“I know it can be detrimental to the game, but we don’t give a f**k!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam Angela
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony:Angela is the renom
Havenots: No havenots this week

8:15pm The live feeds return after being blocked for their party. In the bedroom are all of the house guests. In the other bedroom are Tucker and Rubina.
Rubina – I care about you so much! The house guests start counting down from 10 in the other room. When they reach one, Tucker picks up Rubina and kisses her and they come out into the other room where the house guests are and they kiss multiple times again. Joseph – so how about that pasta?!

Tucker – you guys have no idea how long we held that! Quinn – its okay! Tucker – we’re going to cuddle tonight. Chelsie – can you let us know when the first moment was? Rubina – we didn’t want to. Quinn – what you’re doing is really sweet. The approach was insane! Rubina – we didn’t want to. Tucker – neither of us did. We both had a lot of pressure about that sh*t coming in here and we both were super against it and knew it wouldn’t happen. And when you meet someone super sweet, you can’t deny it as much as you try to. And I know, I know it can be detrimental to the game, but we don’t give a f**k. We care about each other a lot. Rubina – I’ll just jump off a cliff if that’s cool with everyone. Leah – I am happy for you guys. You’re both genuine people. Makensy – when did you know? Tucker – I think when we first met. Quinn – I think the real first giveaway was when I was talking to Tucker. This is week one and he’s like yeah she’s really cool chick. ANd then I knew it was over when he was like she’s like the girl version of me. I was like oh my god! This little cutie pie! The other house guests – AWWWWWwWww!! Chelsie – great things take time and it took a long time for you guys, I think it was worth it. We’re very happy for you. Tucker – and we still in here but outside it will be the same.
Tucker – We’re all mature and that was what scared us so much. We can compartmentalize this from that. But both are real. But this is
real or so. You know.

8:45pm Bathroom – Chelsie, Leah, Makensy, Angela
Chelsie – you win either way so her and I process that a minute ago there’s going to be people who like of course were naturally more forgiving I think I do still worry for them. They should be worried. Now it’s a public thing like they should be worried. It’s just the nature of what you risk to to be in a relationship in this house they’re aware of that. They’re smart people they’re aware that and they will figure that out after this house, as I told her they’re very smart people and they know if they reveal something like that is the risk they’re willing to take.

9pm Kitchen – Rubina, Tucker, Kimo and Tkor
Rubina – Wait. Can I just say something? I know we put you guys through a lot on opposite ends. Not even communicating directly to you guys each and you guys had to manage a lot with us each. Probably freaking out. And so I genuinely appreciate both of you. Love you guys both. Tucker – No, I’m freaked out too and wanted to leave this house. That was a lot more of the stress added onto it and trying to be something I’m not cuz I’m very true to myself and hate to hide anything. So the outlashes of me wanting to leave here weren’t weren’t necessarily the right words, but it was just the fact of I wanted to get out here because it was weighing so much on both of us and didn’t want to allow her to have all that stress. So now let’s crush it friends. Rubina – are you guys not going to be friends with us anymore? Tkor – shut up! Rubina – You don’t love us anymore? Tucker – can we all just rip New York and Hawaii and LA up hardcore!

9:30pm HOH room – Tkor, Kimo, Tucker and Rubina.
Tucker – Angela has cleard the air with me. If she stays this week and you don’t vote her out she’s going to fall to her knees to you. Wee just have to make sure we bring her in. I’m telling you, if I win that HOH, I’m going to hug her and tell her she’s f**king fine. We got her. And when that sh*t gets proven, like, that’s exactly what I did last time when they’re not going to trust me as much, but she’s going to trust you. Cam joins them and they talk about LA and New York.

Unicorn Bedroom – Joseph and Leah
Joseph – I want Angela to stay. Leah – who do you think will win AI? Imagine if its Angela. Joseph – That would be lit! Leah – I would pee my pants.

9:45pm Bedroom – Tkor and Rubina.
Rubina – I want to feel happy. Tkor – you can. Rubina – its hard. Its hard to feel happy because you’re in your head. It only has to deal with the fact that we’re in this game. Rubina – yeah I know.

11:05pm Kitchen – Tkor and Kimo
Kimo and Tkor are studying the memory wall.

11:30pm Bathroom – Quinn and Chelsie
Chelsie – When he is gone they have to lean on us for numbers and you and I are the only ones that have the balls to even have a discussion about it. But Makensy was like oh my god if I am on the block next to him. If you’re off I need you to vote for me like please the numbers are in our favour. Quinn – with Makensy versus Tucker, like you probably have to lead it because Angela took it back already. Now she is apologetic to Tucker. Chelsie – she better vote him out. Quinn – I hope so yeah. Chelsie – he is a threat to her game if he stays. He is going to come after her. Quinn – even though like he loves to do this sh*t where we’re like we’re mad at each other so that people never suspect us. He tried to do it with me. He tried to do it with Cedric. I would not be surprised if he was talking to her now like just hedging his bets. Chelsie – I know. He is playing everybody in this house. Quinn – And in a way its not like.. Chelsie – he is like you’re not my target anymore. Quinn – you’re not his target but he has a final two with Cam.. and I am not his target. Chelsie – yup! I think he thinks we’re dumb. Quinn – yup! Chelsie – and then him and Rubina having this whole public thing like I told her .. she was like how should I feel, and I was like scared. Quinn – he was like, I hope we’re all adults and I hope we can all separate.. Chelsie – compartmentalize! Quinn – I was like .. HOLD THAT! Talk to Julie about it! That is crazy! Chelsie – what?! You want your cake and to eat it too? That’s not how this works!

11:50pm HOH room – Tkor, Quinn, Kimo and Rubina are chatting about random things.

12am Unicorn Bedroom – Joseph, Leah and Makensy.
Leah and Makensy ask Joseph if the guys back in week one were rating the girls in the house. Joseph says no, not that he was a part of. He says that he walked in on Rubina doing that about guys and how he told her if it was reversed and the guys were doing that it wouldn’t be good and would be looked at differently.

12:20am – 12:45am HOH room – Quinn, Kimo and Tkor.
Quinn – do you have a vibe on Chelsie and Cam? I feel like they might be over Angela. Tkor – I feel like she doesn’t care either way. Kimo – did Angela say that she did have a final two with Tucker? Quinn – she said that he promised all this stuff. IF Tucker is doing the they’ll never expect us working together story, that is hilarious. For someone who get called out by Angela all the time, it would be nice to put her out. Tkor – for me though with Makensy with Angela gone who is she putting up. She likes Cam, she likes you. So if Angela is gone who is she going to put up? Kimo – I am also worried about Cam. I don’t know where his head is at cuz Cam will not talk game. Tkor – how do you feel about Tucker, do you feel like he trusts you more? Quinn – so I feel like I’ve done a good job of like building whatever I see it I also don’t know if he’s having these same conversations with someone on the outside like Chelsie who he targeted last week and so I’m just kind of hoping that my proximity to you guys and Rubina is showing him that like it’s going to be okay. I just don’t know if he put me on the block, I’d kind of be like okay. They speculate who others might put up on the block if they win HOH.

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43 thoughts to ““I know it can be detrimental to the game, but we don’t give a f**k!””

        1. Tucker going will be like Jesse going. The girls & Kimo/Joe will cry their eyes out for a few days as Chelsie/Cam/Angela and Quinn laugh. Then we don’t have to see his shirtless chest in the diary room or hear his slobbery voice. To me he always appears to be stoned.

      1. Tucker is the one that is making the season worth watching just want to see him make it till at least six left the only thing is this might be the only shot they get to take him out

  1. So…
    Did anyone hear Rubina talk game today that wasn’t based on Tucker or her showmance?
    If I don’t get an example from someone… because I didn’t hear one,
    I’m Noping her for being on the wrong damn show. I’ll check back tomorrow.

    Oh look. a showmance reveal and paranoia about everyone knowing about her showmance. That’s not game strategy talk.
    All I’ve got from her this season:
    girl power, i want to show a woman can win this and we don’t need a man… oh look a boy.
    Does he like me, does anyone know, i smelled his ass, all i want to do is be with him, i hope nobody finds out we’re together, we kissed in front of people, i hope that doesn’t make people target us, oh maybe he’s playing me, maybe a girls alliance if we include him, he said i’m beautiful, we have to keep it on the dl, now that he isn’t playing me no more girl’s alliance required… we kissed in front of everybody and made it official (now grod will keep us forever), are we targets now?
    That’s her this season. That’s it.
    Where is the game strategy

    Seriously. The ants have a more active game than this wench.
    Kimo’s spoon and bowl contribute more to strategy talks (and that slurpy eeyore mfer better stop doing that loud eating during strategy talks bullshit… i’m in nope mood this week).

    1. He seems to be wanting MJ to stay this week.
      Tucker as primary target with Angela as a backup bullseye.

    2. Quinn’s an idiot if he doesn’t vote out Tucker. Same could be said for Cam, Makensy, Leah, and Chelsie. You could actually say it about Joseph too, as Joseph isn’t beating Tucker in the end, no how no way, and he doesn’t have the balls to put him up, should he accidentally bumble himself into an HOH, so he should vote him out now.

      But Joseph doesn’t have a strategic bone in his body, so he won’t. Leah has no clue what’s going on in there, other than the fact she’s 100% certain she deserves to be protected, and everyone should respect the great game she’s playing.

      If they approach Angela about voting Tucker out, there’s no doubt in my mind that maniac will take that information and go straight to Tucker with it. It’s just how she rolls. Doesn’t matter she was ready to aerate his back with 100 holes just 3 days ago – today is today, and a meat shield is still a meat shield.

  2. Thought:
    name a relationship that Kimo went out of his way to foster outside of his circle… since week 3. none.
    name a relationship Rubina took the impetus to build outside her alliance since week 3.
    Same for T’kor.

    They haven’t. They sit in their hidey holes Godoting about decisions, say they are going to have conversations…. that don’t happen or are so ambigously shallow that… they might as well not have done it.

    So if someone outside their alliance wins… why would they think they are safe?
    Because they’re likeable?

    Let’s review:
    Leah KNOWS she was almost renom. Knows Kimo dislikes her.
    Quinn was backstabbed, his game blown up twice by info given to Tucker that only the trio knew… and he just told T’kor Angela as HOH would nom Quinn, with T’kor’s response being she saves Angela if there is a tie. He even said do you want Angela to be the Victoria this season, and end up on the block next to her yourself? No dice because T’kor says the only person she beats physically in a comp is Angela.
    Angela? Well Tucker told her yesterday he’d throw AI to her, and plans to tell her tomorrow nevermind you throw it to me instead. She knows the hierarchy of the Tucker crew. Why would the trio be safe? She knows Tucker and Rubina had sex… no way Tucker ditches Rubina for Angela like he tried to tell her again yesterday. ANGELA IS PETTY AND VINDICTIVE just like Tucker.
    Cam? Cam never wanted to work with T’Kimo. He said so.
    Chelsie? They have dropped the ball with her THE MOST. Solidified nothing. Agreed with her in talks only to change their mind and leave her out when she asked 4 times today. THEY BLEW UP HER CUSHY SPOT, left her to dangle… and think she’ll keep them safe? That deal with T’kor isn’t real anymore. It was only real to Chelsie for the jury vote anyway once Cedric was out… Let alone Brooklyn.


    Just after I write about T’kor and Quinn’s conversation….
    Kimo leaves the room and T’kor can’t use Kimo as a crutch that keeps the conversation targeted on Tucker’s goals.
    Kimo called to d/r
    Once the two talk… T’kor thinks maybe Quinn is better for them than Tucker.
    Quinn called to d/r
    T’kor trusts Qunn more than Tucker now (the showmance reveal and worry about change to dynamic has been in T’kor’s head since feeds came back).
    They’ll tell Quinn next week about Tucker targeting him so Quinn doesn’t flip the vote to take out Tucker. (too late).
    Quinn returns.
    That’s sort of sad because now they trust him? Their entire game would still be sitting in a corner doing nothing if Quinn didn’t reveal house hierarchy to them day 10.
    And he’s lost trust in them. After 2 weeks of trying with them… he’s still trying to get his way, but he isn’t trying to trust them. Does he want them OUT? No, unlike Chelsie he wouldn’t want to pull that trigger himself… even with SO MUCH CAUSE. Shush. QUINN HAS MORE CAUSE TO TARGET T’KIMO THAN ANYONE. ESPECIALLY SLURPY EEYORE. HE SERIAL KILLER STABBED QUINN FOR TUCKER’S AFFECTIONS SO MUCH.
    THE BALLERS BENG A KENNEY ALLIANCE HAS BEEN REVEALED. I still believe Tucker named it, he sucks at alliance names.
    LEAH Has been revealed as being more problematic than Angela to Quinn’s house perception (it’s Tucker and Joseph by far that push negative perception let’s be honest) THIS REVEAL… was still so weak given the 3 weeks of work up to a reveal.
    Quinn MAY have talked them into keeping Mak over Angela. maybe.
    The Leah reveal leads to the Joseph reveal because Kimo distrusts anyone that talks to Leah. One sided Rivalry. Quinn reveals Joseph throws every comp. He might not put them on the block, but he also wouldn’t do a thing to save anyone.
    There is discussion of a Tucker Joseph final 2

    (my all caps button sticks once in a while. If nobody noticed… sometimes i don’t mean to be all capping more than a word or two but i’m too lazy to rewrite all I capped).

    Chelsie joins the chat.
    Quinn playing in T’Kimo’s faces right now nobody would take out Tucker, how would 5 votes even appear…. how did you guys flip it last minute with Cedric?
    Chelsie and Quinn are sticking to the same line when it comes to the vote.
    Gonna say right now…. failure to solidify and dropping the ball with Chelsie and failing to trust Quinn were big errors this week for T’Kimo. Chelsie and Quinn think they are in 6th or 7th place finisher spots in T’kor and Kimo’s visionboard. Ant that’s on T’kimo.
    Chelsie says Rubina is making it harder and harder for Chelsie to protect her with this I love you showmance reveal shit.
    T’Kor is back to secretly wanting Tucker gone so that she can put together her dream alliance. I think JUST NOT this week unless it is an oops.
    Just to be clear:
    most of T’kor and Chelsie talk is alone together.
    Kimo and Quinn went to kitchen. Chelsie and T’kor bathroom
    Chelsie and T’kor not impressed with the showmance reveal strategically.
    There was question of Cam and Joseph having final 2 deals with Tucker. How does the showmance reveal change that dynamic.

    Tucker and Rubina join the chat.
    Tucker upset he woke up and Rubina wasn’t in his bed and now she’s playing him he says to Kimo. Dude… Production gave you the stats on the female houseguests and told you to pick one…. and she was dumb enough to talk about having sex with you on feeds. It was described as first and foremost: comfortable. Sorry, but that’s a pretty lousy first word to be used to describe your sexual prowess.
    Imagine a bathroom wall: for a comfortable time call Tucker. yeesh.
    Tucker with Kimo: He’ll nom Chelsie, Quinn and Cam and has a 4th in mind if needed.
    Kimo pushes not trusting Leah.

    Rubina with T’kor and Chelsie: it’s all about the showmance not the game.
    Eyeroll. of course it is. don’t let 10 people playing big brother stop you, Rubina, from filming your Harlequin Romance Spelling Bee move. I mean… yeah… comfortable. Definition: Like a pair of orthopedics. Comfortable. Can you use it in a sentence: Sex with Tucker is comfortable. Comfortable.
    Sorry. almost 6am here.
    Was trying to find a graceful way to end this… and Tucker and Rubina entered the chat.

    1. If Mak wins AI, would the house really just keep Tucker? They could potentially never get a shot again.

      1. I agree and if they do, then shame on them, they can all go home. If it’s Angela/Tucker on the block, the votes for Tucker to go SHOULD be: Chelsie/Quinn/Cam/Makensy/Leah….maybe Joe would say oh shoot, i know i’m aligned with him but here’s a chance! But Trader Joe needs a shield, no way he’ll ever win this game even against Angela. Plus I’m starting to think that Kimo & Joe are in love with Tucker.

  4. Did I read somewhere that tkor might have a twin and they are working together? What kind of romance is that where Tucker would vote out his girl and keep Angela? Vote out Tucker break up that showmance then next week send Angela packing. Even though I don’t like her she will vote anyway the house wants cause she really doesnt have a core group. When does jury start?

    1. T’kor’s HOH letter was from her twin sister. I don’t think they are doing a twin twist because prodo would have made that a season long arc… will they be discovered?
      Season 5 and season 17 made it a big deal.
      Tucker voting out Rubina isn’t a possibility this week. I think he’d wait until top 5 anyway thinking it’s a sure jury vote because she’s Stepford inclined.
      Voting out Makensy? It’s more because he thinks he can mindbend Angela back into owing him again, and therefore own her. I still say week one when he put sunblock on her, and she walked away before returning the favor bruised his manbaby ego. Further, week one she chose another man over him… HIM. Fragile entitled ego that he has? That would do it too.

    2. They can’t get rid of Angela fast enough.She would have been gone day one for me.I can’t stand her. I loath her so much that I mute her when she talks.

  5. Noted:
    Early this morning Tucker said he would need a nap before AI and another before HOH.
    Given my suspicion that he has been removed for a practice session at least once while ‘napping’ in the HOH in the middle of the afternoon with no cams on the room for a couple hours….
    Doesn’t that just make me want to put on my tinfoil hat again?

    1. The others are so boring….at least he keeps it fun. This is Big Brother people without Tucker they are………………………

    2. Why are the other ones competing not making waves about this? MJ & Angela should be insisting on nap time before AI also but they don’t get to? I’d make sure I’d sneak that info into the live feeds, fast before they switch them or go to fish.

      1. See… did anyone complain in season 21 when it was called practice time when a houseguest disappeared for an hour to the d/r late at night before the veto comp and won the comp the next day? NO.
        Do any of the houseguests THIS season openly KNOW? Maybe but how many times ddi they ALL say Tucker is the Production darling squeaky wheel getting all the grease?
        I didn’t see anyone get a disappearing act for an hour last night or early this morning btw.

  6. The image of Tucker and Rubina joining gives me movie American Psycho vibes with Tucker looking in mirror slicking back his hair while thrusting as Rubina clings to his bellybutton as she is wondering is she really there having s3x with him or is he in bed with himself.

  7. Get your popcorn ready! If Tucker loses AI tonight, as I said before, he is gone . He will only get one vote and that will be from Rubina. Will it change the game, yep! How? Angela’s,IMO ,antics are getting stale and tiresome but she’s a seat filler so she will there for the long haul ( think Felicia) Chelsey who really nudged this now is the time to get Tucker out coo will move closer to winning, Quinn and Chelsey will unite to take out Kimo and Joseph and do it goes, MJ will remain clueless but can win comps( should she MJ wake up and get a clue, Chelsey knows how to control her. T’kor’s days are numbered and may never see Chelsey does not feel as strongly about protecting T’Kor as T’kor does about Chelsey. Neither one is no Taylor. Leah probably will continue to float along and hope she gets more screen time for her lingerie line. I don’t see any one of them bringing the laughs, gasps, drama, strategy ( even wild strategy!) etc and my eyes gaze more satisfyingly at football than the remaining HG.

  8. Does anyone here with common sense not believe that the AI will be a Taylor fit for Tuckers strengths??? Cmon …news flash this show runs on ratings and love him or hate him he does provide that. Prediction…Tucker wins the AI then the house votes Mckenzie out leaving Angela to survive another week..Tucker then wins HOH and ratings go through the roof because who the hell knows what that guys thinking….

    1. No doubt, whatsoever. BB has stopped trying to hide the fact that they have hand chosen who they want to win.

  9. Tonight’s AI ARENA
    Assemble a 10 piece puzzle. The pieces are large-ish and have numbers on them. They are big enough to be troublesome for Chenbot to lift, but not overly heavy.
    once the puzzle is assembled, remember the 10 digit number, run back to a selection of about 20 10 digit numbers, run the answer to the front and buzz in. If you are correct you win the ai arena.

    The puzzle board is a jagged line, and the puzzles fit in to make it a rectangle.


  10. With knowledge of the AI comp who wins?

    Angela sucks at puzzles.
    Mak did well with memorization night one. We’ve never seen her do a puzzle.
    Tucker does well in puzzles… but his dyslexia might be problematic.

    We haven’t seen anyone disappear for an hour.

    Not sure if this is a good hack.. skip doing the puzzle and just start running cards up and pushing the button without the puzzle. up to 20 trips, who is fastest.

    Chen says she knows who the audience wants to win. How…. seems pretty split to me.

  11. According to Tucker, Quinn wearing a skirt is a dig at Him and Rabina announcing their love last night. Someone please explain his logic cause I don’t get it.

  12. What I’m seeing;
    Tucker is spinning out.
    He’s mad Joseph wants to tell Quinn to vote out Mak, Angela is staying.
    He’s mad Rubina let Quinn borrow her skort.
    He’s mad Cam told him to win AI
    (Cam said nobody has said Tucker’s name at all. Then said go out and win like he did to the other noms).

    Leah is saying to Kimo and T’kor that she can work with Tucker, but if he’s on the block is this the shot to take him out. (semi spoiling the blindside… but it’s Leah and Kimo believes nothing Leah says).

    Quinn is worried Chelsie is getting cold feet. In other words Quinn is nervousing himself.

    Rubina is trying to save Chelsie from being a Tucker target because she is supportive of their relationship.

    The way things stand at this moment:
    Angela v. Tucker: Tucker evicted 75%
    Makensy v. Tucker: Tucker evicted 65% Angela who knows for real what she does.
    Makensy v. Angela: Makensy evicted 90%. Leah is not about that life and she’s one of they would need.

    If Tucker speeds through the puzzle and just looks for first and last number pf the 10 digit sequence when looking at the 20 choices, instead of trying to memorize all… he will win.
    The shot of the number cards i saw looked very random with first digits.

  13. Now is the time to eliminate Tucker?! The moment Tucker is eliminated, the ratings for Big Brother Season 26 will drop. I understand that some people think Tucker’s dominance makes it less interesting, but without Tucker, it will be even less entertaining. I hope Angela and Makensy become the next HOH next week for a bloodbath. But I also think The Collective needs to be shattered. They’ve been sticking together for far too long.

  14. I beginning to wonder if the game makes people crazy. Tucker is playing the game with his heart and his emotions are making game decisions. T’Kor put him up.Reason to be suspicious of her. Not give her $5,000 and take a punishment for her. Angela is a loose cannon. It’s a game. I wish I could take him aside and tell him that. It’s a game . You don’t owe anyone anything.If people show they can’t be relied on or trusted, believe them

    1. The three people he was openly targeting next week, and the two people he openly voiced he wanted gone this week voted to evict him.
      Maybe he should have… I dunno, played down low a little and NOT been so open about his targeting in a house where everyone tells everyone else’s business.
      I mean… he announced his showmance the night before eviction while he was on the block. That’s horrible strategically.

  15. I can’t dislike her more than I do, but now, with her saying oh I really want to be with you guys.It just makes me want to barf.I can’t stand Angela at all.I would rather have tucker on the show than her

  16. I am so sick of Angela’s fake tears she’s such a pretender. Get her out next week.I am so tired of this woman.Her voice annoys me.She annoys me and oh my gosh can’t wait till she’s gone

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