“I know I’m going home but at least I made one big move in the house” -Sin

POV Holder: Godfrey Next POV April 24
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 26
HOH Winner Pili Next HOH April 29th
Nominations: Sindy and Godfrey
Have Nots Brittnee, Sarah, Kevin, Godfrey
POV Players Godfrey, Pilar, Sindy, Willow, Bobby, Kevin.
Host is Sarah

(Godfrey will use the Veto to take himself off the block. Pilar is planning on putting Brittnee up as a replacement. Sindy is going to try and convince them to put Bobby up.)

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12:15am Zach massages Ashleigh
“the best Massages are the ones that hurt”

pili and Kevin

12:19am Pilar and Kevin in the Tub (Not much game talk more for the kevlar fans)

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12:43am Kevin and Pilar (Game talk)
Kevin is saying Bobby and Bruno are showing them loyalty they won’t put them up next week.
he also thinks Sarah and brittnee wouldn’t take a shot at them if they won HOH he believes their sites would be on Bobby and Bruno.
Kevin – Godfrey is safe
Pilar – How do you know (She thought he meant next week)
Kevin – He won the veto
Pilar asks him what he thinks of Willow
Kevin – I need to talk to her more she’s a sweet Heart
Pilar says they have two people for sure they can trust, Zach and Ashleigh.
Pilar – Who would be better to put up B or Sarah.. they are both going to be heartbroken
Kevin – B.. just cause she’s been in that case before.. if you were going to do it right now that is who I would recommend.
Kevin says Sarah has a slightly better chance of winning Competitions they should use Brittnee as a pawn against Sindy.
Kevin says Brittnee really doesn’t like Ashleigh
PIlar thinks if the house flips Brittnee might go home she wonders if Zach and Asheligh will try to get her out.
Kevin reminds her who her friends are in this game.
Pilar says Brittnee will be pissed at her she’ll be devastated
Kevin warns her that Sindy is going to talk her ear off tomorrow.
Pilar – My brain can’t afford to go thru that again .
Pilar- I would feel lost with you not here (This comment is out of sequence)

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12:48am Ashleigh And Zach bathroom
Sounds like Asheligh it going to toss Bruno/Bobby’s name out there to try and throw the scent off the chop shop.
Ashleigh and Zach talking about how Sindy screwed herself because she wanted to make big moves.
AShleigh wants to thank Sindy for exposing something that doesn’t exist and help hide something that does exist.
Zach can’t believe she turned on her own showmance
Zach asks her if Kev and Pilar were on the block and she won Veto would she take one of them off.. thinks he might go up.
Zach thinks they shouldn’t use the POV therefore if they are both not on the block they will be safe.
Ashleigh doesn’t understand why Kevin was public enemy number 1 and now he’s safe. “I feel like you are more at risk than Kevin now”
Zach explains they are bigger targets but they have Bobby/bruno so they have a bigger safety blanket.
They agree to stay true to Kevin and pilar over Bobby and Bruno
Zach – we can’t take Bobby and bruno t the end they’ll f***g kill us
Ashleigh – especially Bruno
Ashleigh mentions that Pilar was tossing Willow’s name out there as a pawn

28 thoughts to ““I know I’m going home but at least I made one big move in the house” -Sin”

  1. OMG it was hilarious when Pili asks Kevin how do you know God is safe and kevin blanks out for a sec and then says coz he won the POV. Listening to their conversations is so painful LOL.

    1. She is the worst!

      See also the discussion between her and Ash in which they go through scenarios after God uses the veto on himself and completely omit God from the votes.

  2. Okay so apparently Pilar said she was accompanying her friend at the casting call and then they saw emmett and jillian there but you had to take a number to get a picture with them. So she did and now she’s here. She’s talked about it on the feeds a couple of times but they cut it off before she finishes the story each time

    No wonder why she even aske Kevin why Godfrey is said this week smh

  3. NO SINDY Canada HATES ZACH because he’s such an arrogant shit!

    Canada would not steep that low to hate a player simply from a gameplay perspective!

  4. Wrong move sarah sindy should push for willow no body cares about she is playing all three sides bruno sarah and zach. She probably could convince bruno to vote willow and the ssb could still live. She probably won’t have the votes if stuck with bobby because Bruno will keep bobby

  5. oooooohkay. Now it’s Sarah who pulls a JP and has a monologue to Canada: “I’m doing this for you, Canada!”
    Seriously? Stop. Just stop.

  6. Ash and Pili are so useless they are headless chickens always needing Kev and Zach to think for them. They even get to be jury…how frustrating.

  7. I wish they would try to flush that veto, Sarah, Brit, Willow and God would vote out Booby. But I don’t see it happening unless Kevin pushes for it, and he’s not doing for anything. I hope the diary room is going over scenarios with him.

    1. I am perplexed. Why do they not talk about Bobby’s (fake) veto? Whenever he or anyone else, but mostly him, do talk about it they say they should not talk about it because he is not allowed to talk about it.Wouldn’t they notice Big Brother is NOT calling them out? Is this not a hint that he is lying?

    2. If Bobby were up, why would Kev join the God, Sarah, Brit and Willow team instead of Bruno, Ash and Zach? He’s sitting pretty in the Ash Zach Pili Kev alliance, which looks the most loyal to him at this point

  8. The Imbecile Woman will screw Ash-The-Blonde, SSB and herself up, and will spoil the show to all of us in the process. She is a deranged person who should not be sitting in the BB house. Zach-The-Fin-Nose might as well sleep through the next few weeks and wake up to compete when the Top-5 time comes. Zzzzzz…

    Willow OTOH is floating like a duck. She’s really completely useless in the house. She’s not entertaining, clever, skillful or strategic — a complete disaster.

  9. Kinda disappointed in the cast for not realizing that Bruno, Zach, Ashleigh, and Willow have not been on the block as of yet. BB16 Derrick gameplay all over again. Yawn.

  10. I finally found an obscure upload of the Side Show with Jordan’s eviction! Peter RUTHLESSLY SHREDDED Jordan to bits, calling him out for disrespecting BB and the game. To Jordan’s credit, he took it all graciously, honestly, and with a genuinely humble, self-deprecating humor. I have to admit, that really redeemed Jordan in my eyes. I’m still very curious to see how Peter treats Zach, especially when Zach was such a douche to him on Twitter before Zach was even cast for the season.

    I can’t stand hearing/reading Ashleigh’s game talk anymore. I just can’t. She’s worse than Pilar to me. Ashleigh’s attitude is right up there with Jordan’s and Zach’s but it’s even WORSE because she has NO basis for it. At least Zach and Jordan HAD game. Ashleigh clings to her status as Zach’s girlfriend and thinks that makes her important, worthy and a good game player.

    1. I am not making an anti-Jordan comment. he’s no longer a contestant, he got blindsided. his arrogance was annoying, so I enjoyed the blindside but i’m not going to kick him when he’s down.
      that said, I think he was actually in fan mode having a full on fangasm because the bespectacled airhorn was shouting at him.
      I think most of what peter had to say about Jordan wasn’t about Jordan’s game, but more about the whole eff you big brother incident. did viewers so much care about that incident? not really. but if peter’s still going on about it, i’m guessing production took more exception to it than the viewers.
      Jordan, to his credit, was a very well mannered recipient to peter’s roasting comments. I think we’re pretty much in agreement, fred.

  11. Zach is such a sore loser, he is always talking about making big jaw dropping moves and calling Peter Brown a pussy and then all he talks about is getting rid of Sarah and Brittnee, who by the way flipped as much as Bruno and Bobby but he seems to forget that. Its painfully lame. They are all such bad game players this season, zero deep, zero iniciative

    1. to Zach’s credit (something people don’t hear from me often, but credit where credit is due) the idea of keeping in bobby and Bruno’s good books is smarter than aligning with sarah and britt. who can be more aid to Zach? bobby and Bruno. they can win comps. sarah and britt are far less likely to win comps than bobby and Bruno. that’s not an insult it’s a based on current statistics representation. which two are easier to manipulate? bobby is easier to manipulate than britt imo. Zach believes in Bruno’s loyalty more than he believes in sarah’s.
      it’s a better move for Zach to stay close to bobby and Bruno than britt and sarah (keep you friends close, your enemies that can actually get you closer, and aim both at the enemies that you think can’t do you as much damage, but you trust less). it’s a good play.

  12. When Double Air Mattress (Ash and Pili) try to talk game, all I hear is the hiss and “sqeee” of escaping air from a small leak…

  13. I really don’t care if Sarah or Brit go on the block.
    The fact is… They both suck at comps anyway.
    I just want Sindy safe this week because she will fearlessly go after the chop shop

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