“I don’t think they will create waves.. I’m not even going to put that energy in the air. Should be 10 – 0”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Nick
Nominations – Jessica Nicole and Cliff
Vote Intentions – Nick wants Nicole, 6shooters want Cliff
Power of Veto Players are Nick, Jackson, Jessica (picked Christie), Cliff, Kat
Power of Veto winner – KAT

Power of Veto Ceremony results – Kat uses Veto on Jess. Nicole is the replacement.

Powers in the game

Ovi – Nightmare (Dead unless he comes back?)
During the night, Ovi could secretly wake up the house and call a new Nomination Ceremony, with the Head of Household naming two new nominees. The original nominees would have immunity for the week. The power is able to be used for the first six Nominations.

Jack – Chaos
After chips have been drawn for a Veto player draw, Jack could force a re-draw for the players. This power could only be used once and is able to be used until there are six players left in the game.

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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12:36 pm Kemi and Jess

Kemi – let me go out there and be mildy social
Kemi says she wonders about sis and Holly. She really likes Holly
Kemi – I overhear her like if I say something and walk away she’ll say like.. like kat wears her emotions on her sleave
Kemi – She says she was evicted she shouldn’t even be here
Kemi – ok but like you’re cuddling with David every night he was gone on night one.. but like that, I literally heard her say.
Kemi says there’s bigger fish to fry “I can’t be mad at everyone for everything”

1:20 pm Sam and Christie
Sam asks if she’s still down with the flaming five
Christie – when we get there. I would be stupid to think I’m not in the outskirts of these two couples. I do value Jack he can potentially be my greatest ally or my worst enemy
Sam – that’s what scares me
Christie – he’s smart and he’s good at this game so I do run a lot of things by him. Obviously not things that we secretly talk about in terms of the five of us
Sam – right
Christie – I do want him to still trust me and I don’t want to be the first shot he takes when it comes down to them four. do I trust him 100%? NO. I want to but I don’t and that’s why I keep him close to me
Sam says he’s at the bottom of Nick, Bella, Sam, and Tommy.
Christie – Nick and Bella won’t take a shot at you. You’re their greatest weapon Sam

Sam – here we are evicting all the bottom feeders and I think to myself if I’m at the bottom of this majority I lasted the bottom feeders only to get taken out the first week of jury.
Sam – which is great but still that sucks
Christie – that’s very valid. I honestly feel the same way about myself.
Christie – I personally want David to come back I really do. I do not Want Ovi here I sent him out, I don’t want Kemi because she’s a trouble maker whoever goes out this week doesn’t matter either are on my side.

1:23 cam 1 Cliff comes by to say high. Sam makes sure Cliff isn’t listening in.

Christie – I would want David to take shots I’m too scared to make
Sam – do you think Jack has a power
Christie – I don’t know if you swear you don’t it’s one of them two
Christie – if it’s anything as strong as mine I want to know what the f* it is

Sam – I really really trust you a lot if it’s my downfall so what I really really trust you
They talk about Jack calling David Rookie and Kid. Sam retells the conversation he had with David yesterday evening where David made it clear he can’t stand jack and wants to take Jack and Jackson out (LOL tell the world)

Jack and Bella come in. They start talking about Kemi
Christie – you know how I was b1tching about Kemi this morning I’m over it he pulled her aside this morning
The feeds flip

1:33 pm Cliff and Nick
Nick – there shouldn’t be any surprises
Nick – everyone I talked to said Nicole is going home there hasn’t been any blindsides yet
Nick – why would anyone want to cause a ripple
Cliff doesn’t want anyone to be tricky
Cliff – You need 5 then you can break it
Nick – I know Bella, Sam and Kat are definite and Tommy there’s four. Jess will vote out Nicol too
Nick – I will be annoyed if it’s 6 -4 but as long as it happens
Nick – you are staying there’s no way you are going home. If they are all lying to me they are going to draw lines in the sand and I don’t think people will want to do that yet
Cliff – ok
Nick – I’ll be pretty f*ing pissed

1:38 pm Sis and Tommy
They are talking about letting Kat know about the plan to vote out Cliff.
Sis is nervous about the fallout after tomorrows vote.
Tommy says they can still pull in Nick/Bella if they get Sam out
Sis – my honest thoughts .. I don’t want to get out Sam
Sis says if Tommy wins HOH she’ll vote out Sam but if she wins HOH she wants out “one of them” (Nick and Bella)
Sis – yo thin Sam is the mastermind behind a lot of this
Tommy – he’s their security blanket they would run back to us even if ti put both of them on the block
Tommy – I’ve always been about the 8 not about the 9
Sis asks if Nick and Bella can rally numbers after this
Tommy says no
Sis – even with same
Tommy – No
Tommy says Nicole, the camp comebacker, Jessica and Kat are on their side.
Sis – I wish we could get rid of Bella and just keep Nick. Nick will work with us
Tommy- we need to get rid of Cliff say it’s better for our game.
Tommy just keeps reiterating reasons they want to Cliff gone
Tommy says he doesn’t trust Ovi. Sis agrees mentions that she asked him straight up if he had the power and he said no. this was before he was evicted “when we were close”
Sis – oh my god I’m so nervous (about tomorrow)
Tomm y- we need to get Kat involved
Sis – I do too

1:39 pm Nick
Nick – I don’t want anyone to go in gr*tful or undeniable but when it comes ot my game they have to be thinking the same thing they know when we get to eight it will be 3 vs 5 and I’m on the three
(Nick is talking about HOH’s, how many players are playing at when they get to 8 players etc)
Nick – I don’t think Christie is going to pick a side it would be dumb for her to win that. It will be 3 on 4 which is why we need one of them to win 10 like sis that way we can win at 9
Nick goes on about wanting David back

Nick says when he made gr8tful he thought the other side would win some and it doesn’t look like that will change. Mentions how the last year the foutte had players capable of winning. (but not thinking)
Nick – Cliff, Kat, Jess and whoever comes back from camp comeback. that’s not good unless me, Sam and Bella switch sides
Nick – I feel that Tommy, Holly, Christie is a f*ing beast, Jack and Jackson that will be tough.
Nick – I honestly want to work with them too
Nick – I’m not talking to them about the votes they should know Nicole no if’s and about it they know who I want out. I don’t think they will create waves and if they do I’m not even going to put that energy in the air they are not going to do it. Should be 10 – 0 or 10 – 1 or 8 -2 I don’t really care. If it’s 7 -3 I’m going to be pissed
Nick – I have Kat, Sam and Bella
Nick – like I said last week you don’t blindside your alliance with votes you blindside them by getting them out of the game
Nick – blindside them with votes when they are still in the f*ing game is pretty stupid

1:48 pm Sam and Bella
Sam saying if jack, Michie, Sis or Holly win the HOH he’s screwed

Bella – I want someone to put Holly up not one of us Cliff, Jess or Kat
Bella – we don’t want the blood
Sam – don’t we want Jack or Michie up
Bella – then it’s three they still think they’re safe
Bella – if KAt wins next week and we convince her to put up like Holly, she can’t put up Jess.
Bella – if we can get Holly out it’s one less couple and then it’s so much more fair game. they are trying to get Christie and Tommy (Jack, Jackson, Sis, Holly)
Bella – Christie, and Tommy are more inclined to stay with us because we’re already a solid three
Bella – a lot less blood because Holly really doesn’t talk much game out of the four (ZOMG)
Sam – that’s great but I know for a fact Jack, Sis, Jackson, Holly still win I’m going up
Sam thinks he can persuade Holly and Sis if Jack or Jackson are gone.
Sam – I really want David to win, I hope we get to watch
Bella says jack never talks game to her “who does he talk game too, he talks to Michie.”
Sam – he tells Christie a lot she’s playing both sides to see who’s going to win
Bella doubts Jacks talks game to Sis.

Sam – Jack’s tokens are all in with Christie

2:16 pm Jack, Christie, Tommy and Sis
talking about voting out Cliff this week. They are going to pull kat into the plan by saying they don’t want Cliff and Ovi in the game together because they are so powerful. Jack farts Christie – open the f*ing door Jack – whoever smelled it dealt it

Feeds flip to other rooms apparently the fart smell is throughout the entire house. RV room, boat room.

Nicole – sheesh if I farted like that I would feel a lot better
Nicole wonders if it’s someone cooking. Kat – there’s no one cooking.

2:27 pm Kat tells Nicole she thinks the battle back is after the eviction Nicole should get her mind prepared.
Kat – best case you don’t have to do the comp
Kat says don’t get wrapped up about the eviction vote.

3:00 pm Ovi and David
Ovi – I’m going to miss you bro
David – I’ll miss you too, it’s a short summer
David points out that Ovi lives closest to him over everyone.
Ovi is wanting them to have an agreement if it’s the “ball” competition they work together to get the other players out. (where you drop balls into each other tube, player with a full tube gets out)
David says they are at a disadvantage if they have to wear their camp comeback outfits

44 thoughts to ““I don’t think they will create waves.. I’m not even going to put that energy in the air. Should be 10 – 0””

  1. Gr8ful 8 as the Teen Titans.

    Jack and Christie as Robin
    Holly as Starfire
    Tommy as Beast boy
    Nick as Cyborg
    Analyse as Raven
    Bella as Terra
    Jackson/Michie as Silkie

      1. The clique twist with equal players from generations
        Like 5 from 20s, 30s, 40s and a battle in or vote in player to make 16. I’d watch that.

    1. Just a pet peeve, but when did kids start pronouncing “really” as “vreally”? Upper lip injections? I’ve seen it on TV and several cast members do it too. They drop “t’s” too, so “button” becomes “Buh’-un”. I know, “Get off my lawn!”

  2. If I remember right Didn’t Julie tell the campers to observe what is going on when watching the monitor. Maybe the battle back will be questions they have to answer about the their observations. One who has highest score gets back in. Hope it is David.

    1. Well that would be unfair to the last 2 to join camp come back. Any other genius ideas you got?

    2. They were allowed to listen in on the comps. If it’s just them it may be related to what they could hear/remember from the comps or their time back in the house.

  3. Dudes…I need help. Made a donation and want to go to group chat but email address takes me to login page. Says I need to subscribe first. How do I do that?

          1. Hi Simon- I know of a workaround for you with the amazon affiliate thing. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier. Email me if you’re interested.

    1. because you’ve got a prescription addict going through withdrawal and a woman that’s been pms-ing for what seems like 2 years straight in the house. And both happen to be obnoxious jerks. who’s gonna tell them they can’t eat?

        1. The Nick screen cap. lol. my first thought was oh, did someone walk in while he was trying to rub one out?

      1. As much as the camp comeback seemed cool in theory, it really slowed down the pace of BB we are used to and had made for a boring start of the season. I wanna see have nots and have not rooms. I need someone to be evicted already!

        1. if bigger personalities, say the likes of jackson and bella, were in camp comeback, it would have been much more interesting…the shy/quiet types being there didnt help(even though kemi is sometimes feisty, most of the time she is reserved)

          also going from 16 to 13 players will be a big change to the house dynamic

          i think one of the reasons they wanted this twist is it means for sure all 16 players are there the first 4 weeks(other than david for a little bit)…that way if a big player is evicted early, they are still there to entertain

  4. I really hope they vote to keep Nicole and David comes back.Cliff has no game…done send him home for the summer. Ovi, I love him and think he is a kind soul but he is not meant for this game. Kemi would be fun to watch if she comes back but I don’t think any part of the house will wing her in and she may make a splash but no impact.

  5. As David and Ovi were discussing that Kemi should go all in on playing the bougie black woman role (you know, the crazy black diva-bitch stereotype), I wonder how David would react if he were asked by production to play up the stereotypical black man on big brother role. He’s been lucky enough to get the ‘here to break stereotype’ read. But would he be so eager to encourage typecasting if he were being asked to do it?
    This is a thought i’ve had in past seasons when a houseguest’s personality doesn’t fit the profile and promotional material the show has put out. How is their game affected (either by the house guests or by production) if they don’t play into their stereotype?

  6. Honestly can’t wait for tomorrow night.
    I think it would be amazing to see David come back and get rid of one of the jackholes or holly. So far this season has been pretty boring with the “bottom feeders” not winning anything.

    Also really don’t want Sam to be backdoored!!!!!

    Faves so far for me are Sam and Tommy

  7. Nick to Telebella says he has to watch what he says because he kinda has a career to consider and works with kids.
    a) ship sailed.
    b) d/r squeeled like a pig
    c) let’s see how long that lasts he’s played this song before.
    d) all of the above.

  8. I see Kat has jumped on the “ Let’s Bash Kemi” train…. done with her too. The list for likable people in the house keeps dwindling……its down to David, Nicole, Kemi & Ovi for me. I hope David only has a flirtmance with Kat…….hear there’s a crotch rash epidemic in the house right now

    1. Syphilis? If people complain of rashy hands….but in a fairness probably yeast infections like jock itch

    1. At my very most sarcastic i imagine looking down at my pantone color wheel and saying anyone beige or darker?

  9. Episode edit. showing some of the reality, but in a homogenized fashion.
    Not included: people discussing beforehand putting the blame on someone else if any of their plots are exposed.
    Christie saying oh man that could have really gone bad (if they hadn’t been able to cover their tracks or if nick and bella didn’t immediately tell all) right after the mob meeting.
    the mob meeting itself. and the d/r intermingles. quite protective of some people, while laying fault on others with the flashbacks.
    Tommy after the initial nicole bella “talk”. He already knows everyone is scapegoating Nicole. He’s in on it. This innocent d/r ‘well maybe she’s not lying’ clip is image protection crap. If you are a member of a conspiracy, and know everything is scapegoating to cover everyone’s both siding, what’s with the innocence?
    Why did they cut out Nick shushing Bella repeatedly in talk number 2?
    First half hour of episode, and i’m relatively okay with the not complete whitewash… but, the way they are being selective is very much the same thing we’ve seen all season. Hokum with only the least amount of reality they have to show.

  10. It’s literally gotten to the point where contestants are just coming on for instgram followers and bring nothing and no brains to the table. Stop casting people from LA CBS.

  11. Ok after watching this episode…I don’t watch the feeds (I do read a-lot of comments and of course some of the recaps on this page), I am absolutely disgusted! ://// I remember last season how everyone was going off about Swaggy and his “attitude” but he never hurt anyone…these people are straight bullies and immature. People also couldn’t stop going off about how swaggy and bailey were the worst people because they had sex on TV( they are now engaged, and living their best life together) but there are house guests in this season who have slept with more than one person in the house??? Where is the outrage and snide remarks????…honestly this season should be cancelled…these people(well (un)gr8ful) don’t deserve to be able to play this game…

    1. gr8ful is one giant c*ocksuck party.. there all morons… i’d literally fart and waft it towards most of their faces when trying to deal with any of them and walk away.. losers

    2. The comments are there but I’m thinking most folks are numb. People are not giving Jackson/Kat/Holly a pass. Last year with Bayleigh/Chris there were people willing to defend them so the arguments dragged on. I’m not sure anyone is willing to defend the Jackholes so there’s not a lot of back and forth.

  12. Why hasn’t big brother stepped in with all the bullying and being racists if this was the British big brother they would of had warnings then kicked out used to love the us big brother this season is the worst season out of all big brothers think I’ll stick to the Canada big brother

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