HANNAH WON the VETO! “We have all the power this week.”

HOH: Tiffany
Nominations: Sb and Ky via HOH, Xavier Via punishment
Coin of Destiny Coup D’etat: Claire won and kept noms the same
Power of Veto Players: SB, Claire, Hannah, Kyland, Xavier, Alyssa
Power of Veto: Hannah
Power of Veto Ceremony:

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Big Brother Spoilers – Hannah has Veto. If Veto is played Claire puts up Alyssa. Kyland and Xavier want off the block. Zzz

Claire won the coin of destiny coup d’etat

– She kept the noms the same (Sb and Ky)
– Tiffany was dethroned as HOH and no longer has the room.
– Tiff can play for HOH again next week.

1:14pm – 5:40pm The feeds were blocked with kittens for the power of veto competition.

Hannah WON the VETO!

– Sarah Beth lost by 23 seconds.
– Hannah also won a movie screening with other HGs
– She says she is taking the 3 Nominees (Xavier, SB & Ky)

Claire and Tiffany.
Claire – We’re good! Tiffany – yes we are. Claire – Derek is going to watch this back and be like why the f**k .. where was this energy when I was in the house. Claire says that she was in the havenot room. Tiffany – could you hear us? We were so loud in the HOH room. Claire – I had no concept of time in the havenot room. Tiff – the only reason why we had concept of time was because we had music. Claire – we have all the power this week. Tiffany – yes we do. You know damn well Chaddha ain’t coming off with that veto. We can just do the thing and say goodbye to Ky. Claire – yes. Tiff – I feel great! Claire – I feel like Chaddha won’t use it. If she uses it .. she just won’t use it right? Tiff – no I don’t think so. Claire – don’t mess anything up. Ky joins them. Tiff leaves. Ky to Claire – what’s your thoughts? Claire – for this week? Ky – yeah. Claire – with Chaddha winning? KY – Yeah. Claire – I feel like she probably won’t use it. Probably worth talking to her about it. Ky – I mean I think they should be open to it if other people are open to it. Claire – yeah. Ky – I wonder if you would or wouldn’t be open to it? Claire – Open to the veto being used. Ky – yeah, it being used on me specifically. Claire – ah .. its not my veto. Ky – I know, I wonder what your thoughts are because its a social game. Claire – yeah for sure. I feel neutral to it. It its used or not used on your I don’t think it really changes the outcome this week that much. Ky – no I agree with that. Claire – would be my guess. I don’t really want to force anyone to do anything with the veto. Ky – no .. everyone gets to make their own choice with the veto. If you’re neutral to it then you’re not against her using it. Claire – yeah if she wants to use it then I am in support of her using it. Ky – alright. Claire – but I don’t really see her using it. I am in support of basically what Tiff wants this week .. so I would stay talk to Tiff .. and talk to Chaddha. I am along for the ride. Ky – I appreciate it. Claire – one way or another you are good this week.

Bathroom. Hannah to the camera’s – I won the golden power of veto! What?! I actually won something. What?! I beat Ky and Xavier! Are you kidding me!? Now I have the power to send Sarah Beth out the door! And I am so excited about it. And I can use it to potentially take Xavier off the block and get myself a little further in the game. Getting closer to six. All is going according to plan. Oh my god I am so excited and I get to watch a movie with people .. and we get to eat and have snacks! I am really excited!!!!! Hannah talks to Tiff. Hannah – DX would be so proud! Tiff – yes he would. Hannah – I won something .. what?!

6pm – 6:40pm Bedroom. Ky and Xaiver.
Ky – what are you thinking? Xavier – I will probably be sitting there come eviction night. Ky – I know but you don’t have to. X – what do you mean? You see her using it on one of us? Ky – no its necessary but she could. X – to do what? Ky – I don’t think it matters too much I guess. Like next week if you won, who would you put up? X – HHhmm? Ky – I am wondering about.. Ky counts out the votes. Sarah joins them and they talk about the comp. Xavier leaves. Ky to Sarah – weirdly its not as bad as it could be. Sarah – I just feel bad. Ky – of course .. we can talk to Chaddha. Sarah – why would she do that? Ky – because I voted for DX to stay and we had a good connection. And I think that Ah… I think that if .. I think statistically she knows that which ever one of us that stays has a good chance at winning HOH. And one of us will stay regardless. And then after one of us is off ..we talk about two of us. And then all of a sudden you have the talk about two of us. Cuz then .. its the same conversation except doubled. You have 33% of the HOHs right here. One of us is going to win and make sure you don’t go up. The person that is now the most vulnerable in the house because her partner left could appreciate that because at the end of the day Tiffany saved Claire over DX and I didn’t. Sarah – if her target is me may be you can say that you being off the block is better odd of sending me out. Ky – why is that? Sarah – because people might vote you out over me .. but if you’re off the block .. then the people that still want to take a shot at you might still take a shot at me. Ky – that is smart. Sarah – I am worried that she takes off X instead. Ky – no. Sarah – really? Ky – yeah. Why do you think that? Ky – a variety of reasons. Sarah – she thinks that even though I’m her target .. if she takes X down that might give me a vote to stay. Ky – yeah. Sarah – but that’s the same thing if you come down. Ky – no because X is more likely to vote as a block with Alyssa. Sarah – that’s true.

6:44pm Bedroom. Tiffany talking to the cameras – I won HOH, Claire won Coin of Destiny and became the anonymous HOH and Chaddha won the Power of Veto .. that means us three women had a golden week and gonna get y’alls girl SB out of this house! Don’t mess with us! They took out our boy DX and now she got to go! Tried to tell her. I told you! SB he told you that is a bad idea! I even told him to tell her send me out of this house and you’re going to be right after me. NOW she got to pack her bags! Hallelujah! Its been a long time coming! I’ve been waiting on this since at least week 5 but even before then! Three women won all the power this week. And not just any women, three women that are working together! Its a sweet revenge! I am happy….

Bedroom. Tiffany and Xavier.
Xavier is annoyed about losing the veto. Tiffany – she could use the veto on you but for purposes of us hiding.. Xavier – and how much does that make sense? Tiff – it doesn’t make sense. It would be like why did she do that?! We all got to take one for the team. Xavier – says the woman that’s never been on the block! Tiff – what?! You can only say that because that ball fell on your head. Xavier – I’m glad y’all are winning.

7:48pm Kitchen table. Azah, Alyssa, Tiff and Claire are eating / talking about first dates..

9:20pm Living room – Alyssa and Big D are helping Tiff and Azah with their dance routines for The Big Blue Couch intros.

10:40pm The house guests are now playing the mafia game.

11:45pm – 12am Backyard Pool and hot tub …

12:02am – 12:15am Bathroom. Xavier and Hannah.
Xavier – use it or not I hope she doesn’t. I hope she don’t use it. Leave sh*t the same. SB probably going to say whatever she wants to about me. I don’t give a damn and then we send her out the door. Hannah – so you would prefer if I don’t use it on you? Xavier – I mean obviously I would want to come off the block but I don’t want to put you in any type of position so I will leave that up to you. Hannah – well I would prefer to take you off the block. Xavier – oh really? Hannah – yeah. Xavier – oh!? Hannah – I told Alyssa that’s what I would do last week and I don’t mind Ky sitting up there. I don’t want two team members sitting up there on eviction night. Xavier – so you want to use it on me? Hannah – I do. But I have to check with Tiff and the anonymous HOH (Claire) and makes sure they’re okay with that. Xavier – well I would be okay with that. Hannah – I know you would. Xavier – I am trying to figure out how that can benefit you. Hannah – I have my pitch to them. I just haven’t talked to them. I think Tiff might be on board but I think Claire might be harder to convince. I just don’t want two of you sitting up there come live eviction night granted SB is going home regardless .. still. Xavier – what is your pitch because I want to see if I can counter it. Hannah – my pitch is that X is about loyalty so by taking him down, I can get an extra brownie point by taking him down. Xavier – what is your pitch to Claire? Hannah – pretty much the same .. X plays a very loyal game so by doing this hopefully we are in better graces with both X and Alyssa if they win HOH next week. That is two less people that we have to worry about them targeting “our” side of the house. Xavier – good point. Hannah – also if Alyssa and Ky are working closely together that could also give us brownie points with Ky.. granted we would be leaving Ky on the block but we would be leaving ky up with only one of his allies and not two and Claire is ineligible to play next week (HOH) so she really needs all the help she can get. Xavier – Well X is a strong competitor ..or maybe we don’t want to seem like we are working with X and Alyssa by taking him down. Hannah – X is a strong competitor .. there is that but you’ve only won two things thus far. Xavier – what about Ky, you take me down he might not be super thrilled about that. Hannah – I just don’t feel comfortable with two members of the cookout sitting up there.

12:29am Bathroom. Big D and Sarah.
Big D – have you had conversations or anything? Sarah – no, I don’t really know where Chaddha’s head is at as far as the veto. Ky and X both think that she won’t use it. Big D – Have you talked to Tiff? Sarah – she’s not HOH anymore. Big D – so what the f**k do we do? Sarah – well right now I think the only conversation I can have is with Chaddha and see what she wants to do but I don’t think I have very good arguments. Big D – Umm.. maybe your arguments could be along the lines of what you could do for her game and that she can obviously beat you and the boys can’t. Sarah – she just beat both the boys. Big D – in that but what happens when its physical!? Sarah – right. Big D – that’s what you have to say .. just let me know if you need any help in anyway. Sarah – thank you very much Big D.

12:36am – 1:20am Hammock. Alyssa and Xavier.
Alyssa talks about how bad she did in the veto compared to SB. She says that she was already planning her eviction speech thinking that she was going to be sitting on the block. Alyssa – I think you have very good relationships in the house and I think people talk game with you. Ky might use the theory of keeping the kings in here and taking out a strong male. Xavier – I don’t even think he will. Alyssa – No, no one is even going to care ..Tiff literally just said we’re sending SB home. If I win, he (KY) is going up. If SB had my name in her mouth so much then it is definitely in his too. Alyssa – did you already talk to Hannah. Xavier – I just congratulated her. I think its rude to badger someone just after they get a win. I’ll talk to her tomorrow. She’s already taking me to a movie.
X – you’re not tired? Alyssa – no, this is just a very long time being here. X – you missing home? Alyssa – no, its just a very long game. Its continuous and repetitive and kind of draining honestly. Like I am .. I am almost losing interest in it. X – I feel that. I was literally thinking that the other day. I enjoy watching it but living it is a whole different can of worms …like this sh*t doesn’t stop. The conversation turns to talking about past events of the season.

1:47pm Kitchen. Kyland and Xavier.
Ky – The worst part ..right before we started, right before we separated for the lockdown (for the veto) or whatever it was .. she (SB) was literally just like I think it is best if you come off. You should try and win. I think you have a better chance at winning. I’m going home if you stay. (Ky pretends to stab a knife in his stomach) I even checked this morning with her and said if you have a strong case of why you would come down over me then I am open to that.. And then right before she said that. Xavier – I would say this in all seriousness the ladies came through this week.

2am Xavier and Alyssa head to bed. Xavier makes sure he tells Alyssa he is going “commando”

2:02am – 2:07am Bedroom. Tiffany get Xavier out of bed to talk to him.
Tiffany – I just found out from Claire that he (KY) is trying to get the veto used on him. Xavier – for what reason? He is trying to get votes for him and keep SB. I know that he can’t do that but why do you want to use the veto!? What is the point?! Nobody is going to use the veto on you KY. Have you talked to Chaddha? X – I’ve talked to Chaddha. I was like if you want to use it on me, then great. Tiff – no! X – but if you don’t there is no pressure. Tiff – what did she say? X – I think she is going to talk to you and Claire about that. Tiff – NOooo… Why would she use it on KY?! X – no, I was talking about her using it on me. Tiff – OHHHHHhh.. Oh..I don’t care about you. But I think for representation we should probably just leave it. If she wants to use it on you, I don’t care. But I don’t know how Claire and Alyssa view you and Chaddha. X – I already talked to Alyssa and she said I don’t see how Hannah would use it on you, it would look bad on her. Tiff – yes, I think we should just leave it as is.. X – no she said if she used it on me she doesn’t think it would be like anything. Like I don’t see any negative affect if she does want to use it on me. Tiff – I will see how Claire feels if Chaddha uses it on you. I could present it like if we do pull X off he might be more loyal to us. Tiff questions why KY wants to be pulled off the block. What are you so scared of if you trust us? X – if y’all pull me down then if SB and him are trying to pull some sh*t .. I don’t know what they could pull but if I am up there they have more to work with.. if he is just next to her, he has nothing to work with. Tiff – okay, then we will just pull you down. Tiff leaves.

2:00 am – 3:45 am Kyland rubbing Tiffany’s feet in an attempt to convince her to get Hannah to use the veto on him.

8:15 am zzzzzzz

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93 thoughts to “HANNAH WON the VETO! “We have all the power this week.””

  1. I’m happy Hannah finally won a competition and right before SB(23 seconds) I hope she follows through and pulls off my winner pick X.

  2. The feeds say Sarah Beth lost the veto to Hannah by 23 seconds. I guess that is it…Sarah Beth out next week. After that, only Claire and Alyssa outside of the CookOut… If only Derek X had not sabotaged the Royal Flush by going after Christian… Oh well…

    1. It would not have made much difference to keep Christian in. The problem is that the CO has misted everyone with their side buddy system. Christian and Alyssa were all over the place with their strategizing, very emotion based. X had them in his pocket and would have eventually used them to take out DX.

      1. Well stated. The CO formed early, had a strong proven strategy, and has stuck with it – even though there are pangs of remorse letting go of their “pets” — I say Well Played.

        For 20 years the mostly all white alliances have employed the same strategy, but didn’t spell it out as obviously. Payback.

        Just annoying to have to watch the Couch be the couch & whine about edits and listen to Ky and his circular reasoning and incomprehensible ramblings.

    2. Exactly! Derek X totally ruined it the royal flush and betrayed his alliance in going after christian and Kings. DX literally shot himself in the foot because if he would’ve been loyal to the 8 person alliance he still would’ve been in the game right now instead of finishing 10th. DX completely protected the jokers and did what Hannah and Tiffany wanted him to. Constantly protecting the cookout Derek X did. He totally sure deserve a lot of the blame for why the cookout steamrolled because DX targeted the wrong people ones that were in his alliance and made himself untrustworthy about lying to them!! DX made himself a target for no reason to people that he was supposed to be with in the flush which is why he did it to himself!
      DX literally had a huge hand in making this season a boring one that is resulting in a landslide for the cookout. Taking kyland off week one helps the cookout. Targeting Christian and putting up Sarah beth who were two peoples in his flush alliance and not going after big D or Azah week 5?!?

      If Derek X would’ve have made better moves rather than constantly aiding Tiffany, Hannah, Kyland, and the jokers not targeting Derek F or Azah week 5 because one of them (big D or Azah) would have gone home w/ Brit veto; it would’ve been a totally different game had Derek x not done the things he did when he was in power. I mean it’s obvious how strategically bad DX was because he was protecting people constantly that were going to take him out well before the final six lol I mean how does it not get more apparent that DX was constantly making bad moves. DX was always doing the cookout’s dirty work and targeting the wrong people.

      It’s fitting that he got backdoored while having the aid of production constantly telling him to play for the highroller room. It’s fitting and total irony because it further proves how DX constantly made the wrong decisions when he had the power that not only hurt his game as well as the other houseguest that would’ve provided resistance against the cookout who were outside who could’ve done damage against that Cookout alliance! However, Derek X strategically made himself inept constantly thwarting any resistance going against the cookout making it out the landslide that it has been! That is the reason why Derek X does not deserve America’s favorite everybody. That is the exact point he made a bad decision time and time again when he had power DX made bad decisions and the highroller room is the complete emphasis of the point- that is all the proof you need about DX!!

        1. Just stop with the conspiracy theories other people have opinions about these players and they are not wrong about how Derek X played! The guy was so strategically bad everybody! It’s true Derek X aligned with the wrong crowd and tried going after the wrong people that would’ve targeted the cookout.

    3. Christian would have backdoored DX as well. It was a good move for DX to do that. It wasnt that move that sent him home. Just stop.

      1. The week before DX was HOH, Christian was HOH and he did not put DX on the block when he had the opportunity to put DX on the block. Right back at you, YOU just stop.

        1. These fans are just so brainwashed by Derek X that they can admit that he made mistakes when he was in power constantly targeting the Wrong people. There’s no question Derek X was always doing the dirty work of the cookout and absolutely was the reason why this season became a landslide. I mean it’s pretty comical that he had an 8 person alliance that DX betrayed by putting up two alliance members on the block and ended up finishing 10th while also having production in his ear to help him and tell him to play in the high roller instead he kept shooting it down that’s the point he just made bad decisions. I don’t know why people are just ignorant and can’t own up to it instead the refer to you as other posters on this site because they can’t recognize how Derek X made bad moves. What Derek X did in the game shouldn’t make him America’s favorite because he made this game boring giving the CO this game on a SilverPlatter by targeting others in the house that would’ve gone against a Cookout.

        2. The week before was clearly too early to take out DX. Risky for the strongest competitor to blow things up that way. The next week was still early but made more sense. Regardless, if you look back at the feeds, Chr and Alyssa were flip flopping on DX already. They did not have his back. Christian’s regret about DX seemed to reflect that it had crossed his mind to target DX.

          The Royal Flush was a fake alliance. It served to help Tiff and X keep control of the non-CO members. More of the same misting and certainly was not going to help DX.

          The CO took out DX bc they had all the cards in place, while DX only had Hannah, who was not a true ally. They were going to take him out, no matter what.

          His fatal error was in being misted by Hannah to not play in Rollers last week.

      2. How could you say that ? Christian had HOH the week prior and never considered backdooring him even with Whitney coming to him to tell him to do so.
        Derek X made his bed because he targeted two people in his flush alliance pre-jury betraying them. There’s a reason why Sarabeth got him out last week because he was untrustworthy and was never going to help her while always running to Tiffany and Hannah doing what they wanted. What those girls wanted was Sarabeth to leave!
        I mean heck Derek X wasn’t even going to vote the way SARA Beth wanted after he gambled her big brother life and almost left on his HOH in week 5. Absolutely you look at week five and that’s where Derek X messed up! Derek X going after the kings Breaking his word to them and that flush alliance totally put himself in a position to be targeted by them (former kings) when they got in power and look what happened that is exactly what sent him to leave!

      3. Yes it WAS EXACTLY that move..
        (Backdooring Christian) , that sent Derek Xiao home. Are you kidding me??? In executing that move, he put Sara Beth’s ENTIRE Team On Blast & forced her to sweat it out on the BLOCK for an entire week next to her teammate ,Under durrest!
        What did he THINK this Scorned & Rightfully vindictive woman (who was forced to turn her back on the Kings & join up with HIM ) was gonna DO if she ever got the chance to be HOH ?? She was DESTINED to exact poetic justice by kickng His narrow Sneaky ass out the house Right Through the same “BACKDOOR” he sent poor Christian
        out of. I said it before & I’ll say it again. BB Karma is a Real Bad Bitch.

        1. Well said it’s true; DX had it coming and Sara Beth was right to do what she after DX tried to blackmail her against her own team as a pawn that almost left on his HOH! DX is ridiculous to be butthurt by SB when DX started it by breaking his word with the kings part of the royal flush and started a war that DX couldn’t finish!
          I.e why he was the kings next casualty

          They always said you’re as good as the company you keep and Look at the company DX kept; DX always tried to appease Hannah and Tiffany.
          Tiffy toes and Hannah were always going to target SB next chance they got and DX was always wanting to do what those girls wanted. What else did you expect SB TO DO? It’s not Sarabeth‘s fault that Derek X was a double dipping liar being used by Hannah and Tiffany to do the cookout dirty work and to be discarded before F6!

        2. EXCEPT, SB told Derek X when he gave her the $5000…“that was bigger than the game and I owe you forever”

          That is why Derek X thought he was safe to not play the wheel!!!

  3. Wait….Did Azah just say to X “Ok, Dan!” ? Lol. Is he really moping because Hannah beat him in the POV competition?

    1. Yeah, the guys looked a little mopey that Hannah beat them. Weren’t these the same guys complaining that the girls needed to step-up and win more?

      1. X is too overconfident that he can win every time he’s in a pinch. Surprise, that’s not how BB works.

        1. I really don’t get the bias women including Tiff pout when things aren’t going their way but guys can’t pout. I’m sick of double standards. It not fucking easy playing this game, I don’t exactly care for pouting or tears but I also can give all theses players some slack. I just ask the pouting doesn’t last long and they can get back to fighting for their game.

          1. X has openly bragged about throwing comp after comp. It’s just a tad babyish for him to pout about actually being beat … by a woman, no less. He and Ky we’re whining the other day about how the CO women need to step up and now 2 wins in a row and he’s mopey. C’mon…

          2. that’s a nice pet peeve, but nothing to do with my outlook. Everything needs to be analyzed in context. X is acting entitled. As for Tiff, her bouts on entitlement are just as much bad form as X’s.

    1. If they don’t take-out X before reaching the Final 6, it may be impossible to beat him. He has the comp skills to get to the end and nobody beats him in F2.

      1. Exactly. These girls need to think end game. Honestly, SB can wait. And I’m sure DX wouldn’t be upset to see Xavier walk through that jury house door this week lol

      2. First CO comes first(I like CO but CO is good for the women)
        Second F7 The Non-CO could win HOH.
        Third if second doesn’t happen and a guy takes HOH in final six they’ll start picking off women.
        Last but not least I agree Ky or X should be going out but I don’t see Tiff or Hannah going in that direction. They later see their mistakes. If they can win during DE/TE they may have a chance. But in F2 with X will be a most likely win for him.

    2. Of course you’re right, and if they were actually playing the game to win they would see that, but they’re not. They’re drunk on the Kool-Aid of the Cookout, and it’s mission to get all 6 of them to final 6, even though that’s not necessary to have a black winner. I think it would be smarter to take out Ky though, to separate him from SB. X can’t win ALL the comps, and they can get him later, just by staying after him once they get Ky out.

      But they’re going to waste this golden opportunity, and those men will steam roll the ladies just like they’ve steam rolled the rest of the house.

      1. Best move for the CO females is to get out SB. Here is why: if SB wins HOH next week she’s not going after any males she’s looking at Tiffany and Hannah. Not even Clair is on her radar. If KY wins HOH next week he’s going after Clair or Alyssa. If X wins he’s going after Clair. Final 7 is when big moves can be made and it will be easy to make that move cause the ladies can be like ooops that was an accident lol. I feel any vote against the CO right now is bad gameplay for the women. Even if we get to the 6 both my and Xavier have each other on their radar. If it’s already proven that the women can beat the men in comps. They’re not invincible. If I had to guess I say Hannah will win this game. Her move this week is to vote out SB

  4. Ky is overthinking this… If he pushes too hard for Hannah to use the veto, it just might blow-up on him.

  5. Well, finally watched the extended interview with Julie & DX and the goodbye messages. He will be happy that SB will be joining him in jury but will he have to fill in SB on the secret alliance or will Kyland tell SB the same thing he told DX in his goodbye message to her? DX has an inkling as to who is in the alliance but not the full picture

      1. Totally agree. When SB realizes her “relationship” with KY was just a ruse to get the CO to 6, I think she might actually lose it! She’ll go to beyond a bitter juror.

  6. I love X and he is my winner pick. X was hoping Ky would win so Ky can piss off the CO even more. I think if he knew Ky was throwing he, probably would have tried to win. In all honesty I don’t care who acts stress. We know Hannah will pull X so only one CO is on block. I think the longer these people are in house the more nutty they get.

  7. The Cookout is cracking big-time. KY went against the alliance and kept SB and poor X is upset he didn’t win the veto…he tells Tiff “I’m glad you guys are winning. Wah wah, so sad. I’m glad the girls have a bit of power. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse. Can’t wait!

  8. I’m sideyeing myself for my current thought.
    I recently listened to Az and T in the boat bedroom.
    They are giggling about how big strong X and big strong Kyky are pouting because a little girl whupped em comps this week.
    Then they celebrate SB leaving this week.

    My brain: Or you could put aside your petty ass bitterness and take out one of the two big strong guys that you acknowledge constantly are the front runners to win the damn game while you have the opportunity because they’re both on the block and you might not get another shot. But hey. What do I know? Keep pouring that unsweetened lemonade.
    blink blink.
    Seriously. They’ve got A) the guy everyone goes to to get permission and undisputed leader of the house, B) the lying control freak they know is sharpening knives to cut them…. and C) holly frickin hobbiehorse on the block…. and they’re jumping up and down screaming C.
    And that’s why I’m sideyeing myself.

    1. Preach! I wish Claire would talk some sense in to them. I think if she could lay out the logic of the flip to Hannah and somehow convince Tiff that DX would be more happy to see Xavier walk through that door than SB, it might work.

        1. True. But in terms of logic and self preservation it’s not wise.
          The way I think about it, If the cookout was so about mission first, neither X nor Ky would be trying to get off the block right now. They don’t trust the other members of the cookout to keep them safe is what that says.
          That lack of trust tells me they’d take the shot.
          In pushing to get off the block, both X and Ky are saying we don’t trust you Tiff, Azah and Hannah to keep us here.
          If they don’t trust the women of the cookout, the next logical assumption is they are planning to take the women out. If the next logical step is they’d take a shot… take the shot first, because both men just told the women the mission is secondary to themselves, and they have no trust in the other members.

          X is telling Hannah that if Alyssa wins HOH, she’ll nom Claire and Tiff, and won’t look at Hannah if Hannah uses the veto. Hmmm. So which cookout member would Alyssa look at as replacement nom? (X doesn’t know Tiff and Al made a deal… oops).

          Ky has already asked Claire if it would be okay if Hannah used the veto on him. Reminder: Ky isn’t supposed to know that Claire is the invisible HOH.

          1. Your logic is way off. Keep someone(SB) who they know is coming after them next week or over someone who won’t have the balls to put them up next week and might get someone( Alyssa) to do their dirty work? I’ll take my chances with the latter.

            1. My logic is correct and uncolored by bias.
              Taking your chances until later with two guys that have won 5 out of the 13 comps they were eligible to play in over the woman that has won 1 out of 15 comps she was eligible to play in… who doesn’t think she is the target? Taking your chances until later with 2 guys you acknowledge will win if they get to the end over the person nobody respects.
              That’s foutte level miscalculation.

              1. Dx overlooked SB and had his focus set on Christian and look where that landed him? Out the door. If they leave SB in they know she stands a good chance of winning HOH or even being thrown an HOH to take shots at the females. Say they voted out X, do you think Ky will be ok with all females in the cookout? Next week he’s throwing HOH to SB or Alyssa and he’s telling them to target Tiffany or Hannah. You’re off with your read on the game. I get you want entertainment and what not but be reasonable they have their games on the line here. Getting rid of a cookout member now is dumb and you know it. They still have more time to get rid of the guys. Ky and Xavier are both looking to take each other out. The girls already settled on taking ky first out at the 6. There are already plans in play to counter the men. So yeah your logic is off

                1. Dx overlooked SB? No. Dx overlooked KY (who stated Thursday night before SB’s one on ones that Dx and Claire would be on the block).
                  Dx overlooked a punishment that removed X from the conversation, thereby cutting the possibility of a flip.
                  You make the assumption that Ky and X aren’t going to push for Tiff and Claire with Hannah renom to Alyssa. They are. They’ve mentioned it already. Each of them.
                  The girls plan? They plan in two and a half weeks to remove Ky. At 6. Have they also planned what happens in the two and a half week leading to that point? Have they already looked in a magic 8 ball and determined who will win those HOH’s and Vetoes? Impossible.
                  So the big my logic is off is because it disrupts the mission statement of 6 cookout members making it to final 6 is what you are saying without saying it. And what I’m saying is for the individual survival, better to cut the guy that has already proven multiple times that he is playing for himself not the mission, despite droning soundbites. They aren’t splitting the money.

                  1. DX overlooked SB, because he was against the vote flip and insisted that Christian had to go because he felt less threatened by SB. Of course they’ve planned in the next two and a half weeks leading to f6. Exactly why they getting SB out now, because she will take a stab at the 6 or even derail their mission. The women know that next week if Claire wins HOH Tiffany will be able to steer Claire off their scent. They don’t trust Ky to do that. Which is why They’re targeting SB and I think it’s the smart play. Another smart play would be to target Alyssa, but I understand why Alyssa is not a priority because X isn’t showing his attachment to Alyssa like Ky is and I guess that’s amazing gameplay on X’s part. My point about your logic is off is because you just want big moves to be made and you don’t care what it does to their individual games. I’m telling you that getting X and Ky out now yes it’s a big move and it’s entertaining and dramatic but it’s a dumb move for the cookout with Alyssa Sarah Beth and Claire still in the picture. You can’t honestly say if you were the CO the smart move for you rn is to vote X out. Be reasonable. They aren’t dumb. They each are playing smart games and thinking steps ahead

                    1. In all honesty? If i were in the cookout, I’d be pulling them aside and saying we started as a 5, we can run this shit as a 5. One of those two has to go, because my mission isn’t to sign a check over to either one of those 2 guys.
                      Yes, I’d worry about breaking the alliance early when there are still 3 targets. but really there’s 4 targets, because one of those men (Ky) stopped playing for mission and started playing for himself three weeks ago.
                      X? Everyone in the group listens to his commands and does it without question. If I’m a cookout member he gotta go while there is a chance to get him gone.
                      As i said before: the mission is in part a vehicle for the members. They aren’t splitting the money. They aren’t giving anything to the past players they’ve name dropped. They aren’t donating the money to the ACTUAL cause. They’re playing the same game that screwed over black houseguests repeatedly, with the same production crew that did the screwing, and they’re providing that production crew with an iron clad alibi in future seasons when black people are once again targeted. They aren’t being racists, they’re being strategic by cutting off the chance of another cookout is what Grod will be saying to entertainment weekly next season. Failure to note that this is the inevitable chain reaction that allows the network to get out from accusations of allowing racism by calling it a tactical necessity or strategic imperative, after giving vengeance fantasy fulfillment to social media this season? That’s what we have in store in a macro sense. This season, the here and now is the the micro. What happens in the future is the macro. And the cookout MAY very well have ensured that every POC is the first one out in the next three or four seasons without anyone having the ability to point out racism because it’s now strategy.


    2. Cray, ain’t it? Now consider this: the women have outnumbered the men since the first eviction. They could easily take out all 3 remaining guys and have an estrogen romp to the finale, but noooo. Gotta take out the females that their crushes liked better than them, cause it’s not the men’s fault, right??? Even if there wasn’t a “mission” (Cookout), the women still wouldn’t be aligned. They’d probably even have Derek X and Christian still in the house. Smh.

  9. I need some sleep. After SB goes to jury can we please put Clair and Tiff on the block please. I don’t think Tiff would be happy next to Alyssa even if she knew she was a pawn.

  10. What you seem to be missing is why would Ky throw? So SB could win the veto and take herself off the block maybe? Isn’t that kind of going against the CO’s agenda, and it’s not the first time he’s done that to save SB!

    Ky seems to want to have his cake and eat it too! He wants to work with the CO and enjoy all the advantages of that alliance, but yet he wants to keep SB around, which goes directly against the alliance agenda. So he’s being sneaky about finding a way to keep her, and the others are onto his antics and getting sick of them.

    But Big Brother is a sneaky maniacal game, as witnessed by X throwing to try and make Ky look worse. They’re supposed to be tight, but when you throw in $750K, people gonna do what people do to get it.

  11. Can’t wait when SB is gone! That Betty Boop baby voice is beyond annoying.

    As a scientist, I’m sure her colleagues love hearing from her, lol

  12. Not sure if this has been reported on OBB yet, but a reporter has outed information to Derek X. All evicted house guests go through a series of interviews that are sanctioned by Production.

    In one of them he was asked something along the lines of “So when you & Claire talked in the bathroom & figured out the hidden alliance why didn’t you do anything to target them” Or something to that effect. In essence it gave him confirmation of the WHO (excluding Hannah) but not the name. His first reaction was OHHHHHHHH – we were just kidding (as in one of those jokey moments — it would be akin to SB talking to Ally & saying imagine if Ky & X had just been playing us all season & are really aligned with Tiff, Ally & Hannah).

    So now he knows that Tiff, X, Ky, Azah & Big D are in an alliance; the only missing puzzle piece is that Hannah is also in the group & their name.

    Pretty much everything that Hannah was hoping to avoid & wanting to jump on the narrative for how the CO started & why they were so committed. Her main concern is Ky will try to spin it the way he wants (b/c they seem to all be assuming he’ll be first to jury).

    It’s probably a moot point anyway since we know Ky spilled some beans to DX in his GBM so to assume he won’t do dump a bunch to SB would be naive. Something tells me Baby D will be far more understanding than SB!

    1. Anorher interview outed that Hannah is in the group.
      Dx’s response is he was totally duped by Hannah and Tiff and really should have listened to Claire and given her more loyalty when they were both suspicious of Hannah and Tiff earlier.

      1. Which interview was that? I know that I read an interview where he mentioned Hannah as part of an alliance but don’t see an interview where he realized that she was part of the secret alliance

        1. I saw a video clip of the interview. The sharer did not name the source.
          honestly, it looked like it was done over ig.

    2. Actually he realized the fact of a secret alliance existing during Julie’s interview with him and the Goodbye messages. He just didn’t have everyone who was in it figured out

    3. I read an interview where DX had the group down but included Alyssa instead of Azah. He doesn’t realize that Alyssa isn’t black and the basis of the alliance.

  13. X is really trying to steer Alyssa.
    She’s decided that Ky is after her if SB is after her, so he has to go.
    She’s decided that Hannah is after her because Christian put Hannah on the block.
    X is really trying to get her on the scent of Claire and Tiff instead of Ky and Hannah.
    At first glance, it doesn’t seem to be working.
    Maybe it will later.
    Al is sure that X and Al are on the block unless Couch X or Al win HOH.

    Alyssa feels everyone in the game has had it so much easier than she has.
    Sideye. Well the cookout has had it easier than everyone except for when they have to listen to a Ky summary…. That’s six hours for one point in his six point plan nobody is getting back. Time and Oxygen sucking Horse’s Ass.
    Ok. Back to sooooo hard done by Alyssa. Get your hankies ready. On the block week 1… never on the block again. Yeah. Toots has had it real hard. Showmance left? Oh, and look. Under the radar she went. What would have been tougher…. if they’d tossed her ass up with his and sent her home pre jury. Oh the humanity. Yeah. real tough. Had comps thrown to her twice… Gosh things are sooooo hard for Alyssa. The epic struggle. Real big eyeroll. There’s no more bbbucks to give, can she give this shit a rest?

    1. X is playing the game very, very well. He will gladly use Alyssa to take the shot at the CO women, so that he doesn’t have to do it. Everyone is worked-up about Ky wanting to save his “plus one,” while X is keeping his “plus one” and steering her to do his dirty work.

      1. X, Ky, and Tiff. They all want their plus one and if they need they use their pawns. This is all part of the game. I’m waiting for F7 & F6

        1. 100%. The most challenging part of the game for each member of the CO alliance is balancing personal game with their commitment to the alliance. Azah, DF, and Hannah have lost their “plus ones” to jury already. The remaining CO members are now battling for who gets to keep their “plus one” the longest. I don’t blame them. I’d do the same thing!

      2. He’s not actually having much luck steering her. That’s the problem.
        Happenstance is doing a lot better at steering her than Xavier is.
        She’s already named the top six to Hannah. They were the cookout members.
        She was after Tiff as a target. X knew and couldn’t alter her thinking, and didn’t inform Tiff (SB did). Tiff made a deal to get the target moved. Now X wants Al to target Claire and Tiff, and Al’s moved on to Ky. He’s more interested in keeping her so that he can get in her pants than he is interested in keeping her as his secret weapon. She’s calling him ‘dad’ at the same time he’s asking her to be in a secret showmance.

        1. Oh yeah, X has been enamored with Alyssa from Day One. Even catching her and Christian mid-smooch hasn’t deterred him. How brutal would it be if Alyssa somehow manages to make F6 and takes him out? Ouch!

        2. I’m waiting for how X is going to spin things if he can’t convince Ally to put up Claire. Especially after he ranted over Hannah/Tiff “not being able to control their people” saying he had the “most savage” person of the group and had her on lock.

    2. Unbelievable!! Alyssa was protected in the early part of the game because the King’s were always safe. And, since then has been protected by X!! She really thinks she has had it harder than Britini and Claire who were on the block so many times? Cry me a river!

  14. I can’t believe Derek F has everyone calling him Big D. And after last week when Julie Chen-Moonves called Derek X “Baby D”, I can’t wait for Derek F to be evicted so I can hear her call him “Big D”.

    By now someone has had to tell her what that means in slang, right?

  15. Will bb19joshing be effective for Ky?
    That’s what he’s doing… well a combination bb19josh bb16derricking in his goodbye messages (remember Ky has a whole fixation on 16).
    If he’d started doing it with Brit, the chances are greater it would be a success.
    If he only tells Dx and SB? he’s pre-calculated whose jury votes he wants.
    I still say first 2 cookout to jury will be the most bitter.
    There’s a huge chance he’s actually achieved the opposite.

      1. It’s not like the 6 member alliance is splitting the money 6 ways, or sharing any of that money with all the houseguests past that got screwed. So it will be 2 cookout members, but will Ky that benefit or be hurt by outing the alliance?

    1. There seems to be an image cleanup in progress.
      Post long D/R visits yesterday (Claire’s was over an hour and a half),
      Tiff wants the cookout to call non cookouts partners not pawns now.
      The narrative spin is beginning.
      You know, that narrative spin Hannah was talking about Friday to Couch and TIff?
      The whole if we don’t tell them or spin it a different way, they won’t be offended.
      Don’t anyone write they don’t have a right to be offended. I’m not done yet.
      If the final two go into jury preaching friendship and loyalty, and saying it was nothing personal, it was a mission, the jurors have every right to say pick a lane. Don’t try to suck up about friendship when the mission was priority, it’s disingenuous. And well, I’m just going to say the jurors have every damn right to feel any damn way they want. If they aren’t bitter, cool. If they are bitter? Cool. BItter juries are a reflection of how the finalists played the game and how their game affected the juror. It’s up to each jury member to decide if they are bitter, not us.

  16. Ky is not always forthcoming with his plan, especially during his HOH reign. While his relationship with SB may not be a showmance, they are on each other like glue. The guy talks in circles sometimes making it hard to get a straight answer from him. To the CO, all of this makes him seem sketchy and question his loyalty.

    Just my guess!!

  17. Question, since Claire is the secret hoh can she play for it next week?
    If not why would she go for it this week when she was pretty much safe?

    1. Clear and Tiffany both play in HOH next week. This week HOH is anonymous and would make no sense for Clair to sit it out next week. It will be a dead giveaway that she was the coin of destiny winner

    Possible drama. likelihood limited. Like, really limited.
    So Hannah and Tiff are now on board with removing X from the block. Tiff is trying to angle a deal that Hannah/Tiff and Claire are safe next week in exchange I think….. all because X felt a certain kinda way that SB and Ky would pull something shady… from the other two seats on the block… when the majority of the five voters were either his “partner” or his alliance.
    Yeah…. logic sucks in that argument. It was basically you guys are gonna shank me so get me off this block.
    Set up: So now X, who was giving Ky the finger and saying ‘i wanted you out’ behind Ky’s back just a couple days ago, will be eligible to vote.
    Chances of vote shift is the possible drama. Negligible but possible.
    Incredibly unlikely. but it is a low level possibility.

    X could get Al on board if X reveals Ky controls SB (look at her noms), so chop off the head and she’s useless (error, because left to her own devices she’d target Al, but hey, that doesn’t help a possible X argument).
    X would need one more person. He’d go to Azah or Hannah. He and Hannah already discussed the possibility. They feared the cookout being outed. But does he have an argument to persuade Hannah? Winning the veto made her a threat to Ky’s long term plan, not using the veto on him cemented he’d take her out first at 6? Who knows, could be a little true mixed with fantasy.
    Get the now 6 person vote to a tie. Who does Claire take out as deciding vote? She wanted Ky to be the target. Would she? If she thought it would mend a bridge with Al and X? If she thought she could still manage SB? It’s the Brit situation again. Keeping SB keeps the house target ahead of Claire? Oh god. Shield theory again…… but the house constantly reverts to shield theory this season.
    I’m THAT bored.

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