POV Holder: | Victoria | Next POV | July 19th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 21st |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Cody | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Jocasta/Amber | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 24/July 18 |
Original Nominations: | Brittany/Victoria(Cody) |
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach |
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6pm Up in the HOH room – Derrick, Brittany and Cody are hanging out. Frankie joins them. Derrick and Cody tell Brittany that they will be out there with her when she’s kicking her 2400 goals. Brittany says I would die if I had to walk out the door in a Germ-itard outfit! I would have walked out the backdoor. Frankie says he was excited to see Nicole’s Germ-itard outfit but now that she isn’t getting it till later he might just go to sleep. Brittany complains that she stayed up all night and only got 30 minutes sleep this morning. Frankie says oh my god! Frankie asks her if she’s a good kicker? Brittany says no. Frankie complains that his thigh hurts. Brittany says that she knows some one who gives good elbow jobs. Frankie says over the pants accidental elbow jobs. Frankie leaves. Cody says that he’s heard a lot about the girls banding together and getting out all the guys. Brittany says if I won HOH I would put up Victoria, Christine, Nicole and I don’t know who the other would be. Cody says we were tight. Brittany says Zach was telling me I needed to be malicious and make up lies. I am not doing that. Cody says that Zach is a wild card I don’t tell him anything. Brittany says good. That would probably be the fourth person I would put up. Amber joins them. She complains that her “eye is peeing, its leaking on its own”. Brittany asks is it pink eye?! Amber leaves. Cody tells Brittany I just didn’t want you to hate the f**k out of me. Brittany says I don’t hate you. Brittany says I just feel that I came into the house and was already by myself. Cody says the more you didn’t talk to me the more I believe the things people were saying. Cody asks why do you trust Amber? Brittany says I didn’t until recently. Cody says the only thing with Caleb is he is so straight up and honest.

In the earth room – Caleb is talking to Amber. Caleb tells Amber that he thought about taking the trip and that he would tell Amber he would take her but that he figured she would say no. Amber says I was born in Germany I would have loved to go. Caleb says hey 5G’s we could go on a cruise together! Caleb says he wants his next relationship to be where god put here there in front of him for a reason. Caleb says that he wants to be with someone that will fight and do anything to break down his guard. I have a huge guard up and I want the girl I want to be with to want to fight so hard to be with me. Amber says that in her last relationship she did that but that she messed up and it just didn’t work out. Caleb says that he last girlfriend hates him and won’t even talk to him. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
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6:20pm In the kitchen – Nicole, Christine, Caleb, Donny, Frankie, Derrick and Amber are talking. Amber asks how long Nicole has to wear her the Germ-itard for? Nicole says 7 days. Caleb talks about how he wished he had know what the cost of the Germany trip was because then he would have taken it. The camera switch to Nicole, Derrick and Hayden in the fire room. Derrick says he really hope Donny goes up on the block. Cody has to put him up. He will put him up. He won’t make a deal with her because then it would look like what Devin did. Derrick says she would be campaigning for Caleb or Zach to go up because they won stuff. Regardless of who he puts up, we have the numbers. Nicole realizes that she will be in the Germ-itard suit for the photo booth again! Hayden says you’re just living big brother. Zach and Frankie join them. They talk about how Brittany is up there getting Cody to fall in love with her. Nicole says oh no. Frankie says look at Devin he hated her and after 2 hours up there he was in love with her. Frankie tells Zach you’re the biggest a$$hole in this house go up there and make yourself comfortable! Zach says let me put my a$$hole face on, oh no wait it’s already on!
6::35pm – 6:50pm Zach heads up to the HOH room. Oh what’s up Brittany fancy seeing you up here! How about this every time you miss a goal I laugh in your face! Cody says you’re an a$$hole. Brittany says how about this when you walk out that door I laugh in your face! Zach says I’m not sending you home. You’ve got my vote. Cody tells Zach to knock it off. Zach says Brittany you’re the reason I am taking a beautiful girl to Germany and I thank you! Brittany leaves. Cody tells Zach that he is being an a$$hole and I don’t like it. It’s not nice. She knows she is going home and you know her personality she will go and cry about it. It’s not nice. Zach says they told me in the fire room to come up and be an a$$hole. Cody asks who did? Zach says Frankie, Derrick, Hayden. Zach says okay I’ll stop. Frankie joins them. Frankie asks if Cody is in love with Brittany now. Cody says no. Did you make a deal with her? Cody says no. They talk about how the get a $1000 a week in stipend money. They think the week after next will be a double eviction because that’s when people would start going to jury. Cody tells Zach just don’t be a d**k to her. She is going home and there’s nothing that will change that.

6:55pm – 7:15pm Cody is worried about having to tell Donny that he is putting him up. Derrick tells him he’ll be fine. Zach says you could make a deal with him. Cody says that will never work. Zach says what about this crazy idea.. I go up to Donny and tell him that I got wind he was going up and said that I would volunteer to take his place. Derrick says no way. We’re not putting up an alliance member because people will vote you out. Zach says okay. Zach says think about how good of a player you would be if you convinced Victoria not to use the veto. The conversations turns to talking about how annoying they think Caleb is. Cody says he wants to stab his eyes out when he talks. Cody asks who do you think Amber will try and get me to put up. Frankie says I swear to god that if Caleb had won the veto, Amber would have convinced him to use it on Brittany. Its better that Victoria won it. Cody brings up how after Nicole nominated Donny he said that he trusts her more than anyone. Derrick says exactly it all in how you word it. Derrick laughs CALZONE! First one out in a soccer challenge! Cody says that Amber looked f**king hot today!
7:20pm In the kitchen – Jocasta says that it didn’t make sense for Nicole not to take the veto. Caleb says that she was up there trying to make a deal with Nicole to say that if I don’t take this from you will you pull me off. Caleb says that Big Brother came over the loud speaker and said you can’t make deals. You need to pick one. Caleb says and I told Victoria to do what is best for her game. They asked me Caleb do you want the veto and I said I don’t want it. I am safe, I don’t need it. Jocasta says if Nicole had taken the Veto then she wouldn’t have gotten the unitard. Caleb says it worked, I showed up and won something. I didn’t win the veto but I could have. When it comes down to it I really won it all, if I would have wanted it. The person that needed it got it. Caleb says at the end of the day I won 5G’s and I am going to go home and finish the chopper I always wanted to finish.
Caleb comes up and tells Zach I will give you 5G’s for the Germany trip. Zach says I will do it! I am not going to go to Germany! Caleb says I am going to ask in the diary room if we can switch. Derrick says because Amber is from Germany? Caleb says yeah I would take her. Zach says I will give you a verbal agreement that I will do it. Zach says I want to use the 5 stacks for a cheap Prius. They shake on it. Zach says I am making an agreement with you, I will do it but I might not. Zach says I don’t want to go to Germany. If you go you get the girl in the process. Derrick says yeah if you take her to Germany you are definitely getting laid!
7:30pm – 7:40pm Cody is called into the diary room – Heading into the diary room he says that he’s worried his punishment (Cody gets kicked in the a$$ every hour for 24 hours) is starting now. When he comes out of the diary room he says that its going to happen when the lock down is over and they want everyone out there for the first one. Cody says when it happens you’re going to know because its going to be loud.
7:45pm In the fire room – Jocasta is talking to Nicole asking why she didn’t take the Germany trip. Hayden says yeah Germany is the number one spot I want to go to in the world and she had the opportunity to make that happen. Hayden pretends to be Nicole and talks in her accent. Jocasta asks Hayden would you date Nicole outside the house? Hayden says yes. Jocasta asks Nicole and she says yes but I don’t want him to know it.
In the kitchen – Frankie, Caleb, Cody, Victoria, Brittany, Christine, Donny and Derrick are talking. Frankie says that he asked if he could use Cody’s butt kicker and they said no. Just think in the next episode they’re going to have a montage of you getting you butt kicked.
7:50pm – 8pmBig Brother opens up the backyard and all the house guests pile out side to see Brittany and Cody’s punishments. Brittany has to kick 2400 goals over the next 24 hours. Cody has to have his butt kicked for 24 hours.
Alliances (Some Of these are dead)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
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Somehow I don’t think Zach is taking a beautiful GIRL to Germany;)
Sure he is, he’s taking Frankie !!!
Why are people obsessed with whether Zach likes boys or girls? Maybe he likes girls. Maybe he likes boys. Maybe he really likes both. I doubt he cares whether people think he’s gay or not. If he did, he wouldn’t be on Frankie so much. Zach’s pretty much proven he couldn’t care less about impressing anyone.
The point is, who gives a crap?
I agree 100%, who cares? I sure don’t care.
As a gay man I would just like to say…
That guy is 100% Heterosexual… No way we are taking credit for that guy
He is a heterosexual Obnoxious Frat Boy… God I hope he is straight.
Isn’t Frankie enough for the Gay Community,,, haven’t we suffered enough.
Why can’t we get a hottie like BB Canada Season 2 Had… I want the US Kenny Brain
I’m not sure after 16 seasons BB US is as ready for as much diversity as BBCan. Gays have to be obvious gays. Gay guys need to be effeminate, and gay women need to be masculine. Otherwise i think production (ie. sponsers) feels uncomfortable if someone who is gay can pass visually for straight. Like Kenny BBCan2
Always enjoy your posts, EricCA. It’s true, we do grow lovely gay men in Canada.
The gay community suffers from ex-gays and right wing politicians; Frankie has done no injustice to the gay community. He’s flamboyant but so effing what? I find gays who dislike/ridicule gay men for their flamboyancy to be more damaging to the gay community than any flamer ever could be. Get over yourself…and congratulations for being able to blend in with the mob. You should be proud.
I agree. I thinks it’s nice to show that you can befriend someone because you genuinely like their company regardless of their sexuality. It’s nice to see Zach look at Frankie simply as a human being and nothing else.
Its pretty hilarious how Derrick & Cody are getting out one of the MAIN people that wouldn’t go after them.. kinda stupid but I guess thats what happens when you don’t give in to Derrick’s BS
No, I’m thinking that it’s because they think she is the only one who can marshal the other side of the house against them. Donny is in the same boat, as far as they seem concerned. It’s a preemptive strike. Not a bad game play, actually.
I’m betting that Derrick’s a heck of a cop.
What I think is stupid is how Hayden Nicole and Christine are never called floaters or are targeted in the alliance of Derrick, Cody, Zach and Frankie. That’s three against three with Frankie being the swing vote because he’ll go to the side that’s in power. It amazes me they are worried about Donny Victoria and Jocasta and not Hayden Nicole and Christine. What’s even more dumb is that those three (Hayden, Christine, and Nicole) don’t side with the other side of the house and start their own alliance. Everyone in the house knows all the guys are together except Donny and Hayden. If Hayden, Nicole, and Christine would have aligned with Amber, Brittany, Donny, and Jocasta (still not sure where Victoria heads at) they would go from the bottom of the totem pole to the top and get the guys out. This group of houseguests remind me of the season with the Brigades, everyone just settle as if they’re in high school glad to hang out with the popular kids and not thinking for themselves.
You’ve just encapsulated what has been bugging me, but couldn’t quite put my finger on. Why are they ignoring Hayden/Nicole/Christine? I get the Christine part because she’s feeding them information, but why aren’t the other two concerning them at all? Are they perceived as THAT non-threatening? I guess so. They’ll likely be on the block next week though, along with Amber if they don’t get HOH. It’s SO frustrating. While I think that, ultimately, Derrick will have earned the win, this is a complete steamroll! I agree – I do NOT get that those 3 (who are supposed to be bright and know the game) don’t see they could band with the other side and take those guys out…assuming they win HOHs of course.
So, maybe Frankie doesn’t have the best social game. All three of them are very likeable, and they vote with that group of guys. We want to see more division in the house, as viewers. You know, blood, guts and gory. Perhaps that’s what changes in a person’s thinking when they enter this social experiment. It’s like ‘adversarial harmony,’ and the targets are the ones who disrupt that balance. There has to be balance because you wake up to, spend your day with, and sleep with each other. That’s what dingdong Devin missed.
Brittany has shown she is playing the game and will make smart moves. She isn’t 21 like victoria, isn’t a totally snitch like christine and has shown that she cannot be easily controlled. Although she has been on good terms with them for now relatively speaking. The whole being up there for hours with devin made the boys nervous she has a mind of her own. Yes I know it is stupid but in the game people who cannot be easily controlled are voted out regardless of loyalty. For example, Devin was sent home even though Devin wasn’t coming after derrick realistically speaking. Derrick could have lost the hoh on purpose and literally not have to worry for weeks as devin battled the house. Devin went home because he couldn’t be controlled. Brittany would probably put up strong players if she won, she is playing for the money not for jury. She isn’t going to put up christine and victoria. she’ll put up derrick and zach or something like that.
I wish BB* would tell Derrick and Franky that if Donny goes he can no longer make the $5000 per challenge.
Better yet if Donny goes, let us replace him with Brittney. Let her find out TA Derrick and Frankie together. Hmm then if she smart she will sing the info to the rooftop.
Nicole told Hayden she thinks America is loving this. This spineless wimp hasn’t got a clue. I was a Nicole fan in the beginning then watched her give away her HOH and kiss the fratbrats butts. She’s useless.
Simon can you make a poll of 3 LEAST favourite players I’m curious to see who people will pick, even though I have a clue.
I would like that poll also.
You do understand if you just kinda reverse the most popular poll, it would look quite similar, right?
Directionally perhaps, but not entirely accurate. Just because so few people may be voting Amber, Jocasta and Victoria as their favorites doesn’t necessarily mean they are the most unlinked; to me, at least, they’re non-entities but certainly not the ones I dislike the most (well, maybe Victoria).
YES! I was thinking about this too. Please make it happen.
That would be too close to call. I’d go for the trio: Hyena-giggly Christine, evil-gay-clown Frankie, axis-of-evil Zach.
Zach: Victoria, you are really smart and pretty.
Victoria: This one time, at summer camp, I stuck a flute in my pu@@y.
Ha Ha Ha !! Literally laughed out loud…
I can only just imagine what she does at Band Camp!!!
slopballs, I have no clue how 12 people actually hit the down thumb thingy. Hilarious post!
putting Donny up will make it obvious that there in an alliance between the guys
but i doubt the girls will see this and continue to do what the guys say b/c everyone (all the girls) trust derrick for some reason and is too stupid to realize he just using them for info and they wont realize it until they get voted out.
Der-prick the narc thinks he’s all that. He doesn’t remember that he got voted TA before he turned into a fascist pig.
not good, zach definitely has pretty much guaranteed his exit in the next 3 weeks
he lacks even guy friends anymore.
IDK, it is quite possible that he and his bromance will make it to the end. Zach is playing a loyal game. That’s his strength/value. I wouldn’t toss him out.
I don’t agree, Zach is the kinda player you take to final 2. I think that is what he is banking on, with his antics in the house. The way the jury is shaping up, I would never take Cody or Derrick. It would be pretty hard to beat them. Hopefully some of these players realize that, when they do, it will be so fun to watch.
They’d never take Donny either, which is why he’s on the block. Like a lot of others, I had high hopes for Brittany, but if I have to choose, I’d rather she go home…if only to see Derrick thwarted. I want Donny around, not just because I like him, but so he can challenge Derrick…who I also like for the win. I would love to see Derrick and Donny as F2, but I know it won’t happen.
Ahhh I cannot wait until these dudes have to start turning on each other!!! Just give it another week or two. If Donny goes out then I hope he exposes the rest of TA
Zach is a complete asshole and personally I love it.
Is he arrogant? Yes
Is he cocky? Yes
Does he have a filter? No
Does he care what he does ? No
Is he good at comps ? No
By far he is a total d-bag college kid but he single handily makes this house fun.
He is Boogie 2.0 but he is stuck with Frankie and not Dr. Will, but he needs to stay just a tad bit longer so he better not piss Cody off to much because we know Cody is a little b****
Very well put!!!
And I LOVE it too…
Zach needs to date Victoria. We all know he Really, Really Loves her. LOL
I’m a high school teacher, so familiar with the “Zach Factor” (and then some). Kids like Zach are often my favourites. Which I try to hide (they don’t need encouragement to be outrageous), but usually unsuccessfully. They’re usually so crazy-honest and could-strangle-them funny, I can’t help myself.
Brittany needs to stand up for herself and stop running away like a puppy with its tail between its legs. Where bullies are concerned you stand there and answer back. What she going to lose?? I am pretty sure you could make Zach cry like the little girl he is.
She talks too much. I’m like, please switch cameras. It’s like listening to myself. So annoying. Ughh.
getting brittany out of the house is the smartest move this season, after devin. once she gets a knack for what’s going on in the house and learns how to play, she will cut through the bs like a hot knife through slop. the guys are really lucky she knew nothing bb when she walked through the door.
I’m just wondering if any of these guys are smart enough to actually make a decision by themselves. They keep letting Derrick tell them who to put up. If Cody puts Donny up and the rest of the house still don’t realize the rest of the guys are working together then I give up. It’s so obvious by who they keep putting up, why doesn’t somebody call them out on it, it’s not like it’s gonna make them a target because they already are anyway. Frankie just proved yet again what a colossal prick he is by telling Zach to go up to the HOH and be an a$$hole, I can’t wait until his sorry a$$ gets voted out then I won’t have to listen to his annoying impersonations or watch him dry hump Zach all the time. Which reminds me I’m just waiting for Zach to come out of the closet on live TV, I figure that’s why he hates all the girls. Besides you know Frankie’s the one he’s gonna take to Germany with him.
I agree. I enjoy Zach in the house, its just I am not so sure he can stay that long
personally just like with most great BB personalities, I want him in jury 100 percent. derrick needs to cool it, you can’t be sitting there fueling him to go up to talk to brit, or Frankie doing the same, then both be like “oh Zach is too loud we can’t trust Zach”….you can’t have it both ways. you trust Zach, you just know what to tell him and how to use him. he is a far less talented boogie but an equally interesting one who is obviously better to look at.
Everyone loves derrick in that house. He’s a poe-9. No one knows it. He’s an undercover narcotics detective. He knows when anyone lies. He can read everyone like a book. He never gets emotional. He does seem like the guy you’d wanna have a drink w/ (but not a joint). I think @ least every single guest says they like him and trust him. His “game” really couldn’t be any more perfect. But…..everyone likes him. And although he is trustworthy, you can’t fool all the people all the time. He has a plan, & its going to fail him b/c no one wants to sit next to the guy who everyone likes. He may school the entire house. He basically realized people in the 8 arent good and that there are others to pull in. I know that may piss off folks on this forum. But being from RI, like Derrick is, you learn to adapt. By the way, he’s a cop. Boo hoo to the complainers about getting guys out. Then get your BB shit together and do it. Or watch this season be predictable but still more entertaining than last years abomination.
IKR, don’t hate the guy because he has mad skills. I wonder if Devin will have enough sense to learn something by watching Derrick do what he couldn’t. You can’t just be a meathead in life.
Donny and Jocasta are the only ones who have caught on to Derrick. He is good at what he does, I’ll give him that, he used to lie and betray people for a living. However most of his followers in the house are spineless anyways.
All true, Derrick is very good at this game, but he has been lucky in that most are so easy to manipulate or don’t know the game. Why haven’t super-fans Nicole and Christine figured him out yet too? I’m disappointed in those two.
Well, I am not from RI, I do Not like Derrick, and I’m pretty sure everyone knows your buddy is a cop. Considering the show started June 25. This is not news. Derrick repeats himself over & over until someone agrees with him. He needs a parrot suit. Adapt. I hope you can appreciate another bb fans opinion 🙂
That is some funny Zach right there!!!
I know thumbs down are coming from all the Brit-Twit fans,
Now, go get to kickin balls Brit…
caleb is a fuc**ing creep…get the hint, no matter what you do she will never want you
He could do better. I hope he realizes that soon. Still sexy, though!
Brittany got the penalty of kicking 2400 goals in 24 hours. If she fails she can’t compete in veto next week. I would throw it but not say a word to anyone. Then make a case that you should stay because you can’t compete and you are no threat to them. I also heard she can’t compete for HOH and if this is true she should really “throw it” This may be here only saving grace. Thoughts anyone? Lets stir some stuff up.
I 100% agree that that would keep her in the house.
That’s what I’m saying in my head that can be her option in staying
siiliness and you need to be called out for it. What do you mean, you “heard” about her not being able to compete in HOH, etc? You are posting on this site with people watching the live feeds. Who are you hearing this from? JEEZ, and you got all those likes? I DONT GET IT!
This season had so much potential…
And now it’s gone, sigh
I know, I was excited at first, now all it seems to be is a rerun of last season.
Amber and brittney need to pretend to fight to make it seem like theyre not working together. That way the guys will keep britney to take out amber
Oooooo that’s good…and sneaky. Very nice. A good idea if Brittany isn’t up against Donny.
Oh Caleb, you make me tired. She gives you one itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny bit of hope saying yeah, she’d go to Germany, and you lose your mind all over again. This poor guy is a train wreck. This is just painful to watch.
Amber had NO right telling Caleb that she would go to Germany with him. She keeps stringing him along and sending mixed signals. What a B!tch! Leave the guy alone and quit f***ing with his mindl Someone needs to slap her the next time she complains about Caleb.
I didn’t read it that way. I think she said she’d love to go to Germany, but don’t think she said she’d go with him…although she should have known he’d take it that way, yes.
I agree and should have completed her response. She said she was born in Germany and would like to go there, but did not say with him.
Brittaney to Derrick: I know you are the mastermind! I will tell the house!
Derrick to Brittany: look deep into my eyes, now what did you want to tell me?
Brittany to Derrick: I trust you and want you to be my friend.
I don’t know what kinda mojo Derrick is laying on these people. But, damn, you gotta admire ability to manipulate the weak willed ninnies. Just think what you could do with that skill. Why I bet I could rule the world!!!! Mmuwahaha
Am i the only one that dislikes Christine with a great passion? God knows i can’t stand that girl…
I hate how she always talks about how she doesn’t like bullies or people that take advantage of others because she was also bullied at school, but yet everytime she opens her danm mouth is to either BS people or talk shit about the people she is BS’ing. It’s almost like she takes pleasure talking bad people and that is also the single reason why she wakes up every morning I hope she gets voted out kick. Cause i cannot stand to even see her face anymore
Oh bb16, you are not alone. She is truly the inheritor of RatAndy ‘s bb15 Emmy for biggest, nastiest, critter in a reality tv show.
Sorry #bb16, I didn’t mean to do thumbs down. She is truly the inheritor of RatAndy ‘s title of biggest fink in the universe.
You can change your vote if you accidentally thumbs down. You can’t vote twice but you can correct your vote.
You are not alone! She’s sitting on the couch saying she could finish the task faster than Brittney. She’s a have not for lack of activity. Delusional girl trying to talk trash with the popular kids, wait til she finds out she’s disposable.
Really, Victoria actually thinks she won that POV. She’ll be cuddling extra hard tonight and using elbows because she’s just so happy.
I wish someone would be completely honest with her about how they feel but in this game that could mean 1 vote. That’s all the sway she has – herself.
I really think Zach is a total dirtbag but he’s not there to make a scrapbook of memories – just cash. Best way to play.
Victoria won that POV….suck it up
I’d take some elbow action if I was in there. I don’t see what everyone’s crying about. Let the poor girl cop some feels if she wants to.
She’s obviously repressed, she’s a virgin, it’s probably why she wants to get married so bad, and she has all these good-looking guys walking around with their shirts off all day. So obviously she’s a little horny. So what? I don’t see what the problem is for these guys.
And if it was a guy copping a feel on all the girls would you feel the same? Just because it’s a chick doing it to the guys doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to be made uncomfortable by it and want no part of it. I know most of the speculation about what went down in the DR with her is just that, speculation, but if there is any truth to it then obviously what she was doing was enough to make people uncomfortable. That’s just my opinion though.
Put Derrick up instead of Donny
Would the house really keep Brittany over Derrick?
Plus it would show Donny and the girls there is no alliance
I just picture joey sitting on a couch laughing her head off at the girls screaming I told you so and one karma is a b…
I just picture Devin sitting on a couch holding his daughter crying his head off……. “honey I left my INTEGRITYat the back door”! Boo-hoo hoo…Oh daddy don’t cry!
I can’t believe how daft Derrick and Frankie are being. They want Cody to put up Donny. BB should tell them if they don’t save Donny and he go’s home they lose all the money they won from the team america challenges and it all go’s to Donny.
There not doing what america wants. If any member gos home then that should be the end of team america. I love Donny. I think he’s a cutely patutey. Hope he doesn’t end up goind home.
Let me preface this with I absolutely adore Donny and don’t want him to go anywhere, but I disagree about the TA thing. They have done what America wanted, based on the options provided to them by BB (which is not their fault). The main thing I disagree with though is that they should be penalized if they vote out a member of TA. We complain every year about how much meddling we think Production does, but that’s high level meddling if you saddle an America voted team with the inability to actually move against any of the people on said team. I’m not commenting on anyone’s game play either way, that’s a totally different issue, but I don’t think stripping them of their winnings for the previous tasks because Donny gets voted out and they had a hand in it is really the appropriate response. It is a game after all and they are playing it, whether we like how they are doing it or not. Having said all that, I really hope Donny doesn’t go up on the block and especially not out the door.
There is stlll hope for this Season. It really isn’t as bad as the last two.
Don’t worry the blood is coming. Every Season has it’s slow weeks.
The one with the most was when the Brigade ran the House… It was sort of
Predictable… I hate say it If it was not for Brittany (who I love) and Douchie and the beast
(Brenchal who I could not stand.) That Season would have been a snooze fest because other that two other players (Matt and Reagan) the rest of the house was a snooze fest of forgettable’ s.
please tell me Zach is going to sit out there in the goal and block her shots all night.
now that would be hilarious. GET ON IT BB PRODUCTION.
LOLOLOLOL That slew me. But seriously, 2400 shots in 24 hours? Is that even possible? Does she have to retrieve the ball every time?
Omg how much I hate Derrick now ugh! He sickens me. His true colors are coming out now tho. Asshole!!
Brittany and Donny on the block.
See ya Britt.
I’m glad Victoria is starting to play the game. She’s been so clueless to how everything works. And how about her winning veto and proving to those guys that she will not be their pawn. I love it!
And what further tickles me is all those who have said Victoria is weak haven’t even won a single comp lol. Oh the irony.
next america mession if donny goes home let us tells 4 people who america player is in give the money they made to donny all of it in if they make it to jury give him half of that
Love him or hate him you have to agree Derrick must be a great undercover cop. Think about it he went to a house with a made up job and not even once have people question it. He also makes people do what ever he wants. This season is just another day at work for Derrick.
Welcome, Derrick has a high level of trust with everyone except for Donny possibly Hayden. he’s doing a pretty solid job so far.
Ratstine, Sheriff Derrick, and Mrs. Thang Frankie, need to b on the block, have not, or a punishment. These three are floatin if I have ever seen it. This is y we need an All Star cast…….
Hope Cody puts up Frankie after he threw him under bus! Then he goes home
I wish that we can re vote on who we want to represent TA or at least let us pick the challenges