Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tucker
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Angela, Kimo, Joseph
Spoilage – Sounds like Tucker is putting up Quinn, Brooklyn and Cam. If veto is played Chelsie goes up. He says Quinn is his “pawn” but it’s based on a secret being kept in the house for a few days.
1:52 am Brooklyn and Chelsie
Talking about how Tucker can now pick out the three people that didn’t vote with the house as nominees.
C – Joe is Messy
B – So Messy… Loved Tkor and Kimo but they are now messy too..
(LOL you don’t so what we want you are messy)
C – Tkor hasn’t talked to you yet?
B – no
C – me neither
B – She avoiding because she knows. the fact that she passed me in the hallway she could have been like Keep her.. or we’re keeping her.
C – at least
B – I mean…
They talk about weather Brooklyn should go back and talk to Tucker again. Brooklyn says she’s already told him everything she wants to say. Chelsie tells her she doesn’t want to look pushy.
Brooklyn doesn’t know what Kimo and Tkor are feeling Tucker and Rubina. “They’ll probably say they were trying to get us to flip.. that is what their saying”
B – we had your back the whole time..
C – Why was Kimo Crying so hard?
B – he told me he truly didn’t know how he was going to vote.. He was so flustered… I don’t know if I believe him or not.
Brooklyn says that Cedric told her that Tucker Cam to him and Cam for a final 3.
They talk about blowing Joe’s game up and saying Joe was the one that started it.
B – I told Kimo there goes the collective.. he goes NOPE … I told him KIMO there goes the collective stop it right now.
C – How do you when you three decided.
B – You are in a 8 person alliance You send one of your alliance members home and you don’t tell the other four members. You all of a sudden decide to go with the other side of the house.
Chelsie says Makensie told them that she walked in on Tucker with Joe planning something.
B – little rats
C – I don’t know what he is planning.
B – at this point I said my piece you said your piece
They think Rubina still trusts them.
Chelsie doesn’t want it to be the two of them and Quinn or her, Cam and Quinn.
They agree Quinn is going up for sure they’re just not sure who the other two will be.
Chelsie – I wish he would put up Quinn, Makensie and Leah.
Quinn walks in..
They start to complain about Tucker.
Brooklyn – he wants to make it to the end with the people that just float and beat them.
B- you are literally partnering up with people that literally can’t win anything
C – that’s their strategy.
Brooklyn goes on about if they can survive this week then hopefully next week the twist is over and Tucker can’t play HIOH they will backdoor him.
Chelsie leaves.
Brooklyn tells Quinn she’s Just upset that she didn’t give Cedric a nice goodbye hug.
B – all I get from Kimo is… I’m so sorry I couldn’t look at you.
Q – he told me… I’m going to try and talk to him.. I said BRO
B – He said that to me.
Q – It really hurts because it really feels like they picked Tucker over us..
B – Absolutely
B – You have better chances with the 8 you are already aligned with, Y’all have better chances with us than y’all have with him. He’s using you because you are.. SORRY.. WORTHLESS.
B – He knows he can use y’all for votes to get the good people out and then he doesn’t care because he will win everything against you guys.
Q – they were saying today is the collective doesn’t talk strategy with them .. Tucker doesn’t care about strategy. what’s that going to do for you?
Brooklyn goes on about how the collective was solid and Kimo and Tkor were always taken into consideration when they talked strategy without them.
Quinn says that Joe told him last night he thought he could beat Tucker in the wall and he was the second one that feel off last night.
Brooklyn scoffs at Joe.
Quinn says he liked him when they were allies but now that they are enemies “I’m like what the hell”
B – Kimo, Tkor, Joe and Leah will go to with whoever is in charge and do whatever that person says so next week if one of us wins they’ll be back with us.
They laugh at how Angela is still in the house.
B – ohh Cedric I’m so sad.
2:08 am Joe and Tkor
Joe going on about how mad at him the rest of the old collective is.
J – Whatever.. Cedric is you are watching this man I love you I didn’t want it to be you man but you weren’t exactly playing a clean game either.
J – that’s the game.. a bunch of people didn’t win this show by being nice to each other.. you know what I mean? it is what it is..
J – they can be mad at me all they want I told y’all I have your back.. so…
T – since day one..
Tkor says she’s going to talk to Tucker later tonight.
Feeds flip to Tucker and Leah in the HOH.
2:10 am Tucker and Leah
T – and he told me he was crying it’s hard today because he just said some mean shit to Cedric in there (DR), bro. Why the f**k are you telling me that? I’ve been your number one enemy. What are you saying in there about me? I called you out about the name calling to the person who
can’t handle being called two names and has to cry about it. But he gets to call me 15 to 30 names in front of the entire world. I’m coming for you, Quinn I don’t f** with that sh1t Bro I’ve been called names my entire life. I don’t look like it but I was dude.. I had a gay dad I modelled and I wrestled are f***Ing serious BRo. I’ve been called all the names in the book and the ones that really stick are not being called a idiot and you are going to cry about it.
Tucker says Quinn is in 5 final 2’s
feeds flip back to Joe and Tkor… Joe and Tkor are going on about how much they liked Cedric. after a bit it flips back to the HOH.
2:40 am Tucker and Quinn
Quinn – I can’t go home pre-Jury
Quinn goes on about how Tkor and Kimo had been talking about flipping things all week and he was involved in those talks “I couldn’t vote at all”
Quinn says he would have done what what the house did last night he could vote.
Tucker believes him says that Kimo told him he should squash the beef with Quinn.
Tucker says how he loves Quinn as a “Person”. Quinn loves Tucker as a “person” too and loves what Tucker is bringing to the show.
Tucker – you know If I win the Veto I can do crazy shqt with it.
Tucker – I have to do you first and then the three that voted for Rubina I know who they are, I know it was Cam, Brooklyn and Chelsie.
Quinn – yeah
Tucker tells him Quinn and two of those three are going up and if word of that doesn’t spread to those three he will use the veto on Quinn and put up the third person as the replacement.
Tucker says he wants to play and learn “from the best” (Quinn)
Quinn – I appreciate to hear that
Tucker – I’m not a grudge holder we can play our fake beef but you can come in here whenever and listen to music.
Quinn – I really do respect you
They say they love each other and they hug.
Tucker says he’s sure the DR is egging this Beef on with Quinn he adds they can play their “WWE” one more week “If you don’t pull yourself off and if I don’t …”
Quinn – we’ll win..
4:15 am Tucker, Angela, Kimo, Tkor (AKA the fish tanks)
They talk about Bringing Joe into their conversation.
T – He’s good numbers wise but he is Tight with the other side
R – I know
Tkor – I don’t think so
R – Don’t know about now
Kimo says Joe isn’t close with them after the vote.
Kimo – Joe would be good to pull right in
T – lets get him right now.. I’m just nervous because the last time it was Cam with them but that was a completely different person and different scenario. He’s also not a big threat.
K – He was close with them then decided … he showed his cards.
Rubina is happy with her wall performance she points out she beat Brooklyn today on the wall.
Kimo – and most of the guys too.
Tucker – there was only three guys left.
Kimo thinks it was one of the harder walls. “They knew the competitors this season”
Joe joins them.
Tucker – we need a name there’s six of us. Something unique.. the sexy six.
Joe – Sixth avenue
Tkor – ohh
Rubina – I like it
Tkor – I like that.
They all like Six Avenue as a name.
Kimo points out that they only need 5 votes moving forward.
They discuss pulling Leah in. Tucker doesn’t think it’s a good idea right now. Kimo and Rubina voice agreeance
Joe says that Makensy was telling him to come up to the HOH and break up the conversation tell everyone to go to bed.
Joe points at Angela and Kimo “She said you two”
Tucker – She’s not a target this week she’s doesn’t have to worry.
Kimo – she is somebody we have to keep our eye on she can win comps
T – I have to tell Joe what I told you guys so we have more ears out there. It’s going to be Quinn, Cam, and Brooklyn. Quinn’s my pawn I told him about it. If I win the Veto I’ll put it on him if that word doesn’t get out I’ll put Chelsie up there. You guys cannot tell anyone in the crib that no one else knows it whatever. IF you hear something tell me cause if I win it I won’t use it on anybody.
T – this is to see if I can trust Quinn cause he’s lied to me before. I’ve given him two life lines and he didn’t take them.
Tucker says Quinn isn’t as big of a threat right now because he knows this game but how others have played it. “I’m not playing how otehrs have played it”
Joe points out that Quinn’s game is “exposed” now
Angela is excited to be in a group “it’s going to be crazy” (grinning ear to ear)
Joe tells them that the other side hates him now.
They do the sixth Avenue cheer
Meeting breaks up.
4:30 am Tucker and Rubina
Rubina – I’m so hyped for you I thought I was going home for sure for sure
Rubina says once she heard 6 she thought for sure she was gone.
Tucker – this season is f***ing crazy

They snuggle in the HOH bed.
5:00 am Zzzzzzz (Ohh Tkor and Quinn may be whispering in the bathroom but we can assume that is always happening)
6:25 am Rubina crawls out of the HOH room.
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The image quality of the feeds is horse sh1t now. It’s like we’ve gone back in time 10 years.
Leah and Makensy can’t catch a break. Why does no one want to work with them?
I agree with you. At least 6 ave. is
considering Leah to be an affiliate. MJ really can’t catch a break with having that alliance trying to hide from her in hoh. Tucker tells Leah about Chelsie bad mouthing her, but of course no word from anyone to MJ about Chelsie doing this about her. Sickening to think that 6 ave. most likely would have voted MJ out over Cedric.
The holier than thou rollers put the social stink on them week one to such a degree that they became persona non grata.
Remember: Chelsie worked OVERtime to try to get Angela to nom Mak week one (she had a secret crush on Matt apparently). She then went to EV-ER-Y one to cast as much shade as she could (guys girl doesn’t want to work with women only here to showmance can’t trust her she lies). Then…. Leah started flirting with Cam (who Chelsie was secretly coveting) and Leah got the same treatment.
Leah and Mak did themselves no favors btw. They talked no game.
Additionally they both got on Tucker’s bad side….. but tbh with tucker a breeze flips his switch…. and he’s just as much of a social beyotch as Chelsie when it comes to repetitive and constant trashing to alter hivemind.
Chelsie Brooklyn, and cam Blaming t’kimo for flip. Not a good decision and a Major red flag to 6 ave. that T’kimo is trying get MJ as renom when Chelsie is safe regardless this week. Especially when they don’t owe Chelsie anything when the girl kept them out of few a different alliances. That is an obvious sign and tell tkor will flip soon as tkor has already expressed to kimo that she wants a final 6 with him, Quinn, Joseph, Chelsie, rubina.
Brooklyn is definitely revealing herself more than she did when she unjustly complained about Angela picking her more than once. I sympathize more with Chelsie than I do with Brooklyn given her actions since the eviction. Meanwhile Cedric’s interviews are proving that Kimo & T’Kor were right in getting rid of Cedric
Chelsie is a renom idea for now but of course T’Kimo discussed that they want to pitch MJ instead. Just ignoring all the alliances Chelsie kept them out of T’kimos logic is broken if they want to protect her. When Cam, Chelsie, and Brooklyn blame them for the flip and aren’t talking to them. Even Chelsie as a renom is not anyone’s target this week. Red Flag ? T’Kimo is still trying to save her when she doesnt need to be saved.
In Leah’s case, she BABBLES so much, that she’s almost incoherent, but still oddly passionate, which is a weird combination. She speaks with urgency a lot of the time, but there’s no discernible content.
Leah: [seven paragraphs with no punctuation, devoid of any message]
T’kor: [trademarked, classic, “mmm-hmmmm.”]
The next time Brooklyn says “I’m a mother” Tucker should say “and I’m going to make sure you get back to your children as soon as possible “
that’s the only thing good on her resume. A big excuse to win money.
What’s a better reason than to win it for yourself and your family though?
It’s a great reason for her and her family, but why should anybody else care?
If a 35 year old father of 4 went in there and proudly proclaimed he was a dad, over and over again, would people look at it as a badge of honor, or more so see it as him pandering for money for himself and his family?
Should it make any difference that one’s a male and one’s a female?
I don’t think so.
I want him to yell, “A DINGO ATE YER BAAABY.”
You are too much but I love it!
Hmmmph. I am just enough.
Population 2.
T:kor and Kimo.
They want to protect Chelsie and Quinn this week.
If Chelsie and Quinn are on the block together, they vote out Quinn because Chelsie is innocent and Quinn didn’t do as they said…. he showed he wasn’t as loyal to them when he didn’t put up Leah instead of Rubina as renom even though they pushed him to put up Leah and he didn’t do it.
This must have been on that Netherverse Feed…..
*Chelsie is a must save ONLY because T’kor is STILL trying for the Black alliance…. that excluded her as a member.
**The Quinn defied them and put up Rubina not Leah… uh,.. they said NOTHING. The one time they brought up Leah they said she didn’t trust Quinn and he said well yeah, she knows I lied to her. That’s it.
Dear Mak,
Buy a vowel.
Telling Tucker that his special friend had 3 votes against her, and naming those voters… is not helping those three voters.
Just save yourself you big tall doorknob.
Naming names…. are you daft….
Is your social read so pathetic that you name names? Why yes, yes it is.
If you KNOW that Tucker repeats what people say (just from this convo you know), why give him ammunition?
Mak was left out of the vote plot… and was supposedly almost going to vote out Rubina because of it, but got pulled to the side by some-bo-dy last second and told Cedric.
T’kor didn’t really offer up anything when Mak asked about the vote… Brooklyn did.
Because she’s a doorknob… she believed Brooklyn because someone finally told her SOMEthing after nobody told her ANYthing for 4 weeks.
She did MUCH better one on ones week 2, 3, 4. MUCH.
might as well get rid of the pentagon.
strategically this is the best play, but since when do bb houseguests make the best play?
The trojan horse theory.
The edit of the show often has 2 people getting edits that look like the winners.
One is the winner, the other is… the person we think will win but has a tragic fall.
This season by EDIT of episodes… I still Contend Tucker as Grodboy and Chelsie as golden edit.
Is this theory ever wrong? Yes.
is this theory right more than it’s wrong? Yes.
So grain of salt.
What I’m noting today:
T:kor and Kimo are in protect Chelsie mode.
Tucker is covering for Chelsie (didn’t name names… you already told Leah Chelsie named her).
Is ANY of this due to strategic groundwork laid by Chelsie? no.
That’s what raises an eyebrow.
BTW… still sussed beyond sus by the AI comp. That editing job on that comp sucked ass.
So they centered focus on Rubina alone for the last clip…. and we totally miss HOW Mak beat her? We completely miss that Cedric was just a ball or two behind? Oh. LONG shot or overhead shot of all three would have been the preferential edit shot. Just saying.
The houseguests know better than we do how the comp was won based on Tucker and Kimo conversation about the comp… that they supposedly didn’t see. Just like last week when the house knew how Tucker performed in the comp….. but nobody had said anything.
Yeah…. the house has been seeing the comp and pretends not to know who won.
Another edit choice.
Before Tuesday,
Brooklyn had the pole position in the house.
She had f2 with Rubina, Quinn, Chelsie
She had the Pentagon.
She had the collective.
She still had Leah and Mak thinking she ‘might’ be with them.
She could have played it up she was in Five Pointz… but distanced.
She still had sway but swayed too hard with the extras in collective.
Her only flaws: readable face and Joseph mad she was pulled into the collective without HIS permission.
Brooklyn is in the slop pile.
F2 with Rubina dead. Quinn doesn’t actually trust her anymore, Chelsie is distancing.
Pentagon is exposed.
Collective is dead.
Leah is not with her at all. Mak is still her doorknob.
Five Pointz don’t like her at all.
She has zero sway except with the doorknob nobody else ever uses. (yeah, Mak is THAT gullible and has ZERO guile).
What to expect… She will not block well.
She’s no Helen married mother that production pushed off the wall by jiggling her foothold.
*watch the clip. They jiggled the beam she was standing on from behind the curtain and she fell.
Her inner pageant demon is going to come out. All that entitlement is just boiling under the surface.
I don’t dislike Brooklyn. I don’t fave Brooklyn. If she’d shown congeniality in the face of adversity…. like pageant girls are taught to project even if they are pisssed….. She’d be fine right now…..
so that’s on her.
You know what I don’t like? Players that talk big game but don’t do sh!t – I’m looking at you T’Kor and Kimo. Sure – BB is also about letting others do the heavy work while you perhaps sail directly to the end, no blood on your hands, a good “grade” for your superb use of politics, etc, but at least be honest and don’t pretend that you are a mastermind. They basically just sided with one side of the house that was bound to not vote with the other alliance and “broke” something having this attitude of “we did that” while pretending they aren’t floaters. Please.
But, oh well, you see, Quinn: you deserve that for trusting 2 people that had nothing to offer. Lord knows why you decided to trust those two with your game and your plans. Perhaps there’s a chance I may be playing a fool here – especially because CBS does not give me episodes that are well edited or elucidate on several other smaller details – by questioning your motives, but you played yourself, dummy!
The number of names that Quinn called Tucker “in front of the entire world” seems to increase daily. By the end of next week, it’ll be in the thousands and have taken up an entire episode.
I think Rubina is in for a really rough landing. I don’t think Tucker is going to cruelly ditch her, but I don’t think he’s going to discourage her, either. When she talks to people about the optics of her relationship with Tucker, you can tell she’s not trying to resolve anything, she just finds talking about the relationship gratifying, and the only context that seems legit is to discuss it in terms of how unfaaaaiiiiiir it is that people make assumptions. That way, she gets to relish it, and act aggrieved and innocent at the same time.
Whenever she talks about it affecting her game, I want to tell her, this is entirely self-perpetuated. This isn’t “happening to you,” you’re choosing it.
She’s crushed out on someone who is younger, really impetuous, seems to have ADD, needs to be the center of attention, isn’t returning the same signals willingly, and nurses grudges. That should work out really well for her. On national TV.
That she seems wary/possesive about Kimo’s crush isn’t a good sign either. She needs to crawl out of the HOH bed and stay out, and not just for her game.
Can we only vote five times for instigator?
You get 5 initial votes. If you watch a 45 second Survivor commercial, you get another 5.
I’m cracking up that someone downvoted this.