Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Cliff, Nicole, and Jess get punishments
America’s Prankster – Nick
Nominations are: Christie & Nick
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Holly, Nick, Jackson, Jessica, Cliff
Power of Veto holder – Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jackson did not use the power of veto
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8pm – 8:50pm Nick and Nicole are playing backgammon. The other house guests are getting ready for their taco Tuesday dinner.

8pm Boat room. Cliff talking to the cameras.
Cliff – Today was a do nothing day. Day 70! 29 days to go. As of Thursday we will have 27 days to go ..plus or minus. About 4 weeks. Time-wise we would probably not have a double eviction… unless we also have a battle back. I don’t want a battle back. I am perfectly happy with who we have in the house right now but no one has asked me for input on that. Or we could have some sort of twist like a reset this week and then a double eviction. If being in this house proves nothing else it proves I can do a whole hell of a lot if I put my mind to it.
9:13pm Living room. Jackson and Holly.
Holly – I don’t know why I have really short patience today. Jackson – I think you can be a little over controlling about everything. Holly – me!? No.. Jackson – she (Jess) is annoying you because you’re being over controlling. She asks questions. When I’m doing something she always asks questions and it drives me crazy. I mean I don’t know if you look at that counter .. all that sh*t that was prepped .. you’re welcome for it. Holly – I said thank you! Jackson – I am not telling you what to do. I like to do sh*t with you. Holly – I knoooooowwwwww! Jackson – so f**k it .. I am going to stay out of your way. Holly rolls her eyes. Holly – no. Jackson – yeah. You have a certain way to do things. Holly – you never eat the food I make. Jackson – I only annihilated a whole f**king pan of it last week. You do your thing. I am staying out of your way. Holly – don’t get that attitude. Jackson – don’t get what?! Don’t do what you told me to do!? Let you cool and I had a lot of suggestions. I like doing things with people. Holly -I know I like doing things with you. Jackson laughs – uhhh okay! You like to do things a certain way and you’re very controlling. Holly – I am not very controlling. Jackson – I was just going to get the hell out of your way and let you cook your food. Holly – I have never had control of anything in this house. All anyone ever does is talk over me. And I can’t even finish a sentence ..ever! I am not f**king controlling! I have no f**king control over anything in this house. That’s why I like cooking. Jackson – that’s why I was just trying to help you. “You have a lot of suggestions .. just let me cook!” Ummm okay! Like the chicken, I could have f**king shredded that in 90 seconds. Don’t bark at someone and then ask for them to help you. Holly – I said it nicely.
10:20pm Havenot room. Nick and Nicole.
Nick – I am going to pretend that you’re Jackson. One .. I am going to renew my loyalties with him. Two – I am going to say why she had to stay this week. Three – I am going to say allies. Four – she’s been on the block three times. Five – review. Okay so .. Holly & Jackson ..just as every therapist knows you always set an agenda. These are the five points I am going to go over. Nick goes over his points in more detail telling Nicole what he is going to tell Jackson and Holly. They then go back to playing back gammon.
10:21pm – 11pm HOH room. Holly and Christie.
Holly – how do you feel about tomorrow? Christie – do I ever feel amazing .. no. I don’t feel great. I feel as good as I can. I am not really going to go crazy. I am not going to say much. I pretty much have Tommy. He told me I am on board. Holly – Okay good. Christie – he is in a little bit of a funk because Nick is probably going and he knows that Nick has been like his shield and his guy. Nick has vocalized that he would never put Tommy on the block. Never put Nicole on the block. And use the veto on them… So Tommy has felt really safe with them. I think he is scared that once he loses him he is going to go on the block next. Which might be the case.. but with my, you and Michie .. I think our chances are good. I don’t see Tommy keeping Nick. Jess won’t. Cliff said without a double he is keeping me. I don’t want to compete against Nick. Jackson and Cliff join them. Christie – I a not going to go crazy. I just hope he keeps it clean. Jackson – I think he will. Holly – I think he will too. Jackson – he is going to scrap. Cliff – he is going to come up with plans and ideas. Christie – he will probably spook you (Jackson). Like once I go who’s the target?! Who’s the target. Jackson – oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Christie – but this is a game and I respect anyones gameplay as long as they love it and are trying. Jackson – I bet he will flip to that if he says he will come after Holly and me. Cliff – I will hear him out. Christie – yeah we have to hear everyone out.
11:05pm – 12am HOH room. Holly brings up milk and wine glasses and says its party time! All the house guests are having cookies and milk while they reminisce about past events of the season. Tommy – its was the most exciting when Bella was here. Cliff – that was a long time ago.
12:15am The house guests get ready for bed..
12:20am HOH room. Jackson and Holly.
Jackson – I think that Jess will not go after Tommy and Christie. Holly – you don’t think she would go after Tommy? Jackson – yeah but who is she going to put up next to Tommy? Holly – I think Cliff. Jackson – Tommy and Cliff and then we’re in a tough spot. It shows our cards. If Cliff and Nicole win they are going to put up Tommy and Christie. Holly – yeah true. Jackson- yeah true. It will set us up better for jury votes if Tommy goes on the block and stays. If I win it, I don’t want Holly going up.
2:30am All the house guests are sleeping..
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They even make cookies and milk boring.
I can’t even watch the live feed anymore
I believe this is the earliest I ever tuned out, typically when it gets to 4 people things get dull but this year, wow, really really boring. Another 29 days is going to be a long time with these people. Who really cares, the fact that Holly is running the house tells you a lot about this season. Holly in any other season would have zero power even if she shacked up with someone, the house is void of anyone with likability.
People complain about this every year. It’s always the worst season ever.
I agree with most of what you said. I like Nicole. She was mowed down early in the game by the self-absorbed cool kids (insert eye roll) and has stayed in her corner since then. I would like to see what she would do with an HOH win. Would she step out of her shell and make a bold move? Probably not, leading to another disappointing week. I wish she had voted for Kat to stay. I didn’t like Kat in the beginning but she grew on me. At least she was entertaining. Being a double agent didn’t serve her very well. I do feel bad for Nicole not getting to play in any vetoes. It probably wouldn’t have changed things but I like her enough to wish she had the full experience. I guess her time will come soon, with numbers dwindling.
Meant time will come soon for Nicole to play in vetoes. I’m not counting on her to win an HOH. I hope she does but I’m not holding my breath.
Nicole is by far the worst and most boring player of the season. What has she ever done? Even Jess can at least say she took out Jack. It would be disgusting to see her snooze her way to final 3.
That would be Jess…….. HOH or not. Have you heard her talk game…..it’s astonishing cluelessness.
Because Nicole’s game talk has been genius? I’m no fan of Jess but she did win a HOH and she took out a beast. I don’t know what you can say positive about Nicole other than she exists.
People come here so they don’t have to watch the live feeds. People who come here and watch the live feeds must be some sort of sadist.
Why does production supply Jackson with a watermelon everyday? Is he now the production puppet?
Cmon big brother you are boring us!!!!
They’ve been coddling him since about day…11, if not longer.
He is coddled to be tame? I’m over it. Hold back on the watermelon and let the douche bag out!
Exactly. It’s his valium. They are drugging him to keep his temper in check. I want to see the watermelon meltdown!
Probably because Watermelon is cheap and it’s an easy request to fulfill so its really no big deal. Plus it gives them something to film with these boring houseguests, I think the best moments have been Jackson’s idioms, and the scene of the alien smashing the watermelon and Jackson looking devastated.
I don’t see what the big deal is with the watermelon.. It is not like its some special food that no one else can have … There are bigger fish to fry… like getting CRUSTY THE CLOWN OUT
The guy eats 3 or 4 of them a day. Who does that?
I’ve been eating more watermelons this summer than I have in the last 5 years.. Its great. 🙂
nothing close to 3 or 4 more like 2 a week.
Well now I know why Jackson eats so much watermelon…(scientist tests) Consuming an abundance of watermelon may produce effects comparable to the erectile dysfunction drug sildenafil, according to scientists at Texas A&M University. The arginine, produced by citrulline after consuming watermelon, reportedly stimulates nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels in a manner similar to sildenafil. Many reasons for impotence exist, but the extra nitric oxide obtained from consuming watermelon might help men needing increased blood flow get an erection and improve their heart health at the same time.> He needs it for Holly 🙂
LOL I see what you mean and it is excessive .. but he does share it if anyone wants it… To me its just like someone being addicted to cookies, chips or pizza and eat so much per day.. At least it is a healthier option and he will never be dehydrated. Me personally, I love watermelon…. especially when it is cold.. or blended in a drink.. for all we know he douses it with some vodka and THATS why he loves it so much…;) The possibilities are endless..
Perhaps Walmart has them on sale.
Earlier in the season, while we were still watching the shows, my wife noticed that one of the women (I “believe” it was Nicole) was eating some yogurt that had a Walmart quick-sale sticker on it (for items about to expire). We backed up the video and sure enough, there it was.
I guess someone in production just didn’t remove all the cheap/about to expire labels.
Because his mama is trying to sue CBS.
I believe that account that was supposedly his mother’s has been suspended for being a fake account.
I’ve been wondering the same thing. I don’t remember them ever doing that for anyone else. Others have begged to get items. They’re wishes may have been fulfilled but never on a scale like this. IDK, correct me if I’m wrong.
What gives?
At least give him rotten watermelons…geeez…get some drama going!
CBomb, seriously can’t stand it. Always cutting he’s watermelon annoying .
I’m having a hard time with some of Jackson’s logic. It’s not a new problem.
Tell me if i am getting this right…
They think Jess will nominate Cliff and Tommy. the double dipping of 4somes will be exposed when they choose who goes.
They think Christie will nominate Nicole and Cliff… in which case they have to throw the veto.
Cliff and Nicole will nominate Tommy and Christie. again they have to throw.
They think if it’s down to Tommy and Jackson, Jackson should throw to get Cliff and Jess on the block.
So, he thinks he and Holly are so well covered. It’s odd.
Is it just me that is finding the logic odd??
Right??? Production logic need not make sense! We r supposed to buy that Jackson went from douchy to a “savage” game playing strategist.
Myself, I found “logic” to be an almost nonexistent commodity in the entire house this season.
LOL So true!!
I dislike Christie and wish the vote would flip to send her this week. That being said, a Christie HOH wouldn’t be the end of the world. Why? When she throws Holly & Jackson on the block, I want to see the look on their faces during the realization they’ve been snowed for TWO weeks.
Its a coin toss … I want her out so badly .. but because Jackass and Holly are SO STUPID it would be great to see their faces if she did put them up… too bad when she is talking about putting them on the block someone doesn’t hear that…
She would just spin her way out of it and the dumb a$$es would still believe Nick the biggest threat.
Good point….. LOL …
Go Christy put ugly holly on the block please.
it’s hohitis. they think they’ve worked themselves up from the bottom without realizing they only have deals cuz they won hoh.
only cliff will hold to those deals. they’re still very much at the bottom.
If one of Jackson or Holly were on the block on an eviction night: Cliff would evict them deal or no deal.
Cliff….what a disappointment he has been.
D.. i wish you were right, but i think both nicole and cliff will honor their deal.
nicole i think genuinely wants to work with jackson/holly over chrstie/tommy and for pretty good reason as there is no way she can beat christie and her best shot is probably christie on jury poisoning everyone against jackson/holly. but i’m worried about nicole’s fortitude in power situations (part of why i really wanted her to be prankster was to see what she would do with power). cliff holds to his word over common sense, and i think he wants to work with christie but at the back of his mind knows jackson/holly is better so he made a deal to try to force him to follow through.
Christy: “I just hope Nick keeps it clean” (with regards to his last minute campaigning against her).
Oh, like you did to him last Taco Tuesday, Christie??
When you look up the word hypocrite in the dictionary, Christie’s lying face should be what you see.
I’ve seen her go for the jugular & attack other house guests MANY times for things that she’s blatantly doing herself.
And now she wants mercy from the guy that she intentionally annihalated… God, I can’t stand this girl.
All other taco Tuesdays pale in comparison to last week Haha
Exactly what I was thinking… this woman is delusional …. the world agrees with you
The thing is, maybe if she would talk to the camera or something, come clean in the DR, letting us know this was her strategy to get off the block and the manipulation was part of her gameplay….we might not judge her so harshly. Instead, she just comes off like a self-absorbed b… um… person who believes her own lies/claims that she is playing a “clean” honest game. I wonder if she knows who Dan Gheesling is??
yeah, it’s the exact same reason everyone hated vanessa. i get that christie’s a terrible human and absolute torture to watch on feeds, but i don’t really mind her gameplay. it’s badgering people to make bad deals moreso than outright bullying.
Christy is Paul sister.
The whole world can’t stand her!
Why is Holly asking Christie if she’s ready for tomorrow?
When I read that, I assumed it was because of Wednesday being the designated day for campaigning for this group.
I can’t watch any of this season any longer. I can’t. I can’t. What a waste of a year for big brother.
It feels 100% like BBCAN7 did just 5 months ago. A group of BLAH uninteresting people.
Wouldn’t this be the week production rigged the special use the black light to find the tape recorder secret power twist? And the “lion is king of the jungle while the mama bear watches her cubs cus i’m Batman” guy was getting pissy his other x4 final 2 was a third nominee? right before the triple eviction? While the gender non binary schlump was still whining nobody would showmance with them? shudder. bad flashbacks.
Peter Quill said it best, “You have no idea. If we had a black light, this place would look like a Jackson Pollack painting.”
I think production ought to summons the houseguests into the living room & announce that they are all evicted & they are bringing back everyone that has gone home & in jury back…AND THAT IT ISN’T A PRANK! No winners here, just whiners!
I like Nicole – but she is not great television. Most of the ones that remain aren’t.
A good number are plain flat unlikable.
Her clown freakout the other night was pretty epic.
I totally agree and its so true that I am trying to remember anyone from BBCAN .. even the winner I can’t remember… That goes to show how Boring they were!! But I love Arissa.. she is cool
I knew it; I go 24 hours without checking in, and the feeds blow up! (snark) 😉
HAHAH … I thought my post yesterday was going to be all backgammon close up.
When I first read that article, I was scrolling past all your “Feeds are on fire” captions thinking, “What did I miss????” Then I cracked up because, duh, nothing. Between reading on my phone (small print) and without my reading glasses, I didn’t see the actual pictures of them sleeping right away 🙂
Dear BBgods,
Please start to leak DR sessions in the house so we have REAL not scripted reactions from the hgs
Please and thank u signed,
Bored to tears
The jokes on you if you think the DR sessions are real reactions after several of them this season have said otherwise.
I have a feeling we would still be bored with this crew. They should stop giving Jackson his valium (watermelon)!
If they had half a brain they would want Christie out ! 1) they are a couple which makes them a huge target 2) they have won the last four comps which makes them a huge target . Christie has nothing to offer, she’s weak in comps and already went back on her word. They can make a deal with Nick for protection and he can at least win comps. To me it’s a no brainer !! Not to mention we win by not having to see words and food spew from her mouth anymore !
That’s where I’m at now. I think Nasty Nick realllllyyyy needs to make his pitch good. Because for Michie and Holly…he is the best to keep. I also think he’s more loyal than Christie and now he knows exactly how tight Tommy and Christie are…he’s more libel to go with Nicole and them to take out Christie and Tommy…well to take out Tommy since Christie will be gone. Fingers crossed. :p I do agree that taking out Sis was best last week though because the Nick/Sis/Christie/Tommy 4some was too strong.
I agree, and Christie has to go, because the way it looks right now it’s probably gonna be Tommy/Christie final two !! Just writing that made me sick at my stomach !!
Yep…it cannot, under any circumstances be those 2 as the final!
Devil’s Advocate:
If they remove Nick, Jackson and Holly remove the next biggest physical comp threat that they are aware of. That means the chances that Jackson or Holly win any physical comps increases. Vetoes usually have a physical aspect.
Why keep the next biggest threat in any physical comp, when you can corner the market on winning them?
Given what they know (not what is… what they know), removing Nick breaks a threesome. It removes tempation for Nicole to turn. It breaks up Nick and Tommy. It makes it more possible to play centre with deals with a pair on either side.
Keeping Nick makes it harder for Holly and Jackson to control future events.
Yes, Christie needs to be evicted. So does Nick. His finals story is just as compelling, and he’s more likeable than she is. Likeability as social currency is big as the game continues.
True…with one exception. I think keeping Christie makes it harder for Holly and Michie to control future events. I think Nick is more apt to work with Michie and Holly in the near-term, because he has a good relationship with Michie. Eventually, he will obviously try and take Holly out. Whereas I think Christie will manhandle Tommy and do everything she can to try and take them out right away.
I hate to say it because I sooo want Christie gone, but you do have a Valid point for sure! The thing is though, Christie doesn’t have to win anything, she is very manipulative and she will get whoever wins the next HOH to put Holly and Michie up. Being a power couple they are in trouble no matter what, it just pisses me off that Christie and Tommy have a stronger bond that nobody even knows about !!
I think that’s the underlying thing with me…I have so much hatred for the fact that Tommy and Christie have this long relationship, yet cast stones at others who may or may not have one. Everyone else should be allowed to know. Tonight’s the night. What’s that dude, Hukamo or w/e? Christie Eviction Party tonight! hahahaha
Christie’s manipulation is pretty much dead in the water with Nicole, because Nicole doesn’t question Nick’s version of events. Cliff can’t so much be manipulated as bartered with. With only 7 left after Thursday only so much manipulation can work. She can likely twist Jess, but so can anyone.
That would make too much sense!
It’s really funny to hear Holly saying shes not controlling anything. Does she NOT get that being a good HOH means u ARE controlling things?? Or should be?
People get HOH to control what happens in the house and she can’t handle Jackson saying shes controlling how she likes to cook so she certainly can’t handle admitting that she can’t handle being HOH. (I mean how many comps have been thrown by people at this point? People fear the power instead of embracing it. Jackson is already planning to throw the next one)
We love it in BB universe when people become Johnny big balls when they r HOH…even if they r not a popular houseguest!!!
This house? They get HOH n hide in the HOH room!
The prank should be that Julie announces there will be no more HOH n America will get to vote who goes up. Just like we used to vote on the punishments and the type of slop they would eat.
I just don’t get why and the hell nobody has put up TT yet????? They better hurry up and put him up and get him out of that house ASAP!! NN should go this week and then put up CC and someone else who ever wins the veto pull someone off and back boor TT!! Get him out then CC will have no one. Put her up next and get her out. And then at that point as long as NN, TT, and CC are gone I could care less who wins. Just as long as those 3 are out of the house. Well let me back up. I honestly don’t want Jackson or Holly in the final!! I would like to see Cliff and Jess. I like Nicole but she has absolutely done nothing I haven’t seen her cook or clean. All Jackson and Holly have done is have sex. If I were the next HOH I would tell them I want totally different bedding!! After two weeks with them up there in that room it must stink to high heaven!! That must make Holly’s parents proud!!
I wish they would change the rules so we COULD vote them out. Like in the UK version the houseguests nominate, then the public get to vote who goes out of those nominees!
is anyone else having trouble with the CBS app? it looks different and keeps closing on its own after 10 or so minutes on the feeds…
It may have been the app. I thought I was having a bad connection and kept getting booted as well
Unless there is a pie being thrown or a clown behind the mirror there won’t be anything to post until Nick decides to “officially” campaign.