POV Holder: | Corey | POV Competition | July 16th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 18th |
HOH | Paulie | Next HOH | July 21st |
Roadkill Competition Winner: | Tiffany | ||
Original Nominations: | Tiffany, Natalie, Corey | ||
After POV Nominations: | Tiffany, Natalie, Da’Vonne | ||
Have Nots | James and Natalie |
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8:00pm Storage room Nicole and Frank
Nicole says she hasn’t had a chance to talk to james he’s been sleeping.
Frank – Corey wants to do it
Nicole – I know I was trying to talk people into it upstair
Frank – Paulie is practically onboard
Frank told Paulie if he won HOH he would put Tiffany up
Frank says he’s been talking to Michelle and she was hinting that Tiffany might not go home. Michelle wants to know if the votes are flipping she’ll vote with the house.
Frank – I think we can make it 7-1
Nicole – we got to work tonight..
Frank – even without james
Frank shows her that he’s hidden an avocado. He’ll make omelettes for them and BRidgette tomorrow morning and add an avocado to it. They high 10 .
Nicole says if Frank and Bridgette are safe HOH next week she wants her and Corey safe.. Frank says yes
Frank – I know you didn’t vote my way last week and I don’t care anymore..
Nicole argues that he doesn’t know for sure , Frank says he does know that..
Frank argues he does.
Frank – I don’t know and I don’t care”
Nicole says Bridgette is so smart and she would love the 4 of them to work together
Nicole – I’m serious about this it’s a good good group.. .it makes sense.. Corey and Bridgette were talking today.. I don’t mind Bridgette at all ..
Frank – they’re mean girls ..
Nicole – I hope I’m not seen as a mean girl
Frank – I wanted to tell you to be careful because I didn’t want you to be dinged as a mean girl.. Cause I know you’re not
Nicole – I know I gotta stop
Frank – it’s alright
Nicole – we’re good.. We’re going to go far..
8:21pm Frank, Bridgette and Tiffany
Frank – I think it’ll happen Da’s going home..
8:36pm HOH Corey and Paulie
Paulie saying that Da’Vonne is not coming after them in the short term. Paulie says
Corey – you want to get Frank out next week is that what you are saying
Paulie says Frank or Da out next week
Corey – what if James wins and puts up Frank and Da
PAulie – that would be funny..
PAulie – as much as I want to work with Frank and do that sh1t..
PAulie can’t trust Frank
Corey is pissed that Frank threw their names “Out there”
Paulie says only 2 people have thrown their names “Out there” it was Da and Frank
9:00pm Nicole and Tiffany
Nicole says she wants to keep Tiffany but she has to make sure Tiffany is staying. She wants her vote to count.
Nicole doesn’t want the vote to me 4-3 and have her vote not count on getting Da out
Tiffany – Of course I would never want you to do that
Tiffany says she thinks they can sway JAmes. Nicole hasn’t been able to talk to him he’s been sleeping all “Dang daY”
Nicole asks if
Tiffany – Frank and Bridgette are on board and now that Corey and Nicole are onboard. . I only need one more.
Nicole doesn’t want her to throw the next HOH if she stays
Tiffany – I would be so grateful of you guys keeping me..
Nicole says she’s talked to Frank and they are on the same page.
Tiffany mentioning how Da’Vonne is coming after the showmances.
Nicole says Da was telling her that it’s Tiffany that is after the showmances.
Tiffany – she’s totally lying..
Tiffany says Da’Vonne told her ZAkiyah is getting too close to Paulie he’s got to go next.
Nicole says that it was Da’Vonne that was making Tiffany so paranoid. Nicole feels bad that Tiffany had to go through that.
Nicole – I don’t get if you two were working together why did she put a target on your back
Tiffany has no clue
Tiffany says she’s very hurt by Michelle she’s never said anything negatively game wise or personal.
Nicole – her feelings are hurt because you haven’t talked to her
Tiffany – you know what she said .. .out there.. She’s so catty
Tiffany explains that she told the kitchen she’s making burgers tomorrow. Michelle said “Yeah there’s going to be a major celebration tomorrow.. “
Tiffany – She thinks I’m going…Why do you have to be mean.. She really hurt me
Nicole- I know… i don’t thinks she hates you
Tiffany – I heard horrible things she’s said about me
Nicole- – I think she’s hurt.. I would maybe try talking to her and just see..
Nicole says she has experience with girls in the big brother house
Nicole brings up Christine backdooring her..
Zakiyah is with them now.. Telling them a lot of things in this house can be mis interrupted.

9:17pm MIchelle and Natalie decorating Pauls bed

9:18pm Storage room Bridgette and Frank
Frank is saying Nicole is going to work tonight…
Frank adds that Nicole will confirm with Paul and if they have Paul that’s 5 it’s a go. Nicole thinks James and Da’Vonne are tight. Frank and Bridgette don’t see it.
Frank – I feel good.. We’ll get it done..
Bridgette – She’s just so mean.. Especially to Tiff..
Frank – she thinks Tiff hate her too .. there’s something that has been said
Bridgette – it’s so hard having to lift her back up
Frank – we might have to send her home next week
Bridgette – OK
Frank – I would rather not
Bridgette – I would rather not
9:25pm Paul discovers the decorations
Paul – thanks guys i’m going to shove all these up my a$$ tonight”
9:44pm Paul and Michelle
Michelle asks if he knows where the house is voting..
Paul is saying people are voting Tiffany out 10000 percent
Paul says Da will team up with Frank’s side 10000%
Michelle asks about james
Paul never ever never ever never ever
James walks in
Paul – Say never”
Paul – Never
9:46pm Bridgette and Tiffany
Bridgette shares a story about how she lost alot of her weight when she was younger. Explains that she always felt sluggish and people would make fun of her. She did a detox where all she ate was veggies for 2 weeks. After that she got into being more active and eating more plants. The summer after she took care of her sick grandmother. She learnt a lot about nutrition during that ordeal that she was able to apply to her life
9:54pm Corey and Tiffany
Corey says Nicole is good.
Tiffany – thanks buddy
10:40pm HOH James and Paulie
Paulie is convinced Tiffany will be coming after him. Getting rid of Tiffany means Frank will be busy with Da’Vonne next week. They need to take out Frank next week if they don’t he’ll team up with Da’Vonne. Paulie adds he would be comfortable winning HOH and putting Da on the block
James hopes that the road kill is gone this week.
Paulie- the votes will be stacked better
James- so everybody is 150% on board with taking out Tiffany
Paulie says yes, “pauls like Tiffany has got to go”
Paulie – people definitely want Da’Vonne gone..
Jame s- just not this week
Paulie – just not this week
Paulie – my name is out there with three people that can potentially win.. The odds are low.. I don’t see Da winning I see Frank and Bridgette winning
Jaems do you really think Da would take a crack at you
PAulie- they will backdoor me.. The only votes I can rely on are you and Corey
10:53pm Bros Paulie and Paul
Paulie says the only person that can do something is Da’Vonne.
Paul – but she can’t do anything
They start talking about doing ting after the show… Paulie mentions stuff like rolling with a posse and his dad will roll with them. (lol) they just go on about business ideas etc..
Paulie – Sweet sixteens are cool but I would rather do bar mitzvahs
Bros #BB18 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/tqD7uC50jb
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) July 21, 2016
10:57pm Have nots Natalie and James
Natalie is saying she’s heard through Da’Vonne that Frank wants to target her, Corey or Nicole
James is saying that Frank is going home next week.
Natalie – why is he targeting me.. He’s so mean
Natalie – What did I ever do to him .. did you know this.. I wasn’t game talking..
James- we’re not going to let that happened.. You’re staying he’s going..
11:07pm Michelle and Da’Vonne
Michelle can’t believe BRidgette wasn’t even sad after BRonte went home , If her best friend went home on her HOH she would be crying.
Michelle points out how Bronte was the roadkill nomination wasn’t even one of Bridgette’s nominations.
Frank comes by says he’s had the Nasa hat since he was 7 years old.
11:42pm Barroom Nicole trying to talk Michelle into hanging out with Tiffany, Corey, James, Natalie
Michelle – I physically can’t (BE around Tiffany)
Nicole finally talks her into it but if Michelle gets too annoyed they can leave.
11:48pm Frank, Natalie, Corey, Michelle, Nicole, Tiffany, Frank
Chit chat… Natalie is trying on different things..
Natalie – I’m not popping out like a sausage
Da’Vonne talking to the camera.. says she came into the game wanting to play. She hopes it works out for her tomorrow. Asks her family to pray for her.
Natalie rolls in.. “What if me and James get married”
Da – It all started here
Natalie- we would be so cute.
12:00pm Kitchen Corey and James
Corey saying he’s not sure where the vote is hinting that it might not be Tiffany.
James – we should just have our own personal decisions see how it falls out
Natalie joins them.
Corey – Da hasn’t even talked to me that’s the weird thing..
Paulie comes down shakes James/Corey’s hands “Strength and honor”
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KEEP DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
love him or hate him…Frank is the only one playing the BB game this season. he’s the only one who is showing any effort in making this horrible season at least slightly watchable. Paulie and James are already showing signs of reality TV puppy love fatigue. Nicole has gone psycho thirsty for Corey.
I don’t like Paulie or Tiffany but they are definitely playing big brother.
I just want to see people make smart independent decisions. Nicole and corey are playing both sides of the house and I don’t like that they aren’t getting called out for it. Anyone wanting to flip a vote should send off alarms. The only way you want to keep Tiff is if Frank and Bridgette and Tiff offered you something. If Day is gone and they win that means obviously the rest of us are up. Common since for Zak Paul Paulie and even Michelle. Keep Da and Keep Frank. Sit back and watch them fight it out.
thats what day said last week for Tiff being kept. Keep her and let her go after and fight Frank “afraid to do her own dirty work, needed a blocker” look how that turned out.
i want frank, tiffany and bridgette(and rats nicole, corey) to be crushed into the dirt by the rest of the house…im talkin scorched earth mofo
screw the supposed underdogs in the house…if you want an underdog win root for glenn in battleback, needs 4 wins out of 4 to return
its clear production is paying nicole extra to majorly risk her own game to help frank
franks desperation is embarassing, begging to keep tiffany and stuck with bridgette, what a poor showing for his 2nd time
lets make it a rousso free zone
im rooting for the 7 of paulie, z, meech, paul, james, nat, da
You must be smokin some powerful shit! lol
I honestly cannot figure out Nicole when I watch the show tonight and saw her bawling her eyes out in the diary room I was honestly like embarrassed for her .she was like one of my favorite players her first season and I have no idea what has happened (she has lost her mind lost her mind ) I mean last night on big Brother After Dark she was bawling about Corey’s ex-girlfriend maybe she has some sort of big brother fetish she can only fall in love with men that plate big brother I don’t understand I really thought she came on the show to really go off of the money but I don’t know why in the world would anybody let Frank have the power to get Dave on out the whole point of getting Brontë out last week was to diminish Frank’s power but no let’s make sure we let Frank know he still running the house even though he is completely hated by everyone which he totally knows like I said lost their minds the whole house they have lost their minds . And I don’t know why everybody is hating on Paul he is making the game enjoyable he is hilarious to watch he’s 23 years old I honestly don’t think he cares whether he wins or loses I think he’s completely bored in that house with nothing to do and so he’s just going to do whatever he feels like and if he gets caught he gets caught and get sent home he was probably going home anyways so it doesn’t really matter to him . I love it going all over the house listening to everybody I guess he border making muffins so people need to stop hating on him he’s a 23-year-old kid at least he’s not throwing away other people’s cookies are hiding her stuffed animals are having birthday parties for stuffed animals yeah that’s really enjoyable to watch a birthday party for stuffed animal
Paul is kissing Pauline’s a$$ since his messiah and Vic were kicked out. He’s not talking as much trash like ripping his balls off or self evicting by going nuts on people like he said he would the first couple of weeks. He’s beat down. It’s sad. Going around baking muffins trying to hold on to what little dignity he has left. All that being self those first few weeks he showed his true self until Frank taught him how to play BB. Miscast. By the way Nicole is terrible
I agree it’s crazy that these people have feelings.
Some periods….
Some commas,,,,
Some indentioms..
Help us out just a little bit. Your post is a good but hard read.
Structured sentences and paragraphs are your friend.
Way to preach, teach. 🙂
I feel the same way about Nicole … She was my favourite on her season and I was soooo excited when she was back and now she is not at all the same person. If I was guessing the weird behaviour over Corey is really over Hayden, she still seems very hurt by the breakup and not completely over it, that combined with the rumours that Hayden cheated and is now engaged to someone else already is probably causing her to be drawn to Corey so she can prove she can move on as well, and shes acting crazy caus it’s not totally turning out how she wants (girls do silly things when they get hurt) anyway I actually feel kinda bad for her…
SAVE DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet another season Production is catering to and saving Frank’s Ass. This year it’s teams where 2 of his team mates were HOH 3 times and is is safe from eviction. So this asshole don’t even have to win comps this season he will let the other 3 on his team ironically the only team left with all 4 members win them to save him. So done with BB
See ya.
expect the expected this week. This season continues being a couples retreat.
Well, get yo ass to steppin, then.
Aww boohoo, things aren’t going how you want them to, so now the show is completely fixed? Bye, please don’t come back.
Follow me: CBS is worth $26 billion and the boss is Les Moonves, who is paid roughly $60 million a year. Of that money, Big Brother maybe generates a tiny, tiny fraction. It’s a summer special, with middling ratings….in other words, not a high priority, nor one with high expectations. In fact, I’d bet within CBS, it’s seen as highly protected from performance scrutiny for one reason: it’s hosted by Moonves’ wife, which means producers feel very little pressure compared to shows not starring the boss’ wife.
A half century ago there was a big TV game show scandal, Robert Redford made a movie about it, where a game show was fixed to make the better “stars” win. There were Congressional hearings and everything.
Now what you’re saying is that Big Brother’s production team would risk just one disgruntled employee, a player, a PA, a cameraman, etc leaking that the show is fixed in order to help it’s “stars”. They’d risk a scandal that would endanger CBS’ $26 billion and Moonves’ $60 million as suddenly every contest on CBS from Survivor to the NFL is scrutinized. After all, if they’d fix something of little importance, surely bigger games would be called into question. They’d invite Congressional hearings, a class action suit from all losing players that were cheated, an advertisers revolt having bought a game show that was fraudulent, and ruining not only Mrs. Moonves’ career, but certainly sinking their own….all so they can help players they like, players who don’t draw ratings, sell ads, and are basically replaceable on a no pressure, lowly rated, summer special.
Do you still think Big Brother is rigged?
It all depends on how the show is defined to the FCC. It’s not like a game show but rather a prize show like Oprah giving away cars as prizes and not gifts.
You have to be blind to see the show is not rigged to go a certain way. Big Jeff’s clown shoe, Chicken George wanted to make a stand and go on strike because the show was influenced and ask the others to do it with him. Production told them if they would do that then they would get rid of them. Americas player is a good way of them manipulating the game to go a certain way. Live feeds is a good example when the houseguest talk about production and let it slip how the game is manipulated the the fish come on the screen.
Blah, blah, blah…..atleast it entertaining and has people like you watching.
Well folks here we are…4-4 on the votes and James is the only vote that could swing. Guess what your “fan favorite” did last week James fans? He did what his daddy Paulie told him to do. Guess who ruined the full blindside last week? James.
Guess what James will do this week? What his Daddy tells him to.
Little turd man is making the season less entertaining for everyone.
Hate that little turd.
Pretty sure he voted to keep Bronte because of Natalie.
Actually Paulie told him what to do last week. When Paulie wanted to split the votes to throw off Frank he asked Paulie if he could be a Tiffany vote so he didn’t have to vote against Nats friend. No he has never done anything that Paulie didn’t ok. Like him all you want. The facts are the facts.
If he votes out Day tomorrow you can blast me. I know for a fact he follow the orders Paulie has given him and vote out Tiff. Face it he is Paulies little butt boy. You can have your own opinions but not your own facts:-)
You must be delusional if you think James fans are rooting for him for his gameplay… No ppl are rooting for James coz he s a nice, funny and pretty chill person and it s refreshing in the house full of paranoia and nastiness. James is not a good player, his only strongsuit is his social game and that he can win some comps..the only reason he ll go far is becasue him not playing is a lot better then some pppl trying to play…
I love James and i root for him, but I root for him as a person not a player…as a player I root for Paulie…he s hated(which I understan fully) and made many mistakes, but he s playing the game and has the biggest social capital of all the players… he is able to inspire loyalty that Vanessa nor Tiffanny are able to…and even tho ppl would be pissed, his plan of taking the bros far and then clippig off their girls is not impossible..Nicole, Z and Natalie wont be hard to get rid off so if he manages to survive few weeks he s gonna have a pretty good chance to win even tho he made a lot of bad moves, his socialbrogame might just safe his ass
Actually James is playing a good game. His strategy is to lay low and let the big guys battle it out and kill each other. He said that. He’s going with the people that are in power…and that’s Paulie. And what’s wrong with that? That will get him far. Playing hard the first few weeks will just make him a huge target, just like Frank, Paulie, and Day.
With that said, I do wish James would side with Frank and Tiff but that may not be best for his game.
Yeah I don’t get the massive love for James, he is number one fave on this poll and looks like he is heading fo another AFP again this year, seriously, the pranks Did get him most of people’s instant good grace, but as fans of big brother, I don’t see how anyone can truely admire him, he does know when to lay low and “throw” comps and has decent social skills but the man has no strategy, no flair, no percptivity….I get bored hearing him talk game as he only tells everyone what they want to hear, some may say that THAT is strategy but you just never know with some players unless they break the fourth wall and talk to us or explain it DR …..I feel like he might just be like that in real life, easily influenced and no decision making …
Then you did not watch what James did in his season. It seems you are just blinded by your ignorance.
James, James , James… You may have won AF, but what happened? You’re looking more like a love sick, skirt chasing, Pansy with not one ounce of strategy. Though you are playing (if that is what you want to call it) with “dignity”, do you not realize that these are not the same people as your season? If you think you are going to get AF again, you are sadly mistaken… Grow a set and play your own game… I am starting to think maybe you should have been on, “Real World” or something.
It makes for good drama, but this group just sabotages themselves each week. Da is no threat. She literally cannot win a competition if she had a 20 minute headstart, and her social game is just deflection of her own mistakes. It makes for good tv, but keeping a stronger player like Tiff in, is game suicide. They should have learned that from last weeks flip.
Makes you wonder if Production is behind half of this, because nothing seems to really matter to them but jury and television exposure.
Nicole wants to be liked by America and I think Production tipped her off that they are giving Frank the hero edit. She wants to be with the “good guys”
I’m with you on this, I don’t totally get their reasoning here. Every day they’re complaining that Da’Vonne lies, nobody trusts her, she can’t win comps, she’s too emotional and this somehow makes her dangerous. You’d think that if they truly didn’t trust her, that she doesn’t have a prayer to win any comps and she’s an emo drama-bomb about to go off that these would be reasons to keep her and send Tiff out. If she’s making things up left and right and is that out of control with nobody on her side, wouldn’t you want that? She’s basically a walking-talking target. One day she is dangerous and influential, the next day she’s an easy eviction…make up your dang minds already!
Everything you said about Da’Vonne describes Tiffany every week she has been targeted with the lone exception of this week. Even this week she is really only just on borrowed time with Frank & Bridgette… her current best case is to survive 2-3 more weeks tops.
Who is going home? (vote on a non-bias level)
Like for Tiffany
Dislike for Davonne
4-4 still
So the for to vote out Da are: Frank, Dora, Nichole and Corey?
I think they will send Tiffany packing
Corey is voting whatever Pauline what’s bc he is not board with Frank imo
I tried to be for Da’ but she had to go and be all extra. She started with the big lies for nothing and it’s come back to bite her. It’s because of DA that I’m even rooting for TIFF now.
The girls were really mean to her. Wanting TIFF to be shunned/ ignored is pretty hateful. I hope TIFF stays. She needs to catch a break. Da can go home for all I care anymore.
BYE TIFFANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Da’s hair whip end of tonights episode had me rolling!!!
When I heard people talking about the POV hair flip the other day I imagined her slapping Tiff across the face with some force.
Me too! The show tonight makes everyone who whined that the hair flip was “physically assaulting her” look like idiots.
That’s NOT hair, it’s ROPE, or a mop.
I read that she hit Tiff in the face pretty hard and they stopped and did another take on the whole ceremony. What we saw was the redo. Corey said something about how he had to do a retake of his entire speech on a live feed before he was cut off.
Yea I had to rewind it, I could not believe that was the assault people were talking about! Barely brushed her shoulder. Just shows how people blow stuff way out of proportion.
Its because no one actually saw it. You can’t see the veto ceremony on feeds. All people knew was that day “flipped” her hair at Tiffany and said “something” to her when she sat down. So people just ran with it.
I don’t watch the feeds but i think they are usually blocked for Veto Ceremony. It was Tiff that LIED and made a bigger deal than it was. Seems everybody in here jumped to conclusions because they don’t like Da’ for her constant lieing…Ironic aint it?
I guess we all have a bit of Da in us!
Is my fav! Please keep her!
I’m sure she’ll stay this week but won’t last long after that. Because she has two very loyal allies (Zak and Meech) and she is seen as the leader of that group.
Zak and Paulie never have any meaningful convos. She has no personality. Their relationship is based only on physical attraction. Absolutely nothing else there.
Zak hasn’t formed one meaningful sentence this whole season. It’s all just “no no can’t do that my momma taught me” or “yup yup I agree” There is no substance to her whatsoever.
Michelle I hate you.
Paul lower your voice. No better yet stfu.
K. I’m done.
I totally agree. There is no depth to Paulie and Z’s relationship whatsoever. Their conversations are actually hard to watch.
Zakiyah is a booty call that you can’t get rid of in the morning.
He won’t be able to resist her nightmare trap.
“You right” “you right” ” I got go cuz I got to fake a nightmare”
the whole team is safe needs to end its ridiculous one third of the house is automatically safe.. i would love to see tiff stay this week win hoh put up paulie and zakiyah and let the games begin
Evict Tiffany!!!
Because of the live feeds being down for so long after the show tomorrow, I am guessing it will be endurance. If thats the case, voting out Da would be good if you dont want her to return because I doubt she would do well in that. Hoping the returning player doesnt get a free week or an auto HOH because that would suck. I dont mind Nicole working with Frank. I wanted the vets to stick together from the beginning and DA is the one who screwed that up so … Im ok with her going… Im also ok with Tiffany going.. I really dont like either of them. Im thinking James might do well in endurance especially if its something where they stand on a little plank … natalie might do well in that too. Ready for some switch up in the power. Paulie and his power trip has drained me.
ummm NO Frank screwed that up when he outed the 8 pack and started chumming up with Bridge, Bronte, Nat and Paul…and telling each person to target the next…then Nic started putting Corey above all of them…James was the last one to bail in the vets alliance…but who could blame him..Day hasn’t said one bad think about Nic or for the most part James
Da’Vonne has been talking about the showmances and how they need to go. Granted she mentioned trying to pull Nicole back but Da was irritated about being the fifth wheel in that alliance.
Fifth wheel is the best wheel.
isn’t that the spare that never wears out, but jumps in when in need 🙂 I look at the “5th wheel” as a lifesaver 🙂
Unfortunately, DaVonne rubs my last nerve. I think she has tire rot and will be no help. What does a tired do when it has tire rot? it blows up.
What’s up with Zach speaking with that accent? Stereotyping nail salons? That not very nice and she wouldn’t like anyone stereotyping her would she?
I’m daddy to everyone in house! I was bred to win, lead, and create fake showmance/bromance. Better not piss me off or else. #STupidASS #Can’tWaitUntilURGone #Delusional
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Who says they were “bred” for big brother? Lol. That guy is seriously delusional. Power tripping little Napoleon.
Corey is such a frat boy-in the WORST possible way. Just listen to his BRO stories. Nicole doesn’t even know this guy. Luckily for her; he is just using her. Not a nice guy but what’s worse is he doesn’t have a clue that he is such an ass. #DIM #noSelfAwareness
Apparently also doesn’t have a clue that Nicole doesn’t have a d**k.
When Bridgette told tiff to ignore the mean people and have fun her stock went up. I think she can hold her own and won’t let anyone intimidate her. I hope she wins hoh and goes after Day with a vengeance.
Bridgette complains about mean people now, conveniently forgetting that she used to be part of the mean people alliance at the beginning of the show.
OMG .. Please someone put a towel in Paulie’s mouth! What a delusional braggart. WTF…if u are so successful-why are you living with Mom and Dad. How about you create grids and start handing out ur business cards! STFU
Just watching tonights show – Paul and his muffins. They looked very good he should be proud of them. I have baked muffins twice since his first batch. Prior to that I was on a baked butter tart kick I baked them weekly.
I meant on a butter tart kick
As long as they keep on recruiting these house quests the show will continue to go down hill.
Whoever is praising Tiffany’s game needs to chill. Honestly…. she hasn’t done anything. Tjis week has been a total comedy of errors!!! Da got herself a nom for crying because Tiffany’s paranoia made shit up in her mind. Da on the other hand is paying for the plan that she herself put in other people’s minds: keep Tiffany and let her go after Frank. And the house is considering the VERY SAME STUPID STRATEGY again. LOL! Well, does anyone in here have any doubt that Victor is coming back?
I think tiffiny should stay and team with michelle ,frank ,james ,natalie,and corey then they would have the numbers to get out paulie and paule and. alline with whoever wins battleback to get out Nicole and za whatever her name is.next they go for michelle followed by frank.
I can’t see Michelle and Tiffany working together. Corey’s staying with Nicole for the time being and whoever comes back will more than likely be an easy target of the week.
“I don’t talk a lot of game, you know, 100%, I just sit back and observe, 100%, you know what I mean”
We, you know, have to take out Tiffany, 100%, you know what I mean”
“ya know, 100%, you know what I mean”
“I think I will, you know, grow my beard out more, ya know, for next week, 100%, you know what I mean”
You know? You know what I mean? 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%…. (random Eminem lyrics)… you know… 100%…100%… you know what I mean… 100%
….that’s all I hear when Paulie opens his mouth
“At the end of the day you’re 100% correct”!!! I wish they would come up with their own lingo and no I don’t mean “friendship or pissed”!
Why is james listening to this numb nuts??? (Paulie) He just keeps talking and talkin and talkinnnnnnnngggggggg. Somebody slip him sleepin pills or something…. Your killing me smalls!!!!
I really wish Tiffany would stop with the “Michelle won’t even talk to me! What did I ever do to her?” carp and just go talk to her. Every single time she starts up I just want to reach through the screen, grab her shoulders and shake her. Girl! We get it, you don’t understand her! You don’t know what you could’ve possibly done to deserve this from her! Hey, here’s an idea, put your big girl pants on and go initiate a conversation about it, because for goodness sake you’re an adult! You would think that after last weeks fiasco you’d be able to do what you did with Frank and that’s seek her out and talk. I can understand feeling like you shouldn’t have to go to people for help or info. after the way you’ve been treated by them but this way of thinking isn’t doing you any favors. Nobody wants to be your messenger and Michelle isn’t going to come to you, so be the bigger person and handle it or just drop it already.
Talking to Michelle could have gotten her that elusive 5th vote to take out Da. These dufs play too emotionally. For 1/2 mill I would kiss up to little Ms. Meanie I don’t care if she was already planning my exit party. Tiff has put her whole game in Frank’s hands but he can only do so much.
I almost (don’t lol) feel bad for Michelle with the whole not being able to sit in a room with someone you don’t like and all. That’s kind of an important life skill to have as a grownup in my opinion. Her future world is going to be a small one if she can’t figure that one out. Game wise it could also come to bite her in the ass. If she keeps it up, she’ll isolate herself with only a few select members of the house. As the numbers dwindle, she might be forced into making new allies in order to advance in the game, and not even being able to fake it could eventually be the reason she gets clipped.
The best move for the house right now would be to get rid of Da. If they get rid of Tiffany, she’ll win the battle back in most likely, and Frank will definitely know it’s him and Bridgette against the world as I don’t feel like Nicole and Cory will vote out Da despite what they say.
So, vote day out, make frank think the house flipping last week was a one time thing, and make him feel comfortable going into hoh. Because frank on a mission is not good for the house.
That is a funny thought! OK keeping Tiff backfired on the get out Frank plan because now he knows we all want him out. So we flip the script and keep Tiff like we should have kept Bronte last week so he won’t see it coming. Sorry Da you started this mess so you got to go.
Soooooooooooooooooo did I really just see Nicole giving Corey a helping hand under the covers? Because WTF. Nicole seemed surprised when she looked right at the camera wondering if it had been watching them, because ya know, you’re on BB in a house with a million cameras watching 95% of the house which definitely means you have privacy. And then I was definitely surprised when Frank spoke up because all I could see was Nicole and Corey so I assumed they were alone, but hey, guess not lol. If Frank and Tiff were in the room the entire time I truly hope they heard those two, good grief @_@
Watching live feeds, makes me dislike Zakiyah more and more. She is the “second the motion” woman. She don’t have any game move. She can’t win competitions. All she have to do is put her make up on for hours, tap her hair and SCRATCH her hair. Can’t remember when but shewas wearing her swimsuit carrying that giraffe almost all day… She doesnt even know how to swim.
I like Paulie, but if he say type thing one more time I’m going to scream!!
In the poll I could not even pick 1 fav. I did like Da but after watching her practically double dog dare Tiff to nominate her now not so much. Da is too rigid to ever be a successful player. I don’t really care for any of the girls. Some are mean and too boy crazed for women their age and others too willing to let the man do their thinking for them. The guys are just as bad. Testosterone fueled self proclaimed bad a$$e$ or lackey b*tt kissers. Frank has somewhat redeemed himself and at least he is playing strategically. He is willing to sit down and have a dialogue with those he has fought with. (Da could take this play from his handbook) I just wish Frank wasn’t so gross. I for one do not care who goes and can’t wait for this HOH to end. Hope things pick up next week with the Battle Back and new HOH, hopefully someone we didn’t expect could win.
I do agree with Frank that getting Da out before Jury is best for the guys game. I see her being very bitter and voting for a girl just because. She sure does a lot of screeching and finger waving in the DR for someone who has not won even one comp. in two seasons.
The more Frank campaign to keep Tiff, the more people can see that it’s for his benefit and his only and not anyone else’s . He’s ruining his own game plan
I hope that Robyn Kass cast some females next season that want to play BB and know how to play and win competitions instead of worrying about being in a “Nomance” as Simon calls it
Kass casting is a complete joke and an abject failure. Mark my words, it will be the eventual downfall of this franchise. The way they do the casting calls is an absolute joke and it’s getting to be where all they do is recruit young good-looking kids who are idiots and have no idea how to play the game and only begin to watch the TV show when they are in sequester. I understand that there is a need for a little bit of that element in the cast but they don’t even try anymore!
Get somebody in there that’s willing to do the job right because she and her staff/company suck a bag of d*cks. Long-time viewers of this show are getting tired of this every year. And I think it would be one thing if I was only one of the few people that thought like this, but if you look at social media and websites and feedback about the show year after year it’s the same complaints. Many feel this way. If we wanted to watch the Real World we would tune into MTV.
*Ring Ring*
Frank: Hello?
Grodner: What’s up man, let’s do chill town 3.0
Frank: Uh, okay..
Grodner: Da’Vonne is going home! Point. Blank. And the Period.
Frank: Thanks ya weirdo
Most boring BB ever. Only interesting thing so far? Bipolar Tiffany playing whack a houseguest. Changing who is “in to get her” this week! They all are dufuss! Its a game. Showmances gallore. Puppets. Crybabies. But no villians. Boring.
Frank don’t need to be in jury. He will be going around smacking the girl’s asses and calling them sluts.
When I watched Wayward Pines last night, I realized the female Abby looked like Tiffany. Check it out, it was the eyes, they looked crazy.