Get Your Big Brother 11 Live Audience Tickets, Soon to be Available

Meet the Big Brother 11 Cast up close and personal, fill out this form to get your tickets.
Be in the live audience for an all new season of Big Brother!
Big Brother will begin its live, weekly broadcasts on Thursday, July 16th. Be a part of the live studio audience as we recap each week’s events and interview the houseguest most recently voted off!
CBS Studios-Radford
4024 Radford Ave.
Studio City, CA. 91604

Big Brother live broadcasts will begin Thursday, July 16th. Please submit your information below and we will notify you when tickets are released.

Don’t forget to follow our Big Brother Twitter Account


16 thoughts to “Get Your Big Brother 11 Live Audience Tickets, Soon to be Available”

  1. Me and my daughter will be in Los Angeles from 8/17-8/21 and we are huge Big Brother fans. Have watched every season and we would love to get tickets for the live eviction show.

    Thank you.

  2. My boss is the biggest Big Brother fan of all times, never missed an episode or showtime after dark.
    We would like to be in the audience for a live tapping.
    Please let us know when tickets are available. We need two tickets for any show that is available.
    We will be waiting in Mesa Arizona.
    Thanks 🙂

  3. My friend’s daughter will be visiting from Maine before going to college. Her mom passed away 5 years ago and watching Big Brother was one of their ‘rituals’. She will be here from Aug. 4th to aug.9th. Thanks for your time.

  4. I will be in LA from 8/8-8/19 to visit a friend. We are the biggest Big Brother fans. We watch the show and talk about it over the phone the following day. Any information on getting tickets would be great.

  5. I live in Los Angeles and my sister is visiting, we love BB and really want to see a live taping on Thursday, July 30th. I’ve submitted ticket request online as well, but am getting desperate at this point! 😉

  6. Please I would love to got to big brother with my mom, husband and best friend!!! We have fun big brother potlucks every airing night!!! x***-***-**** I would love to be a part of the audience!!!! My name is Mandi

  7. I have been a fan of Big Brother for a while, and I’m REALLY following this season. It would mean the world to me to be able to see it live. I live in Orange County, CA, so it isn’t a problem for me to commute into L.A., and I would love to see it soon! Please let me know! 🙂 I’d want to have at least one other person, as I know my mom would love to go with me!

  8. I would love to get 4 tickets for BB12 next season. Since I have the live feeds I never sleep anyway so I will fly to California from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
    Thanks a million.

  9. My wife and i are HUGE big brother fans. we will be in L.A. the week of august 29- september 5. it would be a once in a lifetime chance to be in the audience for big brother. please consider us. thank you very much.

  10. We will be in LA September 24-28 and would a chance to be in the audience of Big Brother. I have gotten my best friend to watch and her 2 daughters. We would love an opportunity to be there for the live eviction. We will be traveling from Texas to LA and would love the opportunity to be there live it is a once in a lifetime chance and it would be sooooo cool. Thanks.


  11. I have been a Big Brother fan since the beginning. I have always wanted to be in the audience. I would love to be in the audience for the finale. Please, please let me know how this could happen?

  12. We would like 12 tickets to the live audience Big Brother show during the week of July 24-28. We are Big Brother Fanatics and this would make our summer vacation to California!

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