HOH Part 1: Jackson Vs Holly Vs Nicole
Part 1 Winner: JACKSON
HOH Part 2: Holly Vs Nicole
Part 2 Winner: ?
HOH Part 3: Jackson Vs Part 2 Winner
Part 3 Winner: ?
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9:40pm – 10:08pm The live feeds return to Jackson in the bathroom showering. Holly joins him in the bathroom. Jackson – that puzzle was really hard. Holly – so hard. They talk about the competition. Holly talks about a squishy rock by the treasure chest that she used to jump up on to get back onto the platform. Jackson – I didn’t know. I was jumping up without it the hole time! I’m an idiot! That was exhausting. That was hard.. 25 trips. Holly – That was a full body workout! That was a really fun comp! Like that is a comp. That’s the kind I want to compete. Physical, mental, strategy. Jackson – the next one (HOH part 2) will be physical. The last one will be mental. Holly – if its mental.. Jackson – its not, stop saying that. Holly – I know.. I just make a face. Jackson – stop! You need to stop doubting for you and for us. Holly – I know. I want to prove to people that I deserve to be here. Because there are probably a lot that think I don’t. Jackson – I disagree. Holly – just my worry. I am trying. That was a fun comp. Jackson – I feel like a piece of sh*t. Holly – don’t! Don’t let me win things.. we’re competitors. Jackson – its also strategy. Holly – I know but we don’t know what is coming. Jackson – what was it called? Holly – Raiders of the.. Memory is not my forte. Holly – day 1… the very first two people I saw were you and Nicole. I think that is weird .. of 16!
Nicole heads into the storage room to get painkillers. She sings – Oh I really hurt myself because I’m an idiot! I’m an idiot! Nicole heads to the bedroom. Nicole – Tis but a game. A game that Nicole is not very good at. That was embarrassing. Nicole climbs into bed and lays in silence. Nicole – America, Nicole is disgusted with herself. That wasn’t my comp! That’s for sure! Tis but a game! I am disgusted with myself! Holly – I really wanted to beat that f**ker! I really wanted to beat that guy.
10:10pm Bathroom. Jackson and Holly.
Jackson – we need to make sure she (Nicole) is okay. She is very upset about feeling like a third wheel. Holly – I know. That’s why I let you kind of do your own thing too. You guys can do your own thing. And she and I have been doing girly, goofy sh*t. Jackson – we’ve got a job to do. You need to bring up a win on this one. Holly – I know. Jackson – then we’re good. Holly – I know, I am going to try my damnedest. Just hope its one like today. I am surprised we both finished our puzzle. Jackson – I finished mine first. I’m not as bad at puzzles as people think. I was a f**king hard puzzle! Holly – that was so hard! Jackson – that was the best all around competition. Usually the puzzle pieces are so durable ..those weren’t .. they said if you break one it might prevent you from finishing. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Jackson – You have to listen in this next comp! Holly – I know I try. I have such ADD. It will be more than just push a button. I have faith in you.
10:23pm – 11:28pm Bedroom. Jackson and Holly join Nicole. Nicole turns the other away and says she just needs time to herself. Jackson – You know I’m not going to leave you alone tonight. Nicole – No thank you. Jackson lays no Nicole and kisses her head. Nicole – that was laughable! Jackson – you know what was laughable!? Jackson says that his performance was laughable in some of the comps this season. Jackson tells her they will give her space. I don’t not want you to feel like you’re alone. Please come out when you’re ready. Nicole – I just don’t want to be that person in final 3 that people are like oh god how did that person get there!? Holly – I have the exact same fears. Nicole – I am just disgusted with myself. They talk about the comp. Nicole – its a game and I am the least butt hurt person you’ll probably ever meet in this game. And I am okay with the expectation that you guys are going to take each other. Don’t pity me. Holly – I don’t and I respect the hell out of you. First of all who knows how this week is going to play out. Nicole – just please consider me. If it was me making the decision who to take to final two I would consider both of you. Holly and Nicole reminisce about past events of the season.
11:44pm Kitchen. Nicole and Jackson.
Jackson – what did you mean when you said you’re good? I need to know. Nicole – You’re good! Jackson – what the f**k does that mean Nicole!? Nicole – You’re just very good at this game. Jackson – how so? Nicole – You have all your little duckies in a row and you sniped them one by one. And that was very well done. I am impressed by you. Jackson – give me some examples. Nicole – you have the plan and then you have the comp wins to back it up. Step one disarm a lot of the people in the house. How did you do it. Jackson – Sis. Nicole – yup.. then? Then? Jess? You disarmed everyone flawlessly. Jackson – not flawlessly. That wasn’t the goal .. the goal was to just to survive. Nicole – you get rid of Sis .. you technically disarm Christie, Tommy and Nick. Jackson – and Holly but I had to do it. Nicole – then you get rid of Nick. That’s disarming Tommy, you could argue its disarming me. And then you get rid of .. Jess and that’s disarming Christie and Tommy. Then we get rid of Tommy. And then we get rid of Cliff. Jackson – you’re making it look like it was a plan when it was not. Nicole – maybe it wasn’t a plan but in hindsight 20/20 it looks really good. Jackson – it doesn’t matter what’s happened, its how people feel and that is what I feel will cost me. That is what could put me in second. Nicole – I am not going to blow smoke up your a$$.. it could very well cost you. Jackson – if I am up against either you of .. especially Holly .. I will lose. Nicole – I hear you. Jackson – and I look at you .. you won the double, you won BB comics, you got out Christie in the double. Jess loves you, Tommy loves you, Cliff loves you, Nick loves you, Christie respects you, Sis would respect you, Jack respects you. Kat doesn’t but she’s the only one.
3:35am Big Brother says Big Brother loves you. Nicole and Holly – AWWWW! Nicole – That’s the first time he said that. We’re final three. Holly – you got it once before right? Jackson – yeah when they were sobbing their eyes out. Nicole – guys, big brother loves us! Big Brother I love you more! Good night you guys. Holly & Jackson – good night! Nicole – top 3!
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Who does everyone think is a better player? Jack or Michie?
I want to know the superior player out of the bromance.
Sis over Holly, so Jack.
Sis has a career opportunity in the film industry…….no not that get your mind out of the gutter……I meant Werewolf movies.
Jackson is one of the best players ever. I was glad to see that Cliff took the high road on his way out the door.
One other thing I wanted to mention. I have been a Big Brother watcher since season one and some seasons are better than others but the one thing that never changes in the quality of this site. It really is the best Big Brother site on the entire web and I want to give a big thank you to Simon and Dawg. Your coverage is not only top notch but it also is damn funny. Take a bow boys!
The North remembers. Thank you, Simon and Dawg!
As Jackson Bullies him out the door!
Congrats Jackson. I think Cliff was the only other one with a chance of beating you in the finale.
Cliff thought so also. During one of his monologues he said that had he gone to jury against Jackson he thought he could swing the vote.
I don’t necessarily believe it but I would love to hear what he would tell the jury (even that jury) to convince them to vote for him.
I think once Cliff calms down he is smart enough to understand that Jackson played everyone like a fiddle this season and deserves the win. I bet Cliff doesn’t try to sink Jackson.
Cliff’s game was based on his grand delusions about himself. Why he and Jackson got along so well. Cliff messed up Nicole’s game by helping Jackson keep Holly against Nicole’s better judgement.
Jackson chose most of his allies as followers that would protect him better than Jack chose his allies. In terms of game: that means Jackson was a better player.
He’d have been toast the week both Jackals were on the block otherwise. Jessica originally said she didn’t care which one went, either way she was breaking them up.
Holly and Kat saved his game so many times for two days after Jessica won hoh. They convinced Jessica to target Jack and use Jackson as a pawn. Jackson had no part in saving his own game. Kat and Holly saved him.
Tommy and Christie and Sis were too interested in comforting Jack or sinking into the woodwork to complain about Jackson’s declaring death to the 6. Jackson’s allies put in work because they felt safer with Jessica (through Kat’s alliance with Jess), and required him more than Jack’s allies felt they needed Jack.
For that reason Jackson is a better player. He chose better allies that would put him above themselves.
Ditto, so true… Jackson reads people very well, but so does Nicole
I think their reading abilities are different.
He does quickread well. By that i mean initial impression as character assessment. His judgement of motivations or what people will do strategically would have been abysmal if it weren’t for Cliff keeping him updated. Cliffs boot lick game saved Jackson any number of times from the spectre of failure. Example: If Cliff didn’t tell Jackson that Christie and Tommy were on to the three pairs each trying to climb into the middle game, Jackson would have continued to think both other pairs were snowed by his strategy. Right before Cliff told him, he was positive that he and Holly could coast and the other two pairs would get the blood on their hands going after each other. Without Cliff (if there were no camp comeback return) I think his game would have been most changed for the worse. Example two where his judgement faltered: his quickread vs his judgment of motivation regarding Jack. He seriously thought Jack would be happy jumping into the bottom of the southern alliance pyramid arranged to put Jackson in charge and everyone else to keep Jackson safe. That’s a baaaaaad read. Especially for Jack, who Jackson figured was Jack’s number one. He was Jack’s number…3 or 4?
Nicole’s read of motivation and what people will do is better in most cases, but her quickread skills are not as acute. She wants to see better angels, but expects to be treated as inferior and was swayed by guilt. This will color ability to assess character. When looking at what people will do, she assesses their moves adversarially well, because of that expectation of being thought inferior (expectation of the worst). Her big game error (in her read of others) is her buffoon. That guy was an albatross to her game more than a help 99 times out of 100. Without Cliff (if there were no camp comeback return) I think her game would have been the most changed for the better. Example two where her situational assessment of motivation was better: She came up with Jess’ plan for nominations, how they would play it off, and how they should keep everyone feeling comfortable. She had down pat how everyone would behave, act and react, and how to strategically play them to make Jess’ HOH a success. Cliff: repeatedly needed explanation and parroted the plan. Kat: narrowed the target to save Jackson. Jess could have been eating some eggs.
For the purpose of the game, he was better at snap judgements of others, she was better at determining how people will act and react.
Without Cliff, the entire game would have been so different that it’s hard to say how Nicole would have fared, being she was one of the underdogs slated to be picked off. Cliff was the bridge that brought her to Jackson’s alliance. Otherwise, she was only working with Jess and Kat. She was an outsider and had no means or ability to break into the popular kids group. I think she would’ve been gone weeks ago. To her credit, once given the opportunity she made the right decisions week after week in terms of deciding to play along with the strong alliance, even though she knew it would be problematic to have them in the game for too long. She needed Cliff, but also needed to be able to step back and consider whether his motives might differ from hers…..esp since he’d already shown that he prioritizes his game over that of his allies, when he made those deals to save his ass and sacrifice Kat (there were other instances as well but I can’t remember the details).
Great points Fay.
Seems like everyone has forgotten what Cliff did to Kat without blinking an eye. I don’t believe until the last couple weeks Cliff had a “true” loyalty to Nicole. Under a few different circumstances he would have done the same to Nicole as he did to Kat.
YUP — Nick’s eviction helped b/c THAT was when he truly started sticking up for her (he needed his competition for her — Nick gone first).
So reading the above comments by “another name”, makes me wonder if Cliff was returned to the game as the comeback player as part of production. Jackson most likely wouldn’t have known all the info that Cliff fed him which appears to have not only helped Jackson but also hurt Cliffs chances to win, as well as misguided Nicole therefore ruining her chance at winning. Seems like Cliff may have been given a deal by Production to get Jackson the $500K!!! Too much to believe otherwise IMO. Wondering if anyone else agrees???
@BBfan327 how could Cliff return to the game “as part of production?” We all saw him play the game on national television and he won fair and square! Are you one of those conspiring bitches?
I don’t believe he was returned for that purpose. If I were going to be my usual conspiracy bitch type though, I’d look at Nicole and Cliff talking about being taken at the beginning of tech rehearsal on eviction day and practicing the comp together.
It’s still anyone game. Mostly because of the undecided jury and who ends up as final two. Someone once said “people may forget what you said, but they will never forget how they made you feel.”
I’m torn on this as I do agree she gave Cliff more leeway than she did typically with anyone. Evenwith Nick she saw through much of his BS but knew he had her back. Although I agree Clint helped the acceptance/progression of her relationship with Holly/Jackson I also think the week Jess was HOH Nicole did much of her own nurturing .
Holly camped out with Kat/Jess/Nicole in HOH and got to know them all. It was also the week Jackson was all alone in the backyard working out & Nic came out to check on him. Everyone in the house was ignoring him except Holly & that one small gesture from her made a huge difference. You might recall as she walked away Jackson said “what a sweet girl”. She touched base with him all that week & from that point forward Jackson & her relationship grew.
For as much as many cite Jackson’s negative side (he did say “I’ve figured out how to appeal to Nicole – just talk family”) I still honestly believe he has a genuine soft spot for her. Last week – Cliff kept throwing Nicole UTB, J said “well unfortunately you’re paying the price for her action” but when N would straight up say “It’s my fault I was the one questioning our F4 & wanting to work with Tommy” he never got mad at her or ever chastised her (to her face) for questioning the move. Could it be Jackson was more annoyed C never took ownership & always threw Nic UTB & has more respect for her b/c she was unflinchingly loyal to C & owned her actions? I mean he did keep saying to C “all you needed to do was give me ONE vote”. For as much as J focused on C/N wavering I still think his better argument was C had been his right hand man all game & that action was more of testament to C’s self centered game play & I think the first time he witnessed it personally.
I’m also not entirely convinced Nic isn’t aware of Cliff’s self serving game play (and that she wasn’t playing into it). She worked C the whole week to keep Tommy knowing his preference was Holly b/c it helped HIS game. She ONLY acquiesced once H said she’d throw it & she basically knew she would be HOH (F3). Remember when people would say Nick thinks he has you wrapped to do whatever he says? She told Holly & someone else – yes I get along with Nick but when I go into vote do you think I say “Nick told me to vote xx?, NO I say I (Nicole) votes to evict”. I have my own mind, own game & it’s annoying people underestimate me or view me as being incapable of having my own game.
It’s doubtful she’ll throw Cliff UTB if she reaches a F2 chair – but I suspect like Nick she saw through his self centered choices & game play. I’ve repeatedly said it made no sense Cliff was her only blind spot in the game given her excellent observation skills. I’m sure she isn’t aware how BADLY he threw her UTB but I doubt she’s completely naive those actions existed.
well… in my darker moments i say to myself, big brother, the house needed a basement so Nicole could lock Cliff in it. 🙂
Like Nicole had a plan lol. She took what was given to her. She didn’t make decisions until she decided to vote out Jackson….Tommy….Jackson….Tommy. The first opportunity to make a move and she blew her game. She might as well have been wall paper in the house.
Does anyone know if Nicole came in 2nd or 3rd? I can’t quite decimate it from the conversation.
Thank you A N
who won
it’s in the graphic at the top.
Too bad Jack and Jackson weren’t conjoined twins and could have been evicted at the same time…..one can dream.
Well it was fun seeing Frank get evicted twice.
Who’s Frank?
Oh Frank. Yeah. Doesn’t he work at Spencer’s Diner with that waitress Beth from Montana?
“He chose better allies…” More accurately, Jackson bedded better allies…
Jack was first in jury and Michie has a good chance for final two, have you not been paying attention?
Jackson is someone that we are going to see again. He has earned an All Star spot.
PS The jury house footage was great. Please give us more of that.
But if Jack / Jackson were physically attached when Jack was evicted Jackson would have to with him…..right? 😉
It was proven the week Jack went to jury… Jackson was proved to be a better player of the game than Jack. Jack continuously made himself the bigger target and Fell for Christies crap and that cost him the game in the end. Day 44 went down and who was init with him two people who knew each other before the game. Jack was a fool.
See, I give the credit for Jackson surviving the week after the blow up not to Jackson, but to Holly and Kat.
If we were to do a spread sheet, he’d get the check mark for surviving, she’d get the checkmark for the move. Jackson was too busy sulking in a provided time out corner.
Just like when I consider Jess’ HOH, she gets the check marks for the hoh comp and veto. but for the move, the checkmark goes to the one that came up with the strategy of the week: Nicole. Cliff’s big idea was hey Jess use the HOH to make some deals like I did. Jess: i want one of them gone, what do I do? Remember, she almost decided to make a move that would have kept both in the house to target Nick with the veto. Who redirected Jess back to task? Nicole.
If I were Jackson, I’d steer clear of reminding the jury he survived on the block that week. Because analysis of that week highlights the other two’s social game and strategic game moves much more than his own.
I hate the useless floaters like Jess more than most but she accomplished exactly what she wanted from beginning to end of the week and I give her full credit. She wanted an alpha male out. She put the Jacks up, she won the Veto and Jack went home all according to plan. 2 wins and her target went home. Nicole did sweet FA. Ben if you want to pretend Nicole was using some sort of strategy (lol @ Nicole and strategy in the same sentence) it was only because she was using what Jess gave her and Jess accomplished exactly what she wanted.
Hmmmm I thought the plan was for Jackson to throw the competition to Holly so he could be against Nicole in round 2? It was a puzzle competition of some sort and Nicole choked??? The BB gods are looking down on Jackson.
It wasn’t just a puzzle — Jackson said it was similar to the slip & slide which I’m not sure makes sense b/c Nicole said the “swinging on ropes was geared to Holly, ALL the running was geared to Jackson & the puzzle to me – so each of us had a portion which benefited them.” Nicole said she got lost on the puzzle though & her knee got pretty banged up.
It does sound like it was more physical in nature than not. AND yes I also agree about the Jackson throwing the comp – never for a second did I believe he would throw that comp. Learning Holly was right there & Nicole well behind only serves to punctuate the point he wasn’t going to throw anything & take a chance of not being involved in part 3. Holly was concerned after the comp & the conversation was equally Jackson telling her you HAVE to win part 2 mixed with Holly complaining/worried about having to beat Nicole in a dates comp.
As much as Jackson went against what he said — in the moment I can’t say I blame him. Throwing a comp at this stage of the game is scary & he knows Nicole has a great shot of winning (even against him) if the 2nd part is dates related. Given those circumstances I never believed he would (or should) throw it. I’m also hopeful Nicole wins part 2 b/c it will offer more drama than the alternative.
He knows holly would be a vote for him in jury, I’m not really sure he even minds Nicole going against him in final 2.
Jackson knows he wins against Holly and looses to Nicole. I did the votes.
Holly Vs. Jackson
Holly: Kat, Jess, Christy- 3
Jackson: Jack, Sis, Nick, Tommy, Cliff, Nicole- 6 Jackson
Jackson and Holly operated as a unit… so it is more likely to be game not personal.
Jackson vs. Nicole
Jackson: Jack, Holly- 2
Nicole: Kat, Sis, Nick, Jess, Christy, Tommy, Cliff -7
Jackson looses to Nicole
Holly looses to both.
It isn’t a bitter jury situation… it is that Nicole is loved by most evicted houseguests and Sis is bitter about Jacks eviction and her own.
For some reason, I think Christie and Tommy vote as a block. Oh crap, would they try to start a jury alliance block? that part was a joke.
Nichole’s game abilities are way over rated.
I never understand when people say this. Nicole was very close to heading home week 3. She didn’t, and fought her way back, in a sense she went into the shadows and that was smart, she was never a target again. Going from main target to never a target alone is GOOD GAMEPLAY. She then one the most important eviction of the season with the double and got out a huge threat which Jackson has still not done. He literally got out the two people who were zero threat. Then she wins a very important veto which saved her number 1 ally. Unfortunately for her, Cliff is a bad gamer and her hands were tied with him wanting to keep Holly (she was screwed either way at that point). Nicole has played a simply better social and game-game then Jackson and Holly combined. She would be the most likable winner in quite some time. If she has any hand in sending Jackson out the door and into the jury where he belongs, then her game gets even better.
Yeah you bring up an excellent point (and one Nicole asked Cliff to remind the jury about). Remember when Holly made it all the way to F5 without ever sitting on the block? She’s now sat there twice (week 11 re-nom/week 12 initial nom). Jackson has been OTB three times (week 4/6/12) all as initial nomination. While Nicole was a re-nom in week THREE & hasn’t been nominated since.
That’s the type of thing jurors will respect. Two types of players end up on the block repeatedly comp beasts & floaters – the fact she sat there only once is a testament to her social game skills.
Not really. Yes, she didn’t win as many comps as Mickie nor did she win a lot when the house was full, but she did pull out wins when both Michie and Holly’s game were on the line (“On the Line” puzzle, double eviction HOH), BBcomics (veto which pulled Cliff off the block), and “Crash and Turn” (which was thrown to her.) However, she and Cliff scored wins (“What the Bleep?” veto) at critical moments in the game when it could have turned, as did Michie. Without those wins the game could have gone to Christie or Tommy.
Just like he was going to use the final veto on holly…
Jackson is a terminator and comp beast. I don’t even think Kaycee of last year could beat him.
I’d love to see some head-to-heads between them. He has her in strength, she’s got him in nimbleness, they’re probably fairly even in endurance and determination. It would be fun to see them work a triple comp pitting those three physical elements.
They need to have a mini bb with the most challenging players & in like 6 weeks award 250 k
I like it. Bring eight or so of the top physical competitors into the house and run a series of head-to-head challenges; last one leaves until two are left and let them go best two out of three.
You could do the same thing with the more cerebral folks with puzzle type comps.
No alliances, no romances (?), no need to pander for jury votes (I love you, I respect you)…just straight up competition.
Then why put them in a house. I think they should do an all-star version where we pick the guests a la Survivor (of course no I love you crap)
Too bad Janelle is probably past her competitive prime now – she was such a comp beast in her S6 & All-Stars.
Maybe so, but she would be more of a challenge for him for sure.
Kaycee would have no chance against Jackson in any physical competition. Jackson is a man, enough said.
Okay…I’m just going to squat down over here behind this thick Armageddon proof wall and get out the popcorn.
Yeah, a man who blatantly cheated during his have nots & eat in the shower.
Great sportsmanship there buddy.
I guess he likes doing things in the shower.
Lets see an all-stars season with jackson returning and watch him get smoked by real gamers… Winning a bunch of comps is great especially when production is rigging it in ur favor but it takes alot more like social and strategy and jury management to be considered greatest of all time!
Jackson wldnt even know what was going on most the time if production and cliff hadnt told him, he was too busy having sex with holly and isolating themselves to even have a clue….
So NO Jackson is not the best player ever!!!
Holly is nothing more than a cougar. Prys on younger guys, use them and spites them out till next one. To me it seems clear as day. She’s more than happy with 50 g’s
I disagree she won’t stress herself because she knows DICKson will take her to F2. She knows she will win the500k because she has played nice and let square head get all the blood on his hands
How much older is Holly from Michie because I see a double standard here. Remember BB19’s Matt and (?) ….what was her name?
Raven…I still laugh thinking about her. I was scrolling through Matt’s twitter the other day…he’s all into strength training now.
I thought of her immediately after Tommy did his cartwheel.
hey are they still together?
Raven….she was sick and going to pass away any minute.
Whaat? Holly isnt a “cougar”! Shes 31 for crying out loud and while that’s a few years older then Jackson (6) that is NOT a cougar.
I’m not even a Holly fan (at all) but sheeesh!
Shes 8 yrs older, they both said it in the bathroom last night…he just turn 24 & she will be 32
Yeah but she looks 45 without makeup. And why is she still putting it on at 9pm?
Some women just hate women. #SAD, as the orange would say. Holly and Michie make a great team.
Yup. My personal favorite, “those aren’t real”.
On a side note Arya Stark rocks!
Arya Stark is a badass and my alter ego. Thanks, Hogg! 🙂
For those of you with the down votes……..The North Remembers!
She’s a succubus. I bet she takes Nicole to final 2. That will be the cherry on top of this dreadful season.
I don’t and can’t find the age difference as being bad. It’s the “mentality” of age that is disturbing. Holly ACTS as though she is Jacksons age or younger which is idiotic and doesn’t look good on her. My dad was 14 years older then my mom and I was 3 years older then my sons dad (which I found disturbing at first…having only ever dated men that were older then me by a year or two). Also the fact (here come the thumbs down lol) Holly really does look older than 31.
I think she is just a tad bit desperate knowing she is 31 especially after last night Jackson saying he just turned 24. If age didn’t bother her, she wouldn’t have kept telling him to not bring it up. I realize women get married more in 30’s now with great confidence & I high 5 on that, but she is insecure for sure. If your a cougar ~ OWN IT
Right around the time some women (please, ladies don’t stone me) start worrying about their biological clock. We had a dear friend who was the same way in her early thirties.
I remember one day my wife telling her that she needed to relax, she’d find Mr. Right. Her response was, “I’m sure I will but I’m concerned about how many gumballs are left in the gumball machine.”
She has two kids of her own now.
My friend is 8 years older than her husband and they are very happy have 2 children. Life is good.
If the next one is physical I’m hoping Nicole beats Holly just to see the look on Holly’s face. She comes off looking superior every time she brings up the HOH she threw. I just can’t find anything relatable or likable about Holly.
I agree and is it just me or does she looked like she is in her 40s? Rode hard and put up wet.
I don’t know about her but that poor stool is what was rode hard and put up wet…..literally day in day out over and over again. The things that poor stool has witnessed would bring a weaker stool to it’s knees…..if stools had knees.
Just.wondering… she looks like she is dropping pounds by the day! So thin!
Anyone else notice it is it just me?
I’ve said the same thing. I’m not being mean but she does look like she’s in her 40’s. I don’t know if it’s the fillers or all the make up.
Holly is beautiful but looks like she is older than 31…it could be outdoor exposure? Sun etc
I agree, it could def be the outdoor exposure. And she’s from Wyoming…big sky country. I know that’s Montana’s slogan…but Wyoming is very similar.
What the hell? She does not lol. Why are you posting about people’s looks anyway? Irrelevant to the game.
Looks are part of this game bc they’re a part of life! If looks didn’t matter we wouldn’t repeatedly get an alliance of cool kids VS the not cool kids…
I’m 90% in agreement with that, yet I constantly see some people who transcend the cliques and cross those lines. I just don’t believe we’re going to see those kinds of people trying out for Big Brother, and we’ll definitely not see Grodner recruiting any like that.
We agreed!!! ??
Nonsense. There’s no need to come on a comment section and post negative crap about a players looks. Unless you’re in middle school, who would even think about that?
And allow me to edit my original comment. It’s irrelevant to the “discussion of the game” especially when there’s only 3 players left and looks have absolutely nothing to do with anything. I can see maybe in the first week, but we’re long past that.
Thatbbfan: Her relationship to Jackson is VERY relevant to the game. The fact that they keep bringing up their age difference is relevant to the game and the fact that she looks much older than him is relevant to the game.
Exactly how is them bringing up their age difference relevant to the game?
It’s relevant because they make it so
How do they make it so? What element of the game does their age difference make?
This is a place for us to talk about our opinions and observations. Whatever they are. Just because it’s not relevant to you doesn’t mean we can’t discuss. There are plenty of people that make comments irrelevant to the game like calling other commenters idiots. It’s all in good fun. Right?
Women are messed up when it comes to other women. They get so jealous of each other. Holly definately dont lood 42, she looks more 25. She is one of the best looking and one of the sexiest women that have been on big brother. Katty women are the worst
I agree. One person on here (which I assume by the screen name is female) posted about how “bad” Holly looks in leggings. Lol! What? Who even thinks about that, much less thinks enough about it to post it online? Just really an odd thing to think.
Fwiw – I only comment about appearance when someone looks especially nice. (or when I love/hate Julie’s dress) As for the weight loss that is concerning – it must be stress, but Holly has mentioned several health issues & having personally suffered from Graves Disease I wonder if her thyroid is under active b/c it’s not like she isn’t eating. Those are tell tale signs when you eat a lot but keep losing weight. I’ll make a point of looking at her throat & eyes (swollen glands in throat/larger than normal eyes are also signs of over active thyroid).
The more I think about it – it would makes sense b/c your hormones also go out of whack & how emotional she got recently (a few weeks ago) would also align with typical symptoms.
Mine surfaced at 32 & that’s close to her age so it’s possible — more likely it’s all stress related though as she is one who internalizes a lot. I sincerely hope it’s not Grave’s & it’s just game (stress) related.
You mean hyperthyroidism which causes weight loss, not low thyroid. 😉 Although hyperthyroidism is generally indicated by a low TSH level so the inverse relationship can be confusing.
Holly is beautiful. Don’t like the glasses, smaller frames, not dark would look better.
She is beautiful. She was Miss Wyoming.
Of course a simply idea would be for all the beauty critics to post links to their own photos so a comparative analysis can be made of their observations.
If it’s timed comps or head to head race against the clock to finish a task, Nicole has beaten Holly every time.
If it’s season / days or comp history with a physical component, Nicole has better knowledge of days by far.
If it’s just physical the edge is to Holly.
This is too many physical comps. What happened with the circle and moving to true or false? I thought that would be the first HOH
It will take something dumb like that to save Nicole.
Hey Jackson, no means no you big creep.
I told you Jackson would NEVER throw the part 1 comp — it’s not in his DNA. If the 2nd comp goes according to recent seasons it SHOULD be date related which Nicole should smoke Holly in (assuming no interference). I want the best possible drama & for me Nicole winning part 2 offers up the best opportunity for drama. Jackson is already on top of Holly telling her she HAS to win Part 2 b/c he knows her winning solidifies him for F2 but if Nicole wins part 2 it’s not a foregone conclusion.
It will be interesting if over the next few days Nicole pitches to Holly taking each other & commits to her she is taking Holly. That may or may not result in Holly deciding – Hey I can’t lose here I’m F2 either way & subconsciously affect her performance – — but again if it’s dates IMHO Nicole will smoke her.
Also, a Nicole part 2 win could result in Jackson trying to make a deal with Nicole that they take each other to F2. If he offers that I wonder if Nicole will say but you just said all bets off why should I believe you now & if we have a house meeting will you commit to promising this in front of Holly?
It’s a hypothetical, but I’m not sure Jackson would do it b/c it would mean it likely makes the main show & Jackson won’t want to be seen as making a promise to the underdog fans love & then go against his word should he win (but he might). Likewise, I don’t see Nicole formally accepting a deal b/c she knows her shot at winning the big $ would be sitting next to Holly. Then again, Nicole could agree & if she wins part 3 renege & state Holly told me you lied about Tommy, were never not taking her regardless of Cliff briefly vacillating & that you fully intended to shaft me on this F2 deal & still take Holly. Given those circumstances like you told Cliff once I’ve been burnt in life and I’ve been burnt in this game and I’m at a point in my life where I’ve come to learn that the moment I feel things are not mutually reciprocated that MY LOYALTY IS ALSO SEVERED therefore I’m sorry but I also have to reward the person who never did me wrong & therefore have to evict you.
All I know is Jackson winning part 1 & Nicole winning part 2 would make for the best possible drama these last few days so I’m hoping it happens.
Serious question: Was it actually a serious consideration that Jackson would throw part one? I just thought it was of the same vane as Jackson is fine with Holly leaving talk from two weeks ago until the night before the vote. I mean, part of a comment they made in conversation, not the entire comment. I thought it was we get to the last HOH and fight it out head to head (like there’s only 2 competitors).
When do they normally play part 2?
by comparison to other seasons either friday night or saturday. Never a tried and true answer.
It seemed genuine in the moment & they discussed it more than once. If it was a hypothetical or throw away comment then your secondary comment makes sense. Plus his comments about Holly leaving obviously were with others whereas this was the duo talking & he seemed to be pushing it the second time they discussed it, which was why I reacted immediately with a post saying it wasn’t in his DNA to throw comps. (nor could I envision him taking a chance of losing P2). And NOT b/c I felt he was being mean to Holly – more so b/c he’s a competitor at heart. I write about the NBA so I viewed it similarly to asking Russell Westbrook to coast in a game or kitbitz with the opponent throughout a match — (i.e. NOT going to happen) lol.
Thanks. I appreciate the clarification. I was unsure.
Jackson has square genetic markers in his DNA profile ….fun fact.
I do believe the plan was to throw it if it were a physical challenge and Nicole dropped before Holly…this challenge involved a hard puzzle, which Nicole is good at and Holly isn’t. Throwing that particular challenge wouldn’t have been all that smart.
We’ll see who wins part 2.
But they all played at the same time. Based on their discussion there was tons of running (favored J), swinging on ropes (favored Holly) both the former picking up puzzle pieces on the way & a puzzle to complete (favored Nicole). BUT Jackson jumped out to an early lead, Holly held close & Nicole was NO WHERE NEAR THEM. I think there was 25 sections (or puzzle pieces) to grab & when J won H had 23 (I think she said). Meanwhile Nic only had 8. Given those dynamics it was the equivalent of Nicole having fallen off the wall so it was precisely what J/H discussed.
I’m not criticizing Jackson for going for the win either – like I said he’s competitive spirit kicked in — PLUS you don’t throw comps at this stage in the game.
Jackson won part 1, whoever wins part 2…Im confused …refresh me please
SMH..whoever wins part 2 plays against Jackson in the final part 3 and that decides the F2
tyvm wolfwoman
whoever wins part two automatically faces jackson in part 3 during finale. the winner of part three is final HOH and decides who to evict.
ty e1 appreciate it
…will compete against Michie for the final. Then the winner of that chooses who to bring to the finale.
It would be kind of fun to see Holly take that one. I would love seeing the sudden outpouring of support for her.
I’m getting busy. Gonna manifest Nicole winning Part 2 and then going head-to-head against Jackass in Part 3. She’ll win Part 3, evict Jackass and drag Holly to final 2. Yeah, I know it’s an unlikely outcome but you can’t blame a girl for manifesting……
Its very likely
I’m afraid for Jackson cuz he deserves the win
And i can easily see nicole winning this hoh still
Part 2 will have dates and memroy related
And part 3 it’s questions anyone can win
Agree put good energy out there for nicole!
Nicole can do this and were ready for the jackson show to be over and see an upset!
Go Nicole! Pick yourself back up and kick some butt girl….
Nicole won’t be able to handle the pressure of a final.
ok I shook it off…so whoever wins part 2, goes against Jackson and then the winner picks final 2???
What a terrible season…..worst since Derrick and Cody…..worse than 2 seasons of Paul…..that kinda bad lol. I read somewhere Tyler being interviewed about the jury and he felt that they would be pressured not to vote emotionally and focus on play only after the past 3 seasons results. If that’s the case we could have our first villain winner since Evel Dick…..oh and way to late for Tyler unfortunately lol.
“…..worse than 2 seasons of Paul…..”
Ugh…. Nothing’s worse than 2 seasons of Paul!
first season of paul was okay.
Agreed and I’ll admit I was a paul fan during that season. His second season not so much ;0
I liked Paul (& his secret service shtick especially) the first season. He was more of an underdog & much more likeable. I’ll duck now for the tomatoes lol. BUT – I couldn’t stand him in his second season.
Jackson: “I’m so proud of you Nicole”
Nicole: “I don’t need your pity.”
Eviction show thoughts:
Julie schools the Hogg
That was kind of fun watching Julie throw Cliff for a bit of a loop. He tried to do what he does – position himself as this smart guy who is the only one right in a room. Julie made it clear to him that it was STUPID to keep Holly & even when he still tried to sell the man to man / handshake bond is stronger than life thing Julie pointed out it was a STUPID decision to think Jackson would ever go against his girlfriend. Tell me you didn’t enjoy watching how uncomfortably Cliff was as Julie schooled him?
I wonder if on the way to jury he’ll realize just how much of a pompous ass he was by constantly ignoring Nicole’s warnings/cautions that Jackson would never go with anyone but Holly. Cliff was extremely transparent when he said “well Julie, I was scared of Tommy and I was closer to Michie/Holly while Nicole was closer to Tommy and he would’ve taken her to F2 not me” . Julie then dropped the best wisdom she could on Cliff by stating “but weren’t you jumping a step ahead?” In other words, you have to get to F3 first Cliff before you start worrying Nicole is in a better position than you are. It was the typical Cliff show where ONLY HIS GAME MATTERS (even to his detriment) & for that reason I wasn’t sad to see him exit the house.
I wonder if Cliff will walk into jury & try to claim all of Nicole’s moves were his b/c of his need to be seen as the smartest guy has driven him all season – even with Julie on stage. Hopefully, he’ll eat some humble pie and finally recognize man if only I’d listened to her instead of constantly looking to bury her & get myself a guaranteed F2 he’d likely still be in the house. Tommy will be there to say she was pushing you to keep me but you refused & you listened to Jackson’s lie so sorry — not sorry. Hopefully that will be when Cliff finally admits why he didn’t keep Tommy & upon learning Jackson lied use the opportunity to tell Tommy he’s sorry & he paid the price for his dumb ass move.
Jury house revelations:
It was mentioned repeatedly on live feeds how Christie had a crush on Kat & was hoping to hook up with her in Vegas. I couldn’t help myself as I roared with laughter at Christie’s indignation upon her arrival when she engaged in a back & forth with Nick. I was never a big Nick fan — but the Nick – Christie arguing was entertaining. There she was yelling at him about lying & once again refusing to own her game which was driven by lying. The funniest part was how upset she was about Kat/Nick hooking up. The scene where Kat jumped in his arms & Christie is seen just to the left already crying was priceless.
We’ve heard on live feeds the hamsters are allowed to call home (loved ones) so presumably Nick tried to call Bella who was over him shortly after leaving the house or he was told what Bella said on social media clearing the way for him to hook up with Kat.
Another comment which stood out for me was Christie stating how shocked she was when Tommy & her went on the block b/c she was SURE the goal was to get out Jackson based on “their” conversations. Perhaps I’m blacking out but I don’t ever recall Nicole having a conversation with Christie where SHE stated that – Cliff yes – but not Nicole or Tommy for that matter (outside of DRs). She goes on to say Cliff spilled the beans & told her they had a F4 deal (H/J/C/N) – which wasn’t surprising since Cliff/Christie had a side alliance since his HOH. So my takeaway here is Christie bought what Cliff was selling when he said he also wanted Jackson out & she just assumed Cliff controlled Nicole.
Sis intermittently looked like the lamp they portrayed her as all season and then dropped some smart little gems. First she looked dumbfounded when Jess says she told Jackson your claim to fame is going to be getting out 2 comp beasts in myself & Sis, as the camera zooms in on a lost looking Sis. Then after Sis says “they didn’t get Cliff out?” Um, Sis—Jess is sitting beside you — no they didn’t. LOL.
I’d heard Jess was trashing Nicole in jury & I’m not sure how to read her some of her comments from tonight (was that respect or shade — both?). As for the other jurors here’s how the props & shade lined up:
Nick/Sis/ and Christie (indirectly): for Jackson
Tommy/Christie/Jack/Sis/Nick & Jess: for Nicole — ALL of them were impressed Nicole won BB comics
Jack/Nick: for Holly (surprisingly Kat didn’t weigh in here & Christie called them a “power couple” but she didn’t isolate on Holly)
No one really gave Cliff props other than Jack saying why would they take you out (Jess) instead of Cliff?
Shade toss – On the opposite end of the spectrum the jurors tossed shade too:
Kat: at Jackson (shocker)
Sis: her accolades toward Jackson were equally tied with shade (“dirty game”)
Tommy of course at Jackson
Jess (as stated above) I can’t tell if that was props and shade toward Nicole — LIKE it’s Jess so LIKE who knows.
Christie (of course) felt Nicole’s move to take her out instead of Jackson was weak (but she still cites her later on with props).
Notably, Nick said he would vote for best game which I believe would have him leaning toward Jackson & I still think Jack would vote Jackson which means Sis likely would too. Much will depend on how much influence Tommy/Cliff have regarding HOW Jackson dealt with their evictions. At this stage I’m not convinced the jury would (all) vote with bitterness. If Nicole is in a F2 chair however I do think how she made connections with each of them and for the most part did as she said will benefit her. Previously I though Holly might beat Jackson based on a bitter jury — but if it’s Jackson/Holly I’m not sure he won’t pull off the victory b/c Nick/Jack will likely argue rewarding the best player & if it’s Holly/Jackson in F2 I think he wins. That’s his only option b/c if Nicole wins she’ll take Holly.
Double standard?
The other irony – Jackson claimed all bets were off when Cliff/Nicole “considered” keeping Tommy. Whether you believe Jackson would ever shift isn’t the point here – (of note: he was ALWAYS keeping Holly) and you can align on whatever side of the Jackson argument that Cliff broke his word so he in turn could break his. His speech to Cliff tonight began with “My word is my bond and I’m unwavering loyal to those that are loyal to me. I’ve been burnt in life and I’ve been burnt in this game and I’m at a point in my life where I’ve come to learn that the moment I feel things are not mutually reciprocated that MY LOYALTY IS ALSO SEVERED.”
After he finished the rest of his long eviction speech he votes to evict Cliff & within the next minute as Cliff prepares to walk out the door says to him “Please whatever happens remember that going to jury that this is a game, SO STAY TRUE TO YOUR WORD and vote according to game.” I mean come on that was hilarious.
I don’t know about anyone else but that for me is the essence of what Nicole has been harping about regarding the hypocrisy & double standards. It’s fine Jackson chose to use that argument to evict Cliff – I don’t blame him BUT he can’t have it both ways saying he is allowed to sever his deals but then expects Cliff to still keep deals made prior. This is why some of us have issues with Jackson. YES – he’s an amazing player in many aspects of the game. But the man just broke a deal (granted with a solid reason) — YET you expect Cliff to honor a previous deal after you just said ALL BETS ARE OFF? Too funny.
Overall, tonight’s show was probably the most enjoyable of the season (DE would be runner-up).
Nicole and Christie did have the conversations. It was ongoing two days before the double. It continued the night before eviction. It was usually followed up by Nicole talks with Tommy. then Nicole talks with Cliff. Nicole was in agreement with Christie that the number of comps Jackson and Holly had together were scary. She was half swayed, but Cliff’s trust in Jackson, and distrust in Christie (further weighted by Nick’s previous opinion of Christie) swayed her back. It was further made odd, because Nicole was aware that Christie and Tommy wanted to keep Jess, and they were putting her in the position of being the deciding vote (a running theme). Cliff and Christie’s thing? I never got the feeling either of them ever took it seriously and both of them were blowing smoke at each other. Hmmm. maybe i read the relationship of the two wrong.
My read of the Nick in jury stuff is much different than yours, but I confess, sheesh… did I ever dislike his personality from the jump. the whole game. I was always very much of the opinion that Nick would want the best man to win. gender specification intended. That was just my gut when he would ask about the number of men and women in the house constantly. In regard to the Kat sitch, or the Bella sitch? Why would he be concerned about Bella now? He only ever mentioned her after eviction to play for sympathy, while he was figuratively trying to get in Sis’ shower stall the moment Bella was gone.
Right — I forgot some of those convos Another Name. I think I wrote them off as nothing b/c Christie/Tommy would talk to her (usually Weds nights) and then not again all week. (that & I wrote that so early this morning my memory recall was shot lol). Nicole even made mention of how Tommy would speak to her saying he wanted to work with her (or if he was trying to push something he wanted) & then not again for 3 weeks. I’m sure that’s an exaggeration but you get the point. Even Christie’s “I see you in my ideal F5” crap she spewed Nicole saw through.
Nicole was on to Christie first IMHO & she also saw through Tommy’s early game fakeness. BUT once Christie left & he was by himself as was typical for Nicole she went to him to make him feel not all alone. Plus w/o Christie in the house he became someone who she could now work with in isolation.
The only time i bought the final 5 stuff Christie would push is when she would talk about it with Tommy alone. The stuff she would say to him alone was as close as you were going to get to her authentic thoughts.
That said, Nicole was in the ideal final four that Tommy and Christie talked about alone. So was Jess.
How that was supposed to happen? ohhhh. manifest-A-tion. of course. I think I sprained my eyelids with that roll.
i still don’t think it was stupid to keep holly. despite her talk, she’s isn’t that good in comps and jury perception must be that she’s rode coattails. tommy was way too dangerous to risk being in final 2, he’d win. the mistakes were getting rid of jess and sis. how could you not want to sit next to one of those two?
if you cut the showmance duo in half getting to final three is made easier for Cliff and Nicole.
Will Jackson if he has the final four vote go vengeance against Cliff and Nicole or take out Tommy as the more difficult player to beat in final HOH and a presumption of automatic jury votes?
If Tommy wins, does he take out Jackson who has all those comp wins, or Cliff/Nicole? After giving his vow to Cliff and Nicole then it’s two jury votes lost, and Tommy counted jury votes. A lot.
Who would win in the final two is jumping a step if you are Cliff and Nicole and haven’t gotten to final 3 HOH yet. That was the error. If they’d taken out Holly they had the reasonable assumption each of Jackson and Tommy would take out the stronger physical competitor. Therefore their chance of reaching final three increased.
it makes it easier to get to final 3, yes, but what winnable final 2 remains for them? a final 2 with tommy they lose. a final 2 with jackson they lose. a final 2 with each other that means they win the final hoh which is unlikely AND choose to take the other one letting the jury decide between final comp winner or person whose social game was good enough to manipulate themselves into that spot without a comp win, not a gamble i think is worth taking. you really want holly there (or really, they should have kept jess or even sis).
In order to get to 2, you have to be able to get to 3. Their objective was to get to 2, but they chose the wrong person to evict in 5th in order to give higher probability to obtain that objective, because their choice decreased their ability to get to the final 3 intact. Keeping Jess would have taken out Cliff. That would be antithetical to their objective.
Nicole did come in second on the veto comp too. She definitely has a chance of beating Holly head to head.
Yeah – my initial instincts were – get out Tommy he’s a bigger threat to win, better overall game player, but in hindsight it would’ve put Jackson in a corner (he still would’ve won but would he have evicted Cliff or Tommy?).
As for the Jess/Sis evictions — Sis verbalized repeatedly how she wanted Nicole out (and Nicole knew). Jess threw her UTB with wild rants of untruths. That & those 2 players specifically weren’t good for Nicole since neither were comp beasts (Sis – 0/ Jess won HOH/POV same week) so they were great choices to take to the end & win against.
At the time they left Nicole hadn’t won & wasn’t getting selected to play in POVs (in first 9 POVs Nicole played once) so she was viewed as a weak player. Sis had solid ties to Tommy/Nick/Christie & even Holly while Jess had strong ties with Christie/Tommy/Cliff & also Holly. In J/H or Cliff’s position I would’ve wanted Nick/Christie/Tommy out first but in Nicole’s slot it made total sense to me.
Julie said they are going to play Cliff’s goodbye messages at the jury house. Holly’s is going to make her look petty and Jackson’s is going to make him look very petty and a little mean.
New Rule : no talking endlessly to the camera…….no punch line just stop it Cliff your not clever or entertaining just disappointing as hell……and thanks for key contributions to ruining any chance of a power shift early on….my mini rant is over now and thank you for considerable patience.
What did tonight’s speechifyin tell us? Those speeches revealed how two of the three will answer jury questions and explain their game. Those were jury speech rehearsals.
So when a juror asks about dirtiest game move, or playing dirty in general (questions that 9 times out of ten are asked) is the jury going to respond well to I didn’t do anything dirty, it was the others that did the dirty and I was forced? The speeches tonight as a prelude tell us that will be the style of answer.
The need to be perceived in a certain way, and the need for America to see things in a certain light: is that going to impress people that played the game with them? I have reservations.
Will the jury respect that or reward it as an answer? Given how the jury were communicating with each other, and how they viewed each other’s games and how they viewed the game over all? The lack of ownership is going to leave a bad taste in a couple jurors mouths. Oh they’ll have made their decision long before, let’s be real, but the look on juror’s faces when the pass the buck answers happen? Those should be good for a giggle. Someone will translate for Jessica with balloon animals.
Nicole is basically telling Jackson things to say in his pitch to the jury.
Moving forward:
IF — Nicole ends up winning part 2 and part 3 of the final HOH she’ll pick Holly to sit beside her & win in a landslide for taking out Jackson. It’s not likely Jackson will take Nicole although he may get a little paranoid, especially if Nicole can plant some more seeds — not threats but perhaps something like “I don’t want to scare you but Nick, Sis & Tommy all told me they would vote for Holly over you & we all know Jess will vote for a female over a male every time. I mean it’s a tough situation & hopefully Cliff will reconsider how he feels after a week to decompress.” Nicole -has always been able to talk with Jackson without angering him (except when she called him a martyr who they should have festuvus for lol) so I could see her being able to get in his head BUT I still think if he makes the choice he takes Holly. And so far Nicole is playing this completely opposite telling him how he has all the votes. That may be her set up in case she wins so she can say no one can beat you so I’m taking Holly.
Despite Holly’s constant proclamations of playing her own game but always doing what Jackson wants —I do think Nicole “might” be able to get in Holly’s head that she’ll never win sitting beside him. Just like she needs to get in Jackson’s head she also needs to play up to Holly that Cliff told her he’ll still vote for Jackson and he’ll probably work the jury in Jackson’s favor. She should tell Holly “If you think back it was NEVER me who created the deals or made the suggestions to throw things it was always Cliff’s strategy to do those things, but I would like to make a pact between you & I that we take each other if we win & I’ll promise on my family I’m 100% committed to that. I still think you would win but I think it would be a closer vote & great for the two females everyone thinks were being carried to be the last two standing.”
With Jackson putting pressure on Holly to win Part 2 this type of deal from Nicole may work b/c then Holly won’t be under pressure to win knowing both people are taking her to F2. Depending on how successful Nicole is at getting Holly to question if she can beat Jackson I think she might even be open to losing part 2 (whether purposefully or not) b/c then she increases the potential to get rid of her comp beast boyfriend without having to get the blood on her own hands. And, since Holly has told us all season how she’s a better competitor and player than Nicole she might actually believe she could beat her in a F2. Plus the added benefit is we’ll likely get to see some drama as Jackson freaks out & begins to question whether Holly even tried to win.
As for votes, tonight’s jury segment offered some tidbits — BUT word of caution, just like the main show the jurors are still being “produced” by TPTB so we can’t take their word as gospel. We can probably assume Kat won’t vote for Jackson b/c all season she told the audience he was her target & that will be her final shot at him. Because of her attachment to Holly that’s a locked vote over either option. Likewise, it’s hard to imagine Jack would vote for anyone but Jackson or that Sis doesn’t vote precisely the same as him.
An example of how a player might be seen voting one way but would vote another is Nick. He said he’ll vote “best game” which leads us to believe that means Jackson & I think he would vote for him over Holly but I also think if Nicole is in a F2 (which again would only be vs. Holly) he would vote Nicole viewing her social, strategic & comp wins as a “complete game”.
Similarly, I’d kind of expect Christie/Tommy to vote with bitterness over how Jackson did Tommy wrong BUT I also won’t be surprised if they both reward Jackson for getting to the end in a F2 chair. However, with Nicole/Holly I think they both vote for Nicole especially now since Holly/Jackson made such a big production with Tommy about how Christie played the game so if they have the chance to vote Nicole they’ll take it especially since Tommy was so annoyed Holly didn’t say anything when Jackson lied.
All season Jess preferred females but often said she’d vote “best game” —- LIKE who knows who she’d vote for — nothing she does surprises me anymore. Cliff sure demonstrated his bitter Betty side to the nth degree this past week. But, I’m still not convinced he’d vote for Holly over Jackson, however he’s a lock to vote for Nicole if she gets to F2.
Anyway, I’m sure there will be shifts in thinking & generally the jury round table affects people’s decisions. The F4 evictee typically joins the round table crew at the fire pit so Cliff will likely go to a hotel & then be introduced just after all the jurors sit down. That also means he won’t get to have much influence b/c as mentioned he’s unlikely to go to the jury house only the RT. After the RT the jurors all go to a hotel until finale night.
Post part 1 activity:
I just did a quick check prior to posting this & Nicole has already begun her spiel with Holly who told Nic she is worried by how much of a threat Jackson is & also worries about being perceived as just riding his coat tails. Later, Jackson tells Nicole he worries about how many people in jury like Holly as he begins to spin his web hoping if she wins Part 2 she’ll take him – in fact he specifically says he would be content going out second and just wants to sit at the end in the F2 chairs. Um — so would they all Jackson lol.
One concern is how physical part 2 will be b/c Nicole hurt her knee pretty bad which may limit her ability in a physical comp. Based on feeds it sounds like they had to run, had to swing on ropes & then build a puzzle. Nicole was last & Holly stayed right on Jackson’s heels (so much for him throwing the comp given those precise dynamics — I just knew he couldn’t do it).
Moving into part 2 presumably it either happens tomorrow or Saturday. I’m still hoping for a Nicole win of part 2 so she at least has a shot of getting to a F2 chair – if Holly wins Nicole’s game is done. The ideal scenario would be the typical F4 POV which didn’t take place this year. It would feature some big board puzzle where two players names are linked based on answering questions. For example – the board would say:
(1) Never played in POV —- linked to (2) evicted by unanimous vote.
The key is the secondary link to another question. David never played in a POV but several players were evicted unanimously (Ovi, Sam, Nick, Jess, Christie, Tommy & Cliff even though it was just one vote). Of the secondary list only Ovi never played in a POV so he would be the logical link from that position.
3) won a whacktivity comp linked to — 4) was a have not
With Ovi in place for not having played POV & winning whacktivity comp the only other two people it could be is Christie or Jack as the next link and since Jack was one of 5 who never had to be a have not (Sis, Cliff, Holly, Nick) then Christie would fill the #4 slot.
The questions would continue like this usually with dates included as well (example: evicted on Day 79 which could be either Jess or Christie b/c it was DE) – Anyway, this type of comp would favor a Nicole win so I’m hoping that’s what they serve up.
Also of note – Jackson told Holly he thinks Nicole already feels like she’s lost the game in her mind (I think that might be wishful thinking & Nicole’s ability to throw off Jackson).
i agree that even if nicole doesn’t win final hoh she can talk holly and jackson into keeping her (not that it will be easy). she’s been pretty successful all season at getting people to underestimate her and she might be able to feed off the paranoia that they need to break up to ensure themselves a jury vote.
Sometimes I think you get paid by the word lol
Bandwith alert.
The “f word” isn’t the passkey to damnation. lol. It’s just another word. To me it’s always been silly how we have some weird heirarchy of cuss words. I mean, I cringe more to the word moist than i do to the “f word”. it just sounds gross. Btw, I’m not in the sweet and adorable club. the whole you’re 24 not 12 thing: i’m in that boat.
The boohooing was an eyeroll I agree. While she says she knew she wouldn’t win, she didn’t want to look bad. The entire pre-occupation with what the viewers are going to say and think this year. Tell me that didn’t start with the extended feed outage where production talked to house guests about how the nation was perceiving them in the first week.
If they spent less time talking to the camera to try to justify their game to America and more time playing the game while repeating the lyrics to the chorus of dennnis leary’s “@$$hole” in their heads, we’d have so much ownership we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves. 🙂
Where your mistake is, this season it is perfectly fine to “say f”, whereas if you “do f” that’s when a whole brigade of Baptist ministers, and forty nuns from Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage will descend on you like locust invited to a plague.
The side of Nicole that is not the 12 year old has always been there. That’s why I’m on the 24 not 12 boat.
Am I surprised they showed it as a d/r clip? sort of but not really. If their intent was to get Jackson detractors to meme out that clip on repeat, they succeeded. I’ve seen it on twitter.
Lil Jase (11 or 12 yrs old)…grabbed my dinner plate from the microwave and burned my finger. I yelled “SH*T!”
My Pops (watching football in the den)…”What happened son…you ok?”
I was floored because to that point…my folks didn’t cuss in front of me. I can remember everything from that night…can even tell you I was eating chicken enchiladas…lol.
He clappit fast, he kist, and chukkit,
As with the glaikis he wer ouirgane;
Yit be his feirris he wald have fukkit;
Ye brek my hart, my bony ane
Fuck is one of the great words in the English language.
The F word is one of the great words in the English language.
In my legal career, I have heard from State Supreme Court judges and US Court of Appeals judges. Nothing expresses disgust better. Chaucer used its predecessor.
Nicole was being lied to. Her reaction was perfect.
I agree. Cuss words to me are used as you say a persons crutch when they are unable to properly communicate and go into the shock mode. Yes, I never expected Nicole to reach to the gutter for communication. I’m sorry if this post is negative to some that believe the word is okay to use, but I’ve walked away from many such conversations in a group when 1 or more has to articulate with cuss words. Nicole has recently shown a dark side of herself she apparently didn’t want to show. Rather she was showing an innocent, sweet, pure girl who wanted to be like. So, which is the real Nicole? I think she showed us.
I actually love her more for saying it. Jackson deserves every bit of it. Hes been vile this entire season regardless of what CBS is trying to push on us about his image. I wont forget the way he treated the people of color or women. Sorry but, fuck you michie. I wonder if his mom will sue Nicole?
Someone has some serious jelly issues.
Yesssss…..own your game HG. We can forgive your moves just be honest in the DR.
Sex stool for AFP!
There goes Cliff along with that gesture he does when he wins something….you know….the ‘He Man’ across his chest, then the finger snaps.
He’s a Texas a&m fan. It’s a Johnny Manziel celebration. It’s not finger snapping its rubbing fingers and thumbs together a sign for money.
I seem to recall his son saying that another university was using his photo on one of their football play cards. I wonder if they’re calling for a deliberate fumble or interception?
And why oh why would you want to be like Johnny !! I would think A&M would prefer people NOT associate Johnny M with their school !! Lol
It is going to be fun watching Nicole get voted out on finale night.
Nick and Kat hooking up was a bit of a shocker and just gross!!!
So here is some tea from Kaitlyn Herman tonight from Rob has a podcast when she hosted the comp this season.
Kaitlyn said: Jackson was hitting on her hard core and she did not find him attractive at all.. She said Holly is not liked by production at all and they find her annoying asking for whine everyday in the dr. They told her several times she isnt funny and her stories are boring. I guess when Holly won hoh she was in dr asking for lulu lemon leggings and expensive items expecting them to cater to her…
Part 1 hoh: Jackson wins what a shocker but im glad he didnt throw the comp like he said he wanted to, to holly which wld be stupid if ur trting to win it all…
Nicole is really down cuz she did so bad in the comp but its to be expected when u want to win so bad to get to f2…
Bathroom chat with Jackson & Holly talking abt how ppl were throwing comps and thats why he won it… Is production telling them all this stuff for jury management??? Weird that all the sudden they are talking abt this stuff they didnt know…
That “tea” was lame and not even believable. No one is hitting on kaitlyn lol. Smh
Where can I watch Julie ‘ s after the show interview with the house guests? I’m in Canada and it wouldn’t let me watch it on the website
I watch on you tube, but have to wait a few days before posted.
Wonder how different the game would have been had the eight stuck with the nearly week-long plan and chosen to take out Nicole over Cliff just before the Camp Comeback comp?
Cliff smoked that comp and came right back in. I bet Nicole wouldn’t have fared quite as well. And she’d likely be at home tweeting about the events in the house.
I think we forget how close she was to going home that week. She hasn’t been in danger since.
That was when they were purging the “bottom dwellers”. Once they got off track and starting fighting their civil war the survivors could sit back and stay our of the line of fire for a while.
You’re casting aspersions on the anti-Jackson. Did you not learn your lesson with that callous Crusty comment?
…. Jackson suck and deserves the FU
And the $500,000.00
I just watched some good bye messages on YouTube & one very interesting set was Jessica. Christie told her she was ALWAYS HER NUMBER ONE GIRL IN THE GAME. Huh? Didn’t Christie try to get Jess put on the block so Sis & her could both stay in the house?
Christie was crying in the message (of course). That just reminded me of how full of sh*t Christie was in the game.
I do hope we get to see footage of how Cliff plays his hand in the jury house. I know he threatened to work the jury against Jackson many times, particularly in his Hawg monologues, but given his track record I’d say he has an even shot at damaging Nicole’s game as well.
I get kind of annoyed when people say Jackson’s social game is a reason he shouldn’t win. When he wins every competition and has a hand in every single person leaving it’s almost impossible for the jury to think his social game is good because he’s the reason they’re in jury in the first place. I love Nicole, but her first hoh was thrown to her by Cliff and her second was thrown to her by Holly. She would only have 1 veto on her resume otherwise , and although I like her, I don’t think thats deserving of winning.
While I agree Jackson has been a comp beast this repeated knocking of Nicole’s DE HOH win being thrown to her bothers me. First of all, had Nicole lost it would’ve been to TOMMY not Cliff as he was just grabbing his ball when her second shot went in. As for Cliff – everyone presumed he was watching to see how she was doing & could’ve won (most people thought he needed to place one more piece), however if you go back & look one of Cliff’s puzzle pieces was upside down (in the wrong spot) which again people saw him move it & thought that meant he was stalling. Now I’m not sure if the last piece could still have fit his last open space, or for that matter if TPTB would’ve allowed him to shoot with an wrongly placed puzzle piece (probably) but the other piece was upside down.
I had that show on PVR so I re-watched the comp a few times & Cliff kept looking at Nicole’s puzzle & he would grab pieces to place after looking where she put them (i.e. his order of puzzle pieces emulated hers) So – yeah I do think he wasn’t busting ass knowing she was in the lead but I also think he was using her puzzle to help him place pieces.
The other thing is WHY would Cliff take a chance of throwing the comp knowing Tommy would win if Nicole didn’t & HE then would’ve been a very possible option to go OTB sitting beside Michie & out the door!
As for the second HOH why is it everyone ASSUMES Holly would win? Nicole outplayed Holly in BB Comics & looked just as sturdy in that F4 HOH as Holly did.
I’m not criticizing Jackson’s game play I’m just saying Nicole has won under some of the most stressful situations (DE HOH/ F5 POV) no one seems to be giving her credit for those victories. Hey Holly won one HOH rolling a ball down a ramp — but I don’t think it’s any less valuable of a victory.
Why is everyone hating on Jackjaw?? The guy crushed everyone this season especially Holly/Kat. I know he’s a duetch snozzle but you’ve got yo give him credit. The guys been impressive this year playing against a bunch of nobodies. Jackass’son for the win.
where is Granny? really miss her opinion
I know! Hope she is ok.
I agree miss granny she is hopefully on vacation and resting from this snooze Mellon head show.
Minister doesn’t know anyone nice that says the F word – that is because Minister is actually a 75 year old Baptist preacher and all the nice people just don’t say the F word in front of their preacher
Honestly think Holly would take Nicole to final two. That chick is all about money. Taking out Jackjaw would give her, her big move of the season. She knows she can’t beat Jackass’son at the end. Something to think/manifest about.
If she did that they could just skip the vote and go straight to the check.
Kat for AFP!! Also I love the f word
Hey now….the 1950s called…wondering where you are!
F word fans for Kat! Ten more votes in the bank.
F* yeah
I wake up to a world where Cliff and Tommy are numbers 2 and 3 on the AFP poll. What the f*ing hell is going on?
Well, if you want to feel better, try thinking about Kat instead.
Oh…oops…no, nick that.
Sadly, Kat fell off my list because of her unfortunate hook up with Nick. His inability to let things go makes my head spin. Who would see that as attractive.
I think, at this point, there’s a contingent that just want to see if they can make you open the kraken with poll results. 🙂
As much as we love you and you work…ppl might be doing it to take the piss out of u and make u drink more Kraken and get a laugh. This comment gives me a chuckle as the poll annoys me too…(grabs a shot)
y’all are trying to kill me!
No Simon just trying to help out your liver lol
End of times.
I am a sad Alien. Nick? REALLY?
Still I voted for her.
But Nick??
He probably went on and on about how much America liked him because they voted him that hijacker prize (they didn’t like him they just hated Christie more). Her thought: oh, if America likes you, I’ll get more noteriety and press if I’m with you and it will stick it to that bitch bella. ok. why not you creepy gremlin, let’s go.
So the jurors don’t get told “realities” but Kat is a smart cookie & I wonder if she figured out some things based on her post eviction interviews that Jackson (at least at that time) was not well received.
That made me wonder last night if based on those instincts & Nick telling her he won America’s Prankster if sidling up to him would help her chances of getting on The Amazing Race with him.
I think given her thoughts in house:
sticking it to Bella would be entertainment to Kat.
getting more air time was a goal. Doing things that would create a buzz was a goal.
Juryhumping a goblin that says america loves him gets her both.
competitive petty: Sis isn’t the only one having sex.
Amazing Race she’d do. With Nick? I don’t see it. Hope it’s not with Jess… lost dazed and confused trying to find their car on the starting line. Kat yelling valet, Jess laying down on the luggage and saying like are we like there yet? Like where’s that like Phil guy?
Simon, how long has the AFP poll been up. Isn’t it just reflecting the votes that people made based on their opinions at the time? People who originally voted for Cliff (just as a for instance) when the poll first went up might not necessarily vote for him now.
That’s why I was asking the question about whether the poll ever reset. I’ve a feeling if you were to reset the poll, or even put up a new one, the results would be far different. People will have reconsidered their original votes.
I reset the poll last night the old one is here https://poll.fm/10406418 and the new one is here https://poll.fm/10412913
Alright…voted, not that it made much difference.
Interesting to results so far; a world apart from the original.
I am glad to see that even Jess has gotten some votes…good to see her supporters voted.
yay, jackson won part one. holly has been really bad at nearly every comp with a mental component. go nicole.
Holly has won two comps on her own merit; it would possibly/probably been three but she deliberately threw it (which was stupid).
Nicole has three wins; one she completely blasted away, one which was gifted to her by Cliff and one which was possibly/probably gifted to her by Cliff and Holly.
This first challenge was a combination physical and mental, involving a hard puzzle with puzzles which is where Nicole believes she excels; I do believe she came in last.
she won an endurance comp (and could have won a second) and a luck comp. she has not fared well in comps with mental components, even when they were more physical than mental. look at holly vs. nicole in the hockey comp, or bb comics, or that last one with the slingshot. nicole performed better than holly in all of those comps and the second part of hoh should be similar. what other comp have they both competed in that’s similar? i can’t think of any. the perception of nicole as weak in comps is mostly due to her never getting picked for veto.
So you’re saying a desperate, ancient old cougar, with multiple mental and physical problems, a lousy ass, splinters, lacking in approved morals, suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and is poor in mental challenges…somehow beat Nicole last night in a challenge with a difficult core mental component?
Well just F#@K! Is Smurfette saving herself for the next challenge?*
(*these heresies were for the Ministry of Truth Secretary)
what exactly was the last comp? did it involve dates or other information about inside the house? holly has been bad with that. how far ahead was jackson? nicole really didn’t need to win part 1, she just needed holly to lose.
Well I didn’t want to overwhelm anyone or be vulgar, which is why I didn’t say anything about Cr@#ty.
That last HOH that Nicole won – some BBfans are putting an asterisk by it because Holly dropped. Yes, there was an agreement made for Holly to throw but who is to say Nicole would not have outlasted Holly anyway? It’s one thing to be the last two remaining in an endurance and both HG are struggling so they make a deal for one to drop. That is a more of scenario that either one could win. In this case, however, Jackson was yelling (demanding) that Holly drop NOW so there was never the opportunity to see how far H&N could actually last.
Anybody cheering for jackson is a douche.
Bitter jelly. LOL
Addios Nicole.
Well f&ck! And here I always thought I was a sweet and adorable older woman. IT’S JUST A WORD! An adjective if you will, such as saying “That was f&king awesome”, “You are a really f&cking nice guy”. I take more offense or find the word cunt just gross. Now my little old momma could sling the “F” word with the best of them (kinda shocked me the first time I heard her say it). In context most people say “I made love” with so & so, who they may never see again. Ummm no..you f&cked! You rutted! You didn’t make “love” because that real feeling was lacking. When Nicole used it, it was in frustration. Don’t know how old you are, but Minister…if you have went through life without hearing people use the “F” word, you must live in a really small world.
Here’s a scenario for everyone. Nicole wins part 2. Would Jackson and Nicole make a deal to take each other? I could see them making the deal and neither one of them holding up their end of it. Would be a very poor move for Jackson to this from a jury management perspective but I could see him panicking and doing it
Holly to Jackson: “I have ADD.” Girl that isn’t ADD thats Stockholm Syndrome!
What doesn’t she have, with all the health problems she has, how is she even in the game? Wonder what she will have tomorrow?
The clapp?
Holly’s ADD? I have “amorous desires daily’?
Nicole needs to stop her pity party and remember that she is in a game. Things don’t just get handed to you in it you need to earn them. Jackson has earned his way and played a good game. Nicole needs to quit saying stuff about Jackson and Holly and play the game. I don’t think Nicole should get AFP because of her behavior. Jackson and Holly final 2!
She would be a lot better off if she could get Cliff out of her brain…a whole lot better off is she had done that a couple of weeks ago.
That fine “gentleman” made all the deals (mostly for himself), made all the decisions (for his own benefit) and let her take the risks (getting the blood on her hands). She allowed that to happen. His parting gift was passing on his bitterness to her. That FU might as well have come out of Cliffs beak.
She should shake off Cliff’s game and play her own. I don’t expect it to happen.
Hmm could say the same about Holly 🙂
See what I did there…
…not much.
….remind you of Holly? 😉
Tyler was once publicly asked if he read any of the comments about Angela and how he felt about them. He just laughed and said there were a lot of jealous people out there.
Tyler may not have the BB title but trust me he won.
He’s said he’s amazed at how many people he meets actually believe/remember him as the winner.
Tyler digs mustaches.
Remember Peter Pan and how we all had to clap for Tinkerbell, we might have to do that for Nicole.
*clapping hard* She can do it though on her own – she is smart – she has grit – she knows how to play BB. She also has Jackson pegged and will play him like a fiddle.
*still clapping JIC*
Poor Nicole was getting worked over pretty hard by Michie with all of the..”I would be honored if you took my to final 2” and “I would be happy taking 2nd place as long as I got to sit in the chair” and “I’ve worked too hard not to be there” and my favorite…”that $50k would not go far but it would help a lot”. I think he forgets that all season he’s been talking about how much they make for their stipend, plus he has an additional $10k. The fact that he thinks he deserves the money more than either Nicole or Holly should tell make them want to leave him behind.
Fingers crossed Nicole wins the next 2 and sends his ass to the curb
In case do didn’t see them…Cliffs Goodbye Messages. Jackson still doesn’t understand jury management. https://youtu.be/Y6kfnTEKpSE
Wow! I can’t believe that. He never once said “I love you” or “I respect you”. He’s toast. That will just cause Cliff to suddenly act like a bitter a$$hole.
How Cliffie conducts himself in jury is his own call; always was, always will be. Nothing Jackson could have said will change it.
One man one vote his right however he votes whether we like it or not.
Thanks for posting the link! I don’t think Jackson can help himself – when he feels personally attacked. You can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. They must have taped the GB messages in the heat of their talk because J was able to give toned down version on the live eviction show.
I looked for Tommy’s goodbye messages & couldn’t find them – did anyone else have success? If yes, could you please post the link. Thanks so much
I smell fish. No extended interview with Cliff. CBS just posted what they claim is his goodbye messages. Who knows if they are the same ones they showed Cliff, if they show cliff anything at all, because Cliff isn’t sitting with Julie watching them like all the other evicted guests. Weird.
Grassy knoll?
Julie said he would see them in the jury house.
Jets, my main point is, Unless we see him watching them they could show him whatever they want to. They could have showed cliff only nice things that Jackson said, and not any of what they showed us.
And that bag is holding $500 G’s in cash.
Simon the pick of Mellon head in the shower and the look on his face I just want to slap that smirk off his face. Come on Nicole when part two and 3 and kick him to the curb
Cliff calls Jackson a hypocrite in the last Big Brother show I just watched. How much do you want to bet that Cliff will show himself to be a bigger hypocrite by actually voting for Jackson to win the whole thing if he is against Holly. Cliff and his biases. Even though Jackson burned Cliff, Cliff’s bias toward Jackson because of this southern gentlemen thing (a man’s word as their bond tribal nonsense) will make Cliff vote for Jackson to win the whole thing. Just you watch.
If it’s a tie vote, I could see Julie pulling his key last…
Well as our BB season takes its final lap……… I just want to say this is my go to site for BB info and insights. Lots of great posts this afternoon. I’m pulling for Nicole but yes Jackson has played well. Nicole ‘s problems were Cliff Coc# bloc#ing her game decisions, and Nick well I just wished he had left her alone for some reason, I just don’t like him. How would the game have been if Cliff had been voted out and not Kat. Maybe no changes at all but just maybe someone would have taken out Jackson. Thanks for keeping this site so interesting, we appreciate what you guys do. Don’t forget to donate if you can.
Couple of little trends I saw posted.
The winner of the 1st part of the final hoh has not gone on to win the game since BB13 (Rachel Reilly)
BB14: Dan
BB15: GinaMarie
BB16: Cody
BB17: Vanessa
BB18: Paul
BB19: Paul
BB20: Tyler
BB21: Jackson
Other interesting piece I saw
Last few season physical comps in the endgame (week 8 and onward) per Taran:
BB17: 17%
BB18: 15%
BB19: 33%
BB20: 55%
BB21: 61% (so far)
Take it for what it’s worth. To me it looks like production geared it towards their athletic showmance the last two seasons because grod wants nothing more than a showmance final 2
Very interesting! Maybe Grod will settle for a big red bow on the stool when Nicole wins BB21.
Thanks for sharing the stats!
I wonder if Nicole has given up or is playing mind games with Jackson, like he plays with everyone else. For sure he got rid of all the other house guests, according to his plan Nicole spelled out. But maybe at some point Nicole caught on and starting playing his plan against him. Holly seems quite happy to hand him $500,000 and settle for second. I despise Jackson. He’s a hypocrite. Lying , breaking deals then getting on his knees and thanking God for getting away with it.
We seriously need another allstar season. This season had some terribly bad players. I wondered many times if the players had even seen the show before.
Jackson already said he sucked at mental comps and putting it together as far as how he is winning the game.
Comps alone wont do it even though I think he’s definitely killing it in that category.
He is reading situations well which Nicole is too however because he sucks at mental stuff and has a reactive temper he needs to ensure his argument is good. Instead of being suspicious of Nicole saying “you’re good, why not take in what’s shes saying as a potential argument or at least get a clue Jackson that Nicole is thinking of what SHE would say against either one of them in the final. If she is thinking of his game play SURELY she has thought of her own.
Play it cool Jackson Nicole is smart and you dont need to get all bent out of shape.
Nicole is definitely thinking about this and it scares Jackson.
Maybe. It’s so hard to tell with her because we’ve really not seen much game play from her. And before the anti’s spin up completely…the problem with “her” game play is it’s pretty much an unknown quantity. So far, she’s pretty much done whatever Cliff told her; he made the deals, he committed her to his deals (all while making F2 plans that didn’t include her), he even coordinated her HoH’s to take into account his behind her back dealings with his other F2, Jackson.
That also makes a problem for her. She looks at Jackson’s game play through the prism of Cliff; the limited knowledge that he allowed her to know about Jackson because he wanted to filter everything and keep his two F2’s separate.
Holly was just now checking with Jackson to be sure that they are still taking each other to F2. ?!?!?!? Does anyone know why the doubts all of a sudden?
Jackson looks like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead….LMAO. He is a Tool. Cliff not only blew up his game, but he blew up Nicoles game. Stupidest BB move in history.