HOH: Tiffany
Nominations: Sb and Ky via HOH, Xavier Via punishment
Coin of Destiny Coup D’etat: Claire won and kept noms the same
Power of Veto Players: SB, Claire, Hannah, Kyland, Xavier, Alyssa
Power of Veto: Hannah
Power of Veto Ceremony:
Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS –
View the previous day ranks on the – Ranking Grid
Big Brother Spoilers – Hannah has Veto. If Veto is played on Kyland or Sb Claire puts up Alyssa. If it’s used on Xavier nobody goes up. Kyland and Xavier want off the block. Zzz
Claire won the coin of destiny coup d’etat
– She kept the noms the same (Sb and Ky)
– Tiffany was dethroned as HOH and no longer has the room.
– Tiff can play for HOH again next week.
6:18pm Hammock. Tiffany and Claire.
Tiffany telling Claire what to say to Ky – okay, I am hearing your points. I would like to talk to everyone else and lets catch back up … but don’t give him a flat out no. Just make him feel good. Make him feel smart. Claire – make him feel heard. Tiffany – definitely make him feel heard. Claire – she (Hannah) was like I haven’t talked to Ky.. I just want to be like I am not doing it. Ahhh.. maybe don’t do that. Tiff – Naaa… Chaddha you got to play a little game. Clarie – but she wanted to be like why have you talked to everyone else but you haven’t talked to me. Tiff – yeah I understand. Claire – one thing I learned was when someone wins veto they want all the information. Tiff – MMmmhmmmm.. because that’s their chance at power. Claire – that is how Alyssa felt like two weeks ago when she won it and Ky got the double one. Tiff – yeah dealing with a guy like Ky .. he is smart and intelligent. He is egotistical as well. He is very confident in himself. You have to feed his ego a little bit. You can’t just shut him down. that is going to make him.. Claire – ..be against you. Tiff – you can tell him no but you just can’t tell him no right away. Claire – yeah. And I know his biggest fear in this game is being misunderstood. Being cast in a bad light. Not feeling heard. Like he really wants to be seen as an amazing game player.
Bedroom – Xavier and Big D.
Xavier – basically he (KY) wants to be taken off so that he can give SB a sympathy vote. Big D – Ah okay!? Xavier – that is kind of the premise of his pitch. Big D – Between me and you .. I don’t feel comfortable with him. Xavier – me neither. He wants to throw her a sympathy vote. That sh*t don’t matter at this point. Big D – and someone else can throw her a f**king sympathy vote. Xavier – and if she pulls me off .. I am someone that has reason to. Big D – right. Big D – my thing is that I don’t feel comfortable with him because he is not … I communicate with him and I communicate with you. He has not communicated with me which allows me to know he has my best interests in this game. And for me I want zero part of it.
Bedroom – Xavier and Claire.
Xavier – do you think there are things that I should be saying to her to get her to use it? I know its Chaddha’s decision but she also doesn’t want people to know that you, me, Chaddha and Tiffany are close. I did want to tell her that if she were to use it on my she would gain an ally in me and Alyssa without really damaging with what the anonymous HOH has planned for this week if the put up Ky and Sb. Claire – yeah. Xavier – Especially with you, her and Tiffany because I feel the three of you are somewhat connected. Claire – yeah, I think Chaddha worries about next week and I think she worries about being an island someone in this house with all these duos. I would say anytime anyone has power .. they want to feel important. They want to feel like people want to talk to me and I want to use this to my benefit as much as possible. I know Alyssa had the veto two weeks ago and expressed frustration that no one was talking to her. Xavier – I would give her reassurances that if I won HOH her, Tiff or you would not go up.
7:45pm Havenot room – Xavier and Hannah.
Xavier – I feel like right now he (KY) views me as his biggest threat he is just too scared to admit that sh*t. Hannah – well yeah the bulk of our conversation was him comparing himself to you and justifying why he is better. Xavier – he is. Hannah – and let him think that. Xavier – I am fine with that. Hannah – for my ego it is frustrating when people undermine my intelligence because I am smart. I know that. But for people to underestimate me in this game .. it is not a bad thing at all! Xavier – exactly. Last week he was talking to me about how he hoped the women would start winning some sh*t to take the heat off .. and then this week you and Tiff sweep the week. I was like they’re doing it this week, that means they’re in charge. They’re in power, we follow their lead. That’s a part of being a team. Hannah – he is not happy about the women having control this week. Xavier – I don’t get why though. You’re still safe. And they want some wins. Hannah – yeah he is not happy about it. Xavier – this is one I am going to try and talk to you about tonight. Its about some things he said to her and its going to be insulting. Hannah – to me? Great!? Lets give this a whirl. Xavier – eluding to your age and your lack of game skills as apposed to knowing just basic big brother knowledge. Hannah – okay! Xavier – I am telling you, he is pissing me off! Hannah – does he just think that no one in this house talks? Xavier – I’m like does he not realize that he is only still here because of the six?!! They wrap up their conversation. Xavier – do you think you’re going to use it (veto on him (Xavier)). Hannah – yeah. Xavier – awww that’s so sweet.
8:15pm Storage room – Xavier and Tiffany.
Tiffany – did Chaddha tell you what he said … about how he feels now he has to win HOH next week. He is just.. I want to win it and I would sit his a$$ next to Alyssa’s. Xavier – yeah I am fine with that. Its getting to the point where I was to be with the six but he is testing me. Tiff – yes! Xavier – you testing me and he like pissed me off! Tiff – that is why I don’t want to leave you up there. I would be too afraid of where we would be on Thursday if all three of you were sitting up there. Xavier – exactly! Tiff – its not worth it but he has to be up there.
8:43pm – 9pm Bedroom – Ky and Big D.
Big D – I don’t want you to feel like no one is listening. I know it can feel like that with the six of us. So I want you to know that I am listening. Ky – Actually you know what its not the listening .. its the honesty. I feel like I have consistently felt like. I feel like your honestly is consistent. Azah’s been pretty consistent with me. I think X has been consistently. But I don’t know if he is saying the same things to you as he is to me. Big D – I try my best to make sure we’re all on the same page. But you know where my loyalty is. I just don’t want you to feel like everyone is not giving you the truth… the thing is that people are not cut like you and me. Some people are going to have to tickle around…the truth or make up excuses. Where they should just tell you no… and that’s okay. But some people don’t want to hurt your feelings or hurt my feelings or hurt others feelings.
Xavier breaks up their conversation to say – you got to stop meeting with everyone in the cookout. Claire is starting to catch on and its making sh*t sketchy since only Chaddha has the veto. Ky – AHHHhhh.. yeah… who am I meeting with?! I am doing the same thing that every single person on the block has done and meet with everyone in the house. It just happens that’s everyone in the cookout. Big D laughs – its true! Ky – its also suspicious that Ky is not talking to anyone. Xavier – Except that Chaddha has the veto and usually that happens after the veto. So I think that is why it is ringing as suspicious. Ky – yeah but you also have to talk before the veto too. Big D – I just told SB that she needs to to start talking to people. Xavier – I am just saying maybe for tonight.. Big D – yeah I am good. Xavier to Ky – you good?! Ky – I mean I am good in the sense of … I feel like I am hustling for weeks and weeks and weeks giving every single motherf**ker everything they want and then now I am just like hey can someone just give me an honest answer!? And now I am like not getting that?! So now I am like can someone help me understand this?! And now I am not getting that .. except for you two! Xavier – I gave it to you straight up. Ky – yeah besides you two. SO I am like what the f**k have I been doing any of the weeks.. this motherf**ker (Big D) put himself on the block … you put yourself on the block. And now when I am coming to someone and they’re not giving me a straight answer .. like they are dancing around stuff and I am like why?! Why can’t everyone within us just be straight up!? It just sucks!!! I am not asking for much! Xavier – lets just keep the tone down for tonight. Ky – I know but if I do that then its the olympics .. then its too late .. then its the morning and its too early .. and then its the veto.. so if not now then when?! Xavier – I just saying maybe not now.

9:45pm – 10pm Dinner time…
10:28pm Backyard – Time for BB Olympics – “BB23 Relay”
11:15pm Bedroom. Azah and Alyssa.
Alyssa – I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus. I was going to wait till their one on ones. DX told me somethings before he left that could be untrue or true I don’t really know but it is what it is. He (KY) was trying to talk to me and I was like I am just going to be honest DX told me somethings I want to keep them to myself for now and I will definitely be open to talking with you after the veto meeting. Azah – that is a good plan. Alyssa – and he was like well if there are things that could be discussed that could fix things .. you would want to talk about it before the veto meeting. Azah – nope! Alyssa – do you think that I am going to tell you that I want the veto used on you? Are you f**king delusional!? Like do they think that I don’t know that they’ve had my name in their mouth for so long .. SB especially. Azah – they forget and think that everyone here is playing a game for them. Alyssa – I think that they have no idea that I know what they were saying about me. I want him (KY) out next! Azah – I share similar sentiments. I am not going to have one of them stay and tell anyone else that I am targeting people. I don’t care if people know that I want Ky out because I think a lot of people want him out. Alyssa – I think they do. Azah – just be careful people like that can turn things around.. Alyssa – I don’t know why I give people the impression that they can just throw me under the bus like that.
11:47 Havenot room. Sarah and Ky.
Sarah – I think this week people are going to be vague and we’re probably not going to know for sure. Ky – I don’t feel stressed even after talking to you. Sarah – do you often feel stressed after talking to me for awhile? We’re going to get evicted back to back. Ky – want to bet? What do you want to bet? Sarah – in the jury house you have to cook me breakfast every morning. Ky – I will do that. Sarah – if I do go.. oh whatever at least I tried. Ky – but you won’t go. Just know that I won’t be campaigning against you.
12:20am – 1am Kitchen – All the house guests except Ky and SB are sitting around the kitchen table talking about how long its been since they had s*x. They start talking about April and Ollie from Big Brother 10 who had s*x all the time. Tiffany says that she was most annoyed at their “rhythm”.
1:07am – 1:40am Bathroom – Tiff, Claire and Hannah.
Claire about Ky wanting to get taken off the block so that he can give SB a sympathy vote – It’s pathetic and its so transparent and why do you think that you get to throw all of these sympathy votes and no one else gets to. Tiff – First of all if she needs a sympathy vote from you Kyland to vote for you in jury, then all of that kissing her a$$ from week one till now was a waste of your time. Hannah – Everyone thinks that Tiff is the anonymous HOH so I said if I take someone down, then Tiff is going to have to nominate someone else. Claire – absolutely and you don’t want to get blood on her hands. Don’t f**k me over okay Chaddha. Hannah – I said if X comes down then you would need 3 votes to be evicted so a duo would have to vote you out and they would need to convince another duo to vote you out so if you’re pretty sure that either you or Ky will be leaving by the end of the week then your chances of staying are probably higher if there is only two of you on the block.. instead of three. And she was like yeah its something that I realize, and I don’t think X is going anywhere.. so if my odds of staying in this house are higher if X comes down then I would be willing to give you my blessing on that. Claire and Tiff – that was smart. Tiff – I didn’t think about that. God Damn Chaddha .. just make sure you put your brain in a bottle when you leave because I am going to need some! How much you selling it for? Claire – Yeah I’ll buy it! Tiff – Do not let Ky talk to you tonight .. make him talk to you tomorrow.
2:00 am – 3:30 am Sb and Kyland on the hammock
8:00 am Zzzzzzz
Updates will resume in the afternoon. Veto will be used on Xavier Nominations will stay with Kyland and Sarah Beth. Sarah Beth will be evicted. Nothing much is going to happen to shift the game until Thursday. Even then it’s doubtful anything will happen until the week after.
OBB boys – zzzzzzz
Consider a donation to keep the madness going. BIG thanks to the people that have already chipped in.
Ky’s ego is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo Huge. No one owes you anything. The CO will protect you but you verbally said you would through the HOH but you decide not to. Then to add to things you backdoor DX instead of taking out CO target SB. So right now they dint trust KY. I really don’t know if CO wants BigD or Ky out first?
CO wants Ky out first. Ky’s only chance is to win HOH or veto at F6, F5, and F4. I see DF making it to F3. Why vote out DF when you can get out a bigger CO target? And if you really want to secure a win, take DF to F2! In fact, I’d say the only odds that are better than bringing DF to F2 are to bring the actual couch.
Men go crazy when women are in charge.
I can not stand this puta!!
I see why they named you Cujo.
Past Coup d’etat / Invisible HOH’s.
Season 11. Jeff overthrew Chima’s noms. Neither Jeff nor Chima allowed to vote. both Jeff and Chima played in next HOH.
Can Season3: the imfamous have not room prize double butt veto special.
Brit overthrew Ashleigh’s HOH. removed herself and Godfrey from the block. Brit got to vote, Ashleigh did not. Brit got to play in HOH, Ashleigh did not.
Can Season 9; the invisible HOH. Vic made noms in secret. Got to play in veto. Did not get to vote. Was allowed to play in the next HOH.
Season 23: Claire ovethrew Tiff’s noms. Tiff gets to vote. Tiff gets to play in next HOH. Claire must throw.
Seems like every time they have this twist…. it completely depends on the storyline what rules they make up.
In order for Hannah to have come up with the sitting duck plan to get Claire to win, Hannah must have been informed of the rules before hand, considering the rules have changed every time they’ve done it.
Sketchy as Hell.
Canada 3 was the worst
Worse than this?
The prize was based off of having a canada vote for 2 people to be made have nots. Only those 2 were eligible to win the prize, a veto box that rises out of the floor containing 2 vetoes.
One of the two voted eligible had already won veto for the week. The other was obviously going home. House lines had been drawn for weeks.
At veto ceremony, the girl with veto removes herself.
At the voting, the winner of the prize stands up, pulls vetoes out, and gives them to herself and the replacement nom.
It was a hyper produced BBCAN moment. As in, production needed the storyline to be followed, so lets throw in Oprah’s magic vetoes. Three vetoes in one week. at the final 7.
“Seems like every time they have this twist…. it completely depends on the storyline what rules they make up.”
PREACH! Why even bother with the twist? We all know the storyline, so no need to waste the time and energy with the twist.
Probably after Adam won in the early seasons (not one of those fans to know winners and what season lol) then spent his winnings on a drug ring and went to jail, they needed to start having influence lol
They’ve always had some level of influence. Okay, by always I mean since about season 3.
The reason Danielle Reyes is in the cookout list? The producers didn’t sequester the jury, and played D/R’s for the jurors. This was when the D/R was still the actual thoughts of the houseguest not a production tool to streamline the edit. Bitter jury due to insider information.
Season 5. The final 4 veto. The individual timed final 4 veto. The individual timed final 4 veto based on house events. The indiviual timed veto based on house events that the guy that didn’t know house events AT ALL won. By a lot.
There’s always been manipulation.
Since the court ruling that Reality entertainment programming is not required to follow the rules and regulations of a gameshow because it ISN”T a gameshow… it’s been done MORE.
As Ky is not at all campaigning to Alyssa… look at her face. She wants him to stop sucking oxygen and die.
I mean, Alyssa has been talking about getting Ky out asap. Ky talking isn’t going to help.
Hannah is lying to Claire. In effect she’s covering for Ky so that Claire doesn’t get pissed and swtich the target. So Ky threatened Hannah not Claire. So Ky thinks Tiff is HOH not Claire.
The danger of that… when Ky is still on the block and dronesucking at Claire in the next day or so, Hannah’s lies have higher exposure.
It’s not like Claire is unaware Ky is after her. He’s put her on the block (twice in fact).
Anyone else notice that Ky has now asked for four people to throw a sympathy vote for SB and wants off the block to throw one himself? So who does he want those votes to go to?
If everyone isn’t saying take a hike to Ky soon, he’ll hold post veto meetings until they do.
Ky is hilarious! Everybody in the CO is lying to him and not giving him “straight up” answers! “Except for you two.” That’s right, Big D and X are being truthful with him. And Azah. She too is being truthful with him he says. But he hasn’t talked to Chaddha, so she hasn’t had a chance to be dishonest with him. Which brings us to……..
Tiffany. She’s the only one left that could actually be lying to him, or not being “straight up” with him. Or maybe it’s that Ky is the one that’s not being “straight up” with everybody else about why he wants to get off the block so badly, when he KNOWS he’s got a codlock on a 6-0 vote to “evote” SB over him. But he wants to give her a sympathy vote, so X says he’ll do that for him! So what’s the problem Ky? Maybe you want Alyssa OTB instead of you so you can try to flip a few votes and keep SB around a little longer?
Ky is not gonna win this one. The only question is if he pushes too hard and switches the target from SB to himself – I know, wishful thinking.
There was a real chance KY would’ve gone home week one if not for Derek X and his ASININE Veto move. Derek made as many bad decisions as a drunk girl plastered on prom night.Took one for the team alright cookout pretty much ran a train on him.
AND — he used precisely the same argument with each person or group:
To Claire: I’m working with you & Tiff so suggest to her (Hannah) you’d be okay with me coming down.
The pitch to X is pathetic & obvious — & one X sees right through & only serves to increase the target on Ky (and that’s precisely Hannah & Tiff’s plan).
To Big D (& Azah) & later with Big D & X — YOU TWO are the only honest ones in CO & we’re going to the end. The funny part of these convos is the only person who lies more (with identical stories to every person) is Big D!
To Tiff – it’s you & me to F2 & implies X needs to go sooner than later and also lies that she approached him first for F2 so he’d rather go with her over X.
His main effort is saved for Hannah opening with lies such as Claire asked me to talk to you — and — 3 of CO are on board (Tiff/X/& presumably DF). Implies he/X have discussed going F4 with her & Tiff. His pitch reeks of desperation as he offers her 3 weeks (really 3 evictions worth) of safety. The problem with what he’s pitching is it’s contradictory b/c he tells her he believes there will be a jury battle back so those 3 weeks equate to her getting to F7 & that’s not even where the CO plan to be (F6).
The kicker in this convo is he wants Hannah to deliver his threat to Claire (agree to let Hannah take him off the block OR ELSE he’s coming after her). Considering he’s the reason she just spent two weeks OTB Claire already assumes he’s completely untrustworthy so what difference would it make if she makes a deal or not – she knows he won’t honor it.
LOL. You’re right that he’s using the same pitch to every person/group. You’d think he could get it a little more concise, since it’s the same argument over and over. But in Ky-speak, everything just gets longer and more convoluted.
Right? And how funny is it that he’s so angry at them? I mean this cat kept doing his own thing – never giving them a heads up but expects this preferential treatment. He’s just too much – I can’t even watch him for longer than a few minutes between (as AN so aptly coined it) his Kyversations or constant pawing of SB — it’s annoying & uncomfortable to watch.
I REALLY liked him at first — & now I can’t wait until we’re no longer subjected to his presence.
Ky cant put a coherent sentence together.
Thanks for picture of BB23 Relay. I love how this season keeps itself self entertained.
Does Tiff get to vote come eviction night this week? Or does Claire?
Tiff votes & Claire would only vote in the event of a tie which theoretically could happen since X will come off the block (6 voters) but is unlikely to occur b/c the Cookout is still (as of this moment) committed to sticking to getting to F6.
If some strange Production plot shift occurred then Claire would cast the deciding vote. They’ll likely call her last to the DR (since she’s supposed to be anonymous) where she’ll say hi to Julie unless her vote is needed to break the tie is my guess.
The cookout will make it’s biggest mistake if they use the Veto on X! It’s not necessary and it makes no sense!
Ky wanted to have ANOTHER conversation with Claire tonight.
She didn’t want to get roped into ANOTHER Kyversation… so said she’d been drinking, could they do it tomorrow. He called the last conversation a brief chat. It was a half hour of mostly just him talking.
So now Ky is even MORE bitter that the houseguest he put on the block (twice) won’t sit and listen to him try to snow her about why she should okay taking his ass off the block, when she knows he’s targeting her.
She’s petty? He honestly thinks the sun rises and sets on him. such. a. dick.
He’s letting an awful lot slip to SB. If she weren’t a complete dunderhead when she’s with him, she’d realize he’s just told her that she and DX need to coral their jury votes for him (too bad Dx wants Ky to be evicted next) when she gets to the jury, that the house will be sending Claire out next week, that he should not have to sit on the block until eviction day (he’s channeling Britoria?). He’s saying this… to another nominee like it’s not dismissive, egomaniacal, and frankly ignorant.
He’s going on about how he is more likeable than X, and he has a better personality than X, that he is a more deserving winner than X. So envious. So petty.
Add this to him campaigning to Alyssa about why he should come off the block, knowing full well she could be the replacement nom…
Horse’s. Ass.
Yeah. He’s my nope. I want him evicted. I’m making no bones about that. And daily he gives me more reason to want him evicted.
That’s it. I’m buiding an eviction shrine. I’ve had enough. He can GO. Officer Porkchop wannabe horse’s ass.
He is SPINNING — when X says to him if she takes you down what if Big D goes up & his reply is “he should be fine for it, that’s what he’s here for” ie: DF’s job is to sit OTB for him.
If Ky showcased his HOHitis this week is demonstrating the polar opposite (this diatribe punctuates just how much) …
“I mean I am good in the sense of … I feel like I am hustling for weeks and weeks and weeks giving every single motherf**ker everything they want and then now I am just like hey can someone just give me an honest answer!? And now I am like not getting that?! So now I am like can someone help me understand this?! And now I am not getting that .. except for you two! Xavier – I gave it to you straight up. Ky – yeah besides you two. SO I am like what the f**k have I been doing any of the weeks.. this motherf**ker (Big D) put himself on the block … you put yourself on the block. And now when I am coming to someone and they’re not giving me a straight answer
How are they not giving him an honest answer? The CO agreed he would need to be OTB beside SB but he’s the one who did everything he could to go against the CO trying to win HOH – trying to win veto and not just for him but to keep SB there. At this point NO ONE in the CO believes he was ever going to give her up.
Condescending, arrogant, self-involved you name it he’s all those things. He’s acting like his game & efforts are far more important than anyone else’s.He’ being so transparent wanting to be able to say “I never sat OTB on eviction night” & also wants to give everyone leaving the sympathy vote. Does he seriously think everyone else is stupid?
Remember the first nominations? He was uber paranoid then too (until DX won POV & saved him) – at the time the CO was ready to cut him & this is reminding them why!
LMAO. Once a HG goes into Another Name’s “nope” world, there is no turning back.
I’m kind of at the stage of the season where I’m seeking out Another Name & your posts just to think about what strategy we COULD be getting in the house. I swear we do more plotting on OBB than the writers, producers and hamsters combined lol
True. Un-noping isn’t a thing.
And even as I say that, I hear mr. jibberjabber yammering away making excuses and justifications, and trying to act like X coming off the block is all according to his plan.
I’m annoyed AF.
I’m sure he’s already been to D/R to complain. He’s done it before. Repeatedly.
Both Ky and X have complained to D/R about things. They’ve had it so rough.
I think knowledge that both have been pulling NIcf’s (going to D/R to lodge a complaint) is why I’ve been getting more critical in the last little while.
I wonder what SBs girlfriend thinks of her and KY?? They’re definitely hooking up in the jury house right? That whole breakfast thing…haha
I thought she said she was gay now that theres a guy nearby shes not. Thats convenient. Yes wonder what the gf thinks.
Do I have to use the Ross voice on both of you. They will not be hooking up in the jury house. Even if there was a slim chance, when SB comes into the jury house and learns more information, Kyland might find himself sleeping on the jury house couch instead of rooming with either DX or SB. The men in the house are just messed up. Earlier in the season I heard that SB reminds Kyland of an ex. Yesterday X said that Alyssa reminds him of a friend of his and DF said to X that how Kyland acts reminds him of his ex.
Ky was boasting that he can win HOH next week….they should let him because then he cant play in the final 7 HOH……throw that one to Alyssa and she will put him up! then they cant all make it to final 6 with Alyssa as HOH….bye Ky!
Or….Azah wins without anyone throwing it to her and upends Kyland’s plans
“Calling Ky half black and saying he only support the black side of him in this game“
Where the white women at? Eh eh. I mean where my black people at? Question, is it cool for a black person to call out another half black for being only being half black? Just wondering, how is that helpful? For the record I didn’t hear X say that but if it’s true I’d like to know.
All that is left is the joy of watching the CO eat their own.
X is freaking out.
X is freaking out because Alyssa told Claire she’s the last white person left.
His words.
Well that sort of kicks the shit out of the spin ” we weren’t targeting you based on bias, we just agreed not to target each other and made a list and a plan to get the rest of you out and debated the order you had to leave…. but we weren’t targeting you based on bias” notion they’ve been kicking around since Friday. You know, the crown us the winner but don’t ask us to own our game spin. Game ownership is a sticking point for me. Play how you want to play… but own your game. “We formed an alliance, and targeted everyone not in the alliance.” There. Did it for them without the notion of race and bias even being an issue or projection. Gawd. It’s not difficult.
So now X thinks Alyssa needs to leave next so that Claire doesn’t go into jury with a head of steam about being targeted by race that the finalists will have to answer for. Because apparently Alyssa opened a can of worms that hasn’t been noticed. At all. (reminder of Claire’s camtalk while Whitney was on the block where she named all the next targets without directly saying anything about cookout). Reminder of the house actually discussing all the prejury being white. The can of worms has been open for weeks, but nobody is saying anything because if one of the non cookout say anything the response is being called micro aggressive and racist on social media. Both Tiff and SB made comments about Dx’s eye shape on Saturday. On Twitter, SB was called out, Tiff was not. That was part of my Saturday rant about judging EVERYONE with the same barometer.
Anyway, don’t expect this notion of getting Alyssa out next to go anywhere. If he didn’t want her to know there was a mission, he wouldn’t have made a point of telling her that if they get a couple of people out, a POC automatically wins this season. That was a week and a half ago. Unless Hannah drops that Alyssa asked Hannah to be her final 2.
Meanwhile, Couch has, for the third time in three days, just called Azah, or Azah’s opinion stupid. To her face. And now he’s wondering why she is saying her feelings and her thoughts are not taken into account by anyone in the cookout. He’s totally missed that he’s been grinding her down for days, and deflects it on to other cookout members, saying he respects Azah. Get reupholstered.