Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
12pm HOH Room – Leah, Cam and Quinn
Leah – I have the golden veto of invincibility. Quinn – What the f**k? Leah, you don’t get to just leave, dude. Every time we ask you a question. Cam – Stop using your superpower. Leah – I refuse.
12:30pm Kitchen – The house guests are having brunch .. or breakfast at lunch?
1:10pm Backyard – Joseph in the pool. Meanwhile inside the house – The other house guests are chatting in the kitchen. Rubina is mashing watermelon while the others talk about past events of the season as well as past seasons of big brother / past house guests. Chelsie comes out to read her HOH letter. Chelsie – Hmmmm.. I miss my family and my dog.

1:40pm Backyard – Chelsie and Joseph
Joseph – I kind of feel bad to be honest about what I feel like I’ve been doing some like self reflecting about myself and things I don’t really like about myself and things I’d like to change when I get out of here. I feel like I have a little bit of a mean streak in me that I don’t really like. You know what I’m saying and sometimes it’s like, oh, he’s spicy. Oh that’s just him. And then other times I’m just being a jerk. You know what I mean? And just thinking about that and you know what I mean? Chelsie – So what made you, what triggered it? Joseph – I feel like talking to Angela yesterday and maybe giving her a little bit too much truth. Chelsie – Yeah, you guys talk for a minute. How did that go? Joseph – Yeah, it was just, I wasn’t trying to tell her to give up. You know what I’m saying or anything? I feel like that’s maybe what she took away from it. But she was just asking me for help, and I was just like, I can’t help you. You know what I’m saying anymore? You know what I mean? And I don’t think I was mean about it, but I feel like that’s what she took from it. And so I just thinking about other things I’ve done this season, how I’ve reacted in certain situations and just, you know, I don’t know, not super proud of some of the things I’ve said or done. And, you know, I mean, just looking back on it, you know, I could have, like, handled situations with more kindness and so that’s just, yeah, that where I’m not kind of at, I mean. Chelsie – I feel the same way about myself. Like, there’s a lot of things that I’m like, dang, I wish I would have handled that differently but when we were just talking about everybody in there, like, the adjective we described you as is loving. So I think we can see parts of you that you can’t even see in yourself. And this environment puts us in a position where it’s like, I don’t usually act like that in the real world. I’m not really or I would handle that differently, but we never been in this environment before away from our family for 60 days now. Joseph – I’m sorry.
Chelsie – No, you’re good. Joseph – But like, just between you and me too. Like thinking about some of the things I’ve said about Matt like, you know what I mean? And I didn’t need to do all that. You know what I’m saying? It’s gone. He was a good guy. You know what I mean? And just thinking about things like how I’m like, you know? Chelsie – I think it’s easy when you watch the show to look at people as characters. And so when you’re in here, you kind of view it the same way as characters and not people. Joseph – Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I just feel bad and like, you know, I hope I can have his forgiveness after this and I hope that, you know, other people can forgive me. And I just feel like a jerk sometimes, you know. And that’s something I don’t really like about myself. Chelsie – and thankfully having this experience can make you better, you know, look at yourself in a different way and you know, so I don’t like that you feel that way.
2pm Bathroom – Leah and Angela
Angela about what Joseph said to her – She’s got to go. Leah – He (Joseph) said that to who? Anglea – to people. Leah – Oh, he never said that to me. But just, you know, keep pushing. Angela – I’m going to. He pretty much said it to me too, in a way. Leah – He said that you? Angela – in a way, not just like that, but like. you know, he doesn’t see hope you know but, you know, fight your butt off in their arena kind of thing. Leah – Well, he said that to Makensy too, and she’s still here so… Angela – I don’t want him to think I’m afraid Leah. Leah – I know. I haven’t even talked to him since he moved into the cave room. I’ll have to talk to him. I’ll talk to everyone and get the tea. I know its easier said than done but you’ve got to continue to be who you and and connect with people but also take time for yourself. Leah leaves. Angela to herself – I know he’s stirring the narrative, so why can’t I? Maybe she’ll want his butt out.
2:20pm – 2:43pm Backyard – Joseph and Chelsie rehashing past events of the season and clearing the air. Chelsie – I’m grateful we made it to jury. Joseph – No, me too dude. I thought it was gonna be the first one f**king out. Chelsie – Me too.
3:35pm – 3:45pm Backyard – Makensy and Chelsie
Angela – but seriously use me to your freaking advantage use me like I’m good I have I know I’ve got the light on me right now that protects you guys. You know what I mean? Makensy – Yeah, we definitely like everybody has to consider everything and we definitely see that 100 percent so. I just don’t even know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. Angela – I can promise you this if I stay and I win through that AI arena and I somehow pull out another HOH, neither one of you would go up. Neither one of you. Makensy – I believe you. Chelsie – I believe you. Makensy – I haven’t thought, is Leah using it? Angela – I haven’t talked to her and I’m not gonna ask her for it. I’m not. And I know in this game it’s hard to like trust and believe but like I’m being like everything I have said to anyone I’ve been completely honest I really have I have had no reason to tell lies here I’m not good at them anyway and not that I’m just saying that but like I just don’t see how it benefits me you can ask anyone person this house did I ever say your name? Did I ever want to vote for you? Makensy – No, I believe you, 100 percent.
4:10pm – 4:45pm Backyard – Chelsie and Tkor are playing I Spy. Chelsie heads inside and Cam / Tkor play a game.
5pm Backyard – Kimo and Angela
Angela – I wanted to be here. I did. Kimo – Nothing saying that you won’t. It’s anyone’s game. You know? Angela – certain people paint a narrative about you and kind of take the spotlight off themselves and
you know, already counting me out. Kimo – I’m sorry. Angela – Yep. I know you are. You’re not doing it. I know who’s doing it. It just doesn’t feel good. You know? Kimo – Well, you know, I haven’t heard shit because they all know I love you. Angela – Yeah.
5:55pm Backyard – Leah, Chelsie and Cam
Chelsie – It’s gonna get harder and harder every week. But I don’t have any opinions or thoughts. Leah – You don’t. Chelsie – I mean, if you use it, it’ll make it harder for Quinn. Leah – Yeah, that’s it. What about for you? Chelsie – Like, if I want somebody else up or do I wanna save somebody? Leah – Just any thoughts? Chelsie – I’m just grateful it’s not me. Yeah, that’s it. Other than that, it’s like
how do we set up? What move would set us up well in the future. So I don’t know what that is, but I’m just.. That’s my only opinion.
6:25pm Backyard – Cam is cooking chicken wings on the BBQ. Inside – Leah is making dips for the wings.
6:55pm Backyard – Quinn, Joseph, Chelsie and Tkor
Quinn – if we can put that, we’re talking about like, if the veto were used tomorrow, who would go up? I was like we might need to have a house meeting. I don’t think so, but just in case, I would be like, any volunteers? Does anyone love the block? Anyone want to go on there? It all depends on what Leah is trying to do, to be honest. She’s trying to gauge it as well. Chelsie – What percentage do you think there’s a chance she does use it? Quinn – like an 8% chance. I don’t know. I’m worried about people getting guilted into things because that seems to be a reoccurring thing. Guilt is crazy.

7:30pm Backyard – Tkor and Rubina
Tkor – How did your talk go? Rubina – It went well. She told me that Joseph told her they had a conversation. He basically told her he thinks he would beat her at the end. Why would you fucking say that are you high!? Tkor – I don’t think so at all. Rubina – I don’t think so at all. Tkor – hello? Rubina – You’re joking right? First of all what have you done? Tkor – there will be more women left than Men. Rubina – And I think that all of us would vote Makensy over Joseph. Rubina – That’s what I’m thinking which is great.
8:46pm The feeds come back from being blocked. Joseph is talking about a dating story. BB blocks the feeds again. When the feeds come back Quinn is tell a dating story.
9:08pm Bumper Pool Room – Tkor and Rubina
Tkor – I don’t think she will use it. There’s like an 8% chance. Rubina – yeah I don’t think she will use it either because who else would go up. Me and Kimo had a moment in the bathroom. talking about worst case scenarios and we both would be okay either way. Tkor – I wouldn’t be okay if one of y’all end up leaving this week. At the end of the day I’m just voting with my heart so that even if you do leave you can leave knowing I wanted you here.
9:20pm Backyard – Cam, Chelsie and Makensy
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I hope there will be an unpredictable evictee.
Like, a kangaroo, maybe! That would be cool.
No, we need the giant toddler gone.
I am not that into this season but still following, who is the strongest person in there now that tucker is gone? To me it’s anyone’s game to win but again I’m not into the weeds this year, this cast is very boring.
Sadly, the remaining houseguest are predictable and unexciting as a result. MJ has shown herself to be good at competitions but Chelsey has her misted and locked so she will do what Chelsey tells her to. Quinn is a very loud, often unfunny performative player who is there to become a BB legend known for being notoriously skillful but shady. Although I picked him to win from the start, I am not a huge Quinn fan, but I selected him because of his sense of gameplay and with this lot Quinn doesn’t have any real competition. He and Chelsey are the only two who can pull out a win. Chelsey ‘s Cam talks have not won her the outside popularity she thinks it has. She probably will win, but she has not reached the Taylor excitement level because she can be petty and mean spirited all in a “spiritual armour. CHELSEY is level headed, has an excellent social game, and she knows how to play Quinn too. T’Kor is just beginning to think about playing for herself and at this point if she has to toss Kimo and Rubina, she will but T’Kor is beyond loyal to Chelsey although Chelsey is not as loyal to T’Kor. Whether it is he, passivity or pride, T’kor will not let go of Chelsey but know I see why, Chelsey will take her far in this game. Leah has Quinn’s nose open and he would die on a hill for her and she knows it, so she may be the season’s surprise third place. Leah also has Cam”s nose open and thy both know it. Cam is also willing to take Leah far. Think of Leah as playing a smarter Nicole F game. Angela has long overstayed her welcome, and I don’t think she will be the celebrity outside she secretly believes herself to be either. The world is weary of Angela and her antics. Rubina came to experience BB not play it. Joseph is all you have read it.He may only be remembered for his tent activities.He also follows Chelsey while sniffing behind Quinn. So what to names keep standing out..yep .. you got it and neither Chesley nor Quinn summon strong drama, entertainment interest or ratings IMO.
imo chelsie’s in the best spot socially, but kimo/t’kor are a very strong pair that is dangerous not to break up. makensy is probably the best remaining player at comps, and cam is closely aligned with chelsie so that’s to his benefit. the rest of the house is pretty much dead weight that will be voted out in a heartbeat under the right hoh.
I think Quinn probably smells the strongest.
Night one of T’kor’s HOH.
Chelsie black sunglasses crying apparently.
Rubina says it was something racial said.
Tucker says probably Leah.
Social media goes insane.
Me? I thought what did Angela say?
Now… social media is silent when it turns out that situation was between Chelsie and Tucker.
Me? I apologize for assuming it was Angela.
Social media called Chelsie a Zionist & other gross insults for following Candace Owens before the season started. So the SJW BB-fandom per usual fake outrage all the time.
When it was Leah there were calls for removal and all kinds of hate spew without any details just because Tucker said there have been incidents.
We learn ONE of those incidents was a houseguest reporting a totally bogus claim when she was talking to Quinn before a really quick feed cut.
Almost feels like SOMEBODY decided to make Leah the fall guy to the social media executioners for all bad behavior.
Is Leah innocent of bad behavior? Maybe not but we have ZERO evidence past Tucker telling people it must be Leah and those people broken telephoning that it must be Leah and Social Media jumping on a bandwagon without Evidence.
Silence now that it was Tucker that was involved in the incident (as stated between Joseph and Chelsie with Cam adding little bits here and there every once in a while on feeds).
I just find that… odd.
AS I HAVE SAID since last Thursday, in absence of details we should reserve judgement. I’m NOT calling for people to be against Tucker because we don’t have any details. I’m questioning why the silence though. Cat’s feasting on tongues?
My point is incident or not they don’t actually care, these same people celebrated the most racist season ever in BB23. Then they celebrated branding Kyle a klansman so Taylor could be the 1st black female winner. Also, Leah has tried to make QUINN seem like a criminal sex pest, that’s worse than whatever Chelsie was tearing up about.
Please don’t take this as any kind of slight, that is not my intent. I’m not challenging or calling out or looking for an argument, I’m just going to state my opinion and you can choose to discard it at your leisure.
Season 23 and Season 24 and Season 25 and 26 changes are in DIRECT response to Season 21. Season 21 was so egregious that it caused changes in casting and format for ALL north American Big Brother… both Can and US. Wanna take anyone to task because those changes are bothersome in your enjoyment of big brother…. look to the cast and casting person for Season 21. Even season 22 had issues becasue of season 21… and that was a somestars season. 21 is the season that made the change necessary.
I’ve already debated and questioned and created my perspective regarding season 23 during and for a week of post season of 23. Same for 24. Same for 25.
The cookout was just another alliance, and they used the brigade strategy to win. Could a couple of them have won if they’d ditched the alliance? Yes. Could any of the others have won? Would they have deserved the win? Who? I couldn’t come up with a viable alternative winner whose social and comp game and strategy would have been a viable winner. Was the best player of 24 the winner of 24? Not in my opinion. Did the best player of the final 2 win? Yes due to social game and guilt outweighing comp game to THAT jury. The guilt comes from a cast that did a pile on of hate that got national attention, not because she was Black but because the cast went over the line. Same for 25. That jury weighed comps and grit, so the best player in that final 2 won.
The Cookout wasn’t just another alliance. They did not use the same strategy of the brigade. That was the most fake of all the fake seasons. It was just the show virtue signaling. It was a full force production written show. Even all the ….. not Cookout people in the house had to say how happy they were to lose so someone who was…..in the Cookout could win.
What they did to Kyle was absolutely criminal.
Are we still giving a shit about Kyle?
I thought when he admitted wrongdoing during and after the season that we had decided go with God or whatever.
Your choice. Not judging you, or your opinion.
I just really don’t give a shit about Kyle. sorry.
The week has been super boring now that Tucker is out
Lmao forgot to update my name on phone
It’s like watching paint dry.
I like seeing my picks Chelsie and Joseph getting along, even if it’s just about reflecting on their behavior and wanting to be more kind to others.
But their jury spots aren’t certain until at least when the Veto Ceremony ends.
Just a thought I love T’kor’s loyalty to Kimo but has she forgotten that Kimo told allllllllllll of Quinn’s secrets including Visionaries alliance to Tucker without telling her? That Kimo told Tucker about Quinn’s upgrade but didn’t tell T’kor. How can she forget that? I believe that if Tucker and T’kor were nominated that T’kor would go home because Kimo says all the time of what a great social game T’kor has and how everyone loves her. Doesn’t she see how Kimo did her dirty in the trust department yet she throws her distrust on Quinn. Plus Quinn doesn’t remind her of all the betrayals that Kimo did to Quinn. I guess her strategy is to purposely be dumb.
Judging by the last week that’s plausible
Tkor & loyalty doesn’t exist, at least in BB.
Don’t worry. If it comes down to choosing between Kimo and Chelsie, T’Kor will choose Chelsie in a heartbeat. After all, we don’t just have to have a POC winner, we have to have a female POC winner. That’s her sole goal in being there.
Expect a flashback to how the eviction happened for about 5 minutes… see if you can hear Grod howling in despair in the background.
IF ANYONE REMEMBERS s6 Post Cappy eviction…. Here is the newschool remake.
T’kor had the power and the alliance.
Cam won veto. T’kor nom’d Angela (she didn’t want 6 avenue any more).
Mak still the target.
Chelsie flipped the house if they had the shot.
Mak wins Arena. Tucker vulnerable. 5 votes against Tucker and Grod screamed.
Game reset… and NO alliances STILL.
Everyone crying. Chelsie elated. Chelsie’s plot thickens. Mak arena win. Everyone cheering through tears.
Everyone whispering: Kimo asks Chelsie if Tucker is in danger. no. Quinn asks Mak..yup. Quinn asks Chelsie. Yup.
Leah saying sympathy vote. Chelsie saying vote your own way for your own game.
Nobody looking at Rubina. Energy shift. Kimo panics and paranoid.
Joseph blubbering. Everyone else stone faced.
Tucker gone.
Joseph saying he and Tucker were final 2 retell number 1 of 2593.
Chelsie is elated at bottom to top. Pentagon for life.
T’kor was willing to risk Tucker to save her people. Expects her people to be the priority of each other without the relationships.
Angela wants to fight in Tucker’s memory? Oh Cappy. Kimo voted to keep Tucker and that wasn’t what Angela expected to hear. Oh Cappy. Rubina is blubbering. Oh Cappy.
Cam was upset. Bro down. Dog down in the crib.
Quinn taking credit like HE did anything…. he did not. No really. He didn’t know they had the votes because he didn’t gather the votes. He thought he was on the wrong side of the vote and they were all tricking him.
Mak and Leah are let’s go. Mak thinks she’s a diamond. Maybe people will want to play with her now.
Godots want a reset… Cappy mourning on Kimo’s side. Acting like he doesn’t want revenge for Cappy.
Dog down in the crib…lol!!!
egg and cage comp. Maze component added. First three players to drop an egg will be Have nots…. but there’s only 2. mmhmm.
Coat tail riders need a new coat to ride… Leah thinks it is her.
Rubina and Kimo want to step up.
QUINN WAS HAVE NOT. THAT’S how there are only 2 HAVE NOTS. Angels isn’t moving until the have nots are determined.
Kimo and Leah and Rubina are first to maze.
Then Mak and Quinn. Quinn breaking the yolk.
Time lapse time for a montage. Kimo is have not 2.
Angela asked Chelsie to be a have not. CAM GETS an H. Makensy is a have not.
Angela starts the comp. Cam and Chelse miss the O.
Mak gets O. Quinn gets H. Leah gets O. Kimo gets O. Chelsei gets O.
Mak get HO. Quinn gets HO. Leah gets OH. Kimo get HO.
Kimo realizes out of the vote is a bad image… but he did it to others.
T’kor is hoping her people win… but are they her people now? She’s neglected her people in many ways. SHOULD HAVE MADE HER IDEAL ALLIANCE LAST WEEK BUT GODOTED IT.
Leah knows Quinn is her simp. T’kor feels good because of Visionaries… but she mostly kept the vote situation from him because Tucker said to keep Quinn in the dark.
Mak and Leah express worry. Mak thinks every week she’s easy pick. Skipping he promised her safety and she was crying in relief is an edit choice to set up a second option for third nom….. That will be a RED CARD…. but what does it say about veto remon?
ONE ON ONE: Quinn and Chelsie
Noms Angela, Rubina… who is the third? New group… should we bring in Mak? Wants to work with the bold. It’s Quinn, Chelsie, T’kor… Cam… maybe Mak so far.
Quinn wanted to work with Mak last week more than this week because Leah was paying attention to Joseph. Now that Leah is paying attention to Quinn… has Mak been dropped from priority list again? Hmmm. A question that just occurred to me.
Quinn questions JOSEPH. damage control… they have a stupid final 2 superfan stupidity that they want to be Chilltown only bargain basement. Joseph would shank Quinn in a heartbeat. Less even.
Quinn questions Angela. Safe coat riders need to kiss the block.
Quinn questions Rubina. Tucker sinks her again. Mist fits is dead.
Quinn Loves T’kor. Honesty he values… really? Who does T’kor think should be noms.
Joseph Leah and Makensy are her suggestions. KIMO is brought up. T’kor wonders NOW if Visionaries is a Question mark.
Quinn questions Kimo. Kimo left him out of Cedric vote and prioritized Tucker.
Angela target. Kimo would be a pawn. lol. Pawns go home. Kimo helped make sure of it once… which is Quinn’s problem.
why aren’t they discussing that Tucker wanted Quinn and Chelsie on the wrong side of vote to make them house targets…. and the Godots went along with it. THAT’S WHAT POWERED THE FLIP.
T’kor is upset because her people could be in danger.
Kimo worries choosing Tucker over Quinn means Quinn doesn’t protect them.
T’kor is heating up because she isn’t getting her way. SHE’S PLAYING LIKE IF YOU WANT ME I COME AS A 3… My way or the highway.
Is Kimo safe is Quinn’s question. Joseph, T’kor, Mak, Chels and Cam.
Theoretical votes… that KImo won’t assure for himself expects Quinn to do the leg work too.
Makensy is an option? He promised her safety from nom and renom… REMEMBER?
Angela already teary.
Quinn nominates ANGELA, RUBINA, KIMO.
Mak wasn’t an option.
Angela the target. She would be kept over Quinn he thinks.
Angela feels bullied by Quinn?
Kimo is disappointed? T’kor is so pissed. Now Quinn is her target.
As with all seasons I read the comments made by viewers after reading onlinebigbrother entries.
This must be a record of sorts: the word “boring” has shown up hundreds of times, more so than other (boring) seasons.
CBS gets worse and worse at choosing houseguests.
i wonder if this season might actually been interesting if matt had lasted longer than a week.
CBS is so busy filling their race and ethnicity requirements, they have completely forgotten to recruit and fill the roles of athletes and just people who actually follow the show/game and thus have the strategic knowledge of how to play it.
Do you remember season 20 when we had Tyler, Angela, Kaycee and Fessy on in the same season? All four of them are better athletically than anybody cast for this seasons show, including Tucker. Try comparing them to people like Joseph, Angela and Kimo and you see what I mean.
BTW, both Kaycee and Fessy are POC as well, so it’s not like you can’t find athletic types out there, who fit into their new recruiting model.
Everybody thinks Michael from season 24 was some kind of “comp beast”, and while he did win a lot of comps, I think he won due to lack of competition from the other players more than anything. Put him in there with the four I mentioned above, and I think he finishes 5th. Just my opinion. Everything is relative, and a basketball star that scores 22 points a game on a NAIA team, does NOT mean that same player could start or even play on a good NCAA D1 team, because the competition level is so much higher and tougher. The same is true for different seasons of Big Brother, and with the new casting model, it just seems they aren’t looking for that type of player anymore, or at least not 3 or 4 of them in one season.
Most of today’s players just seem interested in being on TV, building their list of followers, and/or playing a character so that they will get another opportunity to get on TV on another show, more than they care about playing and winning the game. I would think $750k would be enough incentive for anybody to try and win, but maybe the odds are just too long for them to overcome, so they try to go in a different direction, which often just turns things into a clown show with their over-acting d/r’s and histrionics, which really turns me off. It also is a huge turn-off when they say stuff that is a direct conflict with what we know to be the truth from the feeds, but they try to sell it as gospel truth on the TV show. I really hate that.
Quinn’s going to flop another HOH.
T’kor and Rubina want a women’s alliance now?
Not for long is my gut read.
Quinn wants a meeting with Chelsie and T’kor to decide who to work with.
What if they said let’s get rid of Joseph? What would Quinn do? Not really going to be an option I don’t…. think if my read of the episode edit is correct.
THAT was a REALLY big red flag episode edit. Processing.
This is part of the prep for Leah using veto.
LEAH HAS BEEN PROMISED SCREEN TIME I WAGER… and grod will wear her underwear…. if ther is a cut out for her demon tail.
Quinn has already said a volunteer might be required.
I don’t think with Joseph truth bombing people his opinion of their status in game that ANYONE is going to want to volunteer. The entire house might tell Quinn Joseph renom to make him put his money where his mouth is though.
Chances of that don’t meet the edit AT ALL THUS FAR.
Kimo and Quinn really jumped in d/r This EPISODE.
TOP TIER (over 100): Quinn 131 Angela 113
Tier 2 (70-99): Chelsie 89 Mak 74
Tier 3 (50-69): T’kor 63 Kimo 56
Tier 4 (up to 49): Cam 46, Rubina 45, Leah 42, Joseph 40.
Chelsie gets credit for the flip. Quinn takes Credit for the flip.
Grod curses the flip and wants someone to pay.
Everyone eating dinner.
Oh is Quinn having his first meeting with his new alliance?
This is not much of a stretch really. Everyone is in that picture except Angela, who Quinn wants evicted this week.
Where’s the bag of Skittles?
Also another thought before the midnight hour as to why Leah throws Makensy under the bus…. Wave my magic wand back way back in time to the have not room when the occupants were Rubina, Makensy, Twit aaaah I mean Lisa, and Leah. Leah having problems sleeping up at all hours at night. I remember Cam following Leah like a dog looking for food. I remember Rubina, Makensy and Lisa going through the house teasing Leah that Leah got upset but wasn’t able to express her anger for fear of making herself a target. Now people who are not under the microscope can look at this as petty not malicious teasing but under a microscope and production prompts it can be made into a big deal that Leah devises her own revenge.
Lisa – gone
Rubina – soon to be gone
Makensy – she wants gone.
Then Leah is free to be worshipped as the nose picker she wants be.
Canceled my feeds I just can’t watch anymore the live feeds without Tucker. I’m 49 and these millennials are just too much for my old ass.