Hand the cheque over “5, 10, 6, 7 thousand dollar shopping spree.. all new wardrobe.. a new truck”

BB16 2014-09-13 20-11-43-905

8:08pm Storage room Derrick and Cody
Derrick proposes they make a “Cowboy supper”
Says it’s composed of hamburger, turkey, potatoes, and Bacon

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8:34pm – 8:55pm Food prep

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9:20pm Family Dinner
Derrick saying the contract says they are stuck with CBS until September 26th .

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9:47pm Derrick and Cody living Room
Talking about Derrick homes town Central Falls. He says it’s a rough city he works there now.
Victoria joins them.. Cody talks about a soccer game where the other team “Brown” was trying to get him hurt from the get go.
Cody goes on about talking sh1t in the game.. . he says I was the player if you didn’t shut me down we’re going to beat you.
Cody – “they were talking sh1t.. clipping me.. I tore a ligament in my ankle.. “
Adds after he went down the team lost 5 straight games.
Cody is done playing soccer, “I don’t have the desire.. once I was done I was done.. io gave it a go I was sent home.. I was sent home because I was hurt”
Frankie joins them.
Derrick – Caleb is up there passed out he ate a Whole Chicken


10:00pm Frankie has also lost it.

10:08pm Derrick tells them about Day one Devin took him up to the Chess board and said “He bro.. I heard about your Daughter.. just want you to know I got you to the end bro”
Derrick laughs says Devin made a final 2 day one.

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10:44pm living room everyone but Caleb
Frankie is called into the Diary room Victoria says he’s gone crazy. (He’s been talking non stop about nonsense)
Cody – you were laughing your a$$ off
Victoria he’s funny

10:55pm Victoria – Cody can I play with your hair.. (Everyone more or less sleeping)
Victoria – Your hair is so soft.. like healthy
Cody says he’s not blindsiding Frankie they will tell him late late Tuesday night. (THey don’t know Eviction is early)
Cody – It will be fun get your popcorn ready.
Victoria – Imagine going from HOH to evicted.. by the push of a button

11:03pm Living Room Everyone but Frankie. Caleb saying if those Jamokes hadn’t come through the house and messed it up he would have caught that mouse by now.. “it was a good trap. “

11:28pm Frankie is showing off some tap dancing..
Caleb goes up to the HOH and grabs a Red bull for Cody and a monster for him. (WTF Seriously people it’s 11:28)

11:40pm Caleb and Cody in the HOH
Caleb is saying Victoria wants a free ride to the end but she’s not going to be there.

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11:46pm FIREROOM Derrick and Victoria
Derrick says they are telling Frankie Tuesday night.
Derrick says he was talking to Caleb and it looks like he doesn’t want to take Cody to the end. adds this is good news for them.
Derrick tells her if anyone asks what they were talking about they were rehashing over the fact he wasn’t going to vote for her.
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12:09AM Derrick, Caleb, Frankie and Cody
Derrick says he was trying to sleep but can’t because Victoria keeps bugging him. Derrick – this isn’t the bachelor this is big brother
Caleb – that is what you said to her
Derrick – no but that’s what I really feel
Caleb – what did she say her exact words.
Derrick – she feels betrayed friends don’t do that to friends..
Derrick told her he had made promises to people before he even started talking to her but she just way let it go.


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152 thoughts to “Hand the cheque over “5, 10, 6, 7 thousand dollar shopping spree.. all new wardrobe.. a new truck””

  1. If Cody has the choice he should take Vic to the end he will win lol he doesn’t know if its up to Derr he is taking Vic with him

    1. If Cody takes Vic to the end, the jury will give the 500k to Vic for her survival skills. Cody doesn’t have any skills.

      1. Survival skills by Victoria: wake up, put on hair and make-up, breath in and out, eat, repeat the next 3 months.
        Is that why she should get $500K

        1. Breathe? You see her breathing? I’ve watched her do her Death Stare tho, sitting at the kitchen bar, and just stare, unmoving, not a sound. Spooky. Not everyone can just sit dead still like that not blinking.

          1. Omg Victoria is spooky never should have been on this show her and Frankie full of themselves for no reason they are nothing. To look at or like I really. Wa t Derrick to win

      2. What survival skills? Are you watching the same show as the rest of us? She has done nothing and she doesn’t even save herself from the block. She is still there for the mere fact she CANT save herself or win anything. She’s so worthless people keep her around because she’s no threat. Nobody will vote for her in jury.

        1. How is that any different from the rest of them? They are all there because they have had numbers since the start of the show.

    2. Do you think Derrick is going to take Victoria? mmmmm I thought he said if someone takes Victoria that would be a cheap shot. Well, he’s done everything else low down and dirty, why not? That Derrick, you just got to dislike him uuughhhhhhh

  2. Can’t wait for all this BS to be finally over! Frankie is a low life! All the rest have no clue on what is really going on! Derrick used them all and none of them can see it. The ones that did are in the Jury House. Victoria is still there because Derrick wants her to be with him in the final 2! Its so obvious! This show has been ruined by the network. They try to manipulate the game to what they think the people want to see. Haven’t watched an episode in 4 weeks now and the results are so predictable. The network tried so many times to save Frankie! If you don’t see it the final 2 will be Derrick and Victoria. Just what Derrick wants. He is the smartest player in a stupid group of idiots!

        1. And really, has anything even changed in the past 4 weeks? I have been reading less and less and everytime i come back its the exact same thing happening in the house. I remember reading in the middle-start of the season. when people were spazzing out saying this is total bullshit just give derrick the 500k and they were done watching. And then i never seen them again, and I have to say, good on them! They are the truly smart ones.

    1. Funny how they have not watch closely yo see if Derrick and Victoria are truly mad at each other. That’s what I appreciated about Donny was that he watched people. Derrick noticed this that’s one reason he’s gone.

      In this blog when Frankie and Derrick were talking about the 50k Derrick mentioned that it will be hard for Cody to flip. I took that as to flip to keep Frankie. If I’m correct that should have sent Frankie up the roof top. But it did not.
      Frankie came out the room upset I’m not sure what happen. Had Frankie accepted he’s gone?

      1. Frankie walks like he has a di&k stuck up his ass. Have you noticed. I have seen it a few times and now I notice it every time he walks out of a room. At first I thought he was just a little bowlegged.

        1. Not unusual for dancers, especially ballet. I’ve seen it referred to as a duck walk, waddle, etc, because they grow up trying to turn their fee and legs out away from each other, and dancing on toes, they actually do normal walking really awkwardly.

          i also think he has actual physical problems, also not unusual if you are dancing in shows 8 times a week for Broadway live shows. if he got any time as an ‘alternate’ that is.

  3. Hey Simon, I need a clarification.

    Since Tuesday is NOT a “LIVE” show, doesn’t that mean “NO” studio audience? Or are they taping that show WITH an audience? (Since there’s an eviction.)

    If you know …..Please let me know. Thanks!

    I sure hope they have an audience. Hearing them boo Frankie was (almost) all I had left to look forward to this season. Except for Donny winning AFH, of course. Remember to vote gang!

      1. I don’t like him but Frankie will be just fine. He has his sister and she will be popular for another year or so. Then he will have a support base of enough people to keep him just the way he is. So chill out and just be happy that he gets voted out.

        If you look at all past Big Brother participants, all of them are just ok. All you guys crack me up, with your rants, but please don’t stop because you guys sound just as bad as the contestants.

        My friends and I laugh even more at the people and their comments on hear as much as we do at the contestants. We try to figure out who is actually getting so upset that they are interrupting their lives to the point that they are leaving them dolls and toys alone.

        Whoever wins or loses it doesn’t matter just enjoy how bad or good the season is !!

        1. To :).
          You and your friends seriously gather around and discuss tv show blog comments???(is this where I’m suppose to type in your standard “haha” at my own comment like you do at the end of all your posts?? Do people REALLY type a comment, actually laugh out loud at it all by themselves, and then decide they need to let the readers be aware they laughed at their own joke but typing ‘LOL’?)

            1. Wow, it sounds like you and your so-called friends live a very exciting social life. Can I be your friend, too pleeeeeeeaaaaaassse?

          1. So to clarify:

            1) we don’t sit together and read them, we do this on our own.
            2) we don’t compare specific posts but just the over all tone of them.
            3) I type the Haha because I’m as lonely as you are.

            So please everyone don’t stop using this site as your therapy sessions, it’s fun to read a few of them everyday.


  4. Ray Rice got away with physical assault.

    Frankie is getting away with sexual assault on national tv!


    1. I have to agree. He will win that award if she reaches out to her audience.
      Also, remember he did win a spot on America’s Team

      1. I think it’s disgusting that the producers will cast houseguests with a social media army already at their disposal and continue to have a cash award given by public vote. It’s like Elissa winning last year because of the “Brenchal Army”.

        I hoping for a miracle that Donny wins AF, but I just know it will be that stupid cotton candy head!

        1. Why would anyone expect the Grande family to be fair or honest. How do you think Ariana Lolita Grande made her way to the top of the charts? For her talent? Or her screechy voice? They are a heartless bunch…

  5. Christine can’t keep her hands off of young boys,
    Skankie can’t keep his hands off of young boys.
    Christine is an adultress
    Frankie is an ass.

    1. I take that as an insult to everyone because everyone has an a$$. Why not say Frankie is an a$$hole. While everyone has one, it is a void, but Frankie’s is disease ridden filled with pus.

    1. “(Caleb as a newly crowned Big Brother Winner is a con mans dream)”

      Simon hit the nail on the head. I know the winner shouldn’t necessarily be the most deserving of the money but who played the best game. But I still can’t help but root for those who won’t blow so much money on ridiculous things. It’s just telling of the maturity and caliber of the houseguests chosen the producers pick these days.

    2. Caleb is using his inside voice talking about his list of things to buy lol.

      Poor thing.

      imo, re: keeping victoria, Derrick and Cody are well aware that they need Caleb out to ensure that one of them win HOHs, and/or get to choose. If Victoria is sent home first, they are up against someone who can actually win stuff, puts them into a very vulnerable position. I can totally see Cody choosing Derrick at the end, and I can totally see Derrick choosing Victoria for the end. I don’t know if Derrick will redeem himself in the eyes of the fans and choose Cody tho, that is actually the only thing that will be a surprise.

  6. I can’t believe Ariana Granade asked Justin Douchebag Beibs to tweet out to Franke’s twitter account. Barf, Barf and BARF!!! If Frankie wins America’s Favorite because of this, I do hope he gets major and I do mean major backlash via his social media because of this. He is an absolute nightmare and one of the reasons why this season has been so horrifyingly bad. Just when you think it can’t get worse. IT DOES!!!
    I can’t wait for him to leave this week!

      1. Yes, it’s true! This is CBS’s secret weapon…the Biebs! His 54.5 million followers will break all finale records! Not to mentio Ariana’s 18.4 million followers. A…F…P! A…F…P! A…F…P!!!

        1. When in Rome, do as the Romans…..

          Contact potential followers for Donny to vote for him and their followers to do the same. For example, The Bold and the Beautiful Fans. . .

    1. THAT SUCKS. Kinda puts a “cherry” on top of a truly hideous season, doesn’t it?

      Once again, thanks to Simon and Dawg for going thru the pain so we don’t have to. LOVE YOU GUYS!!


          1. Amber, a another galaxy is in order. Get out of the Milky Way now! Caleb is going to use all those winnings and invest in new technology to build himself a space craft to track you to another planet and make boo coo money in the process. He’s such a fucking tool, after taxes you asshat you will not have as much as your already spending. If he were to win: Bankruptcy Mode Cowboy within months if not weeks.

  7. Frankie will at least refer his life coach to Caleb. Caleb thinks he’s going to be a bigger star than any previous house guest in BB history! Even bigger than Will Mega from season 1!

    1. That’s because Caleb is a fucking retard.

      These are GAME SHOW CONTESTANTS! How fuckin far do they think they’re going?

  8. Beast Mode Cowboy dinner… it’s composed of hamburger, turkey, potatoes, and Bacon and a large barrel of bullshit

    1. We are the required tools during any Caleb conversations. What a joke. The only guys I’d sit down and have a beer with, Donnie and Zach. The rest, their personalities/character are not what i’d care to spend an iota of time with.

  9. My idea of a perfect BB17

    New Producer
    New Applicant Screeners and process
    A Cast that represents a cross section of America. I dont care about showmance or a big frat house style cast. Players like Donny,Dan,Evil Dick, Players who are students of the game, not camera cuties
    Conps that are unpredictable
    Twists that are game changers

    Now is that too much to ask for ?

    1. Totally agree. Been saying that for weeks.

      BBUS … check out BBAU. Tis might jog your memory what BB is all about. They have all kinds of twisted things going on. They started with the first night. They also keep the HGs hopping …..the HGs don’t sleep through the season.

      1. Nah… BBAU is a totally different concept and the show is meant to be entertainment for children. #BBAUsucks

    2. While I LOVE the way you think, and agree with your ideas, yes, it probably IS too much to ask.

      If AG isn’t gone next year, I think I will be for sure. I know…I know, I’ve been saying that for years. But this season is the worst ever!

    3. I would like to add the players are not allowed to say “thrown under the bus” (never saw a bus in the BB house over the years), “blood on my hands” (never saw anyone with bloody hands), calling each other “dude” or “bro”, etc.

    4. in other words, comps that anyone could win. Nothing physical, nothing requiring coordination, nothing requiring speed, nothing requiring agility, that is nothing beyond the point at which any normal person can perform the task, as well nothing that any truly athletic person will have any sort of advantage when performing the task.

      a good example is the board game comp done in BBCAN2. You throw the dice and move to a square. repeat until at the end, then you win. It is fun to watch, there is movement, but no one has any sort of advantage over the others just based on their physical ability.

      1. Sounds like Candyland that you played as a child. If by some off chance Caleb does win the $500000 I hope someone in his family has enough sense to talk Caleb down from his spending spree before it gets started.

    5. I agree its a perfect cross section of the early 20’s to early 30’s crowd. People bitching about the trash and sexual talk of the guys. Wake up to all those with a male significant other, don’t ever listen in on guy only conversations becasue you will probably not like what you’ll hear. The only difference is the HG’s are on camera and we’re not and don’t want to admit these kinds of converstions go on everyday everywhere. We all wear different hats depending on situations. Some have the “husband hat”, they’re not going to act like the guy wearing the “hanging with boys hat” at home with wife and family. Guys talk alot of tough guy talk, trash talk and sex, doesn’t mean they’ll act on or even mean the garbage they say. It’s TRASH talk. I’m in my forties and still talk smack regularly with others my age. I wouldn’t want my conversations caught on tape and most wouldn’t. I’m not saying all men are like this but I’d say most. We shouldn’t be surprised by these HG’s most see and do this daily.

    1. Donny probably should have kept his mouth shut about Derrick and played him instead using the Team America thing in his advantage.Staying closer to Derrick and Frankie, at least for the sake of appearance, would have taken Donny way further in the game and put more cash in his pocket given the fact his social game was not one of the best ones.Even though Donny saw Derrick’s game, he didn’t have the numbers to get Derrick out of the house because most of the house guests were unfortunately unable to see what Donny saw.

      1. The problem there was Derrick was trying to toss Donny right from the start which is why he got put up with Pow Pow. Donny was too far removed from the majority of players to integrate and Derrick saw an easy group to manipulate in the bomb squad so his efforts went there.

        1. Everybody likes Donny (i like him too) , but his social game was…well It wasn’t at all, and this alone got him out of the house.

  10. Does anyone else find it kind of disturbing and very strange that this 31 year old oddity brags about having a following of 12 year olds??? I keep having visions of PeeWee Herman of the new millenia eeek!! Seriously…that’s his following? That and some moms??? wtf is there to follow or like about him? I truly must be missing something or I’m just getting old smh!

  11. 100K for surgery to move his brain from his ass to his head

    Remainder for legal fees defending himself against charges of sexual abuse and harassment that Amber will have to inevitably bring against him.

  12. It’s amazing and sad to watch Caleb lose his mind. It’s a wonder he even qualified for the show. The kid clearly has issues, and if he were to win, he’d be out of money before he got the check. He reminds me of a lot of Southern “good ole boys”, delusional and oblivious to reality.

    1. Don’t insult Southern “good ole boys” like that. Caleb would not qualify for that title where I’m from. He’s just a delusional tool. Period. I have a feeling that’s what his hometown thinks of him too, despite him saying he and his brothers are like celebrities there.

    2. game show winnings were at one time taxed up to 40 percent sure its not like that now but govt. going to get a good 100k out of that 500k

    3. My hometown is about 25 minutes from calebs. And while i agree with you about caleb there isnt one good ol boy around there even close to acting or dressing like caleb

  13. Caleb is a 20 something year old man, who has a pi$$ brain of a 12 year old boy! No wonder Amanda wouldn’t want to be around the loof!

    BB Season 16 $UCK$!!

    1. That’s a tough one.

      I’d like to see Nicole and Hayden.
      Helen (i’d like to give her a chance to not be stupid about not getting out big players when you have the chance)
      Neda from BBCAN (pretty sure they’ve had a canadian on BB US before 🙂 )
      Will, Danielle and Shane actually, because I’d like to see how well they could do without the burden of having a coach that ended up trying to manipulate their way into the game themselves. (I used to think Will was over the top with his youtube personality schtick, but really he is a breath of fresh air compared to Frankie’s over the moon youtube schtick). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv8iqPyiWr8

    2. Hmmmm…would like to see these folks:
      Crazy James
      Joe the Chef
      Meow Meow
      And I would have to bring Dan G back

  14. Caleb has a good character, he just doing all this to put on a show, its far better than watching the other 4,its working cuz y’all keep talking about it.

    1. I agree! While he is quite stalker-ish, and I wouldn’t want to be Amber (or anywhere near him for that matter) I have totally enjoyed reading about him here! Oh, and that website where it lists all his supposed “jobs”…tamara tattles. Hilarious!!

  15. He wasn’t smart enough to get into West Point?!
    You don’t say…..

    He reminds me a little bit of myself…when I was in kindergarten….I wanted to be a flight attendant, pediatrician, teacher, and dancer.
    Caleb (at the age of ~26 ) envisions himself model, country rock star, dancer, football player, venture capitalist, humanitarian. I think this guy has gotta go back to kindergarten!

  16. Why do the idiots that come on this Big Brother think when they get out of the house they are going to be so famous? Do they think about previous seasons when they had far better players with way more personality, where are they? The only person who has been successful with building a career off of Big Brother is Jeff. Caleb is such an idiot, easily led, easily fooled and made to do what you want him to do, and then the dumb ass brags and acts like it was his idea! He is such a dumb person, he cannot keep his mouth shut, bragging about how when he wins, I use to feel sorry for the way they manipulated him, but this guy is really not that bright. Wait until how he see’s how America thinks he is such a fool! And let’s not even start on his obsession with Amber, I cannot wait to see his face when they kick him out after Frankie. Let’s hear him say then he’s the king of the castle!!!! What a fool, he is so stupid, the house cannot see that Derrick is playing them all, except for Frankie, I think Frankie knows, but he cannot touch Derrick now that he’s on the block.

    1. I’m just glad we’re getting to see the “real” Caleb again here towards the end. I was afraid after Amber was evicted (and Caleb got a wee bit more sane) that most viewers would forget his craziness and begin to root for him.

      Now if only they would air some of his latest delusional ramblings on the episodes….instead of his adorkable failed karate moves.

      1. Thank you!! It irritated me how people starting rooting for Caleb for a little. How quickly people can forget what someone is truly like! I’ve never forgotten and he is showing his true colors once again. He is a delusional, idiotic narcissist. I can’t wait til he leaves. He needs to invest in se therapy. I do feel had for him though bc he clearly does have a personality disorder of some kind.

    2. ive only watched for 3 years but if they are fans they should know America almost never like a houseguest as much as they think I think derrick knows very well he has been saying seen day1 some will like you some will hate you really inside don’t think he cares I guess I was about 30 when I stopped giving a sht what people thought insecure people worry about what people think every person that watches the show could hate me if I won who cares only 8 or 9 million watch the show 300 million plus people in america

    3. It’s a good question. Our brains think that we know these people, so we get emotionally involved. however, irl, we’re the definition of boob toobers and couch potatos, not only watching the show, but also the feeds, the chats and after dark. We won’t grow or learn or become enlightened, but we will bore the snot out of ppl who don’t watch the show. 🙂
      Last year, I was so disgusted with myself for the wasted time, I swore I wouldn’t watch this year and yet == here I is.
      Gotta chalk it up to intellectual laziness. speaking for myself, of course.

  17. Do any of the house guests have manners when it comes to eating? I think not. Close your damn mouth when you chew! Good God, we all learned that when we were 5 years old!

    1. I was thinking the same thing about their horrible table manners. I didn’t think it could get worse but then the burping began. And could someone tell Frankie eating is not a race or competition. I have noticed every time he eats, he barely chews before he shoves more food in his mouth and is constantly getting up for something. Not my idea of a family meal unless your family is a bunch of pigs.

    2. Thank you!!! I can’t stand watching them on tvgn. If I were there in the house if have to get up and leave the table. Eating and sounds like that irritate me.

  18. Caleb Caleb Caleb or should I say beast mode lactating cowboy… his stupidity makes me feel better about my life. Amber posted a pic on twitter the other night and it appears she may have had an engagement ring on.. not that Caleb had a chance in hell to begin with. So delusional. I think derrick will stay loyal to Cody in the end vs Victoria. Him and Cody bonded very early on an he knows Cody needs it for student loans and Vic just needs it for more mirrors probably and everyone already said Vic ftw if she makes it to final 2. With Cody all the jurors will recognize that derrick was mastermind and Cody was the lap dog. The jurors may respect the mastermind game derrick played over Cody plus Cody def won’t get Hayden and prob Nicole or donnys votes. Possibly won’t getcrustines either, also Cody will not get vics vote.

    1. Nice post ! the season was defined from day 1 because of how the BOB was constructed and carried out. Nothing the house guests could have done, but to get into an alliance early. The girls had a chance to do it but ignored Joey. If production learns from this, then they will not do the double HOH’s again.

  19. Oh just wanted to add…hey Caleb…it’s called an electron microscope…and they can see things WAY smaller than a cell.

    Save ur $$ dude. Donate ur brain cells for science research.

  20. I’m watching BBAD and the HGs are all in the kitchen and they are barely speaking to Frankie. He keeps trying to initiate cinversation, without much success. Guess karma really us a bitch, Frankie – now you know how Donny felt for all those weeks.

  21. The whole grande family is brutal! His sister asking (and then thanking) Justin Bieber to tweet out support for Frankie… His mom posting that Ariana WILL be tweeting out to get Frankie AFP!!! Their behaviour is sickening.

    Now Zach fans (who are more vocal on social media/ twitter) and trying to get Donny fans to change their vote to see anyone but Frankie win… But Ariana even tweeted from Frankie’s account tonight about loving Zach… The one who will really make the statement is Donny4AFP!!!

    Donny fans need to get more vocal about Donny for AFP! Who cares he won some TA money (a BIG argument by Zach fans), Zach will go home to his twitter followers and hanging out on the golf course all day and be tickled pink… Donny could really benefit from every penny he has coming!

    If you want to vote for Zach, go ahead! Nicole, be my guest! But if Donny was YOUR FAV then PLEASE vote him as your AFP and don’t let the Zach fans take votes away from Donny just to spite Frankie….VOTE DONNY AFP!!! SPREAD THE WORD!!!

    1. Don’t worry frankenpuff little fans will not make him AFP because they are a lazy bunch and Donny fans are out in force ready to vote…

    2. To say that the Grande family sucks is an understatement. The Grande family is seriously short of classy behavior. Saw this excellent post on Twitter. Now that it is certain Fakie will be evicted, the Grande family is trying to secure the America’s Favorite vote for him. Here is what someone had to say about that:
      “It is sad to see that @ArianaGrande @joangrande (who have been blessed so much) would be so greedy as to enlist her 18 million fans to vote for Frankie as #BB16 #AFP (America’s Favorite Player). Why people who have so much would need more is beyond me. What makes this even more tragic is that from about week three or so, Frankie has been at the bottom of EVERY SINGLE Big Brother HouseGuest Ranking Poll. So in affect, they want to steal AFP from the HG who are the fan favorites by using Ariana’s 18 million twitter followers (who are not Big Brother Viewers). The question is for what? Does that money get them another Escalade to meet him with as he bragged about today on the feeds? Here is the thing @FrankieJGrande is not and has never been the Fan Favorite on #BB16. @JulieChen knows it, @Cbsbigbrother knows it, @agrodner22 knows it, @ArianaGrande knows it and the fans know it. #DonnyThompson and groundskeeper is a fan favorite, for which this money is life changing. @Ranceypants is a fan favorite. Make no mistake even if you steal the money from the real fan favoirtes……all of #BB16 fans will know the truth. You see Donny, Nicole and Zach the true fan favorites would never take what isn’t theirs just to stroke their ego’s and they would be ashamed if someone did it in their name. Apparently the same can’t be said for the Grande bunch. #Shameongreedypeople #donttakewhatisntyours”

      How can someone stoop so low as to request this kind of manipulation. What a shitty, shitty family, shitty values, shitty sense of entitlement.

      1. Frankie WILL win AFP – thanks to social media and the Grande fan base. However, CBS can easily fix it setby announcing that, due to the unfair advantage this year, they will be awarding another $25,000 to second place (Donnie).

      2. Wow, that person really hit it on the head. I think that’s a perfect explaination of how fans really feel. I just hope that CBS realizes who AFP really is, and awards the money to him.

        And as for the excuse that Fakie will donate the money to children in Africa (oh please), he’s changed that so many times. First it was the 500 thousand dollars, then it lowered to TA, then it changed to the stipend, then only part of TA earnings. What a shmuck.

  22. Frankie: shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up, drop the fake Brit accent, shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up, stop talking about your school, shut up!!!

    Thank you and good night!

  23. Does the princess do anything? I would not be cooking for her lazy ass. Her and Caleb have not done anything but shove it in there faces. That would get on my last nerve!!! They did not know what French dressing was?!?!?!

    1. I’m 54. I’ve “heard” of French dressing…can’t say I know what it’s made of, tastes like, or looks like though. I guess I’ve never paid that much attention in the grocery store. So, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing to not know since it could be dependent on what part of the country you’re from and/or your culture. No one I know eats the stuff, and to my knowledge I’ve never been offered any in my entire life. Italian dressing, Ranch, Thousand Island, Blue Cheese, Djion…yes. French? nope. lol

      1. I’m from the Midwest, maybe it is a culture thing. It is a sweet dressing, orange to red in coloring. My favorite!!

      2. Catsup and mayo, I believe. The French part would be the mayo. 🙂 Sometimes there’s a little pickle relish in it, too. sweet! cheap!

    2. Did you see Caleb shoving a 4″ piece of chicken in his mouth. He says he is never hungry yet he eats Derrick’s chicken right off his plate! Disgusting No he is NEVER hungry unless you cook, then he will eat.

  24. I know that a lot of you think that the jury is bitter but there is one person in the house that could get them to vote in favor if Derrick, and that would be Donny. Donny has caught on to Derrick’s game from the beginning. He’s also a big fan of the game so he knows how the game goes. I think that Donny will explain everything to the jury so that they can appreciate Derrick’s. I personally don’t like Derrick but he has played a great game. If he wins he will be one of the best winners of all time. You can hate his game but as a fan you’ve got to appreciate it.

    1. Yikes! Looks like Stankie is in full force skank mode!! I would advise them all to run at this point.

  25. The whole grande family is brutal! His sister asking (and then thanking) Justin Bieber to tweet out support for Frankie… His mom posting that Ariana WILL be tweeting out to get Frankie AFP!!! Their behaviour is sickening.

    I don’t get why is this such a big deal , as you say they are family and that’s what family do , bet if it was your brother or son you would do the same .

    1. Sorry to break it to you but welcome to the real world!
      How do you think Ariana Lolita Grande made her career? By being “talented”? By having a less than mediocre voice?
      They will use whatever it takes to rake as much money as possible. $25k for AFP is not to be sniffed at! A few tweets from Ariana and Joanna will suffice and the 12 year old morons will be voting like mad…

  26. This sh&* is so predictable, this season has been so boring. People are comparing Derrick to Dan? I’m not sure how that is because no one in the house is playing the game, no drama, no big moves nothing, everything is done just like clock work. My prediction, Frankie will be voted out, then Victoria, either Cody or Caleb will win the final HOH and pick Derrick as the final two because they think they can beat him. Derrick will win the 500k and most likely Donny will win MVP.

    I just wrapped up the next two weeks in one paragraph “Yawn” what an exciting season.

    1. This season is pretty bad but you have to remember that Dan’s first season was great because he had a lot of good players in season 10 but the other season had bad players. It’s not about the players themselves it’s all social and even though you have bad players you have to know how to work them to your advantage. Derrick is out of Dan’s league but he surpasses a lot of some of the best players. He controlled a whole house. Without really being seen as a threat.

  27. I am beyond irritated that ariana Grande latte and that little punk Justin bieber are tweeting out support for Frankie who has 700+ thousand twitter followers on top of all wannabe toddler hooker mariah Carey and biebs. Ughhh! So annoying. Watch a new twist come now that justins tweeted dpov or some BS. Donny deserves to win Americas favorite. He played a hell of a game by himself and he’s hilarious. I will never watch Bb again if the flamingo wins afp.

  28. Everything Victoria accuses Christine of, she is – annoying, constantly flirting (especially with Cody’s hair), rubbing on anything that will accept it. If she gets ‘paid’ for this…it’s turned into hookin’ for dollars.

    1. BIG difference here; she is single Christine was married. Victoria can do whatever she likes; she has no one to answer to.

  29. All I can say is Derrick and Cody deserve to be final 2. They have totally complimented each other throughout the season both have carried a loyal female through different ways and basically kept numbers, with the fact Caleb is easily manipulated Derrick basically controlled the vote the entire season . Sorry for all the Derrick haters but he totally controlled this season and is in Dan gheesling status. I mean basically he did what any great player has done and that is keep himself safe all season and controlled the vote without people targeting him and the people that were targeting him were out as soon as he had the chance. Even Frankie was targeted early cause Derrick knew he was a comp beast and he would’ve been gone that week until frankie pulled off that miracle win. So for the next few weeks Derrick just sat back keeping the target off his back while he systematically had a hand in everybody being evicted and doing it with no blood on his hands. Donny was kind of like Derrick and just didn’t have the right. Type of people to work with or it would’ve been harder for Derrick and Cody. Which causes me to believe that’s another reason skanktine got booed cause she basically betrayed her friends Hayden and Nicole for a flirtmance with Cody if it wasn’t for her Donny Hayden Nicole and Jocasta along with skanktine had numbers and I think Derrick and Cody realized this and took advantage and reeled her in with Cody’s charm and good looks. So if I’m forgetting anything or thse aren’t valid points please retort, but hands down Derrick is one of the greats !!!!!! And he deserves the win and Cody should get the 50k.

  30. What are the chances that we see Pandoras Box? I just can’t see production letting Frankie go. Something is going to happen to keep him in until at least final 3.

  31. If things go as planned and Frankie is sent to jury over the next few days, then it makes all the sense in the world to send Caleb packing if he doesn’t win the veto.

    Victoria isn’t going to win any comps against Cody or Derrick.

  32. The best part of the season for me was when my 12 year old son and I sat down to watch “our show (bb)”, and he said to me, “Mom, don’t get me wrong, Ariana Grande is hot, but they should have never put her brother on a show. Can you sign up for CBS and we can make sure Donny wins AFP?” At least one tweener isn’t disillusioned, even though he firmly believes that our votes for Donny will change the whole outcome of AFP. LOL

    1. Smart young lad you got there. My son, who’s now a Marine thank you very much, got up off the floor (his usual tv watching spot) and announced to his parents that he would no longer watch Big Bro because of the lying, cheating & cutthroat behavior. What parent is going to yell at their kid after that, not I.

  33. Is it true Frankie little sister and the little Canadian kid who needs to get his ass kick are planning to crash the voting process for A F P??

  34. oh is it really going to happen, is the pink haired weasel finally leaving, oh please please let it be, I have been waiting for this day for a LONG time, no more messing with it BB, get that bastard OUT!

  35. Crayleb is on a roll today – HAHAHAHAHA

    ” I’m straight out making out with Amber at the finale. Right there on stage. That girl’s in love with me.”

    “It’s been a long time [since he had sex]. A long time. Maybe I’ll fix that at the finale. Me and Amber. “

  36. I come here every day, to catch up bc I can’t stomach watching them on tv anymore. One thing I find here every single day is so many assuming, angry people. Why do you have to sit around & try to figure out how production will do this or that to save or get rid of certain people? Do I believe production plays a role in the house? Absolutely! However, I do not believe they control EVERY THING. Anytime something doesn’t go the way some of you want it to, it’s productions fault. Yet, you also never stop trying to tell production what to do to make the house work the way you want it to. “Oh they should do a DPOV to save this person, give America what they want Allison.” (always something of that nature) If so many of you think it’s rigged so strongly & you don’t like it, stop watching & stop being so negative on the boards. Some of you wish bad upon the houseguests & that puts you on the same level as the houseguests. What happened to just watching a show & dealing with it at face value? Again, if you don’t like how the show is run, stop watching. You can be done with this season & hope for a better one next summer. But please stop assuming so much & stop being so rude, hateful. It’s freakin Big Brother, these people weren’t put in the house to save the World. You have no idea what you would do personally, if you were ever blessed to play the game yourselves.

  37. You are doing the same thing…coming here because you can’t “stomach” the show, and bitching because what you are reading isn’t up to your standards. Suck it up, buttercup.

    1. How sad that the players had more brains than the production people of BB: They have TWO Head of Households and then the Battle of the Block competition, so the players figure out that if they pick people who will throw it THEY determine the actually Head of Household (again I say the HOH determine the final HOH); then they put someone on with a sister that is popular among 12 year olds, releasing an album, on an awards show, has millions of followers, asks Bieber to have his followers vote for Frankie and Big Brother calls this a level playing field, This was a set up.

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