“I just have to float to 7 Sam. If I can float to 7 then they’re going to need me to take shots at their showmances”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Jessica, Nicole, and Sam
Nominations are: Sam and Nick Kat
Power of Veto Players are – -Holly, Sam, Nick, Cliff, Jessica and Tommy
Power of Veto holder – Nick
Power of Veto Ceremony – Nick used the POV on himself Holly nominated Kat in his place.

Powers in the game

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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NOon They’ve been having a conversation about sh1ting their pants..

1:30 pm Sam and Nick

Sam – did you say something to Christie about my eviction speech
Nick – No why
Sam – you swear
Nick – No why She say something to you
Sam says that Christie told Sis that someone told her that Sam was mad at her
Sam – Sis told me. You Told Christie that I was mad at her
Nick – I said he’s probably mad at her

Sam – you swear you didn’t tell her about my eviction speech .. you swear dude
Nick – no .. are you actually going to do it bro? You’re crazy bro
Sam – why
Nick – it’s going to make you look petty
Sam – so what? If I could create a ripple and then help you, Cliff and Nicole out
Nick – I don’t think it will actually help us though
Sam – so what Am I supposed to do give a nice speech and leave?
nick – yeah, What’s it going to do they’re not going to believe. You think on your death bed
Sam – They might go around hey is there any truth to that.
Nick – she’ll just say ohh yeah I told them (Nick/Sam/Cliff) what they needed to hear
Sam – so you don’t think I should do it. You think I should just leave friends with everybody
Nick – yeah
Nick – Dude she’s in such a good spot that even if you say that … uhh.. how would there be any validity to it
Sam – Yeah, cause she’ll just deny everything
Nick – she’s in such a good spot bro, I don’t care what you do as long as you don’t say my name
Nick – no one is going to believe it
Sam – you don’t think it will cast some doubt
Nick – not yet it’s too early

Nick – we were really f*ed when Bella said she was targeting Christie
Sam says Sis was going to put up Nick and Nicole “I would never have put you up maybe next week you were going up.”
Sam says he was rooting for Holly.

Nick – Nick, and Nicole would have been amazing, that would have been the dumbest thing for her
Sam – why
Nick – If I won’t you would have been the replacement
Sam says that he’s leaving because they didn’t want the two of them together. One of them was getting evicted this week regardless.
Sam – I’m at peace with whatever happens

Nick – I just have to float to 7 Sam. If I can float to 7 then they’re going to need me to take shots at their showmances.

Sam says he told Nicole and Cliff about his eviction speech plans “Nicole’s never rating me out I have too much dirt on her and Cliff is good for his word”
Nick – right

Nick – I want to win next week to prove to them but at the same time like I think I already kinda am proving to them
Sam – NO.. NO … NO… you’re still screwed.
Nick – you think
Sam – YES, Sis talks to me dude
nick – what she say

Sam – like they still want you out they don’t trust you they like you way more but at the same time you cannot be trusted
Nick – when she tell you this
Sam – she told me yesterday. You are next to go you have to win
Nick – ok
Sam – Don’t feel comfortable you need to win everything or you’re outta here
Nick – even if I don’t put them up next week if I won
Sam – if you don’t put any of them up maybe it would help a little bit but at that point, you would have two weeks off I still think you would go they’re too close!

Sam – they’re all too close to each other
Nick – I can’t put them up anyways cause then I would guarantee I’m gone. I don’t have a choice
Nick – I would rather not take a shot at them and hope that they trust me again than if I take a shot I am definitely gone
Sam – the way Sis talks you are still going everyone still talks about how you are the one that’s supposed to go not me like all this sh1t

Chit chat in the sun


2:01 pm Sam, Cliff, Nicole, and Nick
Sam tells them he’s not doing the eviction speech.
Cliff – we’ll take care of it we’ll play our game and see what happens.

2:10 pm poison Ivy is over.

2:49 pm Kat and Holly
Kat – I don’t think Sis watches the game. She applied for clout
Kat – she’s playing typical high school mean girl
Holly – that’s definitely the case

Kat is worried people are going to forget about Nick
Holly – I hope not
Kat is worried that Nick and Sam have a plan in motion to f*& her over
Holly doesn’t think that will happen, “I’ll be f*ed I’ll feel like an idiot.. and I’ll be next”
Kat says it’s good that she’s a pawn because it doesn’t show people their cards but she doesn’t want to go up again. She wouldn’t have volunteered on anyone elses HOH.

3:00 pm Christie and Sis

Christie – I feel calm I feel grateful I feel centered.. my brain is quiet
Sis – I feel sad for Sam
Christie- I do too, Personally, I’m sad
Christie – I don’t want him to be mad at me.. I’m want to tell him I love him.. I know he’s pissed.

Christie warns her about spending too much time with Sam. Some people like Jack “might get pissed.. you never know just be careful”

They talk about how they can’t trust Nick.
Sis – I love watching Jack work out he’s so f*ing hot

3:18 pm Cliff and Nicol
Cliff says if either of them wins HOH they’ll have to decide who to go after. Cliff wants to team up with Christie this week because she still has the power.

4:36 pm Nick and Tommy trying to save Bees

5:10 pm Holly and Jackson
Holly is worried about Christie having a lot of relationships outside of the six.
Holly is worried people want to target the six but they are too scared to go after the power players
Holly isn’t confident she’ll stay over Sis if they’re on the block.
Holly – Christie is running things in the house everybody is afraid to touch her. What Christie says goes. Like Sam trying to blow up her game, nobody will believe it because it’s christie
Holly brings up Christie started Flamin Five
Holly – She’s just momma manifest nobody wants to go after
Holly says everybody loves Jack and nobody wants to be his target so nobody will go after him.
Holy says one of the competitions Jack got to see beforehand “he got to see where everything was.. that’s not fair.. whatever”
Holly – Cliff told Jack recently that he still wants to work with him

Holly – Sis has been really distant to me
Jackson – exact opposite to me
Holly – Damn girl shameless.
Holly doesn’t think sis is getting enough attention from Jack.

Jackson wonders if he should play into it. It could drive a wedge between her and Jack. After some discussion, they decide to not play into Sis’ flirting unless they are alone.

5:18 pm Nick and Cliff
Nick trusts Christie and Tommy. Would feel comfortable if they won HOH.
Cliff – If I win I’ll grab you and Christie and Tommy .. be like you want to play
Nick – don’t say names
Cliff – I want her to feel like she’s calling the shots

Nick – if we did something Bold we’re f8ed for a double if we don’t do something bold we have some life ..
Nick – I’m trying to get back in with them.. IF we can get the 8 the chances are so much better..
Cliff – it seems like you and me could help one couple match up against the other two
They agree Nicole will do something in their favour.
Nick points out that the 6 will push for Nicole to go up.
Nick – I don’t want to put up Nicole
Cliff agrees.
Cliff – I like Jess as a person but she’s not going to do anything
Nick – she’s on the other side

They both think Kat talks too much they want

Nick – I don’t think a lot of people will want to win Jack wants to play in the double
Cliff has mentioned that Tommy is slow playing (aka not trying hard in comps)
They agree the other side won’t be fighting for the HOH.
Nick – we need it
Nick – if one of us is not there in the double it’s so f*ing bad
Cliff – our path forward is you and I
Nick – as long as we continue to be floaters
Cliff says about Christie “I Kinda trusts her”

Nick – the worse case is Sis/ Jack
Cliff agrees
Nick says if he wins HOH he’s going to go with the 6 and make a deal. He’ll put up Jess and either kat/Nicole
Nick – they want her because she can float they can dispose of her at any point
Cliff – Jack is scared to death about this double eviction
Nick says double is the best time to make a move because you can get them out quick
Nick says Sam knows something about the speech getting to Christie says it was Sis “I trust Christie to an extent”
Nick says he never swore on anything to Sam.

Nick asks the 6 would want Nicole gone next that is what will be pushed if they win the HOH. Cliff agrees the safe move is best.
Cliff – I would hate to do it. the game’s a game if it buys us more time and credit with people it is what it is. (Cliff has no problem scumming Sam and Nicole but when it comes to the cool kids he all about his word)

Cliff says he won’t put up Jack without talking to Christie and getting her thumbs up (Not shitting you folks)

Nick – we have to make a safe move it’s not our fault . .
Cliff – I decided that when I made the deal 2 weeks ago. I hate it but that’s the way it is.

5:50 pm Sis gets tossed into the garbage.

(tries to scare Jack doesn’t work.)

6:30 pm Jessica and Kat
Jessica – I woke up with three different joint pains.

6:36 pm Sis, Christie and Tommy
Sis – every day I am in here I like him more and more that sucks because I know he’s still in love with his ex .. which is fine totally fine.. after this he’ll go back and it’ll just be over..

Sis – we both know that we’re hot and we can get anybody we want

6:40 pm Kat, Jess and Jess
Jess had headphones on.
Kat asks her if she will have a relationship outside of the house. Holly isn’t sure in the real world they hook up.
Holly – He has a lot of growing up to do and I don’t want to take that away from him.
Holly says Jess, Kat and Jackson are some of the people she wants to keep in her life forever.
Kat thinks Nick and Sam are going to try to pull something
Jess doesn’t say they haven’t really been talking much.
Holly says it’s pretty set in stone.

They start talking about Sis playing a mean girl game.
jess – she came in really quiet

Kat – she like I can’t talk to anyone because I don’t want to
Holly says Sis has been way way more flirtatious with him
Jess – that seems really odd
Holly – because we’re friends
Jess – yeah you’re friends..

Kat says she heard him talk sh1t about Jackson Holly has too.
Jessica says Sis is flirty with everyone
Holly -= that’s her main gameplay flirting .. she told Nick she would have dated him if he didn’t get with Bella.

Kat says Jack and Sis are really playing closer together than they letting on, “He might be sending her out to flirt with these guys”
Holly – that occurred to me…
Holy says Jackson is pissed at sis for thinking he’s that shallow.
Holly mentions Sis telling Jackson when they get out of the house she’s got a perfect girl for Jackson.

Kat – I feel like she (Sis) flirts with Christie and I don’t like that
Holly – She stuck her a$$ in Christie’s face and twerked like a$$ A$$ (HAHAHA)
Kat says SIS over laughs at Christie’s joke

Holly says Sis and Sam had a final 2 that is why she was pushing for her not to put Sam up.

Holly adds that Sis was the one that told CHrsitie and Tommy that Cliff and Sam might be working with Jackson and Holly.
Kat says Sis knows she’s onto her sh1t
Holy really plays up how sweet Jackson is. Goes on about how he didn’t run her HOH at all. Kat points out that Sis was going around saying that he was.

Jess brings up Christie saying sometimes Sis get mad at Jack for not talking game to her.
Holly points out how “mushy” Jack has gone “He’s backed off so much, he’s a smart dude”

Holly says Sis talks more sh1t about people in the house than anyone, “Says she hates everyone”
Kat – I’ll say I’m putting you up because you say you hate everyone
Kat says if Sis went up would she had the support to stay
Holly says if it’s soon Sis will.
Holly – Sis was pissed when I didn’t throw the comp to her. I didn’t do what she wanted

They talk about how Sis was saying that Holly looked at her during the HOH competition and said she really wanted to drop but Jackson was yelling at her “Don’t drop”
Holly says Sis is trying to drive wedges between her and Jackson/CHristie.
Holly now thinks Sis is saying to Jack that Jackson is flirting with her
Kat – true

7:28 pm HOH
Kat is removing her face mask she’s looking for a face cloth
Kat – what towel can I use for my face
Holly – Jack took both the face towels I was using and used them for his sex stool (floor stabilizer)
Holly- use my body towel.. it’s really annoying I put a towel right there for my face. Jack took it for his sex stool
Kat – when I win HOH ain’t no one having sex in my shower except for you and Jackson.
Nicole joins them.

7:43 pm Jessica finds a bug.

Kat, Sis, and Holly think it’s a bed bug
Sis – you get them from eating in bed
Holly says she’s getting bites she’s only had them while in the HOH room.

feeds go down

136 thoughts to ““I just have to float to 7 Sam. If I can float to 7 then they’re going to need me to take shots at their showmances””

  1. Unbelievable !! Christie is the new Paul !! All they want to do is get her approval, down right sickining to watch !! At this point it’s harder to root for the non six than the piece of sh$& six shooters . Kat maybe the only one left to root for after Sam leaves.

    1. It’s unreal. I never thought anyone would be dumb enough after seeing how Paul manhandled everyone. I am going to line up behind and root for whoever comes up with AND executes a cohesive plan to get her nasty a$# out of there.

    2. Lol maybe it is Paul. CBS/BB gave him a sex change and surgery just to get him back on the show lol

    3. Tonight on BBAD Sam to Nicole “Some people prefer me to not trash talk other people” (meaning Crusty) motioning in direction of the DR…… wow I’ve never seen a houseguest not allowed to out an enemy in their eviction speech…..it wasn’t a personal attack but a game related strategy to out her. Production just doesn’t give a $hit what the feeders think…. but I knew that.

  2. Why in the world do they think by not putting up one of the 6 they will ‘gain their trust’? That is so asinine it’s insane. By not putting them up all you are doing is securing them a free pass to the final 6.

    1. It IS crazy! What…it’s gonna buy them safety for 1 week…while simultaneously reducing numbers on their side. How can anyone think that’s worth it? Unless he’s just saying this as a precaution in case someone else wins HOH

  3. Obviously production has turned on Jackson, which is awesome, based on his Sunday edit. Thing is, you know they have to work their asses off to find the film they need to make Christie and Jack look so good . That’s how you always know who CBS wants to win, and receives help from production to make sure they win !!

    1. I don’t think they’ve turned on him. I think they caved to the pressure of so many news articles pointing out their biased edit. they are being more subtle now. Notice the number of women having conversations about how sweet and nice he is. Notice his understanding and stand up guy conversations with Holly.
      They haven’t turned on him, they are just being smarter about how to cover him. They’ll include a lot of the positive spin the house has been saying after feed cuts, and have at least some basis, rather than ignoring everything unseamly and giving him nice guy d/r.

    2. I DO NOT want Christie or Jack to win. But of the two if it came down to it I would rather Jack win over Christie!! I can’t stand her. In my opinion she is just awful!! She thinks her shit doesn’t stink and thinks she’s the best BB player ever!!

    1. I was just thinking like how the fuck is this guy a psychologist?? He is terrible at reading people

      1. No no no no no…if Nick does the exact same thing the results will be completely different and he’ll be in the 6 because 6+1=6.

    2. haha oh man i keep forgetting nick is supposed to be a psychologist! this simply cannot be true..

      1. Therapist, although he may just have a degree with very little experience. There are lots of things you can’t learn from a class.

        1. yeah, a lot of the occupations on these shows are “what can we say that isn’t aspiring actor?” (hometowns likewise are often “what can you say that isn’t l.a.”) nick probably has a psych degree which for them is good enough to call him a therapist.

  4. Every year I say “this has to be the dumbest cast ever!” But somehow I stand corrected by the newest cast! This year is especially bad! I love how they sound like grade schoolers tattling on each other, “Sis told me that Christie told her that Santa Claus told him that the Easter Bunny isn’t real! Oy vey!!!!!!! ?

    1. The worst part of nuFoutte is that they actually see what’s going on but still work against themselves (or are in some serious denial). If any of them win, they’d put other nuF’s on the block!


  5. nick is such a submissive kiss @ss constantly sucking up to christie…his entire game is fake compliments and cheesy lines 24/7…feeds feeds feeds…red flame…isssssa…sista…say less…actually say nothing, im bored sh!tless of you nick

    andy from bb15 is correct in that holly is sh!t casting…almost all the time grumpy, whiny, negative, cold, not fun, unpleasant, boring, low energy

    i really think there shouldnt be pre game connections allowed…the advantage that gives christie/tommy and also holly/kat/jackson is majorly unfair

      1. Holly and Kat know each other because they both do modeling/product promotion. They said they weren’t friends but knew each other’s faces whatever that means. I’m guessing they were acquaintances.

    1. Christie and Tommy barely know eachother,she was only part of his family for like 9 years.

  6. Nick is a complete imbecile if he thinks that 1) He doesn’t have to win this week and 2) If he does win, he will curry favor with the sh!tshooters. This season is down the tubes, I can’t stand any of the six and they all lack any redeeming qualities.

    1. It also makes it hard for Christie to get Jackson out if none of the outsiders are willing to take a shoot. She will have to do it herself eventually.

  7. Dude is two days away from leaving the house and nick is still straight up lying to his face. What a piece of trash.

  8. I feel worst for Nicole. She may not be the best but she came to play Big Brother. Instead she got stuck in the middle of a group of people who I believe tried out for Love Island (and Big Brother was their consolation prize) and a group of people who have no idea how to play the game and are to scared to upset the love island group. It really is one of the craziest things i’ve seen. Nick is so scared to upset the 6 that he is willing to ruin his own game. Mind boggling.

  9. nick and kat pushing each other out of the way to see who can be more of a suck up to christie…its pathetic to watch the rv room each night – christies ‘red flame’ nick and ‘wife’ kat be that submissive and needy

    cliff riding the middle effortlessly

  10. Nick is so stupid, Sam speaks the truth…… YOU ARE NEXT idiot! He still thinks he has a shot with the “cool” kids and will ride to 7………hope Zingbot roasts your ass, oh…never mind; you won’t be there haha……….Zzzzzzzz- ING!

    1. It was painful to read the latest update, Nick and Sam’s. There is no hope left. To think these idiots are all going to be released into the real world and be amongst us. Scary isn’t it.

  11. so what were casting’s biggest mistakes this season?

    i think i’d split the houseguests into three categories. good casting, okay casting, and bad casting, all with some caveats.

    good casting – you only really have david, nicole, and kat. both david and nicole take in more information than they spill have a good sense of themselves and can read people somewhat well. kat has a less secure grasp on social dynamics, but she is fairly true to herself which makes for entertaining television. i think i’ll also place sam and cliff here for being generally good people true to themselves, but they each have fairly weak game sense and aren’t great at reading social situations (nicole may be on the bottom but at least she hasn’t had bouts of deluding herself she wasn’t).

    okay casting – this is gonna be kinda controversial but i place both jacks, christie, tommy, nick, and kemi here. the problem with most of these players isn’t them as individuals, it’s that they’re lumped in all together. jack and jackson working together has been horrible for this season. we only need one and we’d have a great villain (acknowledge they’re villains, stop pushing them as heroes), two is not working out. christie likewise operates in space already filled better by kat (we only need one crazy) and i’m unsure if production was fully aware of her prior relationship with tommy before placing them together in the house (my ex’s nephew/aunt’s ex isn’t something you immediately check) and its creating imbalanced social dynamics that aren’t fun to watch. tommy could even be good casting without this advantage but he gains so much from it that it’s tough to tell. kemi had the opposite problem, as seems to often be the case with female black contestants on the show, while the others in this group were placed with too many like-minded people from similar backgrounds, she was placed with too few and we didn’t get much of her.

    bad casting – sis, holly, bella, ovi, and jess. too many girls willing to sell out to guys with no spine or ability to keep their mouths shut with ovi and jess completely over their heads with zero game sense.

    1. Jackson is bad casting. You shouldn’t place people with eating disorders or backgrounds of domestic violence on show that is supposed to be a fun summer escape. It takes away from the entertainment of the show and puts them in a bad situation for their future.

  12. I’ve watched every season of BB. Even the bad ones. I quit watching this season weeks ago. I just can’t stand how bad this season is. It’s pretty upsetting when you wait a year for it. With that being said, I appreciate these spoilers. I do keep up with them just in case something exciting does happen. So thank you.

  13. What’s not clicking nick????? You’re next and kissing a** will get you nowhere but a seat next to julie if you don’t win HOH or veto after this eviction.

  14. Maybe we were just spoiled from last year. Level 6 had phenomenal game play. FOUTTE were a bunch of idiots, but they were at least entertaining to watch. This year, there is literally nobody who I even want to see on my screen, much less win, except for David (evicted), Kemi (evicted), and Sam (soon-to-be-evicted).

  15. My take on the houseguests still in the game:

    Sis – dumb, bitchy, non orgasmic
    Jess – ineffectual, delusional
    Christie – entitled, attention seeker, all over the place
    Nick – really bad at this game
    Sam – see Nick (but louder)
    Jackson – weird as heck and somewhat disgusting
    Tommy – people pleaser
    Nicole – sweet, naive, easy target
    Holly – needy, placating, itchy
    Cliff – disappointing as heck
    Kat – entertaining, conspiracy theorist
    Jack – a big dick but will probably win

    Feel free to add your own assessment.

    1. I hate watching Jackson drink from community bottles of juice/milk, not touching his lips of course which is so childish and disgusting…he’s got mommy issues. He’s not attractive, very punchable face,

    2. Nick—-desperate, insecure, liar, horn dog that wouldn’t mind sloppy seconds with Anal if he had a chance; ass kisser
      Jack— Douche Lord, narcissist, shower banger
      Jackson- insecure, Binger, self-absorbed wannabe
      Anal- Vapid
      Holly- Depressing, insecure, unaware of the obvious
      Chrusty- Attention-seeking know it all
      Sam- genuine, naive
      Nicole- Genuine, helpless, ( female version of Donny)
      Cliff- Sell-out
      Jess- insecure, sell out, oblivious
      Tommy- small, attention-seeking; outwardly happy life of the party ,but probably sad inside

    3. Oh — I want to play….

      Sis: Salacious Impotent Spiteful
      Jess: Jamoke Exasperating Simpleton Stopgap
      Christie: Crazy Hypocritical Repugnant Intolerable Saleswoman Tactless< Immoral Evil
      Nick: Needy Imbecile Clueless Kaput
      Sam: Scapegoat Affable Mensch
      Jackson – (I had to use Mickie just for the first letter) Misogynist Infected Controlling Knucklehead Impatient Egomaniac
      Tommy: Toxic Obsessive Menacing Manic Yes-man
      Nicole: Nice Isolated Cute Oblivious Lost Eager
      Holly: Hollow Obtuse Landfill Lampshade Yawn
      Cliff – Coward Likeable Ineffectual Failure Fool
      Kat – Kaleidoscopic Authentic Trickster
      Jack: Jerky Abusive Critical Know-it-all

  16. Man – what a bunch of morons. Nick talks Sam out of doing his eviction speech trashing Christie – okay that’s smart BUT what you didn’t do Nick was LISTEN to what Sam just told you —–YOU are the NUMBER ONE target in the house. Therefore, you should’ve told Sam blow her game up NOW while it can make a difference— tie her to all the girls and all the deals & how she’s got them all geared toward back dooring Jackson or Jack including KAT.

    That way at least Sam might have a shot at staying b/c you know all Mickie needs is a hair of a reason to take out Kat.

    But no— Nick is going to keep taking out the downtrodden for the six & go through precisely what he did during his last HOH. And then we have Cliff only wanting to align with Christie to take out who she wants if either he or Nicole win HOH b/c of her power. I swear I just can’t with these people. Our choice is a bunch of egotistical, misogynistic, mean kids who make up or expound on personal crap to paint targets or a bunch of ass kissing production cowards who are playing scared just so they can get more air time and get to jury.

    I don’t care — even if I lost the chance to win $500k or get to jury I’d rather make an EPIC move and be remembered as a solid BB player who gave the fans something to talk about. If I was in Cliff’s shoes & I couldn’t get Christie to agree to let me put up another 6S if I let her keep her power than I would’ve put her ass on the block & then went all out to get the house to take her & that stupid power she holds over everyone’s heads out & reminded all the others how they took out Ovi for that very reason even when he had no leverage in the house.

    I swear these hamsters are all a bunch of freaking dummies.

    1. i agree play hard. da’vonne is proof you can get voted out super early and invited back for a second chance.

    2. Christy power is good just for next week then its goon. So she will have to use it if her alliance is on the block. And they dont need to evict her to get the power off. He is off anyway

  17. I’m just so glad that Christy’s brain is quiet and she feels calm and centered. Now I can go on about my night.
    OMG I really cannot stand her…AT ALL…she’s the absolute worst out of all of them. Even though I think she’s playing the game awesome…I really dislike her and want her found out.

  18. Oh goody, let’s root for another Boss Hogg HOH, he wants to team up with Christie this week.


  19. nick talking normally for once, slowly in a regular voice(out of fake compliment mode for 5 minutes) talkin some game with cliff

    careful cliff…trust him at your peril

    1. Nick and Cliffs next game talk will be a plan to win HOH and nominate eachother + Nichole.

  20. its rare to see a player not give a f-ck hanging out with the player who is about to be evicted(sis is not fearful of annoying anyone including christie for not joining in on the shunning of sam), sis just wants to hang out with sam and share some laughs before he goes as everyone else is so serious with their heads firmly stuck up christies @ss

    sis is living rent free in the heads of kat/holly who obsess over her 24/7

    ive also never seen a house guest who has generated the amount of compliments and jealousy thats been directed at sis

    sis has one of the sexiest laughs ive ever heard

  21. if i was sis, after major things that happen, incidents/comps/evictions etc, i would occasionally hide in her hiding spot in the store room cupboard, to eavesdrop on major game talk

    im surprised nobody ever really tries that

      1. but nobodys ever tried it i dont think, which surprises me…at least in the usa version

        i remember canada there was the hoh bathroom incident

  22. The whole Jackson Holly talk that included emphasis on the word “prescription” and Jackson saying there is no reason for anyone to think he has been ignorant or demeaning or hot headed to women, while holly is sure to point out her infection isn’t from sexual activity…
    tell me again that d/r hasn’t been keeping them apprised about what the public is thinking of them from their feed behavior. No really. You’ve got Jack running around pulling a lightweight James from bb17 (after numerous questionable comments James got himself a d/r warning to keep his mouth shut and become the practical joker nice guy), you’ve got Sis sort of semi participating in the game… kinda.
    This has Grodner’s fingerprints allllll over it.

    1. added to the list, Holly’s annoyance that Jack was taken in and shown the snakes and containers before they played the second whack comp, so that he knew where the snakes were. oh. you don’t say. Production gave someone a leg up in a comp? i’m shocked. not like the timed comp that jackson won (eyeroll), where Kat said later so i won the comp but didn’t get the veto.

      1. Yeah re watching that veto comp on the jest ski I swear I heard a click of a button being pressed down/up during Jackson’s turn and the timer remained at normal speed…..

        1. you don’t even need that. he only had his shoes and socks off at 1:41. that means it took him less than 1:19 to get his pants off (min one button had to be released for at least 2 seconds), get his jacket and shirt (he did same time) over his head and down arms and jump off letting all three buttons go for the seconds it took him to get to the stop button in the water. Only possible way they can prove to me that it isn’t rigged is if they release the file from his turn, from any one of the the three cameras covering it, unedited, and let us see for ourselves.

      2. If production is rigging this and I was in the house, I would hope they were paying me lots of money to hand over the game. Has any past house guest ever said if production Riggs and they have to go along with it? It’s no longer a game if you know who wins, it’s more fake crap to make TV which seems to be all “reality” tv shows these days. Which is probably the cause of these people because all they want to be is on a reality show to get followers and podcast.

        1. Things i know: in the past HOH’s have been called to the diary room and asked not to target a specific house guest (season 18 had house guests weekly complaining on feeds after being asked not to target Nicole).
          What i know from past seasons: individual timed comps have had times altered in the past for veto comps. i know this from an individual timed veto comp where they stretched out the times to make it seem like it took longer, and the added times were greater than the amount of time the feeds were down for the comp. without reset between competitors.
          What i know from cam errors in bbcan: in the past, the costumes for veto have been delivered the night before they pick the players … with name tags on the outside of the garment bags.
          what i remember but can’t find my screen capture for: previous season contract that contained the phrase ‘production maintains the right’ in regards to editing, altering, and changing. I think half the time during individual timed comps… the house guest that won veto is as surprised by who won as the viewers. More than once they have said I thought i took a lot longer. I doubt it was modesty.
          In my opionion: It’s no longer a gameshow in a reality format. It hasn’t been for a few years now. It’s now a reality show in a gameshow format. While they are not directly affecting every competition, they are steering the storyline.

          1. Also didn’t Jenn (from Evel Dick’s season) constantly call out the DR saying they wanted her to vote out certain players or say certain things & they kept calling her in to DR? And I can’t remember fully – but was Chima’s blowup partially DR influenced?

            I do recall Dan almost lost it in his second season & I listened to podcasts where BOTH Derrick & Dan spoke on why they didn’t discuss their game strategy to live feeders of in the DR b/c it would either get “leaked” or “moves” were made as counter actions.

  23. Cliff ruined this season, CLIFF. He should have lied or at least forced her to use her power. It doesn’t matter who wins HOH next week b/c Nick, Nicole, Jessica or Cliff is going home. It’s the last week for the Queen to use her power and she will surely do it for the spotlight. To be honest Jessica is useless and shouldn’t win, she shouldn’t even be there still. Cliff is a coward and b/c he ruined the season I don’t want him to win. Although I like Nicole she hasn’t done anything and I don’t see her deserving to win and she’ll probably be next out and Nick is still unlikeable as far as I’m concerned. I’m hoping for Kat b/c she makes me laugh. But Cliff single handedly ruined this season. Freaking coward

    1. But isn’t it everyone’s responsibility to help Christie get to the end.Someone didn’t get the memo.

    2. Cliff put up the 2 alpha males. He’s the ONLY one to go after the 6 in ANY way. Sorry he didn’t win the veto. He was threatened with 2 powers. Once the HOH makes his nominations his job is pretty much done. Cliff did not ruin the season. You’ve got a REAL coward in Nick who was put up for eviction this week but insists if he wins HOH he’s going to put up Nicole and Jessica. He insists it’s still too early to put up anybody from the 6. He implores Sam not to blow up Christies game because Christie might be offended? If Nick had any balls to begin with I think they left the house in Bella’s luggage. What a complete loser.

  24. If/when Sam is voted out I probably won’t watch anymore. What’s the point? I’ll just check in here for my bbfix. They really screwed this season to hell

    1. I already quit watching broadcast and live version. Money lost, time used for more productive things. Me and wife read here, more entertaining and wife has me recording old Gunsmoke episodes to watch Sundays, Wednesday, and Thursday. Who would have thought.

  25. if i were jack/sis i would try pull in jess for a final 3 on the side and an extra number for each vote…jess likes jack, and sis reminds jess of her niece, and jess enjoys their company

  26. Was the Bee driven to commit suicide or was it a victim of the plague going around the house?Is there a cover up?Sadly we my never know.

  27. That convo with Nick and Sam is exactly why this season sucks so bad. Nick is STILL trying to get approval from the “cool kids”. God I HATE this season.

  28. If I have to pay to see a fish tank, the least CBS could do is turn off the freaking music. Every five minutes > fish. This season seems worse than ever with the “they’re-talking-about-something-we-don’t-want-people-to-hear-go-to-fish-button”.
    Also, I think BB Crab Shack has the best handle for this season given the critter just found in the HoH bedroom and Holly’s “rash” – WTG

    1. Fish tank shots are CBS version of editing for those brave enough and paying this seasons disastrous version of BB. I’m sure they know by now that this season scripted show is a disaster, especially with those watching the live version and making it known and informing what is really happening.

  29. Kat, Nicole and to a small degree Holly are watchable. The rest are really KRAKEN. I’ve never seen a season this slow before.

    1. im over the novelty of kat, and i find holly to be really fake, and shes either in boring mode or whiny mode…nicole is nice but pretty much part of the furniture

      the season wont properly kick into high gear until the 6 start going at each other which i think will be sooner than expected, or underdogs put up 2 six shooters and control the renom

  30. Nick makes me sick. Sam has been there for him and put his game in jeopardy for Nick, and A**hole keeps throwing him under the bus. I’m voting Sam for America’s favorite. Hopefully he will win and it can help him with his kids medical bills.

  31. Holy sh**, this is getting so bad I would not be surprised if Cliff or Nick win HOH they nominate themselves and ask Christie if she is ok with that.

    1. Why? Cliff already nominated the two house studs before. Has anyone else taken any shot at that alliance? No.

  32. we’re on retell number three of ‘why jackson is a good boy’ revisionist history lesson. This time to Jessica. You know, the supposed female empowerment guru that has, at every turn, made an excuse for every man that treats women like crap.
    Notice Kat’s face in the background as he pleads his d/r directed case to Jessica. It must have really toasted their granola in grodner’s hell pits to have to release the Jackson is mean to women edit. They’be been going at the image fix non stop since friday night. It’s like they think feed watchers forget… or can’t call back, or that twitter didn’t capture reciepts. jeepers.
    yeah. the guy that had a gf coming into the house, banged kat three times, bragged about the act, but then slut shamed the partner before ditching her while he was already laying ground work to pick up shaggette number two, made snide comments about other women, confronted them, broke up with shaggette two because she wouldn’t perform her Ofjackson duties on command, talked down to her and made up excuses to cover his douchery, until she of course came crawling back and assumed the position….and has never once had the fortitude to talk to a man in the house in the same way he talks to the women… yeah. he’s a peach.
    Oh look. everyone got a reward for going along with the ‘isn’t jackson great’ revision: they got booze.

    Btw… when i saw the pic of Sis in the garbage i was sure someone must have said “hey sis… without using words, describe your game.”

  33. Prediction: this is going to get worse.
    All of the non-6 have decided that the 6 cannot be beaten. As a result, the non-6 have been reduced to pathetic kiss asses of the 6.

    The more the non-6 plead individual cases, the more contemptible and unlikable they become and the more arrogant and detestable the 6 in turn behave.

    It is not a good thing.

    A wise man once wrote in a time of great peril:
    “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

    Thank god these HG weren’t around when those words were uttered: we would still be part of the UK.

    The season is predictable and the HG are with few exceptions unlikable.

    1. One, besides being outside stupid, seems the no 6s can’t do math. Win HOH and put 2 of the super 6s on the block, win POV. Then the non 6s have 5 to 4 votes (HOH can’t vote) to remove a super 6 player and now they have a majority. Possible, just possible, some remaining may join the outsiders.
      But, then again, they’ll just nominate and vote each other out.

  34. Anal: “ Jack and I are hot and we can get anybody we want.”
    Girl, you are flat as a board and have werewolf hair, GTF over yourself! I can’t stand these people

    1. OMG LOLOLOL – SO TRUE 🙂 You HAVE to find something to make you laugh regarding this season.

  35. Help! Production: Can’t you do something to try to save this game? At this point, I would even go along with putting some ex-players into the house. Yeah, bring in Dan Gheesling and Evil Dick. They’ll have the sickshooters shaking in their boots. Hell, right now I’d take Meatball Josh and/or Paul…anyone that knows how to play the game!

  36. the level of hollies fakeness…

    trash talks christie/sis regularly including majorly today

    then a few hours later:

    the girls say theyre gonna sleep downstairs rather than the planned tuesday night sleepover

    then holly gets super desperate that they must have a sleep over with her “im not peer pressuring you”

  37. earlier, tommy revealed to nick that when everyone turned their back on him that tommy/sis had their ‘nick fan club’ alliance, he said “thats cute”

    cliff respects that sis tells him she is playing a seperate game to jack

    nicole talking to sam about how close kat/jackson/hollie are “the other 3(christie/tommy/jack) should see that”

    sam putting in a good word for sis to nicole(and to cliff/nicole in the morning), nicole says “i like sis, we just dont talk much”

    sis, nicole, sam now on the hammock

    this is good news for sis who has been majorly worried about nicole winning hoh

  38. Hahaha seriously why does SIs think Jack and her are so hot? These people are gross and when I say gross I mean bad personality’s…also I think she is delusional, all my 8 close friends are better looking then both of them inside and out. Not to mention not to scoop to there level but I’m pretty every season has had some way better looking people. The egos are ridiculous in this house this year. Between Jackson eating and looking himself in the mirror all day and Christie being annoying I don’t know how much I can watch anymore. I’ve also said it in past seasons but by far this season casting I don’t think you could have picked a worse more vain, mean spirited and unlikeable cast. Big Brothers new slogan should be “better luck next season” I wish I could just forget this season!

  39. jack in his spiel to christie pretty much making it very obvious he is a production plant, only there to advance christie/tommy as far into the game as possible

  40. when jack keeps saying to christie “i will die on the sword for you” its like he is saying he cares more about christie/tommys game above his own game, and above the game of the person he is having sex with…it screams production plant to me, yet another way production can advantage christie in the game to advance as far as possible

  41. What a brutal night — only fun I had was playingf along to Terry B’s game.

    Nick is such a snake – he tells Cliff “I never promised Sam I wouldn’t tell” (on how he squealed about Sam’s speech)

    Cliff to Nick regarding if they win HOH & 6S want them to put up Nicole says best to agree & do what “they” want (particularly Christie) & forfeit people (Nicole) if it buys them more time/gets them deeper in the game (read buys HIM more time b/c you know for sure if Cliff wins Nick goes up & vice versa). Still, Mr. HONESTY who doesn’t want to go back on his word will F his closest allies (first Sam & now Nicole) if he gets to squeeze out one or two more weeks. Only good thing from this talk is the bottom hanging fruit has figured out Jess has weaseled her way deep into the six & is the safest out of all of them now so they’re each individually scrambling on how to push her back.

    Speaking of the brain surgeon —- When Jackson asks if she feels he is disrespectful to the women — -the lady who was ALL about the females tells him NO that perhaps b/c he’s aggressive people took it the wrong way. That woman’s head is so far up each of Christie, Jack & Jackson’s asses they will need lubricant and power tools to get it out.

    Holly & Kat had a chat about Sis flirting with Jackson & how uncool that is HMMMM Holly didn’t you jump into the bed bug nest before it even had a chance to cool down from Kat’s exit? Fwiw – Kat also clarified to Holly that Christie DID INDEED say she wanted to use her power to take out Jackson. That’s now Nick, Sam & Kat who have all independently told Holly or Jackson that information. Umm kids if it’s smoking eventually it’s going to catch on fire!

    BUT — arguably the worst of the night came courtesy of Christie when Jack asked her who Sis would vote for if it was Sam & him on the block & Christie says “I don’t know” & then goes on a big rampage about how Sis is getting attached & what if she takes it out on her? Of course Jack said he would die for her. BUT… something tells me he’s ONLY saying that b/c he knows he needs to appeal to Christie’s overinflated production coddled ego.

    What happened to the game I love? These people think playing game is simply finding the most despicable thing to say about someone else & appeal to the person their chatting with’s insecurity/ego.

    I do feel bad for Nicole & Sam who are being told behind closed doors – we’re sorry but this is the script so you either get on the Christie/Jack train or you leave next. In essence TPTB are treating them precisely the same was as the 6S “be grateful we let you stay this long”. Actually, that’s probably why they never do DE until jury to ensure they can bring back their winner/pet.

    What a mockery this season is – worst players EVER, worst BB season EVER.

    1. The worst pat of this season is that the remaining pheasant’s will do the work of the 6s and pick each other off for them. So when jury votes come, they can blame their own kind.
      Watching live feed and the heavily edited broadcast version was hard to watch, but even reading what’s happening is painful now.
      When BB first came on it was fun to watch and there were actually people you cared and rooted for, but since production took a hand in manipulating players, scenario and outcomes, its gone downhill below the cellar.
      One way of a possible redemption might be to get rid of the Jacks and Christie and let the remaining players fight it out.

  42. i have a feeling production asked their pet and seasons star christie from the outset to try manufacture jack/sis into a showmance with feelings to try to mask jack as production plant for christie/tommy

    but both jack/sis just want a casual no strings sexual fling only over the course of the show, neither wanting anything more with zero expectation a relationship would develop after the show

    one of the biggest reasons sis would never date jack is his sense of humor is so limited, he rarely makes sis laugh(something she says is important in a relationship for her)…and its why jack is so jealous of nick/sam, who both so easily make her laugh…jack has to try way too hard and he often fails at that

  43. Gee, i rabbitholed on twitter for a minute. I know better, but curiosity got the better of me. I’m not going to say the testimonials of former university students and family of frat members is incontrovertible… but added to things Jackson has said, i find it possible.
    We can tell Jack is taking his d/r talk seriously. As the two jackholes talk Jack is repeatedly saying we aren’t going to profile any women.
    Jackson keeps trying to engage, Jack keeps backing off of the topic. Playing nice now isn’t going to change my opinion of either of them, when it’s painfully obvious it’s been directed, not of their own volition.

    It’s getting more and more ridiculous that the story line is becoming more directed by mean girls mean girling than strategy. Holly telling Jess what Sis said about the relationship with Jackson. Everyone still trying to cover for him. Kat and Sis going after each other over the entire Jack flirtation. It’s all 9th-5th place behavior. The women outnumber the men. but the shower girls are incapable of playing the game without a d!ck (figurative and literal). Meanwhile woman power is replaced by enabling. It’s truly disheartening.

    Cliff and Nick planning to throw Nicole to the wolves. who didn’t see that coming? No really. Cliff is all about his angels… until there is another man he can team up with. It was pretty obvious during his HOH that he wanted Sam as his number one originally. Now he’s attaching himself to Nick (while telling the women he doesn’t trust Nick). If i’m watching Nick’s game play… I’m not attaching myself to somebody that has sold out every close ally he’s had. Sam fought ten times harder for Bella. Nick sold out Sam in a millisecond. He’s not ally of the year. Not happening. at all. But Cliff. Of course he will. He’s a sniveling rat bast@rd.

    I’m glad the outdoor shower took a little revenge on one of the shower girls in solidarity with the HOH shower.
    Let’s say you have a mysterious rash. Tell me… do you take the medication? Oh, what, did the medication prohibit sexual interaction… a proper handmaiden has to be available to perform the ceremony.

    I’m hoping team earthquake and team ants and team whatever bug that was in the sheets (cough cough scabies?) band together to form a superalliance at this point.

  44. snackson getting pranked with a bunch of empty peanut butter jars in the fridge was pretty funny

    1. Cliff already nominated Jack and Jackson. Many a plan has failed on BB for less than what faced Cliff.

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