“I am angry that I feel like my heart is broken. I just feel like I need to say that or I am going to suffocate.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Big BroChella SIDE

Brochella HOH (Inside the House):  Michael
TEAM BroChella:  Brittany, Jasmine, Monte, and Taylor.
Nominees: Jasmine and Monte
POV Players:  Michael, Monte, Jasmine, Brittany, and Taylor
POV Winner: Brittany
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  None this week

Dyre Fest SIDE

Dyre Fest HOH (Backyard):  Terrance
TEAM Dyre Fest: Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle, and Turner
Nominees: Joe and Turner Kyle
POV Players: Terrance, Alyssa, Joe, Kyle, and Turner
POV Winner: Terrance
Veto Ceremony: Terrance used the power of Veto on Turner.
Havenots:  None this week

The Sitz

As of right now Joe and Jasmine will be evicted. The outsiders have a new alliance called the afterparty.

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7:05pm Backyard – Alyssa and Kyle.
Alyssa – I am sorry I got snippy with you. I am just angry a little bit. Kyle – I hate this blue thing (tarp over the backyard). I hate my hat. I hate my hair. Alyssa – I am angry that you lied to me for a month. I am angry that you told them stuff that I told you. I am angry that you said you would vote me out. I am angry that .. I feel like you are one of the people that like if not the only person I felt like I had in this game so when you told me that I felt really alone. I am angry that I had like a panic attack like a week ago and I needed you so badly and I couldn’t find you anywhere that you were probably with them and they were probably talking about getting me out of the house. I was super overwhelmed. I am angry that I care about you so much. I am angry that you said like oh yeah the Leftovers we used to say that to the camera because I was just sitting alone in my bed when you were doing that. Kyle – yeah. Alyssa I am angry that you guys said that you planned and talked together because you expect that from people that you want to now and its been two days. I am angry that I feel like my heart is broken.. and I am angry that this is how the game has gone. And even though I am super angry and super hurt that doesn’t change anything. I just feel like I need to say that or I am going to suffocate. I am angry also that I was just sitting in my room at like one o’clock in the morning and can’t sleep and all I can think about is how lucky I am to have met you. And all you guys are saying is how badly you don’t want me here and I don’t know… its a lot. Kyle – MMmmmhmmmm.

Alyssa – and that doesn’t change the fact that I know you have to do what is best for you and you care about me and that you’ve done everything to protect me and that I appreciate you a lot but those are some things that make me angry. Kyle – yeah. Alyssa – you don’t have to say anything. Kyle – I can’t. Alyssa – You don’t need to have a response. I just needed to tell you. I still love you as a person and like I would still do anything for you. I would still keep you in this house obviously but its not okay because I was crying in all my freaking DR’s and feel so heartbroken. Kyle – I know. Alyssa – and that is just how it played out and you were committed to them before you were committed to me so what do you do in that situation you know? Its just the way the cards were dealt. I makes me feel like when I was growing up .. my parents never told me anything because they thought I had a big mouth. So they didn’t want to tell me anything and I feel like you didn’t want to tell me anything. So I just had to be in the dark. And I just sat there and was like okay. I feel like I would have done anything. I still would. I don’t know why its always me like I don’t get to be a part of it and you guys are like you haven’t been in an alliance and I am like its not by my choice. Kyle – yeah. Yeah. Alyssa – you don’t have to say anything. I just needed to speak. Kyle – I appreciate… Alyssa – I am happy I said that because now I won’t be snippy with you. And I would have been chained to you. Kyle – I am sorry. Alyssa – for? Kyle – I just don’t even know I just know I feel like guilt and sadness. I am sorry for everything. Alyssa – thank you. Kyle – I don’t even know.. I don’t know what to say

Kyle – you’re so fun. Did you .. never mind… Alyssa – what? Kyle – did you use the L word? Possibly in that sentence? Alyssa shakes her head no – I said I love you as a person. Kyle – I remember you saying the L word in that. Well I love you as a person too. Alyssa – you do? Kyle – well I don’t want to say it in the game because I want it to be bigger than the game. But YES, I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. Should I say it? Should I not? But I felt like it would be better… why do I want to cry.. Alyssa – you’re so sweet. I love it. Kyle – you what?!?!??! Alyssa – I love.. I like it! Kyle – its so annoying saying I like you so much .. its been bugging me for like a week. Its not how I feel and its so lame. Alyssa – I know its so lame. Alyssa – I almost said it the other night .. goodnight, I lov… Kyle – you did? I think I almost did too. No I did but I stopped myself. Alyssa – I haven’t said those words to someone in a very very very long time. Kyle – its been longer for me. Probably ..5 years for me. Alyssa – WHHHOOOAAA!!? Really!? Probably a year for me. Kyle – okay that’s not a long time. Kyle – I haven’t felt this way probably ever. Alyssa – really … me too. And I know you think I have dated around. Kyle – you have dated like 500 guys. Alyssa – 5 guys! Kyle – I know but you’re 24 and I’m 29 and I’ve dated maybe 3 girls.

8:05pm – 8:20pm Inside the house – the house guests are making dinner.

8:35pm Hammock – Alyssa and Turner.
Alyssa – do you think there is going to be weird going back in the house? Is there going to be weird tension going back in with the other house guests? Turner – I think so.. I don’t know. Probably. I expect Monte to have some funny reaction. He is a funny guy. Alyssa – he is really hilarious.

9:08pm -9:35pm Bathroom – Monte and Taylor.
Monte – hopefully we can see all them (backyard HGs) tomorrow. Well four of them. Taylor – you think it could be not be tomorrow. Monte – for some reason, I am not holding out on that because they may want to edit our responses for how we react to seeing each other and stuff.. Like what you said they might want to get that juicy content of us talking to each other .. figuring out what happened over there and in here. I feel like they would want to get that juicy content. Hopefully tomorrow goes by quickly and then we will find out sooner than later.. get back to some normal.. Taylor – Normal?! What is normal!?

10:04pm HOH room – Monte, Brittany, Taylor and Michael.

Without Jasmine (since she is getting evicted) they cheers. Michael – Cheers to surviving the Split House Twist!

10:30pm HOH room.
Taylor – just remember I was Festie Bestie with Alyssa and Indy. We have to win, a girl has to win. We have to win, this is our chance. I am like yeah, okay! And then I won the wall and they were like Whoa a girl won! And I was like Mmmmmhmmm. Meanwhile.. Monte – during! Alyssa, my word! Taylor – Alright that’s enough!! When Alyssa says alright that’s enough when Kyle hugged Taylor after she won the wall comp. Taylor – I hope that’s in the episode. Michael – I still can’t believe she said that. Monte – she did, I heard it. Taylor – I hope America sees how nasty she was from the very beginning of that episode and how comfortable she was when she snatched that trip.. and how lucky she is that Kyle didn’t use the veto. IT really is sad that I won’t be upset if he doesn’t walk through that door tomorrow. Its sad because I don’t even want to root against a Leftover.. ever but damn! You know!? Monte – well Terrance wasn’t happy with him.

12am – 1:30am HOH room – Taylor, Monte, Michael and Brittany sit around playing the items they can bring on a picnic.

1:40am – 1:55am The house guests start getting ready for bed. They say their goodnights to their friends and family back home.

155 thoughts to ““I am angry that I feel like my heart is broken. I just feel like I need to say that or I am going to suffocate.””

  1. Dang, I was hopeful they were breaking up but then they started talking about using the “L” word *eyeroll*

      1. I still think that was misinterpreted by Joe. It sounded like she wanted to be with a special person not there is a special person she is missing.

        1. They shoukfchad took out jyle than maybe alyssa can play the game thatscwhat there suppose to do. Big brother not sjowmance.
          Gonna bite them back cuz I think turner just said he was in aluabcev a ith them for looks . He’ll stick with mkonte. Michael and Britney

    1. Why would you root for that? Really? Are they really bad people? You really want to wish bad things on them?

      1. Kyle screwed over his alliance to save Ally so yeah I would like to see it come to an end. He’s a man child anyway but if they can make it work in the outside good for them.

        1. No he didn’t. The alliance wanted Kyle to do what was best for them not Kyle. They bullied him into trying to BACKDOOR his girlfriend. If they were really an alliance of seven they could have come to a conclusion that Indy was no more dangerous than Alyssa. They did not need to bully Kyle to do that. The Leftovers got what they deserved. The THREE got big headed and felt they were running the alliance of 7. Even if I felt what you said is true it is no reason to wish for them to break up.

          1. Lol. There you are using that word again. Kyle was not bullied and is no victim. It’s ridiculous that you keep perpetuating that he was bullied by his alliance. He is an idiot. He chose to protect his Showmance. He made the decision to not use the veto, showing his hand and where his loyalty lies. That’s his problem. He wasn’t bullied. Ridiculous.

          2. Why do some people on here keep saying he was bullied about backdooring her? He’s been saying all along he won’t choose a showmance over his alliance? They obviously believed him. Did y’all miss that part or something?

            1. Once he said no and it was clear he’d developed feelings for her, they should have backed off to regroup. The persistence and tone at the pool table was near menacing.

              Not sure if any other showmance was expected to take out its other half in BB history.

              They could have been happy with all the great info they’d gotten from Kyle up to that point. He was willing to make a lot of sacrifice but then they got greedy about it.

              1. Nah, they just expected him to do what he said he would do. They made an agreement long before this fakemance took place. Maybe I’m old school but bullied is a ridiculously strong word to describe the situation.

                1. ‘Nah’ is not in any way addressing the argument.

                  Please clarify what you mean. What agreement, and when in relation to Kyle’s relationship with Alyssa?

                  Kyle was already in a flirtmance with Alyssa by the time the LOs were formed.

                  Why do you call it a fakemance? They clearly are 2 young people in a romantic relationship.

                  But please, do clarify in case I overlooked anything.

          3. I think Kyle has been down playing his relationship with Alyssa to keep the Leftovers off the scent of a showmance to the point of even wanting and considering sending her home 2-3 weeks ago and last week he even told her they have to keep their distance in the house….so the leftovers thought he was still down with the alliance and whatever benefited the alliance but little did they know Kyssa were becoming lovers and starting a deeper relationship

  2. Kyle gone in one or two weeks & Alyssa pulls a Jordan & wins the season after becoming a comp beast! Haha & they live happily ever after. Indy the deciding vote. Love is grand. As a person.

    1. ally isn’t going to win crap. her strategy/performance in the balance beam comp pretty much showed she is a non-threat whatsoever in comps.

    2. Brit is such a big baby. It’s game and turner better get smart cuz Kyle is using him.
      Joseph is mot scumbag Kyle is Joe is a lawyer dont think he’s a scumbag but Kyle is a snake and alyssa is following him Luke dog with tail in between his legs and Terrance is creep. Sorry stirs the pit he’ll be going up next with Kyle. Bye bye

    1. He is not winning with the leftovers.
      Going with them to 8 , without someone outside by his side, *that* would of been losing the money for sure.

      1. Exactly, he never was. Michael was aligned with Britney and Taylor. Joseph was aligned with Monte. Kyle and Turner were on there own. He did not have an alliance in the alliance. At least now he has Alyssa. And how can you say he gave up $750,000? He was not guaranteed to get that money. He is still playing. Maybe now through this he gets better aligned with Turner and Terrance.

        1. Kyle cannot win. There’s no path for him now. People won’t give him the money even if he made it to F2. He isn’t loyal to any alliance. If the jury is full of LOs, they won’t give it to him.

        2. I will be surprised turner isn’t playing them and just agreeing until he’s back in the house. But you never know I guess

  3. I’m thinking that part of the reason the feeds were down in the BY was to give the outside group some time inside, out of the heat. It’s been very hot in LA this week. There were also some wall yellers but not 2 days worth. It was a good way to get the group inside for a while. Just a thought

  4. RUMOR
    Yup. another one.
    Brochella will vote for either Kyle or Joseph. Dyre will vote for Jasmine or Monte.
    It would mean voting without any campaigning?
    I don’t see this as a correct rumor.
    Just putting it out there as a RUMOR that is making the rounds, not as something i believe or endorse.

      1. NOT reputable. a pop up with less than 20 message history that got some reshare action. But it was an out there rumor to think about for a couple minutes, so shared it.
        As close to fanfic as I’m really getting this season.

    1. “IF” they did this it would be dramatic & there would be an uproar that TPTB did it to save Joseph. Based on your belief that Kyle is Grodner’s boy & getting the uber clean Mickie like edit I doubt it.

      That said it would be interesting.

      Ally would gladly evict Monte while Turner would gladly vote out Jaz leaving Terrence to revel in sending Monte to jury. I doubt Turner could convince him to do otherwise.

      Outside would be even crazier bc we know Taylor would obviously vote to keep Joe & while Britt/Mike just made a F5 with Monte/Tay/Joe they did it believing Joe had a 50/50 shot of being evicted. If Monte was evicted though, MB might want to keep Kyle given their relationship but speeches would factor.

      Joe would drop the mic letting them know Kyle outed everything & wasn’t even OTB when he did it. Kyle would say Joe spilled MBT have a F3, trashed Taylor & offered to play spy for this side while taking the Leftovers out & Joe would counter with Kyle’s plan was to put up Monte/Taylor & backdoor MIchael & if Monte was gone Taylor & Michael up. It would get DARK lol

      And since Britt (not Michael) would be voting I think she would align with Taylor to keep Joe.

      All this to say I doubt it happens b/c BB would lose two front runners with a month to go.

      1. If my story projection and edit reading ability are not being biased, I DO think the Kyle edit is close to the Jackhole edit… but there is the possibility it goes Paul. Do you know what I mean? The ‘mastermind’ that doesn’t master jury relations. If you stab all of your alliances, and your alliances that got stabbed are the jurors without a single juror of any credibility pleading your case… hmmm.
        People can say ‘they won’t be bitter’ until they are blue in the face, this cast in mostly recruit not lovers of the game, but lovers of the fame. Let’s break down the current jurors: Indy, thought Kyle’s betrayal was why she was in jury, was mad about it. Jasmine is… a narcissist. May not blame Kyle, but will jump on the train like the destination is an air fryer full of chicken wings. Joseph? um. sideye. kept talking about playing with honor (even if I found his honor talk inauthentic).
        This is of course assuming he isn’t the Jed, and he makes it to finale. The possibility that he could be the Jed exists. Great edit that overlooked his feeds behaviors that made me nope him. I haven’t noped Kyle yet. I’ve come close 3 times.

        Serious thought:
        Has it escaped anyone’s notice that indoors is being given booze, and outdoors has been given cornhole to practice hand eye coordination? Whistling as I walk away from that thought.

          1. yes, they were originally tossing at a pool floatie, but then they got the cornhole ramp with holes in it.

    2. Yeah, probably not true but it might be fun. Better yet, bring in the outside group, sit everyone down to evict & announce that the voting would be like normal, everyone voting except the head of house for that evictee. They do them at the same time so the results of the first doesn’t color how they vote for the second eviction. This takes away the split vote of 1-1 with the HOH making the decision. That’s OK when we get down to final 5 but not now.

      1. Michael Brittany Taylor and want to would have would have Turner at the barn at their group. The remaining house guests need to evict Michael he will probably win more Veto and HOH comps.

  5. Hey all,

    First, thank you so much for this website! I love it every year and it got me to look into Canadian Big Brother (first three season while I could find on YouTube), haven’t commented this year. Haven’t stayed up with the post either unfortunately due to the time I’ve been spending at work (it sucks). So all of my story has been through the CBS cut.

    Long story short, someone just please tell me (what’s going on) that Jasmine is still going home as of now instead of Monty, even though that makes more sense. Ugh, idk about the rest of you, but I feel like Turner watching her, I very much dislike her.

    1. Knowing they would lose a number most likely on the other side, they can’t lose monte as well . Also knowing that kyle is too close to Alyssa, they need monte

  6. Gonna be honest. Yeah, I edit out a lot of honest gut feeling.
    I’ve never found Taylor and Joseph to feel authentic.
    I mean, if it were authentic, would there have been d/r negotiations, talk of increased payment for showmancing, and d/r asking them to liven up the pace?
    It was a manufactured plan b.

    More honesty?
    What is driving Kyle for the most part? Petty insecurity. Is who is taller, me or Michael? that important? nope. Has Kyle mentioned it three times? Yup. Is Joseph gets camera time that important? Nope. Does Kyle take specific umbrage to Joseph getting camera time? You betcha. Is a big part of Kyle’s dislike of Joseph actually about the inauthentic showmance? Again, you betcha. Is the reason Kyle ditches every one of his alliances because he isn’t the star of the alliance? Oh most certainly.

    Even more honesty?
    I think Britt has the same chance at winning as Haleena had in bbcan 10. next to none. Why? The house guests and therefore the jury don’t respect her. AT ALL.

    I’m on an honesty roll? Okay ride the wave.
    The edit is very clearly following the Kyle storyline. He’s been so sanitized it’s… sort of gross to me. No, really, tonight’s episode was the first time someone called his game snakey, and it came across as sour grapes instead of insight. He IS playing a snakey game. Anyone that trusts him in an alliance is a fool. If he wasn’t loyal to his first alliance (Oasis) or his second alliance (POS) of his third alliance (Pound) or his fourth alliance (Leftovers)… no really… that’s 4 alliances he’s snaked… is he suddenly going to be loyal, or is he going to backstab that alliance the minute everyone in it doesn’t put his opinion and game before their own? The fact that the other three have decided on a story that closely resembles the truth but names Joseph as the snake… when Kyle wants an elaborate web of lies that 90% cover him and put everyone else’s ass in the fire? He’s going to snake again. You all realize he’s going to snake no matter what alliance he’s in, right?
    Where he is making a mistake that he has to correct if he wants to win? He needs a juror that is going to fight FOR him, not trash him. Indy left thinking Kyle is shit. Jasmine trashed Kyle tonight, Joseph? nope. IS ANYONE going to advocate for KYLE?

    This season is about broken loyalty in the jury stage. The more loyal player will get the jury votes no matter how much of the game is hinged around snaking. That’s my take on the jury.

    1. It is a game, remember that. This kid didn’t want a showmance or to fall in love in a game. And then things happen… & here they are. Bottom line is, you do what you need to do to move one week @ a time w/ whoever is w/ you, b/c who is to say any certain person wins a comp or not?. Now that they (K/A) are a team, they’re a target & a shield to others & strong. (What has Monte/Joe/Jasmine won?) A snake?…Nope. It was time to reset the deck & Kyle did it. Especially w/ Terrance as HOH & POV. Game time, please play it.

      1. If Kyle had any historical knowledge at all — and wanted to win — he would have cut Alyssa last week.

        Dani Donato is the prime example. Big alliance (LNC) wanted her showmance Nick out. She wasn’t happy but went along. She won the season but didn’t turn on LNC until later. That was BB8.

        Flash forward to BB13, Dani is in a big alliance. Alliance wants her showmance Dom out. She turns on the alliance, he goes, then she follows three weeks later.

        Want to win? Stay loyal and cut your showmance. Want love, choose Love Island instead, or get to steppin’ to the jury house.

        Two other thoughts: Turner won’t try to win the HOH; he doesn’t have to, and doesn’t need to show his cards.

        If Taylor, Brittany or Monte win the HOH and Terrance senses he’s in trouble, he’ll sing like a canary. And so long, Afterparty. (And Turner will float back to Monte and push Alyssa’s eviction so that the Pound remnants can take on potential lone wolf Taylor and duo Michael & Brittany.)

    2. You can’t know for sure , jury can go by game and there is also a lot more game to play . He is still winning against Brittany, Alyssa …

    3. Honestly, & even more honestly, take Kyle to final 2, he’ll get the least votes. Thinking about votes in jury is really thinking that you will actually make it to the end. You will not make it. Every Houseguest should think like that, with the Possibility you could. Snakes eat rats.

    4. did indy leave hating kyle? i think she blamed her eviction more on taylor. kyle wins several final 2s, just not against any of the men in his alliance (but he beats terrance and every remaining woman) which is why he’s flipping on them. he’s really not in as bad a spot as people think, especially if he can realign with michael because then only monte, taylor, and maybe turner will be coming after him (i think turner tries to avoid power to hide his loyalties and float so he’ll be hard to read). and yeah, if an alliance is asking him to trash his personal game he should do that. they never made a good pitch for being loyal to the alliance over being loyal to alyssa. kyle’s game is messy and he’s not in as comfortable a spot as pretty much anyone else in the game, but he has way more avenues to victory than almost all of them who are overly reliant on the alliance staying in power and being unbreakably loyal which is unrealistic and flat out suicide in brittany and taylor’s cases.

        1. that’s not the same as hating him. you can think someone’s responsible for getting you out and still respect their game.

        2. She said that because he didn’t use the veto. That’s before she was told about the alliance. She’ll find out that monte was never going up.

            1. Well, the biggest take there is that Indy is clueless and has no idea what was going on in the house. We all know things well be exposed once more and more people come to the jury house, so people’s opinions can and do change. Doesn’t necessarily mean Indy’s will change, but they do change once information is learned, and of course a lot depends on who is sitting in those final 2 chairs.

      1. Actually in Indy’s exit interviews, that they still do in Jury, she said Kyle made it personal and not game. And that she’s not rooting for him. She doesn’t blame Taylor because they didn’t get to know each other earlier. She really likes her and wished they talked more in the beginning of the game. Jasmine never liked Kyle and he unnecessarily screwed Joseph. Turner “supposedly” told Monte, Kyle’s theory about the minorities in the house. Kyle was in a great position because people actually did not have a target on him at all. His racial bias and stupidity, took over his game. And for him to say he’s just not use to this type of dynamic of people, (after Britney gradually tells him she can’t play that type of game) is questionable.

    5. un autre nomI just want to say that I absolutely love seeing your read on the show. You’re so inciteful & I really appreciate the opportunity to see things I don’t.

  7. I really hate how the production screwed up Jasmine’s week on the week after her birthday. They know she has a bad ankle, and they make her fight for her bb life counting candies and chicken drumsticks. They did her dirty!

        1. She’ll be fine once she walks into the jury house and has a big refrigerator to call her own…..

      1. She may well be milking. But ankle sprains can absolutely take weeks to heal. Idk if BB would allow her to keep the boot if she didn’t still need it.,

  8. Terrance a dope telling Joseph that kyle spilled the beans about leftovers.He will have kyle and Aylissa if kyle stays.If kyle goes home,Terrance has NO ONE.Joseph and Turner go back to left overs,and Terrance goes to Jury next.Maybe Alyssa.It really won’t matter.Terrance will seal his fate if kyle goes to jury.Bottom line Terrance.BAD move !!

    1. Is it really a bad move? After getting angry and thinking about it, it would be a tie vote with Terrance breaking it to keep Kyle. With that said, who is a target once they get back in the house…. The leftovers are gonna be all over Kyle for outing them, and Terrance will live another day.

      1. terrance bought himself another week, maybe. he could have bought himself more by just going all in with kyle and alyssa. even if kyle/alyssa end up in power there’s now a reasonable chance they put up terrance to get back in with the leftovers.

    2. Uh-oh… this comp may bode well for dumb Alyssa…. or Turner? I need Taylor to win and not be influenced

    HOH will be the tiny tweezers veto comp. The one i hate.
    Who has the edge in that comp:
    Artist turner / Applies makeup 3 x a day and studied martial arts Alyssa?
    Big hands Monte, clumsy Kyle, nervous jitters Britt?

    IF that’s the HOH comp I’m giving the after party foursome a 2:1 advantage because we don’t know what Taylor’s skill set would be, but she’s the best bet for her alliance.

    1. Yeah, I saw that one too & said it made sense for this week bc they can compete downstairs.

      Btw, do you remember Big D almost won that comp last year, he had ONE more glass to put up & lost his focus. For some reason I seem to remember Enzo doing well on it in his 2nd season (am I imagining that?)

    2. I have definitely seen this rumor. I am hoping for an eye-hand coordination specific HoH comp that has an impediment other than whirling oneself around to make one dizzy

  10. This grossmance ……. over it! Why do I get a nauseating feeling that one of these two will be the next HOH & we’ll have more 10 second grunts…. Zingbot has a lot to work with here, he better deliver!

    1. This 10 second thing that Kyle and Alyssa share is not a showmance, it is a lustmance. It might carry on after they’re both in the jury house where it will become a 25 second lustmance once Kyle gets of his maternal induced jitters. But once BB is over Kyle will have nothing to do with Alyssa and Alyssa will go back to her boyfriend.

    2. I really can’t read any more of their Jr. High romance gibberish……Do you Like me, Do you love me? He loves me! He loves me not…..They make a 15 year old look like an adult…..can’t wait until this is over and they can see that they were so disliked and made fun of!

  11. I really don’t understand Alyssa, she was expressing how hurt she felt being betrayed by Kyle, but at the same time she kept reassuring him that they are fine, and she doesn’t want to lose him.

    The entire time Alyssawas expressing her feeling, Kyle kept giving 1 word responses, and Alyssa told him he does not have to respond, she’s just expressing how hurt she was, and once again she reassured Kyle that nothing has changed, she still wants him.

    I understand this is a game, and I don’t know Alyssa personally, but I can give my opinion about what she shared with Kyle about being hurt. Alyssa from what I see, she has very low standards when it comes to how she will allow a man to treat her.

    I felt sorry for her, Kyle could have been a man and gave her a sincere apology, but he maneuvered the conversation to where she said she still loves him as a person, to start talking about saying the L word when it comes to how they both feel.

    I will say this, I think Kyle said she’s 24 and he’s 29, the entire conversation about the L word, or expressing their feelings for each other, they both sound like kids.

    Kyle said he was not that experienced, he’s only dated 2 girls before her, so now it makes 3. He mad her sound very promiscuous, told her she’s dated 500 guys!

    Whatever dude, this is why I say Turner, do not work with the After Party alliance. Alyssa straight up lied to you, she will not vote Kyle out over you, Alyssa won’t even give herself permission to feel hurt by the way Kyle has played her, talked about her, hid things from her.

    Alyssa needs to raise her standards, when it come what she will and will not accept from the guy in her life. It’s too bad that she can’t talk about game play, winning the game, or what major moves she wants to make in the game, like the way she just talked to Kyle about hurting her feelings, making her cry, feeling used and betrayed.

    I keep saying. Alyssa, is on the wrong show, go apply for Love Island, the new hookup show they advertised during a commercial break tonight called “The Love Boat”. It looked like a show where they match singles, a hookup show, which is what you seem to want, go and apply for that kind of show.

    I get the feeling just from watching Kyle on this show, his Mother and Grandmother are going to put an end to this showmance as soon as he gets home. He will be on a time out!!

    1. I love watching Kyle and Alyssa they truly truly care about each other and they will definitely make it out on the outside it’s so easy to judge others.

  12. pretty interesting that terrance’s positioning in the veto comp pretty much assured him the win. looked like the other contestants shielded the wind from him.

  13. How in the Middle of a COMP, do they do DIARY ROOM SESSION to say what they were THINKING and their STRATEGY ???

    Must be in “their” scripts?

    I think they all get $750,000?? Only one gets the title of WINNER?

    1. it’s typical that after the competition they will question the contestants about their feelings at various points during the competition and ask them to phrase their responses as if the competition is happening so they can use the responses in editing.

      1. She was wearing braids, not “dreads”. She looks fantastic in the either hair style. Her braids were stylish, beautiful, and refreshing last season.

    1. I love Tiffany but her hair looked like it was blocking her eye cause it was not blinking the same and was much smaller than the other eye. That side of her mouth did not move much either. I hope she’s okay!

  14. I too am sick of the grossmance of Alyssa and Kyle. There is nothing real about them.. it’s just for BB. Terrance is crude and disrespectful. Thinks BB fans like him, but on the fan grid he is at the bottom half with Kyle. Michael will see through Kyle again and take care of getting him out. As for Turner he has been very low key…not sure if he is playing along for safety purposes or really falling for Terrance’s bs. Last thought Terrance saying that he wants to stir the pot to get more info makes no sense since he keeps believing everything Kyle the snake says, even after Kyle mentioned his alliances.

    1. kyle’s been a pretty consistent 5th in the rankings almost all season. he took a hit recently, but he’s mostly been more positively received than negatively.

  15. Anyone know the link to watch tonight’s show? Football is in my market. I once had a Canadian link but cannot find it.

  16. I think they should have made the first 4/5 out of HOH Comp Dyer considering the way they are being treated. Kind of like how they would do Have Nots when they werent picked. Not sure how the HOH should have been picked. Maybe first 5 out then they battle for the HOH.

  17. Alysa’s list of reasons was laid out perfectly. She never gave him the power if her anger by saying “YOU make me angry”. That is always a bad way to express anger. It was methodical. I didn’t hear the convo so I don’t know but it appears that Kyle allowed her to speak for the most part which is also good when your partner is ticked off. So are they both immature in a way? Yes. But this was mature. I know I’m prolly alone in this, but this is how you do it.

    1. I think they will be fine in the outside world. They have a bond now from being in that stressful house, and I think they make a cute couple.

  18. Taylor, please just stop about your HOH and how Alyssa did/said all these *nasty* things (she didn’t) and how you can’t believe Kyle wouldn’t backdoor his girlfriend when 2 non-alliance members were already on the block (why should he have). Maybe she shouldn’t have said what she said, but it seems like a pretty normal (even if insecure) thing for a girlfriend to say. Get over it!!!

    1. Taylor has changed, I think it’s very petty she wanted to Evict Alyssa because she took the trip away from her. If Alyssa would not have taken the trip, Jasmine damn sure had her eyes on that trip, and she would have taken the trip away from Taylor.

      Would Taylor have had the guts to put Jasmine on the Block ? I doubt it, Taylor would have made and excuse, and Jasmine would have been safe, remember it was her birthday week.

      Taylor in my opinion, she’s a wild card, you really don’t know what she will do, she reacts on emotions, “Evil Elvis & Cruel Chef Nicole” behavior, Taylor doesn’t think things through.

      When Taylor was HOH, she was going to put Turner & Monte on the block as Pawns. Keep in mind she had already promised Indy, Alyssa & Jasmine safety, because Taylor was still trying to be accepted by Jasmine and the Girls Girl, so she was kissing their butts as HOH.

      #1. Turner is the person who saved her, and did not put her on the block when he was
      HOH. Really, this is how you say thanks, you put him on the block? I don’t care if it
      was as a Pawn.

      #2. Monte told her, what if someone outside of their Alliance wins the Veto, and they
      decide not to use it, then Monte and Turner remain on the block ! Taylor was like
      Ohhhhhh my bad, I did not think about that.

      Taylor should never be HOH again, it was just as bad as last season with Frenchie, Taylor was all over the place, kept changing her Target based on what Joseph told her, or who pissed her off.

      Taylor was so upset about losing the trip, but think about it:,

      • The main person who had treated her like crap from day 1 took the trip.
      • That same person put her on the block when she was HOH.
      • Jasmine ignored her, talked crap about her, ostracized her, made her feel like crap.

      What does Taylor do in return, she gave Jasmine Safety, Taylor forgets her entire alliance wanted Jasmine out last week, but she would not nominate her.

      How come Taylor not nominating Jasmine was ok, but Kyle not using the veto so Taylor could put Alyssa on the block for taking her trip, that pissed Taylor off, that was not ok with Taylor, just like Taylor had her reasons not evicting Jasmine, Kyle had his reason for not using the Veto. Taylor was being petty, and acting like she was the Queen of the house.

      Taylor needs too chill, her reasons are petty, mean girlish, entitled, not a good look for her.

  19. Terrance is so happy to be a part of an alliance for the first time he isn’t taking into account he is in a final 4 with a showmance lol What does he think will happen when they get to 4?

    I am kind of hoping they do the twist with the switch for voting. Kyle and Jasmine will both be gone if the HOH that nominated them is the tie breaker.

    1. um, he probably still wins. i brought this up a few days ago. but how’d austin/liz, or angela/tyler, or amanda/mccrae do? oh, right deep runs and lost. showmances aren’t the threat people think they are.

    1. I want Kyle to win HOH and backdoor Michael, it would be a pleasant surprise for him. If Kyle doesn’t get HOH, my second choice would be Turner with the frosted tips. He would really shake things up and we wouldn’t have to worry about another boring week.

    2. A whole week of being forced to watch Alyssa and her Man Child making out, and Kyle having 10-Seconds of Sexual Pleasure, leaving Alyssa frustrated.

      No Thanks, Alyssa as HOH, that would be a big waste.

      Unless she put 10-Second Kyle on the block for his lack of performance.

      1. They are in a house with camera’s and worrying about other people walking in. The guy probably hadn’t had sex in a long time as well, but my guess is he was worried about people walking in. Why are you always so hateful?

        1. It’s like some of these haters never had a passionate enough relationship where even a short separation can make the first round really quick………. :0

        2. So Why TF is he having sex in the multi camera house, on national ( global) TV ? Lol, you’re actually making excuses for his adolescent premature-jack….,,. ON CAMERA!

          1. Who cares? It’s just ridiculous to harp on it. Alyssa is hot to him and it may have been an exaggeration when he said 10 seconds. People are just awful these days.

          2. You miss the point.

            He gave in to his sex drive and attraction to Alyssa.

            It’s very common for a man in his prime to not last his first time out after a long dry spell.

            This constant reference to that is just another opportunity for trolls to target a HG.

            It’s really not that deep. Ask any urologist.

            Or, any actual man.


  20. Sheez, Taylor just cannot get over things as she still pissed at Alyssa for taking her prize and Kyle for not doing what she said as HOH. It’s a game girl, grow up…

  21. Hmm. I woke up in a really sour and surly mood, so I’m going to skip pre-eviction feeds and go enjoy nature for the afternoon.
    Jasmine is still going in Brochella last i heard.
    Joseph is still going in Dyrefest last i heard.
    Dyrefest 4 Afterparty are aiming at Taylor or Michael last i heard.
    Monte and Taylor will be calling it war when Joseph leaves last i heard.
    Michael is not prepared to be a target.
    Britt and Turner are currently sitting in pretty safe seats within their groupings no matter who wins HOH.

  22. Daniel tried to warn Alyssa that Kyle wasn’t gonna use the veto on her and Kyle managed to smooth that over by kissing her and bringing up how he much he likes her & spending time with her. Now he uses the “L” word to distract her. He even got her to agree that if he goes to jury she will come the next week so they can be together in the jury house. So if he doesn’t make it to the end he doesn’t want her making it either. I hope no man ever loves me that much…what a putz!! She’s no better cause she’s allowing him to dictate how she plays. She needs to let go of the loser and play her own game.

    1. Alyssa has blinders on when it comes to Kyle.

      I thought the same thing when he told her, if he is evicted, she need to be evicted the following week, this way they will be together for an entire Month in the Jury House.

      Alyssa fell right in line, she quickly answered she would do it, so they can be together.

      Alyssa did not even catch onto how selfish what Kyle said was, if Alyssa was here to win, she would have said, I can’t do that, I need to fight, try to win 750k or at least 75k, why would you want me to quick because you were Evicted, don’t you think that’s Selfish?

      Alyssa said she did not want to be portrayed as the girl running behind a man, well she won’t have that title when she’s out of the house.

      Her Title will be the Girl throwing her game away, running behind a Man Child, who always puts his wants and needs first.

      Kyle’s conversations and behavior are very Juvenile, this dude really needs to grow up. He in no way, shape form or fashion comes across as 29 years old, this is a joke.

      1. That’s what happens when you live a sheltered life and your mom lets you live at home when you’re 29 and have no job…

    2. Uh, the fact Kyle REFUSED to use the veto last week, in order to keep Taylor from putting Alyssa OTB as the re-nom kind of refutes the whole “Daniel says” warning now doesn’t it? His statement that she should “come to the jury house the week after I do” is a very selfish and immature way to view things, and I’m not even going to try and justify that. Most people would be encouraging their partner to fight on, and do their best to win the game, as should he be, but Kyle seems to be very immature for his age, and especially when it comes to women. Maybe that has something to do with that, but it was still a selfish and dumb thing to say.

  23. Taylor needs to get over the trip thing. If Alyssa hadn’t taken it Jasmine would have so why isn’t she upset about Jasmine having it? Time for Taylor to go.

  24. My hopes for next week – Someone/anyone win HOH and put up Kyle and someone else (but not Alyssa). Tell Kyle if he wins the veto and uses it, Alyssa is going up in his place. Then let’s see what he does, that would be so entertaining!

  25. Alyssa has got to be the dumbest girl ever on BB. She has all the power to vote Kyle out and all the evidence of what he did.

  26. I wish they would just go in and play the game, instead of looking for love on Big Brother! This is a game and they want to stay in the house to go for the win….but end up losing and forgetting about they’re there to play to win?

  27. They want so much honesty but yet goody two shoes Michael can’t say he’s a lawyer. I’m ready to see him booted out the door along with crybaby Brittney. They are both very two faced! Frankly I don’t think what Kyle said is all that bad…no worse than them last year ,
    Making a black alliance. Why was it ok last year and not this time, even if it wasn’t true. I just hope M and B get theirs soon! This has been an awful group this year. Don’t care for any of them or their personalities. Come on Big Brother!! Choose better people!!!

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