God “The devil I know & the devil I don’t” Britt “Some times its better to dance with the devil you know”

POV Holder: Sarah Next POV May 15th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony May 10th
HOH Winner Ashleigh Next HOH May 13th
Nominations: Sarah Brittnee & Godfrey
Have Nots Canada voted for: Sarah & Brittnee (They will compete for the Secret Power)
POV Players VETO PLAYERS PICKED: ASH, Sarah, Godfrey, Zach, Brittnee, Bruno
HOST is Pili

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9:30am – 10:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sarah says that he’s (Zach) only going to have so many chances. There’s a chance that Pili could pull one out and maybe she’ll change her mind and do what’s smart. And this week I am going to win. Brittnee says everyone wants to take Zach to the end but how many people want to take Bruno? Sarah says Godfrey. Brittnee says I can’t stop thinking. Sarah says its a toss up either way… with those guys. Britt says I know, they both have a lot of pull. Sarah asks will Godfrey really put up Burno? Britt says it doesn’t really matter. Those girls will never smarten up. Its really just lose, lose. Everything is lose, lose. I don’t know why it hit me like that, that Bruno needs to go. Britt says Bruno seems to have more of an issue with you than me. But still he has the ability to manipulate people. How do you have that much power of persuasion. She should have put him up this week but she didn’t want to risk it. Risk sending home the person that saved her closest ally. Sarah says he (Bruno) said “Your girl power sh*t!” Britt says he has the power to persuade peoples minds. Sarah says maybe for you its best we get Zach out first. Britt asks why. Sarah says because it seems he’s gunning for you and Bruno is gunning for me. If we got Zach out who would the girls go to us or Bruno? Sarah says Ash said she isn’t going to go against what Zach wants. Britt says Bruno’s got to go next week. Sarah says we just got to win HOH first. Sarah says its the same thing with either guy. Britt says one just happens to be sleeping in the bed with one of them.

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10am – 10:30am In the bedroom – Bruno tells Godfrey if Zach wasn’t here they (Ash & Pili) would be working with them (Sarah & Britt). Every night he has to go in there and reel them back in. Godfrey says he has to undo all their work. Bruno lets just win this. Godfrey says even Britt was tired of Sarah’s campaigning. Bruno says everyone else is more sick of it. It really sunk her game. It helped you too though. Bruno heads to the kitchen and asks Zach if he’s talked to Britt yet? Zach says no, but she knows. Zach says she (Sarah) actually lost it yesterday. Bruno says oh yeah she cracked for sure. Bruno says I knew she was poison from the start! Zach says she just can’t deal with not getting her way. Bruno says exactly. If she doesn’t get her way she stomps her feet and cries. Bruno says the jury house is going to lose it when they see that today. Zach says I never did think about it but whoever goes can say whatever they want to the jury. Bruno says whatever they want.

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10:40am – 11am In the bathroom – Brittnee says just be careful of Bruno okay! Godfrey says I know, at this point I am forced to work with him (Bruno). Like I know I can’t trust him 100% but I also know I can’t trust those guys 100% either. Britt says you can’t. Godfrey says the devil I know and the devil I don’t. Brittnee says some times its better to just dance with the devil you know. Godfrey says if you leave you won’t be seeing one of us. Britt says don’t trust him. I don’t trust him. Sarah says for us to work with him we need to not tell them anything and then he goes and tells them everything and gives them a veto.

In the kitchen – Bruno and Zach joke and laugh about Sarah’s theories of them being related.

11:10am – 11:25am Zach tells Bruno that there are going to be five .. six girls in jury. Sindy, Sarah, B, Ashleigh, Pili, Willow. Zach says so if any of these girls make it deep that means to the point that one of them is going to win. Bruno says that’s game right there. Zach says we’re f**ked if we take God dude. We’re f**ked if we take a girl. If any of these guys vote for a girl, we’re f**ked. Bruno says that’s why we have to do it we have no choice. Zach says B will vote exactly the same as Sarah. Sarah would never vote for us or respect our game. That’s a sad thing, you know?! Bruno says she tried to play this game like battle of the s*xes instead of Big Brother.

11:35am – 12:10pm In the bedroom – Brittnee tells Sarah that Bruno just told me when I walked in the room last night you exploded. Sarah says actually the exact opposite happened I settled down when you walked in the room. Pili joins them. Sarah says I am f**ked if I don’t win. Actually I would feel good if you (Pili) won too. Sarah says that she thinks if Bruno wins he would put up me and Ash. Brittnee asks do you think Zach would put you up? Pili says not yet. They talk about whether or not Zach and Ash have a final 2. Pili doesn’t think they’ve talked about it but Britt says for sure they have. Pili says I don’t know if Ash would take me or Godfrey? Britt asks she would take Godfrey? Pili says I don’t know. Sarah says I think people under estimate God with the jury too. He was a target day 1 and made it all the way to here without having to win a comp. (He won a veto to take himself off the block.) Brittnee talks about how she doesn’t think Zach and Bruno just got close. You don’t use the veto on someone. Godfrey joins them. Pili leaves.

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12:15pm Pili tells Brittnee and Sarah that if she was HOH the nominations would have been different. Sarah tells Pili about how Bruno went off on her and started swearing at her. Sarah says he’s not going to scare me into not talking. Its not going to happen. Britt says and he said that you guys (Ash & Pili) are annoyed when we talk game to you. Sarah says but its okay because I am going to win this HOH. Britt says you guys will be okay.. just make sure when you win its the right person, you know?!

12:44pm The live feeds are blocked in preparation for the Eviction tonight.

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109 thoughts to “God “The devil I know & the devil I don’t” Britt “Some times its better to dance with the devil you know””

  1. OH I CAN’T YO.
    What the heck just happened???
    Britt and Sarah are idiots if they send Bruno out over Zach
    Brittnee your gut got Willow out of the house!!!

    1. I think they’re just talking through there options. I just hope they’re smart enough to take godfrey off the block too. (Bruno can’t be trusted to vote out Zack)

    2. Bruno eff’d his game…that’s what happened. I think both Bruno and Sarah were wrong in the fight last night. (Sarah shouldn’t have gotten rattled and Bruno should have understand her point of view.) Nevertheless, Bruno should have stayed quiet like God did during his convo with Sarah.

      Funny thing about Bruno and Sarah hating each other is that they are playing the same game. They both want to work with their respective gender, they are both “good talkers”, they both have the ability to emotionally connect with others and they both understand the strategy of the game. However, Sarah has one thing up on Bruno…she has the ability to think about other peoples perspective.

      1. Bruno didn’t really screw up his game. Since everything would play out the same (i.e. Ash winning HOH and Sarah/Britt winning have not power), who do you think they were going to put on the block and try to send home (between Godfrey, Pilar, Willow, and Bruno)?

        If anything, Bruno increased his chances of staying this week by keeping Zach. There’s not a chance in hell he was staying if Zach left with Kevin last week.

        1. I think you misunderstood my statement. I’m talking about after the fight Bruno had with Sarah. Now in B’s mind, the target should be Bruno instead of Zach. If Bruno, stayed quiet and sucked up his pride (even though I think what he was saying was pure hypocrisy, I presume thinks he’s right) B would have kept her target as Zach.

        2. He may have screwed his game only time will tell.. he definitely lost 2 jury votes possibly more and speaking of jury he may be heading to it first if those girls still hold a grudge by eviction time.. so yes he may have screwed himself no use in using Zach as a meat shield if the shield is going to get bypassed and your head is about to roll instead..
          A true gamer knows you have to stay on good terms with everyone even if they are going home in your mind.. opinions matter.. and you cant win without a majority in jury.. Its not just about making it to the end..

      2. Yeah… Bruno is too emotional to deal with Sarah. God just don’t give a f*** and agrees with everything she says so she doesn’t heat up. That’s what I call smart social game, acting with people how you think will make them feel the most comfortable with you!

    3. A glimse into the future….

      Brit drops a bomb..

      Bruno sits there with his mind about to explode
      internal monologue — oh fuck what have I done ..this can’t be real— slaps himself in the face — shit its real

      Bruno approaches Sarah — “hey umm like im sorry , keep me?! hehe” *nervous chuckle*

      Karma’s a Bitch, and i’m the Mother of all Bitches..
      so call me Khaleesi and Beg for Mercy..
      Think you’re the head Honco Nick Fury , well Enjoy the Jury..
      No More Stink Eye for Me, Just More Holes to Patch for You

      Bruno walks away– sigh, fucking women knew I hated them for a reason, vengeful bitches

      Zach in the background whispering to himself– no blood on my hands , no blood on my hands .. need to keep a low profile.. knew being a pussy would pay off! 🙂

    4. I am very disappointed with this weeks Have Not power. Nothing to do with Brit. Its just that BBC wants you to watch the live feeds hear all the conversations, lies, see who is aligning with who. These players spend a lot of time trying to cover their angles. Now in the last HOH Ash had to hang for two hour compete against five our house guest to win HOH. Then put two players up, one wins veto she replaces player and Ash cannot compete in the next HOH. Now BBC decides to give Canada’s Vote (basically production) the choice to choose two Have Not who will compete for a super Veto. So basically the competition was to solve simple math problems. The winner gets to remove two Nom’s and get to name the replacements AND GETS TO PLAY IN THE NEXT HOH. IS THAT INSANE OR WHAT. Why should we waste our time watching when BBC decides the outcome. Let the players play without any outside interference. Please stop it. l don’t care how wins but these players are trying to win $100,000. and BBC has probably already made the cheque out to the winner

      1. Yeah I completely agree. I’m rooting for britt and Sarah but this power is just plain unfair to Ash. At least let her play in the next hoh comp. And btw I’m pretty sure Canada would’ve chosen Godfrey and Sarah . I find Britt so full of herself

      2. They all know going in that BBC gives Canada a vote in something during the season…so it’s all fair…that’s the way this game goes

    5. All the Bruno talk is brought to you by production. Remember there talking next week and we know B is trolling hard. The 2 guys go up Zack goes home nothing to worry about BB fans.
      With the rules for the Power she can say nothing. So she spews crap fed by production. She is no more voting Bruno out than GOD tonight YO Zack is gone.
      By the way just want to point something out a couple others have noted. The HG’s have thought about jury votes very little. The talk today about all the girls would vote a girl….. at the rate it’s going it’s an all girl final. Yeh there could be a few votes for a girl and then some. We’ll get to see if Bruno has a pair if he wins HOH. Does he go after diaper girls like a gutless coward or Sarah/B. His game would rest on that decision. Gotta put both up if 1 comes down GOD decides who goes. Think Sarah and B both survive if veto is played. Maybe GOD would be the 2nd vote for Sarah but no garuntee. I think GOD is at the point with 6 to make a move. He better stop throwing everything! GOD can do something on a Bruno HOH b/c Bruno cannot compete at F5 for HOH if he is HOH F6. That’s why I think Bruno goes 5 or 6 barring non HOH veto.
      Other than B GOD isn’t in a much better spot. The Goblins could have been an idea but he didn’t follow up. Sarah gets he is dangerous F2 she’ll have B all over it they’ll target GOD asap as well.
      The season potentially is this sit beside a diaper or sit beside each other if your Sarah/B. Were not there yet but lots of potential. It’s Neda/Jon all over again! Sarah makes the move this season and sends B to the jury likely by cutting a F2 deal with Ash or Pili. Remember Sarah has 1 POV win for the whole season. She sits beside B F2 she should lose but that’s not what production wants.
      Sarah’s outfit for the win!

  2. I wish this twist happened like a day before eviction. I’d have loved to see Zach and Bruno squirm and scramble while Britt and Sarah laid back and laughed

  3. Am I correct in thinking after a nights sleep that sarah thinks B should go after Zach again? Because he is after her, and Bruno is after Sarah not B? haven’t reset my internet options on my laptop since the latest update finished installing ten minutes ago, so the video isn’t going to help me decipher this until I restart. Thanks to anyone that can clarify.

  4. Happy Eviction Day! I love this show! Everybody should relax and watch the day unfold. My guess is Zach is gone… I feel everyone needs to flip and talk on every eviction for good TV… I will have my nachos and drink handy!

  5. I don’t care whether Bruno or Zach goes, but I do want a camera in the jury house when they tell Willow that Sarah was the deciding vote on whether she stayed or got evicted.

  6. Is there any truth to the runour Godfrey spread to SB that Bruno and Zachary are related? Interesting how Sarah caught Zach and Bruno arrogantly sending out a Twitter pic writing “F2”. Is that true? Zachary apparently denied it. But it wouldn’t surprise me. Seems like Sarah’s coming back to her senses and going to get Zach out first.

    1. I really think the final 2 twittery picture didn’t happen (well, the pic did but the hashtag didn’t). I think Sarah is going with the strategy of “say it enough times and people will start to believe it”, which isn’t a bad strategy because then it’s just one person’s word against the other.

      1. It’s the same strategy Bruno has been using against her all season. She sees the results. Sometimes you need to fight fire with fire.

    2. Sarah n Godfrey were in the backyard a couple days ago or so
      trying to figure why Bruno would use the Veto on Zack
      I’m not sure which one said it first? But one of them said they might be related
      That was it until motor mouth Godfrey as usual tells his side to Bruno
      Bruno the blows the whole thing out of proportion and adds his lies to it ..
      Now it’s Sarah said that Bruno is Zacks dad. A complete Lie.
      (just like this morning … Bruno is lying about what happen in the HN room w/Sarah to Brit.
      Sarah caught Bruno lying … Bruno got pissed … Sarah called him out … Bruno blows up …
      Bruno goes to the others and spins more lies)
      I can’t stand Bruno. His whole game is based on lying and denying.
      Sometimes on BB you have to lie but Bruno’s has needlessly lied so much
      he can not keep his own lies straight.

  7. Brit knows it’s a numbers game now … I think BB has guided her into creating
    suspense. Is it Bruno or Zack? Bruno is in self destruction mode already, keep him
    around and let him bury himself. With Zack gone .. Brit knows at least Pili will vote
    Bruno out. But as far as I’m concerned Brit totally screwed up the triple eviction
    because she was jealous of Willow, not a good move. Brit will turn on Sarah also.
    I do not trust Brit one bit! (I don’t think Sarah trust her either, I got the feeling Sarah didn’t try to hard to win the power because she wanted a bigger target on Brits back)
    The good thing is that BB wants Zack gone.
    He was supposed to be Captain Canada and turned out to be Captain Woosy
    Captain Dud/boring/zero personality. I think BB switched gears and are gearing towards an
    all girls F4/F3. And yes Sarah haters … Sarah did over due it abit this week and Brit let it happen on purpose.
    I get Sarah’s frustration, trying to talk logic to people with no critical thinking skills is super frustrating (Sarah needs to smoke nice fat joint and chill abit)
    At the end of the day though,
    I think Zack is going tonight.
    Either way tonight is going to be great!

    1. I think she just doesn’t know how to convince people in general. When you know your back is against the wall, it doesn’t help to tell people what they’re doing wrong or what they should do… It’s better to talk calmly and let them think your idea is theirs, look at how Dan and Derrick played this game! Sarah understands the game very well, she’s good with numbers, but I think she’s panicking when it’s time to work on other players, I think they can feel it and it makes them unreceptive. She could have been a very big player if she had those manipulation skills.

      1. Sarah’s personality is to be truthful and straight forward. Lying and bull$#itting are not in her nature. (which is one thing I like about her, but sucks for her game)
        Sarah assumes when she is talking logically, that others have critical thinking skills
        Frustrating ……
        I wouldn’t exactly put Ash n Pili on top of the critical thinkers list.

        1. I so agree with you! I just don’t think the way she tries is the best way. Like you said, her personnality doesn’t help her game. But, being integer is one of the best quality imo.

    2. I agree w/u Watcher about most you stated but I personally hope Brit does in fact eventually turn on Sarah, it will be best for her game and if that happens she should win hands down. 🙂

  8. I love Brittnee but I cannot stand that damn mopey look she has on her face constantly. She as a result of hanging out with Sarah is getting this entitled opinion of herself that does not look good on her at all. If she takes out Bruno today instead of Zach I feel she is making a grave error. She knows there are other people in the house that will take Bruno out next week or the week after. Put your thinking cap on Brittnee and make the right decision for YOUR game and not SARAH’S. If you do this, the $100,000 will probably be yours. Noone will be able to beat you in the end. Noone!!!

    1. Is the Bruno kool-aid that good?
      1st Hoh Sarah n Brit win together … Sarah lets Brit have it …
      Sarah wants Bobby out … Brit gets Graig out … yep Brit listened to Sarah
      2cd Hoh … Sarah ask Brit not to put Willow up … Brit puts Willow up … Willow gone
      That went Sarah’s way also .. right?
      Brit is playing for Brit
      Sarah is appeasing Brit because she has no one else.
      Both Sarah and Brit are working towards an F2 with Pili
      What every smart player would do.
      I think Brit will go before Sarah
      Especially after tonight
      Personally I want Sarah to win

      1. Triangulation….. BB style

        Today…. GodSarah B has other relationships but that’s her core a key to still being here.
        Next HOH…. HOH
        Sarah The theory here is 2 part. 1st it’s to early for B to target Sarah. She’ll be looking for a little Pili time if she’s HOH. If that’s not doable she’ll work the Ash angle. Pili HOH 2 guys up I figure. B should try to save GOD but it’s likely a Bruno evict.
        B hasn’t burned bridges to the extent she’s hated by even Pili/Ash. Tonight won’t be fun for Ash but what would you do in her spot? Sarah affords her protection with all this target the guys YO.
        Alternative F6 Bruno wins Sarah/B up then production saves Sarah they’ll find a way or for a fun few days noms stay the same and watch Sarah scramble to stay. End of the day I’m guessing they won’t go after each other before F4
        Please no 3 in the finally this isn’t survivor.

  9. Even if they take out Zach and save Bruno, won’t Bruno be gunning for Sarah and Britt next week anyways cause I can’t see him going for Ash/Pilar since sitting next to either of them in F2 is almost a guaranteed win. So does it really matter which one leaves? Or maybe I’m completely wrong about this, what are your thoughts?

    1. Zach is closer with Pili and Ash, can manioulate them easier than Bruno can. So it makes sense to send him home first.

    2. Yup. I do think Bruno will be going after them anyway but I think the most immediate issue is breaking up the three Diapers. With Zach gone Ash and Pili will scatter, maybe join the girls, maybe join Bruno.

      God is a wildcard. I feel like personally he likes Sarah and B more and would want to run with them. He doesn’t respect Ash and Pili. B taking him off the block tonight might solidify that F3.

      I know Ash and Pili are an ideal person to sit beside in the final but I honestly don’t want to see either of them there. They don’t deserve 20k.

  10. So Britt. Is taking herself off and putting up Zach…is she leaving Godfrey up or taking him down? Will she put Bruno up against Zach?
    So who is left to vote?
    Just the 3 to vote then? 2-1 Zach us out? Or Bruno?

    Who’s side is Godfrey really on? Anyone know for sure? I’m having trouble figuring that out.

    1. I think Britt will take herself and God off the block and put up Zack and Bruno. I don’t think she trusts Bruno to vote out Zack, this will be her argument after Zack is gone and justify it to Bruno.
      God, plays from week to week, he is smart in the sense of sitting back and waiting to see who has power. It usually isn’t good to throw comps but it has worked in his favor. He doesn’t say too much to anyone …. playing the middle and has everyone believing he with them. I think his loyalties are with Bruno but he wouldn’t have any problem “throwing his cat under the bus”.

    2. I believe Brit gets to vote as well. So if it’s 2-2 tie, then Bruno (assuming she puts Zack and Bruno up). But I think it will be 3-1 to get Zack out. Sarah, Brit and God vote out Zack, Pillar votes out Bruno.

  11. I love the way Zack and Bruno have gone from contradicting themselves in the same
    paragraph to now contradicting themselves in the same sentence.

  12. Bruno’s comment about Sarah playing the game like “a battle of the sexes” pisses me off…he’s the one doing that, constantly worried about the girls. Sarah isn’t focusing on the guys because they’re guys, he’s focusing on

    1. Yup, she’s focusing on it so much now because she sees what is happening. Like I said a while ago, this sexes battle has become a self fulfilling prophecy for Bruno, OR, by saying it’s her fault, gave him the freedom (and the excuse) to “defend” himself by doing the battle of the sexes. He twists and turns so much and so unnecessarily!

  13. It’s looking like Sarah and Brittnee are going to vote out Bruno tonight..
    What do you all think is this a good play?
    If it’s Bruno and Godfrey on the block does where does the votes lay?

    They’ve been working on the HOH comp in the backyard since yesterday afternoon my guess it’s a physical endurance.

    1. I hope they vote out Bruno because then Zach can kick into beast mode and smash his way to the end, kicking Sarah and Britt out on the way.

    2. This kills me and I hope she changes her mind.
      There is a 3 strong in the house, why would you not take a shot at that?!

      Please Britt PLEASE change your mind. Or else I think God might be walking out the door tonight.

      Zach and Bruno up, Zach goes home.

      1. I think it has to be Zach & Bruno on the block, they need Godfrey to be in a voting position although he is a wild card the odds are half that he’d vote Zach out.

    3. I really don’t know! From now on in jury, Bruno has Bobby, Zach probably has JP. Willow and Sindy will never vote for Zach in my opinion, Kevin is going to vote for the best player, which between them two is Bruno, but I don’t know if they have that impression in the house like I have from outside.

      So based on that analysis, I think Bruno has more votes in jury and I would take him out. Sitting beside Zach, in your final pitch you can say that Zach never saw anything coming, from JP’s eviction to Bruno saving him. He has a hand in nothing and got there by charisma (even if he is nothing near from Jon), and luck.

      But like I said… perspectives inside and outside the house are differents.

    4. Brit has been spending time planting seeds in Gofrey’s head and working him
      this week.
      She is planning ahead. Then if she takes him off the block tonight
      She thinks he will more likely be with her.
      But then again … Brit totally blew the triple eviction
      But … BB wants Zack gone – he’s a flop/dud
      Bruno’s going on meltdown … you want good tv? right?
      So in the end … Zack goes tonight

  14. Bruno has no influence over the goblins Zach has about as much as you can have. Keeping Zach in the game leaves an alliance of 3 players who have been working together since very early.

  15. I’ve been thinking about a few things but feeling a lot of anxiety about posting them for a few days. Yup, sometimes I wonder if i’m too much of a wimp to give an opinion when it appears to me that tempers are really high. But here goes (ripping off the bandage).
    Was Bruno giving Zach the veto last week good for Bruno’s game? imo yes. It was good for his game to latch on to people that have had more wins than the other side. It kept a bigger target ahead of him. Statistically it wasn’t that risky because the other side would need to win comps in order to launch a reprisal in a regular game week. Douche move but smart move.
    imo Bruno is just as guilty of pushing the gender agenda as a strategy as sarah is. He’s been yelling from the rampart ‘girls alliance’ as a paranoia tool for as long as sarah’s been trying to work with a girl’s alliance as a survival tool. when it comes to behavior I put the two of them in the same category. a toxic yin and yang of personalities.
    I’ve thought about whether or not i’d feel bad for Zach or Bruno leaving this week. I can respect parts of their gameplay even if I hate parts of their personality, so it depends on if my reaction comes from logic or emotion. Initial emotional response will be to feel like cheering, then i’ll feel a little sympathetic because I did respect parts of their strategic game.
    A part of me will feel just as sympathetic to the person the twistos twist power evicts as I did when the instant eviction took out naeha, and more sympathy than when johnny was evicted because Bruno didn’t use the last twistos twist. If i’m being honest it sucks to be taken out of the running not by gameplay but by production whether I like or dislike the player.
    I’m not a fan of production’s status as a player in the game.
    I am of the opinion that this twist was timed by production during planning and blocking of the season before filming began 55/56 days ago. They weren’t fixing it for any player during pre-production meetings imo. Was the vote rigged? I don’t think production rigged the vote count, but I do think they’ve pushed the underdog agenda in editing enough that episoders voted that way.
    I don’t have a dream final 2. I do think if a player won final hoh and took britt they’d be stupid. The player that I don’t have enough respect for to see in final 2 at this point is Ashleigh. But if I were Ashleigh in the final 2 my case to the jury would be: joined with a showmance to get him to do the work while I took a bath, joined with another showmance to have numbers and form a clique. sat back as the smallest target in the alliance and waited for everyone to pick them off as bigger threats. Not sure if that was her intended strategy but its the only case she could logically make to win.

      1. I totally agree too, about the similarities between Bruno and Sarah. I think Bruno gets more hate because Sarah has more fans, but they are essentially using the same game strategies and I think that is why they butt heads and have no perspective with each other. It’s too bad that they did not and/or could not work together earlier in the game. They had the potential to be an incredibly strong force. Oh well, here we are. I don’t think either Sarah or Bruno will make it to F2 regardless of what happens.

    1. You shouldn’t be anxious about giving your opinion, you express yourself so well! Oh and I agree with you about everthing 🙂

      1. thank you. I appreciate it.
        I don’t fear people disagreeing with my opinions. I just know my personality well enough that if a reply is left that I can take as a personally aimed insult not of my opinion but of me as a person, I will always take it personally whether intended or not and be grudgeful. I read the comments on here to be enlightended, not to take things personally and feel bad about myself, so I get really anxious when commenters get fired up.

        1. I understand! I am so anxious in life I totally hear you. Sometimes people are rude but the way you tell your opinion is so respectful I think it keeps most of haters far away from you 😉

        2. Don’t worry! (I say that but I know you can’t change how you feel). Thumbs down is like a badge of honour in my opinion. People get heated but in the end it’s just the internet. We can all just get up and walk away. That’s how I see it anyway 🙂

          I agree with your post!

        3. You are exactly correct another name!

          Believe me, it infuriates me when any reasonable poster is insulted or attacked for their opinion or analysis.

          We are talking about the game (the show), not about each other. I read the spoilers and comments for the same reasons you do.

          If you leave or don’t post, you are putting a win in the trolls column and a loss for the rest of us.

          1. Someone actually threatened to kill me on a post because im not a sarah supporter and for stating my opinion,,,,,,Really crazy how people get so riled up for the one they support…..Just cause i support bruno doesnt mean i need to be threatened ……people get way to emotional for people we dont even personally know!!

            1. I truly felt badly for you reading that. As I’ve felt badly when commenters have replies saying they are stupid or ignorant instead of their opinion is stupid or ignorant. there is a difference.
              I’m sorry that happened to you.

              1. Thanks another name appreciate it!!…….I just wish people would calm down a little and realize its just a game……Hey i have to tell myself to calm down sometimes cause i get so involved like everyone else does….anyway thanks again man!!

    2. About Bruno and Sarah having the same game, yes, to some extent. Bruno comes off as mean and a little of a hothead. Whereas, Sarah when she has conversations she makes a lot of sense. Remember, when she (Sarah) said, “I thought Ash was smarter than that”, or something to that effect? Ash, ran to Zack immediately, if she did what Kevin tried (kept a lot of info to himself) and what Zack is doing (making other connections), by keep connections cause you don’t know what’s going to happen next week. I still can’t believe she accepted Zack’s statement that Pilli should go before Bruno (hitting my forehead with my palm).

      1. hmm, I had to think about sarah and Bruno’s game style for a second.
        both of them are attempting to get into people’s heads.
        Bruno tries to ply other hg’s using their emotions (using paranoia and fear as the base) in order to inform logic.
        Sarah to ply other hg’s using logic (if ‘A’ is happening then ‘B’ is going to happen which means ‘C” is inevitable) in order to inform emotions.
        When things don’t work to plan for each of them, they each over react emotionally.
        Together as trusting allies they could have been amazing, or they could have been the biggest hot mess of meltdowns the series has ever seen.

  16. Brittnee sees that Bruno has Zach who has Ashleigh who has Pilar and Bruno also has Godfrey SO the person with the most against Brittnee is Bruno. Zach only has the two girls. I think getting Bruno out first is a great move. Let Godfrey get off his ass and try to win so he can eliminate Zach ad then he won’t play the next HOH and one of the girls can get rid of Godfrey. All female F4.

    1. NO, its a no win situation! A 3 person alliance trumps everything right now.

      Zach gone = 2/2/2 with 2 people leaning toward your alliance so possible 2/4 (guaranteed 2 votes)

      Bruno gone = 1/3/2 with 1 person who gravitates to the HOH winner so possible 4/2 (guaranteed 0 votes)

  17. In a way I feel it would be sweet justice if Bruno leaves tonight, considering he saved Zach last week.

    1. Thanks for saying that, because if Zach doesn’t go tonight I’m going to need to remember that. I would honestly love this to be a double eviction tonight as well, Zach and Bruno both irritate me sooooo bad that I have to shut the feeds off when there isn’t another feed option to escape them.
      Why Kevin…. why didn’t you take him out??? : /

  18. Bruno’s battle of the sexes comment was such a joke as he was the one who made it that way to begin with. Bruno has anger issues and I don’t think he is a genuinely nice person. He hates women and has no respect for any of them in the house. This is why Pili doesn’t trust him. She is on point about not trusting him.

    1. Bruno works construction which means he’s surrounded men probably 95% of the time. He’s a complete and total ‘bro’. I am not surprised he has trust issues with women. Other than family and friends that he loves and trusts, he probably never interacts with women.

      This boy vs girl thing is so elementary school, I can’t stand it.

    2. What makes you think he hates women? He’s convinced himself that there’s a girls alliance and it’s making him paranoid about the girls in the game. To say he hates women in general is stupid. I’m sure he’s a great guy outside of the house.

      1. EXACTLY………if he hated women why would marry one??and have kids with her??and if he hated women im sure the last thing he would wanna do is marry one…no??

        1. Again, I didn’t use the word ‘hate’ and I also said women outside of the ‘family and friends that he trusts and loves’. Please read the post before (1) saying something that I didn’t and (2) going off on a tangent about his wife and marriage.

      2. Lol….where did I use the word ‘hate’? Hate’s a strong word, yo! Don’t jump to conclusions. All I’m saying is he works in a male dominated industry and he obviously relates more to men which leaves room for distrust of the other gender.

        I’m sure he’s an awesome person outside the house. I’m not saying that at all. I’m from Ottawa and Italian so I’m hoping to track him down at the Italian Festival this year for a photo!

        1. Sorry Marissa…….sometimes i read to quickly through these posts…….You have some very good points there!!

  19. i thinkgeyting zach out is their better move since that is a 3 for sure group . pili likely will be able to do what she wants to do rather than be railroaded by zach via ashley…. .and pili wants bruno gone. why take out bruno now if pili is wanting that done too. zach gone mean sarah brit and pili on the same page. god might see bruno as sinking ship and vote him out anyway.

  20. also brity is going to be mad when she hears zano sgiving sarah credit for her hoh moves. no doubt they will credit her for this power move as well even tho brit couldnt tell her about it so they couldnt make up this plan.

  21. This season has been full of stupid moves.

    The icing on the cake would be if Bruno was voted out, Pilar won the HOH, and then Zach/Ash convince her to put up Sarah and Brittnee.

  22. Zach, Pili and Ashleigh are obviously a tight 3..If Zach is gone there is more of a chance that the 2 girls will go after bruno but if Bruno goes the 2 girls will never go after zach. Nominate Zach and Bruno and vote Zach out once and for all!!

  23. In order for this power to be effective you need to take both people off the block… if you leave Godfrey on the block, there is a good chance he would go home.

    Though, Pili does hate Bruno with a passion so he could go… but Zach needs to be on the block and go home.

    If any other situation happens where Zach doesn’t leave this house tonight, Britt is a failure of a player.

    1. Comparing a short temper player who looks like prefering to work with men than women to a raper is a little harsh

    2. Rapist*** omg I am laughing so hard at myself right now! Maybe I’ve been influenced by the GodFather yo

  24. My Twist …
    The Swap twist
    take Zack, Bruno, Ash, and Pili … send them to jury house
    Bring back Naeha, Sindy, JP, and Kevin
    That would make for an interesting final weeks

    1. Honestly, why do people think Naeha was the best player this season? People keep bringing her up. I saw that she had potential, I get that. But she was gone by week 3! She practically went around to all the big players and let them know she was a threat to their game. She wasn’t good at competitions at all. She was all bark and no bite. She couldn’t persuade anyone to do anything. She let Zack play her for a fool. She couldn’t win the comp to come back into the house, which she said she wanted more than anything. Like why are they calling her “Naeha, the Slayha”!? WTF did she slay??? My honest opinion Sindy was better than her.

      1. Exhibit A: Mike Boogie……..

        I don’t think i need to say anything else. She knew the game well, played it well in the first few weeks (unlike Mike), and left a lasting good impression (Just like Mike). I could see her in all stars just for that reason, just like Mike.

        In a season of duds, lots of people can look good by comparison. Watch Naeha on the sheyld show ( on Peter Browns youtube channel) if you haven’t yet. That improved my image of her, and maybe an hour sit down may help you at least understand some of the Naeha fans out there 😉

  25. For anyone complaining about the Twisto Twists …. I am elated that it is now known in Canada that you have to play to the audience. Starting to like Pilli, hopefully with Zack gone she will be the thinker between the two of them (A/P) cause lately she is getting a few things right.

    Bruno would have been a better place if he got off the girls alliance thing. Back when they got rid of JP, I thought there here we go, now the right people are working together. I think he being a married man has very conscience about relationships with other woman. That will be his downfall.

  26. I wonder if Bruno has imploded at the “live” eviction yet? I can’t wait to see his face. Whether he get evicted or not, it’ll still be priceless! BAM!

  27. love everyone’s thoughts and feelings and I get we’re all nervous about what Britt’s gonna do but. let’s be real guys. its Queen B, we’re talking about here. she i s going to pull Godfrey off along with her and Zach will be going out that door tonight. Sarah keeps saying “Zach can only be so lucky” so she knows he can not come out of tonights eviction alive. any way you look at it S/B are sitting so pretty after tonight. the girls will run to them, Godfrey will be indebted to Brittnee and the only person that’s standing their way, is Bruno. Whom poses as a way lesser threat in competitions compared to Bruno, which I’m sure Brittnee has also considered. I want Brittnee to win so bad, she would also be the first african-american to win a season of Big Brother in both BBUS & BBCAN history!

  28. So far Sindy with an S made the best move by taking out Jordan! None deserved the tittle… I mean after Emmett/Jillian/Gary and Sabrina/Jon/Neda… They all su&!€ (at Bb game no offense)

  29. Bruno as i stated before is a typical old school italian boy. I am sure Bruno is a loving husband and father, but his wife knows her place as a woman in this culture. If one thinks i am being prejudice or racist i am not I am full blooded italian and i have grown up knowing it was most definitely a boys club. My father says he was cursed to have 5 daughters and no sons..yes people cursed. . With Bruno’s italian heritage he would find it hard to compete physically or mentally against women. From the start Bruno was against any woman that showed her strength i was waiting for him to show his true colurs..i wish we could have seen the whole argument with Sara ..i am waiting for him to utter that horrible saying i heard and still hear …donna stupidia..stupid woman…i guess Bruno’s political correct version is poison…..by the way none of us married an italian.

  30. a spoiler was announced.
    …. some people aren’t going to like it.
    the vote was unanimous.

  31. I am anxiously awaiting Britts decision. She worked really hard on God and I think she is going to save him as well tonight. Bruno and Zac are going to have to battle it out. The best part will be the dumb look of awe on both of there faces. I really want Zac gone but Bruno is not a bad second choice.

  32. Could this scenario happen?
    B takes down herself and God
    She puts up Bruno and Zach
    Pili – evicts Bruno
    Brit – evicts Zach
    Sarah – evicts Bruno (it could happen couldn’t it????)
    God – evicts Zach
    Ash breaks the tie and evicts Bruno!

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