POV Holder: | Chrsitne | Next POV | Aug 2nd |
POV Used | NO | POV Ceremony | Aug 4th |
HOH Winner 1: | Donny | HOH Winner 2: | Nicole |
Battle of the Block Winner | Caleb/Victoria | Next HOH/ Next BOB | Aug 7/Aug 8 |
Original Nominations: | |||
Final Nominations: | Zach & Jocasta | ||
Have Nots | Frankie, Cody and Hayden | ||
POV Players | Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, ZachAttack, Caleb, Victoria, |
9:28pm Frankie, Christine and Nicole
Frankie brings up Zach coming to him cody and derrick about an alliance.,
Frankie – Armed with that information now it’s almost better to vote him out
Nicole I can’t believe you said that
Frankie – He’s so erratic .. he’s unpredictable.. in my gut in my soul I know i’m not in his top crew..
Nicole – But didn’t you say he wanted to get Cody and Derrick out
Chritns covers up says “Every day he wants someone else gone.. he changes his mind all the time”
Frankie says Zach wants to put up Donny and Victoria and Backdoor HAyden.
Nicole – Shoot that’s bad
Frankie – that’s not good for my game
Christine wonders how many alliance Zach has started “I count four”
9:33pm Derrick and Cody Pool table
Derrick says Christine told Nicole right away about The detonators. She didn’t wait for Frankie for them. Cody – You know what I dropped in Nicole’s ear to make her hate Christine today… Christine said you and Hayden hooked up earlier in the season” he adds that he tried to make it sounds like Christine was implying Nicole and Hayden are a power couple. Nicole told Cody ” I hate her”
Talking about Nicole trying to catch them on the name of the alliance. Derrick says he almost slipped up when Nicole asked him but COdy jumped in and saved it. They are deconstructing their conversations making sure they haven’t messed up. they seem pretty happy with the way things are panning out.
Derrick – “Your story was magical”
9:42pm HOH Christine, Hayden, Nicole and Frankie
Frankie says last night Zach says his target is tHAyden he [plans to backdoor him.
Hayden isn’t surprised Zach kinda tells him all the time he’s a target.
Frankie says he’s got their backs at this point he wants to vote Zach out.
Hayden – He will always be the master of his own fate.. if there is every a demise in Zach’s game it’s going to be due to his actions”
Frankie says there’s other people in this house beside the “Muscle”
Christine says that Victoria told her in the 48 hours she was attached to Caleb he never brushed his teeth.
Nicole always smells his pits
Christine – I never see him in there… I hate when he comes by me I can smell him
hayden – that’s called beast mode BO
9:53pm Christine, Nicole and Hayden
Christine calls Zach “So stupid”
Nicole – “He’s messing with the wrong girl
Nicole I have a very good chance in accomplishing my missions
Hayden asks if he should talk to Derrick and Cody about it without saying I know Zach approached all of you guys.
NHayden – were you out there
CHristine Ya .. I think I wasn’t going to bed so I was there by default.. you know what i mean.. he couldn’t keep his mouth shut long enough for me to go to bed.
Trashing Victoria
Christine says she talked game with Victoria today and it was like talking to a 10 year old
Hayden say victoria is the most entertaining person.
10:14pm HOH Hayden and Nicole
Hyden draws the parallels between this week and last week. Caleb thought Amber was going home and he was the mastermind last week and this week Frankie thinks he’s the mastermind but it
Hayden – It’s hilarious He’s the one thinking he’s orchestrating the whole thing like Caleb did last week
Nicole says it makes her feel good that Christine and Frankie don’t know they are working with Derrick and Cody. Hayden thinks Christine suspects something is up.
Nicole says Frankie is going after Cody He’ll never go after Caleb..
Nicole says Christine told Cody you and I are a power couple when were were the closest people in the house this was week two.. she’s dunzo in my book
Nicole is scared cody trusts Christine. Nicole says CHristine is all up Cody’s butt again
Hayden doesn’t think he does
Nicole – there’s nothing I will say or do about it other than want her out more.
Christine – SHe knows how close you are with with DOnny because you tried to get her in that thing
Hayden says he’s opened that up to the house they all knew he tried to mend those two it’s fine.
Nicole says she’s having trouble keeping things straight with Frankie and Christine because they’re doing so much lying.
Hayden says you cannot have a private conversation without Frankie coming in 3-6 minutes laters. Nicole thinks that is too long give him 1-3 minutes.
Christine says out of all the boys in here Hayden is the only guys she desires to ksis..
Derrick rolls in Hayden tells him that Frankie thinks he’s masterminding this whole getting Zach out thing. Hayden – IT’s the same thing as last week Frankie thinks this is his master plan”
Hayden says Christine said she was outside and listened to Zach’s alliance pitch. Derrick says she’s lying she was not in the conversation. Hayden doesn’t believe that he’s Zach’s target, Derrick agrees.
Hayden says he feels that Christine knows there is something going on. Nicole doesn’t think she knows.
Hayden – She has no actual evidence she has a whiff of it”.
Hayden thinks they caught a whiff of Zach going home so they decided to flip the script and be on the winning side.
Hayden says Christine was telling Victoria this morning there was a guys alliance and they are voting out Jocasta. Hayden adds that she’s telling Hayden to vote out Zach. Hayden thinks she’s trying to put HAyden and Victoria against each other.
Hayden says Victoria told him she doesn’t trust Frankie at all. Derrick says he doesn’t talk much game with Victoria.
They talk about how much they like Christine she’s a cool chick but spreading a lot of lies..
Hayden says christine always touches Cody that bothers me…
Hayden – not that it’s bad but to me it’s weird
Nicole – ya
hayden – if I was married.. “
Derrick thinks he hears someone.. they change the subject
Hayden _ would rather see Christine gone than frankei
Derrick – with Zach gone Frankie is crippled he’s a wounded fish with one fin.. he really can’t defend itself.
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10:52pm Derrick and Hayden
Derrick says Victoria told him a couple weeks ago about something that happened week one. Derrick explains you know how early in the game everyone is talking to each other trying to find common ground . Derrick told CHristine it would be nice if a married person won the game because it’s been awhile.
Derrick – She went to Victoria and told her I was asking for a final 2 and was trying to build an alliance.
Frankie joins them.
They start joking about sucking your own d1ck.
Hayden – u jerk it if you are able to suck.. if it was a possible thing for every guy
Derrick – I can wholeheartedly say I won’t suck my own d1ck my response would be I would like to die without ever sucking a d1ck ..
Derrick ask think if it’s own d!ck does it count as being gay
Frankie and Hayden don’t; think so.
Hayden – If mine was big enough I Would s*ck it.. I’m not even faulty on it.. 100% if it was big enough I would suck it.
They talk about how stinky Caleb is,Frankie says when Victoria was chained to him he never brushed his teeth once. Says she snuggles in Caleb’s arm pit and it’s ripe.
Beast mode rolls in.
11:08pm Hammock Nicole and Victoria
Nicole brings up Christine tell told her Victoria and Hayden hoked up.
HOH Talking about the metal scene in Boston, Texas and the Deep south.
Backyard talking about sport teams
11:57pm HOH Nicole, Hayden, Derrick, and Caleb
Caleb going on and on about being on slop 4 out of the last 5 weeks.
Jocasta comes to get Derrick for praying. Caleb back to talking about being on slop.
Nicole – That sucks
Caleb – I’m anxious who gets America’s player.. it’s based on how you are perceived..
Hayde – It’s based on a lot of things.
THey start talking about last season Hayden says Eliza did some really good moves. Caleb says she had the MVP which kept her safe.
Caleb wants to be in all stars.
12:00AM Derrick and Jocasta BEEHIVE
Derrick says she has his vote. Derrick really doesn’t want Zach to get wind of him going home.
Derrick says once Zach goes home they have to just survive.
Jocasta says Victoria isn’t going to vote Derrick or her out.
Derrick says Victoria has a silver spoon in her mouth but htey can’t fault her for that. She’s not dumb
Jocasta – I don’t think she’s dumb.. she’s just a diva
Derrick says Jocasta has the votes to stay this week as long as Ahyden isn’t lying to her.
Where the Vote is..
Zach going home..
12:13AM HOH Hayden and Nicole
Hayden – Jocasta is to Donny like Victoria is to me. Nicole is a bit worried about Hayden telling Victoria about Christine saying they made out. Nicole is worried it’ll come out to Christine. Hayden says Victoria doesn’t trust Frankie and Christine she never speaks to them anymore. Christine comes in
12:23AM Caleb talking about when he came back to the US after serving in Iraq.
Caleb – We had one psyche test and I failed it I had to go see extra doctors.. they would hold my hands and talk to me eye to eye.. “
Caleb explains they said he had a “Form of PTSD” Did I have it that I wanted to hit the walls NO.. Did I have it that I felt alone and I started crying yes”
He says overseas you see a pillow on the side of the road it’s a bomb..you see some trash it’s a bomb.. explains the difficulty in adjusting after serving, “I’m way over that now ..but when I got home it was really hard”
Caleb says he’s fine he went through all the tests before coming back into the house. Caleb says his hearing is “Jacked” from shooting a 50 caliber gun without ear plugs.
Frankie – was it in combat
Caleb – ya
Frankie – no f*** way
Caleb explains they were in a humvee that the guy manning the 50 calibre could man the 50 calibre again so he was the next one up. Got up there and started shooting.
12:34am Hayden and Nicole
Hayden start moving toward Christine (See images)
Nicole – Hayden no no hayden
Hayden – Someone is going to make a montage of you saying no..
Hayden says he’s got a gift for her.. Gives her a kiss on the forehead.
The Rationale = Nicole, Derrick, Hayden and Cody
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
bottomfeeders = Derrick and Nicole
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This is so freakin funny. A bloggers compilation of all of Caleb’s lies. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. Worth the read
OMG…..THIS IS EPIC!!! I’ve only just started reading, but she also wrote about Danielle from two seasons ago. DEFINITELY worth the read, guys. HILARIOUS!!!
Good call, BB Fan!! And thanks!! I love it when stuff makes me laugh out loud!!
Caleb’s beast mode cowboy true life story is told in THE EXPENDABLES 3.
ha ha ha …………. it is so funny due!
Thanks for the link, I read it also and its so damn funny but in a way very sad. He is a very troubled young man. Though I wanted to see Amber stay in the house, in the long run it was best for her she was evicted and didn’t have to stay with him either in the BB house or the jury house. How did he get pass the pysch evaluation for BB? Do they even have one? If so, they REALLY need to make changes to it. #CallDr.Phil
He’s a classic narcissist – comes from deep-seated insecurities they can’t admit to. He’ll never get help because no-one will ever be able to convince him he needs it.
That was the saddest/scariest/funniest thing that I have ever read in my life! I always knew that Caleb was a little off, but now I’m actually kind of worried about his mental state… I’ve never seen someone who lies so much and the lies have NOTHING to do with game. He need to take his bb money and get some therapy!
Dawg/Simon what are your takes on this? Have you read it?
I’m actually beginning to think that Caleb is a modern day version of Forrest Gump!!!
I think they forgot to mention Caleb’s breast cancer!
“He’s a professional country singer who was asked to cut an album, he turned them down because he was too busy working at Lowes.”
THANK YOU THANK YOU. What a way to start the morning. Tired and disheartened by reading world news but this was epic. It is re-assuring to know that such a super hero exists. No longer will I feel the need to call on the Lone Ranger, Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman or Spiderman to save the world. With 4 or 5 rolls of aluminium foil covering his body, Caleb can now be the new super hero REYNOLDS WRAP.
Caleb = “The Most Interesting Man In The World”
Oh I love Tamara Tattles. She is always so funny. But I don’t think Caleb’s war stories are make believe. I hope not.
Oh how the mighty and fake have fallen!! Frankie has no loyalty to anyone, the second someone is in danger, he turns against them instead of showing support, His true colors are ugly and I can’t wait for him to get out of the house to see how unpopular he truly is. Christine and Frankie….Your jig is up and the house has spoken.
Get the F-OUT!
About time. Least I’m not the only one bothered by Ratine’s molestation of Cody. Thank you Hayden. Now say something to the little whore. I’d call her out in a heartbeat. It’s nauseating.
What gives; everybody calling Frankie, Christine and others rats (which is true), but Derrick escapes the criticism of being the head of the rats. Why? I find Derrick despicable and can’t stand him using his hands like he’s a used car salesman (that’s a tell).
Why is he succeeding at looking so golden on these boards?
I really hope he doesn’t win anything more than he has.
Taking the mouth out of his kids? Yeah, maybe your wife should share more.
*taking FOOD out of his kids`mouth
i think it is getting fun in BBhouse
I feel really bad for Christine’s husband. I read that he stop defending her cuz she’s making it worse but he will always love her. He doesn’t deserve that disrespect even for a game
I read the same….and I feel badly for him, too.
one day they should remove the toilet seat when cody is on his way to pee. would really freak him out. we need to start messing with the hg’s.
This BB is getting more awesome, more suspenseful, and nonstop hilarity by the day! The people are more entertaining than any other season with quick wit , cunning play, and visciousness unrivaled by any other before. The commenters here , that is, not the show. Thanks for making me laugh my *ss off every hour, on the hour!!
Uhmmm……..have I missed something? Does Zach have ANY idea he’s going home?
He doesn’t know. Poor Zach thinks his allies are as loyal to him as he is to them. Apparently Zach’s loyalty means he would take a grenade for Frankie. Frankie’s loyalty means he would let Zach take the grenade. A bit one-sided.
I can’t even understand why Cody wants Zach gone… Not to mention how everyone else got convinced (except Christine… That kinda makes sense). Caleb should notice the team ISN’T a vote and stand his ground now!
The look on his face when he is evicted will be TO DIE FOR. I am here for his eviction 100%. He dishes it out hard, and he should receive it just as hard.
That information about Caleb was a doozey. If its true, we’re way past scary and onto just plain sad.
I’m waiting for him to find out about Ariana Grande so he starts stalking Frankie (you know – his record deals/the Voice etc.).He’ll think Frankie has an in with the recording industry. On the other hand he will definitely not want to vote Frankie out then.
Beast Mode BO bout to funk that house up…. Could the smell me why Amber wasn’t interested in him? Hmmmm
I like Derricks game so far and in no way do I feel hes “a rat” in the sense of the word like some of the other shady people in there.
I haven’t read anything about Christines Hubby but he must be totally annoyed. I don’t think the flirting and the touchy feely (Barf) with Cody it worth a divorce but then again I am not married to her 🙂 .
I cant wait for the Double Eviction Thurs.
B.O, Man could that be any grosser? I think its crazy town weird that he is talking about his Ex gf now even after telling that embarrassing story about how she dumped him after he did so much for her blah blah blah Amber this and that….haha Hes a strange one. Even asking Nicole if her friend in the picture with her (I cant remember her name ATM) liked shaved heads, YIKES!!
Oh and they should put some plastic wrap on the toilet seat so when Cody sits down ……….*snicker*
I cant wait to see Frankies face when hes put up on the block. I like his game but its time for him to shit some bricks for a change. Maybe not go home but at least get scared enough to stop playing both sides. He was gunning for Zach way early in the game but it didn’t work and some how they came back together. I think Zach would have his back (maybe not now) but I don’t doubt Frankie was just waiting for the chance to get to vote him out. Little bugger. Andy is/was way worse then Frankie, even though he has some bad qualities, he is still a funny guy sometimes(Frankie). Andy was just a friggin annoyance with a stupid look on his face and stupid looking shorts.
Go Zach!!!
It seems like Nicole is becoming a big influence in the game and she doesn’t even realize it. Frankie and Christine are toast. Derrick lost control of his game. He has to win HOH this week or next to get the balance back.He’s playing a great game but he’s wide open right now. He spread himself too thin, but if he survives and wins, I will be the first one to say he’s the man. I don’t see him taking it but who knows? If he could somehow hook up with Donny, a proven competitor use him just right, he’s golden. Let’s be real, that’s the one person that’s solid in that house. Donny can win comps, but somehow got used as a pawn. Really strange. Hayden is emerging as a real big threat as well. I would like to see those two keep playing cat and mouse for a little longer because this is really an interesting dynamic. Who else is gonna be seen as the brains in that house? Zach is his meat shield. This is really turning into a game of chess. I still think his downfall was bouncing Amber. Everyone’s hatred of her was a great distraction, but with her gone, everyone got put in the spotlight. DE is gonna break it open big time.
Nicole has actually taken the role of Frankie during the first half of the game. Everyone seems to tell her all the information and is wanting to align themselves with her because of her social relevance in the house which she gained because of her timely HOH win. Frankie on the other hand already played his cards and has shown to the house that although he is very sociable, he is only loyal to himself (or maybe Christine).
Somehow, she reminds me of BBCAN Heather during the second half of her season, she’s playing good but is still being hold on by the leash by Neda (Derick).
The fact that Nicole & Hayden are totally trusting Derrick & Cody 100% and telling them everything is so stupid – it will be their downfall in the long run (maybe even the short run if Christine or Frankie win HOH this week because the Derrick will choose that side).
Since it is double eviction, are the feeds going down sooner than they usually do? What are the chances that there is 1 more Battle of the Block and the double evictions actually start today?
For once I think Caleb might not be lying about coming back from Iraq and something being wrong with him. Makes perfect sense how he acted with Amber when he said that the symptoms were him crying a lot and feeling alone. Kinda makes me feel bad for the guy if it is true.
Despite his horrible game play and the hell he put Amber through in the game, I still feel bad for him too. We civilians will never know what members of the military experience. I hope at some point he gets the help he seems to need..
mind you I do not like Caleb I think he is a tool and too full of himself. But listening to Donny really ticked me off, him and Cody talking about Caleb being a bad in comps, yes this is very true, he sucks big time. But what bugs me is Donny being just as full of himself. Donny saying the two he (Caleb) won he didn’t beat him (Donny), true very very true Caleb did not beat Donny in the first HOH, but Devin, Cody, Amber and Frankie did. Yes he has done good in the comps, but he is not the best, so get over yourself.
Donny was playing the game. Cody last week claimed that he wanted Caleb out next…and I think this week too. However, Donny would rather Frankie/Christine go before Caleb. He is emphasizing that Caleb is not really a threat. Hopefully convincing Cody to go after another target….And he showing he’s open to get rid of Caleb..if you remember Hayden just told Derrick that Caleb is before him on the list..
man the little pink weasel is pure slime, I really hope he goes soon, I do not know how much more of his BS I can take, he is playing everyone, even throwing his partner from day one, the loud mouth, not just under the bus, but he is completely trashing him, only to save his own ass and get as clear from him as he can, when he was behind 95% of what Zach did and said…the pink weasel was right there as the loud mouth went over his speeches so he is just as much to blame.. he is slime..pure pure slime.
I’m actually beginning to think that Caleb is a modern day Forrest Gump!!!
Does anyone on here think Derrick’s nightly one-on-one prayer sessions with Jacosta are anything other than game on his part?
Here’s another hint Hayden – Derrick tells you he’ll put up Victoria & Jocasta if he wins HOH – are you REALLY buying that. Come on – don’t be so blind & tell him everything!!
Mike Valmorbida
Jul 31 (6 days ago)
to me
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I don’t believe for one second Caleb’s stories about being injured in the military. He was a prison guard and had trouble because he was teased by the inmates. As a eight year veteran myself Who served in Desert Storm I can tell you that no soldier comes back and blabs about missions in the self serving way that Caleb is doing. His story is just another narcissistic delusion that he has made himself believe. His family’s attacks on anyone who makes negative comments via Twitter or blogs about Caleb is representative of their bubble that they keep him in. Caleb gives many veterans with true disabilities a bad name and is a disgrace in my opinion. I think CBS should show America his true colors beyond just his nomance with Amber just like they finally did last season with Aaryn G. He already has claimed in the BB househe wrote a song that he plagiarized from someone on YouTube and it’s time to put all his stories out there for all of America to see. God bless America and all our veterans.
I am taking the liberty of re-posting this little gem… Caleb has ISSUES but I don’t think PTSD is one of them…
Anabana says:
July 18, 2014 at 2:13 pm
All of Caleb’s war stories crack me up. I deployed with this fool to Iraq in 2009-10. We had it good compared to other deployments and jobs. We were out there less than a year, and had 2-3 man rooms, indoor plumbing, hot food, and very little action/mortars. He/we never went outside the wire, worked on a prison every day for 14 hrs and then had gyms, dfacs, mwr’s and even swimming pools and restaurants available for our days off. Congrats Caleb, you were in the Texas army national guard, but you’re not a badass:)