Godfrey “We can’t be pushing them. I’m telling you Sarah is pissed Yo!” Bruno “Whatever!”

POV Holder: Kevin Next POV May 1st
POV Used No POV Ceremony May 3rd
HOH Winner Kevin Next HOH May 6th
Nominations: Bobby and Brittnee
Have Nots Zach, Bobby, Willow (Season slop pass)
POV Players Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili

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12:25pm – 12:50pm Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return – Big Brother has ended the backyard lock down. The house guests head inside. Kevin, Bruno and Godfrey are sitting on the backyard chairs. Kevin asks Bruno about being calling in the the diary room late. Bruno says yeah. Bobby join and says he was called into the diary room at 2am, 4am, 6am and 8am. Kevin says no way! Bobby says I think they were trying to piss me off. They head inside. Brittnee asks how long their road trip will be. Zach says two and a half weeks to three weeks. Willow says they should schedule it to end in California when Big Brother 17 ends.

Out in the backyard – Godfrey, Kevin, Pili and Ashleigh. Godfrey tells Pili “I like that sweater” Pili says “thanks its Ashleighs” Godfrey tells her “I like it better on you” Ashleigh asks what? Godfrey says “I said I like the sweater on both of you.”

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1:25pm Godfrey, Bobby, Brittnee, Zach and Pili are in the kitchen eating. Bruno and Godfrey head outside. Bruno says no matter what whoever sits beside B will go home. No matter what! No matter what! Godfrey agrees. Bruno says we need Bob here! I like Britt but she isn’t going to win it for us. Any time I tell the girls something.. Willow, Sarah .. within the hour everyone else knows. Godfrey says wow. We’ll figure it out before Wednesday. We’ve still got two days. Bruno says eventually those 4 couples are going to have to split! Godfrey says the sooner the better. Bruno says You, me and Bobby are tight! So are those girls. Godfrey says we have to be careful about how we ask them bro. We can’t be pushing them. I’m telling you she (Sarah) is pissed Yo! Bruno says whatever! They’re going to go for the couples first but then we’re f**ked. Bruno says we’re okay we’re just going to have to weasel a bit. Bruno says we’re only really safe if we win ourselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sarah took a shot at us to get in better with them.

1:40pm – 2:35pm Kevin comes out of the diary room with the HOH camera and says they’re supposed to make short videos doing something crazy so that Big Brother can make gifs and post them.

2:40pm – 3pm Backyard – Bobby gets called to the diary room. Zach says you might as well just live in there. You’ve been called in the all day. Bobby says that’s what happens when you’re on the block. Sarah says that’s what happens when you finger everybody! Bruno says its weird we’re getting the camera today instead of tomorrow. Keivn asks well are we going to be tasting the flavour of a twistos twist this week? Zach says he doesn’t think so. Zach asks Kevin what he wants to do when he gets out. Kevin says he would like to go back to school and get a business degree in economics. It depends on what kinds of things comes of this too though.

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3:20pm In the bedroom – Willow and Godfrey are talking. Willow says you’ve got to go Zach and Kevin or Ashleigh it doesn’t matter. Ashleigh joins them. Godfrey says we think it will be a double eviction next week so we’re all packing our stuff. I can’t risk you guys packing my stuff. Ash and Willow head to the bathroom.

3:30pm – 3:50pm Backyard – Zach, Bobby, Pili and Kevin are talking about smoking cigarettes, cigars and snorting chew. Ashleigh says she snorted the rockets candy when she was younger and would never snort anything again after that.

UP in the bathroom – Bruno walks in and asks Godfrey and Willow if they’re banging. Willow would break you! Willow says I don’t know I’ve never had dark chocolate before. Him saying he’s done it 5 times in an hour intrigues me though.

4pm In the kitchen – Sarah and Ash get the idea to dye Ashleigh’s hair with fruit compote so they can dress up as the spice girls. They test some of her hair and when they’re going to do it all big brother tells them to stop that. Willow says she thinks its for the DR sessions. They decide to try it again on Thursday after Wednesday’s taping is done. Willow says I think its going to be a triple eviction… you go, you go, you go! If I’m evicted I just won’t go!

4:15pm Bedroom – Willow says I am trying to be nice.. I’m trying to be fake with Sarah but I can’t. She is just annoying. Pili joins them. She asks if Willow is okay. Willow says I’m mad at Sarah, I’m mad at Bruno .. I’m just having a bad day. Pili leaves. Willow tells Ash I think though I am going to do God and B. (if she wins HOH) And if God comes off then Bruno goes up. Ash says I wouldn’t want to expose the whole I’m not trusting Bruno yet. Willow says because if he wins then he throws you up. He literally told me put up B and Sarah… that’s a waste! Ash says that’s what I thought too but why would I put up people who aren’t coming after me.
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4:25pm – 4:45pm HOH bath time – Kevin tells Pili we have to think about what’s best for the four of us but better yet what’s best for you and I. Kevin says so say Bobby leaves Wednesday.. unless theirs some twist. Kevin says there are 9 of us .. 4 diapers. He counts on his hands the 4 diapers on one hand Me, you, Zach Ashleigh and the others on the other hand Bruno, Britt, Sarah, Willow, Godfrey. Pili asks has Bruno talked to you lately? Kevin says no, he’s really been burning some bridges lately.. which is good. Zach is afraid of Sarah. If Sarah wins this week she will go after Bruno. Pili agrees. Pili asks if its an instant who do you put up? I think I would put up God and Bruno. Kevin says for us its better to get out Bruno but for Zach and Ash its better to get out Godfrey. Pili says Bruno cannot win HOH. He’s like pissed right now. Kevin asks you’re determined to win if its an endurance? Pili says yes unless I slip or its cold water. Pili tells Kevin if we were up on the block and I won the veto I would most likely take you off because you would be more likely to go. Kevin says I’ll keep working on Godfrey. When I’m with him I’ll be like Pili loves you and when you’re with him you should be like Kevin loves you.

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31 thoughts to “Godfrey “We can’t be pushing them. I’m telling you Sarah is pissed Yo!” Bruno “Whatever!””

          1. better go look ow johnny pulled him off the for gregory!if it wasnt gregory would haver been still over kevin!

  1. I’m Team Godrey! Ever since Zack “woke the sleeping giant” Gods been slaying it. Campaigning his butt off to flip the house, winning veto when he needed to, and convincing Kevin to not put him up or backdoor him! Plus his quips are so funny and accurate.

    1. I’m also team Godfrey but i dont think he convinced Kev not to put him up. Kev always wanted Bobby out and he knew God would go for Zach 1st.

  2. willow is going to be able to say she told them so about a triple eviction lol. which might put a target right on her hah

    1. I know right?! Who wants or more so needs to see THAT!!, it’s absolutely ridiculous, sometime 3 feeds at a time.
      I think the feeds should be set per player, click on name and you get to choose who to watch.

  3. the diapers have won 50% of the comps
    (kevin – 4)
    (zach – 2)
    (pilar – 1)
    they are soo good at comps
    i see them pulling out the triple eviction
    put up brittnee, bruno, and godfrey
    bruno and godfrey go home
    then i see willow, brittnee or sarah winning the hoh
    and then THE WAR BEGINsss

  4. bruno is soo annoying
    not everyone has to do what you says
    and if someone doesn’t do what you want, it doesn’t mean that they don’t get it
    it means that it’s not beneficial to their game
    so the diapers know that brittnee (willow and sarah) are sitting pretty
    but they’re getting bobby out because he’s a comp beast and he’s just throwing them

  5. Bruno maybe Sarah would trust you more if you didn’t go on your anti-girl, paranoid rant yesterday only for the entire house to find out…..

    1. Sarah is not distrusting him because of that. She knows what he’s doing and that it’s what he has to do.The same thing she’s doing, But there is no way Bruno will take her to the end, he’s too smart and she knows this. Laughably, mastermind Kevin now believes she will nominate Bruno. I hope he doesn’t win, any of SBW or BG for the win!

  6. OK. So they got the camera today instead of the usual Tuesday.
    BB asked them to take videos with each other.
    Is it just me, or does this sound like they might have that type of HOH comp where they have to remember details from the videos? Like there was on BB16 with the GIFs`Or is that too similar to the BB Zoo comp they already had?
    Just trying to think of comps where the cockroaches have the best shot at winning, since that’s what I believe BB tries to accomplish…
    Well, maybe they’ll ask Bobby after he got evicted “just tell us who you want to be HOH!” and that’s it… :/

  7. A couple threads back pretty clear folks are getting a clearer picture of Sarah. Welcome to the party! The question is what do you expect it’s BB lying is part of the game. She’s trying to triangulate with some sketchy and less than BB brilliant people. Lets take a look at where I think her loyalties lie.
    Sarah with….
    Willow- I’ll forget todays lil fight and say this is her number 1
    B- 1 or 2 has value to bounce ideas off of. Sarah can trust her more than anyone in the house IMO. if only she was a comp beast!
    Ash/Pili- think the relationship is similar enough it basically comes down to… they don’t have a penis! Both potential girl power members depending on Wednesday.
    Zack/Kev- Sarah’s true 1st targets. Forget Bruno fight and everything else the guys winning are diapers that’s the 2 guys she wants gone. Likely Zack more so than Kev.
    GOD- best positioned of the guys with Sarah. That’s not saying much.
    Bruno- blowing his game up some trying to save Bobby. The play isn’t the girls Bruno the play was Zach/Ash to flip. Hard to have gotten that done to.
    Bobby- bad season on BB Yo. Threw a bunch of comps how’s that working out for you?

    Sarah was a lazy lay about if you read my stuff last year I’m not a fan of that game. About 1/2 way through she really started playing BB just like Neda. She needs a lot more BB bonifidies to be in the same league as Neda. The over lying might bother you but it’s common on BB. She just doesn’t do well in comps. You either gotta be a comp beast or aligned with one she has neither. Gotta hope the guys keep targeting each other.

    1. Neda…
      – was competitive in many different sorts of comps, just didn’t need or want to win them for a long time.
      – didn’t need BB to pull an extreme move (evicted HGs sequestered together, Sindy coming back handing her the Chop Shop on a platter) to open her eyes on what the alliances were in the house.
      – didn’t need BB to come up with comps she would have an advantage in (who knows Sarah’s bff best? if there’s a tie, Sarah’s bff gets to decide who wins!)
      – would never have had a strategy session with another person sitting on the toilet listening in(!!).
      Basically, I don’t see anything in Sarah that qualifies her as “Neda-like”.

      1. your first point – is okay.
        after that pure distortion… Sarah already knew about the existence of the alliance she just didn’t know the name they had chosen (Chop Shop) the name is not important. Fact is she knew they were working together. Although it could appear the HoH comp to match Sindy’s answers could seem to be tailor made for someone but the fact is guessing how another person will answer random questions at the moment is not about how well you know. Sarah did not start the strategy session someone. They have had entire tv shows that are hilarious about how poorly people who are (or should be) extremely close can match each other’s answers. Sarah did not initiate; nor start the strategy session Kev overheard. That was all Sindy… and Sindy was the vocal participant not Sarah. We get you have chosen to see Sarah as you do but your justifications are contrived and lacking.

        1. lol. So the fact that “Sindy started talking” means that it’s ok for everybody to forget basic caution and not check if it’s safe to participate in the discussion?
          “OK, so he overheard us talking game. But that’s ok, because it wasn’t my responsibility to check since Sindy was the first to talk, so IT DOESN’T COUNT”.
          I love the fact that you use the word “contrived and lacking”! 😀
          Sarah had no clue that Ashleigh and Willow were part of the alliance, or that Pilar wasn’t. They all run through various scenarios as they “suspect” people working together – as seen with this whole girls alliance talk – but Sindy came in with the whole package of knowledge, spoken by one of the former members.
          Sindy has shared her true feelings with Sarah and Brittney, like on how she felt about JP leaving etc. The others, her enemies, had to guess and assume. If you don’t see a difference, you’re a bit… oh, wtf, you’re utterly delusional.
          You’d be awesome at playing Big Brother.

          1. Of course you defend and reply with more distortion. Example, Frenchie… if you walk into the room and start talking game without checking the room I’m not going to stop you and check the room for you… Sindy was driving the entire conversation Naeda and Sarah didn’t say anything bad for their game or remotely girl’s alliance. Kevin spun it to save his ass because he absolutely was going home and Graig ran with it. The rest was gamesmanship and lies. To say that Sindy shared her true feelings about anything in the house is interesting. I suppose, in the house, people know what is and what is not true coming from other players. I was respectful and considerate enough to challenge your proofs of your position. I did not make it personal. Perhaps you will respect the example and refrain from trolling.

  8. My opinion on the top favorites :
    1) i love Bruno( i hope he wins ) : he has the best social game because the whole house actually respect him. The only flaw i find in his game is he not adaptable: he doesn’t have a clue how to get to the final …he really should be thinking after some miracle the showmance alliance is gone whats his next move(he doesn’t have a clue) …he should save his energy and stop trying to save bobby.
    2) i cant understand why people like Sarah!… she has two people that are loyal to her Bri &Will and granted that’s more than most, but she has such a sloppy game & she does a lot of personal jabs (that i hate ..i like a clean game where you talk about how someone plays the game in the house..i can never understand the person jabs …i honestly believe it doesn’t help anyone game ever …if anything the personal jabs make you look bad ). The worst part of sarah’s game is ,that people don’t respect her( exception being b and willy) i believe if people dont respect you they are bound to screw you over….Sarah like bruno doesnt have a clue how to get the final …she hasnt thought a head at all ….willow is her mole but she hasn’t planned for what her move will be once willy turns rogue or bipolar….you know its a bad when you spend hours with willow(your top general)and then she give you some info but she trash talks to the others …mind you bruno doesnt have willows in his pocket yet but she has never uttered a bad word about him and if bruno gets off bobbys dick for two seconds he could have willow doing jumping jacks in less amount of time it took sarah to convert her…because willy actually respects bruno…thats why i believe respect is important in this game….Sarah should really start working with other people and stop relying on willow to always be giving her info .she should be fishing not always waiting to be feed.
    3.Kevy wevy…in the beginning i confused kevins aloofness for brilliance but never again ,production you can paint that turd all day but am not buying it. Kevin has no clue what he is doing and doesnt know how to get to the finals….Case and point last week pil HOH should have been his HOH but instead he gave it to Zach….i dont think people realize this but every HOH till kevins has been Zacs HOH …you have to give it to zach that shits impressive. Anywy back to kevin he could have used pilis hoh to get rid of zach because clearly the house wanted that and that way he could have found out how the house got jp out and align himself with other people and create a whole new alliance and rock that house …but he decided nope…lets keep doing the same thing….people are imperssed with kevins move to get rid of bobby but the truth of it …kevin only wants to get rid of bobby not cause bobby is a threat to him but because he wanted to distinguish himself from zac …only problem whats next kevin?….if you wanted to distinguish yourself from zac that badly then you have the balls to do something big eliminate zach…problem with kevin game is his social game sucks he depends heavily on the showmance but if that breaks up he is a sitting duck …and unfortunatly he cant win every hoh so whats his next move…he doent have one. noone is thinking end game
    3) people hate zach and i cant stand his arrogance as well ,but he has played an impressive game upto Jp …but zacks biggest problem is arrogance and he cant adapt…the funniest thing about zac is he hasnt realized he is the BIG MOVE all the house guest want to play.Zach i hope he could regroup jp leaving has stunted his game but he should start socializing again find out how people really feel offer deals and stick to one alliance…maybe maybe he could win .
    4)..Godfrey love him but his social sucks …but i love is objectivity…he says what people need to hear …give good advise that no-one ever listens to…with God i don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing for his game…god is in a house of idiots and if lasts till the end i hope he gets the cash for being super entertaining.

  9. There’s no precindence. For triple eviction! No way did she just guess that…none of them would guess that! It must a been teased about from DR. Saying something like…what would you think if a triple….or hinted somehow…..then again willow is a thinker and says what comes to her head…so Ya never know lol

    1. Although you may be correct with respect to the diary room tip, it may also be possible that precedent is not required as much as awareness of time and the ability to count House guests in context of a production that must be creative risk being even more dull and predictable.

  10. Willow….thinker….I really mean her head thinking activity is like adhd….will say out loud what other people wont….sporadically and timing inappropriate alot….I’m not saying she’s a genius by any means lol
    Willow= Ms 8.5 inches only need apply. LOL
    now that’s willow

  11. They sure favour Kevin…wait till he gets arrested for exposing himself to someone in public…lol

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