“I think Tyler is a sweet sweet baby… he’s a gentle sweet bird.. a wounded bird”

POV: ? Next POV: July 28th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 30th
HOH: Bayleigh Next HOH: Aug 2nd
Noms: ??? Have Nots ?

Big Brother Spoilers – 2 of Brett, Rachel and JC are going up.. For sure Brett.
(there’s been a lot of conversation going on tonight.. and yes fes and Bayleigh are still up talking game. I will be updating this post with everything so make sure to come back.. )

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2:14pm Bayleigh and Fes HOH

They talk about her getting “.08” in the HOH competition
Fes says he knew she had won HOH when she found out her score.
Bayleigh says she feels sorry for Kailtyn’s boyfriend..

Fess – are you telling them you are putting Brett up
bay – no I didn’t tell Angela anything
fes – just your safe
Bay – yeah

Bay – you know from day 1 I lilke Nagela I’ve always liked Angela
Fes – I like her now that i’ve gotten to know her
Bay – she’s a good girl and I get what you are saying non one has touched her and she’s been laying low on purpose
FEs – I love KAycee too and I love Rachel..
Bay – if Brett goers home they won’t have a touch
Fes – no I want Brett to go home .. they just can’t skate by

Fes says those three girls are on vacation right now
bay – they can be shaken up
Fes – right now they are so comfortable.. week after week they are eating their popcorn
Bayleigh says she blames this all on Kailtyn if kaitlyn had stuck with the plan they wold have taken one out before but Kailtyn decidec. to go after Swaggy
THey talk about pulling JC in and finding where his loyalties are.
Bayleigh – the only thing that pisses Rachel was not excited I won HOH

Bay – when I was in the bathroom.. Rachel literally.. I said something nice to rachel and rachel got an attitude about it liek the hosting thing
Bay – like ohh who are you going got pick to host and I was like well Rachel and rockstar didn’t get to go it’s between them to
Bay – rachel was like Ohh Rocktasr didn’t get to tgo so she can have it
Bay – she was like ohh excuse me I’m sorry
Fes – she took itperionally
bay – yeah she took it perosnally and she left.. I was liek Really i was just makeing a joke..
FEs – so yo put up Brett and Racehl.. or Brett and JC..
Bay – I won’t put up JC
Bay says worst case scenario she’ll use her power and “put them back on the blocik”
FEs – if POV is used?
Bay – Scottie ?

Bay – what I might do I put up Brett and JC and if veto is sued I’ll put up Rachel those are the three..
Fes – but brett is your target..

2:16pm Bayleigh and Rockstar
Bay – you know who is my target it’s the same as your target..
Bay is just trying to figure out who to put up next to Brett asks RS what her opinion is.

Rockstar – Tyler is a wounded bird right now
bayleigh – I’ll say this, I told Tyler I’m giving him a week off..
bayleigh – Tyler is not an option when I was down I never wanted any one to kick me..
RS – that is what i’m going to say to you he really is a wounded bird right now(good god you people)
RS – at first I was he was a devious mastermind but now I think it’s her.. I don’t think he has anything
Bay – I think Tyler is a sweet sweet baby
RS – I think he is.. (something snarky from simon)
RS – I don’t think he has anybody fooled.. he’s a gentle sweet bird..
they laugh that Scottie is a evil genius but he’s there evil genius.
Bay – I’m leaning.. my two options are between Rachel and JC..

Bayleigh says JC has talking made sh1t about rockstar
RS – really …
Bay – easy. not like I hate her more like ROCKS she runs her mouth too much she needs to chill.. like you know what I’m saying.. I will say you run your mouth too much but I don’t like it when other people are saying it..
Bay tells her she needs to watch JC he’s not in her corner as much as she thinks he’s in her corner.

Bay – you are not going up this week.. you are not the replacement. Your kids can rest assured their momma will be staying
Bay – I need ou to go further in this game because I need you to have my back
RS – I do
Bay – I know you do
Bay – i’m giving you a pass I need you to watch and be observant.. watch people who they are hanging out with … what they say when they think nobody is around..
bay – what I observed this week was actually alarming, people are not as predictable as we think.. I want you and haleigh you are my babies my eyes and ears.. I want to know what people are saying
bay – as long as it’s not too crazy I’m going to let it be like water off my back.. I’m not like Kailtyn

Bayleigh wants to treat them like advisers, “the more advisers you have the more wisdom you have”
Bay says she’s wants to set them all up so they are good next week.
Bay says if there’s a battle back and Swaggy comes back before her HOH his over ‘Y’all won’t see us for awhile”
Bay – like for awhile.. that’s my boo .. like I’m so torn.. swaggy could be at home with another little hoe.. I would kill him .
Bay – I will find her, hunt her little butt down adn I will hurt her.. (what about him? doesn’t it take 2 to tango)
Bay – I will cut you
RS – I would love to see my babies don’t get me wrong.. I didn’t throw it I wasn’t like .. I wasn’t really going for it.
Bay – the only person I was ok losing to was ROCKS.. I got POINT O 8.. that was my comp..
Bay – I want to see where JC’s head is at.. I need to know JC’s loyalties.. I need one of their numbers to go .. you know JC’s erratic, he runs around talks to everybody
Bay – he never gravitated towards me..
Bayleigh says JC never liked Swaggy, “I don’t know if I trust him”
RS – he’s not trustworthy.. his strategy is floating..
bayleigh – throw his a$$ on the block lets see how far he can float
Bay – if I throw two boys up all the girls are satisfied
Bayleigh – Rachel can always be a replacement nominee..
RS – right .. what are you going to do. that is what I was thinking
Bayleigh =- put up JC and Brett put up Rachel as a replacement.
Bay – you know Fes is hardcore JC fan
ROCKS – I know

Bay – with JC who else is putting him on the block..
Bayleigh says if JC has a power they can flush it out now..
They talk about how Kailtyn was able to really screw with some of the guys in the house.
Bayleigh says Kailtyn “has some mad issues.. girl was doing all kinds of crazy stuff
RS – for real for real
bay – for real for real
RS – I want to start working on Sam to make sure she’s not putting us up next week.
Bayleigh says she loves Sam.. “Sam isn’t someone you want to be final 2 with Sam will win every time.. ”
bayleigh warns that Sam may come after people in their group like Haleigh.
Bay doesn’t think RS has to worry about Sam, “continues to build with Sam she’s a awesome girl I love her to death
Bay – I’m not touching Sam is my life my love my little sweet heart.. she great.. ..
RS – I don’t want you to touch Sam.. i’m just working on something with Sam..

Bayleigh – I think Tyler might have a power..
Bayleigh says KAiltyn has been pulling all this crazy drama and Tyler probably got a lot of air time.
RS – I think JC has a power

Bayleigh says the people she’s “Rocking with” are ROCKS, haleigh and Fes



2:33pm Rachel and Fez Geometry
FEs – there’s not sides anymore..
Fes says it will be hard this week because last week they all came together to get someone out but this week is not tha case.

2:46pm Bayleigh and JC
JC – first off congratulations..
JC – I’m going to be honest with you I’m not really worried.. we had our differences we worked it out but when it comes to game I’ve always appreciated you… .you were never in my mind for people I would put (on the block)

JC – I’m not worried I hope you feel the same way
Bat – I don’t want you to go home and I don’t want you to be a target .. I’m actually weighing my options
Bay – I need to know where your head is at.. I need to know where your loyalties are at.. because you are friends with everyone JC.. I need to know if moving forward you will be loyal to me and make sure I got further in this game.
JC – that was always the plan..

Bay asks him who are his people “I know you are close to Rachel I now you are close to fes.. Sam”
JC – I totally saw myself working with Sam but after I saw that .. I mean I love her and I’m going to be nice..
Bay – I need to know where your head is at.. who is your friend.. I don’t want to use you as a pawn but I need to know you are with me
Bay – who do you think has your back 100%.. JC real talk
Bay tells him she doesn’t want to use him as a pawn but she needs to know he’s with her, Not with fes or the other side.
JC says he’s with fes, bayleigh and Haleigh. “I’m sorry I’m not down with ROCKS”
JC says Rockstar has a really bad game..

JC says he was working hard to get Kaitlyn out he was the one that made the vote unanimous it wasn’t fes. “I worked my a$$ off it felt like I was in a job”
Bay – I don’t know where you stand you’ve been playing the middle..
Bay – I don’t want there to be sides but you haven’t picked where you stand
JC – this week I’ve made it very clear..
Jc brings up Bayleigh has her side..
Bay – STOP saying you guys I’m not on a side..

Bayleigh says she was never part of Swaggy’s 5 person alliance, “I never got to choose I would have never chose Kailtyn.. moving forward I need to know who has MY back”
JC – I am working you you and stuff..
Bay – where are you standing withe everybody else..
JC – I don’t want to throw names around.. I don’t have really any names..
JC stresses no one have ever has said her name..
Bay – that makes it so hard for HOH I don’t have any enemies..
JC – I know
Jc says his biggest fear would be something like last season happening..
JC brings up last season when Cody left they “Bullied the F*” outta Jessica last season
JC – if I was HOH this is what I would do..
JC – I mean I shouldn’t tell you but this is what I would do
JC – Two scenarios..

JC – going for blood and listening to fes.. doing something crazy .. go for it.. go for something kinda crazy.. like blood people that haven’t been working with me.. that don’t have your back for sure
JC says Fes and JC have her back for sure..
Bay – promise me
JC – I have your back..
bay – who do you think Flkipped
JC says ROCKS is throwing everyone’s names out
Bayleigh tells him she’s not putting up Rockstar that’s her girl
JC says she needs to listen to the people that have her back for sure “You only have HOH for one week”
Bayleigh – you are everywhere
JC – I’m not only talking to yo to save myself.. Not only do I want to be safe this week I want to be safe for next week.. until 5
Bay – nobody wants to be sitting next to you JC
Jc says this is the best HOH because it’s the last person going before Jury.


Bay – everyone trust you JC but I have to make sure.
JC says he doesn’t talk game to Brett or Rachel “Doesn’t happen”
JC – Two names I have no connection with.

Jc – I want you to play this smart.. I don’t want you to put someone that will be a big assets to our game.. I wouldn’t want you to put up Fes..
Bay – of course not
JC – Not Angela..
bay – I like Angela
JC – She threw me a commetn the other day.. she feel sliek with Rachel she cannot be herself..
Bay – I can tell because Rachel is a a lot
JC – I feel like Tyler will be an extra assets to us
Bayleigh – I told Tyler he’s good.. He cried to me when teh vote was over.. I think Tyler could be an awesome guy ..
Bay – him and I have had talks.. he’s a really sweet baby
JC is positive that the four of them can work together Fes, her, Him, Tyler and Haleigh
bay – that’s 5.. you can’t have too many people ..
bay – next week depending on who wins HOH we need to stick together

JC – have you heard all the things going on right now about the kaitlyn stories..
JC says Tyler isn’t working with Rachel, Brett or Angela.. start working with people that are trustworthy..
JC says that people think Scottie flipped the vote today..

Bay – you have a power
JC – no , I thought you had a power after our discussion
Bay says she doesn’t have it
JC – I really thought you had it
JC – I think Kailtyn had one..
Bay – well she’s gone..
JC – it’s gone.. I think Brett.. i”m just throwing names right now

JC – I’m telling ou straight up I’m down with working with you.. I’m down with working with fes
Bay – I need to know you are not coming after me
JC – If I win HOH I will go after big targets in this house that are beneficial to go for my game..
JC – I don’t want to work with Rockstar (who would)
Bay says she knows Fes, haleigh and rockstar won’t put her on the block. Bayleigh adds that she’s friends with Angela too and knows Angela won’t put her up .

Bay – you need to establish loyalty..
JC – I feel like I did it last week
bay – you did what to fes not us.. I kneed to know JC will never turn on me
JC – I will never turn on you.. top 5.. .

JC – I don’t want people to use me as a pawn
Bay – I don’t want to use you as a pawn..
Bayleigh says people just don’t know where JC is at.
Bay – I know how it feels to be loved by everyone in the house

Bay – that girl was a witch (kaitlyn)
JC – that girls is a mess…

2:46am Haleigh and Fes
Fes asks her who flipped
Haleigh – I don’t know .. Tyler..
Haleigh – Scottie.. how do you know..

2:53am Rachel Kaycee
Rachel is nervous..
kaycee – we have no idea what she is going to do ..
Rachel – I know.. I’m just so sick of us not winning
Kaycee – yeah
Kaycee – we’ll win it when we need it
Kaycee says good thing it wasn’t Scottie that won. bay winning is the best case for that side.
kaycee thinks Tyler is going up.. (didn’t you hear he’s a wounded bird)
Rachel – the only person she consistently throws out is Tyler and Kailtyn.. now that Kailtyn is gone.. Tyler and who? I really think he’s going up..
Rachel – you are the one that can really get to her.. I love Angela but did you hear about her talk.. it was really great we squashed the beef
Rachel – I was like what about… (the team)
they both agree Scottie was red and flushed when bay won HOH.
Rachel – f*ing snake man..
Rachel – I know for a fact he gets into power one of use is going up..

Rachel – we should have kept kailtyn.. glad I was right.. fes saying if it was Kailtyn still here she would be going up..
Rachel – ok thanks
Rachel – I had a shield and that shield is kaitlyn..
Kaycee thinks JC might go up ‘they’ve bumped heads a couple times.. could be BRett and JC.. ”
Kaycee thinks it will be 2 of JC, Tyler and Brett.
Rachel – we’re still losing a number


3:04am ROCKS and fes

Rocks says she’s thinking of JC and Rachel as potential pawns..
Fes – one of them has toe see the block. (the three girls)
Fes – I love them as people..
RS – she’s not putting Kaycee up
fes – or Angela .. or Sam
RS – I told Haleigh to work on her relationship with Sam

they talk about how Kailtyn hugs Tyler and said thank you thinking he was the only vote to keep her.

Fes hoped that Kailtyns plan was all along to play the guys and she’s sitting at home thinking well it didn’t work.
fes hopes she’s not still emotional about it she was playing a game “The house made a decisions for once”
ROCKS – yeah that was pretty cool (A tie would have been cooler rocks)
Fes says Mouths dropped across America when he said “Don’t you have a boyfriend”

feeds flip…

3:21am Rachel and bay
Bay tells her she’s putting up Brett.

Bay – you were annoying in the bathroom.. don’t be annoying.. that pisses me off..
Rachel – Brett would be an easy one to throw up.. he’s already been on the block..
bay – since there are very clear sides in the house.. I know people will pick someone else over me..
Bay – since Swaggy left I don’t have a ride or die.. I have to make sure what I do leaves me in a safe spot…
Rachel – you are good with me always.. you aren’t someone I wouldn’t even consider.. I love you and I love we connected in the HOH room

Bay – i’m going to be actually completely blunt with you nobody has said something specific about you..
bayleigh says the people that aren’t with her are talking about how none of the 3 of them have every been in jeopardy. .
bay – Scottie did tell me Scottie flipped the vote on Swaggy wearing the saggy shirt.. and I think Scottie flipped the vote on Scottie.
bay – to me it would be better to backdoor him than put him on the block..
Rachel – you are looking at a pawn
Bay – I’m anti pawn the pawn goes home..
bay – I talked to all the girls and I know there’s an all girls alliance and people are serious about it. I don’t want pawns and not be able to secure the votes..
I don’t feel comfortable throwing two boys up…
Bay – I haven’t talked to Brett and I haven’t talked to Scottie yet..
Bay – I had a talk with Tyler I’m not going to kick Tyler when he’s down.
Rachel says the one person in the house she doesn’t have a connection with is ROCKS.
Rachel – I’m not very close to Haleigh but Haleigh would never be somebody I would come after.. I’m here for bigger fish as you are too
Rachel tells her if bayleigh and brett were on teh block she would vote Brett out
aby – would you
Rachel – YES honest to god I’m serious
Bay – but you wouldn’t put him up..

Rachel pulls out the bible she would.. . “I don’t want to be put up as the pawn”
Bay – I don’t want you to stress out number one and I don’t want you to put yourself into a negative space..
Rachel – say you put me and Brett up together
bay – you have all confidence in staying of course..
bayleigh says she needs to win a competition “you’ve been holding yourself back on some”
bay – I’m not against throwing two guys up period.. but I need to know I won’t shoot me in the foot later..
bay identifies this is Rachel’s game too and she won’t throw her up as a pawn flippantly

Rachel is trying to come up as an alternative, “What is your relationship with same”
bayleigh – so good.. she just pinky swore today she was going to get a tattoo of a sun flower and put my name under it (damn)
Rachel whispers JC

Bay – jc talks to everyone in this house..

Bay – JC as a pawn or you as a pawn.. if I put JC up I have to have your back.. If I put JC up he’ll be pissed and running around the house with my name in his mouth.. i’m will to take a risk..
Rachel – what about Angela as a pawn.. or are you not comfortable with that
bay – I don’t thinks so..

Rachel – you feel like it’s safer bet to have me up there over Angela
bay – at the same time I don’t want to lose the trust hat we have
BAy – the only person in this house I’m not sure what they will do is Brett and scottiee..

Rachel – what if you put up a weaker player next to brett
bay – like who
Rachel – Rockstar..
aby – I can’t put her up
Rahcel – in her pleas to people she offered to be a pawn
bay – she offered it to y’all not to me
Rahcel – do you have the third power
bayleihg – no
Rahcel – that bothers me because I don’t know who ash it.. nobody has told me …
Bayleigh says JC says she doesn’t have a power
rachel now claims that JC had the second power because he told he.. (lol)
rachel – it’s expired.

bay – I think Tyler has one
Bay – Scottie is dangerous he’s been lieing.. I’m not his target.. I know he’s shady and I don’t like shady people.. if anyone take themselves down he goes up …

Racehl – he terrifies me.. he’ll probably come in here and promise you the world.. he flipped on the votes.. he’s not to be trusted.. have you noticed how he was afterwords.. he was flushed red.. during the HOH competition he was like really intense..
Bay – Fes told ne he wasn’t excited..
bay – he told me he flipped on swagging. because he wanted to get the third power and ratings and viewsRachel ewwww.. .
aby – of course he’s nervous and he should be
Rahcel – I dn’t feel comfortable goign up as a pwan.. if that changfes let me onow let me sleep on it..
Bay – If I put up Scottie and Brett someone is coming for me so I need y’all protection..
bay – JC will flip ou t
Rachel – it’s good for you game.. hoenstly..
bay – I need to thinking about it.. none of things I say is finale I need to talk to scottie and Brett..


3:43am Scottie and bay

Scottie says he thinks it was Rachel that flipped the vote “I don’t think it was a point of malice.. ”
bay – do you think it was to frame Tyler
Scottie – no ..
Scottie think sRachel is just friends with Kaitlyn

Bay – you are freaking crazy you do a lot of weird stuff.. I trust you .. you need to be Team bay,.,. even if you flipped on my love.. it wasn’t cute and it wasn’t funny..
Bay warns him if he croses her – I will gut you inside out and I will lay you intestines out..
Bay – where do you and Tyler stand where do you and Tyler stand
SCottie – I talked to Tyler once this week..
Scottie says he didn’t talk to Sam.
Bay says she’s not putting him up …
Scottie – you have the 4 with you and you are also working with the 3 girls.. Tyler, JC, Brett and Sam pick any of those four
bay – if I put JC on the block he’s going nuts…
bay – I’m not touching sam.. I like Tyler.. i’m not touching him he’s a wounded bird.
Bay – I want Tyler to have a good week this week.. that would only leave Brett and JC..
bay – do we keep the three girls together.. that’s not a good thing
Scottie – I agree. but you can’t be the one that puts you in a bad spot

bay says if she puts JC up they all have to have her back.
Scottie warns her that JC tells Fes, Him and her the same thing..
Scottie thinks they should wait until Scottie wins HOH next week to take a shot at the girls..

bay – I can put up JC and Brett they can get over it..

Bay – listen I see right through your crazy weirdo ways.. I know who you are and I know what you are trying to do.. I get you.. turn on whoever you want just don’t turn on me..

Scottie- I’m telling you you four are the ones I’m sticking with.. (haleigh, RS, bay and FEs) )
Bay – no more flipping back and forth..

bayleigh says someone told her when she won HOH Scottie turned red and was nervous..
Scottie denies it.. says haleigh, Bayleigh and Rockstar are the three people he’s told everything to.
They agree Angela is laying low.
bayleigh makes him put the hand on the bible..
Scottie- I swear that I am not goign to flip on you in my eval genius ways.. If Iw win HOH next week I will put anyone and everyone up except for the people i promised loyalty to

Bay – OK put your hand on my bible ..
He swears to put anybody up next week except for the people he promised loyalty to. (haleigh, Fes, Bayleigh, Rockstar)
Bay – Ok.. take you’re hand off my bible.. you’re crazy.. (she’s pretty rude to Scottie)
Scottie – I also swear I voted Kailtyn out this week
Bay – our meetings is adjourned you better go away.. you better say thank you.. if this week goes well and there’s no battle back you are in jury hoe..  get your evil a$$ outta here.. Find someone me someone else to torture

3:55am Brett comes in..
bay – tell me some of your crazy thoughts
Brett – I don’t have any crazy thoughts. I’m going to keep this brief
bay – here comes the pitch.. (LOL people have been warning her about brett’s pitches_)
Brett – we haven’t talked much game.. I Don’t know if that is good or bad..

Brett – I’m wondering where your head is at
bay – I won HOH for fun not for serious.. now I am stuck with responsibilities. I have no idea what is going to happen.
Bay – I want however I put up to play, win and not kill me. that’s like literally my only thoughts.
Bay says everyone in the house is her friend and deserves to be here. (let me see your tax returns before we go that far.)
Bay explains to him that she was drawn into the side alliances because of Swaggy. She doesn’t appreciate not having a chance or a choice to in who she’s with

Bay – like before there was clear sides I’ll tell you the same thing I tell everybody else
Bay – when I cam in here I connected to two people Angela and Swaggy. When I walked in like me and Angela were friends and I literally thought I was going to hang out with her all summer.
Bay – Swaggy did that I was going to hang out with him and that immediately shut down the whole summer.. I didn’t get to pick there was a 5 person alliance in this house I wasn’t a part of it I just got dragged in because Swaggy was like oh.. this is the one i’m riding with.
Bay – immediately drew lines down the house and I didn’t appreciate not having the chance a choice or whatever so at this point I don’t want it to be ok lets choose sides.
Bay – loyalties are already established and we come in late not knowing where I lie.. that leaves me on the outskirts of everybody.
Brett – I feel like me and you are the only two people in a similar spot where I had 1 person and that’s it now I’m s sitting f*ing duck
Bay – yeah

Brett – I think you and me could go far in this game and we could do well together
Bay – I think that’s true but I think there’s so many people in this game that you would choose over me. that’s the part that sucks..
Bay says last week she heard a lot of people saying that Brett is promising things to them.
Brett – if I’m gone whose the target
Bay – exactly.. and that is what i’m trying to figure out
Bay says putting Scottie and Brett up is an easy out for her.
Bay says she’s playing this game as an island.
Bret6t – I agree as a second Island I would love to join with you
Bay – yeah
Brett – I’m a sitting duck now and I got drawn in because of Winston and not my name is in everyones mouth.. it’s a easy target.

Brett says he respect her decision this week he knows it’s a game.
bay – you are so classy

4:07am Kaycee and Bay 
Bayleigh says she trust Tyler “This week told me a lot about Tyler”
Bayleigh says Tyler told Kailtyn the only person she can trust is Bayleigh
Kayceee – ohh nice … he told you that
bay – no Kaitlyn did

4:48am fes tells her that the only two people he doesn’t talk game to is Anegla and Kayce he wanted her to help him smooth thing over with them.

Fes doesn’t want JC nominates..


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68 thoughts to ““I think Tyler is a sweet sweet baby… he’s a gentle sweet bird.. a wounded bird””

  1. My favorite feed moment so far this year is fes dancing and taking a break to eat his eggs.. damn… that’s me.


    Own it wasn’t on the feeds :0

  2. Simon….I initially skipped over that baby bird conversation but went back to watch after your post included it. Tyler is jumping back to my #1 after realizing he has them so snowed. He is crazy good at this game!

    Faysal-OMG His dance moves are…..interesting. I also think it’s hilarious that Faysal is so confident that he and JC will play Amazing Race. That would be an interesting duo, for sure!

    Bayleigh’s allergies are ridiculous. I feel for her, but that nose snorting is gross….and SHE got after Faysal over using a tissue. Ironic! I really hope she blows her nose away from the microphone, since i know cameras will be on her constantly until next Thursday.

    I don’t know about you, but I need a nap!

  3. why is fess so dumb at this game? he really trusts Jc. he is in for a rude awakening when he gets out of there. lol. he also thinks with scottie and fes on the block that jc would go. why is he so stupid? Jc is the best to go because he is a rat. competition wise Tyler and Bret are the biggest threat. Her best play is to get Jc out. only Fes would be upset. 2nd best person to leave is Bret, then Angela, Tyler, Rachel

    1. Except Fes is her best friend in the house and the only one who knows about her power. No way she upsets him.

    2. i meant to say with scottie and jc on the block, fess says scottie would stay. Fess is an absolute idiot. i hope bayleigh puts up jc and bret. its better for jc to go. however rachel and bret going up is not a bad thing. L6 loses another one

    3. My order would be Tyler, Brett, JC. Tyler was going to put her up that first week! How quickly one forgets. Stupid girls get dazzled by his goldilocks looks. I’m a girl btw.

  4. So sick of L6 losing every week. Tyler has been the only one in that alliance to win a damn thing. Ug. I’d love to see Brett and JC on the block and somehow Brett stays and JC is sent packing. But really, L6 you must win something!

    1. Agreed. I really want to root for them as an alliance but except for Tyler they have won nothing! They can’t expect to stay intact much longer if they keep it up.

    2. for her game, its best for bayleigh to take out jc or bret. those 2 would put her up. i prefer jc to go bc he is a rat and is major to l6. but her taking out tyler would be epic in backdoor. hopefully jc being nominated will make him spill the beans about tyler. he wont see it coming. lol

    3. Here’s the thing, I think Kaycee, Rachel and Angela are all slow playing it. The fact Kaycee was off the wall before Kaitlyn hit the ground tells me she was just waiting to make sure no one was left that couldn’t be managed for her. Tyler may also not be trying as hard anymore since apparently even the mob was forgive him if he was caught with a truck of their money while ratting them out to the feds.

  5. I don’t get why Bayleigh and et all still think there will be a battle back, but the only name they mention is Chris’. So odd to me.
    Now that Kaitlyn blew her solo comp I’m guessing there may be a battle back with the first 4 jury members, but I doubt it. We shall see.

    1. Won’t be a battle back, Julie revealed who voted for who and other game stuff to the evictees, as well as we know they are back in real world already (i.e. not sequestor). That wouldn’t happen if there was going to be to this point. They could plan to start one going forward, or starting with jury, but everyone out so far is gone for good.

      1. Deep, super nerdy analogy, but excellent one. Fessy’s Wisdom would be -3.

    1. If L6 doesn’t start winning HOH’s I’m afraid Tyler will go out by way of the back door. So far, his gamesmanship has carried them. He has turned manipulation into a graceful dance. Tyler knows when to push and when to pull. So far, he has been faithfully protecting his original L6 alliance without giving up his own game.

      I admit my guilt in assuming Tyler would be the stereotypical beach boy on day one but he has consistently been my favorite in the BB house. I do hope he’s there for the long haul. If the rest of L6 doesn’t step it up, I wouldn’t blame him for jumping ship.

    1. I know!!!!! How easy was that puzzle?! Her spirit guides really let her down (LOL). Hot Mess.

      I don’t really believe there will be a battle back. At least, I hope not. I do think there will be a double eviction at some point.

      Tyler is the Master Mister! I think he’s going to take the title from Dan. I just hope that Bayleigh isn’t going to put him up if the veto is played. She promised him safety but….this girl is playing the game! Since Swaggy’s gone, she has really stepped up. She’s the only one who thinks Tyler may have a power app. IMHO, however, I could do without all the violence talk. Am really glad that she’s going to put up JC. After the vote last nite, he has proven he can’t be trusted.

      Let’s hope that was the last “house vote” for this season.

      1. I agree with you. I start to love Bayleigh and then she just flips a switch. She will suddenly just turn on the people she calls her friends (even Swaggy sometimes!). Maybe it’s just a defense mechanism, but it’s really off-putting.

    2. I’m thinking production was sitting there thinking as the clocked ticked down…she’s gotta make it…we made it as simple as we could without it having knobs like toddler puzzles…she’s got it together on the floor with plenty of time! Wait, why is she’s crying?! Just reassemble it on the pedestal! Can’t we say close enough?! Oh crap…

    3. Kaitlyn’s spirit guides were high on peyote this whole time. A two year old could have solved that puzzle last night. Best guess, she torpedoed a double eviction this week.

      Tyler is going to win this game. I have not seen someone shovel so much snow since Dan. Even Bey thinks he is wounded by this most recent eviction.

      Holy cow!!!

    4. No joke. Their lack of planning really cheated the viewers from seeing a much anticipated exit interview. Not everyone takes the time/or has the time to go online. After all, doesn’t everyone want immediate gratification!!

    5. Production wasn’t expecting an evicted houseguest last night which is why I think a jury member may return to the game. Either that or their won’t be a double elimination night. They have a schedule to keep!

  6. Tyler, Bay and JC are killing it. They are playing the best game right now and deserve to be final 3. Although he ran a good game about his Kaitlyn depression, Bay isn’t totally fooled by Ty. She’s the first one to think he has a power…she doesn’t underrate him. Playing the middle usually comes crashing down around this point in game, but Tyler and JC have juggled it magnificently. I thought JC blew it with his strong anti-Kaitlyn play last two nights, but he had a plan and keeping the dolts confused by the votes continues to keep alliances weak. And getting Swaggy out was best thing that could have happened to Bay, she was underestimated and pitied long enough to stay out firing line and now has a chance to rebalance power in house. Someone said this was bad HOH for her to win, but I disagree. This is a great time. Someone else did the dirty work of cutting out the cancer that still lingered with some on their side in Kaitlyn and now she can set the tone with her side for the stretch run.

    Excellent season, good to see this game can still be entertaining when people just play well and they don’t have to type cast roles in house to be personalities or bring back past popular ones. Whoever recruited this cast, great job, hope they stick with them.

    1. Things sure change fast in this house, but as of what Bayleigh said last night, she wanted Tyler to have “the entire week” to recover. She doesn’t want to “kick him when he’s down, just like nobody kicked her when she was down”. Dear Lord.
      Poor broken little newborn bird that he is… 😉

      1. But she has assigned her minions for the week to go out and gather information and keep eyes out for everyone. If they see anything or hear anything sketchy with Tyler, I can totally see her go back on it. Hope not. But no telling with those she has tasked to be her eyes and ears.

    2. I don’t know. He reads the room pretty well. He can use his app to keep from being the replacement nominee. Can’t he? He’s my favorite and I don’t want to see him go but it would be a big notch on Bayleigh’s belt. You couldn’t fault her for that. This game is crazy though. I could see them quietly working together.

  7. Bay is really clever with her words. She sees right through JC tactics. Brett already knows that he is a sitting duck. Tyler is really good at this game …everyone trust him.

  8. I’m so happy for B to win the HOH! Hope she is not gonna be another Sam or Kaitlyn and get manipulated like a puppet lol I think Sam was the most boring hoh so far. As long as Brett Angelo or Rachel goes it’s all good for her game. She cannot trust Angelo or Rachel at all. Hope she remembers the other side voted Swaggy out . Yes Tyler is hot lol

  9. Tyler is going to win this game “poor Tyler” wtf lol he was the one that evicted your boo Swaggy with Kaitlyn’s help! If Bay does not want Tyler up she’s gotta put up JC and Brett. JC is a snake in the grass, come on Rachel is not a threat! I like Fes but he is clueless to this game, but at least he’s trying to play the game….I agree that Rachel, Angela and Kaycee are floating around, I want a player to win not a floater!

    1. There is nothing they can do about it. Tyler has immunity for another 4 weeks LOL B needs to focus on the trio rachel, angela and brett. Hope Brett and rachel get evicted. Yes FEZ dances are damn hot!

      1. He doesn’t have immunity for the next 4 weeks. His power is to play it before the HOH picks. So unless he know ahead of time, he could still go up.

        1. His was the weakest of the 3 powers. He has to make his choice before the HoH makes the noms. If he doesn’t, he’s screwed. If he does and wasn’t going to be a target, he wastes it. Bayleigh’s has the potential to really screw someone over and Sam’s could have been much more effective if it had been picked last and was still sitting around these couple of weeks.

    2. Tyler did get Swaggy out, who he should have used as a shield. But he had thought he had Kaitlyn for that. Now Kaitlyn is out and Tyler is basically up a creek without a paddle. I think it’s funny that he is trying to re-vamp his image as the nice guy after a month of being a slime ball.

      If he gets to the finals now it will be because someone took him under their wing and carried him there. All of his moves so far in the game have been to other people’s benefit. Brett, Angela, Kaycee, and Rachel played him like a fiddle. They got him to do their dirty work and Tyler is oblivious of it. That doesn’t exactly say winner, but stranger things have happened.

  10. I feel sorry for that poor wounded bird.. so sweet so so sweet.. like a golden retriever.. a wounded golden retriever and a bird..

    1. A golden retriever’s hair is straight though. There is a curly haired retriever breed though so that can work=)

    1. Can be used once
      Is good for 8 weeks
      makes him Immune from one nomination ceremony or power of veto veto meeting. he has to use it before the Noms or renom is called.

      1. Thanks. So if Tyler doesn’t used the power before sunday nominations and B nominates him he could get evicted. OMG Thanks for the info. So B has the most powerful power. Sweet. Hope she uses it during double eviction vote.

  11. Odd that we have bible oaths in a game. Gods all about B.B., I’m sure, but that’s a bit cavalier. They can’t all have her back forever; it’s a damn game. Someone will go to hell (giggles). I’m all about the pinky swears tho.

    1. I strongly agree!! I would never expect anyone to give up practicing their religion (unless it involved blood sacrifice) or bible study in the BB house. Game wise, please leave God out of it. If he’s watching BB, he is probably more concerned with some of the other activities and JC! Stop swearing on your families.

  12. Bayleigh is almost as psycho as Kaitlyn. She is talking about cutting any woman that Swaggy might be hooking up with. Last I checked you 2 aren’t married and like Dawg said “it takes 2 to tango”. Why do women always want to hurt the other woman and not the guy?
    Also Bayleigh loves Angela so much right now, but wait until she sees what Angela and Rachel were talking about that one night.
    Making people swear on the bible doesn’t mean jack shit. Not everyone is religious Bayleigh.
    Last, I think Simon will have to have a counter for all the time’s Bayleigh calls Tyler a wounded bird.

    1. Yes, not everyone is religious, but Scottie is. Not that he is showing it, but I bet he was deeply offended by her making him do that, and then calling him evil as her last remarks to him. I think it was smart of her to call him out and just let him know that she sees him. Bay has been drawn to people like Scottie and Angela who play this game in a smart way, which is what she no doubt wishes that she had done from the beginning. But she better be careful, or she is going make herself a target to them without realizing it.


      Bayleigh: “If I don’t nom JC, THAT LITTLE THING has to be loyal. If he runs around talking, he can be the replacement.”
      Bayleigh: “JC is annoying and offensive. If he says one more offensive thing to me, I’m going to step on him.”
      The comment about gutting people and laying out their intestines is proof that Bayleigh is MORE psycho than Kaitlyn. She’s just not very entertaining. Gutting people and implying that little people are insects to be stepped on if they don’t advance your game is way beneath the greatness that was Kaitlyn.

  13. Hmmm… I wonder how a very religious guy like Scottie is taking being called evil. Those girls need to be more careful with their words or they are going to turn him off. And from what I’ve seen so far you don’t want to be on Scottie’s bad side. Sure, he’ll be nice enough to their faces, but will quietly get them out of that house the first chance he gets.

    The girls have been impressive this year. The way that they have stayed cool with their day 1 alliances but also all have a backup plan is smart game play on all of their parts. It’s funny how the way that Angela, Kaycee, and Rachel are working them Bay, Haileigh, and Rockstar are working them right back. All in all they are all the strongest women that BB has cast in a long time.

    Tyler no doubt is sad, but only because he now has to rework his final 2 speech. He big game move had been Kaitlyn, and now the dumby is screwed. Level 5 is going to soon be Level 4 and his in the middle alliance with JC, Sam, and Scottie has no real bond with him. He has played a showy, cocky, young guy game and it is quickly going to catch up with him. He should have been taking notes from Haileigh on how to navigate a house of much older, wiser, experienced people.

  14. So, they had “a practice run” for the hoh before actually doing the hoh. oh. the hornet’s nest poking part of my sarcasm says ‘oh didn’t they like the original outcome?’
    Weirdly, it may have been the wrong time for bayleigh to have won hoh. She’s only been playing a middle of the house game for one week. Not long enough to cement that position.
    last night sam complains to herself that they’re all going to take away her new friend. This morning she’s making breakfast in bed. Okay, that’s taking it a wee bit too far.
    wounded… baby… bird… whoa. i guess from her congestion they aren’t giving her enough allergy meds that i could blame.
    If bayleigh didn’t catch on that fes is waaaay too attached to JC (pushing her down another notch in the fes priority list), she just isn’t listening. But fes handled Swag’s eviction so poorly, thinking his best friend put his best friend on the block and that’s not what best friends do to best friends of their best friend… how would he handle his best friend (repeat last line) yet again?

  15. There’s so much talk about Misting- is there a possibility that it’s really just a clever act to get Tyler to relax enough for her to put him up as a backdoor? Sort of a “you got nothing to worry about, Sweet Pea. You’re safe until it’s impossible for you to not be when you’re BD’d”? I think Bay’s clever enough to pull it off…

    1. I think so. She knows everyone in the house talks, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s keeping that for herself and hope he doesn’t play in the POV. If he does, then no one can tell him he was the back door. Now, will she mention it if he doesn’t win POV and someone does come off, then he could use his power. We will have to see…..

    2. Even if she could get Tyler up without him using his power, who would vote him out. He has so many people who like him. She would have to have Angela up against him so the girls would vote to keep her and not him. I don’t think anyone else up against him would see him walking out the door. It would not be in her best interest to be the one to take him out. If she can make him feel safe around her, then he won’t gun for her. Her best bet is JC and Brett and that would mean JC walking out the door.

  16. Is it just me but this season is kinda boring. Sure the votes have not gone what people thought but the bonus apps are lame right now. No playere coming back. Kinda losing interest here

    1. I think a lot of folks are enjoying the active gameplay/game involvement from many houseguests. While some of the crazy, zany antics of previous years may not be occurring it’s still fun watching people actually looking for a path to the $500K and not just jury. I’m sure there will be some more fireworks soon.

  17. If bay put scottie on the block omg!! It will be so amazing.
    Brett for pov!
    J.c v.s brett
    I think it will be up so sam’s vote..
    I belive tyler and kaysee will convice her to keep bret..

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