Haleigh “I voted to evict Winston.” Kaitlyn “You’re f**king sketchy!”

POV: ? Next POV: July 14th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 16th
HOH: Scottie Next HOH: July 19th
Noms: ? Have Nots ?

Kitchen – Kaitlyn and Fes. Kaitlyn – I get to sleep with the common folks again. Fes – Sleep with the peasants. Did someone really scream when I got out? Kaitlyn – yes! Someone in the audience.

8pm Rockstar – talking to herself in the lounge room. Rockstar talking to herself – I can’t believe it! I knew he was a sleeper threat! Its smart. It’s so smart! I’m going to play the veto for Steve and take Steve off with the veto. And then go out in the first round and then talk to him. What an evil genius. So smart! Break up loyalty. What a smart move. WOW! And then wear a shirt ..genius. I have to appreciate it. Big Brother switches the feeds.

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8pm Havenot room. Fes and Haleigh. Fes – did you vote Swaggy out? Haleigh – no but I am telling everyone else that I did. And they believe it was me. Fes – well why are you telling everyone else. Scottie is the HOH. Haleigh – I am telling everyone else that because they are the majority of the house. They look at the majority and that’s what they wanted me to do. So I am saying I did it. I am never telling you anything again. After 5 minutes you go and tell her everything I said. Fes – I had to figure out which one of you is lying to me. Haleigh – she wants you to think I did it. She just said that Fes said that I made you vote a certain way. Haleigh – at this point it doesn’t matter. Fes – it matters so that I can figure out who I can trust. Haleigh – If you not believe me then you don’t believe. I voted to evict Winston 100%. Haleigh goes to get up and leave. Fes pulls her back – Stop! Haleigh – we have a conversation and then 30 seconds later Kaitlyn repeats it back to me. Fes – calm down. Haleigh – I am calm. You’re pissing me off. Fes – you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Haleigh – is that all you have to say. Fes – where are you going to go? Haleigh – outside. I don’t want to sit here an listen to you. Fes – Someone from the other side voted to keep Swag. Kaitlyn joins them. Kaitlyn – who did you vote to evict? Haleigh – why? Kaitlyn – no who did you vote to evict? Just tell me, I don’t really care. My HOH week is over. Haleigh – I voted to evict Winston. Kaitlyn – You’re f**king sketchy. I got scared. Haleigh – I’m not sketchy Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn – what the f**k Haleigh. Haleigh – I was going back and forth all day. Kaitlyn – Again I don’t f**king care its not my HOH. Swaggy wearing a Swaggy C shirt and the votes to evict him. Fes – what does that even mean. Kaitlyn – I am dying! You;’re f**ked.

9:20pm Bathroom. Tyler and JC. Tyler – I think he (Scottie) wants to get the numbers out on the other side. The vote was 8 – 4, that’s a big number. JC – I don’t know how I am with him. Tyler – I’m in pretty good with him. I can sway him. I need to throw some shade about rockstar. And then you should throw the same shade. If you and me both give Scottie the same idea about Rockstar

10pm – 10:10pm Rockstar and Kaitlyn. Rockstar – you didn’t tell Tyler anything I told you did you? Kaitlyn – no. Rockstar -they were in a 3 person alliance. Tyler Scottie and Swaggy. Rockstart – its totally true. Its called the core. Kaitlyn – what do you mean its call the core? Rockstar – its not any more. Its called the Co. Kaitlyn – how do you know this. Rockstar – I am piecing it together. I know that Scottie is an evil mastermind. Rockstar – we all need to be on our lady sh*t a bit better. I know that Scottie is an evil genius but I can’t let him know that I know. I think that you, me and Bayleigh should a little more. Kaitlyn – did Bayleigh tell you that? Rockstar – yes and Swaggy told her. I just assumed that Tyler told you because you’re so close. Kaitlyn – no, Tyler and I are close but not that close. I know he’s playing a game. Lets just hope I win the power app because I was such a ruthless wh*re this week. There’s a bro and a CO and they’ll all got to go!

10:19pm Bathroom. Kaitlyn and Tyler. Kaitlyn – tell me about the Core? Tyler – who told you about that? Swaggy? Kaitlyn – I think you think that I don’t notice much. Tyler – who told you? Scottie? Swaggy? Rockstar? Kaitlyn – no… yes. Socttie is putting me up. Tyler – no. Kaitlyn – yes. Tyler – If ROckstar has her day, I would be the one backdoored. Kaityn – Do you think you could convince him to not put me up? Tyler – that’s my main priority. You should tell him that Rockstar thinks he is the one that flipped the vote. Kaitlyn – I can’t do that, she only told me. Tyler – do you want to be here or go home. If you are on the block against her, every single person in here wants her out of here. Kaitlyn – what if she takes herself off. Tyler – she wouldn’t and worst case if you are on the block and get voted out Sam would use her power on you. kaitlyn – if she does, she migh not. Tyler – she will, she knows you saved her. But that’s worst case scenario.

10:36pm Havenot room. Rockstar and Haleigh. Rockstar tells Haleigh about the core alliance. Now its just the Co. Haleigh – how do you know? Rockstar – Bay told me. Haliegh – how does it help us? Rockstar – it means we can’t trust Tyler.
Now we have to get out the Co’s, Bros so that its just the Hoes.

11pm Storage room. Kaycee and Tyler. Tyler – I think that’s all I told them. Kaycee – targeting our side? Tyler – Scottie said that he was out for blood with whoever flipped the vote against Steve. We need to pin that on Rockstar because she is throwing out my name hardcore. She hates me. Tyler – say that Rockstars been real sketchy. She literally did say that Scottie was the one that flipped. Tyler – say that she was the one that flipped but that she is saying that Scottie was the one that flipped. If she is on the block against any of us, she goes home.

11pm Scottie comes out of the diary room. Who wants to see my HOH room! They all cheer as Scottie opens up he HOH room door. They all flood inside the room. Scottie reads his HOH lotter.

12:15am HOH room. Sam and Scottie. Sam – the only thing gamewise was that he (Swagg) didn’t vote for me and Winston did. Sam – I like you and I trust you. Scottie – my whole objective this week is to find out who has lied to me. Scottie – so you know for a fact that Winston had voted for you and Swaggy didn’t. He looked me in the eyes today and said that he voted you out. Sam – well then he lied to you or he lied to me.

12:30am HOH room – Rockstar and Scottie. Scottie – I really didn’t want to win this HOH but something happened that made me want to win it. I’ve been hearing rumors back and forth that the Bros have been trying to play me and that Swaggy was doing the opposite. I had Winston look me in the eyes and tell me where his vote was week 1. So he is ether lying to my face or other people that I talked today. Rockstar – that Winston is a big liar. Scottie – yeah. I also know that Sam voted to keep Winston. Is there anyone else that’s a big concern to us? Rockstar – I heard something through the grapevine that week one Sam got a power where anyone that got put up against her, she could have sent home.

12:40am – 1:30am HOH room. Haleigh and Scottie. Haleigh – I am telling you that I voted to keep Steve 100%. I want to start working with you and not just because you’re HOH. Scottie – if I end up taking a big shot I will need some backing. Haleigh – I like that you’re not a pu$$y foot. Because when I am also going to make a big move. Haleigh – are you going to do the bros? Scottie – I cannot definitively give my answer… so they are not safe.

1:40am – 2am HOH room. Rachel and Scottie. Scoottie I know at least 3 people how lied about voting to keep Stveve. Rachel – I am a loyal honest person. Rachel – if you do keep me here, next week I wont keep you safe. Fes talks to Scottie next. Fes – you know what’s left on ours side. Bay joins them.

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37 thoughts to “Haleigh “I voted to evict Winston.” Kaitlyn “You’re f**king sketchy!””

  1. SCOTTIE winning HOH certainly seems to me like the biggest question mark as to what is going to happen this week, especially since he voted for Swaggy to leave despite wearing the Swaggy shirt. More importantly as to where his head is at, he did say “I’m nobody’s goon, so I vote to evict Chris!”, so he really believed that Swaggy wasn’t his friend. Julie asked him again to confirm who he was voting for (which is weird: his “Chris” was clear and loud, and sounded nothing like “Winston”), and there was a loud gasp / negative reaction from the audience. Did he hear the audience? If he did, will it change his mind?

    RACHEL: About the HOH tiebreaker: the answer to the final tiebreaker between Scottie and Rachel (how long was the HOH comp) was 8 minutes (475 sec). She answered THREE HOURS AND 8 minutes (12500 sec). Any chance she felt like she was safe with Scottie winning HOH and threw it?

    SWAGGY’s conversation with Sam where he opened up to her made him seem more likeable to me – although I knew he mainly wanted her vote, it’s still nice to see his diary room comments now about this, where he tells us that it’s all fake and only to get her vote. Sad he couldn’t let go of this ridiculous “I’m too cool for school!” persona.

    It does make such a huge difference to see their DRs where they can be honest. I wish BB did some “open DRs” on the live feeds (outside of the CBS shows) like they did during the OTT (internet only) season.
    Otherwise, it can be unclear who the HGs actually like and who they’re just very convincingly lying to!

    1. yeah, i always like seeing how genuine people are in dr sessions. i think a big part of the negative attitude people had towards vanessa was due in large part to the fact that she was transparently lying to even the audience watching at home in the dr.

  2. Cray-Cray thinks she’s getting a power app!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha…………

    Would be hysterical if she got the crap app! What a week that would be!

    Tyler better be careful about JC…..he can’t keep his mouth shut.

  3. Gee, Rockhead is really gunning for Tyler something bad. She claims that him, Scottie, and Skaggy had an alliance called The Core…and they got to GO ! Skaggy just left and Scottie is currently untouchable, so that leaves her biggest threat, the guy she hates the most, Tyler. I hope he doesn’t get put on the block this week.
    If he does I am sure he can probably win the veto and take himself off and he still has his cloud app if winning the veto doesn’t happen. It’s only good this week and next week, right?

    Wonder who Scottie will put up? Who is his target?

    1. There appears to be some truth to the core. When Kaitlin approached Tyler and he asked her who told, who did he say? Swaggy and Scottie, the 2 other purported core members. Likely not a coincidence.

    2. Tyler’s power is valid for 7 more weeks. It’s not as powerful as it first sounds though, because it only lets him be safe for 1 ceremony: If he uses it for a nomination ceremony, he can still get backdoored during the Veto ceremony 2 days later. If he keeps it for the Veto ceremony, he must avoid getting put up straight away…
      Oh, and “the core” did really exist, but since Scottie was part of it, and he’s the HOH, I don’t think she’ll rat out Tyler to him now in her attempt to get him to nominate Tyler! 😉

    3. I have the impression with Tyler’s “cloud app” that he has to enact it before being nominated. The way it was phrased was that if he thinks he is going to be put on the block, then he can sit in the cloud and be safe. So, does that mean he has to enact it based on thinking he may be put on the block? So, he could still be blindsided?

      Rockstar definitely needs to lay low this week, but I don’t think she has that capability. If she could successfully do it, then Scottie may go after bigger targets.

  4. LOL why is nobody talking with Scottie? Where is him? That Rockstar is really a lose cannon she decides to speak rubbish about Scottie when he just won the HOH…these people make no sense

  5. I’m probably the only person rooting for bayleigh at this point . I hope she doesn’t get evicted this week but anything can happen with scottie being HOH . My gut feeling is saying that he won’t put the bros up he’ll put up Haleigh and Sam and try to get Haleigh out the house with Bayleigh as backup plan should Haleigh win veto this week .

  6. what has rock star been smoking .. better yet what is she putting in her orange juice… wow girl come on back down to earth … so someone can give you a reality check …lol…

  7. Hey Simon/Dawg,
    Could you guys tell me what the conversation between Sam and Scottie centered around?
    Also, I heard Winston telling Brett about how, up in the HOH room, when Sam grabbed the Champagne from Bayleyigh and said “Chill out”, Bayleigh said “Who do you think You’e talking to?”, and Sam just didn’t hear it. I could’ve sworn I saw that as well, and was just wondering if you could confirm.
    As always, thanks for the updates, you 2 enhance all of our Big Brother experiences every year.

    1. Sam told Scottie she is just going to be herself and not change the way she treats people regardless of what they do or say. She told him she voted Swaggy out because she just had to vote based on what was best for her, and what made since to her. Since she knows Winston voted to keep her and Swaggy didn’t, she decided to keep Winston….but, after talking to Swaggy and getting the opportunity to get to know him better (Swaggy was totally playing her in that conversation, btw) she would have voted to keep Swaggy because she really doesn’t even know Winston. Yet, she stuck with what made more sense for her game (I’m glad she did because Swaggy was not real with her at all). Sam also told Scottie about the advice she gave Swaggy (the whole leave the past in the past and start new “Sunshine Swaggy”) but he didn’t take her advice at all.

      Sam is such a great person. Sam told Scottie not to allow anyone to take his HOH room/power/food, or boss him around. She told Scottie he should just “grip and rip” and she will support whatever he decides. She also asked him to let her know if she is part of his eviction plan, but Scottie told her she is in his top 3 most liked/respected in the house and she is safe. Scottie told her he is going after the liars (ones who lied about voting to save Steve) so that means Winston (and likely, Brett now that he’s talked with everyone) will definitely go up, IMHO.

      Sam did not reveal her power to Steve, but I think she wanted to. She said herself that she is still learning and navigating the etiquette of this game. Love her!

      1. If this is the same part shown on AD then Sam wanted to put the champagne in the fridge/freezer to chill it and Bayleigh said it was already cold and rolled her eyes. She wanted to get plastered fast.

  8. This is absolutely fantastic TV. Brett and Winston trying to save themselves by lying to Scottie when Scottie already knows they voted to evict Steve is great (this coming from a Level 6 fan). Fireworks are to come this week. This is the best start to a Big Brother season than I can really ever remember. This is realty TV crack, from the only reality show worth a damn.

  9. So this week has the makings of a good one both because Scottie is playing and so many others are too…and some are really bad at it (cough…Rockstar campaigning against the HOH hours after he wins…cough)

    I think Scottie is using his “Steve Vendetta” to flush out some tattling and with that he’ll try to solidify a group of allies. Unlike Fes, who struggles with the simple math of vote counting, Scottie knows he picked a minority side and that’s all that matters. His HOH can’t flip it to a majority, so he’s gotta readjust. I think his goal will be to try to evict the somebody from the majority that creates the least fallout (Kaycee with Winston as pawn?), while feeding enough info to make sure those who remain see him as having resisted the “other side’s” input and saved them…so they have bigger targets than him and don’t seek revenge.

    The wildcard is Tyler’s input and ability to make Scottie comfortable and secure…and Fes, RS, and Kaitlyn continuing to play as though they have power and making Scottie think his only play is to go where Tyler says.

  10. Oh, I respectfully and completely disagree with you, Trey. I do not think you are watching the feeds at all. You must just be watching the edited show. Watching the feeds would give you more insight, for sure.

    I do not think Winston is hot for anyone but himself. Brett is clearly hot for Angela, but all the girls look at him as a brother. None of the girls are interested in the Bros.

    Tyler has a great chance at winning, but I believe Scottie, Sam, and Angela have a good shot, too. We haven’t seen much play from Kaycee and Rachel, yet, but we are just in the beginning of this game.

    1. I personally think either Sam or Kaitlyn are going to be the downfall to Tyler. Sam doesn’t seem to understand the things she says to people will have a negative effect to others. I like Sam but she really needs to just shut up. She also should have watched some of the previous BB shows so she knew what the game was really about.

  11. Again, you are making comments based on edited shows, so your remarks come off as ignorant. Bayleigh indeed looked gorgeous. All the ladies did! Kaycee hasn’t even had a chance to play much, and I wouldn’t put it past her if she intentionally threw the HOH. The #s are too high right now. Angela, Rachel, Kaycee are smart for staying out of the line of fire.

    Making comments without knowing the details is equal to listening to gossip and believing everything you hear. Go to the source, then have your opinions. Don’t be so gullible.

    I do agree that Scottie is super fab, and I’d be happy if he won!

    1. Granny – Trey is just a troll making stupid comments to get attention. You know people like that – negative attention is better than no attention? (Although usually they’re 5 years old)
      My suggestion to everyone is to ignore them completely and stop giving them the thumbs down or responding to them. They’re loving it. A post ignored and with “0” votes is much more effective for getting them to move on.

  12. Kaitlyn calling Haleigh sketchy is the pot calling the kettle black. Soon, Kaitlyn will call Haleigh a threatening bully who she has to evict to show her future children the second time she stood up for her truth.

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