Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: Cedric, Angela, Tucker, Makensy, Joe, Brooklyn
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: Tucker used Veto Quinn nominated Rubina
Havenots: No havenots again this week
7:30pm Bedroom – Tkor, Kimo and Chelsie
Kimo – Who in this house are you crushing on? Because we know you are. You can keep it just right here. Everything you say in this space stays in this place under lock and tea. Tkor – Yes lock and tea. Chelsie – So sorry at this point, but there’s not one person in this house I’m crushing on. Is there somebody you’re suggesting I should. Brooklyn joins them. Tkor – who as in who .. do you want the client to be? Kimo – who would at the very start of something …at the very start of a connection would you be open to that? Chelsie says no one in the house.
7:45pm HOH room – Leah and Makensy
Makensy – If it’s me versus Rubina and they are like I mean, I love her being up, but I have to think about myself in this situation. So if it is me versus Rubina and they’re in something.. and I’ve got Quinn’s back like we have the same target. We can work on that. I feel very confident but if I can just get Cam I don’t think I’ll get Joseph though. I think that’s the thing, I think if it was Rubina and I, it’s gonna be a 4 or 5. And it’s gonna be five for her possibly.. I mean I feel fairly calm but I’m not gonna get Tkor, I’m not gonna get Kimo, I’m not going to get Tucker and I don’t think I’m gonna get Joseph because he loves Tucker too much so that’s 4. Leah – Well, I wish you nothing but the best always. Makensy – Thank you, baby. But I don’t know. Leah – We’ll see what happens, but don’t be too hard on yourself. Try to get some rest tonight so you can compete tomorrow. Makensy – I am, I’ve felt pretty good through talking to people and I think what I’ve said is I’ve got people thinking. So I think I might be okay if I don’t win but I’m just going to win. So there’s no questions. Leah – You got it!
8pm Havenot Room – Angela and Kimo
Kimo – are you worried? Angela – no. Kimo – Good. Angela – There’s no reason. I mean, honestly, I gave it thought like I see that girl with lots of people. Kimo – I know. Angela – And it’s okay. Like, I’m not going to question. I don’t care. And I see people taking him aside to spending long, long periods of time. But I already told him I’m not going to question it. I’m not going to worry about it. I have to play. He has to play. You have to play, Rubina has to play and remain stalking other people and making just making sure that they think, yeah. Just making sure that other people are good with me is my main objective right now. I’m not promising anything to anybody. Angela about Brooklyn – She’s just waiting for her chance and she will get it. She has the love of all the girls and some of the guys in the house her story I may be a mother but she keeps repeating hers. I’m a mother of young kids. I didn’t come this far to come this far and you know just upholding like I’m honest. She’s right behind every freaking door. Kimo – I’m aware.
Kimo thanks Angela for what she said about him yesterday. Angela – Thank you for just being you. Oh my gosh. Sharing with us. Who you are. We’re liking you. We’re the lucky ones. Kimo – Thanks. Angela – I didn’t realize coming into this house like it would be way more than a game, you know. Kimo – Yeah. Angela – I am just trying to find people that can care about me back. Tkor joins them. Kimo – I was just thanking her for what she said yesterday because I meant a lot. They talk about solidifying their alliance and giving it a name. Angela – We just have to make it with everyone there. I’m mean together. It’s just tough when everybody’s around, especially because we’re locked inside.
8:25pm Bedroom – Brooklyn, Cam and Chelsie
Cam – Did anybody see my sweatpants? Who was wearing my clothes? Chelsie – You. Cam – No, I lost my sweatpants and a couple pieces of underwear. Chelsie – Did you put them in your drawers? Cam – I don’t. I don’t put them drawers. I don’t put my pants away in drawers. I put my pants way right here. Chelsie – on the rock? Cam – No, in my bag. Chelsie – So I don’t think anybody would wear your underwear. So that’s crossed out. (LOL) And I don’t. If someone is wearing your sweats, I think you would have seen them. Cam – Right. Chelsie – Maybe Lisa took them. Cam – honestly she could have taken them.
8:30pm Bedroom – Cam, Brooklyn and Chelsie
They talk about voting out Rubina over Makensy if they’re the ones left on the block after the AI arena because it makes Tucker less strong. They don’t think Makensy will win anything because she hasn’t done that well so far. Cam – if Rubina goes home it breaks up Tkor, Kimo and Tucker. If Makensy goes home, nothing changes. Brooklyn – right. Joseph – will do whatever. Chelsie – if we’re going to flip that it has to be flipped tonight because tomorrow nothing is happening. Its too chaotic in the morning and then we’re on ice the rest of the day. They think if its Cedric and Rubina they would keep Cedric.
8:55pm Bedroom – Joseph and Tkor
Joseph – The internets favourite players are her (Tkor) and Kimo.. BY FAR. By Far! I’m not even close and that’s okay. If I could lose to anybody it would be those two. They’re unproblematic. They’re funny. They don’t do too much. The internet loves them. Me, I’m probably like 5 or 6. Tkor – that’s not bad out of 16. Makensy walks by. Joseph tells Makensy that Tkor and Kimo are probably the most liked by the internet. Makensy – MMmmm.. yeah.
9:10pm Bedroom – Cam and Makensy
Makensy – Im a lone wolf, which is bad and good. I feel like for me because. I’m not hurting anybody’s game. That’s the thing but I’m also not helping because I’m not part of the alliance. But that’s the thing too. Like I could be a number for anybody, but that’s kind of what I want people to like realize is like look like Im kind of expendable so it’s like a target off yall’s back and but still like a vote for yall do you go. I’m saying? So I’m just trying to see what that gets me because I feel like ever since week one we can’t get just kind of caught and cross fires ever since the beginning, which is fine. You know pressure makes diamonds. If I’ve got to ride it out singly then. Makensy talks about Tucker. He is really fucking good at comps but whatever so that kind of sucks but at the same time like I said I’ve got my target which is Angela and if that means that I’ve got to get Tucker out then so be it because that’s going to hurt my game and he’s kind of a lone wolf besides obviously some people that may be known so I don’t know how people are playing that but I just want people know that I’m not in nothing I am here to help I can compete l want to be part of something after this I want to hopefully win Al arena and then help out whoever and I also am not a threat because I really am not like I haven’t really won that much. Definitely next week if I win, you are not going up and if you went up for some reason, then I would have your back. Cam – I appreciate that.
9:40pm The HGs on the block (Rubina, Cedric and Makensy) are packing in preparation for tomorrows eviction.
10:05pm HOH room – Tkor and Kimo
Tkor – now I’m worried, especially after today, that people might feel inclined to put you and me on the block at the same time. Kimo – I don’t think it’s yet. And also if we stick where the numbers are and be fine anyway. I don’t want to see Cedric leave and I don’t want to see Rubina leave either. Tkor – Me either. That’s what makes it all.. Kimo – if either they’re gone, it’s going to be heavily missed in the house and people will really be hurt. Tkor – I’ll be honest, I don’t want Tucker in jury. Kimo – that’s fair. I genuinely believe that Tucker will win HOH. Cam joins thein. Tkor – If its Cedric on the block we vote to keep him. But if its Makensy and Rubina we vote to keep Rubina. That’s the consensus. Cam – yes. Joseph and Quinn just told me I didn’t know to be honest until they just told me. They agree to vote out Makensy either way if she is on the block with Rubina or Cedric.
10:20pm – 11:15pm Havenot room – Tkor gives Rubina a pep talk for tomorrow’s AL competition / eviction. Tkor – yeah, I want to make it to the end. Everybody wants to make it to the end. Right. But also I don’t want to float there. Rubina – I know you don’t. You’re very adamant about that you want to be part of decisions you want. Tkok – Yeah. And I came to the realization that if I get out because I decided to make a decision for myself it’ll be worth it because you want to play a game you’re proud of not because I took no risk. I don’t want to play scared but in a good way it’s a good or a buff. Rubina – exactly. Ain’t nobody floating up in here! Tkor – I know as much of a crazy person Tucker is. I am very grateful to have Tucker in this seasons because I feel like he is pushing it.
11:45pm Workout Room – Kimo, Tkor and Makensy are chatting. Kimo and Tkor tell Makensy that they have tea about Makensy that Cedric said she liked Cam.
11:50pm Havenot Room – Quinn tells the cameras that he and Joseph plan to double up in the diary room. Quinn – Joseph has already accepted defeat in the comp tomorrow.. whatever the comp is. He’s like, I don’t think I’ll beat Tucker in it. So that is hilarious. Please let us in! That would be so legendary. I’m way funnier than the other people. I’m f**King hilarious. You guys got to get me in there with Joseph. Please, please, please! Angela did scare the piss out of me though. I’m straight up in a need to win atmosphere right now.

12:20am – 12:42am Living room – Makensy reading the bible.. Joseph goes to get a beer to sit with her. All the other house guests are sleeping..
Makensy – How are you doing? Joseph – I’m good. I’ve been having like I don’t know. I feel like there’s times where I’m like so in it that I like, don’t really take the time to step back and appreciate it. You know what I mean? Because you’re just like game, game, game. You know what I mean? Like, let it not be me. How do I make it not me? And like, it’s like, man, 30 days have already gone by. Isn’t that crazy? You know, I’m just like the whole process of getting here and doing everything. And there’s a lot. Makensy – Yeah. And, you know, I’ve only been watching the last year, so I can only imagine how it is for other people. But like, it’s just crazy, you know what I mean? Literally inside. And it’s fun and it’s cool and it’s scary and it’s like so many different things. They continue talk about how much the appreciate the experience and how much they appreciate their lives outside of the house.
Makensy – its terrifying, honestly Joseph, I’m terrified to leave tomorrow and it’s not because of the game it’s because when I walk out of here I have nothing waiting for me out there. Joseph – what do you mean? Makensy – like I have my family but like I have a whole life to like rewrite like I left my job like they told me I could come back but like I left my job. I’ve got boy problems out the wazoo, hell…out the fucking wazoo. I don’t have house like.. I let go my lease like. All I have to go back to is my family and a car payment other than that the world like everything is unwritten and it’s almost like it’s so exciting so exciting but when I think about it I’m terrified.
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Why doesn’t Grod just hire professional actors?
Shhh don’t wake the GROD and stop giving it Ideas!
Sorry to feed the BEAST but there are a lot of out of work actors out there, I mean even someone who does community theater can pull off a better performance and make the diary room segments sound more authentic. Just saying.
Because by union standards a professional actor isn’t even farting in that house on that stipend.
Then they should start providing acting and improve classes for the reality stars they cast to work around those ethical and legal standards until there is a union for reality TV.
Dear T’Kor and Kimo,
Remember all those times Quinn told you the plan, and you said nothing?
Before noms when Rubina was the third nom… you said nothing.
After Tucker won veto and Rubina was the replacement nom… you said nothing.
The blatant lying to yourselves and each other that Quinn didn’t tell you the plan…
I mean… even Grod put it in the edit. That’s how dumb you both look.
But then again… These two nitwits are playing two polar opposite strategies as a duo and think everything is fine and opposite strategies will work for a duo. They won’t.
Let’s put Candor on 100 for everyone in the cheap seats:
Rubina will ALWAYS put Tucker over EVERYONE else.
Kimo will ALWAYS put Tucker over Quinn and over T’kor.
T’kor will ALWAYS want to play with only POC houseguests. When she counted out the number of POC players on each side in order to determine which side she would MORE like to work with…. we knew. No, Really, the reason T’kor REALLY second guesses Quinn? Tucker? Leah? Mak? But wants to be in the end with Chelsie/ Cam/ Cedric/ Rubina/ Brooklin? We know. Every single doubted houseguest has approached her about an alliance only for her to turn up her nose because the demographics don’t fit her ideal only POC invited to the jury idea of big brother. When she counted the number of POC in each alliance option on her fingers with Kimo…. she might as well have rented a sign. Do I have a problem with it…NOT IF SHE OWNS IT. She owns 80% of it.. but code talks the other 20%. So I only have 20% of a problem with it. It’s a strategy. It would still fail for her because she has weaker social bonds in that circle since she spends most of her time glued to Kimo and his paranoia.
TELL ME T’KOR’S GAME PLAN APART FROM KIMO. He has one and he’s a terrible ally. Does she?
All of this fuss over….. Rubina. Sideye. Rubina? You mean still doesn’t have a strategic thought or plan Rubina? Really? Why??????
T,kor isn’t the only player in here only interested in grouping with poc, it’s actually all the poc….this has become an issue for big brother that needs addressing because if all the causation people decided not to vote for each other people would be tearing the walls down..
It’s blacks reacting to a constructed idea of history due to constant propaganda and dogma. In the history of Big Brother there has never been a “whites only” alliance, nor have alliances been formed to deliberately exclude and target non-white HouseGuests. The Cookout really did a lot of damage to the game of Big Brother and CBS has pissed it down the drain and let it happen. They need to stop casting the stereotypes and actually actively go after proper super fans of the game, and have a season entirely comprised of actual Big Brother fans with zero recruits and DEI picks.
No. There was no racism in bb until 23?
That’s crap.
15, 19, 21, 22. had VERY obvious issues.
Look at season 6 for a second. Ask yourself what was the basis of the animosity that led to the popularity of Kaysar and Janelle to begin with?
Look at season 5 for a second. Marvin calling out multiple houseguests for their behavior, and questioning if racism had anything to do with it.
Hell, look at season 3 for a second. Production tanked Danielle because America wasn’t ready for a black winner.
But let’s go back to the season that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Season 21 had Camp Come Black. All early evictions were made based on ‘you stand out in a crowd’ as nomination reason. N-word scandals. 21 wasn’t racist?
really? hard no to that premise.
Season 22. When determining who should be in the big alliance, what was said on feeds? We could have one of them in the group so we don’t look… but not both of them. (Memphis regarding Da’vonne and Bayleigh).
The deniability code language has never been hard to break. It wasn’t pre-23, it isn’t post 23.
I didn’t say there was no racism pre Big Brother 23. You’re talking about historical /isolated incidents of racism or bigotry, I am talking about actual open named alliances that were formed to target particular HouseGuests because of their ethnic background. That didn’t exist until the Cookout. Overt racism exists now in Big Brother and it certainly isn’t from white contestants.
H8ful would have been a more appropriate name.
The Committee.
When houseguests say we have to put up a pawn that isn’t poc so that we don’t look racist…. guess what. They just broke their own code talk.
anyone can align for any reason they want.
All I ask is ownership and transparency.
Do i like prejudice and bias as factors in big brother? Never did. Am I about to clutch pearls about it anymore? I’m tired and I don’t have any pearls.
It isn’t like bias and prejudice is a new thing to America… so maybe everyone has to own it, recognize just how much it’s a part of the society, drop all the deniability language, and then maybe once everyone sees just how it really is… maybe then everyone will realize that everyone has to work towards change.
I don’t know. At this point….. sigh and shrug.
Alliances are made based on superficial or surface reasons all the time.
Always have been. Own it as part of the strategy and that’s how i’ll weigh it.
Don’t own it as strategy? Then I judge.
When this season’s houseguests talk about floaters….
they mean coasters.
Floaters intentionally manipulate social relationships so that they are able to maintain a position of safety regardless of who is in charge, and manipulate targeting so that they are always improving their position in the game. That’s why floating is the most difficult social strategy that a big brother houseguest can choose to employ. They are always on every side, and can manipulate their way out of any situation. Hell, Old school floaters proudly announced they were floaters and still were safe for weeks on end.
Most of this season’s houseguests are afraid to be called floaters….. while they bob up and down in the water in their dinghies without ever even trying to use their paddles.
Yes, many houseguests are over-allianced… but they are too passive to actually manipulate the course of the game. Many of the houseguests that COULD be original definition floaters…. have made it too clear that they are on a side.
These asshats would have to jump up three spots to even hope to be floaters. Some are barely even coasters… they are anchors.
Anchors, love it.
I think the best thing for Tuckers game is for Rubina to be out she’s a distraction. Haha it’s certainly interesting times in voting last week they had the chance to get Quinn out they didn’t. This week Cedric and they still aren’t. I guess this season is vote out the weakest players first. I think the problem with these houseguests is they don’t plan ahead it’s all about Tucker lol. Tucker love him or hate him at least he’s going for it.
So are they willing to flip on Cedric or no?!
You know there is a five person alliance , come on now. Let makensey or Rubina to run this, they are the one’s on the block. Tell them to keep your names out of it. They would do it, cause they owe you and they need you.
In Season 12, there was even Rachel. In Season 26, there are only kids who will be eaten up by the Brigade.
Nothing more annoying than hours of Kimo and T’kor WHISPERING all day! Whisper in Pandora Room. Whisper in the Unicorn Room. Whisper in the Bathroom. Whisper in the HOH Room. Whisper Whisper Whisper. This is terrible TV watching. Making this game geared for Angela to win truly sux. Don’t care how it is presented you can have rainbows and Cotton Candy come out Angela’s A$$ and I still will find her a horrible human being that will win this stupid game. Every year I say I won’t watch and every year I watch this dumpster fire of a show. What is wrong with me?!(don’t answer I already know…)
What the hell makes Kimo and T,kor think they are anywhere near the internet favorites. In my opinion the only list they can make is the laziest floating list.
This is a late, late question but: why did America decide to put Quinn on the block? Is he hated by America or something?
personally? my opinion? I think they were hoping he’d beat Tucker. Honestly not sure anyone in that house is smart enough to get rid of him and that includes Quinn. Quinn gave him 3 chances to survive this week…the veto, the AI and a vote. He could have put him up as the renom and the veto would have been off the table.
I can’t stand him, so maybe… he’s trying to be “ legendary “ but will be disappointed….,I see Tucker being more memorable
No we don’t like him
Casuals saw the edit of Quinn in a suspect d/r during the Angela Quinn argument. Suspect because it was a cut and paste job from a d/r session earlier in the episode not related to the argument. The conclusion was that Quinn was intentionally making the poc houseguests think Angela was acting out of bias in a malicious manner. That was strike one.
Bbtwitter has a thing against the Kevin Jacobs / bb25 Cory casting type. I don’t really understand the basis of it… but it’s become it’s own Ouroboros machine of fans hating on casting of fans. Strike two.
What seemed to seal the deal is Tucker doesn’t like Quinn… and the lemmings are following the edit of the Tucker Show… a proud Grod Production. Strike Three.
he was the clear target of tucker and the edit made sure to dilute all other options by not really showing any of them so any pro-quinn vote would be split and disorganized. most polls i’ve seen put cam below quinn (though quinn’s not doing great) but the edit made cam pretty invisible.
America doesn’t vote. CBS does.
LUCY5 SPOT ON TRUTH!!!! I know my votes didn’t count.
If these houseguests would ever listen to themselves talk and what comes out of their mouths, they would all STFU because they would be so embarrassed and humiliated…..what a bunch of knobs…all of them…..I could care less who wins, all they deserve is to pay America for this bs season.
OMG i agree. I don’t care who goes home, i don’t care who wins. None of them are entertaining and if even one of them says we are the best cast ever I’ll invest in a banner that says, GET BENT, YOU ALL SUCK!
This is what I feared would happen. And now I’m hearing Quinn can’t vote after using his Deepfake HOH.
I just can’t have Makensy win the A.I. Comp. She’s the one I want out the most tonight. But it would be best to have Cedric win A.I. and delay the rebellion.
If Cedric gets evicted tonight, Quinn will be 100% responsible for fumbling the noms. He could have put up Leah instead of Cedric — but NO! He’s simping for her and doesn’t want to show his cards too soon.
So be it — T’kor and Kimo are happy enough to show their cards early. And if they succeed, what are the rest of The Pentagon gonna do? Evict them? Over Tucker and Angela??
Makensy – 1 Team Taylor – 0
Seems like Makensy didn’t care what you just couldn’t have. It was damn close between her and Rubina, but Makensy saved her own bacon in the end!
Leah seemed quiet and low key in the beginning, mostly trying to keep out of trouble and fly under the radar. Then last week, she went through some kind of change. Now she’s wearing bright workout clothes, smiling and laughing with the group, telling long somewhat pointless stories (like everyone else). She’s become the people she was making fun of.
Hoping for the flip to happen
Here’s where I THINK we stand with Today’s Waffletalk that barely meets crepe standard.
IF the post AI noms are Mak / Rubina: Mak goes.
IF the post AI noms are Mak / Cedric: Mak goes.
IF the post AI noms are Ced / Rub: possible flip.
THEREFORE…. exactly where things stood before the marathon of self righteous indignation.
Remember: the house has been told that they aren’t supposed to game talk on Thursdays. So, the fact that most of this Creping has been going on since last night, and ramped up today…. Production is well aware and condoned it for the sake of drama that changes practically nothing because the end result is still the same as BEFORE all the creping.
It’s all blahblahblah…. with the set up of possible house division for week 5… right on schedule.
So Quinn tells T’kor and Kimo about the core and the pentagon.
They don’t trust Quinn because of the core and the pentagon.
So Quinn tells them about Rubina as a nom. They said NOTHING.
They are repeatedly saying Quinn didn’t tell them about Rubina as a nom.
They think Leah should be the nom because she shit talks Quinn. Did they tell Quinn?
no. But he should have done it without them telling him. Sideye.
The Collective meets. T’kor and Kimo say nothing when in attendance.
They complain their opinion isn’t valued… y’know that opinion they never voiced.
The collective is sitting in a room minus T’kor and Kimo talking nothingburgers.
Instead of joining them, they bitch about the audacity of the collective meeting without them. Do they know the content? no.
So Quinn tells them some of the pentagon want to flip the vote to get rid of Rubina.
They don’t trust Quinn or the Pentagon….. because Quinn put Rubina in the position in the first place even though… they said nothing.
Flip. No flip. At this point I don’t give a shit.
This mewling and whining business by 2 introverts that don’t game talk to anyone but each other but don’t see why nobody values their opinion….. that they never voice:
That’s the MOST idiotic thing I’ve ever heard.
Angela and Tucker modern day Game of Thrones Lysa and her son Robyn Arryn sucking on her teat. Same energy