POV: | Kaycee | Next POV: | Sept 1 |
POV Used | NO | POV Ceremony | Sept 3 |
HOH: | Tyler | Next HOH: | Sept 6 |
Noms: | Haleigh & Scottie | Have Nots | jc, sam, scottie |
Big Brother Spoilers Would be very neat if JC, Brett and Sam flip and Haleigh gets evicted.
9:05pm They got alcohol..
A bottle of Wine and a handful of beers. They’ve been getting a lot of alcohol lately.
T – at least bob is telling us now when there’s alcohol
Tyler suspects they’ve lost out on alcohol in the past because they never ask for it and never check. (in fact they have) He points out Rachel use to ask every night and they never gave them any.
it turns into beer pong…
T – it’s so weird playing this in silence..
Getting sloppy… #BB20 pic.twitter.com/jM9yCQvuYy
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) September 6, 2018
Sam does Brett’s hair up
9:43pm JC and Brett
JC says Angela is getting sloppy when she drinks you can tell, “She’s going to be crawling up stairs tonight to”
JC – F**
JC – it’s more work for us … for me basically
JC – I know how sloppy she gets when she’s drunk
JC says Angela will be up in the HOH till 6am being in Tyler’s head..
JC – that’s the only thing I have in my head I could care less about the f*ing alcohol
JC is pissed about productions messing with him by giving the haves alcohol
Brett – we’re at the point.. what are we supposed to do ..
JC – they never give us alcohol twice a week they never f*ing do
Feeds cut..
JC says Angela is already watching him weird..
Brett – me to
JC says they need to stick to their plan and get out Angela.
JC – I want to talk to Tyler tonight.. I really want to talk to him.. if Tomorrow is a double eviction we won’t have any time.
JC says the one thing about keeping Scottie over Haleigh is Haleigh is with Angela now..
Brett says Scottie can actually win competitions and once he does he’ll do whatever the f* he wants. With Haleigh they can influence her plus she’ll go after Sam.
JC – after tonight.. they f* than we’re done… if they do anything sexual.. they kiss then we’re f*ed
Brett – oh I know
JC – thank you Big Brother
10:00am JC and Sam
JC says Sam, Him and Brett all have each other’s votes. Tomorrow JC is going to let Sam in on what they are doing.
JC – it’s about putting the right people up
JC – it’s about making the right move
Sam – ok I trust you..
JC – you are going to be fine.. worst case scenario is haleigh wins.. that’s worst for us
JC says the two of them might go up because they are both seen as the weaker players
JC – me and Brett… I dunno..
JC says if he wins HOH he’ll bring Brett and Sam in and tell them what he is going to do.
JC – right now keep your mouth shut..
10:05am Kitchen haleigh, JC, Brett, Kaycee and Angela
Brett – when did I ever spray you with the f*ing faucet
H – I didn’t even get you right away
B – when did I spray you with the faucet when did I ever play any joke on you
H – you just called me 2 girls and 1 cup
A – you told us we were whores
B – I never said that
A – Basically
H – Basically you said Angela and I are in a porn..
B – never said that..
laughter.. awkward laughter..
Haleigh – whatever BRETT
Brett – Okay Scottie is winning my heart right now
H – too far.. too far
B – it’s ok I can go to far
A – that’s F* up Brett.. you little sh1t..
Haleigh runs upstairs…
Brett – they can dish it out but they can’t take it..
Brett – Haleigh sprayed me with a hose and I said Scottie is winning my heart right now
T – she didn’t like that
Brett – I guess not.. I really was just kidding..
10:18pm Angela and KAycee Haleigh crying in the shower..
Angela – Halegih… stop crying.. he was kidding that was mean..
Angela – he went too far..
halegih says Scottie has been saying f* up sh1t all day Scottie told JC that Halegih I told him that that JC was the whole reason why he was going up
Angela – do you think BRett would vote Haleigh out.. he would be stupid to.. Scottie’s his target.
Kaycee – in Scottie’s GBM Brett told SCottie … he had to do it..
Angela – are you serious.. that’s perfect then he has to go tomorrow. (Scottie)
Haleigh comes out start complaining about Scottie.
Kaycee – Why would you stoop down that low (Brett)
Angela – Especially to a girl.. Girls are sensitive.
10:19am Brett and Sam
Brett – we need to talk game sometime soon
Sam – ok what should we do
Sam – I know Haleigh hates me
Brett – I know
Sam – for some reason she absolutely hates me
B – I know
Sam – and I have never treated her
B – I haven’t forgotten our conversation in here.. and what I am saying is so far it hasn’t mattered which way so there was no point to talk but I just need to know where you are thinking too because I feel like the only other person you are close to in the game is Scottie
Sam – I do really like Scottie.. I’m not happy to see him go
Brett – Scottie was the only person I was happy so see..
Sam – it’s as simple as this Haleigh doesn’t like me and she’ll put me up Scottie does like me and he won’t put me up
Brett – what makes me nervous is Scottie has put me up.. I want to keep Scottie.. I want to.. I know Haleigh was a pivotal part of every time I was put up
Sam – Scottie told me that you and him made up
Sam adds that when haleigh goes Scottie has no one. Brett says he would work with Scottie.
Brett – if you and me are going to work together we have to be candid with each other.. I have to know I can speak candid with you in a isolated room and it’ll stay private
Sam – DUH.. if I get to win and I have 5 minutes I’ll talk to you..
JC joins them..
Brett – I am literally at the point of voting her out
JC – we can do it.. you want to do I’ll do it.. (NICE)
Brett – B1tch you are on the f*ing block and you feel comfortable enough to spray me before eviction.. then I make a joke and you get mad..
Brett – I was truly kidding while I was out there..
JC – I am dead serious… sleep on it..
Brett – she’s up there ranting and raving like she’s in a position of power…
Jc – if you are going to make a move like that bring in Scottie..
Brett – I know..
Brett – I was completely kidding then she turned this into a thing
JC says for Brett to wait how he feels in the morning.
11:00pm Brett and Scottie
B – on a personal level I want you to stay..
Brett points out that on the flip side he would feel stupid if he didn’t vote out the person that put him on teh block once.
Brett says he’s very bothered that Haleigh feels comfortable with spraying him with water the night before the eviction.
Brett goes on about being pissed at Haleigh
B – I can be really funny.. I got the best joke of all..
Scottie – if that’s the case than you, Sam and JC will ahve to flip
B – I talked to Sam.. it’s just JC..
Brett – tell JC he’ll have the big saucer.. it’ll go a long way
Brett – say, If I stay you get the big Saucer
Scottie – that’s good
Brett – I’m trying to see if I’m being petty right now
S – right now I don’t think I have her vote..
Brett – I dont’ think you do
B – it pisses me off how much Halegih has crawled up their a$$… holly f* has it worked..
S – I think so ..
Brett – I was annoyed but now I’m annoyed and I am annoyed I am annoyed and it’s getting worse..
11:32pm HOH Anegla, KAycee, JC, Tyler
JC says he’s going to go change his GBM, “IU know the craziness in teh house”
Kaycee – no we are voting out Scottie
A – SCOTTIE has to go
JC – I’m changing my GBM jsut in case..
Angela – 1-2-3 there’s three voted that’s all we need.
Angela – there’s now need for you to change your GBM
Kaycee – you’re locked in
JC – OK fes…
Angela – at least we had some entertainment for tonight
JC says production invoked all this drama tonight. THey gave them the alcohol without it they would have gone to bed.
T – we use to never get it because Rachel would ask every day
K – I can’t believe she didn’t get it on her 30th
T – because she asks too much
A – she asks every 5 minutes
T – It literally says in the rule book don’t ask for alcohol
Angela says they are all voting Scottie out because SCottie can win competition vs Haleigh.
JC – what if it’s mental
Angela – Haleigh is not that smart she won a competition reading hashtags because she’s 21 years old..
Angela – Scottie has to go this week, Haleigh goes next week
11:53pm Brett and Haleigh
BNrett – I’m annoyed.. the whole scenario was annoying for me.. I was completely fine then I make the joke and I become villainize me
haleigh – you’re joke hurt my feelings to the point i wanted to cry to I walked off..
Brett – I’m just being candid
Haleigh says when she sprayed him with the hose she wasn’t trying to to hurt him.
Apparently Brett moved his bed so he’s not sleeping next to Haleigh. HE’s claiming that it is because the other room is 10 degrees warmer.
Haleigh says she sensitive, She was drinking and she was on teh block those three things made her sad. She doesn’t think he was trying to be mean to her.
12:10am Tyler and Jc
JC going on about wanting Haleigh out.
JC says Sam wants Haleigh out Brett now wants Haleigh out.. “they were campaigning for her to get out”
Tyler- I don’t give a f* who goes..
Tyler – if you f* with Angela and Kaycee that gives them a reason to come after you..
JC – If I f* with them one of them is going home..
JC thinks he could do Damage control with KAycee.
Tyler doesn’t think so he says if JC put Angela up kaycee will come after him.
Tyler – you don’t think SCottie won’t put you up.. and Scottie can win HOH..
Tyler says Scottie and Halegih are the next people to go after that it really comes down to who can win competitions.
Tyler- you want to keep Haleigh and Sam to final 4.. f* no .. I would be gone..
Tyler – if you split those up too soon and you think you can get the other one to wrap around your finger it won’t happen.
Tyler says he knows JC thinks he’s in love with Angela but he’s not lying to JC right now.
Tyler- here’s Angela’s list.. SCottie, Halegih and SAm.. she’s sketched out by Brett..
Tyler – you know she likes Kaycee.. she hangs out with me all the time..
JC – I am going to vote out SCottie whatever you want
T – all I am saying is he’s better at winning competitions.
JC says KAycee is completely a follower..
JC – Sam will put KAycee up before me..
Tyler thinks BRett will take a shot at him if he gets a chance.
JC says he won’t because JC will be in Brett’s ear .

12:51am Angela and Tyler
Angela says her and KAycee just talked to Brett to reassure to him that Haleigh is driving them crazy and they wall want Halegih out next.
Anegla says Haleigh has been acting too comfortable she shouldn’t be acting like that
Tyler- halegih really isn’t good at this
Angela – no
1:24pm Brett and JC
Brett says right now they should keep Haleigh. If they keep Scottie it’ll piss everyone off.
2:16am JC and Brett
JC says Tyler really wants Scottie out he wants Haleigh out..
Brett – everyone is freaking out thinking I am all pissed out..
JC – Kaycee is a big a$$ follower..
Brett says if it’s a double they have to take their shot this wek.
JC – if I get HOH.. I put Angela and KAycee on the block..
Tyler says Angela will have two votes that will keep her safe after this week that’s all she needs.
JC – we need to get her out like right now
Brett – Sam is not going to put Kaycee up next to her because Kaycee and Sam are tight that’s what makes me nervous
JC – Sam doesn’t have anyone talking game to her
JC says when they are given alcohol Angela turns into “Sloppy Bottom” and throws herself at Tyler.
Jc – every time she gets drunk she sleeps up there
Brett – she’s sleeping with him?
JC – every single time..
JC – they are like we have to keep this showmance going.. give them more alcohol.. (production)
JC about Tyler – he has no game he’s got looks..
10:40am Houseguests are starting to get up…
11:00am Kaycee and Angela
Kaycee – He knows something (Scottie)
Angela – that look on his face
Angela says after JC kicked her out of the HOH to talk to Tyler he was called into the Diary room after so she ran back upstairs. Haleigh went up to the HOH and kept ringing the door bell. They never answered.
Katycee – she came down with me, JC and BRett and said I rang the doorbell 3 times and no one answered.
A – yes.. Actually she only rang it twice..
Tyler joins them.. Kaycee says Scottie is acting like he knows. he was in the storage room with Haleigh and she must have said something.
Kaycee – I feel like waking up Halegih and be like.. what you tell him?
Kaycee gets where Brett was coming from last night.. “She is feeling real comfortable by acting like that.. ”
Kaycee – I can’t wait till she’s gone (Haleigh)
Angela about JC – he was the only one that wasn’t a have not that wasn’t able to drink and we’re all playing beer pong.. that was the motion behind it.. (Brett)
They talk about reminding Brett they are still a team.
Angela can see how Brett walking in on the 4 of them including Haleigh playing beer pong and he was on the outside.
Kaycee – he feels left out.. and at the same time seeing how comfortable
Angela- I thought Brett was going to come play with us.. I didn’t think he was going to sit their and watch
Kaycee – and just knowing how fake she is as a person
Angela – I don’t understand she was going laying in Scottie’s lap after this happened.. weird sh1t.. she went upstairs to cry then came downstairs and laid in Scottie’s lap. Brett was like What the f*
Kaycee – that’s weird.. she has to go…
they beg production for a double eviction so they can get Halegih and Scottie out.
11:16am feeds cut for HOH lockdown.
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Maybe Brett should Spray Hayleigh with a lil something right in her face…..
Please go away.thank you.
There is a small minority of us apparently, who saw the humor in your comment and don’t get offended by every lil thing. I mean…you meant spray her with oj right? :p
Yes. OJ. what did these people think that I meant
Was Tyler the only house guest that JC sexually assaulted or were there other victims???
Google it and a lot of things he did will come up. I had no idea it was that bad. CBS addressed a lot of it with the media.
I googled it and it has been exaggerated. I did not see anything I would consider sexual assault. His kidding around was in bad taste but he was not assaulting anyone. A kiss on the cheek is not sexual assault either.
Oh really? Next time you see an attractive person walking down the street, give them a kiss on the cheek and see what happens.
false analogy
I’m an attractive woman and no one has ever been anything but happy when I hug/kiss/grab ass strangers in my whole life. So, I guess you must be attractive now to be affectionate and/or complimentary in this new era of “Sexual Assault!” crybabies?
Glad I predominately pick geeks to get some extra attention, but I’m not choosey. We all like an innocent ego boost from time to time. None of us get to pick out the flesh suits our souls drive around in either.
And most of the country calls us NorCal liberals “snowflakes?!” Pffft. How long before handshakes are sexual assault? Rhetorical. *Major eyeroll*
What about kissing his arm pit while Tyler was sleeping and rubbing his face chest and arm? And there was movement under the covers with JC rubbing Tyler’s leg! He is gross and he acts like a jealous girl when Tyler is hanging out with Angela!
That’s the only reason he’s gunning so hard for ang…he wants wounded bird lamb all to himself
Okay… I’ve done my research and now that I know of the JC pervyness towards Tyler (while he was ASLEEP) and the bathroom door incident with Hayleigh…
That little prick needs to be checkmated. Inside the game AND outside the game.
Evil always prevails when good people remain silent, (as Tyler and Hay have apparently chosen to do according to the articles I’ve read).
Lines most definitely were crossed.
Agree. To touch a person in their private areas while sleeping is beyond the pale and is assault. How does being asleep constitute consent? These people are enablers. And I am no prude. I enjoy a bit of hair pulling, spanking, slapping, and spitting as much as the next guy. But groping someone while they sleep is sick
Tyler and Hayleigh shouldn’t have been put in the position to make the decision of JC’s future. Production should make the decision. Tyler and Hayleigh were in a no-win situation. They would be attacked on social media either way.
He had the ice cream scoop incident, the deal with Tyler when he was asleep…and the worse was actually grabbing ??Angela?? In te crotch area when she was laying in bed
Did Sam ever shave Angela?
Nothing like a little alcohol to stir the game up.Flip Brett flip.
I think Angela and KC are really the only ones who want to keep Haleigh, right? I’m ready for another good old fashioned flip.
It would be fun but they’re not gonna do it.
I can’t understand why Scottie isn’t pitching it to them (or maybe he is and I’ve missed it? I’m a bit behind). If Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee are so close, who do Brett, JC, and Sam think are going to go after Scottie? Especially where Angela and Kaycee know Haleigh has no one else.
Alcohol is very good for the viewers at home. It is like throwing a match on gasoline. They have all been in the house long enough for people to wear on each other.
I would love to see Sam, Brett & JC vote scottie to stay:) ….. have one of them win hoh and go after kaycee, Angelia or Tyler…. its time to shake things up .
Just a shame Scottie is so bad at this game, he’s given them ZERO reason to do so. Instead he’s aligned with Tyler, who nominated him, and has been campaigning to Tyler, who can’t vote.
Exactly…I was expecting better game play from the rat when he returned. Stupid me…I forgot he’s a hivester
Brett is finally starting to play. Maybe it will be a game after all.
Brett survived the block twice as a target and made scottie fes target with raising his hand. He also made rockstar realy safe before evicting her. He is playing the game.
Yes he is…nailed it wit the veto win when he needed it most. I just need him to win 2 more comps…preferable one being an hoh
OMG!Now Brett knows what it’s like to be Fes.I feel bad for the douche.
To all the thumb downers,seriously,did you watch that conversation on bb after dark?Drunk Haleigh was having the same annoying argument with Brett that she had Fes a million times.The difference was,Fes treated it like foreplay while Brett wanted to jump out of his skin.
Nothing good ever comes from Beer Pong (lol). JC is a little sh!t, but it’s going to get fun! It’s been slow – it’s high time for another flip (Fez: “Who flipped the votes???”)
OMG Haleigh is such a whiny baby – she can dish it out but not take it! I’m so over her self-absorbed drama – get her out now! ?? that Brett is considering voting her out now & hoping he, JC & Sam follow through on it!! It’s what Tyler wants too. Why is Angela getting to push her agenda over Tyler’s on HIS HoH!
At least part of Haleighs behavior is to make other people the bad guy so everyone will feel sorry for her.She’s gotta work with what she’s got.
Hay came in 2nd in the HOH. She was closer to winning veto than Scottie. Both were physical. The L4 crew is giving her credit for mental comps only. Not sure why. 100% Hay would put up two L4s.
Agree 100%. L4 greatly overrates Scottie’s prowess in physical comps (Haleigh is just as good if not better) and I’d bet on Haleigh over Scottie to win a mental comp any day of the week. Plus Scottie has shown he has no clue with regard to the game strategies being utilized by his housemates. The L4 logic is that Haleigh would nominate Sam thereby giving L4 control of the eviction vote. That’s true but I don’t believe it is certain that Haleigh would nominate Sam. She could easily go Tyler/JC, Tyler/Brett, etc. The wise thing to do is kick Haleigh out now while they still have the chance. I can envision the next HOH being Haleigh a lot more easily than I can do so for Scottie.
I agree with the first part..but not the second. I think she would put Sam up with a L6
“Why is Angela getting to push her agenda over Tyler’s on HIS HoH!”
She’s not. Tyler’s playing his HoH as an alliance decision; from nominations through the vote.
She almost succeeded in dividing the house, Angela and Kaycee vs Brett with that crying stunt last night. Don’t sell her short, she’s using her little baby game and it works every time. Everyone woke up sober this morning and shut that down but it worked for a while last night and could have started to drive wedges between L6.
Not a division, Kaycee just reprimanded him for putting the long strategy in danger if Haleigh wins HoH. They don’t want her pissed at anyone other than Sam and she’s hoping Haleigh is Hive enough to put up JC as the pawn.
First of all you don’t reprimand an equal,so that just confirmed to Brett that he is on the outside of his own alliance.Second it’s not Bretts long term strategy,he’s just going along with the other 3.
Because she sleeps with, cuddles, and kisses him to do it her way. She is Angela the Princess
Tyler does damage control and gets everything back on track.Level 6 will go down in BB history as one of the best alliances thanks primarily to Tyler managing to control every eviction by choosing who goes even when it was one of Level 6.However,as impressive as they are,JC deserves equal credit up til now,and in all fairness foutte/HIVE did more damage to themselves than level 6 did to them.
Blows my mind. Isn’t Tyler the youngest of L6? Incredibly mature for his age.
JC was the catalyst in escalating the tiff between Hayleigh and Brett. It was entertaining. I think JC is too big for his britches and jealous of all the other relationships. Brett is being manipulated by JC and he doesn’t see it. A great blindside is going to be when JC gets voted out.
Angela was also trying to drive that wedge between Haleigh and Brett. They want to have the other house guest have reasons to nominate each other. It is part of the Big Brother Game.
That wasn’t strategy,she was just drunk and feeling sensitive about how comments make her feel portrayed.
Haleih sucking her fingers and going in on a large jar of nuts, Sticks fingers in mouth and goes in again and again.
Does the whole *I;m sad*…I cried. I;m sad..I cried.
I wish she was leaving tomorrow. The victim whining..the disgusting eating habits, The throwing Scottie under the bus. She was glaring at him with hatred earlier.
Geeze. How many people are out of the game because of her?
And NOT because of game play.
I wish I could upvote this a hundred more times.
To be fair, Scottie did his fair share of throwing Haleigh under the bus to anyone who would listen the past 2 days (finally Scottie is playing the game!).
Haleigh is acting WAY too confident & comfortable the night before she could potentially be evicted. Come on girl, get it together… act a little scared, sheesh!
Thanks 🙂 Yes..Scottie did throw Hay UTB ..but only after he clocked her lies. She outright did the sympathy lies. i.e. Scottie said it would be unanimous votes against me etc.
Here’s why I think Scottie should go now. He has shown a vicious side.
The difference between Scottie and Hay is that Scottie is ruthless.
Hay is desperate/
Desperate is easier to manipulate. Ruthless is not possible. Scotty does not care what it takes to get h money. Even to the point of pouring oil on the floor.
Level 4 will NOT be swayed by Hay. She thinks she’s playing them. They are playing HER.
Tyler DOES want Scottie out first. That was always his plan. He understands that Scottie is a real threat. Physically and mentally/ I don’t think Hay is that good at days etc. Funnily enough Fess had them down.
If JC SHOULD win HOH…he will be a tyrant. Put up Ang and KayCee. Next week..no matter what..he’s OUT.
And then WE’RE stuck with Hay and Sam. (Well..the houseguests are.but we will be having o hear babytalk..seeing arts and crafts…and a spooky Sam on the stairs.
Hay whining and fake AF.
Triple eviction please.
I’ve always felt like Hayleigh was a child trying to act like a grown up. She’s an emotionally immature. IMO Scottie should go first. Hayleigh should go next. Worse case scenario is if Hayleigh wins HOH…she will put up Sam and JC. If noms stay the same, everyone will assume Sam will go… blindside JC. Sam and Haleigh will be easy to get out in the DE. Just a thought.
Worse case scenario is if Haleigh wins HOH – she would put up Tyler and any other L4 member. She thinks they are working together and have put her on the block as a group. She thinks that her only hope is to win HOH and VETO comps and get L4 out of the game.
Exactly. This is why they need to get her butt out NOW. Scottie can be swayed and his target is JC anyway. Evict Hayleigh please.
She’s a millennial in college = dumbass
Haleigh has played the worst game the entire season. Now she gets into drama with Brett the night before eviction night. I wish they’d send her to jury. Scottie hasn’t played a good game either but I like him so much more than Haleigh. I don’t think production will let Haleigh go so easily.
Scottie isn’t doing shit! He is just there taking up space…. He has no game, no real strategy, still has no clue what’s going on even with all the jury info he has. He has told most of his jury info to the entire house. I don’t see how he thought that was a good idea….. SCottie is by far playing the second worst game his season behind FES!
Worst game would be hard to choose, but Scottie is not even a close second to either Swaggy C, Fes or Bayleigh. I think that Bayleigh would win on worst game with her spewing blood while on the Block routine, playing Queen Bee when HOH, and getting in a showmance with Swaggy C so early in the season.
She acts like a very spoiled teenager who is used to getting her own way. Hopefully, for her sake, she’ll grow out of it.
I would say she played the best of the worst.After all she’s still there. As to who actually played the worst game?That’s a debate among Kaitlyn Swaggy Baleigh Rockstar and Fes.I’d choose Fes with Rockstar coming in second.
I can’t believe Brett is letting that little whiny shit get into his head! If they flip to keep Scottie, I hope Scottie wins and puts Brett up next to JC. Up until now, I liked Brett and thought he was smart enough to see how JC tries to manipulate everyone but it’s getting hard to tell if he is falling for what JC is saying. He has to know that he doesn’t have a chance against Scottie, Sam, or JC in the end. I am sick of listening to JC bitch about being a have not. I wish someone would tell him that they all have been have nots, it’s part of the game, suck it up and shut up about it already. Production is not doing it to punish him. If he didn’t throw the competitions all the time and actually tried to win a comp, then he wouldn’t have been a have not this week. Such a prima Donna! If he keeps pushing Tyler, then I foresee JC leaving before Haleigh and maybe even Sam! If he wants to split Angela and Kaycee up so bad then he needs to win the damn HOH and do it himself! I would love to see it all backfire on him!
I can’t tell from the transcript. Is Brett playing along with JC? Or is Brett really going to take a shot at Kaycee and Angela?
Brett wants JC to be the one to go after Angela/KC because he knows he can’t do it and knows that he is on the bottom of L6.
Jc wants Brett to take the shot; Brett wants jc to take the shot. (Neither one want to be the one to do it because they know the other person who stays + Tyler would gun for them)
Brett won’t do it before final 4 and JC will never have the opportunity because he can’t win anything.
All I want is to watch JC walk out the door and meet Julie. I can’t stand him.
? p
Haleigh’s constant crying and playing the victim is beyond ridiculous. I don’t care that she’s only 21. She chose to go on Big Brother. She cried when she was put on the block, she cried when Scottie said she was the target, now she’s crying that Brett threatened to vote her out. What show did she think she joined? Sesame Street? Wo-man up, Hay!
With that said, the main reason I want Hay evicted tomorrow is to bring some excitement back to this game. Brett joining with JC & Sam to go against Level 6 would light a fire in the house! I don’t think they’ll go through with it (watching the feeds right now and JC/Brett are back to getting Scottie out), but I would love to see another old-fashioned flip this season.
I’m sick of JC. He’s arrogant & annoying.
If you watch the livefeeds, JC is actually super smart and very intuitive. You may not like him on a personal level, but gamewise, he is doing a lot for not being able to win any comps. And part of him not winning comps is his physicality and language barrier. I love JC and hope he goes to the final 2 with Brett!
It would have been great to see Tyler and JC go head to head against eachother in this game,both are great players,it would have been entertaining.
JC’s obsession with Tyler and Angela is really getting creepy. That’s all he talks about… he is definitely the jealous girlfriend.
Yes JC is very jealous. We all see Haleigh acting like a child however JC is the biggest baby in the house. He thinks is is so cleaver. Slowly but surely Tyler will get the wheels in motion to blindside JC.
JC is the jealous want a be girlfriend. Remember when Sam was HOH she was going to put JC on the block and he started crying and arguing with Sam so she changed it. Sam didn’t even get to finish his name before he had a fit. I think because JC is small he has always has gotten his way.
He seems to break the rules a lot and CBS let’s him get away with it.
I think because he is small he had to learn how to get his way.
Yikes- Tyler giving reviews on Angie’s list. You know JC will twist & turn that info into in his favor somehow. Brett will now know how Tyler feels about him.
Haleigh needs to go NOW! Can’t take another day of her and her whiney, fake ass. Why is she still there? She should have been gone a long time ago, but no…Angela and KayCee want to keep her. Why?
I do NOT trust Angela one bit. She wants to win this game just as much, if not more, than everyone else. How she expects that to happen, I don’t know. Nobody will choose her for the win over anyone that she is up against. So I suspect she is going to soon try to start as much trouble as she can for everyone.
Tyler says he doesn’t care who goes today and I believe him. They are worried about Scottie being such a beast at challenges, but Haileigh has come really close and given them a run for the HOH. I just can’t stand to watch her anymore and I hope she goes to stay with her big meat shield in jury.
I know that Sam is voting her out. JC likes to flip votes and he might do it. If Tyler really wants her gone before Scottie, that’s it. She will be out!
At the beginning of his HOH Tyler was expressing that he might want Haleigh out before Scottie but Brett and JC were adamant about Scottie going this week. I wonder if Tyler sees what JC is doing with Brett? If so, he needs to squash it fast before he loses Brett and they go after Angela and Kaycee.
Angela and Kaycee don’t want to keep Haleigh around but right now they are the only ones Haleigh has gravitated to and this is their opportunity to manipulate her if she did win HOH. Think about it, if she wins HOH and went after Angela, Tyler, or KC, she would not survive the following week and if she is smart, she knows it. If she gets HOH, the girls can convince her to go after Sam and JC without getting blood on their hands. They know they do not have any influence over Scottie so that is most likely why they want him out first, not to mention that he is good with Sam, JC, and the other guys. I think once Scottie is out, L6 does not need JC to “work the other side” anymore, so they can start working on getting him out.
” If she (Hateleigh) gets HOH, the girls can convince her to go after Sam and JC without getting blood on their hands.”
No way she’d let them tell her who to nom.
Angela’s chances might go up after she shocks everyone by evicting Tyler.
Duh…forget Tyler is HOH…sorry. I just want her gone so bad, Haleigh, that is. I hope Brett takes her out. Does anyone know if the day challenge is next for HOH? Something has to happen!
I think JC likes tyler, and just like fessy with scottie, he is obsessed with how much time tyler spends with angela and wants to get her out because he is jealous. This will either get him out very soon or will make him very dangerous, but considering he can’t win comps, it will probably get him evicted.
I certainly hope so. JC is vile and I can’t wait for him to go.
Jc doesn’t like Tyler… he’s in LOVE with Tyler. This is why he is so adamant about getting out Angela so that he can’t see them flirting/cuddling anymore
Watch Tyler’s goodbye message tonight…
“Scottie/Haleigh, if you’re watching this I don’t know what to say. I wanted to keep you but my alliance wanted to vote you out. I wish we could have had more time to work together.”
” I wish we could have had more time to work together.” To H, that would be like admitting he’s stupid. He knows damn well that she knows he knows she’s always gunning for him b/c she’s always scared of him.
Sam and Ang are Tyler’s best bet to win in final 3
Ang & Brett are the best bets
After bbcan this year and bbus last year you would think
Level 4 would consider jury management SMH
Individuals work juries, not alliances.
I’d rather see Haleigh go first. I do think Scottie may work with Tyler.
Brett has very thin skin. On a power trip because hayleigh hit him with a little water.oh my! If anyone is a big baby it’s him.
He sounded like the wicked witch of the west.
” I’m melting! I’m melting!
She was having fun and playing around like the rest of the house and he had to turn it into something ugly.
” How dare the bitch wet me and not grovel!”
Hayleigh was hurt by his response that’s all.
Haleigh is the one with the thin skin. Hurt by his response? She’s playing Big Brother! Running upstairs to cry is something that 5-year-olds do.
Nice tryhard.
I have to give all of them credit for self control and keeping their composure.If I were trapped in a house with those people,or any really,for months,there would be blood on the walls.Listening to people chew would set me off.
If Haleigh stays and if she wins HOH, I think her targets will be Sam, Brett and JC. Even if Tyler somehow gets on the block, I don’t see them voting him out. In fact, I don’t see anyone even voting for him except maybe Scottie.
Lowered inhibitions PLUS heightened emotions EQUALS entertainment…it’s called social lubricant for a reason.
Tyler may get what he wanted to begin with (Hay evicted), after all. Hope it goes that way!
JC getting in BAD with Angela & KC is also good for Tyler’s game. They will put JC up with Scottie & boom…gone! Can’t wait for that! Would love to see him in the jury house. He’s soooo jealous of Angela he can’t think straight. And he knows he can’t win comps.
Love this season!!!!!!!!!!
What about Bob? On bbad the houseguests openly interact with Bob in production. Maybe Haleigh could make an alliance with Bob. The typical hive result would be Haleigh evicted and Bob fired.
That’s absolutely hilarious!!!!
Best comment of the morning!
Its not necessarily what i want but it would be insane if they vote out haliegh and then either brett or scottie wins HOH in a double eviction and put up tyler and angela – either one wins the veto and kaycee is the replacement and either tyler or angela would go and the power would shift again
It would be insane. Brett or Scottie have not been comparing notes so neither knows of the F2 deals they each have with Tyler. So what you are suggesting is that either Brett or Tyler, would deliberately attempt to get rid of their own final two deal.
vs either Ty or Ang, Kaycee should be a popular choice to evict b/c she probably beats either in a jury vote and is kindof a comp beast.
Is L6 relaying any of the stuff JC is saying to each other? Mainly Brett and Tyler or even Sam to Tyler?
Tyler has told Kaycee what Brett & jc are doing. Tyler is on to jc & thinks he’s the one getting into Brett’s Head, at the same time Tyler is convinced jc is into him while Brett has a thing for Angela. KAycee & Tyler don’t want to tell Angela the shady things goings on with Brett & jc because they think she’ll react/freak out & cause a scene so they’d rather her be calm & not know what’s going on till the time is right
I would rather Hayleigh go to jury… because that would annoy Bitchleigh and Rockslobster the most.
JC is so screwed. He is drilling in Brett’s head to put up Kaycee and Angela. JC especially pushing that this week bc he is SURE today is a double eviction. Problem is today is not a double eviction Scotty is leaving the house tonight JC better pray either Brett or JC get the HOH bc if not Brett will spill the beans of JC’s plans to level 6. If Haliegh wins HOH Sam goes up probably next to JC. If Sam wins HOH Haliegh goes up probably next to JC
If JC or Brett don’t win HOH tonight it is going to be a very long week for JC. I think everyone worried how crazy Sam will be if she is on the block…. they should all be worried how JC will act on the block.
Haileigh would not put up JC. She has bigger fish to fry and is 100% putting up Tyler and Angela.
JC really isn’t in that much danger. Je sucks at comps too much to be looked at as a legitimate threat by anyone for a while.
Haliegh will not put up Tyler and Angela. If she does she is even dumber then I thought. Ok she puts them up and once of them goes. If it’s angela she may have JC and Brett on her side for the future. If it’s Tyler then she has the rest of the house coming after her. She is trying to cling as best she can bc she knows she would get the satisfaction of one week but ultimately be screwed
She is screwed either way. She put them up earlier in the game when repercussions were higher, there is no reason to believe she wouldn’t do it again.
If she won HOH Haleigh would be dumb not to target Tyler.She has nothing to loose and an opportunity to shake up the house in an effort to create new opportunities.Taking out Sam would gain her nothing.
You may be right, but I don’t think so, now let me tell you why. Haleigh obviously wants to stay in the house as long as possible. She already correctly has surmised that Tyler, Kaycee, Angela and Brett are working together. For the past two weeks she (Haleigh) has been working hard at kissing at least three of their asses trying to get in good with them (or at least as good as she can get with them considering the history of the game). If she now attacks any one of them, or worse yet TWO of them, she would be dead meat the following week, as the remaining three would immediately counter-attack and send her to jury. BUT, if she puts up Sam and JC, she is basically doing them a favor by getting rid of some of the dead weight FOR them, without L6 having to get any blood on their hands, and also not making any of the four immediate enemies for her. She could last an extra week, or even into when the backstabbing starts between the alliance members, at which point who knows what might happen?
So I think the BIG move in her case would be the small move, or at least the smart move for her possible longest term survival in the game (all be it, probably still a short one).
I don’t think Brett would put up two lvl6 members because then the other two will target him. He would have jc do the dirty work for him. (While getting no blood on his hands)
I said it when it happened, Kaitlyn screwed up CBS’s plan for a Double Eviction. My ten year old could have solved that puzzle that she FUBARed. Unintended consequence, the houseguests have been painfully sure of a Double Eviction for the last four weeks.
I’m still not sure they will even need to do a DE, unless that is why they did the Jury Buyback.
They may need 2 DE or 1 DE and 2 evictions in less than a week if the finale is on the 26th. Tonight they will still have 7 and need to be down to 3 in 2 weeks.
I’d rather sit here and watch Maven (from last year) eat cereal and fight than hear Haleigh whine! Poor houseguests!
Yuck! Maven is in top 3 of the slimiest. Hayleigh is just stupid. No where near Maven or Krusty.
What are the chances Sam and JC ever win the veto? Tyler will most likely play in the veto as will Angela and Kaycee so Sam and JC don’t have much of a chance winning it.
Wow, these are some light-weights if that small amount of beer and wine get them drunk! Geeze, I think Hay should have spent Daddy’s money on a hypnosis regarding her nail biting instead of that weak-a$$ boob job! Time to go girl!
Unless Brett is as dumb as Fez was, he should be seeing with Hayleigh always with Tyler, Ang, and Kaycee..he is lower then 4th on the totem pole. I hope he shakes it up and gets Jc, Sam and himself plus Scottie to vote out Hayleigh tonight. Then go after Tyler, Ang and Kaycee. Oh and by the way Mustached lady, not all women are easily hurt little girls.
Brett doesn’t stand a chance against anyone outside of L6 in the end. He would be so dumb to take any one else but Angela to F2
Seems the L6/5/4 folks are starting to get into position for the blood bath amongst themselves.
Has anyone noticed if Tyler had red hair he would be Carrot Top’s twin?
All white people look alike.
Brett and JC need to get their heads out of their ASSES and flip the vote tonight if they want a chance to win this game.
They really are a nasty bunch of people. They call Sam crazy because she actually shows her nasty emotions. I particularly like when she and JC were fighting over low energy. Sam says Jump off that balcony and i’ll catch you you little bitch. lol hahahaha
I hope the HG come to their senses and evict Haliegh. They need to send that message to the Jury that their little jury fixing plan is futile and their last hope is gone. I hope she and Fessy will be very happy. In the unlikely event Scottie wins HOH he may mix things up but in a DE scenario I think there is enough left of L6,5,4, to send him packing next week. But Haliegh tonight.
If Scottie stays and wins HOH it would be hilarious if he put JC and Bret OTB.
i would die from excitement. Right before the feeds cut for lock down a little while ago for tonight, scottie talked with brett/jc about the other side using him as a universal pawn & that they can even put him up if they win. Scottie leaves, jc/brett discuss maybe switching the votes… (keeping scottie) however, jc tells brett that he never promised them safety & he is saying this to everyone. If scottie were to stay/ then won HOH and did put them up, i would lose it!
Are live feeds off right now?