Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Leah
Nominees: Kimo Tkor & Rubina
POV Players: Leah, Rubina, Kimo, Angela, Chelsie, T’kor
POV Winner: Angela (Veto), Leah (Jankie Veto)
Veto Ceremony: Angela used her veto on Kimo / Leah nominated Tkor
Havenots: (they all have to sleep outside)
7:04pm – 9pm Big Brother switches the live feeds to the pound cams for the veto ceremony. Angela used her veto on Kimo and Leah as HOH nominated Tkor as the replacement nominee.
Leah, Makensy and Angela
Angela – And they can’t fault her for putting any of them up because they’ve kind of gone this far together and they’ve admitted to me and one of us they know they’ve done that they know but also how lucky they’ve been to come this far and have friendships like that and have people to lean on and to talk to and to get strategized with it’s really lucky. So that’s how I feel in this moment. I don’t know how I feel is how they treat her how they treat me will mean a lot moving forward this week and I’ll make my decision and I definitely want to reconvene with you girls and just kind of see where you guys are at you know about obviously tomorrow I’m gonna have to talk to Kimo and Tkor.
Leah – but if they say that they wouldn’t put me up, they’re lying. Like if they had to put someone up and then renom someone who else would have been, you know? I just hope that I didn’t like F myself by like dividing the house like that and like making it… Angela – anyone else in your position would have done probably the same thing and we needed someone to breakup up the three. Leah – of course I feel bad. Like nobody wants to be in the position and I joke about it every week but like nobody wants to be in the position of taking someone’s dream away. It sucks but like that’s the game unfortunately we signed up for. Nobody felt bad alienating us. Nobody felt bad alienating us since week one in this house or bringing us up as options all the time and we’re putting her up and then telling her to go in like nobody felt bad about that ..and then when she starts winning like now everyone’s like me. I haven’t thrown anything in here. I try and win everything but she’s so nice like she’s great she’s compassionate in life she always has wonderful words for me and she’s uplifted me so many times and like has told me things and like whatever but mostly it’s just me talking you know. I can’t just be that, like I can’t survive off of those moments like no promises. You know now I’m worried that she’s gonna like really gun for it. Angela – well we are going to gun for it too. I will do anything in my power to protect you girls. Anything thing. I hope I hope you get that I kind of wanted to right my wrong. Makensy – absolutely it’s fine you don’t have to explain anything. You’re good. Angela – I think we should come out from here and its going to be okay.
Cam and Chelsie
Chelsie – Ask Makensy to do that. Ask Leah to do that, but I pardon me just feels like you’re toying with all the women to to get what you want and that bothers me. Cam – first of all from my perspective, all of yall are mean as heck to me. Chelsie – You how? Cam – Not not mean in terms of, like, like really mean, but like always, I’m always the one of your jokes. And I can never, I can never win with yall. Everything, everything, every time we have a fun argument, they always take your aside. I’m always the butt of the joke. We can play or something, you know, perspective and it’s, it’s funny to sh*t on Cam every day, and I just have to take it. And if l, and if I get in my feelings, or I get mad. I just got to take it. Chelsie – Why don’t you say, like, hey, stop. That hurts my feelings. Why don’t you just communicate that. Cam – if I communicate it, then it’s like, Cam can’t take a joke, you know?! The only person that really stuck out for me was Quinn. I can’t even play, like, every time you play a game, I can’t play the game right? You know what I’m saying? Chelsie – I’m sorry that you feel that way. I’m just, I was just trying to joke
back. I didn’t think I was hurting your feelings. I’ll stop doing that and then I’ll stop being that way and I’ll stop joking on you and calling on you, especially if you say that hurts you, or you can communicate that. Cam – I mean, the joking and clowning on me thing is cool, but it’s also like, it’s not, not if you’re, I think it is funny sometimes, but sometimes it gets over the top where it’s like, dang, can I literally not just live my life?

9:30pm Leah and Chelsie
Leah – I feel bad. Like I don’t want to be in the position like I care about her but I also recognize like at this point like she is a threat like one of the biggest threats in this game. Chelsie – everybody feels crappy and she’s a threat and I think she knows that and it’s like we’re all threats for different reasons so she is socially strong in this game it’s crazy. Leah – I told her last night, I’m like you know if it gets used like I feel like you’re in a good spot like kind of like I was like I hate to say it but like whoever is next to you should be more worried that’s what I
told Angela last week because it’s true. (Man Leah and the other house guests literally say like every other word, its horrible. Can they not just collect their thoughts and then speak.?!) Chelsie – Yeah whoever is next to you is in trouble period it’s the same for Tkor.
10:15pm The house guests are sitting around the hot tub chatting about random things. Cam – I don’t think I’ll each pizza for months. Leah – I was gassy during getting toasted, but I waited till the Jankie song came on. This house is like making me full of gas. I don’t know what’s happening. It’s so embarrassing. Angela – Don’t be embarrassed. There’s other people are doing it too. Leah – Yeah, good.
10:51pm The house guests are tossing the ducks across the yard into a black bucket.
Tkor has fully transformed into Jabba the Hutt
11:15pm They’re sitting around the smores fire.
11:43pm Angela gets called into the diary room. The other house guests tell her to request wine. They talk about how Kimo had a theory someone was going to come out of the wood panel door upstairs in the backyard. Kimo – we still have a few weeks. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
All night Rubina and T’kor whispered and Leah decorated the backyard for Kimo’s Birthday
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kinda wish both vetoes were used and chelsie was sitting next to t’kor, but at least t’kor’s on the block. now just to see if it’s possible to convince enough people to vote her out. seems unlikely, but at least it’s a possibility.
It’s where there’s a lack of institutional knowledge in the house. Dan in BB10 knew there were two sides to the house, knew he was the swing vote (and America was making the choice). So he made deals with both sides and lived with the consequences of having to “choose” one of them. Even though it wasn’t America’s vote, Lean was in the same position this week, straddling two sides, and with Angela being the deciding vote. Put one from each side up, make deals, live with the consequences.
She’s the next target for Chelsie and whatever is left of T/K/R no matter who goes this week now. She could have had only one enemy (Cam, maybe T’kor) had she chosen to put up Chelsie and T’kor and taken out the former.
different seasons have different dynamics. as much as i agree leah positioning herself to be a swing vote is smart, it still requires the sides of the house to actually target each other which they’re not doing. chelsie and t’kor have this weird pact not to vote each other out despite being the leaders of their respective sides of the house. so the best leah can really do is break up the trio and try to make makensy look sus enough to chelsie that chelsie might target makensy (which is kinda already happening but not really due to any manipulation by leah).
Don’t worry as soon as Chelsea runs out of white people she will vote out Mckenzie, just keeping her long enough to get her vote
mackensy has basically been nothing but a shield for chelsie, who chelsie figured she could throw under the bus as soon as comp threats started getting targeted and that didn’t really happen. she’s outlived her utility at this point plus chelsie is mad jealous of any time makensy spends with cam so i do anticipate chelsie flipping on her relatively soon it’s mostly just a question of if leah or makensy poses a greater threat to chelsie’s game and leah hasn’t done the work to convince chelsie to target makensy over leah while makensy has done the work to get chelsie to target leah over makensy.
Where is Anglea
The pact was over at Jury. People obviously made up their minds to not like Chelsea based on things that have nothing to do with how well she’s playing the game. This pic talk is coming from Rabina and TKor. Ever since TKor turned on Chelsea she’s basically fought by herself as Cam has not been any help. Yet the people on this site have mostly bad things to say about her. Minimal credit is given for her social game or even her comp wins. Now Leah who hid behind men and was more interested in who she wanted to spend the summer with is now forced to play. The funny thing is she’s getting most of her advice on what moves to make from the most disrespected woman on this website. That would be Chelsea. Super fan Quinn told her Chelsea was the best player in the game.
This was my position as well before she decided not to use it. It just didn’t matter who she put up this week, Leah and Angela are most likely going to be the targets next week, unless you can shoot at the two big dogs, get rid of one of them and change the house dynamics before then.
Now she’s going to end up with both of them staying, and everybody united in trying to get the two of them out, UNLESS another miracle happens with Angela winning HOH, or possibly Makensy.
If Makensy wins she could recognize how weak her position is (behind all the POC peeps, meaning 5th out of 7) and try to work with Angela and Leah, in which case she’ll be branded as a turncoat racist by BBTwitter, or she’ll keep her head buried in the sand and continue to work with Chelsie and Cam, and probably nom Angela and Kimo, which won’t help her at all.
If T’Kor goes so do the hats !! I pray T’Kor goes.
Can someone please explain the janie veto? Can it still be used or is that option over now?
Thank God!! Chelsie survives this horrible week.
Enough talk — Leah needs to go next week ASAP!
I agree! Lea should of aligned more so with stronger players but now she is Def at risk come next week.
As if Chelsie was ever in danger. Leah however will be gone ASAP.
yeah, leah’s out next week unless she wins veto.
When has Leah ever been in danger? I think I recall Tucker and Joseph talking about targeting Cam & Chelsie. I may be wrong,but that’s what I recall
That was then, this is now. Leah, you in danger, girl.
Lol. I hope Leah leaves next. Long overdue.
Right! Leah sat around for weeks depending on her blonde girl privilege and using the unattractive boys. But people are acting like they’re oppressed because two women of color are playing the best game this season. Lol
Yes, your observation about Leah is sadly, on point. Someone ( like Quinn except with more money and influence) will find Leah and give her the world after the show like a director or movie/ tv executive. It’s why she’s there Sadly those opportunities are few for Indigenous, Latina, Black, most woman of color.But, I wouldn’t say people are anti Chelsey or T,kor for those reasons. Most love the game and want to see good strategy, game play and entertainment. Many,not all,dislike Chelsey’s not because she isn’t playing the game ( she is!) but how she is playing and her self righteousness about it. If you know anything about the show, think of Frankie he was great at comps but he tried to pretend his personality was more sincere than his actions ( they were not) and folks new it but he could never OWN IT.Same things goes for T’,kor she probably will come in second, do you really think she will take any of her earnings and donate it to a “cause” for “women”. If you believe she will would, then Frankie has a school in Africa you might like to donate to.
I still remember the look of shock on Frankie’s face when he didn’t win AFP! That was priceless!
Again look at the vote…wrong
Horrible take look at the vote….
Well….what hole did T crawl into. Simply not a fan. Phoney all around and those beanies with ruffles are ugly.
Oh, but they’re couture! Butt ugly
Is BB a fashion show? I don’t care about her fashion but she played a solid game this season with her social skills.
Mmmmm hmmmm
“Solid” game? Is that the new word they use when someone hides and refuses to play the game?
Hell, she and Rubina even want to change the criteria for voting for the winner! In their eyes, it’s no longer about winning the comps, planning strategy, making moves and having a good social game, as you suggest T’Kor has. It’s all about who the “best person” is, and what that person’s “social cause” is, as judged by them I guess.
As for T’Kor’s social skills, if hiding out in corners with basically the same two people the whole season long and whispering to each other, is a great social game, then maybe T’Kor has it. The problem is, none of those whispers ever amounted to anything – no alliance was ever formed – nobody was ever put on the block – nothing ever happened, except for the 3 of them whining and crying to each other when none of their “plans” ever came to fruition. NONE of them!
All T’Kor has to show for a season long whine fest is 1 HOH, and that’s it. And on THAT HOH – HER HOH – she sent home a member of her own alliance – Tucker. Not because she wanted to. Because she sucked as an HOH and was too weak to prevent it.
Solid is not the word I’d use to describe T’Kor’s game. Weak is a better word. Coaster is a better BB word. Nonexistent is probably the best word to describe her game.
Sounds like the jankie comp was the milk bottle pyramids. She had to knock down three pyramids or something. She threw because it was a forced veto. If she won she HAD to use it. She didn’t want to put a bigger target on her back by having to declare a fourth nominee.
Makensy, Leah and Angela want T’kor out: she’s the brains of the trio.
They think Cam is the swing but think Cam will report to Chelsie.
Cam and Chelsie are talking. He’s playing victim of the mean girls and she’s playing you’re sleeping on the couch or we’re getting a divorce.
Rubina doesn’t want to talk to Angela. She’s pretty much given up and would prefer T’kor stay. I shit you not.
T’kor is probably annoyed she was put on the bottom and the girlthing didn’t sway Leah, and she didn’t get a chance to have her say… and she thought Leah would prioritize T’kor’s wishes to target Cam, Mak or even Chelsie. It’s not fair that she isn’t the last one to be nominated.
While T’kor is pushing people over profit to Rubina…. you know damn well she’s going to be going to Chelsie and Cam to claim black solidarity even though she tried to get Leah to break the Cam deal… and Chelsie knows it. Whether she bothers even talking to Angela or Makensy is up for debate. She prefers not to talk to them because…. I’ll say it because they don’t fit her pantone color wheel of trust.
Kimo doesn’t seem to be celebrating that he’s staying.
Leah and Chelsie talked. A LOT of Chelsie’s talk was strong reasons why T’kor is a threat. The walkback to but Rubina has to go is going to be… silly.
Makensy, Angela and Leah have their own color wheel of trust and solidarity. Is it really so different that they want to work together going forward?
Right! So many double standards in the BB fandom.
I can’t sit and watch the feeds 24/7, but I have not heard those three say a word to each other about keeping one another safe because of the color of their skin. If they did ALL of America would have been notified instantly.
Week One. The not a cookut agreement conversation in the hammock.
EVERY week: T’kor talking about not trusting insert name of a white houseguest trying to work with T’kor.
Last week and This week: Rubina and T’kor and Kimo conversations. Take note of the late night convos where T’kor is telling her 2 final 2’s how she and Chelsie should be the final 2. To her other final 2’s she says this.
It HAS been happening ALL season.
An alliance is an alliance is an alliance was my view. Alliances have been made for any number of commonalities, so an alliance based on race was not problematic. Still isn’t problematic to me.
HOWEVER, when discussion arises consistently where one houseguest is driving a prejudicial agenda, THAT houseguest DESERVES to be called out for having a prejudicial agenda.
She was talking about Makensy, Angela and Leah. You’re talking about T’Kor, Rubina and Kimo, or at least I think you are?
I don’t know who was in on the “not a cookout” agreement conversation in the hammock week one.
Remember when Angela called Quinn to the window saying that,s the group? Chelsie, T’kor, Cam and Cedric had just agreed that they wouldn’t target each other until jury and they’d vote for each other if one of them made final 2 solely based on the cause.
They both have noticed the possible threat of alliances or protection based on race. Leah told Quinn that she knew what was going on because Chelsea would not consider T’Kor as a renom. He asked , what? And she said that she’d tell him later. He said later today, or after the show. She said, After were done. It is just human behavior to either think it’s happening, or to have unconscious bias that causes you to trust people that look more like you. It takes more effort to fight the urge to stick with perceived safety of sameness and be afraid of anything different. It’s not a criticism of anyone’s character, just an observation of human behavior
Thank you The Beef! Clarification for those that don’t have fundamental reading skills. Makensy, Angela and Leah is who I was referring to.
Those three.
In my mind when I see those three, I automatically think of the trio T/K/R/
I apologize that I didn’t gather your inference.
They don’t have too. It’s a normal built in reactor. People of color just make the mistake of saying it out loud.
You should have watched because they did…
Mak’s number one until Sunday night was Chelsie. Her final 3 was Chelsie and Cam.
What changed? Chelsie being upset about her non-boyfriend and Mak.
Another false equivalency rears it’s head when we’ve heard all season from the bias brigade.
You realize makensy’s number 1 is Chelsie and number 2 is cam right? Lmao
So did Leah not use her veto? I really hope they vote Tkor out.
No Rubina is still on the block. Apparently Leah had to compete in another jankie veto comp to be able to use her veto but even if she won it (again), she wasn’t going to use it.
Rubina is mad at Angela.
Rubina didn’t even ASK Angela to use veto on her during their one on one.
She just pushed girl thing going forward and woman gotta win.
Something these women need to own:
saying let’s have a women’s alliance when you are on the block and saying naah nevermind once you are safe… only works once or twice. The Godots have pushed it every time one of the trio is on the block since post veto week 6 when T’kor was worried because she couldn’t play in the next HOH. Rubina has pushed it since Tucker became a nominee.
Both women have pushed it with the proviso that some women not be included, and their men be included / safe with the girls.
Mind you…. Kimo doesn’t even KNOW about the proposed Shelliance he was made a defacto member of in talks. No really. They never told him when they were pushing female and Kimo solidarity… any more than Rubina told Tucker she wanted a girlliance that would all protect Tucker.
ALL DAY TODAY…. the trio DID NOTHING TO CHANGE THE TARGET. They deserve to be on the block JUST FOR THAT.
…but everyone should respect Tkor’s feelings. Mmmmhmmmm
Honestly, she has zero respect for the feelings of half the house.
She never has. Let’s be real here.
She comes across as a hyper self involved and quite spoiled victimwhiner.
She’s on the block for the first time week 9. So how come we’ve heard her whining since week 2?
I once said I could have a coffee with her as long as it was a very large coffee and she was buying. I lied. I couldn’t do it. I’d need it to be a superhuge to go cup of coffee with her buying… and I’d leave as soon as she handed it to me becasue there isn’t enough life to waste to listen to her negativity.
Yes, the Godots are talking about how they have been victimized for making themselves a target. They think it’s because their social games are so good. NO.
It’s because the are an obvious voting block. Period. Then again, I have ZERO clue what the house sees in neggy T’kor, and Kimo has been a whiny eeyore since forever, and Rubina? Serously?
The problem with newschool bb is they think social game is being well liked.
THAT ISN’T SOCIAL GAME. Social game is amassing social capital and USING IT to manipulate the game around them. THESE dimwits couldn’t even SOCIAL GAME LEAH to put CHELSIE, the person MOST responsible for the loss of BOTH of her SIMPS on the block. Seriously, that wouldn’t even be an expenditure of social capital. That would be understanding the psychological motivation of Leah and playing into it…. THAT is part of social game more than being liked. WHY don’t NEWSCHOOL bb houseguests UNDERSTAND this?????
By the way…. Kimo wants to force a tie this week to make Leah get more blood on her hands. THERE ARE 5 VOTES THIS WEEK. THAT’S WHY THE OBVIOUS THREE BODIES ONE BRAIN TRIO ARE BEING BROKEN UP.
I wonder if that final 2 he proposed to Leah is still active now that he’s off the block?
What happens when she says vote out T’kor? Angela already tried…. Kimo told T’kor and Rubina.
Exactly this!
This is why I think Leah has been playing one of the better social games this season. She low key starts talking without seeming to be fishing or plotting, and gets info or drops seeds.
Whereas what Chelsie does is fool HGs into thinking she’s cooler than she is, and that is wearing thin anyway as she pouts and goes off on Cam.
Leah also has done a great job reintegrating into the house this week. It’s not just being likable, it’s about perception that maybe she can he beneficial or at least a lesser threat to any individual HG.
Even if it could be a split vote, so what? She put 3 of one solid group otb. Worst case, she votes out Tkor, and Rubina and Kimo are against her, like they ALREADY and have been for weeks? While CCM are sitting pretty and very satisfied this week?
He just wants an excuse to openly go against his word to not nominate her. Which makes no sense anyway bc obviously Leah targeted his group even as the words left his mouth that he’d keep her safe this week.
I was going to make a comment on your theory of Leah’s great conversational skills. But after your comment about splitting a 5 person vote it would be a waste of time
You. Big Dumb, Look Dumb.
If Leah wasn’t HOH this week half of the house would have her on the block with Angela. the other half would have Angela on the block with Kimo with Leah as the renom option.
Leah has a big problem in her social game. She overtalks. Think of the info she’d glean if she let people finish a sentence. The bigger issue is she isn’t respected. You don’t have to be liked to win bb. You do have to be respected.
The fact that Kimo can’t bbmath enough when they are all sleeping in the yard together to know that there are 5 votes this week is the issue I’m having with Kimo wanting a split vote. Just look around the yard and use your fingers.
What does neggy mean? Leah is the reason Joseph got evicted.Quinn told her if she used the veto he would put up Joseph. Although she lied to Joseph and told him she didn’t know. Everything isn’t Chelsea fault. She actually playing the best game at this time.
The push to evict Joseph came from CHelsie.
Remember? She took offense to him being too blunt / stupid in the way he was downgrading her game. Until Chelsie told Mak we vote him out anyway because he’s bad for US, the Tucker vote group had decided Rubina would be leaving, or Kimo would to break up the voting block.
You know… what Leah is doing now.
The Godots KNOW that Chelsie flipped to evict Joseph. They know Leah was annoyed being on the wrong side of the vote. It would not have been hard to push Leah to go with that annoyance.
He would never had been on the block if Leah hadn’t used the veto for the selfish reason of getting of getting Angela’s jury vote. Why do I bother to explain. Everything is Chelsea fault on this site
Fault. no. Perhaps alter the perspective.
If someone points out that Chelsie was the driving force in a game move, that’s a point in her favor.
However, in this situation where LEAH is the HOH, pushing the idea that Leah should blame herself for everything after the Angela veto is counter intuitive to the pathology of the house this season. NOBODY owns cause effect when related to themselves.
Since Chelsie took credit for getting Joseph out it isn’t about blame.
Neggy: negativity or even Negging, as in saying something in a nice way as a purdown.
If you call being protected a great game then ok…
Joseph’s big mouth is the reason Joseph got evicted. That and his ego.
You can also……
Blame Leah for using the veto on Angela.
Blame Quinn for re-noming Joseph.
Blame Rubina for winning the AI competition.
Blame both Makensy and Chelsie for flipping their vote and voting out Joseph.
Any one of those things doesn’t happen and Joseph likely doesn’t get evicted.
I actually find this hilarious. This also feeds into this season being one that is totally lacking in strategy and strategic play. You would think that people would just know that if you’re on the block you need to go to the HOH and at least kiss their ass a little bit to try and get OFF the block, you know, in case Veto is used. Or maybe, like in T’Kor’s case, you just might want to talk to them to try and NOT be the re-nominee. You have to at least TRY! What have you got to lose, right?
But not this crew. No, they would rather just ignore 25 seasons of history and seeing how things are done, and just do the ol’ “fly by night” method of Big Brother, and let things hang loose! That way we can bitch about what just happened, after having had zero input as to why what just happened, just happened.
It’s the new “no strategy” version of Big Brother. Given the new recruiting “strategy” by production, which would seem to be “recruit no strategy type players”, I think we’re going to be seeing a lot more seasons like this. OR maybe not, since this season has been such a complete disaster, the whole show could end up getting canceled.
I wonder if Leah ever puts hot sauce on her boogers to give them some kick.
Who needs to become HOH next week to nominate Chelsie? MJ seems like Chelsie’s servant… I don’t understand why everyone isn’t trying to block Chelsie. I wouldn’t mind if Chelsie wins Big Brother 26, but I don’t want her to win easily.
You should know the answer.Team Angela.
Hi! Anyone catch what movie they were talking about?
I want Chelsie to stay… I wanna watch her and Cam fight.
This group of nonfactors doesn’t deserve a visit from the iconic Zingbot.
Rubina and T’kor discussed only voting for the good people from jury. They want this season to change the game from voting who played the best game to who is the best person.
I eyerolled so hard I got vetigo…. projectile vomited, and sent a telepathic message to Grod to get rid of both of them. NOW.
These sanctimonious blowhard asshats think they are changing the game.
They’ve taken we’re the good people to a brand new level of bullshit.
Anyone that played big brother and didn’t play care bears social cause and feeling sharing circle doesn’t deserve to win? These two can eff ALL the way off.
What it boils down to: pissy little wenches that everyone didn’t fall on the sword for because they are sooooo moral only want Chelsie or one of themselves to win because they are the right color wheel shade of morally justified. Everyone else doesn’t deserve to win because they aren’t doing this for something bigger. Like they wouldn’t have cashed the cheque if they won? Because it’s all about the cause and not about making some coin for themselves? Oh that’s right, they’d have still taken the money. So… BULLSHIT.
I mean the queen of prejudicial bias on big brother is talking about how only people who played the game with integrity and heart should win. When she clarifies that only a POC woman should get the winning vote…. what does that have to do with integrity and heart?
Oh. It doesn’t. Riiiiiight.
Oh please! No one cries when Leah and Angels literally have a blonde girl alliance.
NEWSFLASH! Neither one of them is actually blonde…
yes, the two blonde women not are NOW working together as of week 7.
Tell me their other option. I’ll wait.
Even during one of the three moments all season where one member of the Godot trio wanted to work with Leah, it was always maybe and always later not now. True, Leah doesn’t want an ‘alliance’ per se…. but from week 2 on the offers never came.
How does whataboutism false equivalency change about what I said? Nothing.
What’s next… oh Leah only put POC on the block so she must be racist? IN a house where POC are 5 of 8 so she had 7 options, I’ve already seen the bbtwitter accusations. Funny those accusations didn’t popup in week 2 or week 3 when Pentagon were running the HOH’s and all 8 nominees (not including viewer vote Quinn) had zero POC nominated.
They aren’t here for a cause has become this season’s because you stand out in a crowd.
Preach my man! You’re on a roll today!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When the “cause” winner donates every dime of the $750,000 they win (after taxes) to a legitimate worthy “cause” charity, and walks away with only the title and their stipend, THEN I’ll believe they are truly playing for a cause, and not just using that as justification to stuff their pockets.
It’s “free” money, and if you truly believe in your cause as much as you say you do, and you believe so strongly you absolutely REFUSE to vote for somebody outside of said cause, no matter how well they play the game, then you should be willing to do that IMHO.
Perhaps you might think about this from another perspective. Yes there is NO DENYING that racism, hatred, injustice, and discrimination are alive and well everywhere – reality TV is no exception. Only you know how long you have been watching or have been a fan(?) of BB. But wether it is Leah who doesn’t know when to stop talking about herself much less use a sentence without the word like,( BTW neither did Kyland. His language skills were not as poor but he spouted endless word salad , Angela is toxic, she’s playing, she’s dangerous in this game yet she keeps getting saved) there ha not been a time whether it is Leah, Kyland, Angela, Aaryn, Jackson, etc that players or the network hasn’t been called on their *** Fans here want to see a good game( yes some are here for the eye candy and disparaging comments). Allow yourself the possibility that this isn’t about Chelsey so much as her game play T’kor too. In fact, after T’kor’s victory this Thursday, it pretty much secures her a win or at least a spot in the F3. Most fans aren’t calling them because she’s a POC. It’s the way they got there their lack of ownership of their gameplay( Chelsey too- she hasn’t been called sinister minister for nothing and will undoubtedly win the game) that slowly erode the game the true fans here adore. Un autre nom wrote a comment about game ownership. I hope you find it and read it. It may not change your mind, but it will help you begin to see things from another perspective. Seeing things from another perspective is the first small step in eradicating all this hateful rubbish.
If Dinah thinks only “good people” should win, then she should definitely the next to go out the door!
I long for the good old days of Big Brother. Get in a showmance, screw them then screw them over. Now those were good people.
Standing ovation!!
I pray no poc wins and not because I’m a racist so stop before you say it.
NO SIR…I say this because they are..Chelsea,Rubina, T,kor and Cam and maybe not so much Cam he has been drug along by the entitled POC girls Bible toting club
I have zero problem with a POC houseguest winning. I have a HUGE issue with transparency and game ownership. IF the way that a POC houseguest got to the end was through manipulating real world social issues in order to attain kinship that got them there (if they played a bias game) I want ownership. Say IT.
I don’t see T’kor owning it. I see T’kor demanding it and whining about it, but I don’t see her owning it. Simple as that.
I’m voting for rubbina
Dawg is there any chance that last Thursday Julie was faking having covid so she wouldn’t have to 1 on 1 with Quinn but instead she could go to a Chinese restaurant & eat fortune cookies & noodles with chopsticks?
I believe she was actually sick.
Aaryn is that you?
But, but, but….. you can’t put up T’Kor. It violates all the DEI rules she thinks she is entitled to.
By now, all their minds are becoming mush from Jankie…how none of them aren’t screaming at the idiot-AI “I hate you, Jankie! I want to KILL you!!” is unbelievable. Perhaps after they inevitably save T’Kor they’ll all stand in a circle and sing: “T’Kor! T’Kor! We Love You!” Getting out Rubina at this point is meaningless–only Kimo or T’Kor would matter from the trio.
I googled T’kor: Some common synonyms of prejudice are bias, predilection, and prepossession. While all these words mean “an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something,” prejudice usually implies an unfavorable prepossession and connotes a feeling rooted in suspicion, fear, or intolerance.
Joseph said it in one of his exit interviews: “She will win. She is smart and mean. ” You know he was talking about Chelsey. While I have no doubt Chelsey will win,I just wished for more challenging game play. No hyperbole, but we know Kimo and Rubina would run into
moving traffic for T’kor and subsequently Chelsey. Neither would fight for themselves in this game though they keep threatening to. Perhaps that is why both K and R they are easy to manipulate. Cam and Chelsey have called a truce and he will continue to ” protect her” (Chelsey). It will come as no surprise that Cam, Kimo and Chelsey will vote to keep T’kor. I hope Cam’s “Dawgs” play him a clip of Chelsey sniffing his underwear and calling him dirty. Cam may not have a strong like for T’kor but he has mentioned wanting her in a F3. Leah, you are done. Even if there is no double next week, Chelsey is playing the long game,and T’ kor will have her revenge so if T’kor wants you gone then pack your bags. Yep, hand Chelsey the check,I don’t know if she will ever enjoy the popularity of a Taylor Hale but I won’t be following her…
It didn’t matter what Leah did with her HOH, her game was over between the 2 sides. Her and Angela would have been on the block this week and next.
The late night birthday party decoration bitchfest between T’kor and Rubina was headbangingly nauseating.
I skipped it for mental health reasons
Me too. Hahaha.
Wise choice. I only read it, can’t imagine actually listening to it…. Aaaack!!
I don’t watch the feeds very often and rely on you guys for updates. I can’t imagine how much ya’ll give up during Big Brother season, but we appreciate it. I also love reading (most) the comments. Keep the madness going!
Chelsie is playing the best game of the season. Some of you are showing your true colors if you’re trying to say she should go because of the personal comments she has made. Leah and Angela have made some horrible comments about people, but you people give them a free pass. Tucker has made several questionable comments, including possible racist comments and ya’ll love that loud mouth weirdo to death. Make it make sense if you can.
Personally I could not stand Tucker.
My issues with Chelsie is her attitude her lack of self awareness, her sense of entitlement and her overall mean girl mentality.
that being said this years players are the worst I have seen.
I would take a season with Paul, Frankie, Josh, Taylor and a few others I consider to lacking in common sense and strategy over this group.
Chelsea in real life is a minister who works for a non-profit. Leah on the other had is offended when people don’t find her long winded boring like and literally infused conversations captivating. Who also when asked by Kimo how much a vacation would cost replied oh we can OPM. That means other people’s money. Leah in my opinion thinks she’s entitled and has little self-awareness
What Chelsie does in real life and how she acts in that house is basically a non sequitor. She made the choice to have her “private show” on which she often denigrates some of the other players for her perception of how they live and act in the house (Cam, Leah, Makensy, that’s just the ones I remember), mostly based on her jealousy and desire to have a relationship/showmance with SOMEBODY in there (even if it’s after the season’s over).
While it may be true that Leah is an entitled b@tch, that’s really got nothing to do with Chelsie does it? You would think a minister would know better than to say the things and act like Chelsie does, so your “real life” point really works AGAINST her, not for her, in my opinion.
That has nothing to do with the fact I think she’s playing the best game up to this point. It’s also true though she doesn’t have much competition, as the rest of the cast pretty much sucks.
People i want evicted:
Angela. She’s a nope from week one. Gut level dislike. Her histrionics caused about 40 hours of feed cuts.
T’kor because I’m tired. I don’t see what the houseguests see in her. I don’t see what much of the fanbase sees in her. Making a million plans and activating zero isn’t strategy, it’s verbal masturbation. The fact I find her prejudiced and negative and sanctimonious is icing.
My bias… what I will call out is prejudice. Any prejudice, I’m calling it out. I don’t care WHO it is, and if I like or loathe the houseguest, I’m not in a place where I’m going to just ignore ANYONE in bb that promotes hate with rhetoric. While some could say I’m being racist in calling out the prejudice of T’kor, I disagree. I have and will call out EVERY ONE of them if they speak with prejudice. Called out Angela, called out Tucker (both got noped beforehand for other things that pissed me off). Worried that Chelsie was being prejudiced at one point and said so, until I realized she isn’t…. she’s just an opportunist willing to play any angle that will get her the win. Not the same thing as what I hear from T’kor almost daily.
If Chelsie won (as the season long edit arc seems to be predicting) I could look at her game strategy and say fine. If T’kor won, I could not. If Rubina won, I could not. If Cam won, I could not. If Kimo won… i’d kick my tv and say screw this series. If Angela won… I’d rant and hate for just about forever. If Leah won I’d need to do mental gymnastics, but would be able to equate her game to Chelsie’s because they are playing the same game from the opposite ends of the social pyramid. If Mak won I’d wonder how and be confused for the next year.
They want to make BB great again.
I totally agree.Its like POC have no right to be on BB or even on this website.
Rubina and Angela
Angela wants Rubina to stay, thinks the road is Kimo and Mak.
Tells Rubina to work Kimo for the vote, and continue to tell Mak she is safe with Rubina.
Rubina says T’kor has an unbeateable social game, and she has herself wedged between 2 duos, Kimo and Rubina on one side, and Chelsie Cam on the other.
Angela doesn’t think Cam’s vote is in play.
Mak Cam Leah
They talk about how T’kor made it clear she only wants one of her trio or Chelsie to win the season…. that means T’kor would likely go after Cam and Mak as nominees again.
Leah and Cam
Leah tells Cam that T’kor was pushing Kimo out the door in her one on ones in favor of a girl alliance. Cam says that means T’kor would likely nominate Cam.
Leah whispers T’kor turned on Kimo her number one. Cam says Rubina is her number one. Leah whispers T’kor hinted Leah should break her deal and nominate Cam if the veto was used.
Cam explained how the Angela veto use was curious to the five, and made them think she would be for herself not the five. Leah explains she knew that the five wouldn’t be renom.
Cam says this week she has proven her loyalty to Cam. Leah points out that Chelsie refusing to renominate T’kor or Rubina last week instead targeting Quinn showed all of Chelsie’s cards. Quinn trusted Chelsie who nominated him because Rubina approached him about working together… so why was Rubina safe? She is trying to get Leah to do her dirty work this week so she can keep their jury votes even if it’s at Cam and Leah’s expense.
Cam wants to talk to Kimo and Chelsie about where their vote lies (even though he knows T’kor is actively naming him a target).
Since Leah and Chelsie are playing flip side of the same game, it’s not ridiculous that Chelsie can read Leah, and it’s not ridiculous that Leah can read Chelsie. Keep that in mind when evaluating how they deal each with the other.
I think Matt should be AFP because of nut job Angela he didn’t even get to play.
Kimo resembles a porcupine
And, what’s wrong with that……..