Haleigh “There’s a rumor that Joe is fake just so you can flirt around as much as you want”

POV: FES Next POV: July 21st
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 23rd
HOH: Sam Next HOH: July 26th
Noms: Kaitlyn and Haleigh Rockstar Have Nots Scottie, Rachel, Bayeligh, Kaycee

11:15pm Hammock. Angela, Kaycee and Brett. Angela – Don’t say anything. Say I am waiting to hear from the house. And then when someone is like well who is going to make the decision say I am not doing it. Keep putting it off and end the conversation. They can’t force it out of us. And as long as we don’t lie, we never told a lie. Brett – So Bayleigh is 100% on? Kaycee – that’s what she’s saying. Brett – I am shocked! I really am. Like that she doesn’t want to kick Kaitlyn out the door. Angela – she does, but we sold it to her as Rockstar this week and Kaitlyn next week because its an easy target to get out next week and then we’re all in jury. Kaycee – and I am telling Bay that if you vote to keep Kaityn she is going to know you voted to keep her. Brett so we are positioning Haleigh against Bayleigh? Angela – yes. Right now Kaitlyn has been throwing out Sam’s name, Haleigh’s name and Fes’s name. Brett – and my name. They both are throwing out my name. The only thing that was remotely good about that is if she was stupid enough to put Tyler and I up .. the odds of one of us taking the veto .. Tyler is a f**king savage. Angela – do we pin the all girls alliance on Rockstar this week? Just so JC gets mad at her? Brett – that’s not a bad idea. Kaycee – but what if she has a chance to come back in? Angela – maybe we tell Kaitlyn to throw that out that Rockstar is starting an all girls alliance. Brett – a lot of this with me is going to come from how much control Tyler has over Kaitlyn.

11:45pm Haleigh and Kaitlyn. Haleigh – you know I’m in a weird spot because I love Rockstar as well. Between you and I, I obviously want you to stay. Obviously I want her to stay as well. The only thing I am thinking is say she goes there is another chance she can come back. I need to be thinking about what that vote count is going to be when she comes back. Kaitlyn – same thing for me though. Haleigh – same for you. I’m just in a bad position. Kaitlyn – its just uncomfortable that people have solidified their vote to me and then I am being told that you’re going through pros and cons. Haleigh – I mean yeah, that’s what you do when people are on the block. Kaitlyn – sure but not as many pros to keep me. Haleigh – every single pro that I can come up for you, I can come up for her. Kaitlyn – but I am someone that when I make a commitment for a final f**king two.. Haleigh – what about a final five? Kaitlyn – I don’t care about the final five. Haleigh – clearly. So what’s to say you would care about a final two? Kaitlyn – okay that’s fair. I am just so sick of this whole Swaggy sh*t because you guys knew I was uncomfortable.

Haleigh – I know that but you also knew you were taking a shot at a group that we were in. So who’s to say you won’t get mad at me and take a shot at the group we’re in? And I heard you were trying to take a shot at Fes. Kaitlyn – that is untrue! Haleigh – I’ve heard it from four people. Kaitlyn – well they’re all lying to you. Fes and I have made up. But at the end of the day you know I was picking a girl over a guy. I would have chosen you over him any day. Haleigh – you spend your time talking to everyone but me. Kaitlyn – that is not true. I spend my time with nobody. I spend my time bouncing around. I was under the impression that you were my BEST friend. Haleigh – I am but I am also her best friend. Kaitlyn – four people have already confirmed their vote for me and I didn’t even ask them. If I do stay, it would just really hurt if you didn’t vote for me. You’re like my sister. Haleigh – its upsetting where we are and were I wish we were. Kaitlyn – I love you! I know at your core you love me. Haleigh – and I do. I’ve just feeling insecure about us. Now you’re sitting next to another best friend of mine. Katilyn – people say that its a con that I’m a physical threat.. but thats a pro for people on my team. You’re on my team.

Storage room. Tyler and Kaycee. Tyler – JC was just hardcore campaigning to Angela and me about wanting Kaitlyn out. Kaycee – we have to keep Fes and JC out of it what we’re going to do. Tyler – I know. Kaycee – Bayleigh said that she would be on board with us and that will make it six. Bay was more worried about Kaitlyn but I said if she decides to vote with us then Kaitlyn will know that. Tyler – for sure. Kaycee – now do we want Scottie to know? He still thinks I am out of the loop. But I feel like if he finds out what we’re doing he is going to tell Fes. Tyler – exactly, I don’t want to tell Scottie. Fes keeps telling Kaitlyn that he is going to vote to keep her. He isn’t going to do that. Tyler – JC doesn’t want either side to get too big and that’s why he wants Rockstar to stay… but he doesn’t know about level 6. He won’t f**king change his mind. Kaycee – even if he knows Kaitlyn is staying? Tyler – he won’t change his f**king mind. Kaycee – then f**k it. Kaitlyn will know exactly who voted for her to stay. We will then have Bay and Kaitlyn. Haleigh was campaigning for Kaitlyn to go .. I’m like okay you’re telling me exactly where you lie.

12am Haleigh – there is a rumor going around that Joe (boyfriend) is fake just so that you can flirt around as much as you want and not have to get into a showmance. Kaitlyn – you’re lying! Haleigh – I swear. Do not repeat that to anyone. Kaitlyn – wait but there’s a picture of us. Haleigh – its your brother. Kaitlyn – that’s not Mathew. I’m going to request next time a picture of us kissing. Can you just tell me who said it? Haleigh – I can’t tell you. You’ll go to that person. Kaitlyn – no I won’t because I don’t want to bring attention to it. Its disrespectful to Joe. Who said it? Just a hint? Haleigh – he’s made other comments about you that you cried about. It was JC.

11:55pm Tyler and Bay. Tyler – you and Kaycee are the most trustworthy people in the house. From what it is looking like, I think Kaitlyn might stay. Bay – that’s what I am thinking too. Tyler – Haleigh is pitching for Rockstar to stay. Bay – Haleigh just doesn’t know where Kaitlyn stands. Moving forward I want us to communicate. You’re a competition beast which is a good thing because you will need to be able to protect yourself. Tyler – winning that competition early made me a backdoor target. Is Rockstar coming for me? Bay – no. She is very clear in who she doesn’t like. Tyler – I heard Rockstar say my name before. Bay – she has said that if you get put on the block you’re taking yourself down. Tyler – that means I’m a backdoor target. I cannot keep someone around that could win HOH and Backdoor me. I am going to have to vote her out. Whatever you decide to do I will have your back. Bay – I’ve decided to keep Kaitlyn but don’t tell anyone. I want Kaitlyn to know who voted for her and who didn’t.

12:45am Lounge room. JC gives his pitch to Brett as to why he wants Kaitlyn to go and Rockstar to stay. Kaitlyn, you have no idea what the girl has been doing. JC tells Brett how Kaitlyn took off her mic and told Fes that she had feelings for him. And I found out that she told Tyler the same things.

1:15am Backyard. Fes and Kaitlyn. Fes – I am voting for you to stay. kaitlyn – I know you are. Fes – I wanted to reassure you. I think its five votes for you and you have mine so that’s six. Kaitlyn – Kaycee, Rachel, Tyler, you, Haleigh and Brett. Fes – Brett doesn’t want her (Rockstar) in the jury house. If we pull this off this is going to be f**king sick! I am going to feel like the f**king man that I pulled this off! Kaitlyn – I will have pulled this off. ..you are definitely a vote and I appreciate that. Fes – wow! Kaitlyn – don’t give me that .. I’m the f**king man!?! Fes – If I hadn’t won the veto and pulled Haleigh down one of you would be going home. I am the man! Kaitlyn talks to Fes about the rumor of her boyfriend being fake. Fes tells her he doesn’t remember who he heard it from.

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1:35am Lounge room. Brett, Tyler, Angela, Rachel. Angela – do we think either of them have an app? Brett – Rockstar is freaking the f**k out there is no way she has an app. Angela – do we think Kaitlyn does? Tyler – no I don’t think she does either. Brett – the reality is that I don’t really give a f**k! I will do whatever you guys want to do. I just want to make sure we all come to the conclusion. Rachel joins them. Angela leaves. Brett – my gut feeling is that Kaitlyn is way stronger physically. Brett – I know for a fact if Kaitlyn wins she is putting me and Fes up. Tyler – she would put up Haleigh. Brett – both of them have fought with me so I am the wrong person to ask. What do you think Kaitlyn would do if she won HOH? Tyler – Haleigh and Bayleigh. Brett – I am going to … Haleigh and Bay are pitching pretty hard to get Kaitlyn out. They think they have locked votes. I am going to keep staying in the middle but I will lean towards voting Kaitlyn out. But I am never going to say it. I don’t want it to get back to Kaitlyn. Tyler – I will make sure Kaitlyn knows.

2:40am – 3:10am hammock Rockstar, Haleigh and Fes. Rockstar – I want to stay here. but I don’t f**king like any of these people. I want to stay .. I am just venting. These people all suck. I don’t want to have regrets but I would hate for Julie to say why did you tell him to use the veto … this was for you family. It just sucks! It’s stupid. I just didn’t think she would pick me. Like how many other people are there to choose from. Haleigh tells Rockstar about her conversation with Katilyn. Rockstar – I am not trying to sound ungrateful .. I appreciate the experience. I didn’t think there was anyway I wouldn’t make it to jury. I didn’t f**k with anybody, I didn’t do anything. Haleigh – its not over. Rockstar – I just don’t like how I am not accomplishing what I wanted to accomplish. And there are all these f**king kids that don’t need to be here and they’re winning. I should have come in here as a shady b***h like I wanted to … it just didn’t feel right. Haleigh – we’re going to get through it. Rockstar – I just don’t know about this chance thing.. like if I’m not wanted here then I would want to just go back to my family. Haleigh – we’ll figure it out. Rockstar and Haleigh head to bed.

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73 thoughts to “Haleigh “There’s a rumor that Joe is fake just so you can flirt around as much as you want””

  1. So, it looks like Kaitlyn is staying and RockFall is going to have to do a challenge? Good! From what RF just told Fez and Haleigh it seems like she really thought she had it in the bag to be there until Jury…Sorry about her luck. I’m glad she’s going and I’ll be even more glad if Kaitlyn goes out the door next week right behind her!
    Tyler is up to his scheming again and it’s great to watch. I love how when Brett said he didn’t want Kaitlyn to know how he voted, Tyler told him, “I’ll make sure she knows.” ! Ha!
    Loving this year’s show…can’t get enough!

    1. Join the discussion…I think it’s a huge mistake not getting K out this week. I believe if she stays in the house she will make it to final 4, at least.

      1. I don’t think so. Well, maybe final 4. But I just think she’s too much of a target for every single one of them. She’s burned or gone bat sh*t crazy on just about every ally she had

        1. Everyone says she’s a target but when asked, “If you win HOH, who would you put up?” no one says Crazy Kait. Maybe everyone is thinking (but not saying) that she would be good to be against in the final two because no one would vote for her to win? I don’t know; all I know is that I can’t stand to watch or listen to her on the feeds.

  2. JC needs to take a deep breath and just listen. He doesn’t even give anyone a chance to talk. Tyler had to tell him to listen and he couldn’t even do that. He interrupted and kept talking. It’s very annoying!!!!!

      1. It’s looking like JC may have a huge deficiency when it comes to collaboration.

        And I don’t think he realizes that he’s beginning to erode the confidence his allies have in him the harder he pushes…… for what is a fairly inconsequential eviction.

        1. Exactly. He should’ve backed off once he realized more than 2 people were wanting RF gone. I agree that Tyler and the rest of L6 have noticed how hard he’s pushed to keep RF and he will likely be the first of their group they get rid of

  3. $1 million question:….Did Haleigh tell Kaitlyn the fake boyfriend stuff just in normal conversation or did she do it with malice of forethought, knowing full well Kaitlyn will blow it up in melodrama and increase her eviction chances?

    Because if it’s the latter, my opinion of Haleigh does a 180…but if it’s the former, she won’t do the work to ensure it doesn’t blow back on her, in which case she’s pretty much what I thought she was..

    1. I think she just told her in normal convo. I don’t think she’s dumb, but I don’t think she’s that game-minded to really come up with that as a strategy

  4. I see right through Tyler. he will never admit it but he has feelings for Kaitlyn and he knows she will do whatever he says. Bayleigh is a fool for keeping Kaitlyn. If they dont get manipulative, crazy Kaitlyn out of the house this week or next week, they have to deal with her in jury and that is a nightmare. the problem is no one knows what the chance is. at this point, jc is pushing too hard. Bayleigh and scottie may vote for kaitlyn to stay. which makes no sense. make it a tie vote. have sam send her out so when she comes back in she will target sam, if she wins. i dont think kaitlyn will win though. kaitlyn is a dangerous player because she has no loyalty. she changes her mind constantly. erratic. whatever, if they decide to get out rockstar this week and kaitlyn next week, im all for it. i would prefer kaitlyn 1st and Rockstar right behind her. rockstar downfall is she talks way too much. by telling angela u are going for tyler and bret, you just sealed your fate. she is an idiot.

    1. Keeping Kaitlin is a smart move for L6 and that side, especially if they can position it where Haileigh, Fes and Scottie try to unsuccessfuly vote her out. She plays emotionally and already had jealousy issues about H and F before he chose H over her. He has been telling her he wants to keep her and all week so if it comes out that the two of them have been lying to her face and then conspiring to evict her, it creates a situation where if Caitlin does win she will go after those two while being a completely Expendable Target that everyone wants out. Same thing if she’s voted out and battles back.

    2. I see right through Tyler. He will never admit it but he has feelings for JC. The feeling is mutual. It’s killing JC that Kaitlyn is in the way right now and JC wants her out badly. While he is all too happy to use Kaitlyn, Tyler simply has contempt for her. Hell, he can’t wait to see her evicted so he can leave her a really nasty message. Classy guy.

  5. I feel a wonky Wednesday on our horizon, but I’m still fairly confident Rockstar will be out the door and fighting to get back. She may accomplish the task and come back in, but that’s a moot point given the targets will remain the same regardless of what happens tomorrow night.

    Sam is confirmed working with JC, Scottie, and Tyler. Yet, Sam still maintains her free thinking and independence. I like that! Sam’s ingenuity is impressive. I wonder what she will craft today (an escape hatch? LOL)

    Tyler has given up on JC, knowing he can’t be swayed to keep Kaitlyn.

    Kaycee has also given up on JC, for the same reasons as Tyler.

    Rachel/Angela continue to monitor the house and cleverly maneuver votes in their direction.

    Bayleigh is still skillfully positioning herself in an ideal middle of the road spot. Good for her!

    Haleigh is wicked smart. It’s too bad she will be on the wrong side of the voting again this week.

    Scottie is maintaining a middle of the road spot. Good job Scottie!

    Brett is okay for now, but he will have to stay in a position of power to stay in the house to jury.

    JC has fallen on my list because he has brain block. His thinking is not wrong, but he is being too pushy about it. He’s going to get a wake up call on Thursday and will demand everyone tell how they voted which will then make him a major target. He has lost traction, but could regain today if he goes back to working with L6.

    Faysal thinks he knows what is going on, but I see him becoming a rogue player. He’s going to play off emotion and brute strength rather than intellect.

    Kaitlyn/Rockstar – Kaitlyn is the most dangerous and most risky HG of the two, but Tyler doesn’t want to let her go given she has been quite instrumental for him. She will always be an ideal shield for, basically, any of the HGs. But, it doesn’t matter which one goes on Thursday.

    I’ll update my prediction of votes tomorrow. But, for now, I really see Rocky hitting the road.

    1. “Sam’s ingenuity is impressive. I wonder what she will craft today”

      I consulted a clairvoyant on this. Sam will craft A RAG ON A STICK that allows her to wash her back with much greater ease. Then she will come up with a much nicer shade of nail polish for Scotty made with all natural ingredients. His black nail polish sends off a sinister vibe that Samantha does not like.

    2. kaitlyn will go to a mental institution when she gets out and sees her tyler really feels and calls her dumbass. but she will forgive him once he tells her it was game. lol. she wll find out joe dumped her and no one likes her. she will go crazyyy. lol. lord please dont let her go to jury. i want to see her reaction outside the house. ??

        1. I wonder if JC will succeed in sweeping Tyler off his feet or is JC simply too macho and intense for a laid back guy like Tyler. JC is trying to get Kaitlyn out as if his life depended on it. There’s a reason for that and it goes beyond game play or strategy.

        2. Tougher still will be the reaction on social media. She is needy and unlikable, but when she gets out she will read she is the spawn of Satan.

          There is a black mirror episode about #DeathTo which makes the point of how much hate people express, and I would really not like to ever find myself on the other side of it.

          You can say she signed up for it and you would be right.

          But she won’t deserve what she has coming.

          1. Few people in this game I felt the hate should follow them outside the house. Kaitlyn isn’t one of them. She’s going to get hit hard enough by reality and what has been put up n the internet already.

            Sh1tmas, Paul and most of the sheep from last year yes.. keep the hate going.

            1. Glad to see you finally saw the light in regards to Paul. Your site was pretty pro-Paul the first season he played. I couldn’t believe they brought him back! Glad ev1 saw his true colours.

              1. Paul played a better game than Nicole that first season. He wasn’t as power mad or hate filled. The second season he was terrible. Production brought him back because they know the screwed him over just so they can have a female win against a guy.

                1. i think nicole played the better game, but paul’s wasn’t awful. he got screwed by really really poor casting. week one, he says we need to get the vets out and then he ended up in a final 3 with two vets, and it was his good gameplay constantly keeping himself from getting evicted the whole time. he just had no one to work with who actually saw the vets as the threats they were.

                  his second season meanwhile was full of mistakes in terms of jury management (something he really didn’t have much control of the first time, hence why i think nicole played the better game) and going way too personal with most of the other players even if most of the other players were idiots.

              2. Paul was not nearly as unbearable his first season. I watch actually rooting for the guy as he was put on the block week after week, but kept maneuvering his way into staying. Frankly, I thought he should have won over Nicole. So, I don’t blame Simon & Dawg one iota for a fairly positive reporting that season.

                Now, his second season… well, nothing needs to be said there because we all watched it (unfortunately). 🙁

          2. It’s the ugly side of fame….unfortunate, unfair, and sometimes completely unwarranted.

            I would never sign up for something like BB. To be put under a microscope and dissected? Yuck! These HGs have to know what they are signing up for. Yet, many will be surprised by their general reception. Look how shocked Cody was!

          3. Since so many of them are recruited and since they have no idea about the show, they definitely don’t know what the online BB community can be like. Not only dissected by what they look like, ages, bodies, personalities, etc…they are also photo chopped into some less than ideal pictures!!! lol

        3. I hope she puts in a request for that photo of her and Joe kissing! Diary Room: Oh, I’m sorry Kaitlyn but…… Joe actually asked to get his show release pulled… That would be GREAT TV

        4. I might be wrong but I think Tyler likes her and wants her to stay for that, not game. He’s fighting too hard.

      1. Yeah, you’re probably right, and I think Tyler actually expects it. Theirs is a strange relationship.

    3. Join the discussion… Agree with just about everything except Sam. I just do not like her in this game. I liked her better as a robot when she wasn’t around a lot. I hope she goes soon but she will probably float until the end. My opinion only…. Like you thoughts Granny.

      1. Sam had to fight the first week to stay…as a robot. And she won an endurance HOH. I wouldn’t say she is floating.

        1. i dunno how much sam fought as much as steve didn’t fight week one. until this week sam’s been a floater. it will be interesting to see if she reverts to that role following her hoh or if she made herself a target (personally i think she made herself a target).

    4. great analysis, granny. i agree jc is making some big mistakes this week that could jeopardize his future in the game.

  6. Rockstar is talking about going home to her family instead of winning the buyback game. Lol at another failed CBS attempt to keep this game interesting.

    1. I can see Rockstar giving up and wanting to go home after they vote her out. She’s already talking about it. The only thing that might make her try to win the come back challenge is that she was fired from her job recently and really really wants the jury money. It depends on what she focuses on, her need for money, hurt feelings at being voted out, or family waiting at home. It’ll be a last minute emotional reaction that will be a surprise because that’s how she is. I hope she decides to go home, I’m really sick and tired of seeing a mature woman act so badly.

      1. RS’s bio says she is a “stay-at-home” Mom and a Pagan witch. She also has an Ex-husband. I wonder which story is true. Once someone starts with the “poor,poor,pitiful me” pitch, I’m done with them. Vote the wannabe weirdo out.

      1. Yup. I finally came around to thinking she was good tv, even though I didn’t like her, but now she needs to go

      1. Exactly what I thought, Simon!

        Y’all know I’m not a Swaggy C fan (could have been if not for his lead foot on that BB pedal and general attitude), but I couldn’t resist. LOL I’d like to see him have another shot at BB.

        I wouldn’t be surprised by another couples BB season in the future, and IF it happens, you can bet Baggy will be cast. LOL

    1. He should have spent the extra money to have a college web design guy create a template at least. Let him use it for his portfolio or something.

  7. I really cannot stand when any players ( Big Brother / Survivor ) bring up the old sob story of how they are doing this for their family . . .everyone is doing it for themselves and their family. The idea that someone should win just based on their life story really bugs me. You win based off your play . .NOT on your hard luck stories. So please Rockstar quit bringing up your kids !! You are not staying or winning because you have kids ! And Kaitlyn Wacko Nuts bringing up her family lost everything because a Bank vault was broken in to !!!! Hmmmm . . .when she is told the Federal Reserve Bank INSURES items, she backtracks and says there is a lawsuit and they did get some back, but not all !!!

    1. Many people on theses reality shows love to live in their past and play victim to a circumstance/situation/experience just to attempt the “pity” strategy…..and I agree with you that strategy is an archaic one.

      I’ve not been watching the live feeds so much these past few days but always come here to read updates (shout out to Simon/Dawg for the awesome updates) and it just seems the past few days have resorted to the Crying Olympics as some house guests seem to think crying and throwing pity parties is their strategy….personally I would love to see a Big Brother where is someone cries it is a punishment…..the paradox is it is always the “super fans” that seem to break down when they know what they are getting themselves into…..

    2. If I was on a reality TV show, I’d make sure everyone knew I was spending the money on hookers, whiskey, and Cheetos…or for orphaned children and their puppies and kittens. Also saving the ocean!

  8. How many “BEST” friends does Kaitlyn have? It seems like every time she turns around she is telling someone else that they are her best friend or that she thought they were her best friend and how could they….ugh. She makes my head hurt.

  9. “Rockstar – I just don’t like how I am not accomplishing what I wanted to accomplish. And there are all these f**king kids that don’t need to be here and they’re winning.” Does she not realize who she is saying this to, Haleigh is 21! She needs to stop with this poor me crap. That alone would make me want to evict her.

    1. She’s making classist assumptions that because she [correctly] perceives that she’s not in the same socio-economic class as most of the houseguests.

  10. excuse my venting for a second. I honestly don’t care who is evicted, or who does or does not come back this week:
    BIG BROTHER IS NOT A CHARITY TELETHON. Nothing turns me against a house guest faster than the parade of I need it more.
    Thank you.

  11. So what we do we think the challenge will be to get back into the house? Will it be something that anyone can win without issue or will it actually be a fight? I have a feeling it will be the super easy seeing as the previous challenges to get back into the house has always been a competition between the evictees, so as guaranteed return and it looks like it is going to be a single challenge.

    1. judging only by the quick cut clip on week one of a room with a person shaped cut out…. i’m guessing the return is a puzzle. construct the head from puzzle pieces. i’m guessing here. but what if it’s a take on the face morph style comp. multiple puzzle pieces of different hg’s eyes, noses and mouths, and the return has to pick out their own features in order to make their own face to gain a second life and return to the game.

      1. Yeah that would be cool. Too bad it would be super easy for Rockstar lol her picture is very…distinguishable.

        1. given the numbers in the house and the timeline of the season, and the ratings double evictions get… i think they will make the comp timed to fit the segment window (less than 8 minutes) before last commercial break and before the beginning of the next hoh comp. the comp will be easy enough that even the dumbest house guest could do it.

  12. Another one will bite the dust. Can’t happen soon enough for me. Bye!
    Monday through Wednesday are a drag.
    The same conversations repeated constantly.
    It’s like, GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!

  13. I love how Angela said “I don’t want to waste an Hoh on Rockstar”!!! LOL… JC needs to chill out bigtime talking to much to multiple ppl def puts a huge target on YOU!!! His game just went down hill this week n hes wasting too much energy on trying to get Katlin out! Rockstar has no game n i wld def not want her in jury spewing all that hot garbage!!!

    I can’t believe she is a huge bb fan n is still back on week 2 talkin abt swaggy n its week 4 n she hasnt said one new thing or looked at how to evolve into the next stage of game play! What a wasted game!!! Bye bye Rockstar u serve no purpose to stay in the game… Im curious how this power will play out once shes voted out? Will it be lick a battle back type com? I still go back to what Sam said abt that Robot n how they purchased 3 of them and how much they cost n how that cld be part of the 2nd chance back in the game… Does anyone else think the Robot cld come back in to play or how that wld even work???

  14. Bayleigh spreads so much complete lies and rumours. Not for game sake or to move her further in the game but she just talks shit.

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