POV Holder: | Neda | Next POV | April 26th |
POV Used | NO | POV Ceremony | April 21st |
HOH Winner: | Adel | Next HOH: | April 24th |
Original Nominations: | Sabrina and Rachelle | ||
Current Nominations: | Sabrina and Rachelle | ||
Have Nots | Neda |
2:55pm – 4pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds return – Jon says guys that was huge to have that on the show! Neda comes out of the diary room and Adel jokes that Neda’s back with the letter. Jon tells Neda thank you for sharing that with us. Heather says I can’t believe we just finished watching that! Adel says I know. Heather says it felt like we were back in the real world. The house guests got to watch a episode of the new Alan Thicke series on the HOH tv. Adel says you know what Jon its like we all won that Easter egg thing.. because everything you picked was for all of us. Jon says except Neda. Jon laughs. Sabrina says its funny because I met him.. my home served him in the airport and its a funny story.

4:15pm – 4:35pmAdel says f**k that Thick show was funny. Jon and Neda agree. Heather says I am on f**king cloud nine! They talk about how many people puked this season. Jon says f**king Andrew had a dart and 4 beer then puked. Neda comments on how he’s a light weight. She gets in trouble and can’t understand why. She says it was a compliment being a light weight means you don’t have to drink as much to get drunk. Neda is annoyed and leaves. Jon tells the others that when Neda’s mad she just wants to be alone. Rachelle heads out to the hot tub room. Jon goes up to the bedroom where Neda is. Neda asks why are you so annoying!! Neda says you just always think you’re right! JOn leaves and heads out to the hot tub room. They look in the hot tub and see that big brother cleaned Rachelle’s pee out of the hot tub.
4:45pm – 5:10pm Out in the hot tub – Adel tells Jon don’t share anything with the Gremlins! They wouldn’t share anything with us! Adel asks didn’t you hear them say if they won they were going to get an iced cap and other stuff that didn’t implement us. Jon says good word Adel! Rachelle joins them and they talk about random things. Sabrina comes back from the diary room and says to Rachelle – I think they’re bored of the no drama eh?! Heather and Adel head inside. Sabrina says I really think I am going to have a massive depression when you’re gone. Everything is all figured out. Seriously its so boring .. its them against us.. we can’t even talk! Sabrina says she so annoyed at Adel saying we’re going to make some serious paper. Sabrina asks what am I going to do with out you?! Rahcelle says win! Don’t cry, please, please don’t cry! Rachelle & Sabrina head inside to eat.
5pm – 5:40pm Meanwhile up in the HOH room Neda and Heather are studying the days of the house..
5:40pm – 6:25pm Rachelle and Sabrina are out in the hot tub chairs talking about their ex/boyfriends. Meanwhile Heather, Jon and Adel are sitting by and in the hot tub talking about random things. Adel starts asking Heather questions about her life/job and she says that she doesn’t want to talk about it. Sabrina interrupts them and asks what she doesn’t want to say? Heather says she doesn’t want to talk about her life in here. Jon & Adel both say that’s fine you’ve kept that up the whole season. Jon says talks about how he will talk about anything. Jon, Adel and Heather head inside the house. Rachelle asks Sabrina what do you think she (Heather) is doing outside this house? Sabrina says nothing, she’s mysterious .. she’s 23 what could she be doing! Who cares. Sabrina then continues her stories about how she can get into any club doesn’t matter if its New York, LA, Montreal..

6:15pm – 6:25pm Meanwhile in the bathroom Jon takes a shower while Heather watches Neda do her nails. Heather talks about how she didn’t like Allison because she always tried to one up her. Neda asks like what? Heather says like how I would put on a bathing suit that would show off my boobs and she would go change into one that showed off hers. The funny thing is .. Sabrina saw it and then she became best friends with her.
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Wait, so all that house lockdown was to watch a tv show??? This is how they make the show exciting when there is only a few people left? It would of been better if the did the freeze task or watch their loved ones comment about them on the show this far. That would of been more interesting dealing with the aftermath of how their loved ones view them and the other house guests left.
SABRINA! please stop lying, for someone who thought children in Mexico, why is it that you can’t speak Spanish?
Is there anyone you haven’t met? and anything you haven’t done? Liar-liar ,,,
you mean taught right? XD
Yup I did, sorry, and thanks, lol
That new Alan Thicke show is terrible. I managed to sit through about 10 minutes of it! That’s definately a punishment of some sorts — they must have lost a Marsha challenge!
Their reaction to viewing the Thicke show was the clearest indicator of the boredom level within that house. Really Slice? Cross promoting your lineup is one thing but give these people something more worthy.
I’m impressed you made it ten minutes. It must of felt like a month.
I had just had ankle surgery and couldn’t reach the remote 🙁 That’s 10 minutes of my life I’m never getting back.
You did better than me…I switch to mute during the promos!! Those HG’s must be super bored.
…and of course Sabrina’s family met Alan Thicke! I could have predicted that 50,000 to 1! lol
I live in Ontario, & anyone who has ever been 2 the Muskokas has met Alan Thicke, He really is a nice man, so his the whole family. Also A friend of mine who knows Sabs, says she pays for all the events the celebrities are attending and pays the extra for the meet & Greet, which is how she has the pics of the celebs. So in other words she pays $250.00 -$1000.00 just so she can take a picture with a celebrity. SAD!!!! Also her dad is in construction , he is a Mason. So why he wears a suit everyday is beyond me
Lol TRiLLION HUNDO! (I hate hundo!) 🙂
of course Sabrina met Thicke’s family. NOT. She has to make everything about her. I watched the Thicke show and thought it was extremely boring and contrived. Won’t be watching any more episodes and on a side note I actually did know a relative of the Thicke family, Alan’s aunt Velma, met her in London about 25 years ago.
So if someone from the Jury is being voted back in, who do you all think it will be?
I’m hoping its Arlie!!!!
I can’t believe they aren’t making a bigger deal out of the fact that Rachelle admitted to having peed in the hot tub. Unless I just missed that (I only see the “after dark” feeds).
Urine is sterile
It’s only sterile to the person it was created by. It’s not sterile otherwise. For all we know, she’s got a festering UTI. This girl p’s with the door open and doesn’t wash her hands after doing so. She complained to Allison about being itchy down there and Allison had to tell her to only scratch if she really needed to. I hope her Dad the Dentist has better hygiene!
they actually did include that into an episode. Either Wednesday or Thursday. Whether the other HGs made a big deal about it after they found out, no idea. but there was something else that happened that i thought was kind of significant and couldn’t see anyone talking about that either. now of course i don’t remember what that so important to me thing was. 🙂
Was it the fact that she drank milk straight from the carton and then put it back in the fridge for some other house guest to “enjoy”!
Alan thick SUCKS!!!
So does his skeevy son.
I agree they should have had some sort of message from a family member or friend for Easter. Even tho they were probably so glad to see anything at this point. They probably would have been happy watching Infomercials from wonky eyed Vince :P. Anything that is different from their everyday routine would be fun im sure.
I don’t think anyone will be voted back in from the jury (hope not). I think the whole twisty thing was Allison getting to watch the house guests for 2 weeks in the war room and then being voted in by Canada. Bang twist done.
The next week might be a little predictable but we don’t know where it could go in the next few weeks. I think its funny when people say “best bet is to put up Jon and Neda or back door Jon ect ect. Well exactly who do people want to win this game, Rachelle or Sabrina? Yikes.
Heather or Jon.
Don’t really like Neda that much.
It’s obnoxious that Sabs assumed Andrew was going home and now that Rachelle is going home. BACKDOOR HER HG’s.
How do you back door someone already on the block?
I know if I was at a bar grabbing my penis every few minutes and commenting on its size(as he has mentioned hundo times) to the girls—and guys (after Kenny and Andrew left) would I not be thought of as creepy? Just wondering females perspective out there? And I guarantee jon’s girlfriend can’t be happy with everything from day 1? Any thoughts? Or am I just old fashioned?
Totally agree with you, his constant crotch grabbing is creepy and gross. And I really feel bad for his gf at this point. If he was my bf he wouldnt have a gf when he gets out, it’s beyond clear that he has feelings for Neda as more than a friend. He goes way too far with the touching/flirting. Poor Janelle.
A bar is a totally different setting though. They all feel at home now, so they’re all free to be comfortable and I think that’s normal. Most people have weird habits and quirks!
See? Rachelle tried to talk alone friendly with Adel outside right now–Sabrina came out and Rachelle shut down!
Yes backdoor Sabs!!!! Make a deal with Rachelle! If Sabs thought she was indeed leaving she would be throwing Rachelle under the transport and train!! (not just bus!)
Rachelle is a cute kid..emphasis on kid. i have never seen anyone look in the mirror and primp as much as she has. . it is actually annoying how many times she looks at herself, with her personality and attitude i can see her getting a lot of unnecessary plastic surgery i hope she finds a rich husband or husbands as she is for sure a high maintenance and a me me me girl .
I think sometimes Sabrina looks really pretty….but without makeup: YIKES!!!! Am I right? Or just nuts?
Btw: what does Hundo mean? I missed that.
One hundred percent
Sabrina WOULD be really pretty if she didn’t have such a nasty personality.
I think if she got herself in shape she could be physically attractive.
I think she’s pretty now. Everybody looks better when they’re in shape, but you don’t have to be in shape to be pretty. The only thing I find unappealing about her is her personality.
And sometimes her personality shows on her face, when she is making up stories about others, or saying nasty things, it tends to show on her f\ace.
neda and jon hatched this plan a few weeks back,,, they would fight with each other to make the house think they are not really that close to each other.. i think neda is just taking this opportunity to inact their plan…. i do believe neda is annoyed with jon but she is just taking it another level for effect..
She’s a little sensitive right now and pouting because she is on slop and doesn’t get to partake in Jon’s win of alcohol.
I hope that’s the case
Ok can i just say something!
Rachelle was the worst player ever in history of BB – she did not do anything in this game! all she did was win 1 HOH but other than that, all she did in this house was follow Sabrina around.
Sabrina on the other hand did nothing either but she had some game play! Both her and Rachelle together annoy me so much when they talk bad about the rest of the house guests, like how are they any better then them….they are far worse than the rest of the house guests!
I can seriously see a cat fight between Rachelle and Heather if they are in the jury together! These two will not get along, even outside the house!
If they are in jury together it will not be for long…maybe minutes.
Rachelle is made to be that way. She is right now in an “abusive/controlling relationship” —cant you guys see that? Sabrina is the abuser and master of manipulating/controlling rachelle! Rachelle will realize when she gets away from her to jury and when she gets home (from her family and friends!) Rachelle is young and naive—Sabrina preyed on that to not feel/be alone or shunned (sabrina deserved to be shunned as she was the one that pulled strings to have others be bullies!
Rachelle will find it hard to break free. If BIG BROTHER has any brains or a “real Psychologist” they will not ask them to be together for after the show public appearances!!!!
Rachelle is a victim of Sabrina!! Easy to hate from your computer. If you knew anything about this subject you would have noticed all the signs of what Sabrina did to her and her game.
If Rachelle was the one staying right now–Sabrina would treat her like shit—be jealous and throw her under the bus with lies to the other houseguest! Sabrina is a terrible person!
Is Neda trying to emotionally detach herself from Jon? She’s ‘sketching me out.’
She is on slop alone. That is her primary problem.
I love how it says “your comment is awaiting moderation” to all the comments made under the name ‘Name’ and there’s already conversations between people name ‘Name’ before they are moderated. 😀 Is anyone else noticing that?
yes name I noticed that also…
Lol – there’s a lot of us. At least three in this thread alone.
Why is Heather looked at as so nice. All she does is talk poorly about people behind their backs….common seriously Allison tried to compete with your breasts…you are pretty full of yourself chicky.
Umm… Heather was talking about not liking RACHELLE, not ALLISON.
Fix your Youtube video title and your recaps.
Sabrina is really pretty aswell rachelle both are gorgeous