Frankie “What room are Christine & Cody F-ing in now?! If the world didn’t already know you’re a cheater it does now.”

POV Holder: Chrisitne Next POV Sept 6th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony Sept 1st
HOH Winner Caleb Next HOH Sept 4th
Nominations: Nicole and Victoria
Have Nots Derrick and Nicole
POV Players Victoria, Nicole, Caleb, Cody, Christine and Derrick

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2:35pm – 3pm Up in the HOH room – Derrick asks Frankie what he is now. Frankie asks what do you mean? Derrick says before you thought I was a cop .. what do you think I am now? Frankie says a proctologist. An a$$ doctor. Frankie looks at the spy screen and asks what room are Christine and Cody F-ing in now?! Derrick laughs oh my god. If it comes to a day when you have to unleash on that I am just going to close my eyes. Frankie says you should because I don’t know.. I think its clouding my light. I need to act more positive. Derrick says if you get sent home. Frankie says if she does something to stab me in the back I would say something. But it would be filtered. Derrick says your funeral if you did you know. Frankie says I would just say something along the lines of ..if the world didn’t already know you’re a cheater it does now. Derrick laughs and says god. Frankie says those are negative thoughts though I am filled with positive light. Ultimately I still love her. Derrick say you may still hang out with her outside the house. Frankie says inside the house too, I just think she is having a moment. Derrick says I think she just feels comfortable with Calzone. Frankie says MMmmmHmmm in deed! Derrick says they’re tight knit for sure. Caleb comes out of the bathroom and says that there’s blood on the toilet. He says its been there for a couple days. Frankie looks and says it looks like Kool-Aid. Caleb starts talking about how when he gets out of the house he wants to go to acting school. Frankie says he should join him in New York and go to a school there. Caleb says there’s a free one he could go to. Cody comes up to the HOH room and says lock down up here in an hour? What is up!?

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3:10pm In the HOH room – Caleb tells Cody about how he talked to Frankie last night and told him the reasons why he was questioning his loyalty. Cody tells Caleb if I win HOH I have to put Frankie up. Just for my game now that he knows we thought about putting him up. Caleb says if you do put him up you have to put up Christine next to him. Frankie joins them. Frankie asks Cody does Christine hate me? Cody says I don’t think so, she’s just crabby. Frankie says if Victoria gets to the final 2 I’m voting for her. Caleb says I’m not. I don’t even want to think about that. Cody says can you imagine what her speech would be.

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3:20pm In the kitchen – Christine says that Frankie plays a hundred characters and I’m tired of each one of them. Victoria agrees. Christine says can’t believe we’re going to have a lock down today. Victoria says she thinks they’re just close the door over (havenot door).

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3:40pm All the house guests are up in the HOH room on a HOH lock down. Everyone is sitting in silence. Christine is rubbing Cody’s leg. They start talking about past competitions. Big Brother blocks the live feeds.

3:50pm – 4:45pm Big Brother switches the live feeds to the live feed highlights with Jeff Schroeder.

5:55pm The live feeds are still blocked..

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171 thoughts to “Frankie “What room are Christine & Cody F-ing in now?! If the world didn’t already know you’re a cheater it does now.””

    1. just saw updated ratings for the show and they are dreadful! I AM PLEASED WITH THAT!
      Maybe this will send a message to CBS and casting and do something interesting with this show. It’s such a great concept but it’s so predictable now regardless of who the houseguests are IMO.

      1. We all know the reason for it…..Donny! Production should have done something like they did for Rachel and Portia. They brought them down. As a result of doing nothing, the ratings tanked. I am happy, just as you are! About time something gives!

        1. As I watch the show tonight two things hit me… It’s not Big Brother it’s Big Derek. CBS continues to have to worship Derrick as he’s the only person they see that atleast has some form of “play” in this game. If he exits soon I don’t know what the heck they will do. Personally, I cant stand him though…
          Also, here we go again with acting like something to shake the house is coming when of course it’s not. Anything to ensure viewers come back tomorrow to help save ratings

          1. Yes Derrick is currently playing the “best game” ,because none of them are really playing anything, they make emotional decisions, he was so pompous and arrogant in his dr session, makes me irk. The thing is though, his game is so subtle, none of them are really seeing it, he even said to Caleb ” I’m a floater” , in the finals, he will have to convince everyone that he is this ” master manipulator” , unless he gives a stellar speach ( which he can) he might not pull him off, pretty much only Donny saw through him….

      2. while I don’t like this season at all and think it is the worse season, where did you see that because the ratings are similar to where it has been all summer long and equal to last year’s ratings? Here are the most recent ratings from the week of August 28th Summer shows 2014 18-49 demo Year-to-year change Viewers (mil) Year-to-year change

        1 Big Brother (Thurs) 2.13 -4.23% 6.18 -3.51%

        2 Big Brother (Weds) 2.16 -0.32% 6.44 1.76%

        3 Big Brother (Sun) 2.10 -5.45% 6.34 -4.60%

        4 Under the Dome * 1.59 -40.34% 7.20 -35.79%

        5 Extant 1.14 6.40

        6 Unforgettable (season 3) * 0.86 -16.80% 6.00 -15.04%

        7 Reckless * 0.60 3.96

        1. You are focusing on TOTAL viewers. That isn’t what CBS focuses on. It’s the demographics of viewers that will support viewers in Prime Time TV.
          In other words they don’t care about young viewers as they aren’t selling Sugared Cereal in Prime time like they would be on Saturday morning cartoons. They focus on the prime demographic and it’s down significantly to last year.

              1. I wasn’t sure if posting links were OK either. Thanks for posting!
                Yes, that is significant as I stated and the next move may be changing the schedule for the show which is an excellent idea and very likely to occur before end of season.

      3. And here are Sunday’s ratings. They were only down by .27 which is less then half a million. Sure they dropped but it wasn’t dreadful. Could it also be because of the Labor Day weekend, and people were busy with the holiday weekend and not watching tv. Thursday was 6,18 million and sunday was 5.91 million. They typically average in the low to mid 6 million range. They were down only 1.9% CBS Big Brother 1.9/7 5.91

    2. just saw updated ratings for the show and they are dreadful! I AM PLEASED WITH THAT!
      Maybe this will send a message to CBS and casting and do something interesting with this show. It’s such a great concept but it’s so predictable now regardless of who the houseguests are in

    3. Seriously.
      It’s depressing. We watch for entertainment, a little “I would do this, not that,” but these people don’t make me feel anything but, gee, I’m glad I don’t know them in real life. The truth is, your brain thinks you DO know them in real life. And that’s why its depressing.
      I have spoken. 🙂

      1. sad thing is you can put a few of your friends and co workers in the same situation for 500k and it wouldn’t be any different we like to think it would be but it wouldn’t and you would find out things about your friends that you never realized and it would be the same if it was my coworkers and friends you think you know people just like with your friends to much info can be used against you especially when they talk to others I see it everyday and its never positive

    4. Frankie claims to adore his sister, well Victoria is someone’s sister. Derrick is in it for his daughter, guess what Nicole is someone’s daughter. They claim to be so loving and loyal, but treat these girls with such disrespect.

      1. So, Christine and Cody are actually having sex in the house??? OMG, I feel so embarrassed for her husband and her parents. They must be horrified by Christine!!

  1. Ugly people, ugly season.
    Not really interested, not even a little bit. So underwhelming in every way.
    Each one of these people are going to look back and say what was I thinking?
    Ugh. Just ugh.

    1. Oh, Melody Pond, there is a storm on the horizon, it will sweep all these putrid people away. It is BB AUS, and starts Sept 8!

        1. I watch on you tube. You could binge watch last season before this one starts. See if you enjoy it. Look it up on channel 9 Big Brother Australia

    2. This is the first season where there has been so many people leaft in the house, and I don’t want any of them to win. And I’m sick of Nicole trying to prove how big of a doormat she can be. What is it with these woman thinking the more they suffer, the more likable they will seem?

    3. You could try what I did. I got so tired of this season that I went to Youtube and rewatched Season 10(Dan’s first). It was great and even though I knew who won, it had been long enough that I had forgotten the week to week details. Good God, the power shifted constantly that season.

      1. Season 10 was a good one! There have been many that kept us glued to the live feeds. This one has just been boring and I think we are disappointed ! This vote with the house, not wanting to get blood on any hands, no big moves, and 1/2 the house being in one group, left us with one big boring season. Let’s hope season 17 is back on track!

    4. Have we been watching the same show? You think that most of these people are going to look back at themselves and wonder what they could have done differently? These people don’t have it in them to self-reflect. They are vapid narcissists who will leave the house exactly as they entered it.

  2. Bad idea for Cody to have told Caleb that he’d put Frankie up… Caleb is the biggest gossiper in the house and will run and tell Frankie.

    1. caleb telling Frankie earlier that he considred backdooring him good lord I guess they want Frankie to win from here on out the person that talks the most is gone even if its to say hi

        1. Caleb has some serious delusions about himself. At the end of the day, he is Gomer Pyle nothing more. Can we get a “Gawwww-leeeee”.

  3. derrick think he got a lot of fans that why he talking to the camera
    I know one thing its not me im not a fan of his or you

  4. Cody just sealed his fate! If Frankie wins HOH he will be put up with Derrick. Caleb is going to tell his BFF.
    Hope someone else wins and puts up Frankie and Crustine, then one of the nasty people will go!!!

  5. I just find it so hard to believe that Nicole won’t even try to sway votes. Between her and Victoria, why would you not spin the angle of knowing more stuff for mental comps? And team up with the bad guys for a week. She can have the blood on her hands for getting Frankie and Christine out. They would have a clean conscious. And we could see something interesting for a change. It’s frustrating watching her just sit while Victoria just gossips and fixes her hair.

    1. Nicole did try to work with them. She went to Cody and offered to be the one who takes out Frankie and Christine when he was HOH and made a similar offer to Caleb. The both said they would think about it and blew her off.

  6. I’m thinkin there is a much better statistical chance for Frankie to win this next HOH simply based on the percentage of comps he has won compared to the others. Frankie may be a tool but he is smart and he will put up two big players…and it won’t be Caleb.

    1. Frankie is smart (though not as smart as he thinks he is, spouting ridiculous inanities on the law, genetics, whatever … all BS), is athletic, and has endurance. These guys are in serious danger of him blowing them out of the water in the remaining comps. And they have only themselves to blame.

  7. I posted this on the other thread, but I didnt realize there was a new one:

    Seriously, why all the Derrick hate? He is playing a fantastic game. Better than either one of Dan’s seasons ago, much better than Andy, that is for sure.

    First, let me address the folks that dont like the lying and manipulating. As someone said in another thread: Perhaps Big Brother is not the show for you. OF COURSE they are lying. OF COURSE they are manipulating. The honest people get sent out the door (aka Zach, Donny).

    Derrick is playing chess, the rest of them are playing checkers. Derrick is playing (and has been playing) for the end from day 1. And of course that involves some lying, manipulating and back stabbing. From a Big Brother standpoint, he is playing a fantastic game. Now, it is getting down to brass tacks as the numbers dwindle and he is going to have to win a comp or two to stay in the game. But to this point, he has been able to use his alliance to help him through. He hasnt HAD to win because he has been close with the others who ARE winning. Seems like good game play to me.

    I see the knocks on this season for being boring, but the reality is that original members of the bomb squad that were left (Cody, Frankie, Derrick, Caleb, Christina) have been able to keep it together (remarkably, to be honest). Remember when Jeff let Natalie and Kevin get in his ear and he turned against Russell and the scientist chick and that got him voted out the next week. Had Jeff kept his head, he very well may have won that season. This alliance has stayed together remarkably well. Nicole, Donny (the most notable ones) have tried, in vain, to separate them, but they havent bit on it. They havent let the paranoia of the game get them off what they are trying to do. Boring TV? Maybe, but it is fun to watch in its own right, people understanding that it might be an individual game, but it takes a team to get to the end.

    The other part of the reason they are doing well is because they keep on winning comps. Nicole and Donny BOTH had the chance to pull themselves off (that was the most pathetic Veto competition with both Nicole and Donny and neither of them had the guts to pull the trigger and save themselves). Other seasons had more variety of folks then the one alliance win competitions. This year, by and large, it has been Detonators/Bomb Squad winning comps: ESPECIALLY as it comes down to the end.

    Personally, I dont like Frankie and I hope he doesnt win. I like Derrick. I liked Donny. Donny realized he was on the outs, but he couldnt/wouldnt do what it took to get “in”. I think there was a point midway through the season (before Zach) that he could have formed a strong alliance with Derrick and Frankie, but Donny himself wouldnt open up as well. So, Donny played the loner game (at HIS own choice, in my opinion), and eventually loners go home (as I mentioned above, it takes a team to get to the final 4).

    I would have LOVED to see Donny stay, that would have shaken things up, but I understand the game play not to. I would have loved to see Frankie go up this week and it would have been a big move by Caleb, but he didnt do it. Caleb, being from the army, is sticking to the plan. The plan is final 4 for the guys. He will take his chances from there.

    So, of the 4, I personally think Derrick is playing, and has played the best out of all of them. But they have realized, unlike seasons past, that if they stay together, that give themselves a 25% chance at 500K if they can all make final 4. And that is what they are all there for from the beginning.

    1. Very well said! People often forget that you have to modify your strategy based on the other HG’s strategies,etc. Derrick has not had to modify his, not one bit. What I like about his game is that he’s mostly calm and patient. He hasn’t really had any paranoid moments. I applaud him for keeping his cool. And with Frankie in the house no less!

    2. I’m a fan of Derrick’s, and at this point I hope he wins it. I was rooting for those evicted already, just because I tend to root for the underdog in BB. But I’ve always respected the game Derrick is playing, he is a master at it, and if I was a criminal I would hate to have him do the interview lol .

    3. You really can’t compare this seasons to past because the double HOH ‘twist’ and BOB really changed this game and people’s strategy and what they thought they were getting into. And I think it changed it for the worst.

      I don’t think this large alliance would’ve lasted if it was the regular big brother. I hear you’re saying but it’s hard to compare. The way the game was set up it gave a huge advantage for large alliances because there were so many opportunities to save people and switch things up. Throwing comps was the norm. It was a stupid twist. I don’t think they can be that proud of the season. They were all morons. And nasty.

      1. I agree that the BoB changed the game but it wasn’t a foregone conclusion that it would go the way it has.

        The decision by Frankie and Caleb to work together that first week was great strategy by the two of them, and it set the tone for the season. It was even more impressive in that Caleb and Frankie are outwardly polar opposites, and chose to trust each other.

        Things like that are one of the best things about this show — sometimes it can really show you how dumb it is to stereotype people because of how they talk, dress, or where they are from.

      2. I would agree that every season has a life of it’s own, but we can still make comparisons in total. The dual HOH definitely helped create the situation, but I think that even if you analyze the first winners (the ones who placed first in the HoH comps) a good portion of them were Bomb Squad/Detonators. But, the BoB competition did allow them to keep themselves relatively safe as the summer went along. Then, they got the numbers and it just became a matter of time before the “outs” were sent out.

        I guess I am going to disagree with the morons and the nasty part. Its big brother, there are always morons and things are always nasty. I mean, last year, Dan was by far the nastiest I have ever seen (and he lost). I guess I just expect the nastyness.

        Donny and Nicole were “too nice” to make it (that, and by the time they figured it out, they couldnt get the alliance to crack).

        Anyways, good conversations 🙂

        1. Ummmmm Dan won 10th season, came in 2nd in 14th. Dan is a LEGEND, Boogie is. LEGEND. Dr. Will is a LEGEND. Danielle is a LEGEND.
          Derrick is an asterisk to the BB show and will be forgotten in 6 months.

          1. Yes, I had my seasons wrong. But, would you not agree that in season 14, Dan was extra super duper nasty and manipulative? I mean, what he did to Dani, Shane and Brittany?

            If that isnt Nasty, there is no definition for nasty.

          2. Dan, Will, Danielle, yes. Boogie? You must be joking, he went early in two seasons and was carried by Will to the finals in all stars. He is no Legend.

    4. I’ll repost my reply then as well: Great post. Agree totally.

      I know some find the season boring because one alliance has dominated, but they aren’t paying attention to how much work it has taken to keep that alliance together.

      Remember the Moving Company from last year? The guys’ alliance that was destroyed after the first week? Even the BB14 cast, packed with veteran All-Stars, couldn’t keep an alliance together for more a week.

      The drama has been in watching Derrick and the other guys walk a knife edge to get themselves this far, when any mistake would have blown it all up.They have done the hard work of winning comps, and targeting people intelligently without antagonizing resistance against them.

      None of them, except possibly Derrick, would still be in the house if they had not stayed loyal to each other. Good season by a group of very good players.

    5. All you say may be true , but I really think the double HOH and BOB were not thought out at all, it was a ridiculous twist and it made it possible for a clique or an alliance to control the game , throw comps unfairly keep putting the same people as have nots , God, I hope we get some new people in production and they bring in adult players next year the way it used to be, personaly I see NO reason at all for have nots anyway. Thoughts?

      1. exactly unless you were in the big alliance you were toast oh sure you could have put up 2 alliance people but it would be like the Alamo that’s even if you knew about the alliance big advantage for alliance and they all knew they needed to stay in that alliance for safety with 4 players up every week spot on mouse

    6. I just hate how Derrick gets a good edit on the episodes, when on this site he is not a saint lol. Do you remember what he did when Nicole came back after winning the competition to return. He took everybody from his alliance in the room and told them not to talk to her and make sure not to believe what she tells you lol.. That was the most mad I’ve seen him so don’t be saying he’s been calm the whole time. I respect his game but the people he plays with on dumb. Nicole however is soo dumb! When she watches this season she’s going to be mad at how bad she got fooled by Derrick. Victoria, you should’ve believed Zach when he told you all that stuff about Derrick but oh well lol

    7. Yeah, we saw your overly long post before. It is as annoying as Derrick talking to the live feeds and trying to manipulate the fans watching. It’s not working here either. Derrick is an ok player that has ruined his own game by being a bully and borderline abusive. Jury ain’t going to reward that type of behavior. Especially this jury.

    8. The only reason Derrick strategy has worked, is he is playing, for the most part, with nitwits. He has been able to manipulate these man-boys with lies of omission and deflection. But, this may not work much longer. If he manages to get to the f2, one of the questions will be: what big move did you make? We know, and Derrick knows that he has had a hand in everyone of the juries’ eviction. But, they don’t know that. He deliberately isolated each one from the rest of the house, so that he became their “friend”. The only one who figured this out was Donny. And he was, at last view unable to convince anyone of that. Derrick, to their eyes, hasn’t done much more than Victoria. Unless he is able to do something big, they may not believe he is worthy of winning. Just being the lest objectionable might not do it.
      I believe that Tim’s wife will go at the DE. Then either Derrick or Frankie will strike first. If Derrick manages to turn Caleb he will put Frankie up against Victoria. Then use Caleb to take out Cody. If that doesn’t work, no big, Derrick can do that in the f3. Then, he can take the remaining one out himself. Then it is Derrick and Victoria f2. If the jury is bitter, Victoria wins. If Frankie strikes first, same scenario, only with Frankie more likely to win, even with a bitter jury.

          1. :^€: The longer the post the fewer people are going to bother reading it. Another problem is that you’re boring us silly.

    9. Derrick isn’t on the same planet as Dan. I don’t have a problem with him lying to other hg’s that’s part of the game and it’s not his fault he ended up with the dumbest house in bb history. The problem everyone has with Derrick is that he seems to think the people watching are as stupid as the people in the house and for people that think Derrick is a great game player … He’s right. I don’t recall any of the greats just sitting around floating to the end go the game while trying to take credit for everything they had barely anything to do with.

    10. You’re mostly right, but honestly a lot of the players this season were just goats [aka:not great players.]
      Derrick is by far though, the best player this season. I do wish Nicole could get it together, and Victoria had half a plan to realize what she could do in this game. Like, honestly what is her point here???

    11. I agree, Derrick is playing a great game and deserves to win more than anyone left in the house, BY FAR! But to say he played better than DAN in both his seasons is ridiculous. In Dans second season he was a target from day 1 and made it to final 2! He was an underdog from the beginning and Derrick has never, for one moment in this game, been an underdog!

    12. Sorry, but Derrick is no Dan for one simple reason Dan played with people that had intelligence and Derrick is playing with a bunch of MORONS!!! If Derrick would of played with the people that were on either of Dan’s seasons Derrick would of been gone a LONG, LONG time ago. Dan and Dr. Will actually played the game, Derrick just go lucky being on a season with Morons!

  8. Derrick is playing a shit game. He wins nothing and only has a good social game. Don’t put him in the same bracket as Dan “The man.”

    As much as I hate Frankie, he wins competitions and makes big moves. He has as much blood on his hands as blow jobs Christine has given to Cody.

    If Frankie doesn’t win then I hope Caleb the clown wins. After that, Derrick is ranked third.

    1. I disagree with Dan “the Man”. His first win he had mephis covering his rear end, but he played a great game. His second time around, when he lost to Ian, he had burned so many bridges he was going to lose. Only Brittany appreciated his game play.

      But what did Dan do, both times…. Dan was playing chess while everyone was playing checkers. Dan had his moved planned out, and even though his second time around he figured he was screwed, he still made the right moves (although getting shane out was the final straw. I dont think he needed to do that).

      I guess we disagree (although I am not related to Derrick in any way). Derrick has played the more cerebral game. Victoria has gotten lucky, and is there out of convenience. Derrick (and Christine to a lesser extent) has played the game. Derrick is always on, making sure he knows the moves that needs to be made. And part of that is lying and manipulation. I just dont get the complaints about it… have you not watched any other season of Big Brother? They are all lying and manipulating and backstabbing.

      I guess we will agree to disagree on this.

      1. I don’t hate Derrick but his game is not that great either. Too many of the people who idolize Derrick are just defending him blindly. I find it really funny that so many of you Derrick fans can’t understand that some of us are not as easily manipulated by Derrick as you are. I find it even more funny that you Derrick fanatics try to use the same manipulation and diminishing techniques on those of us who don’t think Derrick is playing that great of a game. So obvious that you can’t stand it that we are can hate Derricks game because he has not really played a great game so you make it out that the only reason we could possibly be against Derrick, is because we are irrational. It’s really amazing that some of you are so blind that you can’t believe that many of us can have a different valid view of Derrick that is just different than yours and that we see Derrick as not deserving to win for many reasons.

        1. Ok.

          We all have our own opinions. I have listed reasons why I think Derrick has played a really good game. He has lied and manipulated his way to safety each week, used his alliance to the fullest, and as the feeds show, he is working the angles to the benefit of his game (halfheartedly trying to get save Donny, trying to work to keep Nicole). Some of these decisions havent worked, some have.

          He has won one HoH, but his nominees won the BoB.

          But, you can definitely make a strong case for Cody, Caleb and Frankie because they have all won competitions (where Derrick hasnt). Christine has also won comps.

          Because Derrick’s game is more behind the scenes, so all we have is feeds and the show. Some people think (like you) that isnt deserving. I disagree.

          Victoria is still there simply because they believe that the jury wont pick her to win, the ultimate floater. Andy kind of proved that wrong last year.

          Derrick will have to win at least one more comp though, to ensure he gets to the finals. If he doesnt, he could be joining his friend Donny and nicole.

          For the record, I like Donny, Derrick, and Caleb. I dont like Frankie and Victoria. Everyone else, meh.

          I also agree that the Jury will be bitter, that is why Derrick was working on Nicole this week. I think the Jury only gets to see what is shown on TV. I dont know if they see the live feeds at all. Derrick needs Nicole to “sell” him to the Jury if he gets that far. That, is thinking ahead. Whether it works, we have to wait and see, but you cant say it isnt planning ahead.

          Yes, in the feeds they seem arrogant (esp Caleb). I guess they feel safe for now. It will turn soon enough.

      1. Sure, Derrick’s game has been good, but he’s not exactly playing with people of the same intellect, and some of these people just don’t have a clue (Victoria). It’s been too easy for him to manipulate people and boring for us.

  9. you must be derrick;s wife or a friend,lying is part of the game but lying is all this dude does.i,d rather frankie win than derrick and i hate frankie

  10. have to give it to derrick he can stab someone in back and they don’t even feel it 2 days goes by and someone says hey theres a knife stuck in your back well did you see who did it


    The ratings for last Thursday’s show were high. As a BB fan, I am not surprised. I knew Donny was going, but I wanted to hear from him. Heck, it’s the ONLY reason I watched.


    To NO one’s surprise, Sunday’s ratings were down 24%. “Shocker!” (Do you FINALLY get it NOW CBS?)

    Ariana Grande fans don’t “WATCH!!!”

    HOWEVER, they might “VOTE.”

    As a fan of Donny (and the game) it’s CRITICAL that we voice our opinion. Our last chance to make a difference (this season) is by voting for Donny as America’s favorite player.

    Even if you have given up on the season, PLEASE vote!

    We can NOT let that useless piece of crap, self absorbed, total tool-bag Frankie win the fan vote. I know I am alone in saying that the thought of Frankie winning AFP makes me physically ill.

    This is important. Let’s send a message gang!

    Vote Donny!!!

    If we don’t send this message, next season house guests will include Justin Bieber’s gardener and Khloe Kardashian’s dog walker.

    1. Typo correction:

      I know I am “NOT” alone in saying that the thought of Frankie winning AFP makes me physically ill.

  12. “Frankie says if Victoria gets to the final 2 I’m voting for her”

    1. Why shouldn’t he?? Who should he vote for?? Derrick??? She has won more comps than Derrick and Cody combined… LOL… How many times has she been on the block, compared to the others?? If she makes it to the end, she deserves it as much as anyone, because most of the houseguests, including her and Frankie just played someone’s game… DERRICK’S. So, why should she be less deserving than the others??

      1. because derrick is the deserving winner against Victoria. are you joking? that is laughable

        if we are at a point where 5/6 people on here AGREE with that nonsense, I can see why I am now not agreeing with many people on this site anymore

        that is fine, have fun with Victoria, winner of BB16, that happens and this show is the biggest joke in history. why doesn’t she deserve to win? she hasn’t played the game

        what is her biggest move? go. please. name it. because its destroying her own hat, that is her biggest move

        bunch of nincompoops.

        1. LOL… NINCOMPOOP?? Never heard that one. “What is her biggest move?” Getting attached to the most influential person in the house, who has kept her safe, which is a bigger move than any of these other houseguests have made, including her protector. Derrick is the most influential person, who has protected her, but he hasn’t made any big moves.
          I never said that she deserves the money more than Derrick. I simply asked ,”What makes her less deserving than the other houseguests?” Example, Cody. Victoria has won just as many competitions as him, has been on the block much more, and is also doing the exact same thing Cody is. WHATEVER DERRICK DECIDES… So, why should she be any less deserving than Cody, or any of the other houseguests?? As far as Derrick, if he and Victoria make it to Final 2, I do agree that Derrick should win. But if Victoria was smart, she would argue what I pointed out. I attached myself to the most influential person in the house, and it kept me safe. I won more competitions than him, and I am not the reason any of you are sitting in the jury. Wouldn’t that be an argument for her? Of course that is not going to happen. But Victoria is just as deserving as the remaining houseguests, because they have all done the same thing as her. WHATEVER DERRICK DECIDED… The difference is, she has endured the block more than any of them, and she has not won the least amount of competitions. But we all know that Derrick is going to win, because all these dumbasses want to take him.

        2. I’m not a victoria superfan by any means but Derrick completely hijacked her game. After frankie stabbed her in the back in within the first week she was sent into a tailspin. derricks pig snoit sniffed out her desperation and targeted her with his mist. He made a freaking f2 with her and basically isolated her from the house. He actually encouraged her not to talk game with anyone else. It was awful. I feel bad for the girl. I would probably votE for her in the f2 as well. The girl has been through enough!

  13. These people are basically hostages for 3 months. They have no outlet other than each other. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t want to spend that much time with anyone 24/7. I believe that they slowly go out of their minds. It in getting towards the end now and paranoia is setting in. We watch them and think we could do better, but I don’t think that I could.

  14. in the house permanently….
    For the safety of drivers everywhere!
    How did that girl ever pass a driving test?

  15. the most exciting thing happening is the closure of the Have Not room (expected since last Thursday Julie said HNs were over this week.) I assume they will be starting the day early tomorrow with the double evict, do these guys know for sure it is double evict, or guessing. if nothing else, the treat and closing today not tomorrow should have been some kind of clue. even for clueless people.

    I hope victoria wins one HOH, hoping, and wishing, and praying and hoping, 🙂

  16. I seriously miss the days when no one who how each person voted, no one knew who was in an alliance with who and the have not competitions. They should bring back those food competitions and have not competitions.

  17. Every year I hear “worst season ever”, ” so boring…” Stop watching then and shut up!! In past seasons Tons of you complain about production manipulating the game but you want them to do it this year because Donny and Nicole are nice people? That is ridiculous and diminishes the game. Truth is Donny did not play a great game and Nicole did just slightly better. She couldn’t break up a strong alliance. That happens every year to someone. That’s the game people. Truth is Derrick has been an amazing player and as much as this hurts to say so has Frankie! They have lied, manipulated and exploited others weaknesses! That’s big brother. Love it, accept what happens or don’t watch at all!

    1. We have every right to voice our opinions as you do. If you don’t want to know what others think about the show, why the do you come to the comment section?

      And while I agree production interfering is wrong (in any circumstance), one has to admit it that it would have made for better tv to even out the playing field, rather than have a 5 person alliance rule the show for the whole season.

      1. no actually it would have taken teh REALITY out of the show. If the evicted house guests weren’t smart enough to break up an alliance and just let the alliance rule the house why should production jump in and help the people who are obviously playing a worse game. what because they are nice people?? well unfortunately just because you are nice doesnt mean you get to win the 500 K

        1. Anon didn’t say production should jump in because they are nice people, they simply said it would make for better tv. What would you rather watch, 5 VS 2 where the five decide who goes home and we know days in advance, with no campaigning because the two know they are screwed, or 3 VS 3 with power shifts every week and people really battling it out like how BB is supposed to be?

  18. I don’t know who I should root for in the end, but I know for sure that I won’t be rooting for Victoria. She shouldn’t have been in this house since the start. The worst hg ever. The best case scenario is that Christine wins the next HOH, sends home Frankie or Derrick. Then Victoria next, then Cody, then Derrick or Frankie. If they are smart, they will take Christine to the Final 2. She’s playing this game seriously, wins 5 comps, not the best social game but it’s so much better than Victoria and no one will vote for her in the end. If they take Victoria, it will be a whole different story, because that’s a bitter jury

    1. Why not Victoria, other than you find her annoying? Her strategy has been valid, attach yourself to someone and allow them to be your shield. She has been either nominated or fighting to take herself off all season. She hasn’t been evicted because she is useful to Derrick. His strategy is to take someone to the f2 who will be perceived as useless. But with a bitter jury, that might just backfire in him.

    2. I agree with you. Christine has done more winning then the guys. Except maybe Frankie. Aside from Christine’s annoying cackle and her personal mistakes (that is her life, her marriage she will have to deal with that when she goes home, not my business). I think she has played the best game so far, as far as winning and even socially, the boys have kept her in the group they may talk crap when she isn’t around but for the most part she has stuck it out with them. I would like to see her win and take out derrick, frankie or caleb. These guys are a pack of immature school girls they need to grow a pair and play the game.

  19. I think the most disappointing part of this season has been team america. Game wise, Derrick and frankie are the two leaders of the bomb squad alliance and it would be natural for them to be paranoid of each other. In a normal game, they should have turned on each other by now and the many attempts that other HGs have made to pit them against each other probably would have worked. But because they are bound by this god awful twist, the alliance has managed to stick together for the majority of the game.

    The battle of the block twist didnt help. I actually thought it was a decent twist that went on for way too long (it s

  20. The problem I have with Derrick is that he has made no big moves at all. How good of a player are you when all you do is put up and vote out the weak. They have been successful only because of numbers from the beginning and they played it safe by voting out everyone else who were no threat to them. Now they have the piper to pay for that and there are really no big moves left for them they have to put up one another now and they are all a rambling and paranoid. I dislike Frankie the most and want him gone first. Don’t like any of them left. If I had to pick would take Cody. Don’t care for him either. Hope anyone but Frankie wins hoh but think if Derrick won he’d go safe and put up the girls again. Christine and Cody would put up Frankie for sure. If I were them I’d put up Frankie and Caleb and tell Caleb he was the pawn to make sure Frankie would go cause if they put Frankie up with girl they would be afraid Frankie would stay

    1. the big moves havent been made yet. Why make a big move which would be getting frankie cody or a bomb squad person out, if they are your alliance??? now is the time for the moves tohappen. He needed the numbers, he would have been stupid and ruined his game.

    2. I agree with you on one note, some people give the BS a lot of credit for sticking together this far into the game, But that’s not so true. They started with 8 (half the house) and they even brought in a ninth. The fact that over half of them are still in it is due purely to luck (good and bad) because they HAVE attempted to take shots at each other, they’ve just failed miserably. The only two people in the bomb squad that never defected were Caleb and Amber.

  21. GTFO of here. There is no way Cody and Christine are actually banging. Noooooooowayyyyyy. Flirting yes but getting down for real……..Nuhuh.

  22. Wait one second!!!

    Did Frankie just admit that Cody and Christine have been hooking up on the down low? Remember the missing condoms? They sleep together every night, the disgusting displays of affection, etc.
    Frankie says he is going to rat her out on national TV for being a cheater if she screws him over and outs him on the block? Did I read all of that correctly?
    And possibly the most confounding question of the summer….why am I still watching this crap?

    1. And why am I watching this crap AND commenting to a complete stranger?!
      Is everyone in that house including production keeping a really big secret from all of us about Cody and Christine?

  23. Did I miss something does Frankie have proof Christine and Cody slept together or is he just being a jerk……someone did say the condoms are going missing?

      1. dawg remember the comment Christine in the back yard her stomach hurt she said maybe took to many birth control pills I know she may have been on a cycle before the house and wants to be good when she gets out but shes nuts for even saying that in the house

        1. The only reason to take a large dose of oral contraception would be to try and mimic Plan B or other morning after pills…….why didn’t she just go to the DR and talk to the medical personnel?

          And is there any evidence that Christine would need a morning after plan?

          1. The other reason to take “large doses” is because she forgot to take them … remember the alcohol the other night?

  24. I can’t believe no one has thought to put up Derrick. I get that the houseguests like him and are in an alliance with him but damn.

  25. Anyone have any ideas as to why production decided not to use Pandora’s box this season? They can’t be so oblivious to the fact that fans wanted the house to be shaken up.

  26. Was over on youtube watching Wil Heuser’s Big Brother 16 Saga video’s, they are hysterical, especially his portrayal of Caleb in EP 3 & 6. He does a good Zack too. Frankie will never have anything on Wil.

  27. I find there are so many people bashing people like derrick and praising people like donny. Don’t get me wrong i loved donny. But i like derrick too. But everyone is saying he is so horrible and lies, same with his alliance and what not. But nicole and Donny are amazing. Just makes me think, you all want to see a house full of honest nice people only, unfortunatley i think that would make that season even more boring than this one. You need to lie you need to decieve people in this game. And that is why Donny is sitting in the jury now, his down fall was being too nice. In the real world thats aweosme, and will earn him AF forsure. But in bigbrother world, doesn’t usually work out

    1. Would someone tell Derrick his game is not “flawless”… I cant believe he said that. Oh and he’s now going to ensure Nicole is going home because she knows he is “flawless” like Donny does. Give me a BREAK! LOL

  28. just saw the episode Nicole told derrick in the have not room she thought he was playing the best game as good as dan she was good till she opened her mouth you don’t want compliments in this game derricks can see her convincing others that down the road no wonder he didn’t take out Frankie good lord these women and I liked nicole

    1. I don’t know that I buy the smooth editing of last night’s BB episode. BB is pinning this season’s hopes on making Derrick to be this larger-than-life manipulator,but I question the logic behind it. Derrick is frightened because little ole Nicole compared him to Dan,which made her dangerous.

      The other day Frankie told Derrick straight up that he knows he’s a better player in the game than he let’s on. Who do you think is more dangerous? Someone like Frankie who can articulate/convince/cajole or bumbling Nicole who you can control with a few choice words? Me thinks Derrick is believing his own hype.

  29. In my wildest dream, this will happen:

    While Caleb the Beast Mode dummyboy gets the Pandora’s box, Nicole somehow gets the Coup d’Eate and takes herself and Victoria off the block. Then she put up Frankie and Cody as the replacement nominees. Frankie gets voted out in the first eviction vote (OH YEAH BABY!). Then miracleously, Victoria (WHAT?), of all people, wins HOH and has to quickly put up 2 people. At Derrick’s bidding, she puts up Christine and Nicole. Nicole wins POV and now Victoria has to put up one of his boys, it’ll be either Cody or Caleb, I lean toward Cody. Then Christine gets voted out in the second eviction vote. The end.

    I can only dream, right?

  30. I have to say i agree with those who think derrick has played the best game. i also think cristine and frankie are horrible people inside and outside the house. (not that they care at all )
    I also think the players need to be reminded its a tv show so if its not fun to watch it will get cancled.

  31. Just finished watching CBS version of BB, CBS’s fairy tale: Derrick is a genius, and Nicole thinks he is Dan. Good Grief!! Hayden wasted his breath on her.
    After this afternoon conversation between Frankie and Caleb, I do believe Frankie has Derrick’s number, the question is: Will Frankie get into power to pull the trigger?? This makes it very difficult for me to choose. My loathing for Frankie and Derrick is equal. I have never seen so many stupid players on BB in one season. Season 15 might of had despicable people, but they could at least “buy a vowel”, these people don’t even know they need to “buy a vowel”.

    1. Awesome post. I totally agree.I just cant imagine though 60 minutes of them trying to make TV interesting without Derrick. Atleast he can articulate his thoughts.

    2. I watched too just to see how they edited. Frankie was a footnote, but Derrick was the shining star without question. His DR sessions were absolutely sickening filled with pandering to the audience and giving us tutorials about how completely brilliant he is. It was really sickening. Not much conversation about backdooring Frankie, and Caleb came across as so compassionate and trusting his gut. A complete snow job. 🙁

      1. It was sickening lol. Big Brother Theater. A 1-2-3 guide on how to manipulate a misogynist dumbass with too much bravado and delusions of grandeur. Derrick is a real genius.

  32. I think they are having some kind of competition since they fed everyone earlier. Why would feeds be down if they weren’t doing a competition ?

    1. I think theyre having a luxury comp .. .like that balloon popping one last year … or like the one where they hide the coins in the house and the persons coin that isnt found wins 10k

  33. Derrick helped change Caleb’s mind about putting Frankie up, after hearing what Nicole said, about his game being compared to Dan’s(which is total bullshit btw, he’s nowhere near ANY of the BB Greats)… These women open their mouths too much, need to learn when to STFU and listen.

      1. Don’t tell BB producers that. It doesn’t fit the genius narrative of their new star Derrick,at least according to that episode. I think they’ve dumped Frankie and are trying to salvage the season with Derrick as their new love child. Not saying Derrick hasn’t done his fair share of manipulating, but last night’s edit seemed a bit overboard.

  34. Derrick is a fucking idiot for throwing that POV, knowing he wanted Crustine out… Who does that??? Derrick could’ve won POV, kept the noms the same and voted Crustine out, but he practically let her win… I can’t wait til they turn on him, and send that wannabe great BB player to Jury…

    1. IKR, and the DR sessions of his explanation for throwing it really didn’t match when he chose to go out. The dude is a coward anyway unless he’s hiding behind others. I figured maybe he didn’t want to be put on the spot if he won and just chose to bow out. So he comes up with some big genius play explanation in diary room to trick people who don’t follow anything but the show. He’s so full of sh*t! Lol

  35. Derrick hasn’t manipulated a thing. He just says he has. He preys on the weak minded.
    Anyone capable of thinking for themselves can see right through his bs including viewers.
    Please tell me who he’s put up and got evicted out of this house? No one.
    Please tell me one instance where he’s used his “influence” to change what was going to happen regardless?
    The only even close to clever thing he’s done is pretend to befriend Victoria to get a 2nd vote every week for free.

    1. EXACTLY…

      If people actually think Derrick is a great player, they must also think Demanda was a genius..

      It’s easy manipulating idiots, it takes no effort what-so-ever.. Simple “suggestion” would get them to do whatever you wanted.. Everything that Derrick “supposedly manipulated”, was going to happen anyways, he hasn’t flipped the house once.

      If he was such a great player, why was he do scared to be compared to Dan? He had Caleb about to put up Frankie which everyone would’ve voted out without the need of any sort of convincing.. Because Nicole opened her mouth about Dan, Derrick quickly shut down the idea of Frankie going up, which he helped initiate(like he ALWAYS does).

      FYI, a great player would never throw a comp knowing the person they wanted out, could possibly win…

      1. Derrick has made moves almost each week since week 2. Keeps himself off the block when amber considers it. Gets caleb to keep Zack and turn on Devin. Essentially chooses Nicole’s nominees for her, gets caleb to volunteer to go up. Scares Cody into putting up Donny not Caleb, and gets Brittney sent home. Get’s Cody back onboard with keeping Caleb longer, and switches the target to Amber with Frankie’s help. Tells them all that they should flip and keep Zach, (as Caleb suggested but no-one was listening until Derrick said it) as well as turning on Hayden and Nicole and getting Caleb to target them. He would likely have gotten Christine out this week too, if she hadn’t won veto. I know i’m missing a lot of stuff. The only decision your wrong about is the CBS edit that the Dan comment changed his mind about backdooring Frankie. Caleb made that decision himself after talking to Frankie.
        Also, People say “if everyone in there wasn’t so dumb, weren’t all such sheep, etc.” every single season. They said it Dan’s second season too. It is funny though that most of these moves have been against Cody’s best interest to some extent but he never seems to notice.

        1. EXACTLY Alliancewiththewall. Derrick is playing this game brilliantly. He is so good and subtle about it that even a lot of the viewers are not catching on to his game play…that is smooth.

  36. The PR team has been working the boards hard today for Derelict and CBS worked hard for him tonight. The benefit, they can talk up THEIR great player & pretend this boring season is a figment of our imaginations.

  37. There needs to be truth Zingbot introduced into the game. House guests can ask one question each.

    Frankie: ” Who is America’s current favorite player?”
    Truth ZB: ” Out of 9 million votes, Donny got 4.5 million or 50% of the vote. Zach is second with 900,000 votes or 10%. Frankie has 90,000 votes….”

    Christine: ” Who is the most hated house guest?”
    Truth ZB: “Out of 9 million votes, Christine also has 4.5 million votes or 50%. She is by far the most hated house guest who also has a big hotter like Derrick.”

  38. I have to scratch my head over people lauding Derrick for his “game”. What game?
    He’s done nothing and tries to take credit for things that we’re going to happen anyways.
    Derrick – “The sun came up today just like I wanted it to.”
    Derrick fans – “He manipulated that sun. Best player of all time.”

  39. Do not ever say Derrick and Dan in the say sentence
    Derrick will NEVER be a dan
    Derrick is absolutely an aweful disgusting devil !!!!!

  40. Calib wants to study acting!!

    Frankie says he should come to New York !

    Frankie and Calib will both give birth to a cow when they learn Donny is getting a walk on role on Bold&Beautiful LMAO
    And all because Donny is real Donny is common sense intelligent Donny is Humble!!
    Donny will get his Screen Actors Guild card before Frankie & Calib and Donny will win the 25k Americas fav plus the 15k Team America challenge wins plus the jury stipend total around 55k not bad for a summer.

  41. Still routing for Christine to make some moves here at the end! I think the complete hate for her is strange, she is not perfect for sure but that is a crazy stressful environment, and she’s a regular person, a BB fan, and has played loyal without being afraid to put up big players Donnie, Nicole, (Zack?). Yes she says everything is ‘skerry” but that’s her game, she does make moves when she needs to and she knew her and Nicole would never be able to trust each other again after the double eviction. I just don’t understand how she is the MOST hated player in these polls. Anyway, Team Christine! Yes, I realize it’s just me, that’s okay!

    1. Christine has gotten this far in the game because the guys knew she was the kind of girl would do anything for them. She wanted to get rid of Nicole simply because Cody liked her–it wasn’t about a lack of trust. When the guys told her that Nicole was going to put her on the block she used that as the perfect excuse . She has said herself that she wants to be the only girl in the house—0 competition. The vile, nasty and bitter comments (none of which are game related ) that come out of her mouth plus her inappropriate behavior with Cody have made her a difficult player to root for. Any women with common sense would have realized a lot sooner that the guys were just using her. Every HG has said they don’t want to loose to her; that’s how little respect they have for her and her game. She’s just FOUL!

  42. Derrick thinks he is a great player and he’s fair to all the house guest, he really believes it. He manipulates, talks down to people and has no respect for the women in the house. I want to be a fly on the wall when the house guest watch the show and see how he felt about them. I feel sorry for Victoria, she will need some therapy after she watches the show. Frankie needs to go next, big,dirty filty mouth. He makes his family proud LOL. They need to give the money to Donny, I know he was voted out, but please give him the money.

  43. Nicole’s exit speech:

    Love u Mom & Dad. I’m sad to be leaving the house but excited to see Hayden again. Oh, & by the way…..
    Derrick….you are LOVED by the jury house! Frankie….you are LOVED by them too!!!!!!!!!!
    They all think you two are playing the best game!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck…I’m voting for either of you for F2!

  44. Ratings ppffttt, who gives a shit. That’s because most of the people watching are a bunch of disgruntled kids who don’t like when they don’t get their way, so the “I’ll show them” mentality comes in to play. YET they still blab and blab about it all over twitter and FB and BB sites. The rest of us seem to enjoy it. The kids need to remember that BB isn’t “trending” right now, it always was even before YOU!!!!!

  45. Frankie just deep throated a water bottle. Now who thinks he is a great person? Little sister? My disgust has reached an all time high. This is the person who described himself as one of the “fathers” of this house. Are you kidding me????? He is truly vile. His rape jokes etc. Get the hook CBS

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