’s saying her predicament caused her to play a social web game of deceptiveness and control…. but the web of deceptiveness control game is what landed her in the predicament.
She loses MY respect.
shakes head. leaves the room. comes back. shakes head again. Head tilt with tongue between my top row of teeth and upper lip in a judgement face while i roll my eyes.
Dear Chelsie,
scrap that bullshit speech you are pawning off as your game and OWN YOUR SHIT to show the jury YOUR ACTUAL GAME. Lying and playing victim and your only response was to manipulate? WEAK SAUCE.
SO gloss over that.
I came here with ONE objective. TO WIN. I used my social skills to get myself into EVERY group by telling EVERY group that I wanted US to be the winners. Women? oh yeah, go girls. Black Houseguests? CAUSE POC Houseguests? REPRESENTATION. Jocks? Ya bro lets power through! Christians? May the power of Christ compel you. I made sure that every social group in the house called me their ALLY so that I would ALWAYS BE SAFE, EVEN IF SOMEONE WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO TARGET ME, I always made sure I would never be evicted through my social prowess. I AM A WOMAN, I AM BLACK, I AM POC, I AM A JOCK, I AM A CHRISTIAN… SO none of those conversations were a LIE because I WANT THAT WINNER TO BE ME AND I AM ALL OF THOSE THINGS!
OWNED. No weak sauce It’s not my fault I HAD to play this way because people were conspiring against me BULLSHIT that never happened in the timeframe she discusses as to HER GAME AS A WHOLE.
Just putting this out there.
I REALLY don’t care who wins.
I don’t like any of these people enough to be invested in one over the other.
When i write what Mak should do…. I’m stating the best strategic move.
When i write what Chels should say in final 2… I’m stating best game ownership.
When i point a laser pointer at the wall so Rubina chases it around…. what about it?
When i send the vet to spay and neuter the dogs in the crib… what about it?
I’ve already SAID what Cam did in the game post Joseph blindside to control vote outcomes. THAT is his only game move and only lasted 3 weeks. I’m not repeating.
I’m trying to entertain myself.
The edit screams season of Chelsie winning. Tucker was trojan horse. Chelsie was season long sanitized winner edit. Sometimes we get a curveball (bbcan12 and bb25) but MOST OF THE TIME…. oh well.
Does it mean I WANT a Chelsie win… I don’t care. I point and laugh at the losers, the winner is a meh to me. Perpetually.
In terms of human relation who do i feel most borderline empathy towards? Underdogs. REAL UNDERDOGS WHO STRATEGICALLY MANEUVER THEMSELVES INTO BETTER POSITIONS.
Cam? Hiding under the skirts and coasting on the wins of others. Yay Cam… you’re pathetic, so revel in your patheticness.
Rubina? stillllllll talking about that shOWmance…. stfu and play the actual GAME.
Mak? started a target and clawed your way through from zero to best position in the game…. to dismantling your position weekly in the endgame. Oy. lift the corner of the blindfold.
Chelsie? my first impression was oh… d/r loudmouth bitch who is going to slag everyone at the drop of a hat like she didn’t get the memo that prodo isn’t pushing the ratchet black woman d/r agenda anymore since Kemi went out and spoke about it to the press. Luckily, Chelsie saved that for her camtalks…. yup she’s the Paras camtalker. I hate the whole facade of telling SOME houseguests to camtalk, telling others NOT to camtalk thing. It makes the last bastion of getting a feeling for a houseguests strategy and makes it JUST AS FAKE AS THE D/R has become.
Strategically and in manipulation she has a game… but she perpetually fails to OWN that game and it PISSES ME OFF TO NO END.
is it 8 or 9 days left…. PLEASE HURRRRY UPPPPP!
Mak tells Chelsie she is currently leaning to keep Cam after Chelsie tells her pro Cam sentiment.
Why Mak can”t EVER make a decision for herself? I already said weeks ago she isn’t bright, she’s a ream player in sports that grew up as a part of a congregation, and has always looked to others to guide her. As an individual, Mak lacks individuality. Don’t tell me for a moment that she wasn’t cast with that in mind.
IS THE DECISION MADE? Probably not. She hasn’t done one on ones. She doesn’t want to talk game to them.
SHE WANTS CHELSIE TO TELL HER WHAT TO DO as if Chelsie isn’t pushing her own agenda and Mak knows it.
If you rewatch week one… this is problematic for Mak avoiding being last juror. Cheslie says the jury will respect loyalty. Chelsie was against the SHELLIANCE week one BECAUSE she had already made a final 3 with CEDRIC AND CAM.
I don’t know why she is agonizing over a decision she will let Chelsie make.
Sorry, If there is any decision or further late night talk, I’m going to have to miss it and catch up tomorrow. The air pressure has shifted here and the temperature has dropped 10 degrees in the last hour and a half. My vertebrae are not having it, and neither is my brain. Time to immobilize myself for 8 hours or more… or walking will be out the window for tomorrow.
Sorry guys.
the issue for makensy is that her best chance of winning is vs. cam but rubina’s the person most likely to take her to a final 2. so if makensy’s not willing to take out chelsie and already conceded playing for 2nd, then she’s probably better off voting out cam, but if she does want to win, can she keep cam, win final hoh, and boot chelsie? i don’t feel she has it in her, so maybe she just keeps rubina and plays for 2nd? or she keeps rubina around cuz rubina may actually convince makensy to boot chelsie where there’s no chance cam convinces her to do so if she wins final hoh and is still on the fence.
In life you can only be disappointed if you have expectations. Chelsie to the very end will be “Chelsie- ing.” I will be disappointed if she doesn’t own her game play and there is every I
indication she won’t. She will snow the jury ( they love her and respect her game ) even in the end. I like how how very confident she is in this the final stretch as she is practicing her speech to the jury. As well she should be because she has positioned herself well. She knows: Cam will take her and he is happy to be second place because he has fame in his eyes, on his lips, and can carry it all in a zen manner. His speech like his goodbye messages will short and simple. MJ will take her. She’s loyal. MJ always makes the worst decision whenever she has power( you are right Gan all MJ’s decisions have helped everyone else but herself) Chelsie really worked MJ, who can’t make a decision for herself to save her life, by subtly suggesting MJ take Cam because Julie would respect that, proceeded by the “people like us” bring a new audience( hint the Bible belt) and finally “you will get your own tv show.” MJ bought it and that’s just pathetic. Chelsie can best Rubina at anything with her eyes closed. Rubina, a supposed fan of the show, but know knowledge of its history is a 35 yld being outwitted by a twenty something. Perhaps that it why Rubina is buying the first time only woman in the final 3 crap when Chelsie is working Rubina? Rubina thinks she is getting more( “people will really like me” followers by hiding behind a couch and mildly scarring MJ?) You’re bored Rubina? Do what Chelsie is doing, work on MJ!!! But, she like Cam, has delusions of D level fame. After the show she kinda will as long as she stays attached to Tucker.
I wish I wasn’t disappointed but I made the mistake of caring about the show.. I guess I ” got got” too.
Makensy now has to vote Cam out and win the final HOH in order to win the game. If Chelsie wins the final HOH, she is not taking Makensy there.
So who will AFP be? When you don’t like any of them.
don’t vote for one.
That’s the only real choice.