POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | Aug 23rd |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 25th |
HOH Winner 1: | Cody | Next HOH | Aug 28th |
Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | Donny and Nicole | ||
POV Players | ? |
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1:45pm Up in the HOH room – Caleb, Frankie, Cody and Christine are talking about Hayden and Nicole hooking up in Jury. Cody says I love that they hooked up. When she was telling us about it I was like GOSSIP.. YES, I want details. Frankie says I want details like did she suck his P?! Christine says no I don’t think so. Cody says I don’t think anything like that! Cody says I can’t believe they don’t even have camera’s there. Christine says doubt he even copped a good feel. Frankie asks really? Caleb says no, I bet she didn’t. Cody says no chance. Frankie says that’s so crazy that they are like together! Cody says yeah they said they aren’t going to hook up with other people. Frankie says I bet they got more air time last week than we did! Caleb says I bet they make it on Amazing Race before us because they’re a couple. Frankie says we’re a couple! Big Brother blocks the feeds.. when the feeds come back – Frankie says if he (Donny) is here next week I am going to put him up again. Caleb climbs in bed with Cody. Caleb looks at the camera and yells CODY CALZONE AND BEAST MODE COWBOY UP IN THIS MUG!

Out in the backyard – Derrick says I am torn because you are an easy target but contrary what you might believe it is in my best interest for you to stay here because I am not in with anyone in here. It’s hurtful that I’ve heard multiple times that you want me out. I am torn and you’ll see when the show airs When you said a few weeks ago that you were aren’t here for team america you’re here for Donny Thompson .. on some level I respected that. Derrick says it’s been eating me alive but I’m glad I’ve said it. Derrick tells Donny that Nicole is going to campaign against you again. She said she wasn’t going to last time and she did and I told you that. Derrick says I don’t know if you’ve ever heard Derrick is plotting against you and if you have you’ve never told me about it to be able to confront it.
2:20pm – 2:30pm Christine, Nicole, Frankie, Caleb and Donny are out in the backyard talking. The conversation turns to the new Obama medical care introduced. Christine says he knows people that their medical went up $350 a month. Frankie asks them all if they’ve been tested and they all say yes. Frankie says I get my blood drawn ever 2-3 months for STD’s. It’s a part of my regular life. Frankie says Zach said that he has NEVER been tested for STD’s. Its so weird because its just a part of my culture. Christine says that’s awesome. Its so crazy that its not part of straight culture.
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2:35pm – 2:50pm Derrick heads up to the HOH room. Derrick wakes up Cody. Derrick says Nicole is a F**KING LIAR! We both know that! She’s a liar! She will come to us eventually. There is no doubt that her and Hayden had a long conversation about not trusting us. Christine is playing a great game. .. Na not a great game but she is playing hard. She’s got to go. You don’t throw a comp until after the threats are gone. Bullsh*t she threw it, she just isn’t as good as she says she is. If Donny stayed and won HOH she would be up here telling him to send us out. She wouldn’t defend us. If there wasn’t a buy back this week it would have been Donny and Frankie up but we can’t do that this week. If Nicole wins next week will she put us up .. its possible. Cody says I will tell Nicole that with the buy back you got a second life .. go out there and kill it in the veto. With Donny I will tell him something you don’t have to have a lot of intelligence about is respect .. Some of the comments you’ve made have shown me absolutely no respect. But something I did learn when I was younger is to always respect my elders so I am going to continue to show you respect even though I haven’t been getting it back. Your chocolate was pulled again this week. Cody tells Derrick about how Donny told me I have his vote but I wanted to stop him and tell him that he had just said that to Caleb a day ago. Cody says I told Nicole to keep her mouth shut this week and that Donny is going home unless she starts stirring stuff up. Derrick says Donny said looks like I’m in trouble this week.. So he knows he’s going up.
2:50pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the nomination ceremony to take place.. No surprises .. Cody is nominating Donny and Nicole.
3:30pm Still blocked showing live feed highlights..
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
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Donny is really getting into all their heads…LOL, I love it! They are so paranoid and so scared that Donny will not go to the Jury House! Hoping and praying he win POV and/or DPOV, win HOH next week, and really cause havoc….
Does anyone know what the have nots eat. Besides slop. Already saw Nicole and Donny were picked by Cody.
I THINK they got fishballs and tofu?
Shocker: Cody picked Donny and Nicole to be have nots. Shocked I tell ya.
I found it interesting that Derrick mentions Christine all of a sudden, assuming she threw the HOH or just pretending he thinks that? I’d like to see her backdoored. finally, derrick is making a bit of sense. I also see him spinning Donny, no doubt because he wants another TA task. But let’s face it, Derrick said absolutely not gonna put you up D, and I’m telling them all that, no way. Then he does, and Donny saw right thru the crap, plus of course Zach told him right out about his ‘skittle’ wasn’t pulled, he was always going up.
julie’s question ot christine, that christine hated, but that was cool. I also liked the way Julie’s tells her right out in a way that donny saved her. In other words, christine, maybe you should be thanking donny instead of spitting at him.
I would love love to see Derrick pull off a Christine eviction. Just to see her face, after what both Nicole, and Donny told her about the pecking order.
I found Derricks remarks about Christine interesting also. He wants Donny to stay for the final Team America mission (Derrick, your avarice is showing! & hopefully it’s your downfall) He’s setting up for Christine to go because he knows she’s going to flip to whichever side has the power at the moment. If he gets her out…Frankie is weakened & only has Caleb (maybe). So…if Donny or Nicole win the veto, be prepared to see Christine go up & maybe out!!??
Go figure Donny and Nicole up for eviction. Never would have thunk that. Lol. ( purposely misspelled )
Nah, what Donny needs right now is the COUP D’ ETAT! That way he could overthrow Cody’s nominations and put up Derrick and Frankie (or Crustine) and take one of them out! We haven’t seen the coup d’etat for a long time now and it’s time to break it out, dust it off, and plant it where Donny can get it!
Bring on the “WIZARD POWER”! Let America vote and we’ll surely give it to Donny right before eviction and watch the sh!t fly! I love it!
coup d’etat would be amazing, but let’s see what happens with Derrick’s sly suggestion that if POV is won, Christine goes up as a replacement. Well, of course it will be won, just if it isn’t won by her, could be an opportunity . all donny/nicole have to do is vote the right way, not hard to convince if the other one is the one that is left.
Donny should do something to show Cody respect. Maybe teach him how to pee standing up. Has any player in bb history looked like more of a douche than Cody. I think not.
Idk, maybe, Donny could rub Cody’s arms? It’s been working for Crustine.. I’m sure she would be rubbing his d*ck if the cameras wasn’t rolling, unlike TIm, we all know that’s what she really wants to do.. I’ll bet if they both are in Jury, she’s gonna f*ck him..
Don’t get me wrong cause Donny is my fave by far, but he is playing it completely wrong with Cody.
If he had really wanted Cody to listen to him then Donny should have French kissed him when he woke him up.
Why do think he follows all of Derrick’s commands like a little bitch? I can’t figure out any other reason.
Donny and Nicole?! Finally, a big move. If Cody ever had a thought in his head it would die of loneliness…
Does anyone remember after Nicole was evicted she had a conversation with Julie Chen. Julie told her Derrick was a cop. Did Nicole somehow forget that. I think the house should know he lied. When Frankie came out about his sister I’m pretty sure he told everyone he had no secrets.
I just re-watched Nicole’s eviction interview and Julie did not tell her Derrick was a cop.
I’m sorry shoestring. I am wrong. I thought so. Could if sworn she did. If you watched again Apologies.
I think she told one of the evicted not sure who. I bet my life on it.
I thought she did, too!!! Julie did not say who!!!
I’m 99% sure it was Joey in the very first eviction.
Damn. His secret is saved. GD it.
Final two derek and Victoria
The slogan expect the unexpected it would be unexpected that Victoria wins because derek has a bunch if angry jurur against him
Cody and Victoria final 2. Victoria wins and Cody starts to cry because she picked on him.
Never in a million years would I think Victoria would still be there. What a waste
Victoria’s uselessness is her greatest asset in the game.
Not wanting her to be there and not expecting her to be there are two different things, lol. I totally expect her to be there until Derrick can’t control whether or not she stays. And that would most likely be when Caleb is the only one voting out between two noms, and she is one of them.
I think his best bet would to try to patch up with Derrick. Lay it out that he was told Christine threw it to get him out and it was Derrick’s plan. So he started to see if there was any way to get Derrick before Derrick got him and did mention his name a few times this week…
Then say that he is okay at comps, but Frankie/Caleb will be better and will destroy Derrick/Cody when they get down to it. So it would be best for them to get rid of Frankie this week. Might be his only hope.
Or of course, better yet, WIN THAT VETO DONNY!!!
Nah, too late for that, 4 weeks ago, or if they got Frankie out, maybe, but not now…
that would be great but i’m so done with this detonators like I want coup d’etat and donny throws up frankie and derrick and send one packing. I don’t get why everyone thinks derrick is even comparable to dan or Dr Will there was a lot more to dan and will than their impeccable game play(which is already 10x better than derricks) but the reason we loved them was because they also had the BEST diary room sessions and we havn’t seen anything like that this season other than victoria’s good bye message to zack which made my day and was also the best thing she has done all season
I hate these people now. Can’t even stomach to turn on the feeds. Derrick has become even more of a pos recently, talks like he’s boss man of the friggin house. How can those people even stand him or Frankie?
Donny and Nicole are like sitting ducks, unless there’s a power, I don’t even see a way they can survive till the end. The only highlight is waiting for these D bags to get out if the house and see how they are really perceived by the public.
Everyone should get a twitter just to remind them how bad they sucked and how forgettable BB16 is.
If production was going to step up – they would have made the returning HG HOH for the week – that would have been a big move – albeit – it would have upset many – but man, it would have made for a great week.
If Donny happens to be evicted this week he should hang his head high. I don’t feel at all his was a floater and he did everything in his power to show them he was a player.
I love how Derrick is saying he is alone when he knows full well he is not. He is making rules that no one talks to “them” behind closed doors. Derrick has been found out and he knows it. But he is diverting the blame and keeping his brainwashed crew in the dark. It is amazing at how great his manipulation skills are. Impressive really. But I am not a fan of Derrick. But I give him props for his game play. I am hoping Cody gets Pandora’s box and opens it. and he gets a reward but then the two players on the block are safe and he has to nominate two of his own. That would be sweet!
Praying for a Pandora’s box! I’m not aware of a lot of talk among the houseguests about the possibility lately. It would be a great time to entice airhead Cody into it. Love to see him get punished! ! And of course would love it to help out Donny 🙂
This game is getting so boring… blahhhh! Just hope Donny can stay til the end! Right now he’s the only one making it interesting.
I think it’s about time Donny gets a Coup d’Etat and puts up his own noms! Can anyone tell me what a DPOV does I can’t remember? Thanks in advance!
The Coup D’etat owner overrules that week’s HoH. He/she can choose to take off one or both players up for eviction (including themselves if they’re nominated). The owner then gets to choose who to renominate as replacements, excluding the HOH/POV holders. It was last seen in BB11 and helped to shift the power in the house.. something this season desperately needs.
Was it used before BB11 – I can’t remember.
How does one win it or get it?
As I recall, Jeff is the only HG to ever get the coup d’etat. It was so funny that he didn’t know how to pronounce it! (He called it coop dee tat.) It was in an envelope on the seat when he was called into the DR, similar to how they were informed that they were on Team America and how they get their TA assignments.
I’m pretty sure that America voted to give it to Jeff. So if that’s true, we’ll get no such luck this year. Good call on Pandora’s box – that could def do the trick!
BORING! I am so tired of this alliance, each week the majority of us viewers get are hopes up for a change in the house, and nothing changes. Cmon BB give s a real twist that will really screw with the numbers in the house. Donny and Nicole are the only ones I am rooting for, and unless BB gives a reall interesting twist their days are numbered.
Cody, what you know about respect wouldn’t fit on the head of a pin. So just shut up about it, you frat-boy pansy.
I want Nicole to stayyy and btw these comps are sooo rigged NEVER in big brother have they made it to final 8 with barely any endurance comps (only one was for first 2 hohs) they are clearly rigging it for donny to win hoh cuz he is too old for the physical ones and it almost worked, I guess barely beat productions strategy
I think Cody is going to confront Donny about his lies! ….After he wins the next All Stars season
Yes, exactly. lol
So tired of Derrick calling Donny and Nicole liars. He’s the biggest one! Then giving Donny the guilt trip about being hurt that Donny wants him out and that he’s working with no one. BS!
Donny has his number – but Donny needs to figure out how to use it.
Derprick’s Piggy Pepper Spray won’t work on Donny. Derprick is one desperate POS. He’s working every angle. Making sure nobody is around to see him talking to Donny. He’s desperate and so hungry for $$$, there is not a single deception he is unwilling to embrace for the win. I wonder what the end result will bring him when everyone finds out how he’s been lying to all of them. Then what?
I guess Cody barely beat*
Frankie’s comments regarding Nicole are despicable. He has no respect for anyone or anything. Nicole a lovely respectable young woman. Frankie is a pig. I don’t understand why someone in the house or production doesn’t speak up and put so e limits on his mouth and behavior. Is this what cbs wants? .
Frankie is not only an embarrassment to the gay community and his family but also to the viewing public
I agree completely. Most of the gay people I know are compassionate, warm & genuine. The disgusting things that come out of Frankie’s mouth are NOT how most gays talk. I don’t normally judge people – but Frankie is not only a disgrace to the gay community but to all humanity. Can’t believe his family nor Ariana would be proud of the fowl things that he says.
On another note – Does anyone think that if Victoria’s wisdom teeth do come in that she will get any wiser? LOL!
I don’t think Frankie gives a damn what anyone thinks. He is going for the shock and awe maybe hoping he will get more camera time. He just comes across as a deviant. Can’t imagine that his sister’s manager would want her to appear publicly with him … ever!!
Hating on Derrick because hes a good player (smh)
What is moderation
Moderation means that comments are checked before they’re approved to delete spam/inappropriate comments.
Please moderate Frankie and Christine.
HAHA I would if I could. Let me loose in the house and I will lol
You and Simon need to apply next year. You have a built in fan base.
And we thank you for that.
Anyways, Cody really needs to tell his “homies” that according to his rules of respect, they do not follow it as well. I thought Derrick did not want anyone to speak to Donny and Nicole, but he is doing it. Wake me up when Donny and Nicole are out in 2 weeks.
Like many people on these boards, I intensely dislike Christine but like Donny. The reality is that Donny probably won’t go much furthur unless helped by BB production. In the advent he does go, I’ll probably back Frankie over Piggy and Caleb.
Frankie has played a hard game, got blood on his hands and made big moves. Piggy hasn’t done a lot except get people to do all his dirty work.
One last dig at Christine. She is one ugly bitch. And what pisses me off more is her religious convictions. What a scumbag to use religion when she hates on everyone.
Those things are reserved for “Production’s Pets”, Frankie will no doubt get it, soon as anyone tried to take him out..
I do not know what CBS considers Skankie a pet? No one likes the piece of turd. How does this benefit BB to protect the skank
That would totally save the season ahhh I miss chilltown I hope CBS sees this and does coup d’etat
Now onto Wicki-toria. What a waste of a house guest. Has there ever been a worst guest ever? No. She is at the very bottom. Calling her useless is an insult to all useless people. The sad thing is- she thinks she’s playing a great game. What a sad and pathetic loser.
No surprise – returning HG goes up and out the door – Derrick seems to want Nichole out before Donny – money talks (TA). If Nichole wins veto – Donny’s gone. BB is getting way too easy to predict.
Derrick is a mental case. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE him.
What is Victoria wearing those shades, for? Bitch you’re not cool, you’re not even playing the game, you’re a ghost, a JennCity 2.0..
She is actually worse than Jenn City. I didn’t know that was possible…..
Voices that I have learned to hate; 1) the pre-recorded women’s voice that is used to answer for many business and ask you to either speak your response or use the key pad. I find my herself begging to speak to a real person. 2) the voices of Frankie, Caleb and Christine. How old are you guys? I have dealt with middle school students that more mature than you three. Thank you to whoever come up with the idea for a mute button on the remote control. I have watched Big Brother since it’s conception but this year I have also had to use the channel selector.
How awesome would it be if Nicole won veto and found another veto (like Allison inn bbcan), then at the ceremony be like “well Donny I wish I had do of these jokers….oh wait I do B1tches” and pull the 2nd one “literally” outta her a$$. Haha. Ahhh to dream…
I would love to see a pandora box for Cody offering him cash and the chance to play in HOH next week BUT he would have to remove his nominations and they would be safe for the week. Would he have the balls to take it, that’s if he could get them out of Derricks and Christine’s pockets.
He would take it, everyone who gets it, takes it, I think it’s in the script.. LOL
I honestly don’t think Cody will get one vote if he makes it to the finals. Seriously, Icky Vicky would beat him 9-0
Poor me. These young ‘uns just been gangin up on poor old me. They should’ve just showed me respect and gave me the 500k at the beginning of the summer so I could never try to establish a social game, just ogle the girls and go to bed by 8 pm every night. Their parents gonna be so embarrassed. They should’ve gived me that money to buy chew and fix my brother’s tyranosaurus rex arms. Boohoo for me.
Well that was just plain rude. Why bring his brother into? God forbid you have a special needs child!! Shheesh!!
Hey Dawg, this one must have slipped through on the moderation.
SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!! What kind of despicable human being are you!!!!!!!!!
HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!! You offend me & every other decent, feeling human on the planet!!!!!
You must be Derricks brother
SOD OFF. Your comment was ignorant and uncalled for. Simon/Dawg, we need a report abuse option.
Believe it or not but this not the Love Donnie fan page… Some of us do have our favorite player we want to see win other than Donnie.. My favorite was Zach and that is who I want to see to get fan favorite.. Considering how quickly boring the live feeds are without Zach and the 7 million who tuned in last Thursday for the live eviction, it seems Zach being on the block brought in the ratings. I am holding out hope for a double eviction combined with yet another chance for another house guest to come back in the house.. This I could see happen as early as two weeks time.. Since we already know that next week will not be a double eviction and another double eviction will be coming soon. One thing CBS is more interested in is ratings, and last weeks ratings is something they want to continue.. If the ratings slide in the next couple of weeks as a result of the boring house guests being left in the house, then you will see producers think of a way to bring back Zach and those viewers. Even the live audience agreed that Zach was entertaining and gave him a huge response when he walked out on stage.
Delusional; D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-A-L……Congratulations, You Win!
To the fan that thinks Donny is a poor ole me case. From the comments you have made about Donny’s brother and his physical abnormalities, demonstrates alike of empathy for people with special needs. Someone’s blog mentioned bullies; a classic case.
damn i can not stand stinky pinky,he looks like an alien,but i could look at the alien more than i can stand to look at his narrow ass ugly face,such an embrassment to mankind.
Yes Derrick, when Donny watches the show, he’ll see he was right about you all along and you are a back stabbing POS! I cannot stand the way he manipulates the ENTIRE house!! Wake up you fools and GROW UP!! Who the f@*k care what Hayden and Nicole did in the jury house…
How much do you want to bet if Donny gets evicted and the crowd cheers like crazy for him, the house guests are going to say the reason why he got a big cheer is because they got him out of the house, not that hes liked.
Until he wins America’s Favorite…
Of course they will. They are delusional morons!!!!!!
Frankie is definitely in a world of his own. He gets tested for STDS every 2 or 3 months and says that’s just a part of Gay life. What a bunch of bullshit. Maybe in his slutty world he finds it necessary but that is not the norm and far from it. From what we have seen on the feeds, if he had the chance he would have slept with every male in the house. So maybe for him, maybe he should get checked every week. He is just a cheap whore.
Frankie IS A Walking STD !!!!!
If you are single and not in a steady relationship then getting tested regularly for STD’s is the responsible thing to do.. This is something that every single health clinic or doctor will say as well. It doesn’t matter if you are gay or straight, STD’s are not confined only to the gay community.. That is one of the most irresponsible and uneducated responses to sexual health I have ever heard. There is promiscuity among both sexes and sexual orientations. At least Frankie is being responsible with safe sex and getting tested. Something that should not be frowned upon regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
part of Frankies ‘lifestyle’ is to bet tested for STD’s on a regular basis!?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!? What a disgraceful thing to say. Is he trying to say that the gay lifestyle is one in which people regularly need to be tested for STD’s?? Or that his lifestyle of being a complete WHORE requires that??
No he is a complete poor excuse for a human being. Why does he get to reside in the HOH room all season? He is like whore waiting for his trick to win the HOH room so he can go up there. How is this fair to everyone else in the house. He is such garbage, I cannot watch the live feeds because of him.
The reason why this season has allowed one alliance to dominate is because BB has gotten lazy with coming up with anything interesting. If anything, they should find ways to break up alliances to make the game fun to watch. It would be great if Donny or Nicole would get some kind of power to remove themselves from the block and force the wussies to put themselves up for a change. Wait till the rats have to turn on themselves. They will be throwing each other under like crazy. I wish Caleb and Skankie would get voted out already.
Ariana must be so proud!!!!! CBS better pay attention. I think they are going to get considerable flak for this one!! I hope members of the gay community voice their objections to his portrayal. What a slug!!!!!!
So, The Walking STD Whore, does not use protection.
Perfect. Just what our society needs….
Getting tested for STD’s is the responsible thing to do if you are not in a steady relationship built on faithfulness to each other, then again there is cheating that goes on with married couples as well, and it is not unheard of to hear of one spouse finding out they have been infected with a STD because one partner cheated.. Getting tested is a regular part of the gay community and as any health clinic would tell you. Why? Because over all promiscuity is more prevalent among the gay community. That does not mean Frankie is a horrible person because he gets tested, it shows he is being responsible. I couldn’t care less about Frankie’s sex life, but he is not the only single man in that house who is sexually active.. Funny Caleb or Cody never mentioned getting tested either they are both straight men who no doubt are also sexually active. IF one of them said they also did get tested regularly would the “outrage” by some people on here be so obvious? Of course not.
I am a gay guy myself and I am personally disgusted by his remark if in fact fhe lifestyle he is referring to is that of a homosexual. Sure there are some idiots out there who continue to be promiscuous – gay and straight – but to elude to the idea that his gay ‘lefestyle’ is one in which the majority of us still live like the pre-HIV days is not only DISGUSTING but totally inaccurate. I hope a big LGBT force – like the Advocate maybe – picks this up and runs with it and I certainly hope Julie calls him out for it when he finally gets evicted. He is perpetuating incorrect outdated stereotypes about other people in his “lifestyle”…
I never comment but I am so disgusted about how they are treating/talking about Donny..it’s a disgrace..game or no game..He has been nothing but nice and respectful to everyone!!
If Donny or Nicole win the PoV one of them can come off the block and Cody will put up Victoria…. So that Donny or Nicole will go to jury.
If Frankie and Derrick can feel that they have Donny it may buy Nicole and him more time. These guys are paranoid. They can not recognize truth when it is staring them in the face because they all lie so much it gets confused and turns into their truth.
I hate to say it but, unless things change having Donny or Nicole still in the house does not do anything for any ones game except Donny or Nicole.
All of their games are screwed up to the point when Donny and Nicole are gone. It will be a free for all. They have missed too many opportunities to get the people out that they should have taken out earlier. They have let Derrick slide all the way to almost the end without ever being nominated.
So imagine this house without Donny… First off their will be NO one to cheer for. We will have apathy. One of the things about Big Brother is over the Summer we grow attached to some players, hate others and are apathetic toward others. If really pushed I would have to say that Caleb is the least loathsome.
Sh when they are gone….
Derrick and Cody need to get out Frankie or Christine they can not miss that opportunity.
Frankie and Christine need to get out Cody or Derrick
I don’t think so this is a Season that is devoid of Big Moves… It lacks anything interesting. There are NO Flips, NO Big Moves…. Just crap talk and small moves till the end.
Donny for the win would make my Heart Happy.
Come on CBS Big Brother give Donny the Wonkie Woo Power to end all powers. You can do it with a Pandoras Box…. Lock Cody up in a room with GinaMarie for twenty Four Hours
and Give Donny and Nicole a special power because they are the nominees… come on be good to us.
let them pull themselves off and nominate two other house guests to replace them.
I can’t believe these guys aren’t on to Derrick. Cody’s gonna get his HOH hijacked again. Frankie of all people should see this. He knows Donny is here only because of TA. Man I can’t wait for the finale, when it comes out that Derrick’s a cop, watch their collective faces when they realize he played all of them.
Frankie proudly announces he gets tested for STDs every two months, with cameras rolling. What a skank. I sure wouldn’t want him anywhere near my HOH bed.
If my mother or my sister watched and heard me proudly say that, not only on national tv,
but even just to my fellow houseguests, they would personally show up on the set,
pull me out by my hair and kick my ass!!
I swear, just when ya think it can’t possibly get any worse…
What would you parents be so ashamed of? That their son/daughter is being responsible and getting tested for STD’s on a regular basis? You do realize that this something that health professionals encourage right?? Being squeamish about safe sex and getting tested is not something that responsible people are ashamed of.. In fact getting a STD test is something that some people ask of a new partner.. This is 2014 and it’s time some of you join it before the year is up. Getting tested is not something that should ever under any circumstances be frowned upon.. I hate to think that some of you who are bashing this are parents and are not telling your own kids to use protection and get tested if they are sexually active.. No wonder the STD and teen pregnancy rates keep going up…. Frankie is being responsible to himself and his partners by getting tested.
Poor Derrick is terrified of Nic. LOL. Just like Cody is terrified of Donny. Frankie is terrified that he won’t be relevant (which he isn’t), Vic is terrified that people will think she’s stupid (too late), Caleb …..? Christine is terrified about coming back to reality (being ugly and unnoticed). And all the above mentioned have a guilty conscience, except Caleb…poor guy, just believe what the others tell him.
Every time I think Frankie can’t get anymore vile…he somehow manages. And the poster who made the nasty remark about Donny’s brother’s arms is equally as vile.
This is like putting some toddlers in a playpen and filming it. Boring and uneventful……
I’m disgusted. They’re shoving salt into the wound by also making them have-nots for the week. I find it amusing that any of them think that they have even the slightest chance against Derrick in the final three. He’s gonna bring Vic and Cody with him to just ensure his victory and it pisses me off that nobody fucking realizes it. And the only damn person who has the smallest clue that Derrick is running the fucking show is Donny, the person most likely leaving the house this week.
Sorry, I felt like ranting.
Victoria is going all the way to final two. It sucks, but honestly the girl has no chance what so ever to win, unless there is some miracle. Hell, Jocasta would have a better chance of winning than that dumb bitch princess. so who wouldnt take her?
Yeah, and that dumb b4tch princess is gonna walk away with 50 Grand, having done not ONE FREAKIN THING the entire season! Makes my blood boil!
Dawg…………If Nicole wins POV & pulls Donnie off the block…is she still safe????
no 🙁
Because Frankie is gay and he has a famous (cough, cough) sister, his filthy comments and sexual hi jinks are looked at as cute and he is given a pass. He brings new meaning to “making a big move by back dooring someone.” He’s proud that he gets tested often for STDs. I’m straight, but I’ve got to believe he is such an embarrassment to the gay community.
Don’t tell me you are one of those people who never tested either who are also sexually active.. The STD clinics are full of straight people as well you know. Or is that something you never heard of in your life? Frankie gets tested because it is the responsible thing to do.
So Frankie refers to Nicole as a C—, Derrick calls her a liar, and overall she’s been insulted and mistreated by the very people that now seem so interested in her personal life. Yet somehow she’s respected enough that they don’t need she’s been doing some of Frankie’s favorite vices. It’s strange that even Cody has the kind of respect for her that apparently he doesn’t have for Christine.
Nothing these people say, do, and think make any sense. The only consistency here is putting up Donny on the block.