Have Nots and Veto Players “British baked beans, french baguettes and Italian basil”

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2pm Bathroom – James says I’m just trying to learn about you, what you like and don’t like. Natalie says I want to to feel appreciated and loved. I want to feel special. James asks what if he treats you too good? Is that a bad thing? Natalie says its never too much. Paul joins them. Paul says I’m ready to play this POV! You’re going to die if its the dice competition. Or any competition .. I’m just going to mess with her head. James asks you’re going to mess with her head. Paul says yes. James asks you’re going to intimidate her? Paul says yes! Like if its the dice comp I’m going to be like come on TIFF like we practiced YAHTZEE! Backwards! Upside down! 1264! Natalie says don’t do that to me. Paul says I’m going to do that to you too. Natalie tells James if I stay this week… can we win HOH. Natalie says I just have to get into my dancing zone to calm myself down. I really hope she doesn’t get herself down. James says yeah me too. If she does I’ve got a black up plan .. as long as I don’t get put up. (Paulie’s noms) Nalalie asks who do you think he would put up? James says not Nicole, not Zakiyah …Paul maybe. Natalie says because I know Paul wanted to go up. James says yeah he’s crazy! He’s out of his mind.

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2:30pm Big Brother calls Zakiyah to the diary room. Corey says its about that time .. are you ready?! Corey heads to the bedroom where Nicole is lying in bed. Nicole asks Corey .. does Paulie want her to win? Corey says no. Nicole says I’m trying to be nice to her. I cooked her breakfast this morning. I could see Day pulling down Tiffany. The stuff that comes out of her mouth is so weird. Yesterday, she said Nicole I just want you to know .. Frank has something brewing. I said I literally don’t care. Nicole says I’m not worried about going home.

2:45pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the power of veto competition…

4pm No feeds for you..

5:15pm You thought there would be feeds… HAHAHa nope!

93 thoughts to “Have Nots and Veto Players “British baked beans, french baguettes and Italian basil””

    1. James and Natalie alone in the have nots room. If this bumper car is rocking, don’t come knocking.

  1. BB needs to switch up the games. The HG should not be able to study past games. New and fresh makes it harder to win and throw crap.
    I do not like Tiffany but I do like that it has changed the game and you’re not sure how Thursday will go.

    1. I like the roadkill comp becasue it adds a layer of uncertainty although I would like to see the actual results of the HGs and not just some lunchbox results. I hate the ‘teams’ since they aren’t competing in teams during the challenges but as individuals.

      1. I’m fine with Roadkill, but think the only person safe should be HOH – anybody else is fair game.

        1. If it was an actual team competition then I’d be alright with the whole team being safe but most of those comps were single player games.

  2. Remember when they all said, “If Josea is out of the game the house will be a better place,”? Then it was, “Victor. if Victor is out of this house, the house will be better.” Well, not it’s Tiffany. Don’t these idiot sheeple see that the house will never be better ever? How can they not realize their time to be ousted out of the house is just a matter of time. Especially, with the almighty Paulie there, that was bred for this game..

    1. I hate being put in a position to defend most these people, but you have to remember it is a game, much of it political. So if you have a target you don’t want any daylight getting in, so the target is not only a villain, but his/her exit will bring sunshine.

      Don’t get me wrong, the mean girl, high school vibe is very real for many of them….but some are just playing the game. I think Paulie is terrified of Frank, but the harder he knocks him, the less anybody suspects he’s going to Frank making deals and the more riled up he gets them, the less likely anybody would make a deal with such an awful person. It’s smart to a degree….but leaves a wide opening to appear to be a scary player yourself, thus the 2nd biggest target and looking at a promotion as soon as #1 is evicted.

  3. I’ve seen a lot of backlash on here for Nicole and yes, she’s been wishy washy at times and gets too sidetracked by Corey….but I do think she is a little gun shy over her last season. Mostly she’s trying to keep those closest to her safe and she’s not mean. Da on the other hand has been the shady one in that group! From what she did to Tiffany and then turned around and started telling Tiffany about the alliances?!! She really needs to go along with Frank, Tiffany, Bridgette, Michelle and Paul.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! I like Nicole but she really needs to let Corey go. He’s not even loyal to her.

  4. Love to see Corey get the boot this week. Guy is just weird and doesn’t bring as much chaos as Tiff and to watch Nicole scurry like rat…..too funny. Nat is just taking up space at this point

  5. Am I the only one who skip reading the parts when its conversation between James and Natalie? They dont strategize just talk about how they like each other lol

  6. Maybe TheKia should take her own advice about the “B1tch shut up” until she does something productive.

    1. I think Z is another one just taking up space and agreeing with whoever she is talking to. No game of her own at all. Whoever she is with that is bashing someone she is all about joining in. “you right, you right”

  7. Hmm I can’t read James. Does his comment mean he would possibly be down to take out Corey or is he just trying to appease Tiffany.
    Zak is becoming meaner by the second. “Mind your business” – it’s big brother – literally other player’s business is everyone’s business. Welcome to the game!

  8. Beans and bread is what I normally ate on camping trips so James and Natalie will have lot’s of fun sitting around the campfire and tooting their tunes…

  9. I don’t actually know who is working with who at this point. I will just refer to them as Team Frank and Team Paulie. TP-Paulie, Corey, Zak, Nicole, Paul and Michelle (unless she is doing one hell of a good acting job). TF-Frank, Bridget and Tiffany. ???-James, Natalie and DaVonne. I think JND would roll with Team Frank, but only if they are positive they have the votes. As it stands, I don’t see any way for Tiffany to stay. It would all hinge on Michelle and it looks like she has chosen Paulie. The only way Tiff is 100% safe is if she saves herself. The only way Tiff and Da are 100% safe is if Da wins POV and saves Tiff but I don’t think Da would risk doing that.

    I don’t blame Paul for hooking up with whichever side he feels has his back. I just don’t like his game play. It is too desperate and obvious. If he ever has to try to deal with with the other side he will have nothing to offer and he will always be low man on the totem pole with the side he has chosen. As for Michelle, James has been trying to lay it out for her but she just doesn’t want to see it. I think it has more to do with her hatred of Bridget than her hatred of Tiffany at this point. As a member of Team Paulie I think she is even below Paul on the totem pole. Her girls will never choose her over their boys. Whether Tiff stays or goes I just like Michelle better on Team Frank. Her chances are better because she doesn’t have to fight against a tight foursome. TF is more about smaller groups. Frank and Bridget, James and Natalie, and it could be DaVonne and Michelle. If Tiffany did stay then Da, Mich and Tiff could be 3 strong against the duos and go back to the girl power they said they wanted. The real reason I prefer Michelle on TF is because I was actually starting to like her. She seemed smart and funny. When she talked to Da and James (and even Tiffany) she talked about strategy and they just talked about non-related game stuff and seemed to genuinely like each other. When she is with Nicole and Zak she just becomes the nastiest of the mean girls. The only real strategy they discuss is how bad they want Tiff out and how much they hate Bridget. She isn’t even planning for what happens to her game once her biggest nemesis is gone. And she isn’t seeing that for her own game getting Corey out is the best move.

    1. Michelle sometimes tricks me too. I don’t like her because of some of her comments. I will however give her credit, she is VERY good at making a person or group “think” she is with them. She fooled me several times last week. I didn’t know which way she was going for sure until she starting getting the vote flipped for Tiffany.

      Also notice in the convo, she only said she wouldn’t work with Bridgette. She didn’t mention frank etc. Personally I think she would go with frank and day. She really seems to think highly of frank and is some of the reason she doesn’t like Bridgette. Also if day is pushing it, I think there’s a very good chance Michelle would go with Frank’s side.

  10. michelle, I will never date you, you’re too insecure, stop with the bridgette hate, you, day, and zak are mean girls, bridgette is a genuinely a nice girl.

  11. zakiyah is a breatiful women no lie but she always talking about people a lot
    I never heard her say that nice good job all I hear is bad talk from her in it make me sad
    cause I was hoping she do real good now I want her to get booted off I was voting for her America favorite
    now im voting for the worst in its her

  12. Paulie’s group is really starting to remind me of that annoying Nerd Herd aka Friendship alliance from BB6. Paulie, Michelle, Z etc spent the last 2 weeks bitching about Frank, how he was a bully how he tried to intimidate to get what he wants…then they turn around and do the same with Tiffany. Michelle and Z are the 2 snitches who serve no other purpose but to go run and yap to Paulie and his group of what others are doing. They spend their days talking shit about the other side..just like the Nerd Herd did..but its Frank who is the bully? please !!! time for Paulie’s group to take a hit next week…get Paulie’s ass on the block with Michelle or Z

  13. There was no falling out between Michelle and Tiffany. So, what’s going on? Is Michelle just playing the entire fauxmance alliance? Or is she just saying whatever she needs to in order to get herself further? Honestly, knowing there was an alliance between ni/co/pa/za/da, and that she’s just the next fifth wheel expendable player to be pulled in didn’t sound too thrilling to Michelle when Tiffany told her about it last week. So i’m wondering… is she just prefacing another flip by playing up the hate?

  14. I judged paulie at the start and thought i wouldnt like him just as i didnt his brother. But hes actually my fav now… Only thing is he needs to shut up about tiff, he’s starting to sound border line obsessed! #Stop talking

  15. Been watching the feeds and Michelle is really a mean person, she hates so much. Z has been mean too, saying rude things. Michelle is definitely up for being the 5th wheel in the showmance alliance, completely stupid on her part. James tried to get her to see the showmances for what they really are, but Michelle hates tiff and bridgette so much that she won’t smh.

    1. I honestly dont understand why James keeps talking negative about the showmances… considering he’s in one.

      1. James is in a showship, friendship on a show, we’ll see if he’s able to battle out of the friend zone in the next diabolical twist of the season!

  16. And paul is so pathetic, seriously buddy talk about insecure??? Attention seeking little boy who wants to be in with the cool crowd. Him constantly running in and out the room telling information like a little bitch boy and being all theatrical. Give it up and be yourself , you might be surprised to see ppl actually like you!

    1. Yes exactly. Trying soooo hard to get with the cool kids lol. That’s exactly how he comes off. It’s pathetic!

  17. Why does Michelle keep telling James that Natalie keeps saying bad things about him? No one on the live feeds has seen her do that. She is constantly in his ear about Natalie and how he is going to get hurt. I’m wondering if it’s a strategic move on her part or is she just jealous of Natalie.

    1. I am no fan of Nathalie but I am SOOOO done with Michelle. Why is it any of her business what is going on with Nat/James? those 2 are not even involved in her little group with Paulie. Michelle is a shit talker, thats all she does all day is talk shit about people, she has NO other use in that House than doing that and being a snitch and running to Paulie/Z/Day to say what others are saying

      1. I think it’s part of her strategy to either keep James and Natalie somewhat destabilized or perhaps she’s trying to get one of them on her side.
        Audrey had a similar strategy of telling lies to everyone about someone else in an effort to keep distrust high in the house.

      2. corey also said nat flirted w him follows him and said hes sexy but she never did what’s his problem. Breeder he called Nicole what an ass hole hes about a insecure slightly maladjusted per

  18. Michelle is the type of chick I really cant stand. Got an issue with me have the balls to come up and say it to my face. Michelle just shit talks, why does she not go and say all it to Nathalie’s face? She is so lucky I am not in that House I would verbally destroy that girl…last week she was saying how tired she was with “those people”…she is lucky because with me she would want to self evict.

    1. I’m kind of disturbed that so many people are expecting no shit talking from houseguests. Have you all watched the show before?

  19. Way to go Meech, telling James that Nat will be voted out “We’re no voting Cory out.” You have been drinking way to much of the Kool (aid) Kids Kool-Aid, you have just given James a reason to go to Frank’s side! Basically you have said if Tiff comes down James will go up and Nat will go home (presuming Da wins POV and takes Tiff down) vote would probably end in a tie and force the all mighty Kool (aid) King to select who goes home. I believe Da is about done with the Kool(aid) Kids and all their mean talk. I really hope James and Da see the light and team up with Frank, Brig and Tiff.

    Oh, and by the way….YES Z you do sound like a VERY MEAN GIRL!

    1. I thought i hit reply, obviously i didn’t. The above comment was intended for Butter’s mom regarding bridgette not being a nice girl. If she isn’t prove me wrong.

      1. Umm let’s see….she is also a mean girl b/c she
        1) jumped on the train with jozeas group to talk catty about Michelle when she passed out
        2) she absolutely would have turned on her “spy girl” alliance after she and frank buddied up (talked bad about Nat and Bronte going so far as to say she would vote them out after jury)
        3) she plays innocent about being loyal and good at helping others but so far has been snide when others were hurt and would have gotten frisky with frank on her drunken hoh night if he had of tried
        I’m sure I can continue on if you need me too. LMK

        1. None of those alliance shifts are unusual in a game like BB. It also ignores that no-one really wanted to work with Bridgette from the start.

          I don’t really get the Michelle / Bridgette divide though, so I’ll give you that one (seemed to happen early on).

  20. I don’t think the dice comp was played in bb17, so why have they convinced themselves it will be the dice comp from season 16? two weeks in a row they’ve been convinced it would be the same competition. Are these just red herrings production throws out so the feed viewers don’t know what the actual pov comp is going to be like until they actually play it?

    1. BB17 had the dice comp. I remember because Vanessa noticed Austin threw that comp when she was counting on him winning it and that’s what really started her distrust in him.

  21. Jealously. Plain old jealously. Michelle is so obviously jealous of all the females in the house that have hooked up with guys. Doesn’t matter which one of the guys … it’s all about her female competition in the house. Sad.

  22. other than, frank, nat, james, tiff, bronte, and bridgette, this whole cast is the worst – fear ridden insecure mean girls

    1. Bronte was talking sh$t about James when she was running with Jozea. Saying she was going to send him back to Hong Kong. She acted nasty as hell! Flat out dumb a$$ skank who doesn’t know what 9×9 is but she’s a math genius

  23. Tiffany was respectful to all the house guests in the beginning. Most of the hate circulation going around the house was based on her being Vanessa’s sister and her emotional crying. Reality is she’s cried no more than Da has.(up until last few days) I’m not a fan of Tiffany but I don’t blame her reaction to the shunning she’s receiving. She never had lied about anything. I think the treatment she’s getting is unjustified. At some point she had to stand up for herself. Michelle is definitely a mean girl. Z has a nasty side. Nicole and Paul are like little tattle tails. Lol. Something is really off with Corey…the goat burning the animal killing, the way he criticizes women are just a few. I really hope he leaves. I get the creeps watching him.

    1. Agree about creepy Corey. Hes already done two of the actions in the “deadly triad”-animal abuse and fire setting (ok he didn’t light the goat but he found it funny and didn’t intervene). If he admits to bedwetting as a kid then we have the potential of a psychopath. Not to mention that FUNKY EYEBALL! Thumbs down if you want but nobody suspected Ted Bundy either …..

      1. Creepy Cory yes he is and wow lies to everyone who will listen about girls liking him and how they want him yuck he is not attractive wake up Nicole. See the light he is a little type of guy not stature but in simple character

      2. Creepy Corey. One day he’s the friendly Aggie next door, and the next day he’s got all the neighbors’ shrunken heads hanging as curtain pulls in his livingroom.
        Mark my words.

  24. you know what I want to happen tiffny wins veto puile put up james
    james some how says in team up with tifnny frank bridget an naitlle joins them to take over the house

  25. I think that regardless of who gets evicted Thursday, Team Paulie has lost James. Depending on who goes, who re-enters and who wins HOH, he may still play in the middle. He won’t be firmly with Frank or firmly against Paulie. However, if James wins HOH I would not be surprised to see him make a big move. He may put up one of the couples or Paulie and Corey. I know from last season that he is not afraid to do that. Aside from making it obvious that he is on the bottom of the group, I think he also feels used. They want him to vote their way, they had him throw comps, they expect him to respect Paulie/Zak and Corey/Nicole but they have given him no respect back. If they really wanted to earn his trust they would have put Paul up as the pawn instead of Natalie. Instead they made it clear that not only is Natalie the pawn but she is the plan B if Tiffany does win POV. They didn’t even consider taking out Paul instead. Aside from them being willing to evict James closest person in the house, it also shows that Paul has moved up the ladder and is now equally or even more important than James. They may have just poked the bear, especially if they are even considering putting him up as a pawn in the event that Nat or Tiff get vetoed.

    Aside from James knowing that he and Natalie don’t fit into Team Paulie’s plans, I think the personal stuff is getting to him. He does stick up for the underdog. I don’t think he likes hearing Zak and Michelle constantly talking crap about Tiffany and Bridget and calling Natalie shallow and a user. I don’t think he approves of the threats by Paul and Paulie to get in Tiffany’s face and try to rattle her and intimidate her. If they do start being aggressive in that sense it wouldn’t surprise me if James stepped in to stop it. He also doesn’t believe anyone should be shunned and he won’t go along with it. If James found out that Paulie said, “Natalie will vote the way we want or I will make her comply” I can guarantee that James would work over time busting his ass to win HOH and POV and Paulie would be the next one making a date with Julie Chen.

    1. You are delusional. James is playing the same game he played last time. Get aligned with a girl he has no shot with, get in an alliance that he has no real standing with, let that alliance talk shit about the girl he aligned with and do nothing about it, never flip to the other side even though he knows he would have a better chance at making it further. So many times last season James talked about making big moves and when the other side needed him he went right back to the alliance that he was mad at and had just been talking about going against and told them everything about the other side. James will never learn. They all hate Frank and I guarantee you they would all tell you a different reason why they hate him, cause even they don’t have a real reason to hate Frank. They simply want him gone because he is great at camps, but they would never a admit it. James is horrible at this game. He has a perfect chance of flipping and going with Frank, but instead of flipping he goes back and rats on everything Frank says. Even after they talk shit about Natalie. He did the same to Meg last season, they talked shit about Meg, he would act mad then go and tell Vanessa everything everyone was saying right after talking about wanting Vanessa out. His reason for telling Vanessas side everything was that he made a promise to them that he would not turn on the alliance even though they turned on him. He is doing the same exact hing this season. He knows they are using him as a number, he knows they don’t respect his friendship with Natalie, he knows he would be the first in the group that gets targeted, but he thinks if he made an alliance that he should never go back on his word to stay loyal even when they turn on him. I think Frank has more of a chance of winning the power ball two weeks in a row than he does of flipping James. James has this stupid idea that he should never turn on the people that he first aligned with, and it was his downfall last year and will be his downfall this year. I am beyond confident that James could walk in the room and listen to them all talking about getting him out next, and still run and tell them everything Frank says. I like James, but his “always stay loyal” bullshit is killing his game. The only move he made last year was trying to get Clay and Shelley, and he never would have did it unless the group wanted it. The same group that he knew had talked about getting him and Meg out played him so that he would put up Clay and Shelley. Its almost like James and Caleb beast mode cowboy got together and stratagized on how to play, and came to the conclusion that no matter how many times your alliance turns on you, you have to stay loyal to them. Never turn on your alliance even though you know they don’t want you or care about you.

      1. “Get aligned with a girl he has no shot with”

        I won’t claim to know exactly how much of a shot James has with Nat, but I know it’s not 0.

      2. James was aligned with Shelli and Clay last year. Once he realized they weren’t loyal he put them on the block together and Clay went home. No one else on his side could ever win anything which is why his side got eliminated one by one. I don’t remember the other side talking shit about Meg in front of James and even at their worst, the cattiness last season did not compare to the girls this season.

    2. I like the Nat and James showmance. It seems the most real. I don’t know if it is something that could blossom outside the house and I don’t think they know either but it seems based on genuine like and respect. Unlike the other two showmances, Nic/Corey: The Desperate and The Ambiguous “Not That Into You”. Paulie/Z: Neither one of us will ever love anyone more than we love ourselves. We only hang because we both know we are the 2 most attractive people in this house and we can’t be caught on camera hanging with an uggo. Those who question Nat’s affection for James are shallow and really not his friends.

  26. Every week I find someone new to dislike, and usually its someone that I liked the previous week. It’s like they get drunk with power and become immeasurably unlikeable.

    1. This is what I don’t understand. Whenever someone gets power they instantly get hated by the viewers. But I want people to get power, and play hard. The people I dislike are the ones who do nothing and hope they don’t get put up.

  27. I just can’t see a way for Cory to go home unless if Nat or Tiff come off Paul is the replacement nom. If the noms stay the same or James or Da go up then the closest the votes will be is 4-4. Paulie is not sending Cory out. So bye Tiff or bye Nat. If Paul goes up in either girls place then possibly Frank, Brig, James, Da and Nat/Tiff for 5. Maybe frank could sway Michelle by telling her he is just playing Brig and he actually thinks Brig is a total b*tch. He really wants her (Mic) as his second but he is hiding it so as not to put a target on her back. She would then totally vote however Frank wanted. Ironically voting out Cory over Nat or Tiff would be in her best interest.

  28. I said Zakiyah and Michelle were mean girls in week 1 and got thumbs downed like hell.

    Yes I’m doing my “I told you so” dance,

  29. if Da doesn’t win the POV this week, I’m over her.
    Theres only so much things to you can do to seal your fate in the house and your alliance, but if you can’t a damn competition, I really don’t see Da as a threat in this game, besides her running her mouth and being paranoid all the time.

  30. James has a good heart and I completely agree he is not on board with the bullying tactics and yes Paulie. You are a bully. Any attempt made to intimidate someone is bullying. And we know James can win comps and make big moves. He’s playing as he should tho. Let them all fight and target each other but I believe he will step it up now knowing they are willing to cut Nat in a second. And I am so ready to see James start fighting.

    1. Big Brother is about getting power and position any way you can. Calling it ‘bullying’ is like saying NFL linebackers are bullies.

  31. If Tiffany doesn’t win POV she’s gone but I hope that doesn’t happen….I’m so sick of Corey, Nicole, Paulie and his sorry excuse for a game player gf Zakiyah….vote Corey out now!! Tiffany is a smoke screen they can get her out anytime she’s a easy target for these bad players!

  32. Why would Tiffany Nominate Corey as Roadkill. Isn’t the Roadkill winner anonymous? Tiffany could have easily nominated Da’ or Nicole and made it look like Frank did it. Is she really Vanessa’s sister? She has 0 strategy to her game, assuming she even has a game to play..

  33. Da doesn’t have a hope in hell of winning this POV. No comp wins never. Hopefully I eat my words because it would make things slightly more interesting. That or a Nat/Tiff win.

    Still don’t think there is anyway that Cory is going home though.

  34. It’s cute how Paul keeps interjecting into the conversation and referring to Team Paulie as ‘our group’.

  35. Nicole is defending Corey. He’s just nervous because everyone looked mad when he won POV and that makes him nervous to stay otb. So the last 2 weeks people wouldn’t look at Tiffany, every time she left a room they started whispering, every time she entered a room they got up and left and they celebrated last week when she got knocked out of the POV and didn’t even try to hide the fact that they were celebrating. But what did Nicole say about her-I can’t handle being in a room with her because she is so paranoid and overly emotional. Nicole, please don’t ever appear on this show again.

  36. The concept of the veto player is a political actor who has the ability to decline a choice being made. Specifically in Tsebelis’ analysis a veto player is one who can stop a change from the status quo. This is analogous to players in a bargaining game where all players must reach agreement. A key feature of veto players is that they have preferences over public policy outcomes and these are continuous across the continuous policy choices the veto player faces.

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