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3:18pm Backyard. Josh joins Christmas on the backyard couches. Josh – how are you sunshine!? Christmas – I’m just enjoying this beautiful day. Did you guys (Paul & Josh) work things out? Why are you so down today? Why are you sad? Josh – I’m not sad. Josh – this is a bad look… them seeing us lying here. Christmas – well we have to be really conscious of the door. Josh – if we have tied in Kevin and Raven .. why does he just not use the veto? Isn’t that better? Christmas – because we don’t want Alex to gun for it. And if he does then he might be able to get her to throw it to him. Josh – what do you think Paul’s pecking order is? Not mine and yours. Christmas – Alex, Raven, Kevin. Josh – me and you need to …… I’m going to chill, I’m done with the plan. Christmas – you’re thinking about it. Did he explain to you why he would need to pull Alex in? Josh – he wants to have a big blow up with me. This is all to his benefit and not .. if I have a fight with him. Christmas – Josh, us all working together is for all of our benefit. Josh – I know.. I’m going to go nap. Christmas – no. Josh – I’m going to go nap. Christmas – Josh!? Josh gets up and walks away.
3:25pm Bedroom. Christmas & Josh.
Christmas – have a seat! Two things! You ever pull a poor little f**k boy move like that again and walk away when we’re having a conversation. You say f**k you Christmas! I don’t give a sh!t about you, I don’t give a sh*t about what you say. I am not one of these little club whores that you can treat like that! I am a grown a$$ f**king woman and you do not treat me like that. Josh – I was going to the bathroom. Christmas – Do not interrupt me until I’m done! Josh – okay. Christmas – we can have conversations, we can have discussions, we can have arguments. You walked away from me!! NOT F**king okay! Don’t f**king do that again! Josh – okay. Raven comes into the room. Raven – what did he do? Christmas – he knows! You don’t need to know. Christmas leaves. Raven – what did you do? Josh – I’m over it!
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3:32pm Lounge room – Josh and Paul.
Paul – I was just planting the seed of what’s going to happen. I was like alright I am using it on you (Alex). Starting to build that … so like I can blow up on you. She was like Josh asked us if we trust you. BUT I know what your conversation was. She made it into like why did he ask us. I don’t know why he just asked us. Josh – do you want to pull her in? Paul – no fool! But you see what she is trying to do? I know it was when they were freaking out about the veto. I was like what was the context of the conversation and she said he just pulled us in and asked if we trusted you. See what she is trying to do? Its okay, we’re good. The seed is planted.
3:35pm Backyard. Josh to Christmas – I am sorry. Christmas – do you know why you’re sorry? Josh – I just didn’t want to continue the conversation so I walked away. Christmas – NOT ACCEPTABLE! Not acceptable behavior for a grown man. You are more of a gentleman than that! For any woman. Josh – I really did have to use the bathroom though. Christmas – no, you said you were going to go take a nap. Josh – I am sorry, I didn’t mean it. Christmas – teammates, friends, family members .. you respect what they have to say even when you don’t want to hear it. Josh – yeah I just feel like its the same conversation over and over again. Christmas – yeah it is the same conversation over again. Do you know why we are having the same conversation again.. because you have either not accepted it or not moved on. Josh – he just told me that he has planted the seed.. Christmas – listen Josh, you either make up another f**king plan that makes you more comfortable. I’m fine with the plan because it does put blood on his (Paul) hands. He is going to have to take HOH next week. ALex is going to know that we f**king duped her. You think that she isn’t going to go to jury and talk sh*t about all of us?
Christmas points out how Josh gets fixated on things and doesn’t listen to anything else. And you get reactive and defensive. Paul is going to have to show his cards next week. Josh – he is going to have me win it next week. Christmas – did he tell you that? Josh – yes. I am done with the plan. Christmas – then think up another one. Josh – no I am done with the plan. I’m over it, I’m done. Christmas – if you don’t like it then we pivot. Josh – you and Paul are good with it, then I am not going to f**k it up. Christmas – did you have this conversation with him? Josh – I did and he dismissed it. Christmas – you have to push it. Josh – I think we don’t use it (Veto). Christmas – then that shows our cards to her. Christmas – she (Alex) can not win (HOH) period! Alex joins them. Alex – I cannot wait for tomorrow (when Kevin goes on the block and she comes off). Christmas – you’re going to die when you hear my speech. You’re going to want to get some motherf**king popcorn.
3:40pm Pool – Jason and Alex talk about Raven lying about her health issues. Alex – she definitely threw yesterday. Jason – that’s f**king weird, like why would she do that.
4:35pm Paul working out. Meanwhile Josh is reading the bible..
4:45pm Lounge room – Paul is studying the dates / events of the season. Josh, Raven Jason join Paul. They talk about how many tattoo hours he has. Paul says he has 120 hours. Josh doesn’t believe it. So Paul goes through all his tattoos and how long each one took.
4:50pm Havenot room. Jason is reading his HOH letter..
5:12pm Bathroom. Christmas tells Jason that Paul has a new puppy. Jason – who? Jason then laughs and realized that Christmas is talking about Raven following Paul around. Jason – we all called that she was going to attach herself to him. She probably cries about everything and she didn’t cry when he (Matt) left.
5:40pm Josh and Paul play chess. Josh had to promise he wasn’t going to cry when he loses.
6:10pm – 6:30pm Kitchen – Raven tells Alex that she is on her third pacemaker and each of them cost $25,000 each so that’s $75,000 and that doesn’t even include the costs of surgeries and anesthesiologist. All the tests are experimental. Like I’ve had a 7 inch needle shoved up my rectum. Gastroparesis has caused me to get other diseases like hyperthyroidism, acid reflex, arthritis, knee problems. Alex – god damn. Raven – some people can live with it but that’s not the case for me.
6:50pm – 7:15pm Bedroom – Christmas and Josh.
Christmas – I push back in different ways to make him see different options. I just don’t want you to feel like I don’t have your back. Josh – I don’t feel like you don’t have my back. Christmas – we can’t show our cards until after the next HOH. We are in the best position and I promise you he will have blood on his hands before the end of this game .. okay? We have one more major competitor to get out. The way you walked out on our conversation earlier was so rude. I really didn’t want to come back and talk to you that way but I was just so mad! I don’t get that mad. I’m not like some hoochie momma that he can just pull my hair. Raven joins them. Josh – I think we’re doing a double on Thursday (Yup). Paul and Jason join them.

8:10pm All the house guests are lounging around. Josh puts Paul’s furry vest and parades around with it on. Paul gets annoyed and asks him repeatedly to take it off. Josh – take it off. Paul – I’m not taking it off for you. Why did you put it on? Josh – because I wanted to. Paul – why are you going through my personal things? Take it off. Josh dances around and then heads to the bed room to take it off. Paul – seriously don’t wear my clothes fool! Paul gets up and hides behind the door. When Josh opens the door Paul rushes him and jumps on him as Josh runs away.
When gnomes attack @bigbspoilers #BB19 pic.twitter.com/GpjR5GC4GR
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) September 4, 2017
8:37pm Bedroom. Paul is lying down. Josh joins him. Josh – what happened? Paul – he (Kevin) was just b***hing something about a sandwich. Paul – Jason said walk away, walk away. Alex joins them. What did he say? Paul – something about it being disrespectful that someone didn’t ask him about making a sandwich. If people want to call him out on other sh*t you can add that in.
8:55pm Paul and Josh talk. Paul – its getting close to the end and you’re gassing yourself out. I get it, its hard. Josh – I am going to take that shot. Paul – I know but you need to feel comfortable. Josh – my position in the plan .. ya it is f**king hard. Paul – its the safest plan. And you have to see that Alex isn’t going to take a shot at you and Christmas because she doesn’t see you as a threat. Josh – I know. They end the conversation because they hear people coming. Alex and Christmas join them.
9pm Raven is raving out in the lounge room..
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Jason and Alex have to be the biggest dummies in big brother history .how do they not understand they are being duped ..what was the plan last week when it was Matt and Raven take one of them down and put up Kevin up only Jason didn’t want to do that but it’s the same thing they’re doing this week they’re using Kevin as a pawn the exact same way they were going to do it last week how does Jason not get that … Sad
Yeah those conversations between Paul and Jason (last night)in the sex room were crazy……it’s like he can’t comprehend the simple fact that he is going home. Paul’s face goes blank when Jason explains his thoughts. It’s like a psychiatrist and his patient the Dr. being very careful to be non judgemental and tip his shock at how loopy Jason is……Wtf did they find Jason he is a trip…..Alex is just arrogant and clueless not nearly as interesting as Jason.
Hoping Thursday’s HOH involves combing hair with a tooth brush.
^ That was strong Martha.
This HOH was serve on a gold plate for Xmas.
Didn’t see the word (Go) been used, every HG new that production gives them the opportunity to make believe that they were confused,and made mistake.
She even asked Josh if he could trip on is way out.
It has been a where shows this year,hope until they give us a game with only masterminds,or poppet master.On the other hand I don’t want to see Paul again!!!!!!!!
This evening xmas rolls in the bathroom and threatens Kevin”you got something to say to me about a sandwich”……Kevin scrambles “no hun I wasn’t talking about you…..are you kidding me”…….Kevin stumbling over himself with apologies pleading with her to believe him…….my stomach turned then I got really pissed. I know this is just a dumb show but to see a grown 56 year old man in fear of that horrible witch was difficult to watch……about 8:30pm if you can handle it. I f#cking hate a character on a dumb tv show its stupid I know but wow what a horrible excuse for a human being……
I’m just so disappointed, that Kevin puts up with this BS. WTH has he got to lose, by telling Christmas and the rest of them, to pi** off.
Seriously, he must know they need him, for at least a week. There really are no words!!
Its yet another example of the pointless mean treatment that production is allowing. They have gotten away with mob mentality and inciting bullying so much ( and CBS is allowing parts of it shown on live shows ) that they just can”t stop. Its beyond bad and I feel horrible for Kevin. Production needs to some attitude adjustments to Xmas Josh Alex and most of all Paul. They are giving Big Brother a bad name.
I wish someone would go old school and fly a banner over the house saying Paul has a final deal with everyone. The bad thing is even if they did Alex, Christmas, Raven, and Kevin would just be upset that it might hurt Paul’s game.
Tonight’s episode was my favorite since we were left with only Paul’s zombie sheep. Alex looks like the worst big brother player in history and Paul is even making fun of his zombie sheep (as the puppet master) getting them all to throw the competition. I know some of you can’t stand it but from the overwhelming consensus (I would say 98% of us agree with each other) you couldn’t have watched a funnier zombie sheep episode laying out their herding mentality that’s been driving us crazy for millions of people that don’t watch the feeds.
Luckily for Alex, she’s on this season of BB where Jess and Cody have already cemented “worst player in history” status.
You are right.
I wish that the nominations would remain the same, and, Alex would get voted out.
Jason needs to start making deals with Paul, Xmas, Josh. Jason needs to tell Paul “I will never come after you. Alex will.”
Anything to get ALEX OUT THIS WEEK!
Perhaps the fact that Josh is expressing concern over Paul’s game play will allow Josh / Kevin / Jason to come together to make sure that ALEX STAYS ON THE BLOCK AND GOES.
Since Thursday is a double eviction – maybe Josh can win HOH and send Paul home (now that it seems as though Josh is having second thoughts regarding Paul). If Josh can get Xmas to “get on board” with keeping nominations the same (meaning Xmas and Josh will tell Paul not to use the veto as they both Alex gone) – and – if Josh can get Jason and Kevin to work with him — Big Brother 19 Season of The Dictator Paul may come to an end.
Oh, xmas. You are so effing close to waking up. Forrest Gump speaks the troof. This is like watching a crappy 80’s horror movie. I scream don’t open that door, but they never listen to me.
What the f**k is wrong with Christmas.
She’s a bitch for no reason.
Now I wish she had been taken out at the beginning of the game.
Why is Xmas sleeping downstairs in the same bed as Paul….They always are saying let’s not let people see us talking…I guess they’re talking marketing
It msut be that time of the month for her.
Is that medically possible for him to have a time of the month?
Christmas is direct. She tells you directly what she feels, if she likes/loves you. Josh has been pampered and he likes to stomp off. She and Josh are a team, she needed to remind him of that. I do think Paul/Christmas should be listening to Jason’s concerns a little more, that being said, Jason should be listening to them. Instead he’s blocking what they say because he’s fixated on his internal dialog. He could make a big move soon. He’s watching the puppet show now and wants to clip their strings.
F**k you Christmas, if he wants to walk away that is his prerogative. Maybe he just didn’t want to talk about it. You are so fucking controlling. No wonder you don’t have a man.
He didn’t just walk away. He told her twice he was going to take a nap. Now she feels somehow justified to talk to him like a 5 year old child and when he apologizes to her (for some crazy reason) it isn’t good enough for her and she continues to berate him. She’s running scared. Paul has brought in Raven and Kevin and now he wants to bring Alex in close. Josh gets it. If Paul wins HOH he has all the votes if he decides to CLIP Xmas or Josh.
Maybe she’s a lesbian…….she doesn’t need a man. She could kick yur fat arse!
She is a lesbian or at least a former lesbian but has switched sides.
Bossy much Xmas? dang sounds like a Drill Sargent.
I can’t wait for these aholes to start turning on each other. Can you imagine the outrage when someone nominates Paul, Alex, Josh or Christmas for real? Priceless.
Please let it be Paul who goes on the block home in the next hoh. I am so sick of Production already having a winner!!! Last year when it was down to eight, someone predicted on this board and I think others boards ,exactly who would get evicted in order and who would be the last 2 .I don’t know if they were told by someone in production or just guessed by the way production was acting but it did kind of makes me sad that they were right!!!! Maybe deep down I want to believe that a little is actually not already planned.
Paul will blow a gasket if someone actually puts him up. Production would have to bring the tree back if that ever happened.
Thursday could be the best episode ever the double eviction if Alex and then Paul were evicted.
the only one who would put paul up after jason gets evicted is alex. if you want to see paul on the block, you might want to rethink the order there. but he is still in the only position in the house where all the voters won’t vote him out, so it wouldn’t even matter.
i’d like him gone at f3 tho, that’s a lot of work, manipulation and more just to get there with someone you are 100% thinking will pick you and then they don’t. ask neda lol
i think paul had better bethe one picking f2 partner, because if he does go as planned to the end with xmas and josh, i don’t think either of them are picking him. he may have underestimated their bond, and overlooked the fact there is an unbroken pair still in the house. no more showmances, but the housemances are still intact so far. joshmas is just as solid as jalex
Production does not already have a winner. The fact that they added Paul’s parents to the jury this year was pure coincidence.
I hope Kevin wins the next HOH and puts up Paul and when Paul asks what the plan is Kevin should just ignore him.
Well we all know if Kevin win HOH, he will 100% ask Paul what to do, bec Paul will tell him how he save Kevin from being on the block this week.
Or tell him, just be quiet, don’t talk to anyone, just sit in the room and read your bible. Just “TRUST ME”.
The best thing about all these losers left in the game is that somebody has to go each week. Watching Paul, Alex, Josh, Xmas, etc. go is going to put the fun back in this game.
Jason was nominated For Real.
I hope Alex gets voted out this week. She is more dangerous than Jason.
I bet Paul shows Alex his friendship this week.
This is the worst season ever. The cast are very stupid and they just wasted 3 months for nothing. You might us well call it Big Brother Paul. The producers should just give him the money. The players are no good. No one deserves the money. This season is boring and disgusted. CBS should just cancel the show. I can not believe that CBS allows this kind of garbage and behavior on the air.
Poor Kevin doesn’t seem to have a clue. Josh – needs his momma. Raven- either sad case or mentally ill. Jason – why does he believe any of these scoundrels? Alex-her own biggest fan. Christmas-moody b****. Paul-annoying puppet master. Worst and most boring season ever.
I would love it if Kevin’s wife sent a couple of his friends from the old neighborhood in her place to the after party. To see them have a stare down with these knuckleheads that treated him like a viper these last few weeks would be priceless. Yes Paul, waste part of the 500,000 on security. It’s just “friendship”! Alex, get out your rosary beads and drop to your knees in prayer. Josh… we all know you’re going to just start crying, asking why am I always being threatened when all I did was want to have a conversation.
For the umpteenth time CBS has already told them there will be no after party this year. Just imagine this toxic group of people amplified with alcohol in their systems. They would have to call the POPO to break up a riot for sure!
Did this really happen no after party
They’re all going to feel so stupid when they finally realized that JOSH, of all people, figured out Paul’s game before the rest of them did.
X-mas oh vile X-mas … she’s one great motivational human being.
Come on Josh you can do it. Be a free thinker. We have til Thursday maybe it will happen and these morons will get a clue and not do what Paul wants. They really can’t Be this stupid. Has to be a joke.
This is the worst season ever. The cast are very stupid and they just wasted 3 months for nothing. You might us well call it Big Brother Paul. The producers should just give him the money. The players are no good. No one deserves the money. This season is boring and disgusted. CBS should just cancel the show. I can not believe that CBS allows this kind of garbage and behavior on the air.
We heard u the first time
Poor Josh – he is absolutely 1000 percent right and has been saying it for DAYS that all these ‘scenarios’ that Paul plants amongst the group ONLY benefits PAUL. All Paul cares about is Jury votes. I agree with Josh. Don’t use the veto. Paul is still going to come out smelling like a rose when he votes out Jason because he is going to be the one to side with Alex like he was blindsided. What is wrong with stupid ass Xmas?? Why doesn’t she question Paul and say ‘”Why are you pulling Alex close? Let Josh do it and you be the one that votes out Jason instead”. Of course not, these dumb assholes should write him the check now.
I think xmas thinks it’s a team competition and the entire team wins. No so.
So what about this scenario:
Paul uses the betokon Alex, Kevin goes up.
The votes:
Raven for Jason
Alex and Paul for Kevin. Paul is just giving the promise vote to keep Jason in his good graces.
That leaves Josh to vote for Kevin too.
That screws up Pauls plan entirely.
AG must of run an ad this Year……………….”Wanted to play Big Brother, You must be either a Tyrant or timid, gullible, stupid, and down right nasty.
Nice, smart people need not apply.
That would rule out most of the people here
I’m watching it right now!
Josh just asked a simple question and for Christmas to blow up like that is ridiculous.
It’s weird.
If anything, Josh will get even closer to Paul because of Christmas’s attitude.
I mean, who wants to listen to that bs.
Someone duct tape Christmas’s mouth please.
Sh1ts getting real.
Cmon Raven work your magic.
F’n genius she is.
ah…..now I see why Christmas is not married, makes perfect sense now
come on Josh, you can do this, go rogue! The way Xmas yelled at him was degrading and he must see it. I hope he says f*ck you to both Paul and Xmas and spills Paul’s F3 plans
I don’t think he is really as stupid as he appears, I think it is more being easily swayed and he was probably coddled all his life. This is his first “life” experience and it’s a harsh one
It wouldn’t matter if he “spilled” Paul’s final 3 plans. The rest of the house wouldn’t believe him because they too have a final 3 with Paul. They would just think Paul’s final 3 with them was legit.
No, but he could foul up Paul’s plans. ie: Paul and Alex are voting, to put out Kevin. Josh and Raven are supposed to vote out Jason. ( Christmas would be the tie breaker, to vote out Jason. ) If Josh voted out Kevin…Means Jason, is still in the game and Paul is screwed !!
Josh goes over to Jason’s side.
Kevin would be better off, in jury. Nicer people there.
I stopped watching the HOH Comp tonight when Paul pretended to slip and false start…. it’s disgusting….CBS should be pissed , they build and wire the set for the track meet race and no one uses it… 5 people ” throw ” it to an invalid………they build the ” Temptation Tree ” and no one uses it, there’s no competition, everyone is afraid of blood on their hands…. Christmas will never go against Paul no matter what truths become evident … she has said before that she would be content with coming in second to Paul.
Today is my birthday, and Christmas just ruined my big brother day.
What the heck is wrong with her. Crazy!
Xmas would cut off Josh’s testicles if Paul wanted a snack.
I hear their Delicious with black beans and rice and a cold salad
So when they have to eat each other who cries first? My guess is Josh.
Xmas is showing her fangs. What a bitch! I wish josh would tell her to go screw herself. Unfortunately josh made a deal with the two Devils and now he’s kind of stuck. If Jason was staying he could go flip sides. But Alex and Kevin can’t work together, as Alex is a bitch. I’ve also noticed how Paul talks down to josh (and Kevin, telling him to just stay in bed and don’t talk to anyone). Josh needs to start a real fight with the two bully’s and tell everyone what’s up. But nobody would believe him.
You stole my name. Adding spaces is confusing, I’m not a regular poster but have used the same name all season. 🙂
If Paul somehow gets through this unscathed, I want the song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” to get played
My soul is crushed. I keep hoping for someone to stand up and be a hero but it just keeps getting worse. This is flat out abuse, Josh is begging for a way out. If I heard this conversation between a couple on the street I would intervene and yet somehow this keeps happening and I’ve done nothing. I am writing CBS but don’t know what else I can do. This isn’t a game anymore, it’s a sick ,twisted, abusive group that probably should have legal intervention. I’ve gone from entertained, to angry and disgusted, to just plain sad. Either CBS or the police need to get involved, I’m not sure of the laws in the US, but in Canada mental abuse to the degree we’ve seen is on this show is illegal.
You need help.
Illegal buahahahaha
Sick, twisted, abusive… are you talking about some of the comments here? Worse than what’s being said by HGs, with exception of Jason’s rape remark.
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Alison Grodner
3817 Avenida Del Sol
Studio City CA 91604-4025
Fly on the Wall Entertainment in association with
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4024 Radford Avenue
Studio City, CA 91604
Ex Prod: Alison Grodner
Alison Grodner
CBS Studios – Big Brother Studio #18
4024 Radford Ave (at Ventura Blvd)
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Alison Grodner
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I am sick and tired of Big Brother not having any legal or moral response sibility to its viewers. There are riots going on in the USA about these same issues. I say if you want to win Big Brother and we hear any moral racial comments or bullying going on you are out. Thrown off the show. These people who do lure things make comments of raping someone’s wife and comments against races or transgenders needs to stop! The bullying allowed on there is ridiculous! Big Brother enforce rules and your cast CBS and your allowing this programming reflects on YOU! It’s sickening the people you have had on the last few seasons. I am a big big Big Brother fan but am seriously considering not watching this crap! I say AIR there dirty mouths and laundry and they should all be fired and have there friends leave them and family ! JASON HAS A BEAUTIFUL WIFE CHILD and one on the way and his talk is disgusting. I would leave him! Please make people accountable and throw them off the show n have back up people to take there place. I am sure there are many nice people who would love e a chance.?people like Frankie and Rachel etc …come on do something
I’m not one of those little club whores that you can just talk any way you want to……I thought that was a quote from Josh….(lol)
Christmas has never won anything. She’s pathetic. The house constantly bowing to her and giving her a free ride is even more pathetic. What a loser house.
How did she get Dr’s clearance to play that HOH? Production wants Paul and Xmas final 2
Or they may actually want a Latino to be different. Or a terminally ill person. All sounds so newsworthy.
Production knew ahead of time that everyone was throwing it and that Christmas would never even had to take one step.
Well there you have it again! Christmas in full bloom..showing who she really is . She’s a nasty aggressive ugly person. The anti bullying expert in all her glory. Josh sees what’s going on but will continue to be a patsy. They make me sick
wouldn’t it be great if josh won HOH and put up the two Devils Paul and xmas! Paul is going to make him win the next HOH to send Alex out, so he needs to flip the game and send one of the scum bags home. I think he would win the game.
That sweet talkin, classy, lady like Christmas just melts my heart. If ever parents got a name wrong, it was with this joyful creature!
More like joyless creature.
Christmas? Should have call her Halloween with a personality like that.
Who the hell does assmass thinks she is talking to Josh like that…….Her stupid motivational talks where she acts like she’s this wise teacher of life (lol)….give me a f#cking break you nasty witch!
This POS Christmas needs to be brought down a notch. You can’t be done with a conversation unless she ok’s it? I hope she walks into her first jazzercise class after this and tumbleweeds are rolling through. At first I thought Josh might be onto Paul but I’m starting to think production is involved. He won’t ever do anything about it and they know that. It just keeps the house from being so boring all week. These dick weeds deserve each other.
Thought the same thing he said last night I am seeing things clearly now…,.I think production is planting ideas in Kevin and Josh’s heads…..but believe me they didn’t figure anything out on their own (lol).
They should bring Frank back just to fart on Paul.
My favorite comment today!
Yes bring Frank back in to fart and torture them……Paul was threatened bring time by Frank…..He was funnier and more likable than Paul and was on to Pauls BS……So of course Paul made up a bunch of stuff and got Frank backdoored.
By the way Frank is the one who taught Paul a lot of the game before he left last year. Basics like what a diamond veto is or how a regular veto works. People forget how f$cking stupid Paul was last year. He was the Josh of last season. If you look at Paul’s chest Frank might have shat on him already.
I hate Paul but Frank is just as big of an asshole as Paul. We don’t need to see either one ever again.
Amen to that. It was great watching Frank get bounced.
As I watch these idiots throw a competition to play into Paul’s hands I’m baffled. At this point in the game you’d have to be stupid to throw a competition. I wish they’d cast people that are actually competitive.
You would think that a lightbulb would go off in someone’s head after that comp. i mean, if Paul is able to convince everyone in the house to throw an HOH, isn’t that a red flag that he has a good relationship with all of them and is working them? Isn’t that type of ppayer dangerous in BB? I’ve always thought so, at least.
Horrible, and boring as heck. Alex-DR, I can’t believe Kevin threw that HOH, he just sent himself out the door. Bahahahaha! What an idiot!
That last competition was pathetic! Christmas winning ! These players all need to lose. Alex is an idiot to trust Paul !
Jason you picked the wrong person for your ride or die. Alex is a witch.
More than that she is a stupid witch and in thrall to Paul.
Can i get a bible please
Man after watching that HOH, there needs to be hefty penalties for throwing so many competitions. Instant have not, not being able to play in the next HOH, SOMETHING.
Yes!!!! It was so frustrating to see. There are times that not winning might work to your advantage. But dang these idiots. I just don’t have words.
Yes airing that comp right down to showing Paul ordering others to drop out was ridiculous as letting Matt break ALL the Havenot rules. Since the comp wasn’t being aired live I wish production would have made them do it over and over again until the HGs actually attempted to make it look somewhat real.
OMG….Christmas is such a Bi&ch!!! That’s funny…listening to her talk about respect…Neither Paul or her respect Josh….. I don’t care for Josh but he is being treated like crap by them all and he never calls them out. I thought that’s was his thing….calling people out.. I guess he just played himself……
Josh she’s not mad she’s just very disappointed in you.
It’s a Scooby-Doo mystery why Christmas keeps getting left at the altar…
Who does xmas think she is talking down to Josh like she’s his mother?
This is what happen when you let people talk to you any kind of way and don’t speak up. They feel like they can talk to you any kind of way with no repercussions, Josh should grow a pair and tell xmas to kick rocks she needs you more than you need her.
Try to wAtch the show tonight and I can’t. This season is soo stupid. Gonna laugh my butt off when they realize Paul played all of them. Cvs please put people in the game that want to play, and stop with the safety stuff…Paul not being able to be touch for three weeks ruin everything.
We didn’t watch it again either. Can’t stomach it.
And Josh is going to walk away like a dog with his tail between his legs….what a whimp. He has realized that he has been a pawn with Paul but to coward to do something about it.
Just watched tonight’s show…man, I wish they had Razzie awards for TV shows. This should be a nominee for worst show of the year! Five false starts and not 1 race for HOH!?!?! Grodner has to go!
This season is the worst! Xmas shouldn’t have been able to compete and for everyone to throw an HOH is disgraceful. It wasn’t worth showing. Xmas bragging this is her 2nd HOH. She didn’t win either. I can’t stand one person in the house and Paul definitely killed this season. If this was their plan for this season, it sucks!! Big time!!!!!
After watching tonight’s HOH how the hell did production clear Christmas to compete in that comp smh
Absolutely it’s so Beyond rigged production just goes along with Paul’s plan to
She didn’t need both feet to play, she could hop on one foot, so why shouldn’t she play? Oh, just because you don’t like her I guess.
Very good point. She said the doctor hasn’t cleared her to walk on the boot yet, but she gets to participate in a foot race???
Wow is Xmas suddenly Josh’s mom, ordering him what to say or do? I like her less and less. Finally it is dawning on someone that Paul is only protecting his own game, but no one will listen!
Mark noticed what Paul was up to and no one would listen to him.
So did Dom, Cody & Jessica, that’s why there all gone.
I just thought of their alliance name, Paul’s Goat Farm.
Sorry, but goats are cool and smart…Paul’s Cockroaches!
I was thinking lemmings…..but cockroaches is much better!
Did y’all see that veto game? Embarrassing, so f#€king embarrassing. What a bunch of freaking idiots, bless their hearts.
Watching this episode is nauseating. I hate it, I am disgusted.
Josh Has got Paul figured out. He’s absolutely right; Paul is coming out squeaky clean and will have Alex by his side .. Nobody will be putting the blame on Paul as always… Christmas, Raven and Alex are the most blinded by the Paul mist. I will enjoy watching them walk out the door. Somehow it will be kevin’s fault lol and Paul wins the game. Is it just me but It seems as though Big Bro hasn’t interfered in the game as much as they normally do which to mean means they are fine with Paul just taking the game with zero interferance … I will hand it to Paul, he has played a great game.
Kevin for AFP
Cody for AFP. Want to see Paul blow his top. At least he tried to get Paul and Christmas out.
I’m voting Cody too.
Kevin should get AFP just for the disrespect and bullying he has had to take.
Does that mean Josh just realized why Paul made him start fight with member of the jury, while Paul looks squeaky clean… hmmmmm , think josh think
Josh is trying his best to get Christmas to understand what Paul is trying to do by taking Alex down from off the block. Paul is only thinking of himself and Josh see through Paul.
Just when you think this season cannot get any more vile…voila! Astonishing, really. When this show started it was billed as a “human social experiment”. Guess we’re seeing how that can go. Money, power, fame…whatever these (I use the term loosely) humans are in there for, it really is showing their character. And it’s ugly.
Why is this in ALL CAPS when she said it calmly?
Just like when it was written Xmas blew up on Kevin for asking her if she was going swimming. She didn’t blow up on him, she very calmly addressed Kevin. She didn’t Blow Up until Josh got involved, and then she was trying to end the yelling between Josh and Kevin
It’s in all caps because your daughter is a bitch, Mrs. Abbott. Now stop asking such stupid questions.
Are Christmas and Paul married,Or what?
What the hell is wrong with her.
Way to overreact.
Christmas is now on the same ugly power trip that Alex has been on. These are such ugly nasty people! So no one ran one single time in that fake HOH competition. They all fake false started so she took it all the way without running once, which explains how a one legged nasty girl one a track competition. What’s the point of these competitions? I’m just so nauseated. My mind is bent beyond recognition. So now Josh is starting to put 2 and 2 together. He’s the idiot in the house, but he’s already out thinking anyone left in the house. This season has brought out the very worst in people and it’s painful to watch. Can’t wait to hear about the Evil Christmas Apology Tour as she tries to salvage her “brand”.
I wish Josh would screw Paul/Christmas ( but not going to do it)….
on eviction night what he should do is vote to evict kevin:( since he knows that is what Paul/Alex are going to do….that way Jason stays and Raven is the only one that voted against Jason….
Than Make Paul/Raven/Christmas the targets……
… He should rat Paul/Raven/Christmas out after veto is used…..
….But of course, Paul going to get his way again….
Yes because you have to have a working brain to question……all those people are gone…too late.
I was thinking the exact same thing about Josh flipping the vote, would love to see the blowout if Josh did that. Paul and Xmas blowing up at Josh for not voting Jason out might wake up Alex and Jason up. I think a Josh/Alex/Jason team might actually give a Paul/Xmas/Raven team a good run for the money.
Wow. Alex is an idiot. All the house guests throw the comp to Christmas. How boring. Really CBS? Surprised production is standing for this. Worst season ever. Awful. CBS would showing Paul’s true colors this season to the primetime audience. So frustrating to the fans who watch the feeds. I’m disgusted. Go Kevin!
What more evidence that production is rigging the comps for Paul than we had 5 races where none of them went to ready set go! Look back at the previous BBs and there was always one or two in the beginning that went to go right away. Simon is there a email address we can use to complain? Tonight’s HOH was a joke orchestrated by production to have Paul look like a super BB player. Screw production and that vile Tattoed Gnome!
Rigging the season for Paul is really paying off in the ratings though. Here are the last 3 Thursdays:
8/17 6.48mil
8/24 6.03mil
8/31 4.91mil
Oh wait, maybe it’s not. Maybe bringing back a vet and giving them God-mode power-ups to ensure they win actually ISN’T the way to create compelling television. Who would’ve thought?
The major drop on 8/31 can be easily explained. The college football season started.
I thought that too at first but I don’t remember a big draw Thursday night game. Bama-FSU was Saturday.
I wish raven would just go away.
When Matt and her were together I could just mute or fast forward. Bleh.
When Josh is making sense then something is wrong. He’s the ONLY person in the house who is on to Paul’s game. He’s the ONLY person seeing the plan that Paul has concocted which only benefits him. He tells Christmas, his closes ally, about what Paul is doing and she dismisses him as though he is talking crazy. Each point Josh has come up with has made sense. The stupidity of these house guest are incredible. Paul is like there Messiah and he can say or do no wrong. I really can’t wait until this season is over. What an embarrassment of a season
Tonight’s episode was so Embarrassing. They all look like fools. I bet their family and friends are mortified at how they all are just rolling over and throwing their chance to win. They are all sucks. I just wonder if they will be friends with Paul after this and see how they were made to look like idiots. That was hard to watch.
I don’t think Paul retained any relationships from last season. He didn’t want to be friends with anyone except Victor. He won’t be friends with any of these castmates.
Is Vic still friends with Paul?
Were those pictures of Nicole and Vic shown durning the beginning of BB19 Vic “saying,” “I am with Nicole. Nicole should have won BB18. Paul is a sadistic no good POS?”
How did Xmas get Dr’s clearance to play in that HOH? Production obviously wants Paul and her final 2
I thought the same. Why was she unable to play the rest of the physical comps but she could play one where she would have to run? Doesn’t make sense.
Thanks Paul for making tonight the worst show in BB history. The 1 hour felt like 2. I can not believe in order to throw it they all false started. How about running really really slow or better yet, actually try to win something on your own thus season,
Thank god for my PVR. Fast forwarded almost the whole thing. I know, I know, I Shouldn’t have watched it like I’ve been doing for the past two weeks.
I want to see big changes in BB next season. I liked when America got to put a 3rd nominee up. I think America should get at least 1 vote in the eviction process and that vote should be announced so the HG knows America wants them gone even if they stay. I’m tired of those people working in the DR giving tips and clues (and the one year even showing their favorite HG others DR tapes) without America getting to counter their influence. I’m tired of the DR giving advice to HGs that go against their own game in favor of another HG. I think if we have to suffer through we should have a voice.
Someone send an excorcism team in there. Paul is the devil and they are all possessed. I do not know that I have seen a bigger group of imbeciles.
I started off as a drinking game, every time the fools went yes sir I took a drink. Quickly realized I will be left broke and with a liver problem and unlike raven I’m incapable of being “trashcan juice”
I went back and watched Ravrn’s interview with Jeff. She tells him she has a pacemaker and it is working wonderfully. I wish she wasn’t such a phony and she gave hope to people with gastroparesis instead of trying to give them a death sentence. She should be ashamed.
You all call them “stupid” “idiots” “oh god can’t they see what is going on”
Umm they are all making money off this and playing a part. You are the “stupid” “idiots” for thinking they all aren’t acting out parts. It’s not real. They are not “stupid” YOU ARE! They are acting u dumb asses!
They got paid for all summer. What you get?
“Oh god can’t they see what is going on”
Ok so why are you here other than to just be a troll?
Go away troll.
Honestly I thought this season had so much potential in the beginning but its really been one of the worse seasons ever! So sad.
As did I Alex is the biggest disappointment had high hopes for her at the beginning, Competitive physically fit able to compete, she even told Josh and Jason DO NOT believe anything anybody says to you even me and then wham she’s on the Paul train hook line and sinker. What a waste.
That HOH was the worst performance in big brother history.
Oh I trust Paul I trust Paul I trust Paul wake up you assholes !!!!!!!!!
Oh my God. These people are making a mockery of themselves, and the game.
The only way this season could be saved would be if everybody but Paul wakes up an put their headstones and realize what Paul is doing. Then one of them can convince Paul to use the veto on Jason or Alex and then Christmas can put Paul up and they all vote Paul out! Friendship! Then they could all play for themselves and let the best idiot win.
Paul cannot be put up if he plays the veto…veto holder has immunity from being put up.
Paul can’t go up, he’s got the veto. Learn BB before you open your mouth and put your foot into it.
OMFG! Raven just diagnosed me! I have the unknown Raven’s Disease. Damn the girl is a genius, and I thought I just had acid reflux and arthritis.
Christmas has clued in on Josh’s relationship with his mother and his sensitivities… She’s been mama’in him lately big time… coddling him when he’s upset, boosting his ego when she wants him to go on the attack and now condescending to him when he shows her resistance. Did he go cry in the other room after Christmas talked down to him? Christmas is using and controlling Josh big time. Taking advantage of his weaknesses.
She too knows how to gaslight it seems
Absolutely the worst season ever
I hope BB never brings former players back to play….
…also i think when they do a twist; we should have a part in it some how.
How do these moronic stupid people survive in the real world???
I don’t want to be mean but Raven may need hospice before this game is over.
Watching the HOH comp and surprise, surprise; the whole plan hinges on Kevin, and guess who production places next to Kevin so he can get in his ear? Yes, piss-ant paul. Even though I knew the result, it is amazing how blatant production is giving this to piss-ant paul.
At least the edits are starting to show how stupid the HG’s are this year…
Congratulations to the calorically challenged producer and lover of all things Dunkin Donuts. BB has now become The Truman Show. You now have a team of writers who script out the show better than the Kardashians. Only the Kardashians are more spontaneous and unexpected than BB. The fact we can predict with Nostradmus like accuracy the unfolding of each episode is pathetic. I have too much invested in the season, so I will watch the remaining episodes. After this season I am done. I would suggest that at some point you bring in Evel Dick as a consultant to get this show back on track. Yep, the ratings are good now, but they could be far better without your meddling. You have easy timeslots during the summer so dont pat yourself on the back too much. Complacency is usually a recipe for disaster. Ratings can be fickle. There may be a lot of people like me who watch this year just to get some closure and then move on next year. So its possible your show tanks next year. With this site and the internet you can longer sweep your shit under the rug any longer. Bullying, taunting, and threats of rape can no longer be hidden, People are onto your scam.
Bravo!!! Well said…this show is truly unrecognizable from where it started. It feels like a death in the family because nobody in my family watches any longer and there is noone to speak to about strategy, voting, who might be going home? Hahahahaha…used to be people voted their own conscience! Hahahahaha…anyhow, yes, Grodner and crew wrecked a great show! Sad….
Are they really this stupid or are they simply following Allison Grodners script and being generously compensated for going along?
Allison Grodner in the DR- “Jason, its not gonna work out for you. The whole rape thing blew up on TMZ and the Google Machine. So we are taking you out this week. Good news is you get a $100,000 bonus for playing along. The writers will have your new script outline tomorrow. We will rehearse a few scenes with you and kevin and you and alex tomorrow. Of course if you dont play along we can just do a Cody on you, talk to the others in the DR, and get you voted anyway. Plus will up your stipend in the jury room and you can watch all the muscle worship porn you want. Deal?”
Jason- I’ll take the $100,ooo.
I think you are being WAY more generous with that 100,000.00 than grodner would ever be… maybe $5,000. tops
Christmas has a crush on Paul. She is all over him all the time now. On Live Feeds, she is cuddling him in the bed. Used to be rubbing all over Kevin. I bet Kevin’s wife is relieved.
paul is gay. The only person on BB he was attracted to was victor.
I dont know whether I want to have sex with xmas or slap her in the face….I am conflicted.
Everyone keeps saying they want Paul out.
So Paul goes out, and Kevin goes out (because lets be real, can he really beat Josh, Christmas, Alex, and Raven in competitions from here on out) and the Big Brother house is left with Josh, Christmas, Alex, and Raven, with one of those 4 people being the winner of BB19.
Is that situation REALLY better than the one person who actually played the game making it to the end? Can one of the hundreds of people who keep saying “I hope Paul gets backdoored this week” explain to me how Paul going is better than either Christmas, Josh, Raven, or Alex winning the season? UGH!!!
I’d take Paul making it to the end than one of those 4 any day of the week…
To the person who asked why would it be the worst thing if Paul was to win…well lets see how about the fact he is the one that has incited all the bullying and mob mentality in the house and actually jumps up and down in his excitement to rally everyone against a single person over and over again OR gets them to all to throw a comp which lets face it sucks for the viewers…I could go on forever because he has turned the house against people over and over when it wasnt even needed. THAT is why it would be the worst thing for Paul to win!
I agree…..This season with Paul leading the “Sheep” has been stupid!!! Whose idea was it to put little midget Paul in there!! Really stupid…I keep thinking these dumb people will wake up…Cody was the only smart one in the crowd!!!!
So set up!! They have Charles Paul Manson positioned right next to Kevin for the “race” so that he could harass and bully Kevin into throwing the HOH. C’mon production! It’s insulting to the little intelligence I have left after watching this season. Also, I was rooting for Kevin but he’s starting to make me cringe with his subservience and acting all tail between his legs. The worst was when he tried to high five Paul and Paul just walked away. Man up, Kevin!! I need someone to root for and you are the only one left with a shred of decency.
It is bad enough watching all the lemmings obediently marching over the cliff but if that POS white trash Raven is allowed to perpetrate her scam, on a (mostly) unsuspecting viewing public, I think CBS should be brought up on charges. Scamming IS illegal! And, btw, I have a disease. . .there is NO CURE. . people can die from it. . ..it is called Crohns Disease. I was diagnosed with it TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO!!! Still going strong!
I just watched tonights episode… they whisper during the comp to each other like everyone else cant hear what they are saying.. lol… what a joke. no one sees paul telling each of them to drop… no one sees christmas and josh deciding how to throw it even though they are the only two competing and everyone is watching them… geeez… COME ON!
So disappointed after watching tonight’s episode. I realize BB is a “reality show” so it’s scripted, but c’mon really? That HOH comp was just embarrassing. At least try to make it look a little bit realistic. It’s just not possible that none of these people would see that Paul is the biggest threat in the house. Also not possible that any normal person would just give up 500k as easily as these people seemed to have done for Paul. Normal people don’t just go against their own self interest for no apparent reason. As viewers we are just supposed to swallow this horsesh1t storyline? Maybe next season they should hire better actors to play the role of houseguests and better writers to create a believable story.
Ahem… so, Josh is first to realize that Paul is the ONLY ONE to benefit from Paul’s master plan??? Josh!! Where is all that low impulse control we’ve come to expect from you???
Kevin- As much as Paul and Alex love the idea of toying with your emotions and making you THINK you’re going up on the block, you’ve managed to discourage their taking that action for fear your “freak out” will be unmanageable. Normally, no one would care. But you have, by virtue of pushing back when bullied, and only rinsing out your mouth and then spitting out the Kool-Aid, managed to stay off the block!!!
A few suggestions for next years BB:
1. When one person is running the house (Paul), take him out of the game til final 5. Makes the others step
up. Makes BB not so boring for weeks on end.
2. Fine people $100k of prize money every time they throw a comp. Fine people who try to make others
throw comps $200k of prize fund. Julie can warn the HG’s before going into the house.
3. When BB gets too boring, throw a twist, play BB like they do in the UK, Australia or Canada. Let HG’s nom
(like normal), people at home vote to evict. Don’t tell the HG’s this is going to happen either. Will scare
HG’s into not knowing if they should be playing to audience at home or sucking up to only people in the
house. Will also make HG’s always afraid of being a “pawn”.
4. Every once in awhile read something to the HG’s about what we are thinking about them, via twitter, blogs,
etc. Not to blow up anyone’s game, but to make them know how we’re feeling about them. Might make
them better people and not bully’s. If done right after people at home evicted, it would
scare them to death and be fun to watch….lol
5. I’d like to see BB (production) talk to the HG’s more on camera too or call them to the diary room and ask
them questions. Get more involved.
I’m not saying I want America’s BB to be exactly like the other BB’s, but use a few of their idea’s to switch it up. You can see on this season, the HG’s already know exactly how it is suppose to go……Boring. They only seem to start playing to the home audience, when they feel they can’t win the $500k and try for the AFH.
I’m sure I have many more ideas, but this is a start. LOL
I liked the idea someone had about letting the POV winner put up a replacement nom if he or she uses the veto.
Kevin, I know you are playing these fools…subservience is exactly how you play this crew of bullies. Stay whipped, cowed, scared, beaten down…excellent ploy to get you the $500,000!!! Keep on keeping on! You got this Kevin! Let Josh take the hits for
Paul, but you keep on being the tough Irish guy from the neighborhood! Let them think they broke you down….then take them out cool and calculated! You are 18 days awY from half a million! Do it Kevin!
Paul is the master puppeteer because they’ve rolled over and played dead for him, he’s gained their trust from the get-go. If they didn’t volunteer to be his puppets this season would have played out differently. In the DR Paul himself is surprised how easy it seems to go his way. If we want to see him on the block I’m afraid we’ll have to watch last season’s episodes.
Watching POP……..Josh’s little gab with us, (I can’t watch too long, I have to watch little dribs and drabs of these people) he acts like he understands what is going on, then said, I will be loyal to Paul as long as I think he has Xmas, and my interest at heart. Then he said…………he is playing for votes, and Xmas and I are getting all of the blood on our hands, but as long as I think he is with us I will be loyal to him. What is wrong with these people??? I think the BB house could fall on their heads and they would say “I will be loyal to Paul”. They have to be paying these people to be this stupid, otherwise, none of them should be left alone, they are a danger to themselves and others.
Josh only got a small sample of what he has been dishing out all year. Imagine if xmas would have followed him around and yelled in his face and kept on berating him. He’d pull a Meagan in no time.
When is Josh going to learn that neither Paul nor Xmas have his best interests at heart??? Xmas is there for two reasons…………to help Paul win, and national exposure. She has achieved both. Unfortunately for her, her national exposure is going to hurt her big time……….she is just not a nice person. The B word that she is so fond of using about herself, while she got people agreeing with her that she is the B word………..but her usage of the B word and their’ have 2 different meaning.
I just heard Josh say that he is going to tell alex and jason that the vote will be a tie and that christmas will be evicting Jason….
….Looks like Paul going to have to do some damage control tomorrow LMAO:)
On a completely other note…could we either take the damn cereal away from these people or possibly teach them to eat with their mouths shut? If I have to hear much more cereal slurping I am gonna go bonkers!!