Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Angela Quinn and Kimo
POV Players: Chelsie, Quinn, Rubina, Makensy, Angela, Kimo
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony:Makensy used the veto on Angela. Quinn nominated in her place
Havenots: No havenots this week.
Spoilers: Target is Quinn.

7:30pm HOH room – Chelsie talking to the cameras
Chelsie – Don’t be weird. No, you don’t. You don’t need to give a whole paragraph about. Oh my gosh. I’ve watched your Big Brother and I love how you did it. No, we don’t need that big. Keep it. K. I. S. S. Keep it short and simple. OK. Short and simple because what’s going to happen after the show is I’m going to go through his (Quinns) DMs and I’m going to vet the people that try to shoot their shot. And yall are going to get some dates. You know what I’m saying? And I’m going to urge Quinn to go on a date with multiple people. I say about 15 to 20 people, you know, maybe a little speed dating thing. I will put on for Quinn because actually let me bring this guy up. Hold on. Quinn, I need you part of Chelsea’s cheese may really quick I need you part of my show really quick.
Quinn – Oh, my god. Chelsie – Grab mic. So I just told our lovely viewers how I feel about you. I think you’re great. I think, like I told you, legit this week has gone unexpected. But if there’s anybody other than me, I want to win this show. It is you. And I also say to how attractive you were. So what I told the people to do, the viewers, and they were tracking me, is to slide in your DMs. So what’s your Instagram? Quinn – I believe that we will Quinn. Chelsie – I told you personality on 10. I believe that we will Quinn. I believe that we will Quinn. Quinn – I played that way. Chelsie – So that’s his Instagram. I gave them stipulations on what to DM you. Like, don’t be weird. I told them they know you won’t know. And I also tell them I would go through the DMs but this is also what I did. How would you feel if we did like a little speed dating thing with interview questions? You are sussing through and at one point we could have a BB26 like raid where everyone gets on the zoom call and they are voting between someone to go home and then how many people do you feel like is too much too little? Quinn – I feel like 12 people we could work through. Chelsie – I said 15 to 20 so we could do we could do more we could do 15 so 15 people like so you know your stipulations going the DMs you know. Shoot your shot. Quinn – and then we’re gonna code Chelsea to get bumped to the top. Chelsie – use code Chelsea to get bumped to the top you heard that and we’re gonna choose the fifteen top people and they’re gonna be a variety of people.
So thank you so much for joining the show. You’re amazing. Anything that you wanna say to the viewers before you leave? Quinn – make sure you like and subscribe. Ok Listen I’ve been a long time listener first time caller huge fan and I’m just thankful for the opportunity to be sharing the airwaves with Chelsea. Chelsie – Thank you so much and that is Quinn everybody. Quinn – Thank you so much. Chelsie – Thank you. I’ll see you down there. I’m counting. I’m counting on it been great look at I told you y’all can’t tell me here ain’t attractive. He is in attractive. He isn’t attractive man. He’s an attractive man so I need y’all to shoot your shot cause you miss a 100 percent of the shots you don’t tell who is wrong in my oh, he’s that is ready and you’ve been you’ve been called O. K. Awesome. All right, then that is my show. Love you guys
Last week I made a decision with my heart this week I made a decision with my brain and unfortunately he is part of that, but you know the saying of Big Brother expect the unexpected he could still very much so be here at the end of this week and if there’s blood on my hands and he comes after me is for me it’s worth it because that’s a good cat and that’s a good kid. I love Quinn for a few screen recorded this send it to his momma cuz his momma should be very proud of the kid that he raised send it to Maya send it to all his friends. That’s a good one right there and I’m sorry I put him up on the block but between you and I wouldn’t be mad necessarily if he stayed.
8pm Backyard – Chelsie and Rubina
Chelsie – So I’m confused. It’s like that was so crazy to me, because that’s why I was so emotional because my heart wants to keep Quinn here. Rubina – Yeah, I know. Chelsie – She’s acting like I put her up. Rubina – Yeah. Chelsie – but she’s not like when I was put on the block that week, she sat out here pissed. And I’m like, what are you pissed at? Your name was not mentioned once. Rubina – That’s what I’m saying. Chelsie – Your game was not going. This is the what? 8th week. Rubina – Yeah. Chelsie – You have not touched the block once. So what are you upset? I’m really confused about today. I haven’t seen her since. But I know she needs like a her space to process. But you’re off the block. AI arena is not a thing. There’s no backdoor option. Like are you upset that like you planted seeds and it got blown up. I just want to make it clear like I don’t care to like repeat anything back. I have awareness and that’s all I need but I wonder if she thinks like I just don’t know how to approach her now. Rubina – I don’t know how to approach her either. Chelsie – there’s two ways she could go about this right now is to come clean and you know restructure what you’ve been doing and try your best to.. Rubina – mend relationships.. Rubina – yeah but instead you’re still going to act like this.
Chelsie – I know but I don’t know why she’s making it about her you’ve now gonna make it 9 weeks without having touched a box so.. Rubina – yeah.. Chelsie – and then publicly I didn’t even say it
was her. Rubina – no you didn’t. Chelsie – I said I heard some things that makes me feel like I’m in jeopardy that’s it. I would like to see Kimo go farther than Leah. Rubina – yeah. Chelsie – I would like to see Kimo go farther than Angela. Rubina – yeah, exactly.
8:40pm Backyard – Mime games, skits, model runway walk, talent show, etc.
9:45pm Bathroom – Leah and Angela
Leah is annoyed about how things went down and how Angela spread misinformation.. Angela – Leah, Oh my gosh, you thought that all day? Leah, Oh my gosh. Oh Leah, no, no. Leah, no, I didn’t. How can I do that to you? Leah – I don’t know. Angela – Leah, no, I didn’t do that. I’m so glad you told me, but I’m so sad you didn’t tell me earlier. Leah – Well, because I like, tried yesterday. Angela – and my gosh, that’s not nice. I will tell you word for word what I said. Word for word, cuz it wasn’t much about you at all. This is only my suspicion. It’s not a fact. These are not facts that I’m giving.
Angela – I promise you my intent of telling what I perceive to be something happening seriously was not to throw you under the bus in any way, shape or form. I promise you that I wouldn’t have wanted to paint that kind of picture. I painted the kind of picture that I bet if we talked to her, she’ll tell us whatever was going on. If there was something going on and then maybe the forms could work together. That was what I told Chelsea.
Leah – I’m just like, so, like, l just don’t feel like going and like talking to people who are just like, literally focused and stead fast on misunderstanding me. Like, I just don’t have the energy in me to do it, especially today, maybe tomorrow, but today I don’t. Angela – This is all my fault.
10pm – 10:30pm HOH room – Chelsie and Angela
Angela is worried about how Leah is upset with her and how Angela painted a target on her back and Quinn’s back. Angela wanting to fix it goes to Chelsie to try and talk to her. At first Chelsie tells Angela that she wants nothing to do with it and that its between Angela and Leah. Angela walks away. Cam comments on how Angela keeps digging herself into a deeper hole. Angela comes back and again asks to talk to Chelsie. They head up to the HOH room and Chelsie tells Angela exactly what Angela told her.
Angela – I just want, I want to be trusted, and I want your trust. I want Kenzie trust. I want her trust. I want everyone’s trust, really
I think. But, I mean, this is Big Brother, so you can’t do that. But I am a very trustworthy person. And damn, if my words got mixed up and I said something wrong, I just, it’s so hard. I guess I really, really got to focus on what it is I’m saying and just say it and whether your words got mixed up or not. Chelsie – What I’m confused about is like, I told you to go back to Leah and clarify it. So why? So why is this an issue? I’m saying that’s a you and her conversation that y’all got to work through and it doesn’t involve anybody else, to be honest. Angela – I like your wisdom.
Chelsie – What’s crazy to me is she came all night throwing Quinn’s name under the bus and it did affect him so why are we spending all of our time regarding.. Angela – that makes my stomach hurt. I’m not that close to her as he is and that she did that that makes my stomach hurt.
Angela complains about wanting to be apart of something and wants to work with people but no one wants to work with her. Chelsie – well people that were apart of something are no long here. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You’ve been on the block more than anyone and you’ve been saved 3 times. What you’re doing is working for you.
Angela – I just felt like I just wanted you to know that I want to work with you. It doesn’t have to be called anything. I might have said that to you because it had to be in alliance. It just has to be that, hey, I care about you. I trust you. I want you to trust me. And I would look out for you. And your name won’t come out in my
mouth. Is that okay to say that to somebody? Chelsie – Yes. Me and
Makensy believe that you would do that. And though we might not verbalize it, you coming off the block symbolizes that, Angela. Angela – thank you. Chelsie – So you got to start reading people’s actions. Angela – Oh, I did today. Trust me, I did.
Chelsie – So give Leah some time. Give her some space. Angela – I want her to trust me. I want to be friends with Leah I enjoy her
company but hearing now that her closest person in the house she
didn’t have a problem saying things that to me she alluded to some things about Quinn that weren’t true. Chelsie – just like you had alluded some things about Leah that weren’t true everybody finds themselves in a position where they allude to something that’s not true and either it bites him in the butt or it doesn’t. Yours didn’t, Quinn’s did unfortunately.
10:50pm – 11:26pm Bedroom – Quinn, Chelsie, Cam, Angela, Kimo, Rubina and Tkor are doing “on the fly” commercials with “On the fly Productions”. They transition into singing a song about being in the big brother house..
11:40pm HOH Bathroom – Makensy and Chelsie
Makensy is showering while Chelsie talks to her.
Chelsie – So basically, Leah’s pissed with Angela. She feels like Angela threw her under the bus. And so when I walked into the bathroom, just because I hadn’t seen them all day, I was like, hey, are you fine? Like, are you good? You need space. She (Leah) was like, yeah, she probably leave before I say something. Then I walked out. So then Angela comes up. Like, yeah, you talk to me like this because I don’t know why you’re upset with me? So I was just like, confused because Leah’s basically shunning everybody out the bathroom. Pissed. And everybody’s like, why is she mad? Quinn’s on the block. He was on the block. Why is she upset? So Angela comes outside and she was like, I think me, you and Leah should talk because I think you went to tell Leah that stuff that I didn’t say. I said I didn’t go to Leah at all. I told you to go to Leah. And I said, Angela, this is exactly what you said. She was like, well, I didn’t mean it that way. I was like, well, it’s what you said. And regardless of what you meant, it didn’t affect Leah. She is not on the block. So why does this matter? Why are you guys making a big deal out of it? We debunked it. So Leah just feels like she can’t trust anybody in the house. Yadda, yadda yadda. I just don’t understand. Like if it wasn’t true, why are you tripping on it so much?!
12:15am – 12:52am Kitchen – Leah and Angela
Angela – It’s like, you know, like they say when you’re married, like, never go to bed angry or I had that thing in my head too. I don’t love the idea of you going to bed thinking things of me like that because in what world would that make sense for me to do that? The mistake I made was just not bringing it to your attention. And I in no way said that you were the ring ring master of that. I said that Quinn was. So in what world would it benefit me to throw you under the bus? You literally just saved my life in this game. Leah to throw you under the business it doesn’t benefit me in any way or benefit you in any way. It would make no sense. Leah – It’s more like I’m more worried about the way like because I knew like in my head. Angela – I would leave so that you could stay. Leah – I’m more worried about like Chelsie. I’m like the way that she talked to me was in a very condescending way. Angela – There’s so much I want to tell you so much. They head to the unicorn bedroom.
Leah – And like, that’s what makes me mad. It’s like flipping, talking, doing all this and then trying to pin Quinn against me because they’ve been doing that too. Like, that’s another thing that pisses me off. And I know for 100 percent fact that, they tried telling Quinn that I’m the reason why he got put up today.
Angela – She (Chelsie) just told me that I need to go with it. That I’m the pawn of the season and I need to just go with it. Why not make lemons or lemonade is what she just told me a little while ago because I went up to confront her for how she related to you. Leah – I have just been stewing all day.
Angela – She’s weakening people. I’m not going to let that happen. She will never get gameplay from me or suspicious or anything for me ever again. Nothing!
Leah – she (Chelsie) told him (Quinn) that I’m the reason why he went up because I’m the one that brought up information and whatever. I was sitting up there telling them that like I’m like you know your reason for like not putting up Tkor because she didn’t put you up. I said sure is can be a weasel, yes like I get that I watched him do it with that tucker thing. I watched it.
Angela – this must be so hard for you because Quinn and I have been (going at each other) but I will work through you, with him so we can get some sh*t done. He just can’t think it’s coming from me because he’ll throw me into the bus. I know he doesn’t want me here.
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Big Brother Has Gone to the Dogs Keeping Ppl for Ratings. Seems like It’s Scripted. I’m out. Not watching it anymore.
So how come tucker isnt here
You know as well as the rest of us exactly why Tucker is gone.
Tucker liked the sound of his own voice and his own opinions too much and voiced them in an offesnsive way to a member of the cast that complained and pressed the issue which led to Tucker’s dismissal via eviction.
It’s been stated on feeds that Tucker’s fool mouth caused issues and that he used a word at Chelsie.
It’s been stated but not elaborated in a Joseph interview before production reminded Joseph of his nda that Tucker said something at Chelsie.
Tucker is to blame for Tucker not being there.
Blame Tucker for Tucker.
That could be true, but why is Leah still in the house? She allegedly said some things as well. Didn’t Tucker hang around the house some time after this was mentioned; I can’t recall??
TUCKER said she said these things to cover for HIMSELF.
That’s why I say screw that asshat.
He intentionally tried to get feed viewers to demonize someone else for his demons.
In interviews Tucker recanted that Leah said things.
You took the words right out of my mouth. People I know stopped watching after Tucker left the game.
So Dee; that doesn’t make sense?????
because he is a straight white male. its the last person modern toxic modern society wants to win anything nowdays
Yes, It’s society’s fault that he just had to flap his yap and get taken to task for it.
Across every platform and viewer vote, he was a favorite, so the premise you are providing doesn’t meet smell test.
I also think Quinn is a bad player along almost the whole and deserves to go. I am just making a point about how the shift has been in terms of what types of players production does not want to win. Just look at all the winners of Survivor from season 41 onward. With the exception of Mike Gabler due to an amazing final tribal performance. The bias of today is very clear.
I wish viewers like this would quietly leave. Honestly, if there was a script, every season should be fun. There have been many boring seasons, and there are plenty of people whose presence doesn’t help the ratings. For All-Stars Season 22, they probably manipulated the game to make Janelle the HOH in week 3, if there really was a script. Complaining because a contestant you dislike survives for a long time shows that you’re definitely a viewer who doesn’t understand the reality show format. But I guess they’ll watch the next season anyway.
The reason Angela is disliked is because she has treated her housemates so poorly including bullying then when she sees she may go home she comes running back begging and crying and saying she is sorry only to turn around and do it all over again. She adds nothing to the game. Complains about her husband to the world instead of having a private conversation with him. Need I go on? Dislike someone for the way they play the game compared to disliking someone who is a bully are two different things. She is not a very nice person
Why does anybody bother putting Angela on the block if all they are going to do is use the veto on her? I can sort of see the logic if they have a backdoor target, but you have other people to choose from so just stop putting Angela up there and getting our hopes up that she will finally be voted off. I hate when the HG’s use someone as the perennial pawn b/c usually they are the most annoying or the biggest jerk and having to watch them continually survive a vote for just that reason is so aggravating. Angela is doubly annoying b/c she is so whiny and emotional and it seems at this point is not really trying to play. She doesn’t have to, she just have to wait to be vetoed off the block.
The answer is simple. 1. Someone who is so annoying that you want to nominate them.
2. But they are also the easiest person to beat in the finals. Big Brother is not a show that decides eliminations in just a day or two like Survivor. Because the time is longer, people’s opinions can change.
Answer is simple. She isn’t just annoying. She is down right mean and a bully.
As much as I would love for the Chelsie show to be cancelled, she has been playing the best game(which doesn’t mean much in that house). So what form of stupidity is it to consider not evicting the person you backdoored. Those are conversations you have before not after. Is Grod trying to force the impossible All-Girl Alliance with THIS group of women?
The problem is MJ held one on one with Quinn and told him his eviction was still open to discussion. MJ is very confused when it comes to winning the veto. So nows she’s trying to convince Chelsea who can’t vote it’s a useless conversation. Leah in the middle of being told she might be a possible renom is more upset that houseguests are zoning out when she repeats one of her long winded boring stories which she repeated multiple times. When Quinn gets put on the block she hides in her room all day making it about her. She lied on Rabina,sold out Quinn who has lost two of his alliance members during his HOH and ratted out people To save his self from eviction. Also for those of you with your conspiracy theories about houseguests recognizing other houseguests from social media get over it. Internet connects people.
Like her or not, Chelsey is playing to win and all signs point to it. Today proved how much she has MJ misted. She can talk about Jesus one minute and be a fantastic liar and manipulator the next. Looking at what remains, who else will take a shot at her? Chelsey knows to keep T’kor shielding her, that keeping Kimo is a good idea, she’s got MJ where she wants her, Rubina doesn’t seem to want to fight for herself she’s just wants to have fun, why isn’t she working to take T’kor out, Kimo just cries and sulks. Cam I setting himself up to be in final 2 or three and hopes he gets air time and acting gigs after the show ( he has mentioned wanting acting jobs after the show)They all know Angela is obnoxious, lies etc yet they continue to keep her because ( cover your ears) she is” easy to beat in the end” Leah with all her word salad has great moments insight within it. Quinn knows a lot more than most in there, but he’s no super fan. He has handled his HoH poorly not slyly, he’s no Tyler. He is ” perceived” to be a comp threat to them, but is he really? Yeah, if Angela makes it to final 2, I join many who are finally ready to say farewell to our guilty pleasure.
Exactly as I’ve been saying Chelsie is the Puppet Master!
After this recent veto usage and re-nomination, no matter who they vote out, it’s a bad HOH for Chelsie.
If they vote out Quinn, that leaves the trio in the house, with a pissed off Leah, who has Angela who will vote with her.
If they vote out Kimo, they have a pissed off Quinn, who now feels betrayed by Chelsie (even though she “saved” him by keeping him – the only way he stays is most likely she breaks a tie) and sets his hat to win HOH, and either puts Chelsie and Makensy up, or Chelsie and Cam.
If Quinn leaves and Godots win HOH, if they have any sense at all, they’re firing away at the Chelsie-Makensy-Cam trio. There’s no reason to wait until later at this point in the game, as neither Leah nor Angela are threats to win comps. T’KKKor will try to protect Chelsie, but losing either Cam or Makensy is NOT good for Chelsie’s game in any way at this point in the game.
The only way Chelsie and her group should be safe next week is if either Cam or Mak win HOH. That could happen, but it’s a 2-5 shot.
Chelsie would have been far better served to have left noms the same, and just have her peeps vote out Kimo. She may have had to break a tie, but at least she wouldn’t have had Quinn gung ho to get her and her group out. She’s in a weaker position now due to that strategic error, IMHO.
Isn’t Rubina a dancer? Why is she taking a backseat to Tkor even when they are choreographing their stupid dance? Is Tkor that controlling and self-centered? Obvious answer is yes.
Ahhhhhh Whaaatttt??? Leah is that like you, and like your word salad?
Brooklyn was choreographer of that dance. And was a dancer for a couple of sports teams. Must have missed Rabina being a dancer too
The producers know they need Angela in the house for the ratings. It’s amazing how much power and influence they have over the players to keep saving her like they have.
The houseguests roll over and play dead for Production ?? Apparently so. Since that’s the case I’m ashamed of myself for watching BB. Survivor at least is authentic…gee, what a concept.
If I knew the HG’s could keep a secret I would bet that they get a boost in their pay if they keep Angela in the game.
Chelsea just wants to vote out all the dudes. She has a sexist agenda. She will turn on Cam as soon as she has the chance. Wait and see!
Week 1 only a man could be voted out not her doing
Week 2 she had two targets as hoh – two womens
Week three same as 1
Week 4 kept a man over a women (and cried that he didnt stay for weeks)
Kenny and joe were also against othe guys
So the only guy she targeted for real was tucker and now quinn cause they were truly the bigger theart
You can’t set the rules to play games with men. There have been many male federations in Big Brother, but they have never been accused of discriminating against women. But when women form women’s federations, male Old White viewers say, “Are you discriminating against men? Give me a chance!”
Another what is this, BBCan moment.
So we know Chelsie was aware of Cam from his videos.
So now we know Rubina was aware of T’kor on social media
Before they entered the game.
I have a feeling we’re going to hear more.
Nothing will ever top bbcan 4. They had:
a guy on the cast that dated a girl on the cast at least once, and whose best friend dated another girl on the cast and they knew each other and ended up showmancing…. and that second girl worked for the company that produces the show… with another guy on the cast whose family was friends with her family.
But wait there’s more…. a woman on the cast grew up down the street from another guy on the cast, and their parents are friends. That guy? was recommended to casting by a buddy who was a former houseguest… who also recommended ANOTHER guy on the cast and they all knew / knew of each other.
Oh… and two women that knew each other from going to so many of the same castings that they had developed a friendship pre-season…..
And that’s the season that had 2 brothers playing together…. and 2 stuntcasts from other bb franchises.
and 4 people unlucky enough to be applicants… 3 of whom left before jury.
That was the worst in terms of who cast this mess.
Let’s get something real here:
half the cast this season would gladly be human toilet paper for T’kor. Kimo already was after the bird shit on her.
The sanctimony of the Godots talking about Leah disparagingly for bussing Quinn is vomitous. They bussed, shanked, shit on and tossed him away HOW many times… each time BLAMING HIM.
Before the Cedric flip Quinn said he would throw away his game for the original Godot twins, but not Leah. Visionaries WAS his whole game and world.
After the Cedric flip… he prioritized someone else because they go back and forth on like loathe so much my head has spun mulitple times.
AND HE DESERVES WHAT’S COMING TO HIM…. did I hear that right????
WHODAHELL are these asshats?
What world do THEY live in? I mean granted we are aware T’kor has had trust issues with EVERY houseguest that isn’t POC and it’s a pattern and part of the reason she annoys the hell out of me because she won’t own it, and blames them for her duplicity.
Let’s brass tack:
Quinn tells T’kor about Pentagon. Chelsie is IN pentagon. Cam is IN pentagon. Cedric is IN pentagon AND they have that POC jury vote and protection agreement. SO…
It’s Quinn she doesn’t trust. It’s HIS fault.
Kimo and Rubina? human shields that KNOW they are human shields to get T’kor to the promised land of a Black final 2… and don’t fight it or make other plans for themselves…. even though she has a final 2 with each of them. THEY DON’T EVEN FINAL 2 WITH EACH OTHER IN A HUMAN SHIELD UNITED PACT.
what the Actual EFF.
Something is wrong with this picture. And it’s not just the moralistic hypocritical revisionist history BULLSHIT they go ON and ON about. It’s more… this shit just feels…. there is SOMETHING OFF HERE.
Angela got snippy with Chelsie for blabbing that Angela bussed Leah and now Leah is upset.
Leah got weepy with Angela for bussing her and for being condescended to (caught in a bunch of bullshit that got Quinn renom’d) and is aiming Angela at Chelsie as a backdoor target with Rubina and T’kor as original noms.
Rubina and Kimo and T’kor are trying to toldja so to Quinn about Leah… when they’ve each had their turn backstabbing him. SHUSH, they joined an alliance with the guy loudly targeting him daily… and don’t see that as a betrayal in the slightest… it’s HIS fault.
Chelsie Paras cam says she doesn’t really want Quinn to go but it’s out of her hands. She’s covering with fanbase in case the idiot is well liked. It’s more of that connect with the feeders by camtalking bullshit that only SOME houseguests are allowed to do, and given designated cams to do so. REMEMBER WEEK 3: cast talking about how they were told they weren’t allowed to camtalk to the feeds. Some are encouraged, others are warned not to do so. Another little production manipulates feedwatchers as much as episodies with manufactured narrative tidbit WE are ALL aware of.
Leah is laying on the victim routine. To be clear, she WAS hoping to play Joseph and Quinn against each other. This was clear. She was hoping once Tucker was gone to become Queen of the underdogs. That WAS her gameplan. That gameplan went down the tubes and she’s now crying victim of house bullying? I sympathize that production forcing her to use the Veto on Angela totally screwed her game. I don’t agree with the Godots or Chelsie pulling the shedevil routine about her like they are morally virtuous. I agree the cause talk and bigger purpose bullshit is buzzword only and all these asshats came for their 15 minutes and 750k. I just DON’T like the victimwhining. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Eyeroll.
On the Cam front… he wore socks.
On the Mak front… she’s at mile marker 76 on that one way street driving backwards…. longest one way street i’ve ever seen. Still blindfolded too. I had her out pre-jury.
On the Angela front… i don’t want to talk about her front or her back.. Just send in teh men with the tranqs and the nets. Whackjob. Was her maiden name Grodner? GET THE FREAK OFF THE FEEDS. Nope.
How this doesn’t have more likes and less dislikes is unbelievable. T’kor and Rubina with their moral high ground is beyond hypocritical! It is a complete joke how the twittersphere raves about Tkor the player when Kimo and Rubina are willing to give up their games for T’kor. T’kor’s resentment for the lack of representation in earlier seasons. Though she has only watched the last 3 seasons live. Leads me to believe that deep down T’kor has always wanted a final 2 with Auntie (yikes) Chelsie for history.
could it be any more obvious there is a push for a male not to win this season?
Effects of :yesterday
T’kor told Kimo and Rubina that she is more protected than they are because she’s Chelsie’s number one and Cam’s number two.
Kimo and Rubina plan to do nothing with the information, and are just happy to be nominated… repeatedly.
Makensy and Chelsie had bible study… to plot the demise of every other houseguest.
Quinn compares himself to James Rhine. He doesn’t actually know much about 6 or 7 beyond the edit…. because he views James as a tragic victim of circumstance. James was actually a repeat backstabber to every group he was in… with a weird envy / hate for Janelle that became his blind spot. He was the architect of his own failure.
So maybe they are comparable… but his situation could just as easily be compared to any doofus that tried to float and got caught playing both sides repeatedly.
Angela and Leah both plan to aim at Chelsie and T’kor if they win HOH. Angela will nominate the people that nominated her. Leah is fed up with the judgmental houseguests.
It’s frustrating to see that when you eliminate a good male player, people whine about male discrimination, and if you bring someone easier to beat, they call it favoritism. This show is about eliminating strong players and bringing someone to the finals who is worse at the game than you in order to win.
cant wait for MJ to get a fkn clue that Chelsie is using the fk out of her & will gladly bus her when the heat is on( pssst…. you ain’t bitchy Brooklyn)…MJ & Leah coulda been a force but MJ is too gullible; most likely from all that hair flippin’ and blinding lip gloss on eviction night)….at this point, I’m rooting for Cam bc I can’t stand the T’Kibina trio anymore & especially mean girl Chelsie…. Fingers crossed for a Leah HOH next, put Chelsie & granny T’Kor up….that’s a show
A few nights ago on paramount plus they were all sitting in the kitchen and one of them asked, I wonder if they will tell us what time it is? Someone responded, we can just go upstairs and look at the phone, and MK put her finger to her lips and said shhhhh. Did anyone else notice this? Since when do they have a phone upstairs? Since when do they get phone privileges?
The phone in the upstairs diary room is locked from outgoing calls unless it is a medical appointment (calling for psych to speak to a houseguest, or calling in a prescription, or getting a med evaluation , or Grod on the line… no seriously). It does however have a screen with the time on it.