POV: | Brett | Next POV: | Aug 18th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 20th |
HOH: | FES | Next HOH: | Aug 23th |
Noms: | Brett & Scottie | Have Nots |
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8:05pm HOH Room. Fes and Haleigh. Haleigh – what face mask do you have on? Fes – what? You left it up here for 3 days! Haleigh – No you did not! You suck! Fes – what is it supposed to do? Haleigh – make your face look revived and soft. Fes – feels like I have a wet paper towel on my face. You look like a s#xy power ranger. Haleigh has a shower and then joins Fes on the bed. Haleigh – I am so mad you found mine. Fes – me too! Haleigh – so now what? Fes – Tyler came up here. I could put him up and he wouldn’t go home. I am working a deal with him and Angela for you and me. Do you agree? Haleigh – yeah. What did you say? Fes – I told him I only have 4 options. The only other person I am cool with is you and who does she feel is coming after her. You and Angela. So it would be a smart basic move to put one of you up but I told y’all I am a man of my word and if I do this .. if I don’t put you up. The only reason why I think Haleigh up you up is because you had won 5 comps and it was something to do in the moment. I said us working as a four could clean out the 3 middle people. The only thing is I don’t know how Angela feels about Kaycee. Kaycee would have to go up and she would stay. Haleigh – wait.. why wouldn’t you put Sam up? Fes – because Sam is such a f**king wildcard. Kaycee would for sure have Angela and JC’s vote for sure. And Tyler is going to vote with Angela and he said he would vote how I want so it looks like the plan would go forward. I don’t dislike Scottie at all but its about moving forward in this game.
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Fes – I said for the most part I trust Haleigh. Haleigh – why couldn’t you just say I trust Haleigh?! Fes – because I thought it sounded better. Haleigh – no it doesn’t! For the most part?! Fes – I thought that you would like that I said it like that. Haleigh – this is all great for you… Fes – I am trying to do it for us! What’s wrong now? This isn’t great for you!? Haleigh – no its not!! For the most part you trust me? There is a small part that I don’t trust about her! Fes – I don’t know if I said it like that.. It was something similar to that. I was sticking up for you. I thought that was the right thing to say it like that. Haleigh – and what exactly did he say? Fes – that you have to squash stuff to move forward. He has like no animosity .. which is weird. Haleigh – I don’t know if Angela could be on board. I need to talk to her. Fes – its the people in the middle that are counting on us to attack each other and they are going to skate on by to top five. How about we get on the same page and make it there.. Haleigh – and then attack each other at the end. (Yes go to the end with with strongest competitors, good plan.) Fes – let the best man win at the end. Haleigh – them being here is not good for my game. Fes – nobody here is. Haleigh – if it works that’s great and I will literally worship the floor you walk on but I have a gut feeling its not going to.
Fes – the other scenario is I put Tyler or Angela up and they are both coming after us. So lets make it work and spice up the word play. I need to talk to Kaycee tomorrow too. Haleigh – you’re going to pawn out Kaycee? We need to get the votes together and get them in a room. Haleigh – this is good for you but not for me. I put him (Tyler) up and then announced to the whole house why we should get him out. I don’t think you understand .. you believe everything someone says to your face. One of them win next week and put us up next to each other. Fes – I don’t think they would do it .. especially not next week. Haleigh – it will be double eviction. Fes – especially if its fresh of a deal and Scottie goes home. Its doing Angela a favor too. Taking out one of her nominees that would put her up. Haleigh – Why don’t you just play this game for Angela. Why don’t you find out what is most beneficial for her.. and then do that move. That’s what I want you to do Fessie! Fes – are you done!?
9:08pm – 9:18pm HOH room. Sam and Fes. Sam reads Fes’s HOH letter and start to cry. That’s excellent, that makes me very proud. Fes – No one has talked to me but I have a feeling that people are going to pitch to me for you to be the replacement nom. You know that right? Sam – no why? Fes – I just have a feeling. Just don’t freak out. I am not going to touch you. I already told you that like 30 days ago. Sam – okay, I trust you. Fes – with that said the numbers are getting small and if someone wins HOH .. someone has to go up .. meaning I know you’re cool with a lot of people in the house (I thought people were going to pitch for her to go up?). Sam – If I win HOH, I won’t put you up.
9:30pm Kitchen. Haleigh making fajitas and Scottie still cleaning. Meanwhile in the bedroom. Brett is still clutching his veto. Angela – the replacement would probably be Kaycee or Sam. Brett – I think it would be Sam because they want to guarantee Scottie goes home. Its the least amount of blood on their hands. I think they know that Scottie is going to go so why would they piss off another good competitor? Angela agrees. Brett – I mean I hope he does but… Angela that would be perfect. Brett – I need to stop. I’m being so obnoxious. Dude if I go and win HOH next. Tyler – its your turn! Brett – I am a sore loser but man am I a sore winner. I can’t believe we got to see Zingbot today. My friends are going to be like you got called a DOUCHE! Dude we are making good tv!
9:35pm Brett, Tyler and Angela. Brett – She (Sam) is f**king losing it. I have to tell you what she told me the other day. She is convinced that Rockstar and I have been communicating through telling stories each other stories in front of everyone where like .. Sam and Rockstar were in the hot tub one night and I was working out. And she based that on the way were were communicating .. and convinced that we’ve been in an alliance since day 1.. that everything has been staged .. whole 9 yards. And that Rockstar and I have been sending signals that I am madly in love with Sam. Angela – wait!? Brett – like through the stories that we tell out loud we drop subtle hints to each other. Angela – are you serious?! This is like craziness on another level! When they dropped that line I was like (see photo below). Tyler – she told you that?! Brett – yes. Angela – are you joking!? Brett – no. Tyler – I want to learn how to do that. Its all your (Tyler does Brett’s chewbacca noise)
10pm Haleigh is still cooking..
10:28pm Kitchen. Haleigh – I was pissed.. when I came in I saw chocolate milk for DAYS! Someone took the sugar and poured it everywhere! I was like what the f**k are you guys doing!? Scottie – Fes did the sugar. Haleigh – he said I just saw the coffee and milk and thought that’s what we were doing. My question is were y’all not looking for things?! Scottie – I dropped the stuff for a reason. Number 1 – I though that him (Tyler), Brett and Fess strategy was to go as quick as possible. Number 2 – I poured a bunch of milk over there because I didn’t think anyone would want to get down on the ground over there. I dumped gallons, gallons and gallons. And I took all the oils from over here. Kaycee – oils?! Wait hold on.. oils!? Haleigh – that’s why I fell. Kaycee – you are really trying to kill somebody! Kaycee – I didn’t you do vegetable oil. That makes sense I didn’t understand why milk was so slippery.
10:57pm – 11:20pm HOH room. Fes tells Haleigh about his conversation with Sam. Haleigh – it pisses me off that she just came up here and said don’t put me up and then you say okay I’m not going to put you up. Fes – she did say if I get put up I want a chance at the veto. Haleigh – I want her gone Fessie! I want her gone! Fes – okay, if I do this Scottie move.. Haleigh – Sam will probably leave if she goes up. Fes – I know and then Scottie will be gunning for me. If I put up Kaycee .. there is no way she goes home. Haleigh – I didn’t like you saying today in the veto .. not to get your thing.. don’t get my thing… like do you really f**king think you needed to tell me that?! Fes – well look what happened. I ended up getting your thing. Fes – look how Sam is acting now. Wait until the numbers get small .. she is going go to evict herself. Kaycee was so smooth last week. I will cut off my nuts if JC doesn’t (vote Scottie out). Tyler is going to vote with Angela. Haleigh is going to vote which ever way I tell her to. That’s four. I break a tie with three. Haleigh – I am going to vote however you tell me to? You can tell me things and then I will do what I want .. You’re not telling me to do anything. You’re about to piss me off. Fes talks about the final four deal (Fes, Haleigh, Tyler, Angela) they’re going to set up. Haleigh – we need to go over days. Fes – we could do it .. we just need to win.
11:55pm HOH bed. Fes and Haleigh kissing..
11:30pm – 12am Backyard. Sam and Scottie. Sam suggests Scottie try to get Brett to use the veto on him. Scottie – That has only happened once. Its such a extremely rare occurrence. Sam – he might. Scottie – He doesn’t want to go through another eviction. Sam – why not, his speeches are epic! Sam – what are you going to do if he does take you down. Scottie – I would be so surprised I wouldn’t know what to do. I still can’t believe he (Fes) put me up. I was legitimately on his team. If he did that even though he lied to get me up here in the first place.. I would ridiculously owe him. Sam – why not pitch to him use the veto on me and we’ll work together. Scottie – I could try that.
Sam – I felt real bad for not cleaning but I was just real angry. I thought it was awful and disrespectful. But I know for y’all its a part of the thing just like OTEV. You guys were so pumped to get roasted (by zingbot) this morning and I was like this is terrible. What is the purpose of this! This is just dumb. This is the perfect opportunity to f**k someone over. I don’t know what I was expecting but that was awful. The whole thing I thought was stupid. When I came in I was filled with rage.. that’s why I had to go sit down. Scottie – that’s why as I was a big part of making that mess .. it was my responsibility to clean up as much as I could.

12:25am Sam and Scottie
Sam – I’m real but I’m real f*ing Crazy
Sam jokes that zing bot isn’t areal robot like the sam bot calls zingbot a “poser”
Sam asks if Haleigh intended to send Rockstar home? Scottie thinks she didn’t the plan was for Kaycee to go. Sam wonders why Haleigh wasn’t more tore up over Rockstar going.
Sam – I loved Rockstar.,. it was explained to me many times what I did with Bayleigh was emotional.. and not to do it
Sam – I refused to let Bayleigh walk out on a unanimous vote. F* that
Socttie – I was the one that made sure ROckstar didn’t go out on a unanimous vote
Sam – or were you
SCottie – No I definitely was, I was told by both Haleigh and Rock that you promised to keep rock
Sam – I never promised anything I never do that because I never break a pinky promise so I am very careful what I promise
Sam says she loves Rockstar and they have pinky promises outside of the house that she intends to keep, “I have something with her that I don’t have with anyone else in this house.. I’m sad it came late.. I know how much she loved this game and she’s so gammy.. she wanted me to play”
Sam – it would be in her honour if I stayed and played but I don’t know how at this point
Scottie thinks he’s going home.
Sam doesn’t think that is the plan but says she’s going to be coerced into voting with the house, “you and I both know that”
Scottie – that is what I htought I was doing last week
Sam – you are smarter than that you creep all over this house you hear everything you see everything
Scottie- I wish
Sam – you are doing something far beyond me
Scottie – you are going to go back and watch this and be like that guys a idiot
12:33am Brett, Sam and Scottie
Scottie – the person I thought was on my team f*ing put me up
Brett – could have said I saw that coming
Scottie – I did not
Scottie says Fes told him to do that when they were in the HOH and he asked that question .(Wow voted rockstar)
SCottie – this whole game I’ve been nothing but honest..
Brett – to be honest I think Fes has been looking for a reason to take a shot at me and you this entire game we’re the only other people that I guess are friends with Haleigh
Brett – you far more than I am
They agree Fes wanted them out because of haleigh.
Scottie – I don’t understand why he is so far up my a$$ about the swaggy thing.. number 1, it’s not really a flip up because he’s going home regardless. 2, the week before he promised to take Steve down if he won the veto, him and swaggy both said they’re a$$es won the veto Steve stayed on the block.
Brett – what you are not getting.. he doesn’t give a sh1t
Scottie – I’m starting to realize that
Brett – Him and Haleigh are actually in a full blown showmance.. she sleeps up there..
Scottie – I’ve been told that she is playing me
Brett – I don’t know that
SCottie – I didn’t really want to believe it but when I picked her to play in the veto today she looked like she didn’t’ want no part in it..
Scottie – she HAD thave known i was going up and I asked her right before, I was like I have this weird feeling am I going up and she was like I don’t know
Brett – so that wasn’t a planned argument .. you didn’t know
Scottie – no I didn’t f*ing know .. that was just me being confused..
Brett – he also looked at me square in the face and said I promise to never put you on the block not even as the pawn..
SCottie brings up Fes telling him that BRett would put him and Scottie up, “He was trying to convince me it was me and him against you”
Brett – he’s been doing that the whole game assuming with Tyler..
Brett says he’s using the veto on himself..( LOL )
Scottie suspects Fes knows the truth but is just using all this vote flipping bullshit as an excuse to get him out
Scottie brings up that Brett even said “f* it” when he raised his hand and said he voted to keep rocks
they laugh
Brett – I had to get it out there..
They laugh some more
Scottie – that was so funny to me..
Brett – what do you think he’s going to do as the replacement
Brett – did he tells you he would take you down
Scottie – no he said maybe and I said don’t bother and I told him I was going to kick his a$$ in the veto
Brett – you did
SCottie – I keep finishing second in everything
Brett – dude the same I finally won one
SCottie – 6 in the last 7 competitions I’ve finished second based on what I know
SCottie assumes Fes will put up Tyler
Brett – that’s a alot of blood.. a lot of F*ing blood..
Scottie – how is him putting up someone that assumed he’s on his team with him not a lot of f*ing blood (yeah fes is dumber than rocks)
Brett – he already has a lot of blood
Scottie – he’s telling me he doesn’t have any… (LOL of course)
Scottie – how does he not think if I manage to stay and I win Head of household his a$$ isn’t going to be sitting there .. how is that not even a simple thought in his head..
Scottie – there’s no way Haleigh doesn’t know.. I picked her because I wanted to see the look on her f*ing face and I can beat her in a physical comp easy
Sam walks in “Have you figured out how to make it Haleigh yet” (BOOMO)
Brett – that’s one thing I can tell you for sure..
Sam – you can make it about me how she’s send her best friends home.. Bayleigh was because of her, Rockstar was because of her Fes is next.. pull back that all girls alliance thing she was ready to get rid of you …
SCottie – In my eviction speech.. Haleigh approached me about an all girls alliance .. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA)
they laugh.. .
Sam – just say that..
SCottie – there is no way he’s going to put her up ..
They list off a bunch of goofy things to tell Fes to get Haleigh on the block
Sam – Haleigh told me she’s going to get rid of Fes and Scottie
Brett – she gave you a H**** J**
Sam – that too which I’m sure she did (BLAMO)
Brett – listen man pop that cherry in the HOH room.. ok that;s bad that’s bad.. I mean your cherry because she kissed you and you haven’t kissed anyone
Sam – and because you were the HOH.. NO don’t do that.. somehow make it about how the all girls alliance is in the jury house now
Scottie says there is no way haleigh goes on the block this week
Sam – Why
Scottie – they are so close.. she’s spent every night in teh HOH
Sam – she was also bossing him around and sassing him whatever a couple weeks ago.. Treating him like a dog (sounded like Dawwwwwg)
Brett – yeah
Sam – it comes back to my HOH and he saved her.. I could be like PAY ME BACK
Sam – I let him do whatever he wantted to do
They hear a noise from over the fence
SCottie – is that a wookie
Brett – sounded like a cat
Sam continues to strategize on how to get haleigh on teh block. Brett and Scottie tell her that it’s not going to happen.
Scottie – he’s not putting Angela up .. he’s obsessed with her
Sam – she rejected him week 1
Scottie – he denies that
Sam – whatever
Brett – day 1 ..
Sam – Fes is precious.. I got to know real fes before y’all did
Sam thinks maybe Tyler will be the replacement ..
Scottie says he doesn’t think he has the votes against Tyler.
Brett mentions that Fes was saying if Rockstar goes JC is the new house pawn.
Scottie and Sam tell him JC is very close with Fes/Haleigh now
Brett – we’re running out of F* people.. to be honest you two know more than I f*ing know in regards to what he’s doing.
Scottie- I didn’t know I was going up.. and apparently I’m getting f*ing played
Brett – Same I was told straight to my face I promise I won’t put you up as a pawn
Sam – Ok, I could still be going up against you Scottie
Scottie – you could
Scottie thinks Fes will put up Tyler.
Sam tells them about the pitches for the all girls alliance
SCottie though it was all a ruse
Sam says it wasn’t goes on to explain ” they were going to throw you (Fes/Scottie) all under the bus in a hot minute”
Brett – who was pitching..
Scottie – let me guess.. was the H silent..
(Bayleigh, Haleigh and Rockstar)
Sam says Rockstar and Haleigh were like those two girls on talladega nights we are sky. Sam says she could never figure out which on of the two were the brains. Sam says Rocks was determined to talk game to her and went through all these steps to do it.
Sam laughs
2:30am Sam and Brett
Sam says Rachel liked Winston when she first came into the house. She spend the first day with him than something happened and she started liking Brett.
Brett says Rachel’s not the right girl for him.
2:50am Brent and Sam one on one + giggles..
3:43am Angela and Tyler…
8:48am zzzzzzz
10:14am Sam and Fes (WOW buckle up)
Sam – I need you to start playing and I need to start playing I am going to make a very strong recommendation
Sam – if you put Haleigh up as the replacement nominees I’ll quit smoking if she goes home.. haleigh is coming for me she’s always bossing you and Sassing you..
Fes – you think haleigh is coming for you
Sam – she is..
Sam – put Haleigh up and if she goes home I’ll quit smoking on national TV..
Sam – you want to play with me
Fes – I don’t play a lot of game with you
Fes says they haven’t really talked game in 61 days she’s asking him to jump ship on people now?
Sam – FEs moving forward haleigh has done all sorts of crazy things
Sam – god forbid she gets a power she’ll throw you up ..
Sam – She’s looking at you as a tool.. she takes the most from the house and contributes the least.. you really goign to give her a free ride so she can throw you away.. like a used tissues.. if you move forward you got to move forward on your own two feet.. she’s a dead weight
Fes – I didn’t see this one coming..
Sam – do you want to save my life.. If I make you a pinky promise.. do you want to push me over to sammy 2.0 ..
FEs – I didn’t see this offer coming
Sam – jsut say yes
Fes says he hasn’t talked game with Sam but she’s asking hm to jump ship on Haleigh
Sam – I’m not going to throw you away like some piece of trash..
Sam – we’ll load up all my cigarettes we’ll go to the storage room right after haleigh leaves.. wouldn’t that be great.. if you don’t do that no hard feelings I am not going to hate you.. I’m just suggesting band I thin kit would be fun
Sam – I’m freaking out now that I’m starting to play.. it’s exciting
Sam – nobody is tied to haleigh except for you and you can redeem yourself with SCottie.. then when the next HOH rolls around nobody is coming after you
Sam – Scottie cleaned this whole house what does haleigh do.. her HOH was wacked.. .Rockstar went home what the f* that was her person of so she said
Sam – do it fess.. do it for me..
Sam – Fes do it.. do it.. do it for me ..
Sam – you got me weather you knew it or not.. (lol Sam has a husband, kids and entire life with Brett and he never knew it)
Sam – will you please do that
Fes – I have to think it Sam
Sam – I don’t think you should think of it just promise and do it .. Haleigh will be tickled that you did something so gamey .. she’s crazy like that and she would do it to you
Sam demands a promise tells him he’ll have a stress free Sunday
Sam – she wants your clothes and your wins and then she’ll throw you away.. f* that..
sam says it would be great for the girls in the jury house to all be together and see Haleigh .
Sam – they thought they could use and abuse people..
Sam – it’s a hell of a deal
Sam puts up the Pinky… says if she stays she’ll still have Fes’ back and if she goes she’ll have his back and stop smoking..
Fes says he’s already Pinky promised with Sam last night .. “Cmon Sam this is my game too you got think about it you can’t just put me on the spot like that”
Sam – who are you putting up
Fes – I haven’t thought of that
Sam – now you don’t have to decision done..
out of the blue.. .
sam – there’s my little bird.. my white bellied bird.. so cute.. I love that little bird..
Sam – pinky promise me Fes.. and I’ll pinky promise you that I’ll quit smoking.. I’m serious don’t over think it.. Free yourself from the deicsion and free yourslef from that dead waight you’ve been dragging.. clinging to you .. ..
Fes – what kind of bird is that
Sam – I don’t know just a cutie.. I don’t know
SFes – Sam wow.. that’s a good offer
Sam – i know it’s great lets do it it’ll be fun all day awe’ll have our little secret..
Sam – tomorrow you put her up it’s like you blow up a ballon and let it go… she;ll go home
Sam – pinky promise me now and you don’t have to think about it anymore.. I’ve thought about it
Sam – fes she’s about to climb so far up yopur a$$ she’ll know what you have for breakfeast .. Fes.. pinky swear me now..
Sam says she cannot believe fes woke up early “thank you jesus”
Sam – give me that Pinky.. Fes.. lets do it…
Fes says if he takes haleigh out is that good for his game.
Sam – fes so help me god don’t think about it DO IT .. I see it in your heart you want to pinky promise..
Sam – do it.. give me that pinky
Fes tells her she’ll know if he’s taking her up on her offer. he needs time to think about it.
they hug it out..
After Sam's pitch #BB20 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/7IKfUwDq6R
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) August 19, 2018
Sam's campaigning to get FEs to put Haleigh up as the replacement #BB20 @DawgsBigBrother https://t.co/aXdHEa8ey1 pic.twitter.com/8E3nrBu0fa
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) August 19, 2018
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Have a triple eviction get rid of the dead wood and let the games begin.
This is getting monotonous already
Sort of like to savor this contrast of masterful gameplay against possibly the worst of all time! This epic on a historic level. I only wish there were more idiots, because we are running low in that department of late.
And Sam can go ahead and self evict. I think she is a good person but her rantings are reaching Rocks level.
Sam scurries up to HOH and begs Fess not to put her up.
Oh..I thought she wanted to leave a zillion times.
That’s what i was thinking about. Either she’s fooling them all, she’s bipolar or I dunno…both.
Both. First week I thought Sm was cute. Now I can’t stand her. Her * Everyone loves me*. her craziness. It’s a real turnoff
Same here she was my 2nd fave but now I can’t wait till she leaves!!
She just needs attention. She wants everyone to validate their feelings for her over and over. She talks about evicting herself because she wants everyone to tell her how much they like her. She is way too needy for me.
I want everyone to stop enabling her crazy. I want them to say ok go ahead and self evict next time she goes around attention seeking. I’m tired of her whining and bipolar
I wouldn’t go as far as to say she begged! She straight up told him not to put her up! She’s playing and you should stop hatin on the player.
I hope she is playing the game, and all of her weirdness is simply game play. It is one heck of a persona that she is putting out if she is…it would make Billy Bob Thorton applaud if it is an act.
I know I’m in a small boat here, but I still think she is a freaking genius and just playing everyone.
Is anyone else watching and getting a headache from how idiotic this guy is lmao its almost sad this game was given to Tyler or Jc thanks dumb asses lol.
I think I should quit watching until Fessy leaves. I lose IQ points every time I have to listen to him. At this rate I will be the same idiot he is. And whose kids is he teaching??
Seriously,this is boring,wake me when Fes and Haleigh are gone and the competition restarts.
Exactly, I’ve been saying that from the start, “he’s a teacher”? those poor kids. Bet parents will pull their kids from his class after watching him on this show. Thankfully he is only a substitute teacher, he doesn’t have kids for any length of time that could scar them..LOL
More proof the federal education system is absolutely failing our society.
There is no such thing as a federal educational system.
No one aspires to be a substitute teacher, this means he can’t get a full time job. He’s not teaching anyone’s kids, he’s babysitting them when the real teacher is absent. No benefits, paid by the day, no prep work. If he were a REAL teacher it would be grade/subject specific. Listening to him in the last few days I’m willing to bet he’s not an English teacher and I seriously hope he’s not K-8 b/c his command of proper grammar is frightening.
I know right? Hey no wonder my kid came home saying I don’t know what happened
He’s a SUBSTITUTE teacher. And the only qualification for substitutes in many places is an A.A. degree and a pulse.
Yeah but Scottie will be the real idiot test. If he convinces himself he’s safe and doesn’t try to absolutely blow up everybody’s game, then he’s the dumb dumb of the week.
He’s already shown the odds are on him being stunned when he’s evicted since the moment he was nominated by lobbying Fez and Haleigh, pledging his loyalty, and actually working to convince everybody that he was the lone losing vote for Rock…think about that, he’s on the block, facing voters who all voted against Rock and he wants them to think he opposed them. Haleigh will tell him he’s safe…and like everybody else she said was safe not named Kaitlyn, he’ll believe her and be evicted.
scottie wont believe hay.he is done with her. he knows he is going home. that is why he fed bret that info. bret wants fes out. i want fes out next week so hay can be alone with bret for the week. lol.
It is funny…. they are both not wrong. Not putting Tyler up is a threat to Haleigh. She isnt wrong that next week her and Fes could totally wind up on the block together.
But Fes is also not wrong (one of the few times in this game): They dont have the votes to get out Tyler…. i think every one in L6/5/4 and the two allied people are just down with getting everyone else out first and then fighting it out. The only person who might have the insight to try and take Tyler out now would be JC… but I just dont see him doing it…
Spot on here
Fes has suddenly realized he needs other people to advance but he still locks himself in the HOH room with Hay. Neither one realizes there is an alliance in the house so Fes thinks Ty and Angela are ripe for his alliance at the same time he desperately needs one. Hay already begged Ty for an alliance that would keep RS but then she had every intention of screwing him so naturally she doesn’t trust anyone.
So, the imperial Fes will ask for the alliance while Hay is downstairs trying to belatedly make friends and both will be next out. It’ll be fun to see their faces and how they scramble when they are put up.
Almost feels like Fessy joined Level 6
He wishes! Angela and Tyler aren’t going to go for his idea of them and Haleigh and Fez having a 4 person alliance either. Don’t see it happening, Fez. Maybe if you ditched Haleigh they might, I say might, work with you. You should put her on the block as the replacement nominee. Yeah, that’s the ticket…vote her out! She holding you back, big boy! Bwhaaaa!
There is no way they would let that level of stupidity into their alliance. He would find away to get them all evicted too while working against it.
He’s definitely working their plan without realizing it.
I hope zingbot tells Fes and Haleigh how naive they are. The worst decision makers in reality tv history
They’ll suffer quite awhile outside of the house with those zings 🙂
Next Week’s possible noms (Since this week is a wrap):
Tyler/Angela/Kaycee – Hayleigh as the target next to Fes with a pawn as a renom
Brett – Fes as the target next to Hayleigh with a pawn as a renom
Hayleigh – Angela next to Kaycee with Tyler as the backdoor target
JC – Hayleigh as the target next to Sam with Angela as a pawn renom
Sam – Probably will mirror either Tyler or Brett’s depending on which one has more sway at this point
The robot told brett if he wins hoh she wants him to put up angela and hailey.
It would be a better move than Fes putting up Scottie!
Sam would put-up Haleigh and Angela. She is way too insecure with those gals in the house and she wants all the male attention.
I may be wrong, but I can’t see brett putting hay up until a bit further in the game
You know when you watch those really old high school movies, theres that group of nerds that are always trying so hard to fit in with the cool kid. The nerds get the best grades (wins comps/powers), they are liked by the school, parents, teachers (the public/fans), and they have the means to make it far in life. They have a leader who can get them in line and give them a fighting chance (Swaggy). Except they want to be liked by the popular kids (Level 6). So as opposed to using their brains to work as a team, they are quick to believe whatever the popular kids say, they stop respecting their friendship and cut each other off one by one.
The best move Tyler made was getting Kaitlyn to nominate Chris, and vote him out. When pleading his case to jury thats all he had to lead with. He saw the threat (swag), saw the alliance, and he took out the only person that could rally the troupes.
Whatever the opinion of swaggy, he isn’t a follower. Even with the same limited amount of info that they all had he was able to put 2 and 2 to know who voted him out/were in alliance. The rest of foutte combined couldn’t do that.
I have been so irritated with the level of idiocy that foutte has displayed, but this has been a really good season thus far. The difficulty level has been EASY.
Yes, but the real talent is figuring it out BEFORE they vote you out. Swaggy was too sure of himself to worry about that.
Anybody got a recap of what ZINGBOT had to say? Had to cancel feeds…it sucks. Laptop down. All I have now is 8″ Kindle Fire. Better than nothing, but I am jonesing (?) for info. HELP!!!
The shut-down the feeds for Zingbot, but there was a little talk about it when the feeds were on. All I know is that Angela was zinged for having no emotions and no heart; Sam was zinged for being crazy. I haven’t heard anything about the other houseguests.
And Tyler is a douche…zingbot said
Brettwas the douche.
Sorry your right, Brett was the douche. They are so much alike I got the names confused lol
Jc zing… the only think thicker than your accent is your back hair. Zziiinnngg
Zingbot intel:
Sam was called crazy
Faysal was accused of leaving all kids behind (substitute teacher)
Tyler has zits on his face
Brett was called a douche
Angela (What San-Diego-Gal said)
Kaycee ?
Haleigh ?
Scottie ?
JC ?
They aren’t talking about it as much as I expected.
I think Haliegh and Scottie’s were similar- who has blond hair and blues eye and obsessed with Fessy (Haleigh) Brett (Scottie)
Seems like Kaycee’s had to do with her saying “let’s go”. She says it a lot. But the others do as well. Maybe it started with Kaycee. But I heard her saying she didn’t even realize she says it that much.
kaycee: let’s go. nothing else.
haleigh: hoh more tragic than hamlet.
scottie: blond/blue with a fixation on brett…. scottie (everyone expected haleigh)
jc: back hair thicker than his accent.
I think Zingbot told Brett “You’re fresh, you’re clean, you’re a douche.”
I got a zing for you…..
Haleigh – You’re such a good friend, a giver of gifts. You wrapped up Rockstar and Scottie’s game with two HOH’s! Ziiiiiiing
Fes- The NFL didn’t draft you because it took almost an entire season for you to score a touchdown with Haleigh. ZIIINNNGGGGGGGG
Cheers you morons.
Hahahahaha! Love it!
Wow Hope…u continue to impress
How come fes knows that he won’t have the votes to get out Tyler all of a sudden?
He’s always worried about the stupid vote. can’t seem to figure out who voted out who.
So now he knows where the votes are?
Why couldn’t he have figured that out a day or two ago?
That’s too many numbers to figure out for him. He can only count as far as one hand goes.
I just think he assumes now that wounded bird lamb is protected by everyone
The “geniuses” in The Hive/Foutte ALWAYS know everything about everything when they have the HOH. When one of them is the HOH, they get power mad/drunk and feel like they are (one of the season’s favorite misused words) ‘entitled’ to know every aspect of every single person’s game, with their complete, undivided loyalty.
Are we sure some of these people have actually watched the show??? I think some of them didn’t pay very close attention…..
JC gave him and Hay a run down of the house as far as he knows it and he realizes Tyler is protected while still not knowing about L6. He is the one who cast shade on Scottie which set up this eviction.
I think we missed out one part of the conversation. It actually went like this:
Fes – I said the most part I trust Haleigh.
Haleigh – You dumb f***, why couldn’t you just say I trust Haleigh?!
Fes – becuz I am a dumb f***
The irony is that final 2 in the comp were Brett and Scottie. BUT….HAYLEIGH found Scotties veto.
Apparantly Scottie looked very nervous..but has admitted that he spent quite a bit of his time pouring stuff on people’s clothes. He also poured oil everywhere.
OK..way to have people hurt themselves. And Scotty is SO proud of the re-telling.
He’s not shy about showing his anger.
I don’t know what will happen when Sam is on the block.
I have said for WEEKS that she is acting about evicting.
Think Scottie is mean?
Wait until Sam is cornered….going to throw everyone under the bus.
I’ve thought all along some of these guys had better sleep with one eye open. If she really does have a thing for Brett, L6 needs to start protecting their Bro. They may wake up one morning to find his bed empty, only to find Sammy walking around the house holding hands with her life-size Brett doll, made adoringly out of unused blankets, stuffed with dryer lint, his real hair cut and pasted on the head, his Power of Veto hanging around it’s neck, his pecks and abs drawn on lovingly with bronzer, wearing his favorite shorts.
. Haleigh – Why don’t you just play this game for Angela. Why don’t you find out what is most beneficial for her.. and then do that move. That’s what I want you to do Fessie! Fes – are you done!?
Hay has finally discovered Fezzy logic.
Said by Haleigh, who is solely responsible for Bay and RS going home.
Oh the irony!!!
How is Haleigh solely responsible for them going home?
The plan was always to backdoor Bayleigh because of her power app, doesn’t matter if there was a hacker or not.
With Rockstar yes, it was her HOH but she had no control over what happened with the hacker app.
Around 8:40PM, HOH room:
Fes to Haleigh: “Brett was so hyped, I actually felt good for him. You know what? Good for you, Brett. You won some shit. 60 days later. FINALLY SOMETHING WENT HIS WAY!”
I’m dying.
He basically got blindsided EVERY f ing week. He was speechless at Brett staying both times he was OTB on Thursday. He laughed at how bad his alliance was, calling them the Bad News Bears. And still, now he feels like finally something went Brett’s way? Dude’s going to need a slow and careful therapy to explain to him just what went on during this season.
What an incredible moron. I’m speechless. Is this denial, or… amnesia?!?
I was thinking the other day that even when Fessy watches the show back, he still won’t understand what happened this season.
No he will not…someone will need to put together all the moments in chronological order with cause and effect diagrams and many pauses and flashbacks for him to get it. But who can spare 4 years to drill the basic concepts of BB 101 that has that sort of patience.
He received a degree is Psychology.
They should revoke it.
I’ve been told, by a nephew with a degree in Psychology, that it’s the degree field for those NOT looking for an education.
I think mostly amnesia as fuzz forgets everything from the previous week…but there also is a certain level of denial
Hay should take Fezzy for a walk…….in a hockey helmet and a leash.
I’m like a fat kid with cake – I am eating this season up with a big spoon. I LOVE that everything Production has likely pushed has failed. Even if they were pushing for Tyler, he’s turned out to be nothing like they pegged him (the surfer dude, fun laid back). He’s smart, calculating, reserved, controlled. You have to give L6 credit that even when their best friends and alliance members were put up together on the block together, and clearly one was going home, they shuffled their plans and made the best out of a bad situation, and still left a big mark on the other side. Taking in side members, NEVER revealing the real secrets. Not one of them! I can’t wait to see this Veto comp.
I also think it’s time for Sam to go. I’ve liked her and still do – not going to judge someone who is cracking under the pressure and showing their worst vulnerable side. But to see her make it to the end would be a disappointment for me. She hasn’t worked that hard for it. I think she’s using some strategy, but it’s peppered with alot of melt downs, bad temper, withdrawals, insecurities and paranoia, time to go.
Can’t wait til Fez & Haleigh are on the block together. For all the talk about “floaters”, Fez has stayed for weeks being clueless and waiting for directions come eviction day. There’s always just been a bigger target (smarter target). As for their fights, Haleigh may sometimes be on the right track, but she still ends up with the worst results. Fez doesn’t have a clue and is so easily manipulated, and he’ll do no worse for them than she has. Their conversations with each other bore me. I have to fast forward.
Good for Brett – they didn’t like him as a light hearted goofy “Bro” – now he’s the “Douche”. Talk about 9 lives. He’s not given nearly as many personal digs as he’s received, mostly behind his back. And he’s in is 20’s. Par for the course. Weather he takes himself off the block or stays, it will still do the intended damage. Everything FAUTE/Hive/Fezzie’s Angels/Whatever wanted to be (“loyal”, “ride to the end”, and my least disgusting favorite “who I’m gonna f*** with”) is Level 6.
I agree with just about everything.But not about Sam. I liked her first week..but basically she’s a rat. Granted..a crazy rat. NO loyalty to anyone.
Told Tyler in the bathroom that she was always planning on being final 2…and never planned on going anywhere.
That she will be a terrible final 2 for him..because everyone loves HER.
I hate conceit/
I hope she’s gone very soon. Her act is beyond old and cringe worthy
I think you are right – I just saw (After Dark) her conversation with Fezzy. There are some shady conflicting pinky swears going on here. Her Pinky Swears with Tyler & Brett are definitely in conflict (double final 2). With Fez just now, what the heck was that? Would LOVE to know what some of these DR sessions entail.
She’s dumb like a fox slippery like an eel
Her name is sam quick with a pinky deal
Cool with Girls in love with the boys
Just dont mess up her homemade toys
Sometimes a spider, she Is a bit of a reb
Males should be wary of the sticky web
Her plan all along is to cook and clean
She makes demands without being mean
Guest leave her alone to get her later
Thinking they are her favorite tater
So safe from Sam they simply turn
She will hug goodbye whomever they burn
When it’s down to six watch out ya’ll
She is not crazy it’s just a southern drawl
Mark my words it’s going down
When times right she may win the crown.
Well said.
Agree. I remember when Kaycee and Angela were on the block together. Kaycee said it’s a game, it is what it is. We just have to go out and win hacker and veto. Angela agreed. When Tyler took Angela down, Kaycee was fine. They are playing a good game and working together well as a team. Their alliance name suits them.
Tyler’s Mom said he does not know how to surf. He is lives in Ohio, not California. He would be a really good actor.
He’s a lifeguard at Beach in SC during summers. Not much surfing on east coast anyway.
He grew up in a small town across the river from Toledo. He lives in Hilton Head now.
He’s from Ohio but lives in South Carolina.
He is from Ohio but he moved to Hilton Head, SC and still lives there. Angela is from Hilton Head (my fav vacation spot) but moved to California.
Very well said. I’ve liked and been rooting for brett since the 2nd or 3rd day. I feel like he’s taken way more than he’s dished and he’s evolved as a player. I don’t think he’s been even a quarter as mean as people have made him out to be. With the exception of rachel, he’s only been mean to people who attacked him on a personal level first. My only correction to this post is…I think you meant to say “whether”, not weather. Totally kidding…I hate the grammar police, I just couldn’t resist.
Regardless what they promise, If L4 wins next week- Hay and Fezzy go up and its double eviction.
I don’t know where everyone’s getting it’s a DE next week. Julie always let’s us know and she hasn’t mentioned it yet.
First thing I thought when I saw the pic of Fez and Haleigh with his hand on her throat was…..just a little twist, snap that neck and she shuts up! The look on his face kinda confirms that! LOL
Fes- I said us working as a four could clean out the 3 middle people. The only thing is I don’t know how Angela feels about Kaycee.
Houston we have a problem. Fezzy The Teacher can NOT math. Fezzy thinks hay and himself are a team. Fezzy thinks Angela and Tyler are a team. Assuming scottie is gone, that leaves KC, Brett, Sam and JC in the middle. That would be 4 in the middle not 3. He does not even consider that anyone else is in L6 even though the votes always go that way????? Even when the hive has the HoH????
It’s not Fuzzy Math, it’s Fezzy Math 🙂
Used to substitute when teachers were out. He said he mostly bar tends at one of the bars near universal.
If he was a full time teacher I would pull my children out of the school.
Subs have no power, they are there a day or a half a day.
Sam admits o Tyler that she has always wanted to be in Final 2 and has not planned on going ANYWHERE.
And why does Tyler want to be in final 2 with her..because she is a terrible final 2 because everyone likes HER.
There you have it folks.
No one votes out Sam because they feel bad about evicting the crazy.
And..Sam FIRMLY believes she’s going to be final 2 and voted the winner. Because she’s SO LOVED, dontja know?
OMG..if that happens….every future BB will be people acting like loons.
PLEASE no “escaped mental patient” 2.0
Last season was about a dominant player who took an escaped mental patient to the end. We need something different for final 2 this season.
I’m not expecting fun times for Scottie in Jury House.
Bay will go on and on about Swags.
Rocks will go on and on about white, privelaged bitches and Brett.
I know…this is the first time this whole season I will feel for rat
Zingbot: Fezzy I see you made your nominations based on who you think wants to butter your muffin instead of winning the game zing
It wouldn’t kill Brett to keep nominations the same and give a sweet speech to keep him, that way no one has to make a deal with Fes and Haleigh…
Or Brett could go make a deal with Fes and Haleigh and he keep the noms the same so Tyler and Angela doesn’t have to. He could always say that his ride or die Rockstar always wanted him to work with them. Lmao
Level 6/5/4 reign supreme for another week
So let me get this straight. KAycee poured on the clothes… Fessie poured sugar on top then SCottie poured oil all over that???? SMH
Idk if Sam is mentally ill or playing the game in a very odd way. Either way, watching her makes me uncomfortable and I don’t like it.
It may be a little bit of both. Like, she’s smart, intuitive in alot of ways. But she’s also crazy (curb stomp, slut shaming, odd affection for all the guys, scary mood swings), and she’s learned to use it all to her advantage through tears, guilt, manipulation. If the walls to The Sugar Shack could talk.
STill reeling that the Hive is targeting one of their own…..wtf?…..and SO fkng tired of Sam! She “ hates” liars so she proclaims, but is deceitful as hell along with being a head case.Her grandiose ideas of being F2 and “ everyone will vote for me because they love me!” I find her most annoying right now and is a major boil on the game’s ass
10,000 points for your posting name LOL
Sam just told Scottie and Brett that people in the DR tried to take back what Zingbot said. ( That’s she’s f***ing crazy)
Welll…yeah. I’m sure they said that. They must have had to dip DEEP into the meds to calm her. Who knows WHAT she threatened to do.
In the meantime though..as per usual…Sam having long deep convos with the soon to be evicted houseguest.
Gotta think about those jury votes when she’s final 2..don’t ya know.
Sam put the crack pipe down!!! Brett is never going to use the veto on scottie n stay on the block so fez has to put another of his teammates up n see if he wld get voted out just so u can hear another sweet speech!!!
WOW Fez must of rubbed of on Sam with that non sense Sam was spitting out to Scottie…
Hay was pissed Sam went up n told Fez not to put her up and Hay wants her gone bad…
If Sam tries to get Fessy to put up Haleigh she may just wind up on the block.
I hope she does…just to see the drama of that!
UPDATE*** SAM IS DOING IT!! 10:18 AM Sunday…she is talking to Fez in the BY telling him to put up Haleigh!!! Let the Sh%t storm begin!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
I wish we could fast forward getting Fessy and Haleigh out of the house and then having JC and Sam on the block together. That’s what I’m looking forward to.
As Sam is wooing Scottie for her Jury Vote….and again saying how she will give her self evict speech ( same one she’s said to Tyler, Bay, Rocks, JC, Brett) I was thinking. WOW. These players want to stay so badly..so even though I know she’s lying..they don’t. They must feel all kind of something to hear this.
In the meantime…….Sam is running Hay into the GROUND to Brett and Scottie.
Sam HATES Hay with a passion.
What’s priceless is that Brett looks like he is going to break into laughter all the time…he goes RED with holding it in.
Scottie now hating Hay.
Sam is actually pretty evil. And..I don’t know what meds she’s on..but she can’t stop talking.
Mostly it’s about her, herself and Sam. How REAL she is. How she can’t lie.
Whoo Girl.
Hay hears about this and wins HOH….pack your bags.
Watching Brett, Scottie and Sam in BY. Funny as hell. Sam has idea to save Scotty by convincing Fessy to put up Haleigh. No joke. Hilarious with Scottie and Brett. Brett is laughing and tells Sam he’ll literally chain smoke her entire pack of cigarettes if she can pull that off.
That would be an HISTORIC move I she can do that I want her to the win and I never been her fan
It would be historic. I could see Fes and Haleigh believe the are that good and that smart that they would try it. Right out of the Maven playbook. We all know how far that playbook took those two!
So….Late at night…Sam says to Brett and Scottie that she has huge sway with Fess and is going to convince him to………….
Wait for it ………
*crickets *…
Im wondering if Sam is actually gay and bullshitting about being into Brett so he protects her
RE: Sam: a case study
Sam entered the house after cheating on her boyfriend and getting dumped by him. She feels undesirable and needs male attention and male approval. Since she has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old tomboy, it hurts her to see men she likes with other girls. She wants to see the other girls as evil or slutty. She imagines her little brother being hurt by one of these sluts and she just wants to “curb stomp” women like that. Keep in mind she was just dumped for cheating on HER boyfriend. Her strategy for making it to the end going in was simply to “charm people” and to be the best maid and cook possible. I do not know if she had psychiatric problems going in but she must be experiencing extreme anxiety and insecurity bordering on paranoia. It is entirely possible that her threats to self-evict are simply a strategy to gain special favors (cigarettes, calls to her family, etc) while everybody else is sleeping in the morning. Every child knows that if she cries adults will spoil her with extra attention and gifts and be inclined to be more gentle and forgiving. Meanwhile there is a cunning side to Sam and she has done a far better job of jury management and being nice to people on the way out to the jury house than everybody else in the house (by a long shot). She is the only one who voted for Bayleigh to stay! She was Rockstar’s close friend and Rockstar felt like her mentor and protector. If they do not get Sam out and she makes final 2, it will be ESCAPED MENTAL PATIENT 2.0 for the win. IF Tyler has the same idea as Paul from last season and wants to take the escaped mental patient to final 2, it probably won’t end well for Tyler. In all likelihood, Tyler takes Angela to final 2.
Is this real? Like about her history just b4 bb?
Rockstar told Haleigh sone tHing on After Dark about “Sam cheated on her man” before coming to the house. That’s all I heard, the camera switched scenes to other houseguests. Live feeders may have heard more.
Can someone explain how the self-evicting process works? Why do people say Sam “tried” to self evict? Last year wasn’t Meg in the house for like a week or two then self-evicted because the other houseguests’ behavior was triggering past trauma for her? Yet Sam has talked about self evicting a lot, is acting way more unhealthy mentally and they just seem to keep doping her up and sending her back in. Does she have to meet some kind of criteria to leave? Or do they just keep talking her in to staying? Didn’t Kaitlyn “try” to self evict? None of it makes sense.
There was a girl (military background) who left the game beginning of Paul/Josh season. Josh started calling her out as shady out of the blue (you know how aggressive he was). She some PTSD & left. Evil Dick left 2nd time because he received shocking health info about his blood tests.
Yeah, the military girl’s name was Megan. She’s the one I mentioned. I just wonder why she left so quickly and other players, like Sam, don’t.
Everybody keep saying “they’re playing Swaggys game” What was his game? To be stupid? To beleive to everything JC says? I’m confused LOL
If Tyler never had Kaitlyn to put Swaggy on the block. this would have been a totally different game and Jc, tyler, and Angela would have been gone already. so tyler made the game of what it is now by getting Swaggy out.
Can I just punch Fes in the face.
Sam’s voice – nails on a chalkboard
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, even though I didn’t REALLLLYYY think it would happen:
“2 hivesters taken out during 2 consecutive hive reigns…the perfect example of incompetence”
Hide and Go Veto
Angela hid hers in the oven after wrapping it with aluminum foil. She covered it with coffee grounds to make it look like burnt crap at the bottom of the oven. Tyler found Angela’s veto card first.
Brett moved all the furniture he could into the Have Not room to barricade his hidden veto card (this is what won him the veto). He said he didn’t touch the kitchen.
Scottie dumped all the liquids (including the oil, which is something I would never have done…way too hard to clean up and it stains clothing) and broke the glass ornaments in the living room when he pulled up the rug. I’m not sure where he hid his veto card because he wasn’t talking about it.
Faysal dumped the sugar everywhere after seeing the milk spilled all over. He hid his in the dead space behind a drawer in the bathroom by the sink, but broke the wood in the process. Faysal did the least amount of cleaning and actually went into the HOH (said he was going to sleep but her really just talked with JC) for most of the cleaning time. (he reminds me so much of my son). I think Haleigh found his.
I think Haleigh hid hers in the cushions. She was mad about the sugar and milk (and other liquids) spilled everywhere.
Tyler hid his veto card in Sam’s clothes because he was sure everyone would be too afraid to look through her things (he says he folded them back up to look like they hadn’t been touched). I think Scottie found that one.
Imagine what JC would have done. Crikey.
It sounds like BB has a lot of rules about where they can’t hide their veto card. Faysal said it has to be below the waist. I suppose that’s to keep them from climbing. It also sounds like the Geo room was off limits for some reason.
It’s my opinion that Scottie and Faysal went too far with the destruction, but that’s what the HIde and Go Veto has been like ever since James’ unforgettable food dump season. Scottie said he dumped the liquids to slow people down, which means he knew people would eat it trying to run through. That’s a level of devious I hadn’t expected from Scottie. Brett, Haleigh, and Tyler all described pretty nasty falls. It’s amazing there aren’t broken bones.
Thanks granny.
Granny I love reading your input about the game and house guests.
Agreed which most of what you said except that Scottie hid his under wh bathroom sink and Haighley found his. The bottom drawer would not close fully and that’s what prompted her to look under. Scottie spilled milk all the way to the bathroom in hopes that people would not lay on the wet floor and look under neath the sink.
Fessy hid his in the blue room behind Kacee’s dresser. Not sure who found his.
Can’t wait to watch the veto on Wednesday.
Granny you think Brett will wear his veto necklace till the veto meeting? As he mentioned to Angela and Tyler last night lol.
Thanks for clearing that up. 🙂
Nah, I think he has already gotten tired of BB telling him to move his necklace away from his microphone.
Everyone saying how Sam could be bi-polar, she swings from side to side in the house. Didn’t Julie say there was going to be a twist soon? Here’s a thought. They haven’t done the twin twist in a long time. She is in DR more often and longer then the rest. What if she has an identical twin and BB throws that into the house?
And one twin’s in love with Brett and the other’s in love with Tyler!
I was away for a week and see that Fes put up Scottie. OK I am finally done with Hive. I can’t make excuses for a group that keep going out the door not knowing what happened. Fes only put up the two guys Hayleigh was talking to. And if Hayleigh isn’t smart enough to see this man will rule through his own jealousy, then see deserves him.
It gets better. Swaggy C is declaring that Swayleigh and Fayleigh are going on vacation together once the game is over.
I’m sure Haleigh will enjoy this Mensa vacation.
Hayleigh won’t go. She doesn’t actually like Fes that way. She will do what she needs to for her game. If their relationship gets her on the Amazing Race then maybe she will stay. But the smart move is to run as fast as she can away from this mess. If Scottie goes, I hope Fes is the next one out the door for doing this. No one likes a jealous man.
Funny…but how has swaggy even talked to fuzz, bay, or hay? fuzz and hay weren’t together when swags left
JC has more power over Fessy than Haleigh. Scottie is OTB because of JC. Rockstar is going to lose it when Scottie tells her how he got there. This is so entertaining.
Except Scottie (& Fez) doesn’t know JC & L6 orchestrated getting Fez to target Scottie and Fez fell hook line & sinker because… Well, he’s Fez, but he wants any got home who shows Haleigh attention. So like RS & Bay, Scottie will go to Jury because of the L6 & JC alliance they still don’t really know about.
I kept tellin ya…they are quite the collection of very dimly-lit bulbs lol
There’s Sam last night with Scotty securing Jury vote #3. I’m hoping either Ang, JC or Hay win HOH and put her up and out. Only those three would do it. She needs to go.
KC & Brett would put up Fes and Hay with Sam up if one came down.
I think Ty won’t try to win first first HOH, but if DE go hard for the 2nd.
Sam would put up her competition for male attention – Hay and Ang. And along with Sam, Hay and Ang would put up each other.
I missed some conversations last night so I’m going back to fill it all in. Check the main post in an hour.
be careful when you are reviewing the sam/brett/scottie talk. don’t hurt yourself laughing.
it was most def a hoot hahaha
Scottie – I would be so surprised I wouldn’t know what to do. I still can’t believe he (Fes) put me up. I was legitimately on his team.
Apparently Hay and fezzy have a different concept of team…..
Tyler is dry humping Angela??? WTF!
No one listened when i said sam was a nutcase. who is clueless about the game but trying the clueless strategy. i also mentioned sam put up kaitlyn and hayleigh out of jealously. no one listened. i said sam is stool for tyler and playing his game. no one listened. everyone loves sam. i said her true colors will show. i had a bunch of thumbs down. well nice to see im vindicated. feeds tell a lot
is it jealousy? I thought it was more disgust. if, as sam says, she thinks about the younger girls watching, she doesn’t want them to think the only way a woman can win is to be sexually manipulative. Add that their targets of manipulation were two of the men she was in a (real to her) three person alliance with… she was protecting her interests in the game by not being pushed out of her alliance by two flirty interlopers.
but then, we could all just pretend the episode edit excluding each of kaitlyn and haleigh flirting with the same four guys in a roundabout circle is reality.
I agree. It was disgust.
it was jealousy. do u want the clip. i have feeds. she told rockstar she was jealous of hay. she admitted to being jealous of the girls. hay spends a lot of time with bret and sam likes Bret. kaitlyn spent all her time with tyler and sam likes tyler
Sounds like no one is still listening.
Nope. You are not vindicated. you are still a dumba$$. and I down voted you again!
Hay told fes on feeds after noms that night that she think he made a mistake. she said there are a group of people working together and it was a bad idea. everytime she says something the idiot fes shoots her down. he says you are questioning me andmaking me feel bad. he says have faith hay. they started arguing. yesterday she told him tyler and jc were talking for 35 minutes. idiot says well thats a good thing. he is probably the dumbest player in the history of this game. he should have been on bb19
evil dick had a pretty good tweet about here recently…
Really ? Ya just can’t write this stuff. I can’t see her cheating though are you sure it wasn’t other way around it would explain a lot
Is it just me…and not to be mean..but does Fessie seem to get uglier and uglier every day he’s there? I didn’t think him attractive from day one, but he seems to get worse
Tyler will try to get bret out at top5. he told jc this. bret needs to try to keep scottie and go against tyler if he wants a chance. it is clear he is the scapegoat in that group. if bret, hay and sam vote to keep scottie fay would break the tie. scottie, bret and sam just has to lie to him and say they wont come after him
Wow Sam is pitching fez to edict Hayleigh and come with him on live feeds. Is she crazy or brilliant? Seriously she maybe putting herself up for eviction.
Brett could say “Heileigh gave him a Handy” during there time alone. Fes is that dumb, he’ll put her up.
Faysals boner wants relief, so don’t think this will work: Faysal And Sam in BY. Sam tells Faysal she’s ready to play the game, will he play with her? Faysal says Sam never talks game with him. Faysal says Rockstar hardly talked game with him, she was “just there” and said Rockstar had told him Sam was ready to play.
10:19 AM Faysal to Sam: Whoo wee – I didn’t see this one comin’! Faysal says he has to think about her offer. Sam wants to know what Haleigh has to offer Faysal going forward. Sam says she would never go after Faysal and Haleigh will go after him.
Sam, in BY with Faysal, lights up & says she’s freakin’ out now that she hatched this plan – it’s weird! It’s exciting!
Is anyone watching the conversation between Fes and Sam? Sam is trying to get him to put up Haliegh.
Oh my! Turn on your feeds… Sam is hard selling Fessy to put Haleigh on the block, send her to jury, and team up with Sam!!
Floaters- Sam JC are in big trouble after veto and scottie goes. L4 will move on Hay and Fezzy this week. After that L4 moves on Sam and JC. So Sam and JC have to realize that after Hay and fezzy are gone, they will probably be next. They cant make a stand after Hay and fezzy are gone. Its likely L4 would want to get rid of the floaters next. so not sure how long sam and jc can wait to make a move. Trying to breakup L4 is a long shot. I think they need to consider working with dumb and dumber……
Love your handle..cracks me up everytime I see it. I actually feel like this is the first season without any floaters. Rat was a floater for a period but then he solidified with the hive, til now. I feel like jc and sam are not part of L6 but are def aligned with them.
She is so pushy, she just won’t stop.
They need to put Haleigh and Fessie straight up next week; no backdoor. I was convinced before that in such a case Fessie would go all out to win veto then give it to her. I’m even more convinced of that now because if she’s voted out she goes to jury, alone with Scottie for a week.
HAHAHA OMG soooo true. The thought of her in jury house wit rat is enough to make him use his veto on her
Feeds are on fire this morning!!!
Feeds are on fire this morning!!!!!
OMG Sam is SO awkward!
Please evict her soon she needs serious mental help!
Her pitch to Fessi was so stupid I cannot..
It is so stupid that it could actually work with Fes. He has been paranoid about trust or the lack of it the whole game. He could put Haleigh up. He is that stupid.
Never could have seen that coming.
And Fes is still thinking “If I only had a brain”.
Fes – I’d like to buy a vowel….
Scotty put vegetable oil on the floor during the POV comp? Hay says to Angela. That’s Nancy Kerrigan shit says Hay, Angela and Tyler. Brett barricaded with mattress the room where his card was at. DING!!!! One item on Brett’s resume to be the winner. Still Tyler and JC by far are front runners. Tyler for winning comps and critically thinking what would be the best moves without exposing his game to other people. Managing multiple deals deftly without anyone finding out. JC is not comp related but his sabotage skill are second to none. He has spread so much disinformation to the Hive they’re buzzing around not knowing what is going on. He has been able to convince the Hive that it is always one of them that has flipped. There is an internal problem within their alliance. Making them distrust one another so much it has destroyed the Hive’s side of the House completely. Well Done. JC.
I also think his eviction night speech on rocknado’s daughter’s bday is another one for his resume. It sewed enough doubt in the hive about her to keep them off balance. And now…IF rat is evicted this week…that will be brett’s third notch for his resume. Overall loyalty to his alliance will also be looked upon favorably
Sam is a wacko
Who thinks Sam just got herself put on the block ? She may have just saved Scottie this week. Just wow.
She might go on the block but Scottie is still gone; L6 doesn’t play the way the other’s have.
You’re absolutely right. I think it for sure might get her otb because fuzzball will be threatened by this “attack” on hay. But L6 will in no way keep the rat.
Guess it would come down to who is better to keep around. Crazy or Rat !! She’s so dang volatile I’m just not sure what they would do. It’s a ton of work keeping her on their side. Lol
True…on the one hand…keeping rat is dangerous because he’s a rat. But keeping crazy 2.0 is scary because of how hard she’s worked her jury votes. Right now I want the rat gone, but I’m goin back and forth
Last night in the BY was BB golden
Yep…one of my fave BY nights on bb since that late night pool party. I forget which season but it was the one wit that crazy barista from oregon, I think her name was natalie
Oh if Fes put up Hayleigh I would be so happy. His two (only) allies would be on the block together because of him and they would hate him when he ends up walking out the door. Swaggy better stop planning that vacation together because the moment she goes up is the moment she stops talking to him. Anything to save Scottie.
Sam’s pitch to Fes, PRICELESS…
Just thinkin back to….
Fuzzball: “I’m not letting this HOH turn into another monkey f*c*”
Seems like that’s exactly what this turned into and HE is the one who did it lmao :p
What? Oh, if DA Fes does what Sam is suggesting……Or if DA Fes runs up at tells Hay what Sam suggested, either way, this could be fun!
Hey y’all! Julie Chen gave an interview to Entertainment Weekly and had this to say about Angela:
“I think with Angela, she’s just a mean girl but doesn’t even realize it. She’s probably just a truly unhappy person, which is sad. I don’t think her petty, mean comments towards Rockstar were really about Rockstar; it was about her own unhappiness with who she is or where she’s currently at in life. I think she just needs to grow up.”
W H O A! Chen has no chill… and I LOVE IT! The first sentence was a killer already but then Chen basically rolled over Angela… and she deserves everything Chen said. It’s been a month already that this girl has been very annoying and what I dislike about her is that aloof and blasé looks especially during her DR segments. To her fans, sorry but not sorry. While some of you used her as example of “class,” Chen has eloquently summarized her attitudes as crass. She should definitely follow my previous advice and marry rich ASAP since looks tend to fade rather quick and she seems truly talentless. Bye Felicia!
I’m not going to call it fake news, but I can’t imagine how a class act like Julie Chen would pass judgement like that and make no mention of the hatred that rocknado fostered in that house. I would not go and defend comments by ang that some interpret as being mean, but she most certainly has been classy and I can think of a couple others that I would characterize as mean girls b4 her.
Nope she said it: https://ew.com/tv/2018/08/18/big-brother-julie-chen-jury-house-show/
Julie should try pschyoanalyzing her own husband. The guy has been sexually harrassing and nailing strange booty for decades. Get your own f@cking house in order you b@tch!
The interview is online. I’m actually wondering if Julie ever watches the show she hosts. Clearly she hasn’t seen all the NASTY things RS said about Angela. Maybe Julie was referring to the wrong Angela. SMH
So using Julie’s logic, i guess your comments about Angelia are really about your own fading beauty and lack of talent.
And why should Angela marry rich? She’s seems to be doing pretty good on her own. You must be projecting again.
imagine the indecision of house guests if the choice is sam v. scottie
on the one hand… sam. who the house views as crazy.
on the other hand… scottie. who has already been down this haleigh is the devil road once before when he was in danger, only to jump back to her as soon as she bats her lashes at him.
Sam is bold! Wow!
No way Fes goes for that…wait its Fes…i guess we have to wait and see. But likely Sam just got herself nominated. She won’t go home, because Scottie is an actual comp threat, but she is at least starting to play. Unfortunately, its a Fes type move.
Sam is either delusional or a f@cking genius. She knows fezzy is pu$$y whipped. She knows fezzy will tell Hay. Hay and fezzy will then put up sam. Scottie still goes home. L4 is impressed by sam’s move. L4 picks up Sam as a fifth wheel and she dodges the block for 3 more weeks. She also freezes out JC. If her move works the next evictions are fezzy, hay and JC. Or she is bat sh@t crazy…….
OMG!! I think this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard/read…. What the hell is wrong with Sam? How the hell does her quitting smoking help Fes’s game and why does he care that she smokes? That has got to be the stupidest deal ever in the history of Big Brother….and if Fes’s takes her up on this lame deal he will become the worst player in Big Brother history.
I know…I was like, how does u quitting smoking improve fuzzball’s game in any way…you’re not talkin to your parents or a doctor
Fezzy already holds that title…