“I know it’s scary but if we don’t take shots when we have shots to take we might not have them again”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: Cedric, Angela, Tucker, Makensy, Joe, Brooklyn
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: Tucker used Veto Quinn nominated Rubina
Havenots: No havenots again this week

The Tkor, Kimo plan to bring Tucker into an new group with Quinn appears to be going ahead. The three nominees have been doing a lot of campaigning I have skipped over most of those standard stuff mostly. Rubina and Angela have a funny one where they go on about how great of “Catch” Tucker is.. Rubina is thirsty. They seem pretty sure it’ll be the wall tomorrow.

11:55 am Kimo and Tkor
Tkor saying about a time Rubina said that she would never trust Quinn again.
T – after our conversation with Quinn do you think… I will talk to Brooklyn later today. In that conversation I will also bring up the voting. That should be the priority.
T – Then we let Tucker and Rubina know about the Pentagon and if so do we wait until after AI?
K – Right, Will that affect things…. here’s the thing with Brooklyn knowing we’re telling Tucker
Feeds flip.. .

Noon Feeds on pound

12:30 pm feeds return. They got food delivered.

12:38 pm Leah Crying. Standard reasons Not getting my alone time, trying not to be mean.. Etc etc..

12:45 pm Quinn and Joe
Joe – when was that final four with Brooklyn, Chelsie and Cam and Cedric when did they present that to you?
Q – week one after the formation of the collective. We can get out of this once we send Tucker home we can.
J – pull Rubina in
Q – Yeah
J – You gotta make sure you’re good with her
Q – I straight up told her I want to work with you. I meant that.
Q- ALso what I was going to say where I was like I think we’re playing the same game where you have the final two that I actually care
about and then you’re making a point to just get Super Duper close with everyone else and okay
J – without formalizing that way nobody can be like oh but you told me this. Is that way you’re going to tell me when you walked up here
Q – Yeah… I feel like Tyler/Kasey vibes.
Quinn tells him to work on Cam and Cedric and he’ll work obn Brooklyn.
J – Cool because I don’t have her.
J – The thing is it’s like I actually trust Cedric I actually like I know he doesn’t tell me everything. But I do think he has my best interest at heart.
Q – And I’m starting to like, really believe the thing that he made with me It might be real,
J – really?
Q – yeah, because he was like, hey, we should do two person dealer. And I was like,
J – oh shit.
Q – I was like, oh,
J – yeah, damn.
Q – Like, this is real. And I was like, if I knew it was real, I probably wouldn’t have been like, yeah, I’m down because that’s a little
sketchy. But, yeah, I did.
J – Yeah, I think it’s weird. I feel really weird about both him and Chelsea, because I feel like, I don’t know if I ever told you this, but Chelsea, one time we were all here, and she told me she was like, I want to see you, Tkor, Quinn go really far in this game. Those were her, and she seemed very genuine. It did not seem like a ploy or anything, but she didn’t mention Cedric in that, which, I don’t know if she’s just hiding that or trying to, but also, you got to keep this between me and you. But one time we like, I try to form a final 3 with them after…. before Chelsea won the HOH. I might have told you this already,but she was like, didn’t want to agree to that. And I’m like, did she say that? Because of Cedric like, because then she told me that shit afterwards. So it makes me think, like, is she, you know,
Q – Maybe it’s a ploy. To throw us off.
J – it might be
Q – but also, sometimes I think she doesn’t want him to win, like, just from a personal standpoint, like he’s a 21 year old kid. Like, like, maybe she doesn’t respect the way he’s playing. Like, you know what I mean? Because that’s another thing I think about Cedric. I feel like even though he’s winning competitions and stuff, I feel like you and me could both beat him in the end. Because nobody respects him, you know.
Q – I agree with that.

Feeds switch for 5 minutes.

Q – I’ve been saying I’m trying to get close with Joseph. It feels really hard and it’s hard to figure out where he’s at. I feel like he would be a valuable member of whatever And so if I straight up drop that that’ll be like because it’s it’s one thing for you to say it to them is another if someone else says like no he’s down with you.
J – also being really good with the timing of you dropping that info about them forming that thing trying to telling them that because then they’ll be locked down but yeah try to get I think that that idea of you getting close to Brooklyn is really good because I don’t talk to her that much.

Q – I my in the game Chelsea’s the Best Brooklyn’s the second best like you’re doing a good job but they are at the top
J – I think the only person playing better than me is Chelsea I don’t think… I think Brooklyn’s good but I just don’t see that as much I don’t think she really has people like that.
Q – So then I’m wondering if that just means she actually trusts me like there’s whispers
J – her and Chelsie are final 2 There’s no f**king way Not.
Q – maybe she’s trying to just placate me. she might be just like trick me which is fine. I’m comfortable with people thinking they can trick me.
J – what do you think of Cam?
Q – Cam… I used to think he was the best player in the game. He’s one of the better strategic. He’s like Matt.
J – I think he almost though like doesn’t give enough. toward I don’t think any I think everybody knows he’s out for himself.. you know what I’m saying?
Q – yeah, he’s not as much of a yes man as Matt was but they had like the same skill sets and so I thought like oh he’s going to be good this season
J – the one good thing about him though is if we are able to keep him and Leah in the game together like you will be good because
eventually if we make it to like top 1O and let’s say you’re there and those two are there and you kind of fade into the shadows a little
bit people target them they’ll put them on the block together
J – We just have to make sure that you and me don’t go on the block.
Q – that’s why I’ve been so open about like having a crush on Leah I’m like like I don’t care.
J – DUDE.. everybody thinks you are in love with her even she thinks that
Q – but that’s also like the way that I flirt I’m a very sweet whatever I don’t care about like
J – It’s so funny too, like whenever people like brought it. I was always like Are you sure? like like I get like cause like they were like Oh yeah he’s like definitely not going to do that and I was like I don’t know like I think he you know what I
mean like and like everyone was trying to think like who you would theoretically put up as the veto like beforehand (Dear f***ing lord if you are playing the 1 shot per like game you’re dead)
J – they took it as like OHH he’s in love with her. like like multiple people told me that like yeah and I’m just like I said you can ask anybody I said in the moment I was like really like like… I’ve never noticed yall talking like that like
Q – not really no it’s just like I flirt every once in a while but then I straight up told her the other day I was like I’m not gonna flirt with you anymore. I was like hey I’m sorry bro. I was like hey buddy sorry it’s over right you know just because yeah I’m intentionally transparent with that because then it also makes me not seeing this much of a gamer
J – OHHH smart… DUDE you and me are **king bowl this over if we do it right
Q – my gosh but yeah bro I feel like we’re fu****G cooking dude.
J – no doubt bro. Yeah I think I think the rest of this week we don’t have to talk anymore The only, the only scenario is next week, if he wins, trying to keep you safe.
Q – Yeah, I can get him committed. I said, Rubina would have to facilitate that conversation. If that does happen, I would be like, dude, I just, I don’t know if I can believe you. I’m not trying to get tricked, like, whatever.

1:57 pm Tucker and Cedric
T – know we got public public beef in here, but again, if if you come off and want to squash it, we we can work something out.
They get interrupted …
C – But all right, back now back to business. Yeah. You know, I f**k with you hard too. So I end up here next week. I would appreciate your vote. But at the same time, I don’t expect it. You know what I mean?
T – I think. I think you’re, I think you’re the most likely to beat people out in the challenge you do well under pressure in the
challenge as do I and I think that that is a lot more of a tool in here than people think. Being a competitor on the block and whatever
everyone knows I’m here rock with the games Yeah I think. I think based on the word of the house if it’s you and Mackenzie up there
Mackenzie’s going. If it’s you and Rubina it’s closely split but I think that you can win that shit and if you do I win HOH we could keep the beef. I would need a pawn not that I would want you to do it cuz you did it already but I was your pawn and that shit did go down and I’m to each their own. If you think you really told me because I don’t remember you were saying to use it and that’s something that can just do water under the bridges if we get something you know I’m going to need some help figuring out who to put up there because everyone knows Quinn and I were going to beef this shit out. That’s my sense of it and if.. if it comes down to you and I up there and you you drop it like you throw the … everyone thinks it’s the wall if you throw that for me and I went in HOH I would count that as a big thing and then if there’s someone that you want go on that people don’t expect I’m already the loose cannon in here they wouldn’t think it came from anybody so I would put up that person for you to if you throw it for me I’ll put someone up for you to have all that shit be watering in the bridge and that can be our way of knowing

T – man to man that’s how I would be able to squash that shit and move on this I think you and I can compete like crazy in this thing
and normally you don’t get into this shit with competitive people. you just got to tough it out up there.

Tucker – Makensy was mad nervous… Mad nervous with the veto shit man. that’s going to… you’re not going to have time to even have that happen

T – you got a good heart you’re competitor and Quinn’s great. He’s a fun dude and everyone in here you know our homies and shit but.
he’s just making just getting a little annoying. In terms of who can live in here the longest in the long run like I mean f(ck we got
rid of Lisa that was a fuc*ng huge weight off my back.. I couldn’t hide it anymore at that point but yeah everyone else I can deal with but Quinn and I got our beef and but he couldn’t handle being called two names in this house and made a big scene about it called me 15 names to the entire f***king world and I had to say that back in my speech and when I said all that shit I meant bro. I’m coming for him because He’s my public enemy number . We can still fake that beef cuz people will probably put us up against each other so it won’t be it wouldn’t be us having to thank if others would make it happen and just under wraps exactly. It’s going to come down to the veto sh1t one of us will win that the other will win the area si it’ll be cool. The arena’s obviously scarier but then
even after you have the Area you still have the Votes that go down so it is like you have three f**king chances once you’re up
there you have the veto the arena and then vote so yeah. that’s where I’m at with it.

Cedric – I’m in the same spot. Let’s get to work baby appreciate your time TUCK stay beautiful

2:56 pm Quinn, Tkor, Kimo
Kimo says he has a talk planned with Brooklyn later tonight.
Q – you guys end up meeting with her just be team collective the whole way cause she was a little nervous.. not like with you two specifically but if you… Start saying Hey are you worried do you think there is a hierarchy? She’s going to be like NO
Q – Reassure Brooklyn that you are team collective all the way and be like the good thing about keeping Rubina is we can influence her and include her because she feels like she’s in the middle of you guys. We can influence her to pick people outside of the collective.

Quinn says Brooklyn was pushing the five with them. “Joe is convinced she has a final 2 with Chelsie and so I think she’s just trying to keep people loyal to the five”
Q – Leah wanted to form something with me her and Chelsie and someone else.. Maybe they aren’t going to share it until it’s something real. It’s interesting.
Q – We need to find a way to get us three into the DR
K – I don’t think they will want.
Q – We all run in.. They call me in
K – like 4 in the morning
Q – Yeah yeah Sprint in there with me then we leave one at a time… I’m going to ask them about it.
Kimo says he doesn’t like the Hierarchy in the collective

They start strategizing about the wall competition.
Q – I would feel more comfortable if it was my HOH and we bring Tucker in. Then I can show him I’m telling the truth VS him being HOH and not trusting anything I say. If Makensy would win she would put me on the block anyway.
They whisper about Makensy targeting Angela or Quinn…

3:30 pm Tucker and Joe
Tucker – If I win HOH I’m putting Chelsie, Brooklyn and Quinn up
Joe – you should leave Quinn alone they’re going to sell him down the river.. they don’t give a f*** about him I’m telling you BRO he’s nothing in this game. I’m telling you BRO he’s not smart..
Joe – I’m telling you BRO I’ve forgotten more than he knows about this game BRO

4:35 pm Tkor and Kimo
Tkor – The thing is if we did do it this week do we even have the numbers?
Kimo – I think so, You, me, Tucker, Either Makesny or Rubina…If Joe swings with us and if Quinn swings with us.
T – Quinn doesn’t have a vote he can’t vote
K – all we need is five
T – whose the fourth?
Kimo counts the same people leaving Quinn out. He goes on about how they have the numbers.
T – there’s 13 people in the house right now
K – who are we missing?
T – there’s 9 votes.. Angela and Quinn can’t vote there won’t be a tie breaker cause Quinn can’t vote at all.
K – to keep Rubina, You me, Tucker, Makensy, Joe
T – Which leaves Chelsie, Brooklyn, Cam, Leah… unless Leah
K – Unless Leah comes here.
K – I know it’s scary but if we don’t take shots when we have shots to take we might not have them.
T – what if Chelsie or Brooklyn win the following week would they come for us?
K – potentially .. but if we can solidify us two, Tucker, Rubina, Quinn, Joe we have the numbers we are no longer on the bottom.
T – wait I’m confused…
Kimo goes on about having the numbers to make this big move. He adds the risk they take is if Brooklyn or Chelsie win HOH.
Kimo says Tucker trust him and Rubina the most.
Kimo – I think we should tell Tucker about the Pentagon.
T – Quinn is in it
Kimo – QUINN is flipping he told us..
T – what if Tucker goes and runs his big mouth.. (Likely)
K – I’m scared of that but I don’t think he’ll do that this time around.
K – I feel like we have leverage on everyone.. Don’t you?
Kimo – if we are the ones that initiate BIG moves that’s better for us and also if we have the numbers and it’s a smaller group we can take out BIG targets together.
T – I don’t want Brooklyn or Chelsie to go soon
K – me neither
T – how do we make sure our relationship with them is still good?
K – they come to us I think we tell Brooklyn there’s going to be a flip. WE tell Chelsie this evening then we’re the ones telling them it’s less fishy. IF we tell the two of them Flip with us.. Ugh I feel really bad. We’re going to have to do it at some point.
T – what’s the difference between doing it now and doing it later
K – exactly, Those four are solid and if they pick up a LEAH. (Chelsie, Brooklyn, Cam and Cedric)
K – that’s five now against.. there’s a lot going on in my brain right now.. (LOL)
T – I know..

6:00 pm Dinner time

6:52 pm Kimo, Tkor and Quinn (Kimo and Tkor have been in the rock room whispering about this flip for hours. Tonight they’ll be in the bathroom doing the same thing)

Kimo – to be able to take control of the game… I’m very hopeful.
Quinn is making fun of Makesny’s campaigning. “Ohh yes yes.. we are in similar positions… Lone wolf it OKAY alright.. you’re going to put me up next week OKAY ceya later.. please.. I can’t vote but Fingers crossed..
Q – five votes?
T – MMMMhmmmmmmm
K – yeah… and you’ll break it. (LOL I swear Kimo has gone over the vote with Tkor for at least 2 hours today and he’s still getting the numbers wrong)
T – no it’s a odd number
Tucker asks if he can talk to Kimo and Tkor. Quinn leaves.

For the ladies tonight.

Help keep the madness going!
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5 thoughts to ““I know it’s scary but if we don’t take shots when we have shots to take we might not have them again””

  1. Now confirmed…..
    Quinn tells Mak that Prodo has told him he has no vote today. Prodo has told him Angela gets to compete for HOH.
    So…. why?
    Remember BBOTT when they changed the vote in prize when it looked like the eventual winner would be knocked out of the game? Here they go adding or changing rules of an upgrade that makes it a downgrade to the games in the house.
    Are they trying to encourage a vote flip to better the game of the prodopets?
    Angela getting to compete in HOH because hers was hi-jacked is new… that wasn’t in the rules because she won HOH and safety for the week, and now gets a second bite at the apple.
    Quinn losing his vote… means the Collective no longer has the numbers advantage. Also could point at prodo trying to aid Tucker’s game by encouraging a flip.
    This means no tie breaker vote.
    Tucker, Kimo, T’kor, Joesph, Brooklin, Chelsie, Cam, Leah and the AI winner.
    No tie so no Angela vote.

    It’s Grod Grodding… and when does Grod Grod? Whenever Grod is trying to enhance the game of her pets for dramatic gravity. But is it significant? Does it matter?

    What significance does this have? If Mak loses AI it has NO SIGNIFICANCE WHATSOEVER.
    Mak v. Rubina: Mak goes 100%. Mak v. Cedric: Mak goes 90%. Cedric v. Rubina…..
    That’s where the vote change is significant and lays cards on the table.

    1. All this rigging is only worth the effort if the AI is rigged for Mak to win even though it’s her eviction week. Is Grod rewriting the script the night before?

      1. It’s not the first time that Grod has altered what a power does, or changed the rules depending on who it helps or who it hurts.
        Think back. Grod has deviated from precedent in the last few years whenever it could aid one of her edit darlings. 23: Claire is invisible HOH and is forced to drop out of the HOH the following week. 25: Jag is invisible HOH and is allowed to compete the next HOH and wins meaning 2 weeks in a row as HOH.
        Grod changes the rules when it suits Grod to change the rules.

  2. why oh why do we have this endless gibberish with Tkor and Kimo…..who gives a $hit what they say or think other than themselves?

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