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HOH Part 1 Winner: Paul
HOH Part 2: Christmas Vs Josh (Saturday)
HOH Part 3: Paul Vs (winner of part 2)
12:25am – 12:50am Christmas – that went on longer than an hour. Good job! Paul – good job to you too. I am telling you if that went on much longer, I was out. Not by choice. Christmas – but it didn’t. If it was Kevin, he would have said he threw it. Christmas – Kevin would have been out in three minutes. Josh – I would have beat Kevin. Paul – Love you guys, that was awesome. Josh – do we (Josh & Christmas) compete tomorrow? Paul – no you compete Saturday. Congratulations on final 3 amigos. I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else. Josh – you want to know something. I didn’t know if I would make it this far but I always knew you two would make it far. I didn’t know top three but I knew you would make it far. Paul – you (Josh) didn’t even make it to when they really lengthened it. Christmas – that was not easy. Paul to Josh – you experienced level 2, then it went to level 3 and 4. Paul goes to the diary room.
Christmas – it wasn’t my foot that failed me, it was my grip. Christmas thanks the doctor for letting her compete. Paul comes back from the diary room. Paul – every week I thought I was going to be gone .. so the fact that this is happening .. I am in shock! For sure need therapy. Not kidding. Josh – I need therapy after. Christmas leaves the room.
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12:58am Paul and Josh in the kitchen.
Paul – Josh you have to win (part 2). Josh – what is it going to be? Mental / Physical? What is it going to be like days or? Paul – I don’t know. Josh – I’ll win it because she takes awhile to think but we have to study.
1:02am In the bedroom. Josh and Paul.
Paul – you’ve got to pull through. (and win part 2) (Paul wants to go to the final 2 with Josh) That was f**king close. Josh – I was scared. I was looking at the memory wall… and Jason, Alex and Kevin are going to vote for her. Paul – and Cody. I can’t have you panic, I can’t have you freak out. If you win Part 2, she is going to try and separate us. I am telling you now, no bullsh*t, we stand the best chance against each other. Josh – I know. Paul – hands down. Lock in this next comp. F**King gun it! Don’t gas out like you did in BB comics. Because in that last comp its luck and if I loose.. I don’t know who she is going to pull up. Josh – don’t worry I’ve got it. I think faster. Paul – you’re definitely better at mental comps.
1:30am Josh…
1:56 Bedroom. Paul to the camera.
Paul – I won part one and I secured my spot in part 3… and we’ll see what happens babies. Nine comp wins and 0 times on the block. F**king friendship!
2:08am Josh and Paul in the lounge.
Paul – If this fool pulls through .. then you’ll see us in the final 2 spot. Who would have thunk it. Josh – I love both of them and we’ll be friends outside of this but there is only one winner and 1 second place. And Christmas, she doesn’t mind… she is down with it. We couldn’t have a better situation. No?! Paul – I don’t think so but you’ve got to win in order for that to happen buddy. Josh – he needs to have a little bit of faith in me. He has no faith in me.
Paul – from this point forward you have to lock in your mind. I am telling you she is going to try and tell you… convince you.. She is going to tell me I am going to lose against you. She’s going to tell you that you’re going to lose against me. You’ve got to be ready for all angles. Don’t be fooled. If she doesn’t then all the more awesome to her. Paul – its going to be a mental / physical.. I’m telling you that right now.
2:50am Kitchen. Paul, Josh and Christmas.
Paul – I would have been a lot more crazy out there if it had been anyone else out there.. but I didn’t need to do that with you guys. They talk about past events of the season as they eat.
3:30am – 3:52am Josh and Christmas get into bed. They talk about the past house guests.

3:55am Bedroom. Paul and Josh.
Paul – I feel like if she loses, she’ll be like you two deserve it. But if she wins… I’ll f**King kill you! Lock it in Bro! We’re one step away and we secure our spot. Don’t let me down fool. We came too far. They’re (production) gassed up about it. They’re stoked. Josh – I talked to them about it. Paul – I did too. Don’t f**k it up because its dope! Christmas is the coolest chick ever. We’re lucky to be in this position. Josh – yeah. Paul – that’s why you need to win. Josh – when I see my family I am going to lose it. Its tripping me out that we’re walking out to society.
Paul – you’re lucky we didn’t get home clips. That sh*t would have f**ked you up. I can’t believe it dude .. if you win .. we’re done. Josh – you can’t show that. Paul – I know that fool. Or we could just be upfront with her. Josh – I don’t know .. whatever… after. Paul – lock it in. There are like two episodes left. Josh – I’ve never questioned anything you’ve told me. Paul – I would never do that fool… watch my season. Have I ever f**ked you? Other than in chess? Josh laughs. Paul – I might check you everyday. Josh – why? Paul – because you’re paranoid and emotional. Josh – you have nothing to worry about. Paul – I’ve got nothing to worry about, I’ve done my part. If she had won, we would have been f**ked. We’re you sh*tting? Josh – yeah.
4:30am All the house guests are sleeping..
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Did anyone else think it would be these Final 3 like 8 weeks ago? Since we had 5 straight weeks of throwing comps so no one really legit “earned” their HOH or veto. We all saw this coming. Ass-bag Paul had his pecking order & everyone got pecked. Expect the Unexpected? More like Unexpectedly Obvious.
I think Paul is going to win.
I’m hoping for Elena for AFP as she was the funnest of the bunch.
It should be an exciting final! Can Paul hang on and pull the biggest upset in BB history?
Will Christmas do something no one has done before, play with a broken leg and win Big Brother.
Will Josh surprise everyone and take Paul to the final and upset him?
OMG I cannot wait until finally night!
Share your excitement and predictions please.
It will probably be Cody as there are splits for Kevin and Jason
There are splits for Kevin and Cody, not Kevin and Jason.
i am from india and i just found out that i could vote too 2 days ago and since then i am voting for cody!!!!
first reason would be because it will piss arrogant and stupid people who are in jury and i would love to see their faces when this happens.
second reason is that i am huge fan of BB US and seen most of season and its so twisted and exiting to see what will happen next and who will make a big move or whose game will blow up or the blindsides (BTW i enjoyed alex and jason blindsides since they deserved it for playing so stupid and look on their face was priceless! ) but all that has happen this season is so predictable and boring after cody was evicted as i was skipping most of the episodes just to get through with it and be done. this was watchable and little exiting season only until halfway point before cody was evicted so like it or not it proves cody was the only factor this season was little entertaining and for that he deserves to be AFP and other houseguest deserve this slap on their face when they see cody was the favourite of everyone afterall.
CODY for AFP !!!!!!!
HEY Mihir! India .. how did you stumble upon all this?
Paul biggest Upset? This game was handed to him, if he wins is it really a shocker?? You knew the outcome each week because these morons saw him as a celebrity and did whatever he wanted them to do.
What’s wrong with you Fool? Nobody handed Paul anything Fool! Nobody threw comps Fool! Paul thought he was leaving every week Fool! Nobody thought he could get this far Fool! I hope Cody Fools his ASS when he leaves!
Elena??? what have you been smoing???
seriously, Raven has a better chance of winning AFP than Elena
No, Raven doesn’t have a chance of winning shit. Please don’t mention that spawn of Pennywise. It just brings horror and disdain to this thread.
Evidential YOU have been smoking… or should I say “smoing”… ahahah
‘Evidential’, you should make sure you don’t live in a glass house, throwing stones (making fun) at ‘smoing’ which was ‘evidential’ a simple keystroke error. While you may think your genius was ‘evidential’ on display with your correction, maybe you want to use the correct word (‘evidently’) before you do so.
Even your ‘ahahah’ is awkward you fruit loop dingus!
Kevin is such a class guy. He is a good dresser, and he is charming as well. He left in the best way of any of the evictees. He gets all my votes for AFP. I loved how Elena laughed at Raven in the jury house. Raven is the stupidest woman ever on BB, and she has no morals at all. She and Matt will likely vote for Paul, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the rest voted for whoever else is left with Paul. My room mate and I agree that the fix was in for Paul since day 1. That first “temptation” was probably arranged in advance so he could “go farther”. But, he still reminds me of Charles Manson. I also still think he should be on the terror watch list, and if he goes and buys a bunch of nuts and bolts or a pressure cooker, he should be immediately arrested. I really like Cory, and if it hadn’t been for that pre-arranged “temptation” for Paul, he might have won the whole game. He actually came to play the game, whereas the rest of the folks were so easily manipulated by the Master Manipulator (which is how terrorists behave). Elena and Mark are with Cody and I think Jason and Alex will also be with Cody. I think he would rather see Josh or Xmas win rather than Paul. I hope I’m right. My roomy and I will see about watching the celebrity show, but it better not be scripted like this one was. Some of it was so obvious it was ridiculous, like the lead in comments for some of the commercials. You Big Brother Script writers aren’t as smart as you think you are. It was so obvious! We are not stupid, just because we watch the show. You pull that carp again and you will be lucky to get any sponsors for this show. Oh, and I think Christmas and Paul have some sort of arrangement to link their 2 businesses after the show is over. It was likely in the works before the show started.
This was a disappointing season, but what would make it even more disappointing (yes, that’s possible) if Kevin won AFP. From when he entered the house, he was clearly ignorant of how BB works and was completely apathetic and not curious about learning what BB was all about. Then he puts on this ridiculous facade about being a Boston tough guy, ugh! No one bothered to target him because he was a complete waste of energy and his competitive skills were clearly non existent. He never aggressively played the game. I actually wanted to root for him at some point, but he never stepped it up, actually never even seemed to try. So, I’m wondering why did he even want to be in this game. He was a floater (another ugh!) Why would anyone reward him with AFP?Hopefully, next season we’ll have a cast who actually know what this game is all about and play hard to win.
Come on, Olivia. Use that brain you were given. Let me correct you on Kevin. This is easily verified, too! Kevin didn’t claim to be a Boston Bad Guy. His father is the person who was convicted and sent to prison, Not Kevin. He is married for 31 years TO THE SAME WOMAN and does have 7 daughters and a son. (Lots of utube videos). He never had the time in his life to become a Big Brother fan. The fans were his 2 daughters who are still at home (if not the older ones as well). He went to an open casting call along with 2 of his daughters who wanted to be on BB. He always dresses like he is applying for an executive job or a modeling assignment, as evidenced by his BB wardrobe (check out the closet picture of his suits). Any parent with kids of varying ages (7 of them) will understand that one parent is spending a lot of time playing taxi for the kids to go here and there, usually not the same activities and schedule. Back in my working days I didn’t have time for tv either. It was work, take kid to modeling classes, other activities, occasionally getting a night to go out when the kid was doing a sleep over at a friend’s house. Therefore, Kevin didn’t understand the game. He thought he was doing right to follow instructions from Paul, the Master Manipulator. He was responsible for the Gnome being there this year, so I guess he might have thought Paul would be grateful and not steer him wrong. Kevin never thought he would win. He was just doing as scripted. He never intentionally did anything to hurt somebody, though he did defend himself once when Josh was verbally attacking his family (at Paul’s direction). As far as any contestant should know what the game is all about before they agree to be on the show goes, that it ridiculous! A lot of folks have been on the show who had never seen it or only seen one or two episodes because they were busy living life.
We’ll just have to agree to disagree, granny. Kevin’s no saint. He said some pretty awful things also. He was also one of Paul’s minions, admitting he was the most loyal to Paul. On the other hand, Cody was not one of Paul’s minions and it would drive Paul insane if he won AFP.
Granny, have you forgotten Kevin was giving tips on how to cheat?
Granny, have you forgotten Kevin was giving tips on how to cheat?
Granny your posts are too long for BB19-misted brain-numbed fans to read.
Josh and Paul final two…votes will be 4-4 and Cody will be the last vote for the drama…book it..
He’s already said he’s voting for Paul.
Cody did say that to Julie the night he left the house. But last night in the Jury House, he was shaking his head in disgust seeing and hearing about Paul’s antics. I think if it is a bitter Jury, he might be convinced to vote against Paul with the majority. Should be interesting to see how that unfolds.
Forget the thumbs down. YOU vote for YOUR favorite player. I didn’t care for Elena but she was the best and funniest in the jury house segment. She was calling everybody out on their shit.
It’s not an upset when Paul literally ran the house.
Who cares if Christmas wins with a broken leg? Eddie won with only one leg.
If Josh makes it to final 2 with Paul he’ll probably win because the jury will vote based on their personal feelings not ga me play.
Paul came in and showed the other houseguest how to manipulate the game. He concinved them that production is the enemy and got everyone on board to throw the comps and not partake in the twists. Not a single one of them believe that the tree could benefit their game in anyway and they were too reliant on Paul to get then through the summer. All of them too scared to get blood on their hands and make enemies
That tree was used wrong by CBS. Should have been after nominations, not before.
He played the Dan Gheesling game and look what happened to him in the finals. We’ll see.
He didn’t play the Dan Gheesling game. Dan was many things but if there was bullying to be done he did it himself
yup lol
Has anyone heard whether Josh used the pots and pans on Kevin?
So I was rewatching my favorite part of the Jury segment. The part about Raven being a puppet master and helping Paul pull strings, and Mark says we all were. Did anybody else see the amount of respect Cody got after saying “Not me”. Literally everybody but Maven was all over his game play. I really think that Cody will decide who wins.
Paul deserves to win this game as he maneuvered all the other players like chess pieces, out-smarting everyone!
I agree with you Paul did play everyone with all his moves. I just have a real hard time rewarding someone that kind of money for that horrific behaviour. I know it’s a game but the level Paul went to was way beyond necessary game play. He didn’t care what he had to do, even if it meant breaking someone down mentally. He didn’t care about Josh’s mental state, which I thought he might actually have a mental break down and have to leave the game. As long it was getting Paul ahead in the game he was all about using Josh to get further ahead while watching Josh crumble. I’ll be interested to see how Josh feels about Paul after when he sees how Paul shit talked about him earlier in the game. On another note Raven claiming to be a puppet master was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in every season of BB and BBCAN. That girl is nuts haha
Yeah but Josh was going to backdoor Paul had he not won the POV they all talked crap behind others backs
I’m not sure how serious Josh was about doing that. THe show made it sound like it was going to but on the feeds I felt he was torn but still loyal to the gnome.
Simon… if Josh wins final HOH, do you think he’ll take xmess and cut Paul? What are the odds?
That’s a tough questions.. I think he’ll take the groundhog and cut the gnome.
If judged by results, Paul has played one of the better games in BB history.
It has also been the least entertaining. I gave up watching some time ago.
But there is no way really to deny that Paul has played well.
Raven is used to be the puppet master in her life long scams on society and just thinks she’s still doing well at. Unfortunately, were not from Arkansassy and it doesn’t work on us.
I think arkanshitty applies to her as well as shitmas applies to the other one..
You are absolutely right. He is a horrible person. He didn’t win, I wouldn’t say he manipulated anyone, they just handed it to him. This is why I quit watching. Why waste my time. I would love to know how all the couples feel about voting Cody out now? What about Alex? He wanted to take her to the end. Can’t believe Josh thinks America loves them. Blech!
Yes, he does deserve to win this game. There are many ways to win this game, and Paul, JOsh, and Xmas revealed how to win with little to no ethical standards.
Yup! ITA. Little to no ethical standards, no suspense, and minimal strategy required. A basic hate-fueled steamroll by NOT the underdog. Hence the backlash against Paul even though he most deserves to win. He made a fool of the game.
It didn’t take much to outsmart these players. Most players in the past would not have fell for his shananigans. I think they had to take an IQ test for dummies to be on this season. What a disappointment BB19 has been!
Minions chosen by AG probably by psychological tests as being rule followers and obedient to authoritarian figures.
Let’s hope Paul’s season ends like Vanessa’s. third place. Come on Josh and Christmas. Clip the gnome
Ouch. “Hater”, you got us really bad. Ill feel that burn for weeks.
If Josh wins part 2 and part 3 he will definitely take xmas.
Part 2 is usually physical, so Xmas might not even play. Part 3 is always what did the jury say questions.
isn’t part two a combo, oh, i know like that find the pieces then climb the wall and put the pieces in the right place? so you have to be able to do it physically, but the main thing is know your dates in the first place. in physical things like that his bulk is his disadvantage, which is why he ended up first off in the first part of endurance comp. xmas is lighter and more agile in spite of the foot, so unless the foot hampers her movement it will be about her speed memory, which i think from all the comps thrown to her based on that she doesn’t have. so josh is right, he is quicker than her on that part.
for the tv drama factor and the fact that josh is the only one who has consistently talked about getting paul out if he wants to win, having josh be the decider and clipping paul at #3 would be great to see. also josh has a better shot at winning over xmas. whether paul ‘deserves’ to win or not, that to me, just like when neda ‘deserved’ to win, the fact is you want to win you win the final part 3 comp, and then you deserve to win. that’s also why dan G didn’t deserve to win, don’t care how you get there if you are only chosen to go further in order to get there, it means that the other person deserves and earned it more than you did.
Paul deserves to win, as he played every other houseguest like a chess piece!
Production played every other house guest like a chess piece… I dont understand the Paul worship… Paul was given HUGE advantages that would have helped anyone out play the rest. Production played the viewers as well. The “acting” was almost unwatchable this season… they have even scripted the jury house… the look on Matts face last night when Elena asked him “why would you get rid of Kevin”, Matts shocked look… was not believable at all… completely scripted. Paul has even lied to the viewers when talking to the camera about his game play… the idiot thinks we dont know what is going on from the live feeds … There is no need to lie to the viewers… I would have preferred to just find something better to do with my time than watch a rigged game all summer full of vile mean people … how can anyone celebrate the winner when you are left with these assholes? Im committed to seeing this season out… but next season… nope.
Cody and Jess were given big advantages too. They blew it.
that is not all she “blew”
Right!? I don’t understand the down votes when you say something that is absolutely true.
Doesn’t fit the “Paul was the only one who had production help” narrative. The hive mind has spoken and no amount of facts will change it.
The DRs are now used by production to further the storylines. They are coached, lead, and in some cases just scripted to try to create interest. Many former cast members have said the DRs are not their own thoughts and that production has them repeat lines either they thought of or production feeds them in order to push a story. The DRs haven’t been a cast members game insights for years but just another tool production has to paint the picture they want.
Paul’s entire game/season was a complete joke.
Non game related, give butters our love
Worst season ever! Raven and Matt, puppet masters?? Her pacemaker must be set too high! They are all delusional. I couldn’t stand Cody but now I see he may be the only smart one in the bunch.
Yea Raven thing she is the “puppet master” but those were NOT strings she spent all summer pulling and tugging on.
Lol. If only Mark said that during last night’s episode. That would almost make the season worth while…. almost.
I lmao watching Ravens delusional view of the season. Matt sitting there chewing on his mustache with that blank , clueless look on his face was priceless. I could almost see a dimly lit light bulb starting to flicker over his tiny head. Just absolutely the dumbest, most clueless, nasty cast in BB history. Oh let’s just wait and watch reality set in when the show is over. They just might choose to stay in denial of their behavior.
YUP, so smart he made the very first BAD move of the season. Let’s give him 25k for doing nothing. I swear y’all give him way too much credit, I can understand if they made smart moves, but that never happened ONCE. I would give him credit for wanting Paul out if he tried to put Paul up right away, but he tried to put Paul up after being forced to put up 4 people in a single week, it was a spur-of-the-moment last minute emotional decision, wasn’t smart in any way shape or form. Like I’ve said before “Right IDEA WRONG week”… I like seeing the people claiming it was the protection, no fools, it was because Paul was a familiar face, a vet”, the numbers wasn’t voting him out 1st week. A supposed “fan” would know Production always protects vets the first few weeks, either through DR manipulation, coach, but this time around since Paul was alone(which was a terrible idea), he got a physical power, Cody probably watched the show ,but never really paid attention.
To take a vet like Paul out, Cody needed his alliance, he needed to plan, but he rushed it & failed. But no seriously, let’s give the man 25k I mean he was playing a vicious game of grab-ass with Jessica & got outta bed for the occasional confrontation when it was too late, AFP worthy moves.
At least Cody tried — unlike the other losers. Production really put the final nails in his coffin.
Tried what? Tried to get Jessica pregnant, maybe! Because he certainly didn’t try anything game wise. He didn’t campaign or fight for his BB life. He rolled over and died for a girl he met a few days earlier. Cody did not make one smart move. He just had a vendetta against Paul even before he went in. He had absolutely no interest in this game. People like Cody just because he went against a player that we all dislike also. Not because he did anything in the game. It would be an embarrassment to give such a person AFP. Oh well.
Cody did it in he smartest way possible. He knew he could get his easily led alliance back on board after Paul was on the block. Much easier and smarter than telling them ahead of time and risking Paul find out. His secret immunity ruined the game.
Cody was a Marine and understands operational security, which means not running your yap, limiting the number of people who could compromise the plan. Sure Cody kept his cards too close to the vest but in a house full of tattletales and conflicting loyalties, what was he supposed to do? He also said at the time he was trying to protect his core members from blowback, but instead Paul managed to shame his alliance into abandoning him. It would have worked if Paul didn’t have his secret production safety.
That’s BS Cody had no control over his alliance once Paul walked through that door. If he had control Xmas would’ve been evicted. Y’all keep trying to make it seem like Cody was smart. The protection did nothing, the HGs was excited that a familiar face they all knew were playing with them so Paul wasn’t going nowhere he already had the HGs aka the numbers manipulated BEFORE Cody attempted to put Paul up, Paul never told nobody about the protection. Cody had no power over them, that’s why he went with the move without telling his alliance, but it hurt him. Remember after the vote Cody threw a mild tantrum because he couldn’t get his way further pushing his alliance into Paul’s hands. So please, explain to me again how the move was “smart”?
What should he have done then oh Grand Wizard of Big Brother?
Your comment contradicts itself. You said you’d give Cody credit if he’d put Paul up first thing and then you turn around and admonish him for not knowing that production protects vets the first few weeks. If he’d known that then putting the gnome up early wouldn’t have made a difference other than put a target on his back which it ultimately did.
Paul deserves to win the game as he played all the house guests like chess pieces.
Paul should win this game as he strategically played all the houseguests like chess pieces.
So, how are you related to Paul? You are posting the same thing with variations of the same name. you are clearly here with an agenda. That’s sad that this is your life.
Chritsmas: Paul should win this game as he strategically strategized all the strategy strangeness.
It would be great if Josh wins the final HOH and takes Christmas instead of Paul! Listening to Paul brag about how everything has gone his way is awful! Not a Josh fan but he could easily win against Christmas.
And the jury would vote for Josh to win if he takes out Paul.
That would be fantastic. Let Josh win and vote out Xmas so she can vote for Paul is how Paul thinks. It would be the perfect time to get Paul out and would definitely let the jury vote for Josh, even though Little Huey was and is crazy and not well liked.
Paul deserves to win. This is a really hard game. I have watched it every single season since season 1. In all the years there have been very few players who did what Paul did. He never let his guard down the entire summer. He planned every single move and studied each person to figure out what he needed to do in order to get them to follow him. And he was successful. All those players followed Paul because they were too scared to do it in their own and they ducked under his wing for safety. Insane how he got so many people to do every move he wanted for that long. You have to give him credit. I can’t stand how Josh would bully about anyone to the point of break and then the second someone said anything he back he crumbled in tears – it was pathetic. Christmas just followed Paul I think because she couldn’t compete in many comps and Paul was her safety net. He seriously worked hard all summer long to win this. The others had so many moments to just relax while Paul strategize non stop.
Paul worked hard…are you kidding?! Production made everything easy for him! 3 weeks of safety was total BS!! I hope Josh or Christmas win!!! Paul can take 3rd place and suck a$$!!! Raven…you made yourself look like the dip$hit you truly are! Puppet master LMAO!!!
Paul also deserves it for holding Joshs hand ALL season. I swear if I see him break down crying one more time I’m going to vomit. His weakness makes me sick. He constantly needed Paul and Xmas to be consoling him. Absolutely disgusting. If he wins over Paul I will not watch again.
Everyone did what Paul wanted because they are fame whores.
Regarding Raven saying she was the puppet master….
Raven do you know the sky is blue and the grass is green?
No, no, no they ain’t! God gave me a special ability to see only colors from heaven. I tell y’all they are NOT blue and green. I know! My gastrotongueitis and God work together to help me see the truth!
She is definitely showing her true colors now! I couldn’t stomach to listen to her when they showed the jury house. I hope she and her family has a major wake-up call after this. TRASH TRASH TRASH.
Dan played a game where he appeared weak and back stabbed his allies (if you’re talking about bb14). It was Dan like, but more like a bully cult leader using his playbook. Dan owned his actions though, and Paul didn’t, so I have no idea how this bitter (and stupid) jury will vote but he has done poor jury management when Julie TOLD the entire house no one is coming back in. Paul should have owned his actions, and it may bite him in the ass.
I’m hoping Paul is trying to get Josh to win part 2, so that he can let Josh win part 3 and vote out Christmas securing her jury vote for him. If anyone has been paying attention, that will be Paul’s fatal error that will get him out at final 3.
Omg that would be amazing!
I have faith that Xmas will throw the comp to Josh………………….after all, she is coming back next year, and has already stated she will be a bigger b****………………….oh yippee, I can hardly wait!! (vomit)
If Josh wins parts 2 and 3, I can see Xmas talking Josh into taking Paul………………….what a season, you gotta love it……………….all the suspense!! (wretching)
How do you know she’s coming back?
Big Brother’s tag line this year should’ve been “Expect the Expected”.
What a bogus season. What a fiasco. The players got screwed by Gnome Beard and the fans got screwed by Gnome Beard. What dreadful casting. There was a crucial private talk in the APSR between Josh & Paul very early on in the game – something like Josh saying he wasn’t going to hold it against Paul for not getting a Friendship bracelet. And then Josh said, I trust you completely, just tell me what you need me to do. I think that was when Paul saw Josh as his path to the end – in that moment when Josh pledged his loyalty. Then when X began coaching the Fool and making sure he didn’t crack up, Paul saw how the three of them could possibly make it to the end. Gnome Beard as the brains, Josh as the Fool and X as the Lame Underdog. Everything else was smoke and shit talk a la Gnome Beard. I don’t blame him for thinking he’s brilliant but I sure don’t have much respect for him any more. Too creepy.
Thanks for reminding me of that Josh and Paul meeting where Josh pledged to go with Paul to the end even though he didn’t get a friendship bracelet. I think your analysis of the Gnome’s thinking after that is exactly as you stated. Also, the Xmas assignment to keep the fool somewhat calm. And, yes it is creepy!!! Maybe the whole show was a audition for a “cult” horror flick where the gnome is the “puppet master”, thought there is a red head there who thinks she is in charge. Yep!! “That’s the ticket!”
” Expect the Expected” has ALWAYS been the hidden tagline to the audience that pays close attention. When they brought Rachel back season 13 & helped her win, that’s when I was sold on Production’s Manipulation to get certain HGs to the win, so I’m not surprised or whining about them picking 15 dumb HGs(yes cat people that includes Jody) to make bad moves to lead Paul to the 500k. He will win, no doubt, Production worked too hard to get him there. Notice how Production didn’t try to sway the HGs to go against Paul like they’ve done before.
How can anyone be upset with how Paul played the game, especially since he went in as a target. They had to give him safety to make it interesting. It is not his fault everyone did as he wanted. I guess having a social game and being able to get people to do things to benefit you is not part of this game! Paul definitely in my eyes played the best game by far socially and winning when he needed to…. whether it be getting people to throw comps or winning them. This is not example of bullying this is playing a game that is and has always been about screwing people over.
I don’t call isolating hg* and bullying them game play. He was a tyrant. He is completely gross and I hope he gets 3rd. The HG were a bunch of Paul’s groupies so of course they worshipped him. Get more IF like Cody and Jessica and it would have went the opposite way
If it weren’t for Cody, Jessica would have been right up Paul’s ass just like everyone else. Cody played “his own game” because he is not a sociable person and can’t get along with people. He has zero personality.
EXACTLY, Cody was never going to play Big Brother, he just wanted to make waves. Listening to some of the vile comments that came outta Jessica’s mouth she was no doubt going to be part of the gang, but the showmance thing got her tied up with Cody, so she had not much of a choice but to run with that what c I why she didn’t listen to Cody when he said let him be evicted & save the hex for herself.
Cody saw early on he was fighting a losing battle with the cards (hg) he was dealt. Those people were vile. Paul orchestrating gang tormenting antics is not strategy. It is not game play.. it’s not “playing ” a good strategic game. It was horrible to watch. Nothing entertaining about it.
Absolutely! She would have been showmancing Paul.
I don’t think Paul deserves to win. If he had just controlled the house guest & played them, I would fully back him. Paul took this game to a level that he didn’t have to do. I can not & will not support attacking people for the game. I know he only talked those idiots into doing it but he encouraged it. He didn’t do it to win BUT just for show. It’s not right & im sick of people trying to justifying this sick behavior. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE! He has run that mouth all summer about people, talking shit about them that doesn’t matter. Paul thinks he’s that no matter what he does people love him cause he was on big brother last year. Is he crazy! It’s just a f#*king reality show! Everybody thinks raven is crazy but Paul is off his damn rocker!!
I can see the hate being dished out to Paul but people it is a game. Last season he should have won but the players were sore and did not vote fair. The same this season…they will not be fair because they too or sore just like you…more haters. Guys it just a game. Paul played the game like the first and second BB.
It’s a game but you can still play with a little human decency. I can appreciate good strategic game play but what Paul did in instigating bullying against everyone is beyond game play. Paul is nothing but an arrogant bully and I honestly don’t see him winning this game as the jury has to wake up and see what kind of game he played. I see the votes as Cody, Jason, Mark, Elena and Alex as voting against Paul. And in all honesty, the only way Paul can win is if he brings Shitmas to the final 3. She did absolutely nothing and was just as much of a bully as Paul was, but with no game play whatsoever.
I would have been fine with 3 weeks of safety, it was making it a secret safety that ruined Codys game and the whole season. No one was brace enough to make a big move since.
What do you mean??? Paul getting 3 weeks of safety was like winning 3 separate temptations ….. one to be used for 3 straight weeks. No other temptation winner got nearly that much power. Production set him on the course to win during his first week in the house.
Paul already played the game and knew what to do to get to the end. That’s where it is unfair. He was one up on the rest and then got the save for 3 weeks. He manipulated them all(except for Cody) and yes he played the game over the rest. He should have been brought back in a show with other vets from BB, not with people who never played the game.
Paul was a vet coming in and the only vet. Yes a target. But I wouldn’t doubt that he negotiated for all that safety before agreeing to be on the show. Most returning vets only get one week safety So how did Paul end up with so much? He musta had lots of leverage going in for some reason….
If vets have to have the deck stacked for them in order to make it interesting, there shouldn’t be any vets. Also, Paul’s late game manipulations weren’t bullying. His early game mob scenes were.
Even if Satan played the best game, I still don’t want him to win the money.
Yes.Agreed. Evil Sick was Quite evil …rude gross pots and pans and yet he was idolized and glorified when he won the game. He was a huge disgusting bully. People were afraid to go against him too. He directly and indirectly intimidated people and did not deserve that win in my opinion just as disgusting as Paul’s behaviour.
Josh or Xmas for the win.. not that I had much to choose from. Josh cuz he is the only one who figured out Paul and did not get evicted cuz he kept his mouth shut.
Hopefully he will spill all the enchalada beans on finally night when he is giving his speech to jury members.
His goodbye messages could just get him the win as he exposed Paul to Jason and Kevin. Let this predicatable season be over already.
Thank you Simon and Dawg for toleratating this uneventful season of BB. Much appreciated. 😉
I doubt Josh’s goodbye speech will be against Paul, because Manson will tell/write his speech for him. The only peace of mind is in the end when these people get out and finally see how their behavior was seen by America. All these Paul Charles Manson and Xmess fans just drank his Kool aid, so they need a reality check alsol. Any human that thinks the trash that Paul and X dished out is OK also needs to rinse out their own mouths. cuz if the aid don’t get em karma will???????
I really don’t think Paul is as good a player as he’s perceived. I think the morons he’s playing with are dumb as hell and made it too easy for him.
Yeah, but Paul worked it every hour of every day. Unlike the flippers and floaters and creeps.
Paul is a good active player. Here is the question, he hid behind others to let them cast the vote to evict, fine, own it Josh or Xmas, tell the jury that yeah I voted you out Alex and Jason, you two were the best competitors in this house. Paul, don’t look to him he hid behind me while I took all the heat, I won comps, vetos and cast votes to evict, sometimes even breaking ties…. I deserve to win. Paul you are coming in second again.
that’s what i object to as well. his playing off the goodbye messages, like oh no not my fault, not me, i didn’t do that. well if you did not orchestrate the removal of good competitors and others who had the potential to beat you, then how are yoiu going to take the credit later for having done that all along. xmas is doing the same thing (or maybe she isn’t, the edit hack job on her goodbye to kevin was really fishy, like random words from edited complete sentences to make one single statement? seriously?), but neither xmas or paul are doing what josh is doing, which is to say, flat out, yes, i did that, because i am part of a solid group of 3 and we’ve been working together from day whatever and every single thing has gone exactly as planned, other than alex won an hoh and stayed one eviction longer.
Maybe Xmas is saying in her goodbye message the same things as Josh eg alliance of 3 with Paul from the beginning etc. but production edits it out. Also what were Alex’s goodbye messages about? And why the delay with exit interviews for her?
The jurors get to ask questions and I hope one asks Paul who he voted out. His goodbye messages were mainly that he didn’t know they were going. So if someone asks that, either he blows up all those messages or says he did not have a clue who was going most weeks.
Exactly! They were star struck idiots just here to become famous and we’re too afraid to not listen to him out of fear he wouldn’t like them or that he would start bullying them.
Production helped Paul too much and scared the minions into protecting him.
Aka: I don’t like Paul so I’m not going to aknowledge the fact he played a great game.
Like Dr. Will said:
Anyone who is unhappy with Paul’s game is, again, jealous.
I don’t believe anyone is jealous of Paul. Paul has nothing for anyone to be jealous of.
People do not like Paul for all of the advantages he was given by AG, no other vets were given those advantages. He knew Raven and Xmas, (there might of been others) 4 weeks of safety, AG casted people who wanted to be stars and were told this was a good way to achieve their goals, they had no interest in playing the game let alone winning $500,000. (that is the part that really gets to me……..why didn’t they want the money, makes you wonder what they were promised) Paul was getting information from the DR, Paul, Xmas, and Josh have let it slip. (you could tell that people were reading what they were supposed to say…………..(Alex even mentioned it) But last but not least…………….Paul’s attitude, he enjoyed tormenting, and belittling people, he enjoyed getting others to torment and belittle people. (think Raven, Josh, and Xmas, and their screaming matches at Cody and Jessica) Paul had no entertainment value this year, (he was very jealous of Kevin and his stories.) When someone admits they are a psychopath, and are pretty happy about it, I think that tells you all you need to know about that person.
As far as Dr. Will is concerned ………..he is getting paid to say that. It was reported he would be going to the JH to talk to the people.
Jealous of Paul? Like Andy Herron he’ll go down in infamy. I’d rather be poor than sell my soul to the devil.
I’m not a Paul fan, but as far as I remember, didn’t Danielle get the Golden Key with 4 weeks of Safety in Season 13? and maybe some others as well?
The difference in this 4 weeks of safety is that it was SECRET
safety… that screwed the first person to put him up… and that person also had already been screwed by a player he nominated walking out the door so he was forced to nominate 5 people THE VERY FIRST WEEK. Production over played this season and did so obviously… How does a girl with a broken foot who has been told she can not compete in most competitions win a FOOT RACE …. due to everyone throwing the competition and you not think this season has not been overly rigged?
Exactly, these people weren’t even interesting enough to deserve jury house segments, they just showed the houseguests coming in one quick segment last night. Paul thinks he played a great game, but who is even going to remember him? This season was just boring, predictable, and forgetable.
Ppl sat paul is a matermind (which obviously he’s leading every person/sheep to their slaughter ) but lets be real here they are all IDIOTS! None of them have a mind of their own and their complete brainless followers. Id give him mad credit if he got ppl who were intelligent and strong minded/leaders to follow him blindly. If he could do this in a house full of ppl like dr will, evel dick, derrick, dan etc then THAT to me would say something!!! But right now ok cool hes in a house with a bunch of morons and they listen to his every word, production knew he was coming in and probably asked ppl “would you team up with a vet & trust them?” Etc etc and they picked these sheep knowing it would help paul make it far. Remember that 3 weeks of safety wasn’t for nothing, he was the horse production bet on! Lol
I know now that big brother is rigged. I really don’t care who wins, but I will vote for Jason, as AFP, but that’s going to be rigged also.
If we look at Paul’s game we’ll see the set up clearly. A lone vet comes in with the power to keep 8 folks plus himself safe. That creates a perception by the house guests that Paul is in control. Then in the first competition there was a safety apple which more than likely was intended for Paul but Josh took it. The first temptation came and it was 3 weeks of secret safety. Not only did it appear the voting was crunched into just a couple days so they could give it out before the first nominations but at that point, the only person the majority of BB fans knew was Paul. Paul was guaranteed that prize. I believe had Paul gotten the apple then voting would have stayed open longer giving Paul 4 weeks of safety through 5 evictions. It seems production also used the DR sessions to instill in the other house guests the idea that those “friendship” bands meant something long term. Paul’s constant talking of helping the guys with meet and greets is very similar to Vanessa offering cash which production tried to shut down.
I’ve made the comparison several times, Paul is like the Globetrotters and the rest of the cast the Generals…except no where near as fun to watch.
Were there any alliances that came up with names this year? I don’t remember hearing about a “Brigade” or a “Chilltown”?
This just didn’t feel like Big Brother this season.
The Misfits?
Paul, X-Mas, Josh…is what Xmas and Josh call their alliance..not sure if Paul does but they include him in it. lol
Thats the only Alliance name I heard.
Other than that it really was David Koresh and Waco Texas Cult like following.
PAUL=KORESH and Everyone Else(but Jody) WACOS! total Hypnotized WHACKJOBS!!!
Paul kept referring to his alliance with Alex as AMF but I have no idea what that stood for.
AMF = All Mighty F***Ups
I thought it was about a popular drink in LA, like a blue Long Island Ice Tea, called the Adios MotherF**ker. Tasty.
I know now that Big Brother is rigged. I really don’t care who wins, but I will vote Jason, AFP, but I guess that’s rigged also. This is my last time watching Big Brother after 19 seasons. This is my opion, make your own.
so ur not watching CELEB BIG BROTHER I guess eh?
R is for Rude
I is for Idiotic
G is for Guff
G is for Gangster wannabe
E is for Egregious
D is for Douchebags
Gee what a shock. Production is “stoked” about Paul winning. Yeah we get it.
Production is the devil.
Friday show tonite…so we will see Part 1 of HOH…
I hope the rest is all Jury House…as I don’t want to see clips from this idiotic season unless they are going to show the REAL CLIPS that shows the GANG BULLYING AND HARASSMENT orchestrated by Paul..and performed by XMas, Josh, Alex and Raven..
show the viewers the Truth!!! (viewers that didnt have feeds and only know what they were given on the tv episodes)
Also theres no need to show anything to do with Ramses, Cameron, Dominique and Megan!
Hate to break it to you, but it’s that stupid episode where they learn a script and talk about the season. The HOH will be shown only at the last minute.
I think we would love fo America to see Bully Paul and Bully Christmas. But it will never happen. CBS has rules that don’t apply to Paul and Christmas. Paul slapped Josh in the face. You are not allowed to hit another houseguest. Christmas threatened to kill families. CBS let them bully whoever they wanted.
They are probably paid differently than everyone else. Just a guess. If so please pay Christmas now so we don’t have to have her back.
If Josh beats Xmas in part 2….and he somehow gets lucky and beats Paul in the Scale comp. He IS taking Xmas to F2 and not Paul.
Paul will beat him on the scale though.
But if not. 3rd place for Paul.
By the way if Xmas beats Josh part 2 she will take Paul to F2 if she wins the Scale. Paul beats either of them in F2. But his only chance of not getting there is Josh getting final HOH.
Josh would win vs. Xmas jury votes.
Go Josh!
***I Found Out What Kevin Whispered To Christmas On His Way Out Last Night***
Right on Kevin!!! lol 🙂 (wishful thinking)
He came in the house with a purpose… to win the game! How he went around doing it was painful to see in tv. The bullying was uncalled for. But at the end of the day, he played a flawless game!
Hate Paul all you want, but he played the best game. The minions that followed him are to blame for his advancement.
Cody for AFP never!
He was given the game. The only one who was playing the game was Cody. So many things against Cody as HOH, Megan leaving, Christmas breaking her foot and being allowed back and Paul given 4 weeks of immunity. Production wanted Paul to win and put obstacles in the way of the only person playing the game. Sorry say what you want about Cody but he played and deserves to be AFP
Cody was one of the main reasons Megan left! Xmas breaking her foot has nothing to do with Cody. Sorry, he had help too! Advantage of playing the pre jury buy back comp twice, jess’ hex, etc. I don’t understand your logic. Cody brought his eviction on himself. Twice.
Not a Paul fan. He played better than what was there if there were a few players that wanted to play the game were there things would be different
Does anyone else ever feel like Cody is acting when he is completely stone face. Mainly in DR’s I didn’t feel that way with clips in the house. But sometimes in his interviews he is saying something that he’s suppose to be stone cold about and seems like he’s about to smile. It’s just seemed that way a few times to me
Much as I don’t like part of Paul’s game they all fell for it. How apropo if Xmas is the next to get snowed!
At this point, Orwell for America’s Favorite Player.
Not watching this nightmare on Wednesday. I can only hope if enough people don’t watch…and the ratings for the finale are horrible….CBS might get that this season was stinko.
Kevin for AFP!
Give me bracelets to line up a working team for me
Give me 4 weeks of immunity
Give me the help of the Producer OF THE FRIGGIN SHOW
Give me strategy tips in the DR
Have Production dissuade HGs from plotting to target or back door me
Re-do the same competitions I did last year
Yeah, I think I could have run the house and made final 3 too….
The rest of this is really not worth watching. Does anybody really expect that Josh would win the jury votes over Paul? Does anybody really expect Christmas would win the jury votes over Paul? Doesn’t really matter if he deserves it or not, there’s no beating Paul at this point.
FYI.. no Dr Will roundtable this year. This could spell ubber biter jury.
Uhhhhh, now this really feels like Christmas, the real Christmas! LOVE the sound of a bitter jury!
I read just 2 days ago that he was coming in, from one of the entertainment programs.
He tweeted out he’s not doing the roundtable. He might do something else then.
Even if she wasn’t sure, Christmas should have reassured Josh when he promised to take her to final 2, if it came down to choosing. Instead, she let him know, “I can’t promise that.” That let him know that the “loyalty” was one-sided, and gave Josh permission NOT to choose her. Not unlike Alex, Christmas is counting on her “alliance” with Paul. Now she has to beat both Josh AND Paul and that’s just not something Paul will allow to happen. He can’t control Round 2, but Paul clearly does not want to face the jury with Christmas by his side.
Why I’m voting for Cody as AFP? Actually it was 3 that I had on my list. Kevin, Jason and Cody as the game progressed. Kevin was my first choice after several weeks, then Jason. Cody I considered after seeing Jason as just another follower or minion of Paul, putting people up who Paul wanted. He also could never break away from Alex. So basically Alex and Paul controlled Jason thoughts and behavior. His remark on Kevin family clinched I could never consider him as a candidate for AFP. As to Kevin, sure he took a brunt of abuse and loneliness in the house and knew were it was coming from. But yet, being Paul’s follower he never would break away, nor accomplished anything in the house. Paul used him to get strong people out thinking each time it would be Kevin. Kevin knew it, and just accepted whatever Paul wanted, Kevin did or followed instructions. Kevin never once spoke up and asked why. He would do nor did. Nothing that make for a 25,000.00 bonus. As to the rest, except for Mark who was the biggest Flip-Flopper this Season, and admitted same, was a competitor yes, but would suck up to anyone or switch sides to stay even toward the final did nothing outstanding.
Now, and actually, Cody, why did I pick him for my AFP award? Cody wasn’t perfect, but he saw Paul and Paul building different alliances, and to get Paul out early seeing how he played previous season and loyalty meant nothing to Paul. He was a competitor, he was under a lot of pressure from almost everyone of Paul’s minions after his failed attempt because of BBs gift to Paul of 3 weeks immunity. He was bullied and harassed, yet maintained a self discipline pretty good, but there is a limit. He fought his way back into the house, taking 2 other down, then the star and minions had their star try to stop Cody’s re-entry. I must say, I was impressed and probable the only highlight of the season, and best televised show was Cody winning back a place into the house by beating the minions champion.
After Cody’s second eviction, Paul still brought up Cody’s name in almost a daily ritual and of his hate for the man. Many time’s making stuff up to further creep the minions dislike for Cody.
So, Cody made errors, but he wasn’t one of Paul’s minions. Now Jason and Kevin, both who worshipped the ground Paul walked on, and never questioned to him, why. Paul used, both, when he had used them and they no longer served a purpose were discarded.
Cody gave us hope, and still disturbed Paul weeks after being voted out. Was a strong player. Had in one day battle 3 opponents and won, is my choice for AFP.
yes… all of that… and his exit walking across the coffee table and his brutal honesty to julie when he left!
I don’t think Josh is buying it, that he can beat Paul. I think Paul’s only flaw is pumping up Josh right now. I think he should be trying to pump up Christmas even if he plans on taking Josh if he wins part 3. Because Christmas will take Paul, It’s about 50/50 that Josh will. If Josh really wants to win the game he will take out Paul final 3, it always comes down to the question do you want 2nd place or do you want to win $500,000 in this game at the end. If Josh wants $50,000 and friendship he will take Paul if he wants to win the game he will take Christmas and win $500,000! Josh must take the shot if able!
Remember though, Josh said he doesn’t really care if he wins or comes in second, or even third, he will show he’s “loyal”.
I like how now Josh views everything that comes out of Paul’s mouth as a potential lie and manipulation. Even when Paul is being totally honest. Cody and Josh two of the meatballs actually turned out to be smarter than most of the other houseguest this season.
Raven…..Roflmao!! Puppet master ?hilarious!
Paul didn’t work hard at game play….just at being a douche! Production made it easy for him!
I hope Josh or Christmas take it Paul can take 3rd and cry ? like the fool that he is! GUMPY LOSER!! ?
Now that the end is near, time for a post-mortem, that is LESSONS LEARNED, for the benefit of Production AND future generations of Houseguests:
1. No more recycling of previous HGs, NOT EVEN ALL-STARS. They’ve all had their shot and it is past time to move on. There are thousands of people about whom we know nothing, who are waiting in line to be on the show. Bring on the fresh, new faces. If we’re to expect the unexpected, we can’t do that if we already know the players.
2. Stop interfering with the organic nature of the game-play. Let the HGs do what they’re going to do, without having to second guess how PRODUCTION is going to sabotage them. The “unexpected” should not be something that literally ensures an individual cannot advance in the game. NO ONE should be “off limits” from being evicted unless they have either WON safety, or someone else WINS the power to save them.
3. Being evicted should be a PERMANENT condition. You’re gone! Stay that way!! Get back to basics.
4. Speaking of “basics,” once upon a time, the fans got to weigh in and make recommendations/ nominations. That’s right, the HGs had to plead their case to the fans!! “Please keep me in the house this week. Here’s why…” The HGs made the final decisions, but the individuals were on notice regarding how they were being perceived. If you kept getting nominated by the fans, you got the message. HGs could still make alliances, but it was really hard to “float” your way through, b/c fans wanted you to EARN your spot from week to week.
5. Houseguests: It was NEVER a good idea to throw a competition, no matter how secure you feel in your position in the house. HGs used to KNOW that, instinctively.
6. If you are afraid to be HOH b/c of the decision-making involved, you probably don’t have the temperament to win. Audition for a different show.
7. Advantages to “active”fan involvement in the show:
Never boring.
HGs forced to play the game.
Fans will still “attach” to certain HGs and/or alliances and pull for them.
Bullying and racism and many of the other dark turns BB has taken since its inception have a better chance of being eliminated as part of “game strategy.”
Here’s the real Kevin who has been called a gangster, scum, criminal, liar, bully,pervert, the list goes on…by Alex, Paul, Josh, X-Mas!!!
Here’s the real Kevin:
What a crime these little ass wipes are not capable of appreciation of all sorts of people. After watching the you tube of Kevin with his daughters, appears he would have been a scream in the house. Paul just too coward to take on other players head to head. Only way he could play was to bully, intimidate and have a cast of mind-numb ignorants doing his bidding. That’s assuming they have minds. Let’s not forget production. Sorry we missed what might have been an entertaining season. It’s a big world out there and these arrogant, ignorant fools are gonna miss it. They will soon learn what goes around, comes around, if they are even bright enough to catch on.
Kevin will win AFP.
Bottom line……none of the cast of this BB was very likable. That combined with Paul’s early advantages and other production interference made for a bad season. Let’s just wrap it up and move forward to next summer. We all love Big Brother and know we’re going to be tuning in.
As for Celebrity Big Brother…..no thank you!
With all of the displeasure for the past two seasons and how production has ruined this show, is there any hope anyone with a brain at CBS reads the comments on this site and any other site about how unhappy their viewers are? As we all know they will not have a show if people did not watch and pay for live feeds. I suggest next season no one pay for live feeds and watch the show. Everyone should just pay Simon and Dawg their CBS fees and read here what happens. That way MAYBE they will make a change and bring back the BB we all used to like.
AFP vote is rigged, I voted 20 times for Cody and I noticed the number didn’t go down as I casted each vote. I have CBS All-Access so I don’t get why my votes can’t count.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Worked fine for me yesterday voted 20 times the 21 st time i said I had reached the limit.
The biggest advantage production gave Paul was populating the house with passive players – other than Cody and Dominique – who literally did whatever Paul asked of them.
This season in a nutshell:
Three crappy people are left and the crappiest will win.
Blah Blah Blah. Never cared.
Let’s get to Dog The Bounty Hunter kicking the shit out of Andy Cohen in the house this winter. Heard Pamela Anderson houseguest rumors. This would have been great news in 2004. She was still hot. She is unrecognizable now.
Hmmm. 2nd thought on Celeb BB. I’m not gonna watch. My next BB event will be making Alex cry on social media.
Interesting… Put the HGs in the JURY house and they actually talk to one another. Put them in the BIG BROTHER house and they rely on someone else to speak for them.
There was never an exchange of information or a comparison of notes between factions in the BB House, you know, WHEN IT ACTUALLY MATTERED, because Paul was doing all of the talking. They were too lazy to do even the most natural thing, i.e., talk to each other. Each, so very, very busy trying to hide the “secret deal” he/she made with Paul.
There has never been a group so malleable and willing to keep secrets in the house. In an environment wherein gossip is the norm, this group wasn’t even good at making up stuff. Random accusations, (‘You’re a fake person” or “You’re not loyal/ honest/ playing with integrity…” pick one). Or, “he’s old/ weird/ creepy/ a pedophile…” “Don’t talk to ______________(fill in the blank) b/c we want him/her to feel alone/ isolated and know we hate him/her.” “I want _____________on the block, just to scare him.” “I’m bored. Let’s pick a fight with/ torture______________.” REALLY??? This is what passed for “strategy” among this season’s HGs. This cast was an anomaly in the annals of Big Brother.
By his own admission, Cody didn’t understand how to play BB and didn’t learn from mistakes: I’m not very good at this… Jess says I’m the worse player ever.” He has fans b/c for all his faults, he clearly saw what Paul was about. Unfortunately, he had no plan beyond getting rid of Paul. And he lacked the smarmy, smooth, serpentine “charm” to compete with Paul’s appeal.
Jessica was smart and insightful, EXCEPT when teamed with Cody. Then, she would go brain dead.
The events of Week 1, with what became “PERMANENT” immunity for Paul, set the tone for the season. By default, Paul became the ONLY PLAYER. The others were mere appendages, dependent upon him for survival, or so they thought.
Hmmm… That JURY house has allowed the duped appendages to finally see with clarity what was right before their eyes, had they only been willing to look. Truly, there are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see…
Can’t disagree with any of that.
Beautiful Assessment!!
Going back to the comps that were “thrown” by the HG’ s. I feel sorry for the CBS staff (regular people) that spent all that time assembling and wiring these comps only to have them shit on by these entitled a-holes that didn’t have the courtesy to play
Not ONE person in this entire season deserves any money. Only hope next season they have new casting people. They really fu@Ked this season up.
Can’t take all this “Paul deserves to win” shit. What Paul deserves is a taste of his own medicine. To throw the final 3 comp to josh and have josh take him out. He deserves to know what it feels like to put his trust in someone and get stabbed in the back. He deserves the wrath of the jury as he joins as the last member. He deserves to find out that as smart as he thinks he is, dumb dumb is smarter. He deserves to watch Cody get afp.
I find it hard to believe that these 3 are the top physical, mental, and social competitors BB could find.
Since it seems CBS likes bullying, emotional trainwrecks as houseguests, I propose that next year’s celebrity BB should include the following, (will never ever happen for obvious reasons but still fun to imagine):
Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, Alex Rodriguez, Charlie Sheen, Nick & Aaron Carter, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian & Kanye West, Gary Busey, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus & Theresa from “The Real Housewives”. (With Christopher Walken as a surprise “replacement”).
Can you imagine the fighting, name calling, cattiness and all-around craziness with all those personalities in one confined area? Complete lunacy!
Why all the haters hating on Paul? He did a phenomenal job getting the house to throw comps, not put him on the block once, and play an excellent game. Go ahead, dislike this comment, but he earned every penny of the $100,000 and he’s going to win.
Alex for AFP!!!
This site has really opened my eyes to the game. I can’t believe how the viewed segments have made house guests and plans look totally different, which is why I have not watched many episodes, than they really are. I never dreamed production had so much influence on the game. I read where josh and Paul say production is really stoked about them, keep hearing Kevin say they won’t let him cut his hair etc. I keep thinking at least I have amazing race to look forward to but it seems cbs keeps dicking fans around as they keep moving time slots on it and have reduced it to once a year. OH well They have duped me for years and I hope the strategy this year bites them in the a$$. Celebrity big brother, no thanks, I can just see Tara Reid, Ponch, Flavor Flave, Gary Busey and others making fools of themselves and I won’t waste my time watching.
Hey EXBB WAtcher! glad we could be of service 🙂
For all of the Paul haters, two things cannot be denied:
1) Every single person walking out of the house into jury (aside from Cody) has been asked by Julie who they trusted or was their ally, and Paul was the one they said when interviewed. Consistently. They all believed he was playing alongside of them while in the house. Production did not make that happen. He did.
2) The majority of the comments here talk about how Paul did/said this, and got people to do that. Whether or not you liked how he went about it or if you believe production gave him an advantage, if Paul ended up being central to everything that happened in this game, how does he NOT deserve to win if he gets to the end? If not him, then who at this point? Pots and pans crybaby Josh? One legged Christmas?
Look, I think Paul is probably a total douche bag in real life. It was hard to watch the bullying, catty, childish behavior by many of the house guests (not just Paul). I don’t recall style points being a parameter for selecting a winner. And yes, there wasn’t the level of gamesmanship you would hope this season — that’s because they picked a crappy cast. Paul simply played the hands he was dealt and did it better than anyone else this season.
If you give this a thumbs down, reply with who remaining the game deserves to win over him and why.
Wow the comments filled up fast today, raven is such a fool can’t wait till Paul tells her to her face haha I played you like a fiddle! Out of the whole season that is going to be the biggest laugh and Matt you look like a fool to want to be with such a complete twit. I’m glad that mark said something and Elena laughed in her face what an idiot. But way to go Paul you played some of these idiots well enough to still get their votes hopefully not enough to win the money.
I hope Josh wins part 2 and then I hope either Josh wins part 3 or Paul feels comfortable to throw it to him…
Then I hope Josh votes out Paul
Not that I want Christmas in final 2
Not that I want Josh in final 2
I just don’t want Paul in final 2 because contrary to Raven, Paul has been the puppet master and deserves to win but if he isn’t in the final 2 then I can laugh at all his hard work being taken out by the crybaby meatball.
Im not a Paul fan at all…. But I do agree he has played a good social game and should win. Part of the game is to back stab, lie, steal, cheat, BUT I dont like how he has had other players doing his dirty work (or be bullies to the other players). He was always telling Josh to do more with the pots and pans, getting mad if someone was talking to his next target, etc. So for that reason I hope he does not win. So Im on the fence on who should win. But Im from Arkansas and Raven is not how arkansans really are. My daddy and grandma would kill me if I acted like that, I was raised to give southern hospitality and when someone is down you pick them up. I will vote for Kevin for AVP I want to vote for Cody because he did not follow Paul but I can not.
The only way to make your voice heard is to hit the CBS and BB social media page and express outraged at how badly this season was rigged, how unappealing the contestants were, and how outrage their behavior. Tell the powers that be to run an honest game or you wont watch. spam the f@ck out of their sites!
The funny thing is that if Kevin wins AFP, he literally comes in second place financially and didn’t ruin his reputation like the rest. I hope Alex realizes this fact and sees that she was the fool. I still don’t see why she hated Kevin so much. It must have been jealousy over Jason and Kevin’s friendship. Alex begging for AFP IS PATHETIC.
Paul wins part one of the hot – not friendship big brother, this is not friendship.