“He loves this game so much..It’s ignorant, the whole thing is ignorant and stupid” – Rockstar

POV: Tyler Next POV: July 14th
POV Used yes POV Ceremony July 16th
HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th
Noms: Winston, Scottie Swagz Have Nots JC, Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar

Big Brother Spoilers – Swagz is still going home Rockstar still makes my head hurt.

9:48am Arts and crafts with Winston

9:50am Rachel and Winston
Rachel says she appreciates Swaggz trying to get her votes but at this point it’s a lost cause for her.
Rachel says Swagz thought he would have a chance getting her votes. She adds that she doesn’t talk much game with Winston and them because she’s doing that for her own game.

Rachel – he said to me like.. you know you aren’t completely with them just a little bit
Winston – that’s perfect
Rachel – we’ve talked before about us being good for each other .. he was like I can deflect the other side brings yup your name a lot
Rachel – they said they want you out before Jury. He woldn’t give me names .. he said HIS side.. meaning Rockstar, Bayleigh, Haleigh

Kaycee joins them.
They agree Swaggy has no idea what is going on in the house right now.

Rachel says that Swaggy was telling her he’s going after the people in his alliance that wronged him but not Kaitlyn, fes, Tyler or Bayleigh
Rachel – that leaves Haleigh and Scottie..
Winston – he’s lying he’s definitely coming for us
Rachel definitely
Rachel – I know he ran up to the HOh and said my name
Winston asks them what is a easy target for them to get out next week.

Winston says once Haleigh leaves, Scottie?
Winston says that Kailtyn let Bayleigh and Swagz have s$x in the HOH yesterday .
Winston – they did she told us last night .. she said she didn’t want it in her bed.
Winston – all I am saying is once Swaggy leaves Bayleigh is here all alone and she’ll probably be upset.
Rachel – which is good we can be there for her
Winston – yes
Rachel says she wants Scottie gone.
Winston – yes he’s the main target but to put up
Rachel – if I win Rockstar.. veto wins I would put up Fes
Winston – I’m going after Scottie I can’t trust anything out of his mouth
Rachel says her targets in order are Scottie then Angie
Winston agrees
Kaycee brings up Swaggy talking to her.. it was virtually the first time in 22 days, “hey nice to meet you” they laugh
Kaycees says Swaggy said she’s a floater and the other side is targeting those he can keep her safe..

(Sounds like Scottie, Fes, Rockstar in some sorta combination are these threes targets)

10:30am Bayleigh and ROCKSTAR

Bayleigh – they had a meeting this morning..
Rock – who
Bay – all of them
Bay – Winston, Angela, Kaycee and Rachel.. they were all in the geometry room before the thing went off (wake up)
Rock – we’ve decided we’re all going to wear swaggyc shirt on elimination
Bay – love it
Rock – fan girls

Rock – it’s so stupid.. it’s disrespectful to the game (swags going home)
Bay – it is disrespectful of the game
Rock – if you are going to b@ckdoor the kid you bacjkdoor them after jury
Bay – or you backdoor him because he’s n actually a threat to you not because he pissed you off
Rock – he loves this game so much.. he’s a student of this game don’t get rid of that kid week 2 and he’s a physical competitor .. it’s ignorant the whole thing is ignorant and stupid

Rock – I’m just going to keep to myself and read the bible
Rock – he was like maybe you should go talk and I was like maybe it’s best for you that I don’t
Rock – it’s best I stay in the have nots and read the bible

Fez gets the first cuddles from KAitlyn ..

Bay – I think today is the day we need to find Winston’s glasses. HIde them..
Swagz – so
Bay – he can snap at everybody to find out where they are
Swagz – ohh wow ok
Bay – he’s going to yell at JC and piss JC off and JC is going to give you his vote.
bayeleigh tells him if Kaitlyn says she wants to keep you everyone will change their vote.
Swagz – who is everybody
Bay – JC, Tyler would.. (LOL)
Bay – Sam would (maybe)
Swagz says he’s going to shower than talk to Kaitlyn
Bayleigh –
Swagz and Bayleigh saying how they can’t relate to any of these people..

11:34am Kaitlyn and ROCKSTAR
Kaitlyn – SwaggyC is not going back to the streets.. swaggy C isn’t done.. SwaggyC has created a name and a character.
RS doesn’t believe that. she says players that go out week 1 and 2 don’t get talked about anymore..
RS – as a fellow superfan of the show as a fellow person that has studied the show it’s sad to see him go so early.. (F Rockstar is the worst)
K – maybe he just got really excited when he came in and played really hard.. he did do that and that is not my fault..
K – I wish it was Winston that said I was Shady.. I’m supposed to be in an alliance with me
RS says Wisnton hasn’t even seen the show
RS going on how they had a ticket to final 6 with their group

RS – I’m coming at you as a fan if I was watching from home I would be like yyou don’t backdoor the kid.. he should at least me in Jury
K – why should someone be in jury that is supposed to be in an alliance with me called me shady and doesn’t trust me ..
RS – for swaggy words are words and actions are action..
K – how can I make that risk when I’m not guaranteed this position again
RS – there’s no reason to get rid of you over the four people
K – how am I supposed to know that when for the last days all I hear is he’s talking about me
RS brings up Matt from bb12 says that Enzo masterminded everything that season not matt..
RS says what is happening to Swagz is the same as matt from that season (No)
K – there’s no alliance on that side and I believe it

Kaitlyn says she tlked to Brett and he sore that there’s no larger alliance on the other side that excludes her.
RS asks id Brett and Winston have a final 2 did they bring that up?
Kaitlyn says she doesn’t care about final 2 at this stage she’s more interested in larger groups. Brett and Winston having a final 2 doesn’t scare her Winston is going home next week.
K – realistically I think I am going to win the power… because of everything that happened to me this week.. I was a have nots, everyone talked shit about me, I won HOH and backdoored swaggy..
K – I’m not with them.. I ‘m not with that side..

Kaitlyn – what I would do in a tie I really don’t know.. that’s why I want to speak to everyone individually.
RS says Angela, Winston, Brett and Winston were in the Geometry talking game this morning
Kaitlyn – they were talking game
RS – yeah
K – how do you tell
RS – you can tell
Kaitlyn says they were probably going over numbers
Rockstar talks about her 6 month old Issac and how she wants to win HOH to see a picture of him, “babies change so much week by week”
RS now saying that Swaggy won’t put Kaitlyn on the block if he wins, “I really believe him.. I really really believe him”
Rs going on about how Swaggy is a fan of the show and should be left until Jury./
Rs says if they get rid of Winston, Angela, Rachel now then they are all in jury with “Cool people”

Kaitlyn sdays Swag has made a deal with everyone in the house how can he keep everyone in the house safe..
Rs – you don’t have to keep your word unless they flip. not everyone will flip their vote.

12:07am Winston and Kaitlyn HOH
Winston – Scottie is a big target right now.. if I were to win there’s zero question I want him out..

Winsotn says he doesn’t even know he’s going to be here on Thursday now that swaggy might have a power. “I got you back if I stay:
K – you promise
W – Kaitlyn, I just told you who my target would be.. you got the votes to stay even if someone gets angry at you you got teh votes to stay
Winston says he didn’t like going up as a pawn but he was cool about it it made the most sense to what Kaitlyn was trying to pull that off.

K – Scottie says you guys tell him everything
Winston laughs… “we need a 5 or 10 minutes pow wow about him.. ”
Winston runs to get Brett so they can clear this up.
K explains to them that Scottie said to her last week or a few days ago.. whatever..
rememebr that conversation we had in the Have not and I said scottie was going up the next morning he came up to me and he said that you two tolsd him I would put him up

Brett – that little f**er dude
Winston – that’s a genuine rat..
Brett – I honestly didn’t have that conservation
Winston – IU didn’t either
Winston – why would we.. especially being have nots..
Winston – if I win HOH zero down Scottie is going home

Kaitlyn says all along she was under teh impresion that Scottie as on her side..
Winston – he’s playing a very good game
K – that scares me because Tyler really trusts him.. I need to talk to Tyler..
Winston – Scottie is a snake
Winston tells them if Swaggy has a power tomorrow he’s walking out the door.
Kaitlyn says she wants to make sure everyone votes out Swaggy
Winsont mentions how he doesn’t want her to stick her neck out again.
Kaitlyn says it doesn’t matter she’s done so much already.
Kaitlyn – can we just go over my game right now..
She now goes over her game for the tenth time today.

12:16am Swaggy and Tyler
Swaggy down to saying he wants to be here more than Winston. Scottie joins them..

LOL@ the pin wall

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67 thoughts to ““He loves this game so much..It’s ignorant, the whole thing is ignorant and stupid” – Rockstar”

  1. Kaitlyn gets crazier by the hour! I really She goes on a full spiral once Tyler lets her know how he really feels about her.

    Super excited for Thursday! Really hoping someone like Rockstar or Hayleigh wins HOH to shake things up Nextel week. I think we would definitely see lines drawn. Hoping they would put up either Rachel or Angela and send one of them packing.


    1. I get dizzy just reading the crap that comes out of Kaitlyn mouth. She is one wack-o-doodle! And what gets me is; she is all that, you put someone up because you “heard” they were talking about you? Give me a break, there are bigger fish to fry out there girls, AND she really had no c clue about this game, she is playing another game in her head, and its not BB.

    2. Kaitlyn IS unhinged. So emotionally needy. Bet she is exhausting in real life. Very high-maintenance, and I don’t mean nails, makeup and hair.
      I can’t stand Angie (self-proclaimed Rockstar, lol) tho. She has a nasty, mean attitude. She thinks she is so progressive, but she is just mean spirited and hateful. She is pushing too hard to keep Chris (self-proclaimed Swaggy, ugh).
      I don’t like that side of the house at all. Sick of Chris and can’t wait for him and Angie to go bye bye. The rest could be fun once they are gone. Unpleasant people.

  2. Rockstar is just so hard to listen to. She’s just the worst. She might be my least favorite player in BB history

      1. Same with me Granny. They both blocked me on twitter for criticisms I had about their behavior. So I have 2 followers, (one is a troll) and I have been blocked by two people. lol. Not going well there. Not sure twitter is for us ‘older gals’ who speak our minds.

      2. Evel Dick was pretty special. He was trying to be the nastiest person he possibly could so he’d get evicted instead of his daughter. Paul… Paul was just a broken little bully who had a 3-month yatus from his parents’ basement.

    1. Rockstar is reading the Bible? Nothing wrong with that…it’s great!!!! since she is a self proclaimed Pagen Witch and flashes the devil horn sign a lot.

      1. I think it’s less about being religious and more about the fact that’s the only book they are allowed. Anyone who enjoys reading (and even if they don’t) ends up reading a bible in the habitat, regardless of religious beliefs. I’d go nuts in there that long without something to read.

  3. I don’t understand why everyone is hating on rockstar, she clearly sees how everything is going in the game and has better intuition than most of the people there.

    Also don’t understand how Angela and top 3 in the ranking grid when she barely talks.

    Too many bias here

    1. Someone has to be top 3 if Rockstar and Angela switched spots on the grid would it be biased again Angela?

      Maybe talking too much is why ROckstar isn’t popular.

      1. The ridiculous comments about how you don’t backdoor someone early in the game is asinine. Chris has said he is a comp beast and he’s running things. You backdoor people you don’t want to participate in a comp. It really sucks for the person being backdoored, which is why it’s super important that you don’t do things to make a target of yourself. Early game is about relationships and not pissing people off because you don’t want to be the easy vote.

        Angie is just pissed she picked the wrong side to float to jury with. She was hoping Chris would do the heavy lifting but his talk made him an early target. She’s either going to have to start playing or she’s gone and she’s in the whole to start. I do think she’s one of the few not really playing. I think Haleigh’s paying attention and waiting for a shot to jump in with a new group.

      1. No, didn’t you see? BBC CN says Rockstar sees everything and knows what’s up. We’re just biased for hatin on her

        1. Honestly I think that’s just speculation on her part because she’s jealous of the attention the other girls are getting. I don’t think it’s your brilliant ability at seeing what’s goin on

    2. Rockhead has zero intuition and is by far, the Mean Girl in the house. Bad mouths everyone. She drank Squiggy’s Kool Aid and has her head so far up his butt, if he makes a sharp turn, it’ll break her neck. Keeps referring to him as the Kid. But not to worry, the Squiggy one will go back home and continue as a day trader, not spending much time on the streets as someone suggested.

      re Angela: The first week, she started playing too hard, decided that was a sure way to get evicted and is laying low until the herd is thinned. She’s a smart, athletic girl, she’ll strike when it’s necessary. And besides, she’s easy to look at.

      Angela for

    3. I agree BBC. Rockstar is trying to save Swaggy because that is a number for her side and if he leaves she is more vulnerable. Not sure how she can be talkin too much. If anyone has diarrhea of the mouth and needs to shut their trap, that would be Kaitlin and Tyler.

      1. RS & those fools don’t even know who “the other side” IS. They think members of the 6 alliance have never talked game (How would she know), that they are floaters (Week 2, no one is floating yet), and she ONLY talks to about 5 people. Most of it is trash talk. No one is attacKing HER physical appearance.

    4. THANK YOU BBC CN, I was thinking the exact same thing. I think the hate against her is unwarranted. She has treated the others respectfully and is the only one with enough sense/intuition to suss out Tyler’s moves and see what a big threat he is. I think ppl are absolutely infuriated that she “had the nerve” to claim that there was some implicit bias going on when it came to the backlash against Swaggy. I totally agree with her and thought the same thing before she even said a word. Her compassion for him touches me, and also she’s realistic that game-wise, it’s best for her that he’s in there. I am rooting for Rockstar and would love to see her win HOH tonight and shake things up. Listening to L6 is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I just don’t find them interesting. And I actually think she’s practicing a lot of restraint and not blabbing off at the mouth like she would like to do.

  4. Who has a 6 month old baby and says “I want to win hoh so I can get a picture of my baby, they change everyday at this age”?
    A bone head who sees nothing wrong with abandoning her baby for 3 months to be on a reality TV show, that’s who.
    She makes me sick

    1. It’s the problem with isolating folks for 100 days and removing them from normal life even longer. The folks available are a tiny part of the population and they are too often the fame whores we’ve been gifted with the last few seasons.

  5. wow crazy Kaitlin has buttery hands lol She would realize soon she is being played by the other side and expects lot of tears and craziness LOL
    I wouldn’t expect rachel to flip flop since she is racist

    1. Andrew I don’t believe you know what racism is. How come a black comedian can call the white president of the United States a cracker and no one views that as racist? Imagine if a white comedian called Obama a derogatory name. Why is racism ok when it’s against whites? Until ALL racism is deemed unacceptable there will always be racism. And just so you know, people don’t like Swaggy because of how he presented himself, not because he was black. Come up with a different excuse. That’s right I said it!!

      1. There is a difference between racism and prejudice. Prejudice is on a personal level while racism is discrimination on a institutional level. White people as a whole are not discriminated against, so therefore it isn’t racism against white people. There is also a HUGE difference between people’s personal experience and actual facts and data,

        1. rac·ism
          prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

          1. You just supported Still Undecided’s claim that there is a difference between the two. Look- I don’t like when white people are called “cracker” and discriminated against either. But just because things like that happen doesn’t mean there isn’t discrimination against people of color. In reading the live feeds for this show, that alone will show you that it (discrimination) exists aplenty and that stereotypes are deep seeded and rampant. People on there have made countless statements about Swag and Bay being angry when, as far as I’ve seen, they’ve been quite pleasant; they say that they can’t wait to see them go hoodrat when they find out the bd plan (didn’t happen), and that Swag is lazy; interesting, because I often see him cleaning up. The facts are that blacks that go on BB are often targeted first. So I guess only white guys are allowed to go on the show and be cocky, because trust me, there have been many who have been. I actually enjoy watching the cocky ones get taken down LATER ON IN THE GAME. This could’ve been a fun season of watching Foute vs. L6, but now it’s probably going to be a boring, predictable steamroller of season all because ppl are so threatened that Swag is a little obnoxious. He’s really not even that bad. On a related note: We all have to be careful and keep our fears in check. Nothing destroys faster than fear.

      2. I agree. People are quick to throw around racism, when in reality it is arrogance, or ignorance, or attitude, or disrespect that is causing people to not like someone. Claiming racism is easy, and distracts from real issues. Not to mention, real racism. Losing a job promotion because a coworker overhead someone saying they didn’t like the idea of this Asian guy moving up into THEIR office because he’s not like them is racism. Disrespecting someone and not valuing their opinion becuse they are black or white or yellow or brown is racism. Not liking someone because they are arrogant and crass is not racism, it’s called….I don’t like SwaggyC because he acts like a jerk who believes he should be the star of the show because he sees himself that way and not because he’s earned that title or right. Sorry Swaggy, your personality is polarizing and that doesn’t yield favor in very many circles. Just ask our Prez (but that’s right, DJT won’t get a racism pass, he’s white)

        1. And another one excusing racism in america lol pretty sad hope your fhildren are not reading what you are writting cause they would be ashamed you are supporting racism

        2. swaggy is no worse than Winston. yes swags is cocky and talks too much, but Winston is horrible. swgs is actually a nice guy but he is targeted for being black. yes angela and rachel are racist. they dont want to get dark to look ghetto and if they get dark like bay they would change ethnicities.sounds racist to me. white people dont like to admit that racism exist. even if swaggy was quiet he would be a target because of his color. black people need to stay off of big brothet. all minorities do. its meant for white people. 19seasons, a black person will never win. danielle got robbed in season 3

      3. Yeah how dare a black comedian call trump the leader of the nenoazus and the one who boost racismin america mocks handicapped insult purple families -tomote violence towards journalist a crackhead lol are you listening to yourself or you are busy wearing your white gown and waving your confederate flag? Lol

      4. Just a warning…don’t start trying to debate with ignorant people. I’ve been tryin, but it’s useless lol. Just agree with them…yes…all the white, height challenged, homosexual, part Latina people in the house are racist and want Chris evicted because he’s black.

  6. It is so enjoyable watching RockStar epically fail at this game. When she walks out the door the actual “super fans of this game” who actually have “studied this game” will stand and cheer!



      1. I wasn’t referring to the studio audience. I was saying actual “super fans” and those that have actually “studied the game” will stand up and cheer! Mostly from home or BB watch parties.

    1. There you are. There’s someone posing around as you and they’re def not an Ang fan 🙁 I think I even commented on the dude’s post, wondering wth happened haha

    1. AGNOSTIC – a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

      ATHEISM is a disbelief in the existence of God and I ask that you focus on the part AFTER the semi-colon, you fool.

      I am an agnostic and I read the bible because most agnostics, including me, haven’t come to an absolute conclusion about their faith in God or lack thereof.

      IN SUMMARY: Rockstar is NOT fake for reading the bible.

      1. I think it’s more that is the only book in the house although Faysal may have had them include a Quran. So it’s that or read the food labels for Angie because she’s not playing the game.

  7. I think there is a slim chance it gets to a tie. With Rachel Angela Brett kaycee Tyler and jc voting to evict swaggy and rockstar hayliegh bayleigh fez Scottie and Sam voting to evict Winston and Kaitlin voting to keep swaggy. I think this scenario has a slim chance but I really hope it doesn’t

    Also keep this in mind I don’t think there will be a pre jury battle back this season. I think whoever gets to use sams power will be this seasons version of the battle back

    1. My thought is that Sam’s power which must be used on one of the first 4 evictions is the pre-jury thing. They’ll have a jury buy back also I imagine.

  8. This meeting between Kaitlyn, Tyler, and Swaggy C where Swaggy is trying to get his votes, (if he had Tyler he would need just one more, so Tyler suggests JC. Swaggy says he already spoke with JC who told him to talk to Tyler) reminds me of when my kids were littles and wanted something.

    Kid “Mama, Please?”

    Me: “Go ask your dad”

    Kid: “Daddy, please?”

    Him: “Go ask Mom”

  9. This has nothing to do with this spoiler update. I just thought you should know that I recently went shopping for bodywash. I got one made by Old Spice that is called “Krakengard”. Kraken! Now I can’t help but think of you guys every time I wash my willy. Thanks for all you do, OBB!

  10. If you take out 2 strong players early, only one can come back. Especially if they are together. Victor battled back half a dozen times but he didn’t have anyone to work with so he was powerless.

  11. I don’t understand how Rockstar can proclaim to be a fan of the game? Does she not understand that there is only one winner? I get that Chris is on her team…but why does she believe he inherently deserves to get to jury? I respect a healthy and objective viewpoint towards inequality in America…I do believe with all my heart that there are extreme injustices towards POC. That said…this scenario, in the BB house, where “Swaggy” the self proclaimed super fan chose to act a fool and perpetuate a caricature of his type casted persona…is no one’s fault but his own. And, contrary to Rockstar’s (ugh…) toe hold on race relations in the House, I don’t even think Chris believes he’s out because of race…he at least knows it’s because he’s perceived as a threat.

  12. There is no battle back . Steve is at home. Only one will be in the battle.. its up to sam.. so swag wont get that chance.. neither fessy i guess.

  13. There will be a battle back I’m sure of it the show probably wants Swaggy in there to cause drama. Kaitlyn is sooooo weak she’s reminding me of last season. Hey Kaitlyn the 4 do not have your back who in their right mind keeps an alliance of 4 safe, she may not know about the 6 but she knows about Angela, Brett, Rachel and Winston being closer than she is with them. I hope by some miracle Bayleigh wins HOH next week and sends one of those 4 home. It’s actually hard to like anyone but I guess I like Tyler the best.

  14. Kaitlyn just can’t get over how impressed she is with herself..
    Rockstar is absolutely ridiculous in every way possible.

  15. “Nothin I love more than applause, I feed on it” — RockFace

    Can’t imagine she gets much of that unless it’s people thrilled cause she’s getting off stage.

  16. I literally cannot stand Kaitlyn in this game. Maybe I would like her in real life and she’s letting all of this attention go to her head and change her character, but I doubt it. If she is even halfway as demanding of time and attention outside of the house, it would still be way too much. I also hate the way that Tyler manipulates with such ease and with such a pleasant, even-toned voice. I can’t help thinking that whichever girl falls for him outside of the game will be in trouble with that one.

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