Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny Tucker
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself, Tucker nominated.
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa
7:30pm Bathroom – Leah is cleaning. “MMMMmmmm mold! Delicious! Oh my god! Oh my god!”
Makensy – How are you? Leah – Good. Makensy – I miss you. Leah – Miss you too. I’ve been trying to get people off our tail, which I know they think we’re friends. But, you know what I’m saying? Leah – yeah.
7:50pm Bedroom – Makensy and Rubina
Makensy – it’s so uncomfortable. Rubina – She’s uncomfortable. Makensy – I mean, I’m even trying to give you guys space. No, I’m giving everyone space. I’m not even trying to find Leah. Rubina – Yeah, I know. Makensy – We were always kind of around each other. Obvious reasons. But other than that, it’s been harder here. Rubina – It’s like, I wonder if we could just tell her boundaries like?! Makensy – Hey, well, it doesn’t even matter. Rubina – No, it’s pretty much over, but the week has felt longer for reasons. Makensy – 100%!
Bedroom – hides in the closet to scare Tucker.
Joseph lures Tucker to the bedroom so that Chelsie can ask to borrow a t-shirt. When he opens his closet, Rubina jumps out. Tucker – You’re not gonna scare me. Rubina – I got you. I saw you jump, bitch. I saw you. I saw it. You jumped. You jumped. Tucker – Did I jump? Rubina – Yeah!
Tucker "You're not gonna scare me."
Rubina "I got you. I saw you jump, bitch. I saw you. I saw it. You jumped. You jumped."#BB26 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/s7napdOO5v— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 31, 2024
8pm Bathroom – Lisa and Kimo
Lisa – I hope the positive spin in it is.. I hope I can use my platform to connect with other people and raise money and awareness for anti-bullying campaigns. Kimo – You’re a female advocating for kindness. Keep advocating for kindness. Lisa – its all we really want. Lisa – Therapy is a very great tool for whoever identifies with that to help them maintain their mental health 1 million percent. I think it’s very helpful if you think that will be helpful to you anything that takes care of your mental health is important. That is always the priority. I’m a huge advocate for do what is best for you. Whatever that looks like. Obviously not if you’re
harming others or harming yourself.
8:20pm The house guests are doing more skits tonight .. get ready.
Meet the new #BB26 house guest Leo@bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/PmOm7a8Wrv
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 31, 2024
8:45pm And now another episode of Kimo and Leah Answering Questions? Silly questions, silly answers.
9pm – 9:30pm The house guests are now playing charades. Guess the movie? Guess the animal? Guess which house guests I’m impersonating?

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