Houseguests get their phone calls “It was something stupid I kinda ignored it” -Jeff

POV Holder: JohnnyMac Next POV July 13th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 6th
HOH Winner Team 1: Becky HOH Winner Team 2: Shelli
Nominations 1 : Steve, Jason Nominations 2: Day, JohnnyMac
Battle of the Block Winner Steve & Jason Next HOH/ Next BOB July 9th / ?
Original Nominations: Day, JohnnyMac
Current Nominations: DaVonne, Meg
Have Nots Steve, Jason, James and Meg

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(The players know about the twist. Each on received a phone call (15 calls). Someone received the 7th call and now has the power to null 3 houseguests votes. They do not know that the 7th call gave the twist)

6:40pm Vanessa and Steve
Talking about the phone booth
Steve doesn’t think the vote will be within 3 votes. He thinks it’ll be more of a landslide.
Steve adds if it was one of them up against Da the twist would have an impact but now that both nominees on are one side of the house the results are more predictable.
Vanessa says if the twist doesn’t matter is makes for Boring TV
Steve – They’re trying

Steve – how do you tell when I’m lying
Vanessa explains when he’s really uncomfortable he has a tell. Puts his head down and his hands together.
Vanessa starts asking him random question about his life. He says he wants to do Imagineering at disney.

(Lots of chit chat about his live outside of the house)

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6:55pm Kitchen Shelli and Vanessa
They think it was either Becky or Jeff.
Vanessa says she did not get the call she “drew 5”

Shelli goes through some order that went on during the Phone call twist (Da was 7)

1 JohnnyMac
2 Jason
3 Liz
4 Meg
5 Vanessa
6 Jeff
7 Da
8 Austin
9 Jackie
10 James
11 Audrey
12 Shelli
13 Becky
14 Steve
15 clay

Meg joins them says it wasn’t her or Da they are both trying to figure it out. Jeff joins them says it wasn’t him ‘It won’t affect anything.. “
Steve joins them says it wasn’t him.

Shelli thinks she’s figured it out. “Here’s a tip get a new wardrobe.. you are the last laugh.. or Here’s a tip get a new wardrobe.. Get a new wardrobe” (They were each given a phrase during the call. I have no idea what Shelli is trying to explain)

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7:05pm HOH Jeff and Clay
Clay asks him what his message said
Jeff – “Dude… Everyone is calling me a liar but I legit don’t remember I wasn’t paying attention. It was something stupid I kinda ignored it..s soon as I found out I didn’t get it I didn’t give a f****”

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7:16pm Storage room Jeff and Austin
Austin says the only two people that can only talk game are Audrey and Steve.
Jeff – Steve sucks other than Audrey he’s my biggest target

Jeff wants to form up with Liz, VAnessa and Austin they are all under the radar right now. Austin wants to talk to JAmes to ensure they keep the target on Audrey. Jeff says he’ll talk to james.
Austin wants him to tell James he’s not coming after him.
Jeff – I’ll tell him that

Austin wants JohnnyMac out before Becky
Jeff thinks Becky is more dangerous than Becky
They talk about JohnnyMac not knowing anything about Big Brother and he doesn’t need the money.
Austin – ‘He’s a wild card”

Jeff – Audrey number 1 number 2 Steve Number 3 ???
Asutin – Maybe Mac
Jeff – Becky

Jeff says they have to send Shelli out eventually.
Jeff – they are a power couple
Austin power couple.. they’re the brendon and rachel
They mentions Jason and Meg as people that can take out Shelli.

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7:23pm Austin and James
Austin says he doesn’t want anything between them now that Jace is gone. Austin promises he’s not targeting james and he’s wanting to rebuild their relationship.
Austin – You’re good with me
James – Sweet you’re good with me man

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7:26pm Clay and Shelli HOH
Clay says last night Jason was talking about knowing the theme of the season ‘Secret lies and twists” He thinks someone on season has a secret. Mentions how strange Audrey was acting.

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7:27pm Austin and Liz (Julia)

Austins says him and Clay are setting up Audrey they are saying their targets next week are the other one.
Austin – So glad you’re not on the block.. Holy F****
Liz – that would have been there i’m out
Austin – now it doesn’t even matter that twist
liz – I know
Austin – waste of a twist.. they should have known second week it’s usually house votes.
Feeds switch back to Clay and Shelli chatting about the good and bad things Audrey has done in this game. Shelli has warmed up to Audrey doesn’t thinks she’s doing much to warrant the hate. Clay thinks there was plenty of “Little things” she did. He can’t give her clear examples which strengthens her argument.
Clay – She’s don too many things that lost my trust.. She lied to my Face.. the whole jace thing..

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73 thoughts to “Houseguests get their phone calls “It was something stupid I kinda ignored it” -Jeff”

  1. Say what you want about Production and thumbs down me all you want but Day is on the block and had a 1/15 chance. The rest of the house had a 14/15 chance……

    Also why out of every Amazing Race team ever why the fuck did they bring Jackie and Jeff back?!?! Jeff is a complete asshole and d-bag and has Jackie talked game to anyone?

    1. it’s mainly because of what happened last season on the amazing race. they really wanted the blind date thing to work and it was a total bust with jeff and jackie the only pair that came even close to having chemistry with a mid-season boot that kinda left their relationship status in limbo. i get bringing them back to hope things well and give that resolution, but now that they’re here and clearly not a couple i don’t see the point.

      1. I watch every season of the race, but this is BB not the AR. They should have brought the most interesting AR couple from last season if that is what they had their hearts set on.

        I honestly would have loved Blair and Haley because he actually was kind of smart, but most of the time too smart for himself. While Haley would have gone mad and been gold on the feeds.

        I wish we could have avoided AR couples entirely because they already established a relationship that is an unspoken bond in the BB house.

        1. I am SOOOOOO glad it was not Blair and Haley. I could not have taken her saying Blair Blair Blair over and over. It drove me nuts watching AR, and I am sure he has gotten as far away from her as he can…part of me wanted Blair to win just for putting up with his name being used over a thousand times. That poor man and what he had to deal with!

    2. Jackie has talked game, and is actually a lot smarter than viewers give her credit for. She’s an underrated player. People comparing her to Victoria are way off the mark.

    3. Jackie is still learning everyone’s names. The blind date Amazing Race was lame. A big part of the frame is knowing the pair’s backstory. Strangers racing together bring nothing.

    4. OMG imagine if they woul have brought Hayley and Clair back. That would have been hilarious. But if they really wanted to bring a notable pair, they should have brought in ucheynna and Joyce. I know i spelled that wrong.

  2. Da got the twist? If she did that’s hilarious. So rigged then.
    Anyways screw Jeff I hope he leaves next week.

    1. I bet Jeff said Dude! Brah! When he answered the phone. I’m so sick of listening to him. Complete verbal diarrhea

  3. YASSSS MOMMA DAY!!!! Hopefully she really sits down and thinks hard about what she should do….. if she blackmails liz/julia to get Austin, Steve, Vanessa, (Jackie?), Becky’s votes while also canceling out 3 houseguests votes (Clay, Audrey, John?) she could potentially stay!

    *waits for everyone to say production made sure she got the phone call and told her about the twin twist*

    1. Yeah, I bet production made sure Da got the 7th call to make it “interesting” or try to at least. She has Jason, maybe she blackmails Liz, but then who? How does she get Austin (who has a good relationship with Meg) and Vanessa (who has a good relationship with Meg). This is Big Brother, and anything can happen for sure. But from what we have seen so far, I dont see how she gets 5 votes. My guess is she goes out, and outs Liz/Julia on the way out the door.

      Da is a competitor, Meg is a floater (at least at this juncture). Why would you vote to leave the shark in when you could keep the guppy? That is why I think this twist doesnt help Da at all. The only thing that could have helped Da was a way to pull herself off the block.

      Again, its BB, and anything can happen, but Da hasnt shown herself to be a great campaigner. I just dont think she is going to stay.

      All predictions wrong or your money back 🙂

      1. Much like Steve said though the vote isn’t going to be close enough for the twist to matter. Jason would vote for Day to stay but who else would isolate themselves this early? It’s too much of a line drawn too early. If Day had been more willing to work with and actually approached others to work with her before going up she’d have a better chance. I’m really starting to hate Clay and Jeff, dude.

  4. Da has to blackmail Liz for her vote now, and she should have Jason and James. That leaves one vote to get. This could now be interesting. I would work on Jackie and Becky were I her.

    1. why do people think da has james? that’s just terrible for his game. even blackmailing liz i don’t think da can get austin and vanessa (they’d sooner just cut liz from their alliance) as both really want to play a below the radar game.

  5. Day figured out the twin twist and won the special power. Jiz would’ve been incredibly screwed up on the block right now, they better thank Austin and Vanessa.

    1. Of course daVonne was going to get the 7th call, I knew it was going to be her two days ago, what else is knew?? BB always rigged the game, this time was too obvious

  6. I don’t think Day got the call but anyway why does Johnny mac talk like he is drunk .its so hard to understand he just joking or his he serious?

  7. really sounds like jeff is digging himself a hole and talking to too many people. hope people catch him and he goes home.

  8. Now Da needs to blackmail Liz (Julia) that she knows about the twin twist and If DA finds a way to stay this week, i cant wait to see the look on Shelli and clays face if putting up Meg backfires. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  9. LOL @ all you people so happy for momma day. Fact is she played a terrible game and deserves to be evicted. It’s funny how the people who are cheering for her are the same ones who complain the game is rigged. Then when the game gets rigged in favour of their favourite player it’s like the best thing ever.

    Da’Vonne got the 7th call. She had a 6% chance. I’m having a tough time believing that she was lucky.

  10. Da getting the power* and finding out about Liz/Julia gives her a remote chance in staying. There should be a couple interesting days ahead seeing if she can stay.

    *(Phone call twist grants her the ability to null 3 votes)

    1. Ok I must of missed something. So since she “figured out” Liz is a twin, the prize for figuring it out is a power?

  11. Lol – tomorrow Da will stumble upon a mysterious box that also gives her the coup d’etat power…rigged.

      1. The nature of how rigged season 3 of BB Canada was, was beyond words, but that was a very dull cast, so I guess that had to keep it interesting somehow.

  12. Oh lord thank you jessuuuuusss I’m so happy for her she’s fuckin amazing davonne needs to chill out and approach Steve john Becky Jackie James Liz Austin and Vanessa for their vote I think she can get Jackie and Becky cause she can explain to them the huge alliance and show them that if they keep her shell go after shlay and shell be a bigger target than them she needs steve assuming she has Jason she only needs one more to stay hopefully she can get Liz but the only way she’s getting Liz is if she comes up to her in a nice way not yelling at her also she could purpose a girls alliance with herself Jackie Becky and Jason to get the votes

  13. What I’m really sick of is how everyone bitches and complains about how Big Brother is so rigged but when things that are exciting start happening it’s “production” this and “production” that. Yes, Big Brother is rigged to a certain degree, that’s no secret!! If it wasn’t every season would be like Big Brother 16!!!(complete shit)
    I thought Big Brother was about how houseguests react to the situation ‘Big Brother’ throws at them and watching drama unfold. At least that’s why I watch it. Da’ brings a lot of drama and spice that this season needs to keep this battle of “both sides going” if she goes home on Thursday this season could very well fall flat on it’s face. Who cares even if production did throw it to Da’, that won’t be evident until eviction night. She NEEDS to talk to Liz about her secret. She really does stand a chance, especially if houseguests recognize how boring and predictable it would be of them to not put this twist into action.

    1. If I’m in the bb house, I’m worrying about trying to win money, not making a twist more exciting for production. Who in their right mind would want to pull themselves off the block and risk getting put up themselves? I really don’t see that happening.

  14. Our we 100% sure if Da’Vonne got the call??? because Steve said at the Top…

    “Steve doesn’t think the vote will be within 3 votes. He thinks it’ll be more of a landslide.
    Steve adds if it was one of them up against Da the twist would have an impact but now that both nominees on are one side of the house the results are more predictable.”

    That sounds a lot like the Twist that none of them know about.
    Personally I would vote to evict Meg if I was a Houseguest. Truly not a personal call. I just think that Da’Vonne is better for other peoples games… Sure Meg is popular but but other than a vote or a pawn how does she help them.
    D’Vonne if an alliance saved her they get Da’Vonne and Jason, Da’Vonne is loyal, Da’Vonne will also blast the house for you, Da’Vonne is observant… also Da’Vonne is a target where Meg is not. At this point in the game you need targets like Audrey, Austin and Jeff… you need them just as much as you need disposables in the house.

    As a fan of Big Brother I have a love for when an HoH doesn’t get their target especially if it is a foolish one like this one.

  15. Even if I like Da, and I do, it’s so pointless for production to even rig it because if not this week, they’ll get her out next week or after. Unless Da can do some serious damage, her staying will just piss off Shelli and Clay more and she’ll still be the number one target. Blah blah…

  16. I don’t care if Production helped her or not…take these two gifts and make them work for you, Da’Vonne!!
    Have a one on one with Liz/Julia (not only do you know their secret, you saved them week one), nullify Clay, Audrey and Austin’s vote and you and Jason campaign your butts off!

  17. If I were Liz, I would deny, deny, deny if she is approached about the twin thing. Production should be switching them out quicker and there should be a secret room, like BB Canada 2 had, for the other twin to observe what is going on while not in the house. I still smell a production rat.

  18. Fuck all y’all go fuck yourself blaming days smarts and her figuring out Julia and the call from production like she did it she got and now she’s gonna flaunt it

  19. I don’t think anyone outside of Jason, maybe Meg, will believe Day about Liz/Julia. I think they are going to believe she’s just trying to drum up drama to stay. They will all make crazy comments in the DR and to Liz/Julia about what a stupid strategy Day is using to make drama. They might entertain the idea a little but my money is on them ignoring it. Especially after Cathy Griffin said they were paranoid. They take any outside comments as clues to direct behavior.

    1. I’m so piss about this trash couple. But karma is a bitch outside an inside the house. And the CRAZY AUDREY will bitts these BORING couple (they really have an intelligent conversation??).

      Dexter Morgan, come back! Build your reign of terror and chaos!!!!

  20. The best thing can happen is they found the twin twist one of the twins get evicted and DAYVONNE STAY! I shrill for see the boring couple face,

  21. Is there a free live feed somewhere like last year BB ? please post a link i don’t want the free trial

  22. The blatancy of production rigging insults the intelligence of the viewers, and the house guests alike. If they wanted to make it honest, they would have released to the feeders the times the calls would come and let them watch. Not only would viewers be able to watch for it, it would also prove they didn’t just call when Day was walking by since it was at a predetermined time. But of course that would never happen.

    I like Day, but this is bullshit. She doesn’t deserve to stay over anyone, including Meg. She did this to herself. All this talk from her about “being real” and how the rest of the cast are cowards, is tiresome. What does ‘being real’ get you in the Big Brother house? It doesn’t even get you to jury! Yet it’s so important to her, regardless of the fact that she has a daughter at home. A daughter, a 500K check, THAT is what’s real; not spouting off to other house guests because she can’t control her emotions.

    If she does get a second chance, she seriously needs to adapt her strategy, and learn to be much less ‘real’ than she has been, or she’s still gonna be gone sooner than later, and production will have interfered to save a person that wasn’t going far anyway, and in the process screwing over Meg who’s had a good social game thus far and has done a good job playing a low-key game.

  23. When you think Steve can’t be more awkward he tells Vanessa that he’s never had sex, but has thought about it.

    How old is he?? Its normal in America??

    I live in France and here is almost impossible.

  24. I’m missing something, I thought when she picked up the 7th phone call she would be exonerated, was it more than that? if so please explain. Sorry

    1. Whomever answered the 7th call will now be able to nullify three HG votes for eviction. So Day will now be able to cancel out three of the votes to evict her.

    2. She can nullify three votes but it won’t matter because everyone is voting her out.
      The only good that can come out of this now will be if she can set up something for her friends that remain in the house. For instance she can say, I don’t want Audrey, Clay, and Jeff to vote because they obviously have an alliance with Shelli. Then Jason could use it as a reason to nominate them if he gets into power.
      I said it before-this twist should have been later in the season when it would work. Imagine if it were available right before a double eviction. The chaos!

  25. i imagine she will cut Clay, Audrey, and Vanessa or Steve. I think Da’s best shot may be Jeff’s paranoia, He could pull Jackie, she could pull Becky. But James & Jeff r both close with Meg so it’s unlikely.

    Also, I can’t wait to hear Jeff’s Zing, it must be a good one if he’s pretending he can’t remember it!

  26. What happens when liz or julia gets a cut or a pimple????
    Ps. they dont really look too much alike. I feel like BB should have done some better twin casting. (lol day calling one fat)

  27. If you were Liz, and Da said help save me or I will tell your secret, what would you do? Even if she denies it, she plants the seed and people will start to watch her closely… well the few smart ones will. She wont make it to week 5. They will realize Liz is 2 votes after week 5 with an unbreakable alliance from birth. If I were Liz I might want a tight alliance around me to help keep me there. What are your thoughts?

    1. I think Austin and Vanessa will be excited to get another number. The twins don’t seem to be competition threats and the fact that they are loyal to each other would put them at the bottom of the alliance-the first ones to sacrifice if/when they need to.
      I think Jeff and James may like the idea of having them both and try to hit on them…I mean add them in to their alliance because “she’s easy to control.”
      She’d have to worry about Jason, Audrey, Clay, Meg, and Shelli. They will definitely see it as a threat and seek to get her out. But I don’t think they’ll wise up until too late.
      I dunno about Steve, Jackie, and Johnny…probably go with the house. It’s not something that will bother them because they aren’t real targets yet, they have no clear side so numbers, no matter how they’re split right now, are always in their favor.

  28. Jason told James, and Meg about the twins, and plans to tell Jeff. If you tell Jeff something, you may as well post it in a newspaper. That whole thing will be blowing up before the night is over.

  29. since they announced this week’s twist, I’ve been sitting back saying to myself ‘if da or Jason get this twist people are going to be shouting rigged.’
    not a surprise.
    question: did they assign numbers for when people were to answer the phone? if yes then absolute rigging is in full effect.
    will the twist work? five votes needed if the voting pool is down to 9 from 12. has da bonded enough with five people? this twist will make for campaigning in a situation where campaigning wasn’t going to happen much.
    wonder how long before Audrey claims to have the power or accuses others of having it in order to create drama. I can’t be the only one thinking it.

  30. Can we just discuss the game? Wish there were another site to bitch about production. I don’t want to hear it. It’s the game, we all know it … So accept it. I love this site it’s where I get all my bb!!!

    1. Totally. Loz/Julia just need their side of the house to win hohs for the next 3 Austin, Vanessa, Clay, herself, even Steve. Or win BoB or Veto! Decent odds.

  31. Would love to see Da stay and Shelli get bit on the ass for not targeting audrey this week.

    Da can null Clay, Audrey and Vanessa’s votes.

    She can maybe get Becky, Jackie, Liz, Austin and Jason’s votes. Then she would stay.

  32. How did they find out about the twin twist? Did Da call one of them out and they admitted it? So now that they all know now what

  33. BB Production already making things happen for RATINGS!!! Really…Da gets the 7th phone call…of course she did!!!!

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