HOH Competition Results! “I go up on the block and I win the f**king veto!”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Cliff

Power of Veto Ceremony results – Kat uses Veto on Jess. Nicole is the replacement.

Powers in the game

Ovi – Nightmare (Dead unless he comes back?)
During the night, Ovi could secretly wake up the house and call a new Nomination Ceremony, with the Head of Household naming two new nominees. The original nominees would have immunity for the week. The power is able to be used for the first six Nominations.

Jack – Chaos
After chips have been drawn for a Veto player draw, Jack could force a re-draw for the players. This power could only be used once and is able to be used until there are six players left in the game.

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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9:05pm – 11pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the HOH competition.

Bathroom. Jack, Sis and Jackson. Sis – we can figure something out. Jack – no, I go up on the block and I win. That’s how it happens. I go up on the block and I win the f**king veto. Jackson – Holly and I already talk to him. He still wants to work with us. When we were sitting out there I said if I win this you’re safe and he said you’re too. So what I am saying is that me and Holly will talk to him. We can say that there are 6 people that will have your back if you go after Nick and Bella and we can still do this thing. We have to play the cards that we’re dealt. Get your 39 seconds of venting and then after that flush it and be a big boy. Let play this f**king game alright?! Lets play this game! Get your sh*t together.

Bathroom. Cliff and Kat.
Kat – I can’t believe this! The story line is amazing! Cliff – we should be good. Kat – well I hope you’re not going to put me up. Cliff – no we’re good. I will get you involved up there in what we need to do going forward. Kat – I know, I can’t wait to talk but I mean.. Cliff – we’ll talk tomorrow. Let it marinate. Kat – I can’t believe it! I can but I can’t .. so exciting!! Cliff goes to the washroom. Jess joins Kat. Jess – I’m feeling so good right now. Kat – I know. Jess – that was crazy. They hug. Kat – we will be good. Kat leaves. Cliff comes out of the washroom. Jess – I’m so friggin’ happy for you. Cliff – we’ll talk. We need to flip this around. We need to talk to people and see. I’ve got a lot more targets than I had this morning.

11:09pm Storage room. Cliff.
Cliff – Day 30, evening… lets call this victory dance number two! I’m dancing alone now but I bet I have a lot of people coming to be my dance partners. I don’t quit! I don’t give up! You don’t tell me what I can’t do! You never tell me that I can’t do something. I love them all and its not personal but there are targets in this house now. We’re going to play a slightly different game for this next week. Cliff heads to the bedroom. He finds his hat puts it on and says – there’s a new sherif in town and you can call me Cliff Hogg but if you want you can just call me BOSS! Mic drop!

Jess to Nicole – I think that we don’t have to worry about this week. I really do and I am so happy for that. Cliff is going to change some sh*t up! Nicole – balls to the wall. I need to make sure I talk to him though. People will be like in his ear. If I had won and people were like Cliff was campaigning against you .. I would be like yeah! Thats how the game works. I am so embarrassed. Even if I wanted to throw it, it wouldn’t be like that. Either it makes me look like a dumb sh*t or I didn’t care and threw it. I swear I’m not that stupid. Jess – Cliff just literally said to me ..anyone that’s been on the block doesn’t need to worry this week. Kat joins them. They all hug. Jess – they can’t make this sh*t up.

Bedroom. Jack, Tommy, Christie. Jack – none of this is was we planned. Him coming and then winning. Tommy – I told her everything. I said we believed you from the beginning. Kat – I think they’re all freaking out.

12:15am Boat room. Jackson & Holly. Jackson – should I offer up a pawn? Me? Holly – no! I mean maybe if we’re desperate. Against who? You and Nick? Jackson – I don’t know but Christie has a veto power. And maybe I can keep Christie – off the block. A pawn against Nick or Bella? Make it look like he is coming after us. Holly – I don’t know but we need to figure out something .. like forming a new alliance. Jackson – it might be the best option for our alliance. Put me up as a pawn, and Sis is safe. It keeps you safe. And allows us to go after Nick and Bella. Christie’s power can keep me safe. Holly – yeah. Jackson – that might be our best bed. I will talk to Christie.. first before I offer that up. Jackson – kat will vote to keep me. Jess will vote to keep me. Holly – you’ll have the votes on your side.

12:20am Christie and Jackson. Jackson – Would you use your power on me? Christie – on you? Why you? Jackson – Cliff has wanted to work with me and when we were both outside during the break we both looked at each other and said we’re fine. Jackson – we maintain this facade that we don’t like each other. And that he is coming after me because of the banishment. But he won’t just put up Nick and Bella. So we need to make it look like its good for him to put Nick and Bella. Also that it doesn’t blow anyone’s cover. Put Nick up and put me up as a pawn. It does a bunch of things ..one it keeps you and Jack safe. Two it keeps me and him (Cliff) a secret. It puts one of them up. Christie – what if someone else wins the veto? Jackson – you have control over it. Christie – yeah but it depends on who wins it. Jackson – ok that fine .. then we get him to put up Bella and Sam. I just wanted to find out if you would be winning to use the power. Christie – yeah of course. Jackson – If I am up there we have Kat, you, Holly, Sis, Jack, Nicole. I just wanted to ask you. Christie – I would use it on you.

1:03am Boat room. Jackson and Sis.
Jackson – here is the plan. The plan is to get out Nick and Bella. He likes Nicole and he distanced himself because she thought she was. Let him know that Nick and Bella are. We still have the numbers to keep me safe. Sis – but who would he put you up against? I guess we would have to see who wins the veto. Sis – who do you want to go first. Jackson – tI don’t care how its doe. hey are going home this week.. one of them. I couldn’t win HOH… like hands you lemons, lets make some lemonade. I want them gone! Keeps Jack and you safe.

1:55am Tommy – this game is nuts. We couldn’t tell you the trust because we couldn’t risking it getting out.

1:55am Nick and Bella. Nick – I am so happy that Cliff won. Next week if I win, I am just going to take a shot because I am going to bring one of them down with me.

3:20 am Cliff with Kat and Jess
Cliff – there’s potentially going to be some blood on my hands..
Kat says there’s the 6 person alliance and a 3 person (nick, Bella, Sam)
Kat – there’s a couple in that 6 that are freaking out you just won because they evicted you
Cliff – as they should be
kat – I know they are going to try and convince you to get rid of Nick, Bella and SAm

Cliff – I’m sure they’ll try
Kat – play for your game
Cliff says there’s Kat, him, Nicole, Jess and Maybe Sam as a group they are all outside of the couples if they can get one couple on their side they can get out whoever they want
Cliff – we don’t have to be threatened by the couples

Cliff says he has no plans to put them on the block.
Cliff – all of us working together is our best chance in this game
CLiff says he doesn’t want those 6 people to end up in the end and they all end up the trash heap of the season.

Cliff – it was me vs, Tommy, Michie and Jack
They say Jack was about to win the HOH and they were all panicking. They wonder why Christie told people about her power. Cliff says she told like it was a threat.

3:57 am Cliff, Kat, and jess
Cliff – it may have been decided last minute to send me home but Jack has not looked me in the eye for awhile .. before the eviction ceremony. HIs tone with me changed these last few days.. it’s one of the reasons I wasn’t so certain .. he was talking to me differently
Cliff – his name is definitely on the list
Cliff says he’s bothered that Holly, Jackson voted against him “out of all the couples that voted against me I trust more those two”

Cliff isn’t considering them adds that those two are the type that if they see the waves changing direction they might hope on board.
Kat – me and Holly are close
Jess – Holly doesn’t have it in her to be manipulative
Cliff – by process of elimination, you can all see who I’m looking at Christie, Tommy, Jack and Sis. If Christie has this Diamon power of veto perhaps not her
Kat – all the things Kemi got evicted for Sis does all of that but worse. Have you noticed in the gratitude circles she’s always like I don’t want to do this I hate this
Kat – that name one memory so far, She couldn’t even name one. She always says she’s tired, She’s always board, she never does dishes
Kat – I personally wouldn’t target Tommy because he does not wrong but I also think he’s going to get very far in the game
Jess – yeah
Cliff – there’s two things 1 I think he’ll get very far everyone loves Tommy and I love Tommy it would never be personal against him
Jess – you have to consider the votes. You don’t want to put someone up that isn’t going to go
Cliff – I know
Jess says if Jack was on the block a lot of people will vote him out
Cliff – especially if he’s going up against a Tommy it may make it any more towards Jack..

Cliff doesn’t want to get Tommy out says if he loses some of the people on the couple’s side he might float over to them.
Jess – Christie would never vote Jack over Tommy (Vote out Tommy over Jack) I think she got a bad taste in her mouth for Jack trying to hijack her HOH

Nicole joins them.

Cliff – I’m not going to be intimidated into making a decision it’ll be what works best for my game our game
Cliff – I don’t want to target anyone that’s been on the block before like we all have been
Cliff – we all been the expendable type that doesn’t get any respect from anyone else I would love to do something we all agree on and we all support together

4:15 am CLiff, Nicole, Jess and Kat
Cliff wants to see who throws who under the bus.
Cliff says he knows Jess and Nicole have issues with Nick and Bella but that doesn’t mean he’s going to rule out working with them yet.
Kat – right now they don’t have anyone
Jess – right now even though I have issues I feel like I’m in a way better place with them now
Jess says there are other people in the house playing a much dirtier game and getting away with it.
Kat mentions why are they all bottom of the totem pole who decides this totem pole
Cliff – the people in power are the ones that are coupling up all of us that are down at the bottom aren’t hooked up with a showmance.

Cliff – If I put someone up it’s because they are a threat to me moving forward not because of what they’ve done in the past.
Cliff says he’s not really looking at Jackson he thinks Jackson wouldn’t put him up.
Kat says the people outside of them she would for sure not put up are Jackson and Holly
Cliff – yeah. I’m not leaning that direction
Cliff – they did vote against me
Jess – but out of all the couples they weren’t against you
Cliff – people do what they feel like they have to do with their game.
Cliff says Jackson and Holly are not his primary targets.
Cliff – let’s have a week where we have some power and control.. If someone throws out a power then there’s only so much I can do

Cliff Bella worries me more than Nick
Nicole – absolutely

4:42 am Kat filling Jackson in
Says Cliff wants to take out an alpha male Jack. “he also thinks about putting up Nick he doesn’t trust Nick”
Kat says Jackson and Holly aren’t on Cliff’s radar.


5:20 am Jackson and Kat
my moms going to kill me .. bonked two houseguests

Jackson – that’s f*ed what David said about seconds
Kat says she would never get with him after saying that
Jackson – that was f*ed you don’t say that

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142 thoughts to “HOH Competition Results! “I go up on the block and I win the f**king veto!””

      1. The only thing that would work is if he puts up nick and bella with sam for a back up. If he puts up any of the 6 Christi could save them with her power depending on who wins the veto.

        1. BAD IDEA…Christie uses the power to save one of them and the next week SHE ends up on the block and can’t save herself

            1. unless tommy is on the block. i think she would save tommy if she thought he was in danger, but against jack, tommy would win unanimously.

      1. as much as i hate bella, strategically the six need to be the target. there’s only 13 people left. if one of them does not go this week they control half the house. still, there is a part of me hoping that christie uses her power and bella gets put up and sent out. getting rid of her and a power in one fell swoop (it’s even sweeter if jack also uses his redraw power).

      2. If Cliff noms Bella/Nick it only serves to accomplish the six’s goals & it moves everyone outside the six up the target list. Not a fan of Nick/Bella BUT the people outside the six need to work with those 2 for now to weaken the six. Cliff’s best bet (if he wants to make a move to seize game control or take over the number advantage) is to put up two of the six. Nick/Bella will remain the sixes targets and therefore are the shield for anyone outside the six,.

      3. They need to blow up six shooters to even the numbers. But I am not sure Cliff knows who the six shooters are.

    1. After Cliff’s discussion with the the other disposables late last night I’m starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel…..finally let the games begin.

    2. Just need to be a bit careful with Christie’s power. Six shooters still have the numbers so if someone from the alliance wins the veto and Christie uses her power it’s possible someone from Cliff’s side goes home….and this season may never be saved.

      I’m sure the producers will do everything possible to make sure someone from six shooters doesn’t win veto.

      1. But at least one will be on the block no matter what so that’s 5 max votes. 10 people voting which means Cliff will break any ties…the only problem is getting the other 5 together.

      2. if cliff can secure bella/nick/sam vote they can force a 5-5 vote and cliff would decide but if jackson or holly was on the block, i dont think kat would vote them out

      3. It would be a tie and Cliff would break it. 13 people less the 3 that cant vote is 5/5. There is hope!

    3. No i wouldn’t even give them the opportunity to play for veto, put up Sis and Bella, if one of them (or someone on Cliff’s “team”) wins veto take down Did and put up Jack then vote him out. If the wrong side wins veto either Sis or Bello go home. Doubt Christie would use her power on any of them!

        1. Agree Simon. His floating from person to person telling them how much he loves them is wearing thin. I guess that’s his strategy?

    1. Oh fk Tommy! He can go up too….he couldn’t wait to rat Nicole out to the nasty 9 and then the shitty behavior to the outsiders began. He’s fake as fk….having said that, I would like bitchy Bella out first

      1. This shouldn’t be flagged. I bumped it while scrolling and it wouldn’t let me unflag!!! So sorry!!

  1. CLIFFORD!!!!! The NEW Competition BEAST!!!! Who would have ever believed this fork in the road? Now, who does he work with and who does he put up?

  2. This could be amazing but if he does a pussy predictable move then it will be for nothing.

    This could be a shit week if Christie gets to make the Veto a Diamond POV if say she wins and or another 6 Shooter person wins..

    God that would suck.

    One of those 6 HAS to go!

    1. one of the 6 still needs to win veto for christie’s power to matter, but even if it is used. they need a sixth vote to control the eviction (assuming one is still left on the block), though admittedly getting bella, nicole, jess, nick, sam, and kat to work together seems pretty tough.

      1. If Cliff puts up either Nick or Bella Christie won’t use her power because she and the 6shitters want them both gone.

        1. if he puts up neither and the power gets used by a 6shooter one of nick/bella ends up on the block and likely goes home, which i’m kinda fine with.

          1. But then the 6 have numbers and it becomes harder and harder to get them out unless you win both HoH and veto.

      2. He won’t need Kat, Cliff just needs the 5 votes to tie as he’s the tie breaker. If he can get Jess, Nicole, Bella, Sam, and Nick, Cliff decides who goes home.

  3. It’s so right on that cliff won HOH. He did pretty good for himself tonight. Who’d a thunk.
    I just hope his HOH is productive and he’ll be able to cause some damage.

  4. WOW WOW WOW! What a day for Boss Hogg! Looks like CliffsNotes will live to see more days! If he makes some big moves then I’m gonna be TeamBossHogg, he’s the hope to pull out of the sh*t show this far! Can’t wait to see what or if he works with Nicole more.

  5. I am happy for Cliff and his HOH! I’ve always liked him despite the fact that he reminds me of a big, bumbling bear. It would be historic if he, an older housemate, ended up winning the show. It would be an inspiration to all of us old-timers who are loyal fans of the show.
    I really want to see either Bella or Jackson evicted at the next eviction, so I am anxious to see who he puts up. Please don’t just play it safe like every week has been, Cliff. Don’t worry about the blood…take all you can get and you just MIGHT end up winning the show!

  6. Thankfully, Jackhole 1 wasn’t a second faster. I wouldn’t be able to handle another Jack hoh. It’s been like he’s had HOHitis for weeks as it is.
    I hope Cliff doesn’t follow the fan pattern and develop his own inflated hohitis ego.
    Who will Cliff nominate? For some reason I don’t imagine he’ll go for the Jacks or Team Ick. One of the four maybe. not two. chances for one of the four: i’d guess about 20%.
    More likely he goes for Christie. maybe Tommy as well.
    Don’t go getting overexcited.
    The correct use of Christie’s power can successfully derail Cliff’s HOH, depending on the Veto winner.

    The women speculated most likely would be Christie, Nick or Jack.
    They want Christie saved, and everything blamed on Jack.
    Meanwhile, i’m guessing Bella is sharpening her tongue somewhere.
    God knows Jack is coming up with colorful adjectives to describe Bella.

    Biggest influence in Cliff’s ear i imagine: Sam.
    Bella is definitely going to be doing anything possible to be the biggest influence. Nick will assume he already is.

    At least it’s a different group of people sweating for once.

  7. Cliff needs to put up Christie for sure so that way her power can’t be used to shield 3 people from her alliance. It will still leave at least one exposed.

    1. Her power is dependent on who wins veto. If she or her allies don’t win the veto she won’t use it. Whoever controls the veto controls Christie’s power if it’s used.

      1. The fact she was stupid enough to tell the entire house about her power, tells me she’s stupid enough to use it on someone else. If that’s the case, the only way she won’t be walking out next week is if she wins HOH.

  8. The one thing that bugs me this season is that no one can keep their dang mouths shut. I swear if people would just get information and keep it to themselves, they’d be so much better off. Like Bella running to anyone and everyone with any piece of information she gets, Cliff and his damn cliff notes shooting himself in the foot, Sam talking to people when he should absolutely remain quiet, Kat just now running to Jack and Jackson about talking Cliff into putting Nick and Christie up. If that info gets back to Christie she’ll freak the f out and somehow convince everyone to work on Cliff to put Kat up instead.

    I just pray that Cliff will be smart with this opportunity and put up Jack/Jackson, Nick/Bella, or Christie/Tommy. I need drama and for Gr8ful, mostly 6 shooters, to get what’s coming to them.

    1. They all can’t shut up and keep anything for themselves, lots of Instawhores who don’t love the game like a proper houseguest should! Most want this to be a step to some silly internet fame and haven’t yet figured out they’re just too vile. Who would really employ and support them seeing them “play”, Meh, it happens, I mean look at Cody and Jessica, they were horrid and people love them. IDK.
      Thanks BB crappy casting.

      1. Cody and Jess were not liked in the game, but if you think about it, cody was up against Paul who was safe for 8 weeks and then he had his sheep. That would bring the worst out of anyone. They were 2 against the house. I would rather see a cody and Jess again over what we have in the house this season.

      2. I think vile is integral to being a Instagram model….I really can’t stand any of the 8 but the sweetest combo to go is either of the Jackasses.

    2. I know right? They acted like it was breaking news that Christie overheard Cliff talking about the 4 couples working together. They slam the HOH door in peoples’ face as the 8 conspire…. at the highest possible decibel. Jack blurted out “Gr8tful” to Sam. Bella has verbal diarrhea. Helen Keller could have cracked that case.

      The TV episodes this week showed their nasty sides – Christie’s mental breakdown, Bella ranting at Nicole, flashbacks to the truth as lies were being stated as absolute truth, Jack’s aggressive behavior towards EVERY one, telling people to “get lost” because they were having another top secret conversation. Morons.

    3. i think people watching how bitter the jurors were with paul MAY HAVE influenced a few players to try a more honest approach with the other houseguests, but i agree, have these people no sense that secrets = power???

  9. Cliff said anyone who has already been on the block has nothing to worry about this week. I hope he sticks to that when the sucky six try to coerce him into being their puppet.

  10. The one concern is Cliff told Sis & Christie (and the Jackholes) his plan was to put up Jess/Nicole or Jess/Kat if he’d won HOH. Hopefully that was just posturing. His last statement to Jess offers some hope “We need to flip this around. We need to talk to people and see. I’ve got a lot more targets than I had this morning.”

    Here’s the thing the SIX are going to push Cliff to put up Bella/Nick and backdoor Sam…..BUT Cliff isn’t that dumb (is he?) to not see if he does their dirty work all it does is reduce targets moving forward which will remain on splitting whoever out of Bella/Nick/Sam trio left but just as easily be on Cliff/Jess/Nicole (Kat by extension).

    There are several factors which the SIX didn’t count on and if the group of SEVEN: Cliff, Nicole, Jess, Sam, Kat, Nick & Bella got in a room it would finally come out how Christie/Tommy are the safest b/c they are aligned with six as well as with the trio & have been playing nice with each of Kat/Jess/Nicole to make them think they are playing “with” them not “for” them. I mean come on – Christie freaking out about going on the block was just the primer for her not trusting the trio, the 8 or 9 closing the door in Nicole’s face another obvious note of where she stands, not telling Jess how they voting, etc. Unfortunately both Jess & Kat voiced how they don’t want Christie to go up or leave — HOW does this girl who is displaying insane tendencies and calling all the shots not have a spotlight on her? (The powers that be must be putting in major overtime work here – geesh).

    The hardest thing for the six to pull back from when speaking to Cliff is when they try to pin this all on Bella/Nick/Sam who were the ones actively campaigning to keep Cliff in the house and HE KNOWS it was Bella, Sam, Jess & Kat who voted to save him. For him to put up a combo of those two people now just to gain one or two weeks of freedom wouldn’t be his best move. Sure it’s going to draw an exact line in the house — but it’s there already just not one that’s spoken out loud when everyone is in the room. There are a few critical keys for the switch to happen:

    *Nicole and Bella (and Nick to an extent) have to agree to put their differences aside. Nic/Bella absolutely HAVE to spill everything they’ve been told & more importantly BY WHOM – Bella needs to know Holly & Christie are ACTIVELY after her & Nicole needs to know how the others spoke about her & where she sits in the true pecking order.

    *Nick has to read Bella the riot act and tell her that she is sinking their ship b/c she shares everything she hears to everyone & no one feels they can trust her. She needs to prove she can be trusted within this new group of seven otherwise the trio will be the top priority to evict each week. At this stage I’m not sure she can be trusted & even if Nick tells her the reason “they” are be targeted is b/c of her that she won’t run right back & tell the six. In the event that’s what happens then everyone will know she can’t EVER be trusted but it would also likely mean the seven could NEVER truly come together.

    *Having voted to keep Cliff – Sam has to go to him & say – look this game is all couples & although the other side tried to make me feel comfortable it was always in the very bottom position and ONLY to do their dirty work. They think I’m in tight with Nick/Bella which isn’t good but its also something you & I can work with especially if WE team up. Cliff might jump all over that & it would be smart for Sam (the side benefit is he ensure Cliff targets the six)

    *Kat is sooooooooooo sure Holly/Mickie are her trio so AGAIN she needs to be sold hard core on how Mickie has spoken about her & that she is totally disposable to them. The group needs to sell Kat on whatever they’ve told you just know both Holly/Mickie have said Kat can go ANY time. They need to make her feel safe & tell her as long as any of us are in power you will NEVER touch the block while simultaneously telling her that each of Jack, Mickie, Holly, Sis, Tommy & Christie have no intention of bringing her past seven & only then if she’s just lucky to be up against someone else they want out which changes on a weekly basis.

    *MOST IMPORTANTLY – Cliff has to see the long range game & use his wisdom to show the 7 they have one shot to gain the numbers in the house and it can ONLY happen this week if they stick together.

    *Cliff has to make SMART nominations which can’t be the Jackholes b/c it only increases their shot of winning POV & then Christie using her power leading to one of the 7 going on the block. As long as one of the six remain on the block it might not matter. For example if Cliff nominates Holly/Christie (the 2 biggest advocates to switch the vote) then if Jack uses his power to select who plays in POV surely he would pick all of the six to play to guarantee they win POV & pull off one player. Christie might also use her power (again it ONLY works if one of the six is POV winner). For arguments sake let’s say Christie gets pulled down & Sam is the renom. The five (from the six) vote to keep Holly, & it’s then ESSENTIAL the other five vote to keep Sam so Cliff can break the tie. Kat is the wild card b/c she might vote out Sam over Holly which would mean the six have all the power through to game end based on numbers and would only be vulnerable if two of the six sat on the block on eviction night. B/c of this if Sam/Cliff get any indication of Kat’s ties to Holly they might want to nominate Sis/Christie instead b/c Kat will have less issues voting her out.

    *If the current presumed nominations Kat has outed are true (Jack/Christie) I guess it wouldn’t be the worst scenario, In fact, it might be kind of funny how the other four in the six respond with the potential for some of them seeing it as an opportunity to take out either of them (since they are making most of the decisions). Would Mickie like to cut Christie to pull Jack to himself? Would any of that group want to cut Jack so they can gain power?

    *Based on Simon’s description Christie’s power only allows ONE nom to be pulled off the block & ONE re-nom. I thought a diamond power took off both but I might be confusing the Canadian version with US here. If it is just one as long as Cliff puts up two from the six then one will still be on the block if Christie uses her power. I wonder if Jack will use his power this week to ensure his group of six are the only ones competing in POV. (likely ONLY if HE feels threatened to be backdoored or is on the block). Likewise – would Christie even use her power unless it was her or Tommy in danger?

    The early “Christie crazy” is already in full bloom & Kat shared a convo she apparently had with Jess (or overheard) that Cliff plans to put up jack/Christie. I have zero clues if this conversation ever happened but it quickly found it’s way to Jack/Christie. MAN – could it be Kat just planted that & it’s not even true (that she knows or heard that)? I kind of enjoy Kat b/c they all treated her like a mat they could wipe their feet on & as each week passes she grows on me b/c she’s having fun & without even trying is perfectly positioned in the middle of the house. If any of the six put her up it will give her every reason to flip to the other side & the other side should have no reason to put her up b/c they really do need her. Even if the group were to tell the other side “Kat is a mole” I’m not sure if they’ll buy it since she 1) voted to keep Cliff 2) pulled down Jess & 3) did what Nick/Bella/Sam wanted to by voting out Nicole who surely has bigger fish than Kat to fry.

    Side note – has anyone else noticed Tommy is already putting in work to subtly spin negatives on Christie? He’s not doing it to put her in danger – rather he’s doing it to ensure she’ll leave over him if they land on the block together AND he’s already working his end game (I think he believes he’s already won the game).

    I hope we can trust Cliff not to make the DUMB move & put up Nick/Bella – and again – don’t confuse that for me liking Bella – Hopefully Sam has Cliff’s ear to ensure the focus remains on debilitating the six.

    Cliff needs to pull Sam/Kat/Nicole/Jess together in a room & say – look that group is going to try to USE each of us to take out Bella/Nick that’s clear based on what they’ve said to each of us. So, I’m not saying they (Nick/Bella) aren’t an issue — but let’s use the six’s target on them to our advantage. We get their complete buy-in to our group along with their loyalty/votes. Think about how that helps each of us— we won’t be the six priority targets or who’ll they want to evict – Nick/Bella will be. So they are our shield. If we do this right then we take out the six or at least the powers of the six & at that point we reconvene to decide if we keep working with them (Nick/Bella) or split them up. This is the best way to get all of us deeper in the game. Remember the DEVIL you know – sometimes isn’t as bad as the one you don’t and in the case of Christie, Tommy, Holly & especially the Jacks are equally as bad as Bella.

    Let’s see how smart Cliff really is & how influential he/Sam can be to get the ladies on board!

    1. Agree with most you said except Jack’s power doesn’t allow him to actually pick the POV players. It only allows him to force a redraw of players if he doesn’t like who was originally drawn to play

      1. Jack’s “power” is completely lame and useless, IMAO. What if the same people are drawn again?? That would be SO funny!

        1. The longer he waits the less significant it becomes. When 8 folks sat out of the comp you have a pretty good shot at leaving out someone you don’t want to compete against but if only 2 sit out it’s not a big deal.

        2. (. . . less significant it becomes) Just like Jack’s fashion muscles!
          FN refrigerator control queen! “BLAH BLAH well if we all put our mugs in there . . . more diarrhea . . . “What makes you so special Kemi!” If I were her in that moment, I’da snatch off my own wig and beat him to death with it! Arrogant pig!

          “Beauty fades (faux Fabio), but stupid lasts forever!” – Judge Judy Sheindlin

    2. I’ll assume all the down votes are based on people wanting Bella or Nick out. For the record – I’m NOT a fan of theirs I’m thinking solely from the perspective of what moves anyone outside the six ahead, (at least for this week) which means working with the trio of N/B/S.

      If Cliff does what Mickie wants then the six will be the last six standing. Cliff needs to USE Nick/Bella at least this week and probably a few more. Besides at this point with lines being clearly drawn in the sand it makes a ton of sense because Bella/Nick (and Sam through association) become the six’s targets while the six become Nick/Bella/Sam’s targets. That means the foursome of Cliff, Nicole, Kat & Jess (or five depending on where Sam sits) fall in the middle with safety as those groups attack each other. Besides if the underdogs plus S/N/B can win a few B2B HOHs to get out the Jacks & Christie then they can target N/B or let the six win & take them out. Plus N/B should be more than happy to help especially knowing they are target number one.

      I’m happy with what I saw last night b/c it sure seems Cliff has a great read on the house & isn’t afraid to go after the big dogs.

      Removing all the nastiness and just looking at game it’s hard to find anyone to invest in (I prefer strategic or humorous players). Tommy, Sam & Cliff prob would lead my board in the strategic part of the game & knowing how to be social. Nicole might also make the grade except her read on people is off (she buys with the six tell her & believed Bella – but that might just be b/c she’s kind hearted).

      Anyway, just wanted to clarify

      1. your analysis of the powers and how they work could be used seems really off to me. jack can’t pick who plays in veto only force a redraw and cliff plays in veto no matter what so best jack can hope for is five six shooters. i can’t see christie using her power to save anyone but herself, so she’ll only use it if a) she’s on the block or b) a six shooter wins and she thinks cliff would use her as a replacement nom. i think that’s a pretty big consideration that makes her less likely to use it. further if she does use it, the six still don’t have majority votes but it means kat and nicole siding on the same side of the house as bella and nick which while possible is potentially non-tenable (as you note in your second bullet point).

        the last time a diamond power of veto existed in the us game it granted the veto holder safety and allowed them to remove a nominee (i.e. if they were already on the block, both noms could be safe, otherwise it operated like a normal veto). it’s functioning differently this time around.

        1. Thanks – I did amend my initial comments as I was basing the “redraw” on what Jack said which was “all six players would be changed”. I hadn’t checked Simon’s notes.

          As for Kat/Nicole voting with Cliff (and potentially with Nick/Bella) Nicole doesn’t worry me. She’s been close to Cliff since the beginning & knows breaking up one of the couples is key. She might push for N/B but based on Cliff’s initial targets (Jack, Christie, Tommy, Sis) I’d be really surprised if she pushes her own desires over his. Nicole knows N/B are the six’s targets & she also knows at best she sits in seventh on the SS’s list. With the seven (even though N/B aren’t necessarily trustworthy) I think a detente can be reached for at least this one week. Nicole is smart enough to recognize getting out one of the six breaks a couple up & also gives their side the numbers. Plus keeping N/B/S in the game keeps targets for the SS in front of her/Cliff/Jess & Kat.

          As for Kat her greatest concern is keeping Holly & Michie safe which is the one duo Cliff won’t target anyway. Would she vote out Nick or Bella if one ended up on the block via a six shooter winning POV & Christie using her power to put one of them up versus say Jack? Well – consider the alternative – if she voted with SS then each of the others would never trust her again so she’d be on the bottom of both sides.

          Although Christie told Mickie she’d use the POV on him if she has that choice (i.e. one of the six win POV) I agree with you that she probably won’t want to waste it unless she’s certain it was to help herself (& maybe Tommy). To that point – if Cliff puts up Jack/her or Jack/Tommy for example & one of Jackson/Sis/Holly were to play & win POV I’m not sure she’d want to use it b/c could she be assured they’d take her (or Tommy) down over Jack or that she still wouldn’t be voted out anyway against one of N/B/S for example?

          1. yeah, i give nicole a fair amount of credit to do what’s best strategically and not react emotionally. it’s kat, bella, and nick i worry about.

            and i agree with your analysis of christie’s odds of using her power. she can’t trust anyone but herself or tommy to use it to save her, so i think unless her or tommy win it’s not getting used. if she’s on the block, she relies on having the votes to stay (which i think she has unless she’s next to tommy or jack which is a situation that she can probably avoid).

  11. So Kat is revealing she’s a double agent in front of Nicole. Without realizing it.
    Jack is asking Christie about the DPOV in front of Nicole. Nicole is getting so much dirt.
    Nick is crying his woes to Sis. All this will do: Bella gotta go. And she was already there.
    Jack is convinced he’s an animal, the king of the jungle, the master of the universe, the imitation bacon bits at the salad bar.
    Tommy has a swelling problem around nuts….editing. editing. pause. editing. an allergy.
    But don’t worry…
    Jackson has a plan.
    It’s one of those slow burn gets dumber every time you hear it plans. and he’s telling Jack no cussing so production can use the content.
    can they add a soundtrack too? Tiptoe through the Tulips maybe? Jack’s only suggestion? It would look better if Jack were the savior.
    Oh. Will Cliff even be able to keep a straight face when he hears all of this?
    The Brussels Sprouts uprising has commenced.

    1. Oh – curious to hear more— what precisely did Kat say? And are we sure Nicole picked up on it? She has missed obvious statements in the past. Like the fact Sis/Christie denied calling Nick/Bella bullies & blamed it all on Nicole – she never said “they are lying” (did she?)

      Curious what you think Cliff will do when Christie tells him she has the power. At this point we know Christie has told virtually everyone about the power now that she has told Jess & once she tells Cliff. Would you put her up now to ensure she goes on the block or keep her off knowing the power can be used for another 3 weeks? Surely Nicole has to be seeing the six are equally as dangerous as Nick/Bella & have more numbers.

      Also, when Mickie suggests going on the block – don’t you think when Mickie brings up his plan to use him as a pawn to take out Nick or Bella or Sam that will only serve to ensure Cliff doesn’t put any of them up?

      Maybe I’m naive (albeit, I’m not watching as much live feeds b/c I can’t stand this cast) but when someone running the game whose lied to my face repeatedly TELLS ME who to nominate and why (and just finished voting me out while telling me I was safe) I’m going to do exactly the opposite of what he wants.

      So – what does Cliff do? Put up Christie to flush out the power and Jack instead of Mickie? What would you do? To that end, who is hurt worse Mickie or Jack (I’d put up whichever of the two had the worse injury so they wouldn’t be as successful in POV.

      1. Do people down vote just for the sake of it? I’m asking Another Name his thoughts — how is that offensive to those of you who down voted?

        Isn’t this board for interaction? I’m confused!

          1. It’s fine I just assume they are relatives or fans of the Jackholes b/c they down vote questions even lol.

          2. I figure if people really disagree they’ll make a comment otherwise it’s pointless. I don’t bother with the downvotes.

        1. I haven’t down voted any of your posts, but some of them are quite lengthy. I wonder if that has anything to do with the down votes. Not suggesting, just wondering.

      2. Kat told a couple of members of the 6, while Nicole was sitting right there: Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him, find out what he’s thinking, and tell you everything he says. Nicole’s face didn’t look like she missed it, but also didn’t look like she was shocked. That’s why I’m thinking she’s realized Kat is closer to the 6 than Kat has ever said.

        Big standouts in the Jackson / Cliff / Christie talk for me: a) when Jackson goes to get Christie, Cliff can see them conspiring or getting stories straight in the kitchen on their way. They took longer than they should to come back. b) Jackson interrupted in the middle of Christie’s pitch with the poorly timed ‘I sent you out of here tonight’ when Cliff questioned trustworthiness. I don’t know how he thought reminding Cliff multiple times was a positive. c) Christie kept saying she isn’t targeting Cliff and would never want him to leave… on the day she voted him out.

        Negatives (for me) after Jackson and Christie leave: he tells Jess and Kat that if all of the lowlies (including Sam as one of them) join up with A couple, they can do what they want this week. If that couple is Nick and Bella (supposition that i believe), then he is asking Jess and Nicole to work with the person that targeted them just this week.
        When Cliff was talking about his plans, that is what it seemed to be. HIS. He’s talking to the people he wants to support him this week, but there is a lot of first person peppered in there, instead or inclusion as a group (throw in some ‘our’ instead of so many ‘my’ is what i’m saying) . It’s a preliminary sign of HOHitis.

        I don’t think Cliff will be swayed. At least not by THAT conversation he had with Christie and Jackson. That was a realllly bad plea.

        1. Thanks – appreciate you replying.

          I guess we’ll find out just how close Nicole is to Cliff if she tells him what Kat said to the six. Not sure Kat has the nuance to navigate out of that with him should he ask her whose side she is really on.

          I do however, think Cliff is smart enough if he knows Kat is running back to them to know she is malleable since she did vote to keep him anyway. I could envision Cliff along with Sam, Nicole & Jess all telling Kat that Holly/Jackson have made each of them the same promises & then point out how she isn’t/wasn’t included in any of the 6 or 8 talks.

          Another smart thing would be for Cliff to say to her “look you/I both would like to go further with Holly/Jackson right? But right now no matter what they tell you they are in tightest with Jack/Christie/Sis/Tommy I know this b/c those were the people he vocalized keeping safe – you were never someone he’s ever protected. BUT I do think he (& Holly) values you & would value you even more if we break up those two couples and then we can break up Nick/Bella too. So, work with us for now in order to give us the numbers (so we control the vote) and so we make ourselves more valuable to Holly/Michie moving forward. We can protect them but this is the smartest way to gain on both sides of the equation.” Since Kat is pretty vocal about being all about KAT first & only in an alliance that includes KAT – that might work.

          AND I’m devious so if I were Cliff I’d test her by giving her bad information like if the wrong person won POV I’d tell Kat yeah I’m just going to put up Nick and let the chips fall where they may. That would test whether she runs back to them & it also might stop Christie from using her power expecting Nick to go up. AND THEN put Christie’s butt on the block if they pulled off one of his other renoms.

    2. cancel tiptoe through the tulips. play that horrible carousel circus music. cus sending Jackson and christie to strategize with cliff was two clown cars full of nonsense. I can’t believe i stayed up to see what basically amounts to ‘hey want to be the 10th member of our 6person alliance? all this can be yours if you only do what we want (with a subtle or else included).”

    3. The question is will Cliff be able to walk with all those people up his butt? I really hope he and Nicole actually do something to make the game more unpredictable. I’d hate for him to use this to buy his way into the cool kids table only to get kicked after the veto.

    4. In my job I tell people there are times in life where you should REALLY STFU (I am a lawyer). STFU is a very underrated life skill.

      Boy I hope Nicole realizes the less she says the better. In the next 2 days she may be as informed as anyone in the house.

      WHich is power if she keeps it to her self.

  12. This is one time I hope Bella runs her mouth and tells Cliff about Chris’s power. I feel like either way the 8 are going to get a pass this week because at this point they have numbers and with that power in play It almost guarantees they will continue to run the house. The only way to get one out is if Cliff knows about the power and goes strong for the Veto win. Uggg

    1. Christie told him herself & Cliff told Kat/Jess that Christie threatened him with her power. Not sure she threatened him but that’s how he took it.

  13. Cliff needs to target the 6 to stay in this game longer. Preferably Holly or Sis as to leave a good backdoor option without having Christie use her Power just yet. ( As much as I want her gone.)

  14. Wow – Michie going in HARD on his sell to Cliff. Putting ALL the blame on Bella/Nick forgetting that they have disparaged Nicole in front of him. He’s not doing a very good job here IMHO.

    First he tells Cliff he wasn’t the target (that only helps Nick/Bella) which now Cliff can use to tell Jess/Nicole against the six. Then he tells him the vote only changed minutes before the vote which means every single member of the six has to re-iterate that lie (that’s a big ask b/c we know at least one of them will tell Cliff otherwise). Mickie says “he thought it would be unanimous.” so Cliff says then why weren’t Bella/Nick in on the vote & Mickie back tracks to say “because of what Cliff said about the couples.” HUH???? Does Mickie even know how ridiculous he sounds?

    Then Mickie makes clear his targets aren’t just B/N b/c he includes Sam in the mix “we can knock out Nick Bella or Sam”. So, then Cliff asks how he can trust the six after what just happened. Mickie says if Cliff does this it will be nine against two (meaning whoever stays from Nick/Bella/Sam). So not only has Mickie definitively defined the six he’s also let Cliff know they EXPECT Jess/Kat/Nicole & Cliff to do what they want lol.

    Cliff (hope this was bs) tells Mickie he wants to work with Michie & Holly REGARDLESS of what happens (tee hee – that’s not Cliff buying in). AND Mickie is NOT listening (I mean we shouldn’t be surprised b/c he only knows how to dictate) b/c Cliff straight up tells him I DON’T TRUST Jack, Sis, Tommy or Christie. Mickie’s response — let me go get Christie so we can keep feeding you bullsh*t & push our own narrative with the person who sold you out & put the target on your back.

    I could be wrong but by Mickie pointing out the six want to target B/N/S if I’m Cliff I tell Nick & Sam (not sure I share it with Bella b/c of her mouth) & I probably say to Nick this is a test of whether I can trust you b/c if you tell Bella she’ll blow up & the six will know I’ve told you.

    If Christie confirms B/N/S are the targets again if I’m Cliff I share this info especially about Christie who the trio thought they could trust (though this evening N/B pillow talk is indicating they don’t trust her anymore). At that point expect the fake 5 alliance of them plus Tommy/Christie to be revealed. This week has the potential to get lit but ONLY if Cliff doesn’t succumb to playing the Jackhole’s games & only if the seven stick together to take out one of Jack, Jackson or Christie who are running everything.

    When Michie left the room to go get Christie (who is likely Cliff’s number one target) that only served to show how closely tied that six is with her being near the top since she is the one he goes to get. Cliff looked at camera and said “let the dance begin”.

    Once back Christie/Mickie keep trying to sell this bill of goods of vote changing last minute & now they are shifting the reason why, Michie said it was b/c of what Bella/Nick wanted & how poorly they treated Nicole and NOW they are saying b/c they thought Ovi had the power (do they not realize if they truly were open to working with Cliff then having a power on their side could only be viewed as a positive?) By telling him they couldn’t risk the two of them in the game tells Cliff he wasn’t someone they trusted or wanted to work with.

    Oh, and Ovi told Cliff that he got played by Jack/Jackson b/c he told them about the power & Mickie just lied to Cliff saying he didn’t think Ovi had the power. Ovi told Cliff how they screwed him over promising to keep him since he shared that he had the power. (dumb move by Mickie- you’re in Cliff’s HOH trying to build loyalty & are repeatedly lying to him).

    Mickie TELLS Cliff “if you want to work with Nicole – that’s okay” — WOW Mickie – thanks for telling me what I can & can’t do buddy. Anyway this moves into Kemi bashing so the feeds switch since the outside world is sick of this narrative & blatantly speaks to who these people are and as we know TPTB are carefully editing to stop us from seeing their true selves. Mind you having those 3 sitting on the stage tonight after Jess was the one who got removed from the block & Bella being one of the main targets of the six isn’t something that can be massaged at this point. Of the multi cultural game players there is only Jess/Bella left so the fact they remain key targets isn’t shocking but it’s a sad statement on who the house guests are at their core this season.

    Side note: Mickie is telling all the six he’ll offer to go up as a pawn beside Nick & Christie can just pull him down BUT when he talks to Christie to ask her if she’ll save him she says yes but explains whoever wins the POV is really the one who has the power (i.e they get to re-nom). Let’s see if Mickie will still offer to go on the block since he can’t confirm he’ll be saved.

    I think Mickie wanted to be the pawn to look like a big shot & use it in his F2 speech – look what I did for the team. At some point I wonder if Christie will get mad he pushed her to use the power on him & wanted to be “the man” to go on block thinking her power could save him. I almost kind of want Cliff to put up the 2 Jackholes now b/c of this & force Jack to use his power while also forcing Christie to use her power since removing just one of them will only mean another member of the six is the re-nom. The big question is would she be willing to do that if she or Tommy weren’t the ones on the block? Not sure.

    1. Jackson has been saying Kat is all about camera time. Complaining about it. And yet, how many times has he mugged for the camera about this plot, to the point of sitting Jack down and saying i’m going to tell you, but no cussing, so they can use this in the show? Big time attention grab.

  15. I’m still awake watching the feeds and my brain hurts! lol the life of a BBaddict! Like, In all honestly….. like. lol I might be dumber after listening to Kat and Jess talk to Cliff in his HOH ROOM!

    Can we get a go fund me to have a plane pull the banner that says, “ Just do and be on the exact opposite of anything Jess says!” I’m sorry, I had so much hope for her, she must be the most clueless houseguest ever. Has she had earplugs in this whole time? She’s said she believes Christy has be the most upfront and hasn’t lied since day one! (Oh stop it, she must be playing dumb as her actual game play!!) Them there’s her Holly observance of Poop Holly is basically being spoon fed and is clueless when it comes to what’s happening. (It’s like she (Jess) lack basic skills of observation, or maybe she’s like too busy to like, like shut up and like let someone speak instead of like talking over them!
    Oh and Jackson targets Jess bc he heard shes going to come after him!!?? WTF at what point is she a proven Comp beast or threat outside of her own mind!?!

    1. The meandering way she (Jess) weaves a simple sentence is enough to drive me to the kraken…….or crack……

  16. Convo in HOH with Cliff, Kat & Jess is making me smile as each are showing their preferences.

    Jess (big surprise) is all in on taking out the men – so far she’s told Cliff that Jackson had F2’s with numerous people including Ovi, that Jack is a misogynist (both things are true btw – lol). And when Cliff asks about Nick/Bella & says he doesn’t really trust bella Jess jumps on Nick. So at least she sticks to her typical all female behavior.

    Kat is far more surprising (and I can’t myself — b/c she keeps giving me reasons to like her game play & that’s crazy b/c half the time she seems out of the game & the other half it’s like the little kid who speaks the most obvious truth). Anyway, initially Kat pushes to keep Holly & Mickie safe. But as talk continues she speaks to the groups in the house and cites how the six has all the power. *see below for something brilliant she says.

    Next Cliff who cites Christie, Tommy, Jack & sis as his main targets (so he’s sticking to keeping Holly/Mickie safe UGH well we can’t get everything we want in one week lol). Anyway he says to Jess/Kat so what do you think about us, Nicole maybe Sam and Bella/Nick working to break up the couples? They both see the value of this.

    As per above *Kat says yeah once Bella/Nick know they are the main targets of the six they’ll want to work with this group & would keep Cliff safe. Cliff reinforces the need for ALL seven of them to work together. Then Kat smartly adds how Cliff will need to talk to Nicole b/c the six are trying to play it to Nicole as “we saved you” – “we are your saviors” in order to have her in their pocket and that she is eating it up (fwiw I’m not sure she’s eating it up — more like she’s playing along).

    As for the four (Jack/Christie/Tommy/Sis) of course Kat jumps on Sis since we know Holly has planted seeds to dislike Sis with Kat (and let’s face it while Kat likes to have fun Sis is often mercurial). Getting out Sis would allow Kat to get closer to Holly & would open the door for her to flirt with the guys Sis is (Jack/Nick/Sam). Jess mentions Jack/Tommy since that would ensure Jack left b/c Christie would keep Tommy,

    Kudo’s to Kat who continues to position herself firmly in the middle & in a position to get far in the game (but if Christie’s power is used this week Kat will be put in a position to pick a side & by turning on one side it will pit the other side against her since both will expect her to vote with them— we’ll see how she deals with that situation should it arise & whether she could pull off a lie to the side she’ll need to convince she voted with them).

    So now Nicole has joined them

    Although TPTB still have to get their claws into Cliff to try to sway his vote to target a minority (oh – sorry someone outside the six), Cliff didn’t appear to be swayed by Mickie/Christie. If anything all it did was seem to bolster his belief two of them need to go on the block & that one has to go. Mickie still has Cliff somewhat smitten however as he’s not mentioned Holly/Mickie as options to put on the block.

    Expect a convo with Nick/Bella/Sam tomorrow where Cliff reveals that trio is the key target of the six & gets them to buy into the seven. He also will need to get Bella to SWEAR to not say anything or he will know he can’t trust her. In fact, if I’m Cliff I talk to Nick/Sam together & leave Bella out of it & tell Nick straight up – you cannot share information with her b/c she can’t keep her mouth shut & it will only serve to tell me you can’t be trusted. As of 7:25AM EST Cliff seems to be dead set on nominating two of Jack, Christie, Tommy or Sis and Christie made him feel like she was threatening him by disclosing her power so I kind of think she will be one of his noms & I won’t be surprised if Jack is sitting beside her. If one comes down I expect Tommy to be the replacement. (just my humble opinion — we’ll see). Also expect Jack to use his power AND when they have to pick who to take down the further gaps that causes within the six based on who has to stay on the block.

    Can’t wait for Christie to lose her mind & for Jack/Christie to turn on each other. Let the drama begin.

  17. I am dying!!!! I woke up in a pissy mood and read the tweets. I was sooo happy I went straight to BBAD and I am having a blast watching everyone explode !!!! Especially JACk!!

  18. By killing the gr8ful 8, the House not looks like this:

    Six shooters: Tommy, Christie, Jack, Jackson, Sis,Holly
    Floaters: Cliff, Nicole, Kat Jess, Sam(?, he was part of the 9 at one point)
    Who knows? Nick and Bella

    The six shooters blew up gr8ful too early. If two of the six shooters go up they do not have the votes to protect them.

    It wasn’t Foutte dumb. But close. Their cockiness may be their downfall.

    1. I don’t think they intended to blow up the 8 but with Bella and Nick never really on the same page it was inevitable.

  19. Why is Christine even nervous? If she’s on the block she can use the diamond veto to take herself off. The Veto is so key this week because it will determine if Nick or Bella or one of the 6 go home. I wonder if Christie and Jack will use there powers?

    1. Only if she controls the veto. Her power isn’t a DPoV but the power to turn the regular golden veto into a DPoV. If she or her alliance don’t control the veto she’d be screwed.

    2. Christie’s power isn’t really HER power unless she is the POV winner. At least the way Simon describes it up top & how Christie described it to Mickie last night. What it does is allow the POV winner to remove a nominee & name the re-nom. So if anyone outside the six win POV why would they not put up another member of the six? AND – it still won’t guarantee they take her down. Everyone in the house knows about Christie’s power now with Nicole/Cliff being the last to learn about it (last night).

    3. She has to either win the Veto or have one of her allies win it for that power to do her any good. If Nicole or Cliff wins the veto it is useless for her. That’s why I think it is over rated.

  20. Okay the show is getting better.. cliff will put up 2 of the 6.. then what would b funny is if they wanted to use Christie’s power and she freaked out and refused because she wanted to save her own ass later.. if he puts up 2 they could band together and get one out even if they use the power.. well if they dont turn out to b so stupid like foutte last year lol

  21. Best case scenario… Christie doesn’t win POV, but allows the winner to use her DPOV. The winner puts up a six-shooter, DPOV replacement goes home her power is destroyed. I might be dreaming, but that would be epic!

    1. if she’s still on the block after veto, this may be her only option. but i think she stays over anyone sitting next to her except tommy and maybe jackson (which, ugh, but the house likes him for some reason).

    2. If she uses her power to take down a target that should theoretically make her a target. Is she smart enough to realize that?

  22. Who did Jackson have sex with, besides Sis? And what was the comment David made about seconds? Sorry, haven’t been able to keep up.

        1. Bathroom conversation. Kat and Jackson in showers. Holly, David on couches. Jessica doing makeup.
          joking around.
          Kat says, “Kavid is through”
          Jess says “good, he doesn’t want seconds anyway.”
          This was one of the comments that had Jackson angry and yelling at Kat that night, with feeds going out a lot because he was having a tantrum. Jackson was mad that Kat was talking about their week one showmance with anyone. He was not pleased that Jess, and David, and Holly knew from Kat.
          That is the only time i remember seconds coming up.

  23. Kat is a snake. So dumb to go back and tell Jackson about Cliff’s conversation. She has a short memory and is still flirting with Jackson. UGH – desperation!

  24. So Jackson finds out he is safe and his reaction is to brag about screwing 2 girls? Also I wouldnt brag about sleeping with horse face holly if I was him.

  25. Sent donation. Hope it helps buy enough Kraken. Y’all do an amazing job of listening and transcribing the garbage.

  26. Things that made me smirk last night:
    Sam poking in on the rv room, saying he was stoked but playing it low key.
    Nicole says ‘so we’re not even allowed to be happy now?’
    Jess says ‘this is so unbelievable, (paraphrase)’ in that oh look another rule kind of way.

    Christie thinks Nicole isn’t grateful enough for being saved, because Nicole still defends Kemi.

    Jessica. Never change. Even when she’s woke her grasp on the game seems narcoleptic.

    Jackson so proud of his plan. Dude. It was a dumb plan that depended one of your side having and using the veto, and Christie to use her advantage. Neither is a given.

    Kat over-reacting to Nicole catching Christie and Jack eavesdropping. Blames Jess for game talking. Kat’s role is to get info from the other side for the 6, so why be mad she’s involved in a game talk?

    Jack having a sulkfest. I dislike him immensely. So watching him finally have to try to play the game instead of intimidating everyone, it’s fun to watch. His failure will be spectacular.

    I still think Tommy and Cliff’s grudge against each other is based on both of them sucking up to the camera for afp votes.

    1. BEST line this season LMAO : “Jessica. Never change. Even when she’s woke her grasp on the game seems narcoleptic.”

  27. Hey guys I just thought of an intresting new twist for a double eviction… Wondered what you thought of it
    This week the HOH would nominate two people for eviction, the POV woud be played and EVERYONE would be qualified to play in it. POV winner can as normal save themselves or save someone off the block. If someone comes off the block the POV winner is safe along with the one pulled off. The HOH nominates someone else, and at the end of it the two people on the block are the people that are evicted. There would be no votes for eviction that week

    Maybe someone has already thought of it but I thought it would be cool to see

  28. If cliff wants to play big he can put up jack and Jackson and if christe wants to use her power he can still get a big player out. Also he could tell Bella that people are wanting her out to turn her against the other side and take her out later.

  29. WAY TO GO CLIFF!!!!!! Now have some guts and put up those two alpha male jackasses Jack and Jackson. If one of them gets veto put up the showmance partner of the one who is still on the block! Don’t blow this…by the way, I think Jack’s “power” is really lame.

  30. Cliff: “ I like Nicole as a person, but she drug my game down. She was best friends with Kemi and I didn’t like Kemi.
    Wtf, Cliff? Weren’t you the one blowing up her game with the Cliff notes every morning? I don’t get the Kemi hate. Kat was bashing Kemi right and left too . I honestly hope Kemi gets AFP just because these people keep spewing the hate on her and she’s not in the house anymore! As Cornbread famously said as he was walking out the door: “ F**k y’all “

  31. if cliff nominates 2 of the 6 shooters, the only way i see all 6 staying (i might have missed something) is:
    – one of the 6 shooters wins PoV
    – christie uses her diamond PoV power
    – the PoV holder nominates NICOLE
    – they convince bella and/or nick (petty bella is the best bet) that nicole needs to go over the remaining 6 shooter (which i’m thinking/hoping would be jack unless he wins PoV)

    if ALL of that happens, the votes on eviction night go 6 or 7 for nicole and 3 or 4 for the remaining 6 shooter, and cliff doesn’t get to cast a tie-breaking vote. i hope this doesn’t happen, but i could definitely see them getting bella fired up enough to vote out nicole. that is really the only houseguest i can see bella voting to evict over one of the 6 shooters.

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