“I am a man of my word. I’m talking about throwing the AI comp to you.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam Angela
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony:Angela is the renom
Havenots: No havenots this week

11:35pm Backyard Hammock – Angela and Kimo. Tucker comes by to say goodnight.
Tucker – Good night. Angela – I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. No, look at me. I really am sorry. Tucker – Yeah, I know. Angela – And you don’t have to say it’s okay or that you forgive me. I just want to say that to you. And I’m not bashing you to one person. Tucker – I will continue to have your back and I still will try to do it when I can. I am a man of my word. I’m talking about throwing the AI comp to you. Angela – don’t you dare! Tucker – I but I’m trying to stay true to myself you know. Tucker heads inside. Angela – Are you f**king kidding me. I can’t even take this game. I can’t take it. I made a big! Biggest mistake ever in my life here. Why am I such a stupid woman? Kimo. Stupid. I’m so stupid. Kimo – This game is hard to know exactly where people are, but I think I have to remind myself to recognize the people who like that. That’s why. That’s why even with people saying things like it’s hard for me not to stick by that man because I know all his heart is in the right place.

HOH Room – Joseph and Quinn
Joseph – Dude, I gotta say no matter what happens to me this season. I have had so many great moments like that. I’m just like I like no matter what happens like I will be able to hang my hat on.

11:55pm Backyard Couch – Kimo and Rubina
Rubina – I’m like bitch if you’re getting played right now.. it’s not that I would be embarrassed on national television, it’s more that my heart couldn’t take it. I haven’t let anyone in. Kimo – I wasn’t hiding anything just like the way the energy between you two. I’ve said this from the beginning though I’ve said it was electric. But also like you’re catch.

12am HOH room – Joseph and Quinn
Joseph – Dude you know who the worst person here is at talking game
talking game? I was in the kitchen and she’s literally shouting about Angela having the AI thing and I’m like girl I’m cool with the hands.. like stop talking sh*t. Quinn – she’s gonna be gone. Joseph – right like yeah literally which I’m not.. I’m just listening to you like she’s wild. I accepted her apology. Cam joins them.

12:35am Unicorn Bedroom – Makensy and Leah are rehashing info meanwhile out in the backyard Kimo and Rubina are rehashing info. Kimo talks about his theory the instigator being Cam. Kimo thinks it is Cam because they were by the pool the other day and Cam told Kimo he thought one of the next messages would be a Kimo and tea. Rubina – maybe he’s just good at guessing. Rubina – why would it be Cam? Kimo – why wouldn’t it be?

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un autre nom

Anyone remember early in the game Tucker announcing he wanted to take out the strong competitors so he’ll have smooth sailing to the end?
The d-list said hey he’ll take out the strong people for us… with no plan of how to get rid of him once they’re gone.
So they basically said we’re weak you can smooth sail over us.

Now we have Kimo and Rubina that spend MOST of their time thinking of how much Tucker must love them. Highest Tucker takes either? One 5th the other 3rd or 4fh.
He loves their gullibility, that’s for sure.
He loves us, he really loves us. If he told Kimo to voluntarily self evict to prove his love to him… Kimo would be on the other side of the door already. In Jonestown, Kimo would have volunteered to taste test the koolaid If it were Tuckertown.
Point out the lie.


MIST-fits were formed last night composed of Kimo, Tkor, Rubina and Quinn… (Groan)


So many pointless alliances

un autre nom

Haven’t those four formed like… 5 times and just never named it?
They name it after Quinn realizes an alliance with them has a one week expiry date?


Tuckers’ funeral is a hoot, not like legendary Dan but its working.
Goodbye Angela you piece of work!!


I think we are getting played, America….I know there are a lot of stupid people in the world with no common sense and that everyone wants to be a celebrity by any means, but who, and I mean WHO, doesn’t care about winning $750,000. This year is a scripted act with paid actors. NO real person, nut job or not, would be sacrificing their chance at a LOT OF MONEY. Would any of you play the way they are, of course not. You can’t even follow what’s going on, because, these idiots don’t know what is going yet…They haven’t been handed their script for the day. Where did they come up with an entire house of contestants acting like buffoons and not really playing a game for MEGA CASH……..I’ll tell you where, a casting agency….I can’t even anymore…it has given me a migraine.


They just want charity. That is all. It will be boring without Tucker and Angela.

Helen Was Pushed

Amen! This is precisely why I gave up watching this season a couple of weeks ago. Never before have I abandoned a season of BB several weeks in. This season is so obviously scripted and these houseguests are actors with SAG cards and agents. I’m so disappointed!


Wtf….this is all a scripted act…who sacrifices their game for $750,000. America is getting played

Moaning murtle

Leah, safe again because after all she is not there to be challenged in any way, shape or form. Perhaps she really is this season’s Victoria with a bit more thinking power. Whatever. She said in her pregame interviews she doesn’t understand why more women haven’t won this game because men are easy to manipulate. I know it’s time to really celebrate football’s return, because Leah with all her sense of entitlement, Angela having a stronger possibility of staying this week, Tucker about to make a curtain call, and all the rest of this cast, is all starting to make sense to me.


They used to call out floaters and try to get them out early, but I don’t even hear that term anymore. It’s become another f-word you’re not allowed to use I suppose.


Don’t give up, Tucker. Angela or Makensy needs to leave anyway.


How come none of the houseguests suspect Tucker of being the instigator?

More Whine, please

Maybe bc he was so genuinely worried for Rubina, it never occurred to them that Tucker chose his instigator comments due to how impulsively he never thinks things through.

Rubina’s reaction made the AI seem so very targeted and toxic, unfathomable that even Tucker could be that inadvertently insensitive.


Rubina’s laugh/cackle is giving MAJOR Hisam vibes. HAHAHAHAAFORCEDHAHAHAH

Tre Billis

Throwing his game for Angela? Why would he do that? Angela aint winning.He at least has a chance.

un autre nom

As everyone knows I think Mak is not bright when it comes to big brother.
okay… she’s a bb moron.
The one good move she’s made was by accident (misting Angela to flip out).
Just so we’re clear. There is no way in HELL I’m saying this as a delusional Mak supporter.

Strategically… what is the trio’s endgame?
They want a 6 with Chelsie Quinn and Tucker.
How do they plan to take out Tucker?
Kimo and Rubina don’t…. and won’t vote him out in any situation.
If you are in that house and have seen how they act about Tucker you know this.
So the guy that has won comp after comp is on the block… and he’s dictating who the evictee should be this week… and almost everyone is pretzeling to come up with Logic to fit following orders.

When the casting people did psych eval, you really think they didn’t take into account that T’kor is so passive, that Kimo craves cis male acceptance, that Rubina is lovelorn?
They cast lemmings to be lemmings. Production has been craving a new school Mastermind season. I’m not saying winner, I’m saying season focus on a new school mastermind because they haven’t had a fanbase acceptable mastermind in years.
Steve 17 not a mastermind. Franzel 18 not a mastermind. Josh? fuggetaboutit. Kaycee? Not a mastermind but they really tried with Tyler…. only Tyler was sloppy. 21… ain’t nobody calling that season acceptable mastermind. not including somestars 22. 23? group effort not singular. 24? Taylor was no mastermind… remember her HOH. 25? They tried with Cam but… no… and nobody is calling Jag a mastermind no matter how much the dr tried. They’re trying to recreate the days of oldschool mastermind edit from a new school perspective. What? They are doing it in the edit. Watch the episdoes. I’m not pulling this out of my ass.

Strategic Reality:
If you have a shot at someone calling the shots and ruling a fear state that can win comps… even if they’re your own mother… you evict their ass.
If you have a shot at taking out a disruptive influence that causes chaos omnidirectionally when the wind blows makng them the perfect drag along for an easy win…. you evict their ass.
So… why is there any debate in the house?
No really.
Letting Tucker stay to continue to spout orders AND letting him dictate that you must also keep the chaos harbinger that is a drag along easy to win against….
IS the MOST assinine thing EVER.

Who does NOBODY respect? Angela. Who is perfect to take to the end so you smooth sail to the win? Angela.
If you are a d-list… ANGELA IS TAKING YOUR SEAT.


un autre nom

The only reason Tucker would throw AI to Angela is if he can’t get the house to agree to keep Angela.
Everyone fears Tucker’s moodswings and confrontations. So everyone says yes sir.
But let’s say he can’t get his way. (I honeslty feel like I’m describing a room full of permissive parents dealing with a cranky 2 year old here).

It’s 8 votes T’kor tiebreaker.

He has Rubina and Kimo. They’d eat glass dipped in poison and chase it with a grenade for him.
He has Joseph… who is so egocentric that he thinks he beats Tucker in final 2.
He has Cam (?) who he’s made a final 2 with and thrown veto to this week… so thinks he is owed a favor. Bros bro so bro should do what Tucker wants.
He has Quinn who is so afraid of being called out again that he’s a vote wherever he’s told.

He only needs 4 of them and T’kor… who so fears confrontation that she hides and cries and apologizes for breathing.
UNLESS someone deprograms the lemmings there is no risk in Tucker throwing the AI to keep his pet whackjob he beats in finals… while getting rid of another woman.

Is it a risk to throw AI in THIS house when half of the house is moronic sychophants?
Not as risky as having a house that had more think for yourself people that actually wanted to WIN the game.

Mean Jean

I heard Tucker ask Cam in the storage room to throw him the next HOH but I’ve miss Cam saying anything about Tucker throwing the Veto him.

un autre nom

Tucker admitted to Kimo and Rubina that he threw the veto to Cam.

Moaning murtle

You might think about overlooking one very key ingredient: Chelsey! She has been campaigning today to get rid of Tucker and she has added the vote count as her evidence. Wether T’kor breaks the tie or not, T’ kor will ALWAYS do as Chelsey asks. If Tucker loses the AI make no mistake he will go.

Moaning murtle

Forgot to add: T’kor has long since wanted Tucker out, she is playing a beautiful, albeit boring, social game, Chelsey and even better one. Count: Chelsey will have Cam’s vote to oust Tucker, Leah’s( hell hath no fury as a women scorned), Leah can get Joseph and Quinn to do what she wants, Chelsey also has MJ on lock so bye bye Tucker. Angela is a pain they all know how she is but she’s a number so keep her. No wonder Chelsey, Quinn ,and T’kor are smiling..this is too easy.

un autre nom

Joseph and Quinn have deduced the identity of the AI instigator.
How they figured it out:
after the first clue the instigator got scared and now the messages are nicer.
whoever is instigator has no relationship with Leah so couldn’t pull a good one on her.
Can of dog food is something Tucker has said (Joseph said this one to Chelsie, oops).

No need to use it now, but back pocket the info is their concensus.
Yeah… he’s on the block… why use damning info that kills his game Iat least with Rubina).

un autre nom

I guess I SHOULD have waited until they said a name.
same evidence,
same people: Quinn and Joseph


they figured out it’s KIMO…..
I think Joseph actually DOES know it’s Tucker.

Daisy may123

Is Angela in love with Tucker, is he in love with her why is he always saving her. I hope they get Tucker out so there won’t be anybody to save her ass! If he wins a veto he uses it on Angela he is now saying if he wins thisA1 comp he’s saving her. Would hope after he is gone she Angela is next. This has been the worst edition of BB half the people are doing nothing Joseph, Leah, Mack, Rebina it’s a snoozefest!