“I know it’s the underdogs running it, They have Kimo, Rubina, Joseph, Quinn that can vote that’s 4”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

feeds return after a 9 hour plus outage houseguests look like they just woke up. No indication why they were down. Nominations sound like they are going to be Makesny, Tucker and ?

1:55 pm Rubina and Tkor
Rubina offers to be a renom/nom.
Tkor – I talked to Tucker already he said he’s cool

2:15 pm Makensy and Leah
Makensy – well you made it another week
Leah -by who?
MJ – I’ve been told by everybody
MJ – I’m already on the block.. fist bump
L – I’m not fist bumping to that
Rubina joins them
MJ – yeah I’m stressed… I wish this damn twist would be over.
Leah – it’s ridiculous
Rubina – B1tch for real what the f***.. It’s f****Ing week 6 that’s crazy or maybe they’re telling her now..
Leah – I think they would have said it in the last eviction.
Rubina leaves
MJ – I’m really sad right now. It not the block I have everyone in this house going at me and I could have gone home when I could have seen my family.
L – you are still making it far and you haven’t lost yet and you’ve won twice
MJ – I miss my family
Leah – you have to keep fighting
MJ – I know.. Boo Whoo Makensy
MJ – we’re good
Leah – I know I just feel like a idiot. All the people that are gone would have had our backs. I didn’t realize there was a big a$$ alliance taking all of us out one by one. I feel like a moron. Even Brooklyn.
MJ – that one alliance they’ve had since week one and they are staying loyal to it.
L – it’s bullshit
MJ – Since I know everyone who’s in it. it’s the whole other side of the house but you and Chels..
Leah – you don’t think Chelsie is part of it?
MJ – NO.. There’s 8 people voting today all I need is 5

Rubina joins them.

2:38 pm Makensy and Chelsie
C – You’re going to be fine
M – I know..
C – sucks either way
Makensy says there’s four people Tkor will choose from.
MJ – I know it’s the underdogs running it, Joe and Quinn are fine too. Tkor can’t vote so that’s four votes.
C – whoever is on only needs four
MJ – you need 5, Tkor is the final vote. (Tie) If I had the other four in the house I think I would.
Chelsie asks who “Leah, you, Cam and Tucker”
C – interesting season.
MJ – I hope there is only two. (noms)
C – looks like a floater was the game to play this season.
MJ – No, Cause I’m a floater
C – A floater is someone who tries to not be in alliances and tries not to win. You’ve won.
MJ – I’ve had to win
C – that’s why you are not a floater.
MJ – If I was up against Angela I would be worried they would send me home.
C – so people that can vote, Quinn, JOe, Myself, Leah,
MJ – They have Kimo, Rubina, Joseph Quinn that can vote that’s four, Then they have You, Leah, Cam, Tucker, Me, Angela but two of us will be on the block. If Leah stays with us it’s four four T’kor gets to choose.
C – Certain people will go with the house I don’t think it’ll be a split vote.
MJ – I feel if it’s Tucker VS me They will send Tucker home.
feeds flip

3:12 pm Feeds go to fish

3:45 pm Houseguests receive a message from the instigator

3:50 pm Rubina Cries

4:20 pm Feeds cut to pound

18 thoughts to ““I know it’s the underdogs running it, They have Kimo, Rubina, Joseph, Quinn that can vote that’s 4””

    1. No the instigator didn’t nominate MJ, but Tkor is going too. Just curious who everyone thinks is the instigator. I’m thinking it’s Joseph trying to start drama.

  1. T,kor is a straight up Bitch….I’m pulling for Tucker to win veto take himself down, make her replace him and then gun for HOH next week and make her and her girlfriend feel the pain of the block…I would then put a very strong player up next to them to ensure that I split that little pow wow up once and for all.

  2. She has griped about Leah and Joseph getting too close to Tucker all week because Tucker is in her alliance but when she gets the chance to take a shot she shoots at her own alliance…you better bet Tucker is keeping score even though he’s smiling.

  3. t’kor putting up tucker? don’t think that’s smart. if you wanna target him, fine, but do it as a backdoor.

  4. Instigator message was something about
    Tucker and Rubina hand holding. Pentagon for life.
    It isn’t the first message.
    Houseguests asked why they keep seeing them.
    Joseph not present for the message.
    Rubina is upset that they’re hand holding is common knowledge.
    Waitt’lll she finds out Leah is a condom counter.

  5. Perhaps they did a lot of late DRs last night so that no one would figure out who was in there as instigator. That would explain the feeds being down and then late wake-up this morning.

    You know Quinn, You know Tucker, You know Angela.

    IF YOU ARE ON TWITTER OR FB… I think JOSEPH was getting the green light.

    Angela is NOT pot shotting the showmance.
    Quinn was used as the deepfake avatar.

    MOST LIKELY CANDIDATE IS TUCKER TAKING SHOTS AT HIMSELF and Rubina catching a stray… which leaves him open to having that editmance that Rubina didn’t want to define her game. He’s now above suspicion.

    2nd most likely candidate is JOSEPH taking shots and hiding during aftermath.
    He’s said some of these things in other convos.

    Imo these are the ONLY 2 real options.

    1. I think it could be Quinn trying to hide in plain sight. No one would expect him to be that stupid to use his own avatar, well, except Tucker. But that’s part of the banter between them, anyway.

      I could see the casuals voting for him simply bc they did so for the last vote. Just mindlessly repeating themselves.

      If it’s Tucker then he was trying to put suspicion on Quinn, and maybe on Chelsie, too.

      1. Quinn is reviled for being against Tucker.
        Quinn is further reviled because the edit week 2 made it sound like Quinn intentionally made Angela sound racist. It was a d/r cut paste that made Angela sound reasonable.

        Aside: TINFOIL THOUGHT As I’ve said before, Angela is the reason for all the feed cuts in week 1-2 and Kimo says she committed an ejection offense. Then with the Tucker’s clothes thing… who did Angela just gut level guess? Cam for no discernable reason. I’m not saying racist. I’m saying she might have inherent bias projection issues. When everyone was saying Leah upset Chelsie, I stopped and thought to myself… or Angela said something not realizing it was offensive, which is totally in Angela’s wheel house I think just about everyone could agree (she’s 51, look at things that would have been acceptable to say 25 years ago vs. today and ask has she caught up with the times). The edit has been VERY consistent in cleaning up after Angela since she got workplace complaints from nutbar bb fans. Again. Tinfoil Speculation of Scenarios. I am clueless about who said what. I’m just not willing to take Tucker’s supposition at face value without asking myself in a lack of proof state… who are the likely contenders to say inappropriate comments, and I don’t think there is just ONE option. 100% SPECULATION.

        Since the AI instigator comes with a cash prize to be determined after the week… I don’t see ANY of the fan groups voting Quinn a reward.

        Joseph COULD be because his reaction fits his character. The edit did show Tucker and Joseph cahooting a bit, didn’t it? In the narrowing of the social media focus, it seemed like Joseph would be good because he wasn’t against Tucker.

        Tucker COULD be because… Grodboy edit makes him the season focus.

  7. Really….these house guests are so freaking petty that’s the best they can do is say…ohhh look they’re holding hands…well you missed America you gave the power to an IDIOT

  8. Tucker looks like Jerry Lewis. Get him some movie deals get him a telethon deals. He is going to be a STAR!!! (If his parents were trans women and he was named “Tucker” isn’t that name not the best choice?) ((I hate myself for leaving this comment!))

    1. Tucker volunteered to Kimo, immediately took it back.
      He volunteered to T’kor.
      After about an hour he withdrew his volunteering again… To Kimo not T’kor.
      Now he’s upset that she took him up on his volunteering.

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