POV Holder: | Sarah | Next POV | May 15th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | ? |
HOH Winner | Ashleigh | Next HOH | May 13th |
Nominations: | |||
Have Nots | Canada voted for: Sarah & Brittnee (They will compete for the Secret Power) | ||
POV Players | VETO PLAYERS PICKED: ASH, Sarah, Godfrey, Zach, Brittnee, Bruno HOST is Pili |
7:12pm Poolside Sarah and Brittnee
talking about if they are this season’s Rachelle and Sabrina.
Sarah – do you think if we make it to final 2 you’ll finally kiss me
They laugh, Brittnee – I’ll plant a big one on ya final 2
Sarah wonders why the other players aren’t looking at them as perfect final 2 candidates. “Like a dog looks at a juicy bone.. who’s going to vote for us Sindy.. sindy and Willow.. Not Willow for you”
Godfrey joins them . They talk about nobody should call them a floater at this point. Sarah says Any from BB15 was the best player she’s ever seen Godfrey agrees.
7:30pm Dinner.. They toast to MOM and making this far.
They talk about Sindy saying Twitter was calling Neaha “Slayha”
Bruno brings up Sindy telling him that Andy from BB15 was saying the cast this year was a bunch of idiots.
Sarah says Andy is the sassiest person on his twitter feed, points out that Andy got a lot of hate after his season was over. Pople called him rat and floater.
Sarah says Sindy wasn’t allowed to say any tweets about them.
Zach – She said something about Willow thought
Sarah – they were related to her.. wasn’t game play just comments.
As usual Godfrey eats all the remaining food off the girls plates. Godfrey says eating chicken bones is because of him growing up in Zimbabwe.
Zach thinks people don’t appreciate food as much in Canada. Godfrey says it makes sense when food is so plentiful.
8:17pm HOH Ashleigh and Pili
Ashleigh says he’s going to make a drink for them.
Pili – The goblins drunk I can’t wait… Ash yo know what i’ve been thinking.. there’s only two weeks left come Thursday.
They agree to not stress the next 2 weeks and just have fun.
Ashleigh 0 at this point what happens happens.
Pili – If I went home .. I’m going to be so happy that I got to be here… Have fun whatever happens.. even competition.. they’re important. but .. have fun
The goblins head downstairs to pour a drink.
Ashleigh pours them each drink takes a sip ‘Tastes like a creamsicle”
The goblins tipsy start roaming around the house…
8:24pm Hot Tub Godfrey, Sarah and bruno
They find a spider spinning a web..
Godfrey – It looks like a mom man look at that a$$
Everyone really excited about the spider.
8:49pm everyone clustered around the hot tub. Lots of random chit chat..
Godfrey – Big Brother should bring us like cats yo just for a day..
pili – casts
Sarah – ya
Godfrey – Kitties and puppies we play with them..
Godfrey – Or a turtle a turtle would be the perfect pet
Ashleigh – a hamster
(The picture below shows Ashleigh’s face after Godfrey suggested they get some cat and turtle pets.. LOL)
They talk about how easy it is to buy Twitter followers. Zach says that popularity in high school is based on how many Instagram/twitter followers you have.
Godfrey “in Zimbabwe we had no Goths yo”
Brittnee thinks it comes from ther UK because they are ‘Fashion forward”
Sarah says its from the punk community says some days she goes goth, ‘All my friends in muiddle school where goth”
Godfrey – “One of my friends was like i’m going goth bro yo.. he had the stater kit and everything
Godfrey says a lot of the styles that are around ripe off Goth style.
Godfrey has noticed people use to get roasted for having the big lobe earing but now it’s gaining popularity.
Sarah goes to explain all the process of stretching your lobe “you’re ear is always trying to heal itself.. there’s puss”

9:39pm Hot Tub
Pili – What does POV Stand for (Half way through the video)
Everyone yells Power of Veto
Godfrey and Bruno – ‘It’s day 50’
Sarah – I love you Pili
Godfrey what do you think it stands for.
Zach – Point of view.
Godfrey – I know what you’re talking about
9:40pm bruno, Godfrey and Zach
laughing about them being Final 7 and Pili asking what POV stands for.
9:45pm Brittnee and Sarah
Getting the feeling that Brittnee is the target this week because nobody has talked to her yet.
brittnee – No I know how people feel.. I’ve been a pawn so many times .. I know there’s a lot of shady stuff behind the scenes.
Brittnee doesn’t trust Godfrey up. Sarah thinks putting Zach and AShleigh up beside each other will be the best bet.. we gotta think non emotionally.
Zach joins them. Brittnee asks her where his vote is. Zach says he doesn’t know for sure if he’s getting rid of Godfrey.
Sarah says the three closest people in the house was Bruno, Godfrey and Graig.
Zach thinks Godfrey has been solo
Sarah leaves.. Brittnee and Zach. Brittnee telling him how good he’s been at making sure the jury members are good with Zach. Brittnee says Godfrey is no joke he’s faster and quicker and he’s goign to bring it these next 2 weeks. Zach says Brittnee is also strong. Brittnee is quick to point out she’s not good at endurance.
Brittnee says ‘This is real talk” bruno will win in the final 2 claims ‘Bruno’s played a phenomenal game” Brittnee really stressing at how nobody will beat Bruno in the final 2
(Video uploading)
9:55pm Kitchen the goblins and Black/bru
Godfrey says bruno is doing better in competitions since he hurt his Thumb .
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Assuming Sarah or Brit put up Zach and Bruno, I guess Godfrey will be the deciding factor. Sarah and Brit will vote Zach out and Pili will vote Bruno out. If God votes Bruno out, Ash will obviously vote Bruno out to break the tie.
Godfrey will no doubt vote Zach out as in his Diary sessions (which is about the closest to the truth in this game) he constantly says that his number one goal is to get Zach out of the game.
My theory is if God votes out Zach, he and Bruno better be prepared to face an all girls alliance!
They’ll have no choice! One of the guys are definitely going home this week… and I’d be shocked as hell if Godfrey voted out Zach if it was Zach vs Bruno!
Finally someone else that appreciates Andy’s (BB15) game! He played an excellent game in my opinion. Definitely one of the top 5-6 winners. The way he maneuvered throughout was fantastic and then at the end of the season whenever he formed the Exterminators to go against the side of the house he was aligned with the whole season. Genius. He just sat back and let them take each other out, all the while knowing the people he would bring to final 3 with him were weak players that he could easily beat. Excellent player on a so-so season. I loved BB15 personally because of all the drama and controversy and, of course, Amanda’s craziness. It was a very compelling season to watch to say the least.
At this point I have no doubts that the secret power has not been discovered yet. A part of me wants to have the secret power competition happened right before the houseguests vote just so we can see Bruno and Zach squirm longer. Things will definitely get messy the next HOH and all of them will be fighting hard for the power.
Ok be truthful, how many thought Godrey wanted to eat the Cats or Turtles when they read the headline…. Raises hand….. 😀
Actually, I think it is an incredible idea!!!,! These people are isolated and animals have been proven to have healing and comforting effects on people. Any animal would be a boon for the HGs, just look at how fascinated they are by spiders this season, lol. Nor consider how they obsess over their stuffed animals.
I would give anything to see a bunch of cats released into the BB house. That would be incredible and a FIRST!!!!! And make for good tv. IKEA did a stint like that once, where they let a ton of cats roam a showroom, it was pretty cool. Just consider how much everyone on the forums loves the as yet unnamed Seagull.
OMG, BBCan so needs to introduce some type of animal, that would be awesome!
I get your joke about Godfrey. He has some very interesting stories about animals, eats quite a diverse range and doesn’t discriminate over the parts. That said, I can’t see him eating a little kitty, lol.
In BB Australia they got a couple of dogs that needed homes. It was cool.
does anyone know how this new veto works?
is it just given to the h/n and they duke it out to see who gets it between them, or, do they have to find it, and then duke it out between themselves
Have not power
Q) After the secret power is used, who picks the replacement nominee(s)? A) The secret power holder, not the HOH
Q) Does the secret power holder vote? A) Yes, as long as they are not a still nominee after making the switch(es)
Q) Can this week’s HOH play in the next HOH comp? A) No, as per usual
Q) Does the secret power HAVE to be used? A) Yes, on one OR two nominees
Q) Who is SAFE from the block when secret power is used? A) HOH and regular POV holder
how do sara and brit get the veto? is it given to them? do they have to find it?
The last thing BBCA wants is another FAILED Twist.
So I think even if they have to smack em upside the head with it
Someone will get it and use it.
I completely agree!
I had to pvr tonight’s episode and I just went to watch it and had to fast forward through an hour of golf, not one scrap of the episode. Anyone want to fill me in on how the episode went and how production spun the most recent events? Much appreciated!
There was footage of what took place amongst the housemates after Arissa announced the triple eviction and after POV. Bruno slightly calling out Sarah on the couch, proceeded by an exciting shouting match between Bruno and Sarah in the pantry. Bruno was on a level 9 trying to get in Sarah’s face while Godfrey blocked him. Sarah screamed right back at Bruno, called him snake and it finally ended outside in the kitchen.
Sarah realized her mistake in voting out Willow
She bawled.
Britt pretended to be upset.
Admitted that Willow and Sarah were too close. (in the Diary room only)
HOH -some kind of torture chamber that required standing and balancing a ball, hugging a tree or hanging on to 2 straps.
Ashleigh won. (pretty impressive it was a hard comp)
Zach and Bruno blabbing about taking each other.
Bruno trying to convince Zach that Ash will take Pili
Zach pretending to believe it (actually believes Ashleigh will take him and vice versa, Diary room confessions)
Pilli does not trust Bruno
Godfrey shown making an alliance with all the pairs.
Sarah doing what she does best. Manipulate. Trying to sell Ash and Pill on getting rid of Bruno.
Zach tries to break up the conversation.
Ash nominates Sarah and God.
The End.
Thank you so much!!!! I wish I had seen the episode. Global takes a while to get them up on their website.
No problem.
What’s with Zach and the hoodie? He’s got the baseball cap visor back and protecting his neck, then the hoodie over that? What, worried about a backstab from your bros?
so… watched two holes of golf (punishment worse than being told your Canada’s least favorite) during what should have been the episode before a thunderstorm knocked out power for a 5km radius here. for 3 3/4 hours. anyone have any link to watch the episode? please?
i know how the veto is used, thank you simon!
Now can someone tell me how is the veto earned?
is it just given to sara and brit and they fight for it
do sara and brit have to find it
Will the winner of hvnot power needs to be revealed and if it is revealed sarah and britt have a big target with the whole house because they still making big moves. I think god needs to win the next hoh or next to survive
Is think Bruno is a bigger target than Godfrey is… Bruno will go first (hopefully)!
wondering here ; WHEN is Bruno gonna take off that splint .. almost 5 weeks and the thumb no fixed.. BS .. I broke mine and it was good to go after 3 weeks in a splint .. I broke mine slamming it in a car door .. not like Bruno`s booboo… what a joke .. enough already … taking bets the splint comes off as soon as he is evicted…lol
I broke my pinky finger on March 23, by barely twisting it the wrong way, and I’m still wearing a splint. My doctor said it takes 6-8 weeks to heal properly (he said even if it’s only sprained the same healing time would be required), or it can cause arthritis down the road. My bruising didn’t even go down by the third week, so you must’ve been lucky that it healed completely after only 3 weeks. If Bruno’s finger is sprained/broken it’s not unrealistic that he’s still wearing that splint.
Was covering the game so just getting around to watching show.
WOW Zach was the only one initially who even bothered to give Sarah a hug for being a Have Not. They all went to Britt.
Bruno was all over Britt. And Sarah just by herself….That was HEART BREAKING TO WATCH.
Zack believed at that time that Sarah was going home…he’s doing Jury control by going to Sarah.
I’ve seen pilar talking game to Ashleigh for the last few days, and thinking, ‘wow, she gets it, the lightbulb has turned on’… then she asks what pov means. d’oh. I keep hoping. optimistically. come on… i’m hoping here. don’t disappoint me. damn. come on… pov…. really?
She can be a contender for the end. As it stands, I think most would like Pili sitting next to them. However, she is not a floater since her alliance kept winning. She won a major hoh which sent sindy home. Her social game is bang on. If she flips to an all girls alliance it could be her “big move”. She could have a good case, and hopefully she will convey it properly. I feel she has a good chance to do a speech.
i’m not trying to be rude in saying this, but her speech…. oh her speech.
I know it’s language barrier and i should be less judgemental, but the speech part… i’m sort of open mouth shaking my head thinking there goes her game if she got to final two. It isn’t because she wouldn’t be able to express her opinion, but the nervous stammering and giggling added to the fact that most jurors thinks she’s not fully cognizant…
It’s extremely frustrating when BB has clueless players for those of use with
an appreciation for strategy and game play.
Ash n Pili could care less about winning. eeehhhh
All these people do is F up other peoples game who want to play and win.
But as frustrating as it is …. it seems to just be part of the game.
Personally … I’m sure there are a lot of people who really want to play
But like I would be if I was on the show … abit boring … casting is more concerned
with what they consider entertainment than game play.
I guess I was just enthused to see that there was something she could look back on after the game and say, “wow, I had that figured out youknowwhatimean. I knew in my head and my heart what was going to youknow happen and and and i did something to help myself.”
Lets face it, i think everyone had the facepalm moment when she was chatting with sarah and Ashleigh a few days ago about the purple cobras et.al. and she said something like, ‘all of this was going on and i didn’t know about any of it, ooooh dear, it’s like i wasn’t even playing this game.’ I think i actually muttered by jove i think she’s got it.
When she was hoh i tried to see things through her eyes, and through her perspective. But a week later i felt like i was making excuses for her because i thought she was a nice person not cut out to play this game. Seeing a glimmer of gametalk and strategy made me think oh thank god, you won’t be an absolute laughing stock because for a while there near the end of the game, you got it.
It’s not that i’m a fan or a hater of Pilar. She’s sort of like the Rachelle of season three. followed people around most of the time she was there and let them think for her. if that changes, good for her.
I wasn’t here during BB15, but I’m curious what people think of Andy’s gameplay. From my understanding of the show, and finale night, minus his ratting, Andy played the strongest social game that season, and knew strategically when to float, and jump ship. He seemed incredibly good at gaining people’s trust and distributed himself throughout the house equally. Didn’t he basically stab everyone in the jury in the back, including his closest ally Spencer? And yet he got 7 jury votes. I was thinking that after he successfully got Ellisa out that he would beat any of the remaining people. Plus his finale night answers, and final speech crushed GM.
this is the best spoiler title ever!!
LOL Godfrey is hilarious bro yo..
I think Sarah has the secret veto and will surprise everyone when she takes B and God off the block and puts up Zach and Bruno lol I will be a happy bunny when Bruno goes home lol ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I don’t care abut his wife and kids. Play the dam game woos.