“I promise you Terrance, Kyle has betrayed that girl way more than I ever could.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Big BroChella SIDE

Brochella HOH (Inside the House):  Michael
TEAM BroChella:  Brittany, Jasmine, Monte, and Taylor.
Nominees: Jasmine and Monte
POV Players:  Michael, Monte, Jasmine, Brittany, and Taylor
POV Winner: Brittany
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  None this week

Dyre Fest SIDE

Dyre Fest HOH (Backyard):  Terrance
TEAM Dyre Fest: Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle, and Turner
Nominees: Joe and Turner Kyle
POV Players: Terrance, Alyssa, Joe, Kyle, and Turner
POV Winner: Terrance
Veto Ceremony: Terrance used the power of Veto on Turner.
Havenots:  None this week

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7pm Backyard Terrance and Joseph
Joe – I am on the downside like the same way if I walk in there which I’ve got a plan. Like the same way if I would have to front and protect y’all. He knows I can do it because I came out here. He seemed a little more perceptive (receptive?). He said Alyssa told me at this point bro no one wants me to know I am going home. He will be more honest with me than you. Alyssa told me I can respect everything you did as a player. She was like I think you did a great game. She was like I am so sorry. It was like it was a lot to take in. She said I think you betrayed me but Kyle did worse because you and me never talked like me and him did. She was like I just want you to know that I am not just gunning at you for everything that happened. Which if that is true, then I should hopefully have her vote. I promise you Terrance Kyle has betrayed that girl way more than I ever could. Terrance – cause remember neither one of them are really talking to me like that or letting me know what they’re moving with just yet so. Joe – yeah so I am going to pull you three together one more time pitch this last .. you and Alyssa bro like .. you made a really good point to me like what why? Why you? And I am going to show the same way I came out here and I was willing to go home for those two to reset the game. I am going to do the same thing for you and Alyssa. And I think you know no matter what Kyle tells you he would never do what I would. I am thinking of a way I can ensure you two.. if I have to leave next week. Terrance – right. Joe – and I am thinking of a way that I can ensure you two don’t leave next week. Terrance – I am telling you I am great at playing this game .. like you think this formula that I just pulled off out here. I would go in there and just really go crazy.. But no one would pick my brain to tell me what they’re trying to do. Joe – that’s what I am going to try and do. One thing I am going to try and do for you Terrance.. even if it costs me my game. I am going to give you that second chance and if you do… when you do bro I hope you are up there so that at least I could get some credit that you helped you to the end. I do believe in you. If I have to in order to smoke you and Alyssa.. I was like I can’t see my self saving Alyssa. Its because the whole time I was thinking about saving myself. My game is gone. I am going home.. so I need to be willing to do something that Kyle isn’t willing to do. He has Alyssa as his plan-B. I am going to be really with you, I don’t have it. Terrance – if you can get Turner to flip.. that’s what I need. Joe – I will and I promise I don’t care what Kyle. I am going to give you that… Big Brother switches the feeds.

8:07pm Alyssa and Terrance.
Terrance – the thing with me is there is no point to having a one on one with me. I don’t have a vote. I am not here to sway any of you. I will talk to know how you guys feel. I think we have a solid plan. Alyssa – why were you upset earlier? Terrance – Because he was irritating me. Get the f**k out of here. We was just like Bro you got me f**ked up.. Shut the f**k up with this goofy sh*t. Alyssa – oh okay, I am glad you’re not mad at me. Terrance – mad at what? Alyssa – I don’t know, I was like what kind of snack would you want. And you were like I don’t know.. Doritos?! I was like damnit Terrance is upset with me. I pissed him off. Terrance – we were talking about what ifs.. and I was like I don’t have a vote. Without one vote, you have nothing. Alyssa – He was trying to get in my head ..he was like you need to vote with Turner and Terrance.. Big Brother switches the feeds.

8:20pm Hammock – Turner, Kyle and Joseph.
Kyle – I think the worst part about being out here is the ants. Joseph – the bugs do suck. Kyle – I really don’t mind the food. I can’t believe Brittany and Taylor avoided being have nots and.. Joe – this! Kyle – Brittany avoided all the punishments too and this. Joe – I am the opposite. I hit every punishment and got in here. Kyle – Brittany is out here playing her best game. Joe – yeah, she hit the block twice I think. Turner – yeah maybe three times. Joe – I wonder how Michael would have played without Brittany. Turner – I wonder how Brittany would have played without Michael. Joe – that too. Turner – a lot different! Joe – oh yeah. Turner – I don’t necessarily see what advantage Michael gets from Brittany but I DEFINITELY see the advantage Brittany gets being next to Michael. Joe – yeah, yeah for sure. I guess maybe a number.

8:40pm – 9:26pm Inside the house Monte is teaching Jasmine how to play chess. Meanwhile in the backyard – Joe, Turner, Kyle and Alyssa are playing corn hole.

9:35pm Alyssa and Kyle.
Kyle – I feel like you’re on one tonight .. you’re just wild. Alyssa – I am just really bored and not happy. Kyle – why? Alyssa – because this sucks! Kyle – is there something going on? Alyssa – no. Kyle – are you sure? Alyssa – I’m just paranoid. Kyle – you talked to Terrance. Alyssa – I asked him why he was upset today and he said Joseph was irritating him. He said he was pissing him off. Kyle – oh okay, perfect! Alyssa – he said my best advice is to just chill. I just feel like I want to go back inside. This is fine .. we just have nothing going on. Kyle – there is nothing going .. I am just nervous going back in as four but its fine.. Alyssa – I hate that you can’t even lie next to me in bed. Kyle – I can’t .. his (Terrance) big pitch is the showmance so I don’t want to make that any worse .. you know what I mean? Is that alright? Sorry. Alyssa – yeah. Kyle – this just sucks for me. Alyssa – does it? Kyle – yeah. Alyssa – tomorrow is our last day out here…. last full day.

Inside the house – Jasmine and Monte still playing chess. Monte – 10 o’clock? Everyone can go to sleep now. Backyard – its Chinese Checkers time.

10:30pm Kitchen – Monte and Jasmine.
Monte – what do you think is happening on that side? Jasmine – I definitely think its going to be Kyle or Joseph. Monte – you think so? Jasmine – yeah, I really do. Monte – I think so too. Jasmine – because you just think if you didn’t get HOH, why wouldn’t you make that move. And I think he (Terrance) really likes Turner and he likes Alyssa. Like why would you waste you.. like I can’t even see that. Monte – yeah I do agree. Jasmine – it depends on how the veto went.

11:32pm – 11:47pm Bedroom – Taylor and Brittany just laying next to each other not saying much. Taylor – if anyone takes out Michael before final four… I would say the fans are going to hate them. Brittany – yeah. Taylor – like how people loved Derick X on his season… and I think Sarah Beth took him out. I think people liked Sarah Beth until that point. Brittany – I got a feeling that Michael is really liked. I mean how could you not, he’s a nice guy and a comp beast.

Meanwhile out in the backyard – Turner, Kyle, Alyssa and Joseph are chatting about the past evicted house guests. They start building a fort.

12am Backyard – Alyssa, Turner, Terrance and Kyle.
Terrance – I am going to go in there quite and sit in my car like normal. I’ll come out and talk to people and that’s going to be it. Kyle – I was going to say if you and me are all of a sudden super tight its going to be obvious. Terrance – yeah it would look weird so I am going to keep my same normal behaviour. Turner – they’re definitely going to want to pull as much info as possible. Kyle – like we have to be on the same page about details. Like we came out, we didn’t talk… there was no privacy or anything. Joe didn’t spill the beans about anything. He took that .. like the Leftover stuff with him. Like these guys still don’t know. Terrance – I was real secretive about who I put up. I won veto and made my own decisions. Turner – would there be an reason to say you put me up and then Kyle …or just.. Terrence – they don’t know none of that. Kyle – yeah because Joseph will be gone, you could say that you put me up from the beginning or whatever. Terrance – that will even f**k them up if they find out I put you up from the beginning. Like we tried to get Alyssa out.. I’m sorry .. like that’s what they’re expecting.

1:20am – 1:55am HOH room – Monte, Michael, Jasmine, Taylor and Brittany are hanging out chatting about random things.

175 thoughts to ““I promise you Terrance, Kyle has betrayed that girl way more than I ever could.””

  1. Yay! So glad the rumors are true. Here’s hoping Kyle gets the boot. I want to see audience reaction if he’s voted out. But If Joe leaves, the rest of the LOs will know Kyle is not loyal and he should be next out unless he wins comps.

    1. How would they know he’s not loyal? They are saying that inside, but only to give themselves justification to take him out.

      Bottom line, if anyone of the LOs that are inside now were out outside instead with Terence as the HOH and Veto Holder, everyone of them would be in imminent danger and would be doing exactly what Kyle and Joe are doing…fighting for their gaming life. If the inside guys don’t see that, it’s because they don’t want to (and don’t really care, they just need ammo).

        1. The annals of Big Brother are flooded with “loyal” players that didn’t win Big Brother.

          The point of the show is to win. I agree with everyone that loyalty is important and a vital character trait. But in BB, loyalty will almost always leave you mouth agape and saying “what just happened?!”

        2. Wow – Nothing like assuming facts that aren’t in evidence – facts that haven’t even happened yet, and may NOT even happen!

          Given Terrance’s position in the house, why would he go in there and spill the fact that he knows they are all in an alliance against him? Yeah, they may go after Kyle first, then they go after him the week AFTER they get Kyle out, so he goes out 7th instead of 8th? Doesn’t it make more sense for him to try and work with Kyle, Alyssa, Turner and hopefully Michael and Brit to try and turn the game around, get out Monte and Taylor, and then go from there? At least then, worst he finishes is 6th, with a chance to improve that finish depending on how things go in the next few weeks.

          If he does what you say he will, he will cement his place in BB history as one of the dumbest players to ever play the game. Information is gold in playing BB, so he needs to keep that to himself, if he can (Turner may tell, if he decides he’s going to continue working with the inside crew, which I suspect he most likely will, but that’s Turner – not Terrance).

          1. It is always good to have a target in front of yourself. Keeping Kyle works for two reasons. After Joe goes out they target Kyle not Terrance. Also, at least Kyle came clean with him. Has Joe done that yet? Keeping Kyle benefits him more than Joe. I think anyone sees that because even if he gets out Kyle, Joe is still there to target him. Kyle on the other hand would be aligned with Terrance. Makes no sense to get Kyle out from Terrance’s future game.

            1. I hope after this, everybody stops calling Terrence “Couch2”. He came in with a disadvantage, being so much older than most of the others. But the man, although struggling, is doing what he can. He’s done more this week than younger players have the entire game.

            2. Kyle will be aligned with NO ONE besides Alyssa. He has already proven that the showmance is what he is really playing for. That makes him a lousy player.

          2. Terrence will tell also. After all, look how quick he told Joseph. He couldn’t keep that secret. It was clearly eating him alive to tell it so he could bask in his temporary glory.

        3. Actually it was Joe who was not loyal to Kyle. He couldn’t care less if broke up Alyssa and Kyle to what? Save Indy? Really?! Indy is no stronger of a player than Alyssa. The move did not need to be done. Neither won anything. They should have respected Kyle’s wish to not back door Alyssa instead of the Bullying. I honestly think Kyle would have voted Alyssa out as long as he was not the deciding vote, but Joe and the others wanted to make Kyle the Villain. That was wrong. I personally don’t understand the people on this site. It reminds me of the season when people were wanting Mr Pots and Pans to win. I’ve learned to see people live in two different universes.

          1. I could barely watch that season {Pots and Pans}. I taped it and fast forwarded some of it. He irritated me and I was just watching.

  2. Unknowns:
    Turner’s actual position or intentions.
    His personal attachment is closer to Alyssa, but his game thus far was Pound 100%.
    He is least attached to Britt (he barely tolerates her more than he tolerates Jasmine).
    Before going outside, he was good with targeting Michael and Taylor at 7. Once nominated Terrance made the list. Now he appears to be in on this alliance deal with Kyle and Terrance with Alyssa. Before feeds went down he was cool with final 3 with Kyle and Alyssa, he didn’t mention Terrance.

    That’s all I’ve got. His actual position and intent won’t be known unless he does one of his Megan shoutouts in private, and I don’t see much private happening.

    1. If Turner DOES turn… Taylor has herself to thank for it. Sorry, but remember big idea #1 and #2 of her HOH? Offer all the girls safety so Turner has to be a pawn?
      Yeah. That.
      I kept saying last week: Turner remembers.
      I’m starting to say to myself more and more, what incentive does he have? He has more incentive to stick with Kyle (his final 2) than Joseph (Monte’s final 2 and Taylor’s pal), even knowing that Kyle blew up his game plan. Was it his preference? Nope.
      Then again, everything depends on HOH.
      If One of the Brochellas wins? He sings hoping to stay off the block as a pawn.
      IF one of the Dyre wins? He’s not touching the block.

      1. I’m curious as to your thoughts on how Kyle was nominated?Terrence big move,Turner talking himself off the block,wall yellers,production influence?How will prodo storyline this backyard mess?

        1. This was always the plan

          “I’m the tie-breaker and I send Joe on his way… I want to be the disruptor” **Updated** August 20, 2022 Simon 105 Comments
          9:06 am Terrance alone on hammock
          Terrance – even if Turner wins and takes himself down put up Kyle Turner votes out Kyle, and Alyssa votes Joe.
          Terrance – I’m the tie-breaker and I send Joe on his way. That’s the plan of the day people
          Terrance – What serendipity go from being on the block 4 times basically not placing in comps to winning the HOH and taking out a BIG target. That’s how life happens. My favorite saying in the whole wide world. Anything can happen. Anything happens all the time.

        2. I’m not sure how Terrance thinks but maybe he put Kyle up to take the heat off of Kyle going back in the house. It would have looked suspicious to the insiders if Kyle was not on the block. Just my thought.

          1. No, it had to do with Terrences promise to Turner. That he would keep him safe. That’s why he took him down and put up Kyle.

          1. You are so right. Joseph had thrown himself several times to protect his alliance. Too bad Kyle doesn’t have a loyal bone in his body.

          1. kyle’s easy to sway. you just convince alyssa it’s a good idea. if taylor, joe, and monte had spent last week convincing her terrance was the target and she should switch places with indy to apologize to taylor, they maybe actually get her out last week.

      2. Loyalty! Taylor showed none to Turner (who basically saved her ass during his HOH), nor to Kyle (her alliance member who she tried to strong arm into using the veto for petty reasons) and it’s been discussed by you, me and others how important that is in keeping an alliance strong. He knows of the discussions to get Kyle, Taylor, Michael and Monte out both at 7 and before then, so he knows there were already cracks in the LO alliance before the split, not to mention the problems and lies from Joseph from his “spying” work on TOS.

        When they reunite and it’s confirmed Jas is gone and with his new bond with Terrance and Alyssa, it only makes sense for him to see who the power goes to this week, and then make his decision accordingly – he’d be a damn fool not to.

        In other words – GREAT POST! I agree with you 100%! Your logic is spot on, and I just don’t see how anyone could argue with it.

    2. Does it really matter what Turner does? Alyssa votes to save Kyle. Turner votes to save Joe. Terrance breaks the tie. I am not sure why Terrance keeps saying he doesn’t have a vote.

  3. So Terrance feels that Kyle is using Alyssa, and playing her?

    Is Terrance hoping Alyssa and Turner vote to evict Kyle, if they don’t will Terrance evict Kyle instead of Joseph?

    From the conversation Joe & Terrance had, I’m not 100% sure, but I thought it felt like Terrance is leaning more to working with Turner, Alyssa & Joseph?

    I can’t wait to see the show tomorrow night, right now I don’t know what’s going on.

    I’ll say this, it seems like outside has been way more interesting, then what we have had to suffer with being bored with the group inside the house.

    I’m cool with once everyone is back together inside the house, Jasmine is gone, and Hopefully Kyle is gone, I have no problem with Joseph, Taylor, Monte or Michael being the targets.

    That will make good TV.

    1. I don’t think Terence wants anything to do with Joe. Just giving him lip service. He’s there for the $$, he’s not there to white knight Alyssa. Even if he was upset about Kyle’s treatment of Alyssa, he wouldn’t vote Kyle out on Alyssa’s. behalf just because Joe says he should. That would lose Alyssa’s support and trust moving forward.

      And I’d like to think Terrance is smart enough to know Joe will jump right back to Monte and stay lit and be gunning for Terence after the merge. Alyssa votes to keep Kyle. If Turner votes for Joe to stay (I doubt), then T will probably send Joe packing.

    2. Michael gave Terrance his marching orders. Target Joseph. That’s all Terrance knows as he isn’t much of an independent thinker. Joseph will have to work a miracle with Turner to get his vote. Turner is hard to read as someone else said. So, there’s that obstacle. A showmance is a good target to hide behind if you trust the twosome. Terrance isn’t bright enough to understand how invaluable he will be once they’re back inside.

  4. I honestly don’t get all the hate for Jasmine. Aside from her ankle injury that she obviously milks. She seems like a genuine nice down to earth person. Also people who rag on her accent and say it isn’t real. Obviously aren’t from the south or have ever visited there. I’m from North Carolina and they 100% talk just like she does. She only amps up her accent and sounds a lot louder on the live show with Julie. Other than that, it’s 100% real. You can tell if you watch the feeds.

    1. It’s not hate, see’s annoying as all gitup’. Her DR and live show accent is indeed fake. As you stated she intentionally makes it super thick, says silly ass crap and doesn’t talk that way on feeds. Fake.

      I live in the south and while I know people with real thick accents, those accents remain pretty steady when they talk.

      That foot sprain is a bunch of BS too. Fake. Production had to take the scooter away she was overplaying it so bad. I think if she had a paper cut she would try and use that to stay off the block.

      Her mean girl attitude blows. She is not her other house guests and expects them to wait on her without reciprocation.

      I could go on but ain’t nobody got time for that.

      1. Not just those things…many more. She actually had to have someone wipe her ass and why was that necessary with a sprained ankle? Did you also notice that when she walked, she never bent her knee. Was it sprained or torn up too? She takes everything to the extreme. Not a great vice to have even if you’re not living with a whole house full of strangers. I would have called her out long ago on all her crap. Number 1 reason I would never tryout for the show. Yes, I have been labelled “Does Not Play Well With Others”!

    2. It’s not her accent. It’s her personality. And attitude. She has a sense of entitlement that only people that have had terrible roommates can understand. Until you have to live with someone who never does their dishes and always have something to complain about you won’t understand. And “milking an injury” is not something to ignore. It’s a disgusting thing to do for attention.

    3. She’s a nasty person, always trying to put down other women to make herself feel better, the opposite of a girls girl. Also she wants to cheat on her husband with Joseph…. she sucks.

    4. have you noticed that her accent is very, very slight in the live feeds but heavy heavy in the DR?? That, alone, is bothersome. Also, she hides food for herself, does no work in the house, doesn’t even make food for herself, and milks every issue in her favor, and talks incessantly. Irritating is as irritating does. i don’t know that it’s the best move to kick her out for all of that but I’d have a tough time living with her. Probably targeted because she isn’t part of the LO

    5. I have lived in the south my entire life (Tennessee and Georgia) and while some people do have some pretty thick accents, the whole “chicken fried steak” and “chicken wing” thing she does with Julie every week really just rubs me the wrong way. What, is she going to eat her or something? That is NOT the way to compliment a woman on how she looks, IMO. And you do admit she “amps up her accent” – why do that? To sound more like a hick? It makes all southerners look bad, especially given what she says with that amped up voice.

      Then there’s the way she expects everybody to wait on her hand and foot. That might have been acceptable during the first week of her “injury”, but the time for that passed long ago – and the hiding of food and her claiming that house food is “her” personal food is just unacceptable in a situation like they are in where everyone has to share what is brought in for the entire house.

      She just comes across as being very entitled to me, plus she seems to be trying to play a character, probably in an attempt to get invited back onto The Amazing Race (like THAT’S going to happen), and she’s shooting herself in the foot (no pun intended) in trying to do so. It’s just way too much, all the house guests have said so, and about 95% of the audience agrees with them. It’s way past time for her to peg leg it out of there.

      1. Amen to that. Born and raised in Tennessee, and we definitely do not talk anything like her. She is playing up all those antiquated sayings as if she just walked out of a Mark Twain novel. Utterly ridiculous!

    6. I agree. I don’t understand it either. I heard someone call her the ultimate floater which is far from the truth. She won an HOH and targeted Pooch…which was big at the time. She also has an alliance she was loyal too. The alliance did not work out, but she was loyal to it. Jasmine is not even close to a floater.

    7. She was a mean girl with all the rest.Remeber she lied.Taylor ask to cook my food feeds drowned her skin her to do it

    1. He is not a rat. Joe, Monte and Taylor all showed their true colors trying to bully him into BACKDOORING his girlfriend. Yes, Kyle was caught between two alliances, He should not be FORCED to backdoor his girlfriend for no reason. Indy was not a bigger competitor than Alyssa. They were both non-players. The 3 showed they did not care about Kyle and what is he supposed to do? They should have told Kyle that it was ok…they could get Alyssa next HOH. The order did not matter. But by Kyle refusing to do what the others ORDERED, he is now a target. To save his game he did what he should have done. I hope Kyle wins the whole game. I used to really like Joe, but the move he made against Kyle was not right.

    2. Agreed. Kyle is disloyal; good at lying and placing blame elsewhere. Hope he is voted out once the larger group assembles in the BB house.

    1. I love how everyone is complaining about the outdoor feeds being out for the last few days but all want Kyle gone. He’s the reason it’s interesting!!! He played the card everyone else was going to play and played it well. He cause a bit of drama and had us wanting to watch if he can pull it if or if it’ll blow up in his face. That’s what make the show worth watching. If its predictable and boring ..then why bother. And Joe isn’t that great..I haven’t actually seen him have game convos beside relaying info. Does he actually have a plan.. he’s just ..there …with his shirt off… anyways if Kyle stays it makes a more interesting week for everybody. So ya know…enjoy the show!

    2. 100% agree – Kyle first then Alyssa. Alyssa has played the game I hate the most, have s”x with a man and lay up under him the rest of the time. She should have went on Love Island.

  5. Alyssa needs to go, she is upset that Kyle can’t lay next to her in bed? Really Alyssa, I just don’t understand why she’s here.

    I have never heard Alyssa sit and plot, make plans if she wins HOH, has targets in her site, so she knows who she wants to nominate.

    NOPE, all I hear from Alyssa, is Kyle mad at me, do you really like me, I want to lay in bed with you, Damn Girl, play big brother, do you realize 750k is on the line.

    Don’t you have any thoughts of what it would be like to win, be financially stable, Alyssa is all caught up on a guy who is just a summer fling to him, I don’t see Kyle flying out to see Alyssa once they are out of the house, he has no job, I don’t know if he can afford that, he is living at home with his mother at 29 years old.

    Alyssa should stick with going on shows like the Bachelorette, Love Island, any kind of dating shows where she can hookup, it’s really boring watching her make out with Kyle every time they are alone, Alyssa came on the show for a showmance, not 750k.

    Why does CBS put people like Alyssa on the show, it does not make good tv. Yes she’s a pretty girl, but what does she add or bring to the game? Alyssa has been running behind Kyle the entire show, that’s all we see Alyssa doing.

    1. alyssa is not a good game player, but neither are taylor or jasmine, and alyssa’s considerably more entertaining to watch than either of them.

      1. Don’t forget Brittany! She finally won a POV this week (remains to be seen how much of a “win” it actually was – the first one was more of a “shared” win with Michael), but other than that, she’s not done much of anything in this game other than be Michael’s sounding board. In fact since Nicole and Ameerah left, none of the women in the game have amounted to much of anything, except for Taylor’s nice win in the wall comp, and even that is a bit suspect since it was a relatively short one as wall comps go (50 minutes total, when the average wall comps usually last 1 hour 17 minutes for the win).

      2. Why is Jasmine a bad player? She won HOH and made a big move. She has formed a couple alliances. First the all girls which she was really one of the leaders and then she formed FLy Swatters. Taylor is a bad player and Alyssa is also but Jasmine has tried. A lot fo Jasmine bias here.

        1. jasmine should have worked her ass off to apologize to taylor last week and build relationships with more than just indy and alyssa. jasmine has no social game whatsoever.

        2. Yes Jasmine won HOH, but she takes credit for the big move to evict Pooch. That was not Jasmine’s idea, that was all setup and done by Ameerah.

          Jasmine wanted to evict Taylor, Jasmine was still on the hate train for Taylor when she was HOH, so Jasmine really does not get credit for the big move regarding evicting Pooch, that victory goes to Ameerah, she did all of the work.

    2. I agree. Alyssa has such a blank look on her face at times which definitely reflects the minimal brain activity in her head. Also, the fake posing when she kisses, the arching of her back, the looking at the camera to make sure she is being seen. Really sad….

    3. Geez, relax…only the first half of the game has been played. Let’s see what she does the second half. She sort of got the cards dealt with the stupid “girls” alliance and hasn’t been able to come out of that along with Indy, Terrance, Jasmine. Maybe with the new alliance things will start happening.

      She’s actually really sweet and sensitive & not an asshole like some of the others!

      By the way, Kyle lives in an apartment, yes at his parents, but he moved back home due to the pandemic.

    4. Maybe she plans to move in the basement of Kyle’s mother’s house. At least that way she can continue to lay up under Kyle all the time and neither will even have to work.

  6. As everyone hears Joseph shredding Taylor’s game in hopes of saving his own, I’m wondering how many people on twitter are trying to figure out how to feel.
    They’ve spent the past few days wall yelling and screaming bloody murder to protect him for a fake showmance. Oh well.
    Is he doing his usual routine? Douse someone else in shit in order to make himself look like he would be loyal and trustworthy? Yup. Has he done this particular schtick with Taylor before? Yup, only not to the extremes he’s going to now.
    Is it going to work? Nope, because now he looks two faced, after previously talking about his loyalty.
    Welcome back week one and two Joseph, where have you been? I’ve been expecting you for a week and a half.
    so: showmance was fake. she caught real feelings and he’s not about that. He’s more Daniel and Indy now? Yeah, he did wish Indy was a Leftover 2 weeks ago.
    What’s he really doing? Trying to save himself while at the same time trying to shift the outside people after Taylor and Michael. He’s still Monte’s guy it feels to me.

    Yeah, the others didn’t buy it either. He looks like a clown now.
    Kyle wants to backdoor Michael next week he tells Turner and Alyssa. Monte and Taylor noms.

    Only way Michael has to deflect not getting out Monte? He nominated him but the girls were more against Jasmine, he couldn’t change their mind. Yup, he’d have to say Britt and Taylor have taken a lot of pettiness from Jasmine, and they wouldn’t keep her, something he didn’t anticipate… and hope the Dyres buy it.

    1. Kyle wants Ally/Turner to put up Monte/Taylor if any of them wins HOH & backdoor Michael.
      So I have a few questions I’m eager to get your take on…

      Q: Kyle said to Ally he’s a bit concerned about it being 4 versus 4 so isn’t that an indication he might shift on booting Michael (especially knowing if Monte stays he’ll be gunning for HOH to take HIM out & we know how paranoid Kyle gets when he feels like he’s losing control).

      Q: You’ve previously mentioned Michael has so much intel he can use against Kyle (who has spilled HIS VERSION of events to Ally/Terrance). But there are some other things that Michael can use against Kyle that could put him in hot water I guess. For example,
      Kyle told him about the Pound the week prior & that Monte/Joe was already discussing taking him out at F7 or sooner. Or that Kyle told him Taylor’s real plan was to backdoor Michael or Kyle. He can say to Monte I took it as him exaggerating bc he was reeling & trying to save Ally – but it did give him pause & it was why he was happy to get to pick Tay/Monte to be on his team so they could spend more time together & he could prove his loyalty to them.

      I guess he could tell Ally the Leftovers was created bc of her loose lips & Kyle used to laugh at them all about it (in fact, I’m surprised with Joe throwing Taylor UTB why he hasn’t told Ally that yet).

      The BIG one would be his “silent minority” alliance which would be a nightmare & could make Michael look just as bad for saying it out loud as Kyle will look for describing it that way. So my question is am I missing anything else Michael can spill – & should he want to spill these things? (or go to Kyle & say – if I go OTB I’m going to bury you with everything you told me)?

      Q: If Kyle/Ally/Turner wins HOH and do put up Monte/Taylor as the initial noms I’m guessing if Michael wasn’t drawn from the bag & they got house guest’s choice they would pick him.

      He would gun for the POV knowing he is at his most vulnerable but if he won he’d have a huge dilemma. I think his choice would be to leave them the same or pull down MONTE. For sure Brittany would go up but I can’t imagine she’d leave against either of them. Monte would likely be unanimous vote (which is why it wouldn’t make sense to save Taylor just for Britt to go OTB) whereas against Taylor my guess is Ally, Michael would automatically vote out Taylor & Monte would vote to save Britt for Michael saving him.

      But if you’re Michael – would you use the POV to save Monte? The reason I think he should is so he’d have a strong competitor with him to take out Kyle/Turner. With Joe exiting Monte would also need to find a new F2 (theoretically it would be Taylor but she’ll be OTB). With Michael saving him & also feeling vulnerable I wonder if Monte would make that F2 (remembering Britt told him last night they don’t have a F2).

      But Michael also knows about the Pound & I’m guessing by that point would also know about Taylor/Monte discussions from this week that Britt has been withholding from him. I know Michael is more inclined to want to go deep with the Britt/Taylor (Terrance/Ally) than he is the Pound guys but now that he’ll be much more vulnerable & his target has become so large wouldn’t it be wiser to keep Monte?

      1. If he wasn’t in what was perceived to be a showmance with Taylor, I doubt anyone would have bothered. I’ve looked at twitter. EVERY-thing is about how it effects Taylor.
        Since Joseph started his campaign, showmance calls for MONTAY have gone up 10 fold. While there seems to be understanding for Joseph in half the community, they think he went too far. The other half? Cancelled him.

        1. I don’t think Monte is attracted to Taylor. I think he enjoys talking with her, but he also has seen how fickle Taylor can be when it comes to making a decision and sticking with the plan.

          I personally don’t think they would be a good match, I think they are better at building a good solid friendship.

    2. Michael is smart. It is not the time to take out Monte. And why should he? Monte has been good to Michael. At some point sure, but he doesn’t know what is happening on the outside either. Win some brownie points and let another villain emerge, don’t be that villain yet. Michael knows what he is doing. He votes out Monte he loses Joseph and Turner….maybe even Kyle.

    1. Nah. Keeping Kyle means safe next week who’s the LO split fights it out.

      If inside guys win, they may use him as a pawn. If the outside guys win, he won’t go up at all.

      Regardless, if he booted Alyssa, it would be LO vs Terrance next week. He’d have a strong chance at being toast depending on who win HOH and how the vote split would go between LO trying a blindside ball staying loyal.

      1. i think taking down turner is dumb. but maybe he feels kyle/alyssa will vote out turner over joe. joe needs to go, and terrance is better off doing that in alignment with kyle and alyssa than making them enemies.

        1. Or he did it to gain trust with Turner since he originally told Turner he was safe before nominations. This way he can say ” I got ya”.

        2. Agree. Taking Turner down was dumb unless Kyle agreed to it for optics purposes when they go back into the house.

        3. You’re assuming he didn’t do it in conjunction with Kyle and Alyssa, when in fact they may have not only been in on it, but in agreeance with it. That move somewhat gives Kyle plausible deniability in Joseph’s eviction to the inside LO’s, and may help to cover up the fact that both Terrance and Alyssa now know about the existence of the alliance.

          There’s a lot we don’t know about the plan due to the feed outage and what’s been going on out there. We also don’t really know if Turner has really “bought into” this plan, or if he’s just playing along until he can get back inside to his peeps (Terrance too for that matter – although he doesn’t really have a lot of choices at this stage of the game). There’s just a lot of unknowns right now.

          1. Turner is going to be happy to be off the block. They may win some points with Turner by taking him off. And in the end Turner’s vote does not matter as a split vote means Terrance votes anyways and determines who goes him.

  7. So the plan of the Dyres going back into the house seems to be:
    Terrance made all the decisions.
    Kyle was never on the block, and the Leftovers was never exposed.
    They expect to be questioned when Joseph doesn’t come back.
    They seem very put off that Michael, Britt and Taylor are working closely together. I mean, when it comes to that pound guys, it’s more entitlement talk.
    They’ve decided Britt can’t win a comp to save her life, so she’s lowest target on their list.

    The basics now are everyone wants Michael out (partially because he chose them to be outside… no really, that actually plays into it) because Joseph made it sound like Mike Britt and Taylor came to him for a final four, but he didn’t want to do it. Reality: Taylor and Joseph discussed the final four, Joseph talked to Michael about watching each other’s backs (but… as someone who has been saying his face changes when he’s lying… he was lying to Michael, and Michael wasn’t being honest either).
    They all hope Monte is getting evicted so that Jasmine will join their side and it will be a 5-3 split house. Even Turner? Seems that way.

    Btw, seems they were given headphones for nights after the first yeller. So… we lost feeds because of yellers and there was no effect on game.

    1. Turner saying Britt can’t win a comp might bode well for her to win HOH — prior to this last HOH Turner just finished saying Terrance was never going to win a comp (LOL). Can’t wait to see his face when he learns she won POV.

        1. Why am I not shocked by this? I certainly wouldn’t blame Michael for doing it, as the last thing he needed was another comp win, and a win by Brit was like a win by Michael. I guess give her credit for beating Monte and maybe Taylor, but we haven’t seen the comp yet (it was the hold or fold comp, right?).

        2. It was the classic stay/fold counting game they had to spell V.I.P. & it felt like MB played as a team. Taylor went out 1st round, Monte in the 3rd. Britt won opening two rounds, Michael won rounds three & four. It came down to round 5 when their guesses were only FIVE apart (LOL) Michael said 370 & Britt said 375 answer was 388.

          Jasmine folded four rounds in a row (would’ve lost in round 5 when she finally stayed) and was never the winner on any of her folded hands.

          Honestly, I think MB previously discussed how they would play this game but yeah if he had written the answer he gave in the DR for Rd 1 (which – do we know he really would’ve given that answer that was only one off the actual count) & stayed in Rd 2 he would’ve gotten the letter but Britt beat him on the final question.

          Ultimately, I felt Britt played a smart strategic game with her partner & agree with The Beef she won it.

      1. House talk after veto: Michael said to cams he could have won that easy, but didn’t want another win under his belt this week. Monte told Taylor that judging by Michael’s numbers, he would have won easily if he didn’t fold every round.

    2. On the topic of Wall Yellers, Big Brother is a show which brings in good money for CBS. Why do they not have any security? Almost seems like Big Brother wants Wall Yellers, because it should be so easy to keep them way. Hire security and build fence around a soundstage. How is it so hard to do that? You think if this show was filmed in a studio like Universal there would be any Wall Yellers. You’d have to get past security first which I have seen at Universal not very likely their would be Wall Yellers there.

  8. Monte’s talk with Britt.
    It totally depends on which Britt is behind the wheel right now… Taylor f2 Britt or Michael f2 Britt.
    She’s denied having a f2 with Michael.
    He’s denied having any talks about what happens at 7/5. He later admits he and Taylor talked about whether or not to take Michael past 5.
    If she’s f2 Michael Britt right now….. that was a bad talk.
    If she’s f2 Taylor Britt right now… more of the same.
    Monte is pushing for Terrance to go now. That’s a first.
    Britt is questioning if maybe taking out Kyle or Turner is the better move, because Terrance and Alyssa are numbers for Kyle and Turner, not for Monte and Britt.
    I think Monte still wants to believe he can keep one of his pound boys…
    Meanwhile the Dyres are grabbing pitchforks, lighting torches and effigies… yeesh.

    What I think Britt is actually doing: She KNOWS Michael is a HUGE target, so she’s trying to build side relationships and lock them in. Whether or not she tells Michael any of this is the big test to that theory.
    Monte is being a bit simple thinking go back to plan and take out Terrance. They all know Kyle was planning to out the Leftovers to Alyssa. They just don’t know he outed EVERYTHING to both Alyssa and Terrance, nor do they know that Joseph just helped screw them.

    Hate to tell you, but for all the hyperhypnotoading and paranoia spinning… Britt actually has a better read on what’s actually happening than Taylor, Monte and Michael. She’s the only one of the 4 that seems to be thinking outside has bonded and will be a unit coming back. While Michael somewhat believes that, he thinks he has a place with them (Britt isn’t so sure of that). Taylor? Still thinks Joseph will come back. Monte? Again, I still think he’s thinking the pound will still be a 3/4 pounder with cheese.

    1. Given Brittany’s discussion with Taylor as to what happens if Michael is taken out before getting to final 3, makes sense. I am really hoping for the “Mutually Assured Destruction” clause of the Michael and Kyle’s relationship to be triggered. It will remain to be seen how “pro-Kyle” Turner actually is once back inside (my guess is not-so-much given his hilarious “I don’t give a fuck. I am off the block” comment)

      1. I was on the exact same page as you about Turner — but he sure seems committed to the new F4. With Joe leaving & Kyle adamant Monte has to go either after Michael or next means the Pound is no longer. He’s never been a big fan of Brittany as his comments showed tonight. With JasMEAN leaving I suspect Britt will be the person he now focuses his negative thoughts on. I thought he liked Michael but I’m not sure, maybe it’s more respect than like & he was ticked about Taylor’s messy HOH (which is fair given she talked about putting him OTB).

        He was Pound 1st loyal then Leftovers BUT of the non-LOs his greatest connection was with Ally & Terrance who he has a F2 with (he told the LOs about that deal which is kind of funny).

        I’m eager to see how he rolls once back inside – & to hear what the wall yellers said. If the outside crew was to win HOH it would mean one of Michael or Monte was likely leaving although – Michael could surprise if he was picked to play POV won & saved Monte so he has a companion to fight Kyle/Turner.

        What I know for sure – is I want production to tell Terrance/Kyle they aren’t allowed to lie about the nomination or the re-nom. And I really want Britt to win HOH bc then Ally & Terrance will sing like canaries.

        1. Meanwhile with Joseph gone maybe they all will actually get more regularly scheduled sleep, lol. Turner and Terrence to an extent recognize Kyle’s “Petulant child syndrome” so expect fireworks. If they do attempt to lie about the renom and nominations something will happen to either expose it in the House or blow up jury votes while in jury so while they think it is a good idea now it actually hurts them. I am also thinking that Taylor might talk with Turner when he re-enters and have a cathartic conversation similar to the Taylor/Monte one

          1. LOL – maybe I’ll get more sleep too bc it’s usually Joseph (Taylor/Turner) that keep me up all hours & not sure Taylor/Turner will continue that trend — at least not right away. 🙂

        2. And I want production to STAY THE F#@$ OUT OF IT and let them play the game! They’ve already interjected themselves way too much into this season by inventing this twist to stop the LO steamroll! Why prevent those who were down and out, from further improving their positions in the game, by lying about parts of the game that are supposed to be UNKNOWN to the other house in this twist? Now production should get sanctimonious and invoke some rule that you must be truthful about who got nominated and when, when it could damage some peoples game to do so?

          Once again TTO, your favoritism is showing here. You don’t like Kyle and you want him out (for various reasons – no argument with you there). You do like Michael, and you want Monte in the game as a shield to protect him. You also like Turner, so anything that happens (ie: a Britt HOH) that would tend to “move” him away from the Kyle, Alyssa, Terrance” side, to the Michael, Brittany, Monte, Taylor side – that’s what you want, whether it’s a logical, fair or good for the game “rule” or not.

          Come on now! You’re better than that.

          1. You’re clocking me again lol
            Did you see my response the other day btw? 😉

            I DO THINK Terrance should keep Kyle over Joe it’s better for his game (wrote about that). I think Kyle is a smart player although as you note he’s not my favorite & while the showmance is loyal to one another I’d like to see him play w/o Ally or vice versa. Then again, now that he’s told her everything perhaps we’ll get to see them spend more time strategizing instead of the teen angst talk.

            When it comes to Michael, I’m not sure it’s best for either his or Turner’s game to be aligned & I think they recognize that in each other. Britt is the only one invested in him being around for the long haul & even she’s making parachute plans in case he exits soon.

            I’ve pondered both sides of Turner’s game & vacillated on his best option & if that aligns with what he will do. Based on last week I initially thought the loyalty side, but the feeds lean heavier to the After Party. Ultimately, I’m in agreement with you & Another Name his best bet is to see where the power lands. I’m not sure he’d be in jeopardy even if Monte or Britt won (who the heck knows what Taylor would do – but w/o Joe in her ear maybe she’d stick to her initial target or I guess seek council from Monte or MB). Either way, he should be the safest of the After Party.

            As for the production part of the equation. Remove either side from this. I’m strictly thinking of upcoming comps where they ask things like what day was the fifth POV used?

            If half the house doesn’t know that answer bc it’s been withheld is that fair? Reverse it & have Michael tell the outside I used the POV & took down Taylor & put up Monte (that’s NOT fair either).

            They can lie their asses off for all I care (I love a good lie) but IMO not about game details that are an intricate part of other competitions. F4, Before & After, Finale Part 2 uses these types of details/dates/facts. I’m not asking for a rule to be invented – it’s a game with copious lies involved. I sort of think it might be in the rule book anyway similar to “you can’t use production as strategy”.

            Anyway, it’s a moot point bc Turner didn’t want them to lie about Kyle being the initial nom bc that might incentivize someone to use Turner as a pawn believing he’d still not been on the block.

            I’m not a fan of twists either especially when there are multiple twists (although if this split house twist results in a more competitive two sides the ends might’ve justified the means).

            Do I have players I like more than others…YES – I freely admit I do favor certain players over others but, I definitely make an effort to be open-minded & adaptable. (the more sleep I have the easier that task is, lol).

            This week for example – I felt my top dog Michael didn’t do enough socially to forge stronger bonds/connections. He had a great late-night chat with Monte (no game-talk/personal) but could’ve done more especially with only 5 people in the house. House reader Britt keeps warning him about his blind spot Kyle & he ignores her (which could send him to the jury early).

            Conversely, I thought Kyle outplayed Joseph & wrote a detailed post on why Kyle was the far better option for Terrance to align with & how Joseph’s double-agent & throwing of comps bit him in the butt.

            Even Jasmine who has annoyed the F out of me & has some personality traits (plus that voice) that are grating surprised me. I was very impressed with how she dealt with learning she was leaving tonight. She was about as graceful as I’ve seen her in the game, thanking the trio for giving her the heads up, spending the time to outline why they were & wished them all well. It was the opposite end of the spectrum from how Evil Elvis & Cruel Chef handled the news.

            Anyway- I do appreciate & consider all your comments bc I love to view the game/players from all angles. Hope you have a great night, oops make that morning.

        3. Turner is smart. If he switches alliances he still is low on the peaking order. He is playing the let’s put bigger targets on others game.

    2. yeah, definitely think brittany has a better handle on the fact that outside will be a shitshow, and kinda shocked michael didn’t realize this. sure you can talk terrance into putting up alyssa as they all want, but none of the guys were gonna be cool with sitting next to her and all hell breaks loose if she wins veto. and that’s best case scenario. she didn’t even touch the block.

      more and more i think michael should have made sure jasmine and alyssa ended up on the same side and force the boys to take shots at each other.

      1. That would have been Michael breaking the Leftovers undeniably. Such a declarative act would have been Michael as everyone’s target 100%. While he is still a target, with his knowledge he thinks he’s only the target of Terrance and Aly. He’s wrong, because he never grasped just how dirty Kyle is capable of playing. HE was warned by Britt multiple times, but he still thinks he and Kyle share a bond.

        1. Blind spot FOR SURE.

          Although, did you catch Ally – Kyle chat tonight where he was annoyed b/c he brought up an idea & didn’t get the response he wanted from his new After Party crew. He told her later “when the Leftovers talked we shared ideas & had a dialogue.”

          I mean staying power isn’t his strong suit – & you can already see he’s looking at the new F4 & thinking what other alliance can I create.

          Anyway, I think he was referring to suggesting Ally/Turner try to bait Britt to see if they can get her to expose anything about the LOs prior to them learning everything has already been exposed.

          Ally was like ‘what would that do -if they did tell me?
          Turner ‘yeah, like what would that do

          And I couldn’t tell if it was Terrance or Turner who sort of snorted lol

          Clearly, Kyle was trying to pin anything he could on Britt so when things do come out, he’ll be able to point a finger back in a tit for tat exchange, but the trio weren’t seeing the value in the caper.

  9. Looks like Twitter audience is forgetting 1) the idea of nuance and also forgetting that we won’t know how people from the Outside Will truly align once they are back inside and 2) Michael has plenty of information on Kyle so Kyle going after Michael is Mutually Assured Destruction

  10. The twitter mob is now against Terrance. I am not surprised but some of the things they are saying is really out there. Some think he will only work with white players. Is there someone that can do a wellness check on these fools. I think this twist has really broken something. LOL

    1. They turned on Michael & Brittany for just considering not sticking with Taylor bc she was getting so close to Joseph (and the truth was SHE WAS).

      With Joe now throwing her UTB (some stuff he’s saying isn’t even necessary – but I get it he’s fighting for his life) I wonder how they’ll respond. Again, MB got roasted for even considering working with Kyle, Ally, & Turner so will Turner get roasted for turning on the LOs/Pound (if he in fact does) or not b/c Terrance has been included?

      Turner has been in the top spot on many of the polls I’m interested to see if he does stick with Kyle & turns on the inside group how that will impact his popularity.

      I’m also been wondering if Michael & Britt will end up exposing how Kyle described the alliance he pitched to him & his reasons for creating it & how that might’ve impacted his pick selection this past week saying he wanted to reinforce his ties with them not fracture the alliance as Kyle seemed to want.

      That’s partially the truth bc Michael/Britt have always wanted to go deep in the game with Taylor, Monte – not so much but again that’s partially based on the Pound intel. Plus they were hoping Joe would get cut this week bc he had gotten so close to Taylor & they never believed he would work in a F4 with them.

      Whether MB tells MonTay or not, I have a feeling things could get REALLY ugly as I suspect they’ll be more wall yellers coming regardless of who wins HOH but ESPECIALLY if the outside group does & that they’ll be calling Kyle more than a liar.

      1. Remember the day they turned on MIchael and Britt? I remember looking and there were pre-emptive calls to cancel Turner that day. Since they didn’t know what he’d do, they decided screw Turner too. It wasn’t until days later when he was telling Kyle snitches get stitches, that suddenly he rose again in polls. Doubtlessly, he’s dropped again now.

        1. I noticed a tweet from Hamsterwatch that said:

          we all know this fanbase can be toxic but going after their families or their businesses b/c you don’t like a game decision is the worst of the worst.. lower than pond scum.

          Assuming they’re referring to Turner … brutal

    2. It is the same with Kyle. Kyle did what he had to do. Honestly there really is no reason to hate any of these people. They are playing the game. They also seem like decent people. The game does something to some people. Some make mistakes, but I don’t understand the hate for any of these people.

    1. I remember a previous houseguest said production always wanted the buff guys to leave their shirts off. And they hate it bc it’s really cold in the house.

  11. Although I’ve been suggesting the Inside group should lie about what happened it’s only in response to the outside group saying they’ll WILL lie.

    What I’m not sure of is how either of them would be allowed to do that bc there are the inevitable competitions that specifically use those details (who won POV, who were the noms, who was the re-nom).

    At the moment Terrance & Kyle are planning on lying & going to say Kyle/Joe were his initial noms & he didn’t use the POV. If they do that does anyone think production would step in & tell them you can’t lie about facts that will be part of a future competition?

    1. I would guess they’d wordsmith those. They may do “pre-split” or “post-split” questions. Or if it involves a full season, it may be focused more strictly on HOH wins and evictees.

      But honestly, I figure once they finish the live eviction, the outsiders will re-enter the house, then Julie will go over noms, veto, replacement, then votes for both sides of the house. Just so everyone knows the basic facts.

      The outside folks can still lie about anything between the lines and justifications, but the noms and vote should be made transparent by production.

    2. Guaranteed, they won’t ask them questions about a competition they didn’t witness happening. It’s just not fair to do it, and not even Grodner is that evil.

  12. I think the reason we love this season so much: one it has drama and strategy. second it has the people we actually root for. Like Taylor’s situation. Like Joe’s personality. After looking at the live-feeds, I feel Joe is really a kind person at heart. Of course he lies in the game, but he is a pure and kind human being and pulls at my heartstrings. Probably the first time I felt this way after so many seasons.
    Kyle isn’t bad. And maybe a better strategist. But Kyle is just a normal person, like all of us.
    I guess that’s why I feel so emotionally sad to see Joe go…

    1. Joe’s personality? What personality? He reminds me of Yiorgos in the AT&T commercial — he may be a nice kind person outside the house, but inside the house he is only beefcake.

  13. Terrance the Disruptor – – meh

    Kudos to Terrance for his B2B wins but while he spouts I’m the “Master Manipulator”, “Mr. Big Move”, & “I’m the Disruptor” the reality is he’s NONE of those things. Rather, he’s the king of repeats — “I got you” – “I’m ride or die with you”, “we’re making BIG moves” put it on wash, rinse & repeat bc he says the same thing to every person. Oh, & you can count on him to trash talk the nemesis of whoever he’s talking to at the moment (often cruel, below the belt, or slut-shaming remarks at that).

    In fairness, he had limited options but Monte & Joe hinted at taking him deep in the game even before he became their bestie. Terrance ignored those promises/hints albeit he made a F2 with Monte & made him promise they’d vote for each other if they got to F2 without the other. And, the truth is I do think Terr was Monte’s goat. Sure he was loyal to the Pound but with Kyle ticking him off & Joseph getting closer to Taylor (and virtually all the women except Ally) he was the perfect BB24 version of the couch for Monte. That’s not the case anymore – especially since Joe will have left by his hand.

    But instead of Terrance latching onto Mo-Jo he elected to jump ship for the side of the house that was leaving one after the other, tried to flip the vote two weeks in a row & blatantly attempted to get Monte put OTB & didn’t even bother to hide that was his intention.

    Why he’s so anti-Michael:
    The truth behind why he has such a hard-on for Michael is two-fold. It began when Michael took out his BFF Evil Elvis. He briefly considered working with Michael/Britt especially when he thought they might both take out big targets this week. That got turned upside down once Kyle spilled the tea.

    Flip back to Kyle’s tea spilling and the ONLY thing that really seemed to register with Terrance was the information about the OTEV comp & Monte knowing he threw the comp. While Kyle kept exposing more & more details Terr was mostly quiet absorbing the information but the one subject he wanted more intel on was OTEV & the fact Monte KNEW he threw it. His face tightened when Kyle told him Monte’s POV speech was an F You to Terrance.

    After the fact, Michael told Monte that Terrance tried to whisper something to him but he couldn’t hear what he said. Meanwhile, Terr was telling Daniel, Jasmine, & others ‘I threw that comp & I’ll convince Michael not to use it so we’re gonna take out Monte.”It’s typical of how Terrance plays this game – always taking credit for things before they happen or that he had no part in. Example: Ameerah’s eviction – he claimed to be the reason she left — bc of his campaign (eye roll).

    Anyway, the reality is SEVERAL people could’ve told Monte bc Terrance was bragging so much about it. In fact, I think it was either Joe or Kyle that brought the Terr’s brag/plan to the LOs in the HOH.

    But – Terrance is blaming Michael solely for his own poor gameplay bc let’s be real – he can’t possibly look in that proverbial BB mirror & recognize his own shortcomings in the game.

    Why did Terrance use the POV?

    I’m still pondering WHY Terrance would use the POV & put Kyle OTB. The feed return hasn’t given concrete answers. How we got from Turner being OTB to Kyle up as the re-nom is a question mark. It could be that Terrance did it just to garner some sort of favor with Turner (bc they have a faux F2), or it might’ve been based on the wall yellers, or maybe it’s a plan the 4-some created to make Kyle look less suspect.

    The plan at the moment is for the KATT crew to lie their a$$es off saying Terrance made all the decisions (including lying that Kyle was OTB from the start & the POV wasn’t used), that the Leftovers was NOT exposed & they’re still solid. But there are so many gaps in this logic I don’t know where to begin.

    First – I’m not convinced TPTB will allow them to lie about the nominations & re-nom bc it will be part of future competitions. Given that assumption, Terrance will need to explain his logic…

    Why even put Kyle up as the re-nom if he’s not your target? That implies Joe/Turner were your targets otherwise, Terrance would’ve put up Joe/Kyle or the showmance from the start. If they don’t intend to tell them about the wall yellers – what was his reason for saving Turner? Presumably, he would’ve made a deal with Turner to vote out Joe if he saved him to get to the 2-0 vote which then begs the question what did Kyle say to be safe with Terrance out of the gate? Michael KNOWS that Monte/Kyle were Terrance’s original two targets bc they’ve talked about it & Mike apparently convinced him to put up Joe but Turner also being up SHOULD raise red flags for Michael.

    1. I have seen others talk about using this week’s comp info in future comps, but I don’t see how they could given there were two separate comps in which half the house didn’t participate in. I would expect this weeks comps to be excluded aside of who went home…i.e., who went home in double or who won HOH.

    2. Look, the only way production can ensure no lying takes place about the nominations and the veto wins is for them to announce to the whole house what the original nominations were in BOTH games, what BOTH veto games were and who won them, then if the veto was used or not and who was the re-nom if it was. PLUS, they then would have to tell the results of who got voted out and by how many votes, because they also ask questions about that sometimes too, right?

      So what was the point of keeping everything secret between the two houses, if you’re just going to turn around and reveal everything immediately after the twist is over? To do that just seems to me like production would be admitting they made a big mistake in doing this twist from the beginning (which I think it was, but they’re not about to admit that).

      It’s far easier for them to just eliminate this weeks comps and votes from any questions they might ask in future competitions, due to the fact all the house guests weren’t there to see them and therefore just don’t have that information. That way they can play the game and lie all they want about what did or didn’t happen in their separate games this week, like they always lie to each other about stuff.

      1. I honestly don’t think they thought it through – I’m on a lack of sleep so please note I know we already cleared this up.

        I just kept thinking about the F4 POV & the Final Part 2 where they typically have to put HOH/final noms & votes sometimes in order.

        You cleared it up by noting Julie could just tell them & in fairness, it’s two frigging people voting (3 if it’s split). And as you said they probably just cut this week out of those comps.

        I’m over it anyway — I was pulling a combo Britt/Joe hyper-squirrling on no sleep.

        1. Yeah, and you DO have a good point about the comps they normally do about the noms, evictions, the weeks that they happened, etc., and IF they intended to use that comp they obviously either didn’t think this out very well, or else they have a plan in place to rectify that.

          This whole twist never made any sense to me, and after seeing that lame outside veto comp (takeout food container stacking? Are you kidding me?), it seems to me they just came up with it at the very last minute.

  14. The truth is evicting Joseph is better for Terrance’s game:

    While I know Joseph fans won’t like reading this (and I’ll preface it by saying I’ve immensely enjoyed watching Joe this season) but the reality is keeping Kyle is better for Terrance’s game.

    First, Kyle will be the main target until either this new 4-some wipes out the other LOs or he’s gone & even then Turner will be next in line for this betrayal (assuming Turner isn’t just playing the trio until he gets back in the house).

    Despite Kyle showing he’s NOT as loyal as Joe by exposing the LOs, it’s resonating with Terrance bc Kyle is saying what he wants to hear & he also has the advantage of not using the POV last week to save Ally. Joe can preach loyalty all day but Terrance won’t be able to trust he’d immediately run back to the other side if Terrance saved him (and that would be assuming he could get Turner to flip his vote).

    Terrance doesn’t view being linked to a showmance as a bad thing bc he likes being a third wheel (just ask Cruel Chef & Evil Elvis).

    [As an aside, I’m not sure why Joseph who is currently throwing Taylor UTB hasn’t told Terrance that the showmance had sex or for that matter telling Ally the Leftovers were formed based on her spilling secrets to Kyle so given they had sex her edit is going to make her look like a clown if she keeps working with him.]

    And perhaps most importantly, Kyle has PROVEN to be a much better competitor than Joe. Joe decided to throw comps so he could continue playing the double-agent & not be forced to show his true affinity. I was asked on Twitter why people assume Joe threw comps & responded – other than the fact he told us he did? (lol).

    I suggested they re-watch the Wall comp. When it is just Taylor, Kyle & Joe left both Tay/Kyle are trembling while Joe literally is chilling up there. For Michael’s first HOH win on the balance beam course, he said once Daniel was out & Michael had put up a great time there was no reason to win. We see him using that balance wire in the BY daily – so yeah I think he could’ve won that. Granted, he’s flubbed some comps under pressure like the 2 this week (we’ve yet to see what happened in the POV).

    Every season we get hamsters who throw comps (the alphas are notorious for doing this up to the jury phase) in order to not stand out as a comp beast. But Joe may have given future BB players a reason NOT to throw comps. While he’s telling Terrance he’ll protect him & Ally & wipe out the other side you can tell by the look on Terr’s face he isn’t buying it. Joe established his own narrative by throwing comps & now with his game on the line he can’t convince the people he needs to vote for him that he can win.

    By the way – a spoiler site claims Kyle threw the POV to Terrance (we’ll know for sure tonight).

  15. Outside trying to get their story together when they go back in, saying Inside will never know the difference. What about a battle back, the house will talk and know what really happened. Someone will share??????

    1. They are going to tell the people inside that Joseph ratted out the leftovers before he left. Sounds like a good plan to me!

      1. Monte will NEVER believe that Joe spilled. Probably for good reason bc if you noticed even while Joe was reeling & throwing Taylor UTB while he was fighting for his BB life he never once said anything that could get Monte in trouble.

        Today he sat down with Turner & essentially asked him to stay tight with Monte & make sure Kyle didn’t do anything to him (I assume he meant target him).

        Joe wasn’t always loyal to the core, but he was with Monte & Turner & I think wanted to be with Kyle (just not with Ally in the mix).

  16. This is the first time I’ve really watched love feeds, and it’s cracking me up how pissed production is at the indoor houseguests for not waking up. “Monte, Jasmine and Taylor, what do you not understand about wake up PLEASE” lol, the outside group is up putting in work on the Chinese Checkers game!

  17. THIS…IS…TAYLORTaylor says I have more heart for someone when they leave on a reality show then when I break up with someone and a parent dies.

  18. We most likely will have on one side of the house: Monte, Taylor, vs. Kyle, Alyssa, Turner, & Terrance with Brittney & Michael in the middle swinging to whichever side wins power. I’m happy Mike can’t play HOH! Hoping Brittney does not win! If she does, Terrance will go up for sure with either Turner or Alyssa, in hopes to backdoor Kyle.

    Would LOVE to see Taylor & Monte on the block with a Michael backdoor! Or Michael/Brittney and a Taylor backdoor!

    1. I think Turner is playing Terrance, Alyssa, and Kyle but keeping his options open in case Monte is gone.

      He ain’t flipping on Monte, who might (probably would) take him to F2. None of Terrance, Kyle or Alyssa would.

      He’s most likely, however, to see who wins HOH. But no way he flips on his best Pound bud.

      We’ll see what his DRs look like tonight, but I have a feeling he’s still gunning for the remaining non-LOs (as he was earlier in the week). He can pull Kyle back in once Alyssa’s gone.

  19. This…Is…Taylor….

    Taylor speaking about Jasmine: Taylor says how is someone (Jasmine) that is so similar to me write me off on day 1?

    1. Taylor has some issues herself. I have said several times in previous posts, Taylor is a very awkward person, awkward personality, and some of the comments that she makes, I don’t think I’d enjoy spending too much time with Taylor.

      Taylor is all over the place, she did not deserve the way she was treated at the beginning of the game, but now that she’s more comfortable, I’ve seen some mean girl tendencies, in the comments Taylor has made regarding Alyssa and Jasmine.

  20. Mindsets:
    Alyssa and Kyle: nom monte and taylor, backdoor michael (get alyssa to privately reveal she knows about leftovers from Joseph to michael and britt to spill… turning monte and taylor against britt and micheal?)
    Turner: isn’t sure if he wants to nom Monte, but doesn’t want Michael to play in veto.
    Britt: mostly mentioning Turner and Kyle noms. knows Joseph is likely toast.
    Taylor: can’t wait to see Joseph. If Joseph doesn’t return: kill kyle.
    Monte: the band gets back together and we take out Terrance.

    1. Do you honestly believe Monte will still want to reconnect the Pound trio & the six Leftovers?

      I’m not questioning Turner – I do think they’ll work things out. But if Monte is HOH, Terrance will be up in that room so quick dropping details (like he did to Joe) Monte’s head will be spinning.

      Now mind you I could see Monte putting up the showmance & KEEPING Kyle but I also think he’s going to be furious bc Joe was his F2.

  21. Dear Terrance,
    When you keep mentioning that you went on the block 4 times… it loses value when you volunteered twice.
    just saying.


    1. You missed the Twitter mob going after Michael’s fiance… basically they decided he’s not attractive, and that gave them license to attack.

      1. As long as they only go after him on Twitter it’s just tacky. Pretty sure that leaving false negative reviews makes those people who left those reviews have legal trouble since there was malicious intent involved

        1. It’s the second time they’ve left negative reviews this season. Everyone forgets that up until he joined the Leftovers, Twitter was negative reviewing his shop.

  22. Something i noticed before i had to go out:
    Kyle is already planting seeds to break up the after party.
    He told Alyssa he didn’t like it that Terrance just blanket shut down talk when Kyle gave a suggestion. He said in the leftovers at least they all gave point of view and discussed it, but with Terrance it’s “fuq that shit.”
    KYLE doesn’t like not being leader or having HIS way being THE way.
    That’s why he wanted out of POS: he wasn’t consulted about Nic’s membership.
    That’s why he wanted out of Leftovers: Mon, Tay, Jos opinions were more important than Kyle.
    That’s why he’ll want out of After Party: Terrance is going to be Mr. Leader.

    It’s his pathology.

    1. OMG – this is so funny – I’m reading through the comments & I left you one above about the same thing. LOL I swear it’s in his DNA – lol

      The funniest part is when you watch that film clip of the convo I highlighted Ally & Turner don’t even look up at him.

      Back with POS I viewed it as him not feeling part of the team – but you’re prob right it’s about being the alpha AND about positioning/targets.

      And it’s not just in BB. He was saying Ally laughs more with Joe than she does with him & I saw he was whining that he isn’t taller than Michael.

      He’s smart as a whip but emotionally more like 14

  23. Jasmine officially knows she’s leaving. She’s in tears but understands. She straight up tried to deny all the alliances she was in without the other 4 in the house, they called her out and she eventually admitted it.

  24. THAT was the veto comp for the outside?! No offense to Big Brother but this might be the worst of the competitions throughout all seasons

    1. Yeah it was bad. They apparently didn’t even think about the wind blowing those things over, which isn’t even fair. It looked like some comp a bunch of kids come up with to do at a fake home Big Brother game or something.

  25. Britt and Taylor confronting Jaz (Michael lip zipped), telling her how they feel betrayed that she didn’t share alliance info PFFFFTT. It’s BIG BROTHER!! They’re doing the same. They act holier than thou! Don’t like any Insiders! Just me I guess.

  26. Dang! It was Terrence who revealed to Joseph and now I know from that DR why Kyle was the replacement nominee

  27. Joseph is such a sweet guy, he wanted to keep himself, Kyle and Turner safe even in the veto comp. My heart is breaking

    The decision to bus the Leftovers wasn’t to save Alyssa. It was to keep Kyle off the block.
    Dyrefest nom fallout D/R:
    Terrance: time for the other alliance to take a hit.
    Joseph: dejected d/r i trust leftovers
    Turner: whathe…????
    Kyle: I’m safe and I can’t hide.
    Post Noms Discussions
    Terrane tells Joseph Kyle is still target. Terrance is a horrrrible liar. How are they buying this ever this season?
    Joseph thinks Kyle would use veto on him to get Alyssa on the block… has he been in a coma for weeks?
    Terrance plays the FACTS card.
    Turner: I don’t know these people are white noise all the time.
    Turner playing the best friend card to Kyle and Alyssa.
    Kyle already saying get Joseph out.
    Turner is fine with Joseph going. Joseph who?
    Kyle says he did what he had to do to save himself and Alyssa (ED. the plan was Joseph ASAP last week, this isn’t because of circumstance)
    Big Brochella post nom D/R:
    Monte: going to go for veto.
    Taylor hopefully Leftovers outside stay strong. ED. About that.
    Jas not okay with birthday week nom
    *assume there are plenty of Jasmine succotash d/r. THERE ARE.
    Stay or fold counting confidence Veto. Tiffany video host.
    Q 1 Guitar pics Jas Michael Monte fold Tay 601 Britt 660
    700+ Britt wins, Taylor eliminated.
    Q 2 Gummies. everyone but Britt folds.
    Britt wins.
    Q3 Drumsticks stay and fold. Jas britt fold. Monte eliminated
    Q4 Wine Jas Britt fold. Michael wins.
    Q5 energy drinks. Everyone stays.
    Britt wins (375 guess, 388 answer).
    Post veto d/r
    Jas wanted to win veto. Michael: Britt and I have all the power.
    Jasmine is saying she doesn’t connect with Britt in game.
    Jas loyal, never after Britt, really want to stay. ED. Now we know lightning strikes don’t kill caterpillars in Jasmine Caterpillar sanctuary.
    Britt: person leaving is already on the block, why rock the boat
    Jas: my journey shouldn’t leave.
    Leftovers: What if things aren’t going well at Dyrefest. If Alyssa comes back, then Kyle is responsible. Huge crack. Michael thinks he’s middle. Actions are louder than words. Monte d/r: Kyle commits bb suicide if Joseph doesn’t return. ED. But he’s hedging. Lots of IFS and IF WE FIND OUTS.
    The showmance is real Kyle says, choosing her over the alliance.
    Alyssa annoyed but she luvs her Bunny.
    Kyle feels guilty but he’s saying it semi gloating gleefully.
    Kyle knows he can’t win veto… but wants to win? Uh..huh.
    Parachute announcement for VETO.
    Build your own comp. To go container stacking.
    stack 50 containers.
    Alyssa is targeting leftovers for taking out her friends.
    Terrance knows big alliance.
    Joseph is hoping Kyle wins.
    Terrance wins VETO.
    What helped Terrance win? Closest to the house so less wind to knock over stacks.
    No really. Air currents would have played a role in why stacks fell.
    Lots of how did he win confusion in d/r
    Joseph is coming up with his big idea… to Kyle.
    Kyle rats.
    Terrance wants momentum.
    Joseph Terrance: Walk back in with showmance, You’re done.
    Terrance wants to stir the pot.
    Joseph says Kyle snaked everyone, think he won’t snake you when he gets back in the house?
    Britt has decided not to use the veto.
    Michael d/r: who knows if we vote out Monte.
    Jasmine d/r: gonna butterbean.
    Terrance removes Turner and replaces with Kyle. NOT SHOWN IF PLANNED. IT WAS.
    Kyle is on the block with Joseph.
    Terrance: secret spillage. 2 big threats, how many more secrets. NOT SHOWING ALLIANCE FORMATION.
    Kyle: why am i on the block? HE KNEW
    Joseph: i have hope. NO HE DOESN’T.

      1. I’m going back quite a few years here, but the outdoor comp reminded me of a Golf Tournament I helped facilitate… complete with take out container lunches at the turn, and I’m telling you from experience, the person closest to the wall blocking part of the wind current had a HUGE advantage.

  29. Is Terrance really thinking about getting rid of Kyle? He’s an idiot if this happens it goes from the left overs targeting Kyle and Alyssa to him and Alyssa

    1. They left out a lot. Kyle, Alyssa Turner and Terrance had already formed an alliance. Taking Turner off the block was part of the alliance trust building. The whole edit is meant to look like Kyle is in jeopardy…. but we have zero evidence that THAT is the truth.

  30. Hopefully, Terrence is smart enough to work with Joseph instead of Kyle. After all, Kyle has already proven that he won’t be loyal to his own alliance. He’s proven he will sacrifice anybody over his showmance.

  31. I live Kyle. Why is every one giving him a hars time. If he had not exposes the left overs he would have been evicted. And he was on the bottom. Of that alliance

  32. Kyle pooched his game for a piece of ass that more than likely has a significant other outside the house already. He played himself!

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