POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | Aug 16th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 18th |
HOH Winner 1: | FRANKIE | HOH Winner 2: | Frankie |
Battle of the Block Winner | Donny & Christine | Next HOH | Aug 21st |
Original Nominations: | |||
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | Christine & Victoria | ||
POV Players | Cody, Caleb, Frankie, Victoria, Donny, Christine |
WATCH the next 48 hours for FREE – Big Brother 16 Live Feed TRIAL!
12:15pm Big Brother tells the house guests to report to the Head of Household bedroom and then blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds return – There is a close up shot of this weeks HAVENOT food on a smaller table. The havenots get to eat Transylvanian Goulash! They have canned pumpkin and sausages. Frankie chooses Christine and Victoria to be havenots. His reasoning is that they have been havenots for the least amount of time. Victoria asks what animal does sausage come from? Christine says these are from pork.

1:15pm – 1:25pm In the storage room – Derrick and Caleb grab the activity bracelets. Caleb gives Derrick Victoria’s bracelet. Derrick says oh what I’m her b***h now?!!! Caleb says oh sorry I thought that was yours, it was the last one. They leave the storage room. In the earth room – Derrick tells Cody that he is straight there is no way he’s going home this week. Even if you don’t pull yourself off. Derrick says if Victoria wins it we can probably get her to use it to take you off. Derrick heads into the storage room and tells Frankie we need to have a discussion up in the HOH room about a game plan. Victoria cannot win it. Zach joins them. Derrick says even Zach was saying it last night. Zach says if she wins it one of us is going home. She cannot win it. Frankie leaves. Zach tells Derrick I cannot be up on the block against Caleb! Are you kidding me! Derrick tells Zach he’s not going up. Zach says okay good.
WATCH the next 48 hours for FREE – Big Brother 16 Live Feed TRIAL!
1:30pm In the living room – Cody says I am going to kick your butt in the veto today! Christine says good luck! No way man! I can’t wait to show you who’s boss! Cody says I can’t wait to let you know who Daddy is! Christine says I’d like to know! Cody says I bet you would!
In the kitchen – Zach and Caleb are talking. Zach tells dude you were putting a show on up in the HOH room. Caleb says just trying to be fun you know. Not trying to put my head down. Yeah I’m in a bad situation but I’ve been in way worse situations than this. Zach says you’re about to save yourself too. Caleb says It’s in my hands to win it today. But I’ve failed many times in my life..
1:40pm – 2pm In the living room – The house guests are talking about zing-bot and the zing they’re each going to get. Caleb says imagine if Derrick came out in the Zing-bot costume. Zach says Caleb’s will definitely be about Amber. Caleb says why so sad Caleb, are you sad because Caleb’s gone. Zing! Zach says Hey Victoria where’s the mirror?! ZING! Victoria Frankie says in Zing-bot voice why so sad Caleb is it because Amber wouldn’t eat your banana even though you sucked on her pickle!!! ZING!! The conversation turns to talking about alcohol.
I would love a Derrick/Cody final nominations.
I second that motion
Derrick and Cody would only be a good final two because it would ensure Derrick wins. Honestly people, Derrick takes a lot of heat on here but he’s probably one of the best, if not THE best player that’s ever played the game. He’s been pulling all the strings, all season. He manipulates people to the point where they even think THEY are controlling things, when it’s always been Derrick. Manipulation is the name of the game, make no mistake about it.
I think the OP meant that they wanted Derrick/Cody as the final nominations for this week, not the final 2 to win the game.
I think Oh is referring to a final two nominations for this week.
I love the way Derrick is playing the game. I am Team Donny all the way, but if he is against Derrick in the Final 2, I vote for Derrick. He has played a masterful game. Better even than the legendary Dr. Will or Dan “the Mist” Gosling.
I only time the comment because there is no way to say he is one of the best ever. I agree that he is easily the best player this season, but I’m not sure he’s even in the top five of best ever.
We have to wait and see how the rest of the season plays out to think about him being one of the best ever.
Derrick’s game has been sloppy for over a month. He’s just been lucky because these HG’s with the exception of Donny are mental midgets. If he would’ve played the way he did the first three weeks up until the DE, he would’ve been golden. Those first few weeks, he was perfect. Putting bugs in people’s heads and walking away. After Devin left, ego took over and he has made some bad decisions. Getting rid of Amber, that was a ride or die chick right there and she proved it walking out the door. Then trying to backdoor Zach, he should’ve followed through on that one. He’s now a bigger headache for no reason. Telling Jo she was safe and then got rid of her, go out of your way to make an enemy for no reason, yeah perfect gameplay. Then you cut Hayden, again going out of your way to make an enemy for no reason. Keeping Donny around and making everyone else waste their HOH on people that could’ve been picked off at anytime. Nicole is a dingbat, but Hayden will smarten her up in jury. So now he’s left with Cody and Vic, who can’t fight their way out of a crisp paper bag, a pissed off Zach who wants, Frankie and Cody’s head on a platter, a delusional 6 year old that should’ve been bounced right after Amber named Caleb who wants Donny and Vic gone, Christine, you will flip on a dime and Cody’s buddy, and Frankie, who knows the house hates him all because of your doing. And Donny, the guy that can save himself when needed and pretty much a shoe in for AF. So who does buttercup Derrick have left? Unless he takes Cody, Vic, and maybe Frankie, his best shot is 50k. He started out great, but that was many moons ago.
personally I wouldn’t give him best ever, too many classic past players, but I feel hands down best player in the house right now
Woah!!! Best ever?? Calm down there fella I wouldn’t put him in the top 5!! I do think he’s a good player but best ever… NO
Short list of better…
Competitors to play this game
-Danielle (BB8)
-Aaryn (gross, but true, check her HoH’s)
-James (BB6)
-Crazy James (BB9)
Strategists to play the game
-Dr. Will
-Boogie (threw up in my mouth a bit, but true)
-Evel Dick
-Hayden (formed an alliance that didn’t turn on each other every week, and WON the game)
Personalities to play the game
I agree gamer – But as much as I think Derrick has played the best game & probably does deserve the 500K – I think it would be awesome to see him go from being HOH to getting evicted like Nicole last week. And now that Donny is talking some game, I would love to see Donny win the veto & then make a deal with Frankie & Zach that if he uses it to take off Caleb then Frankie would put up Derrick. Frankie should know that keeping Cody or Victoria only benefits Derrick’s game, and keeping Caleb or Zach benefits Frankie’s game. This is the first time that Derrick isn’t in complete control of the house, so it would be a great chance to shake things up. At the very least, there are some interesting options week – I just hope that either Vic or Derrick goes. However it plays out though – hope Donny, Zach & Hayden are the final 3.
agree 100%
Derrick is not the best he is the luckiest player to ever play Big Brother. He was lucky enough to be in an eight person alliance and to make matters better he was stuck in a house with people that were either scared or had a low IQ
DEFINITELY!! Best case scenario, for sure!!
YES!!! These two need to finally feel what it is like to be in the hot seat. Especially Derrick.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive
Too bad Donny spoiled their plans by winning now they have to back peddle. Poor little things.
My heart broke a little when I read earlier that Donny was crying. He’s such a genuine guy and they are all teamed up against him. It’s hard to watch someone be bullied like that.
Oh, and I hate No Lips Christine!
This will be the first time I will be rooting for Victoria. Too bad no lips can’t be back doored.
Who is “no lips”? Christine?
I don’t know who the hell “no lips” is but I lol’d any damn way!!!! Too funny!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE the nics these ppl have been given!!!! 🙂
Who’s no lips?
Which “no lips” are you referring too?
Not sure why you’d root for Derrick’s little puppet – is it because you think she’d keep noms the same?
First, Christine has no lips. Look at the woman (I know it is difficult) but she has no lips. Noticed it from Day 1.
Second, I don’t like Victioria, but it is best for Donny’s game if she win Veto and guarantees that one of the “Bomb Squad” goes home. Unfortunately neither Frankie nor No Lips will go.
I really hope Frankie wakes up and backdoors Derrick. But I know it won’t happen but because that mean he could come back Thursdays and because of TA. Besides, Frankie doesn’t know Derrick wanted him out the week he was on the block and was in agreement ot have Caleb throw it. I think the week Derrick leaves it will be because everyone catches on to him and causes it big blow up. It will more than likely be Cody or Victoria going home this week. Someone that won’t win to come back.
Cody has 0% chance of going home this week. Sometimes I wonder if you people have ever watched this show lol
Guess all that under cover work Derrick trained for didn’t pay off at the BB house.
Victoria looks like my maid.
…no comment
Then why did you comment?
She looks like my maid’s mother.
Really Christine and Cody!!! You two are disgusting. Christine I hope your husband leaves you.
Is that Cody telling Christine that Derrick (Daddy) is the boss? Did Cody just throw Derrick under the bus? I think so!!! I hope Donny gets the Veto, & keeps the noms the same, bye bye Cody!!!!!!
Can’t wait to see Julie greet Derrick out of the house. ” can you tell me what went wrong ” his answer will be priceless.
Why would you want him gone? It don’t understand people who crap on Derrick. He’s mastered the art of playing people, and that’s what the game is about. Its about getting to the end, and Derricks probably the best BB player ever. He is so calculated in everything he does. He knows when to go for in comps and he knows when to ease up. He completely toys with people to the degree that they do his bidding while not even knowing it was Derricks idea lol
He’ s a con Promises everyone to take them to final 2. Uses them and when he’s done, throws them out to trash. Yea I guess that’s how the game goes but can’t you just be a good guy all around. How did this game get to be like this. Is that how we in society should be.
BB is not a model for society, so leave that at the door. The game has been played by conning people since season 2 (Dr. Will). We are now trying to see if a good person (Donny) can play the game and win. Unfortunately, he kept waiting for someone to signal that they wanted to be allied with him rather than going out and trying to form those alliances himself.
This is not society! ITS A GAME! And that is how the game is played! You can’t be honest to everyone and think that you will make it far in this game!
I agree, he is a very good player. I wouldn’t want to befriend him, but this game is definitely in his wheelhouse. I assume that’s why he tried out for it. He didn’t get on for his good looks. Wonder why the rest of these bozos haven’t asked themselves why he made it on?
I wish Derrick would realize that America likes Donny and flip sides. Work with Donny behind his own groups back….
With the way this season is going zach will probably get backdoored jacosta will get back in the house 🙁
I’ve been wanting Derrick to work with Donny from day 1!
i was thinking jocasta would come back in the game because production is pulling for the BS to make it 2 the end and i don’t have a problem with the BS being in the finals i’m cheering for Zankie
I hope Donny wins PoV that way Zach is safe. Then I hope that Cody gets voted out. Then I hope Hayden gets to come back in and that Donny, Zach and Hayden form an alliance and take out Derrick and all his puppets. THAT would be an amazing end to this summer.
It’s a nice dream, but unfortunately Cody has 0.000001% chance of going home this week. He has Derrick, Christine, and Victoria/Caleb’s vote no matter what.
Either Caleb, Victoria, or Zach are going home in that order of likelihood right now. Only way Cody could be safe is if Frankie backdoored Derrick. But because of TA this wont happen. Frankie aint throwing away potential 5k when he doesn’t have to yet.
Theres a 10 percent chance that will happen. I hope it comes true for a hayden donny zach alliance. And nicole coming back would be useless and she would give derrick even more power. Im soo mad derrick cried, hes trying to make us feel sorry for him wanting to get donny out. He know america hates him and hes afraid he getting portraid as the villain
I will keep saying it until I’m blue in the face, I believe this game is rigged for Derrick. Yet again, a prime opportunity has arisen to get him out of the house, and because of Team America, he is likely safe again. I hate this twist, and unlike Frankie and Donny, I don’t believe Derrick was voted in, I think production put him in to give him protection…not that he needed much protection. He’s a 30 something cop that built his career off going undercover and manipulating naive 20 somethings. His career trained him for this game. Production realized that, and are trying to market him as a mastermind- the next DAN – with Frankie as a smokescreen. Wake up people. Derrick’s game is mediocre, and he’s gotten a lot of help.
Or has Derrick misted you with his pepper spray?
Donny please win POV. Please!
Ugh just learned that Frankie’s gained 200k followers on twitter since being in the house. (real or fake – don’t know, dont care)… Am now going to have to vote 200k times for Donny to win Fan Fave.
Donny dosen’ t have a chance to be in the final two the way things are right now, If there is somesort of twist is would be nice. If TA completes there task I believe he will have won $15K and with his win as AB hell be 10 K shy of 2nd place
Christine is a hoe.
CODY HAS TO GO! (Not Victoria or Caleb)
For those who have concerns about Nicole (or Hayden) having to go against CODY to get back in the house, I DO understand. Believe me I do! I would rather go against Victoria as well. But, if this season’s comps have proved anything, it’s that anyone can win one. Ironically if we use the past comps as the barometer, Cody would only have a 50/50 chance of winning a game of Pictionary against a blind woman. So, it’s time to shoot craps.
(Note: If the veto is used, Victoria is 100% going up.)
Why Cody and not Victoria or Caleb?
If Cody is gone, Victoria WILL go to Donny’s side. But it HAS to be Cody! If Caleb is gone, Victoria will stay with Cody and Derrick and Donny will NOT be able to pull Zach in. This will leave the house at 6 to 2 against Donny and Nicole. (Or Hayden)
If Cody goes, Donny COULD pull in Zach and WILL pull in Victoria. That would change the game from 6 to 2 to totally EVEN UP. Now THAT would be GREAT!
Donny, (Nicole or Hayden), Victoria, Zach
Derrick, Frankie, Caleb, Christine
Fingers crossed.
Like the enthusiasm but Cody has no hold over Victoria at all. Derrick OWNS Victoria’s BB soul. She’ll do whatever he tells her to do.
Cody has no chance of going either. Caleb or Victoria will go before Cody does.
I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to what’s going on – Victoria is DERRICK’s puppy not Cody’s. And if you meant Christine – no way – she can’t stand Donny’s guts. Cody will not be voted out unless he ends up next to Victoria & Derrick decides she’s more important to him than Cody.
I don’t understand your reasoning that if Cody goes Victoria will drift over to Donny, It seems to me that “at the end of the day” she will cling that much closer to Derrick. The child/woman seems to be pathological in her dependence on Derrick.
CODY HAS TO GO! (Not Victoria or Caleb)
For those who have concerns about Nicole (or Hayden) having to go against CODY to get back in the house, I DO understand. Believe me I do! I would rather go against Victoria as well. But, if this season’s comps have proved anything, it’s that anyone can win one. Ironically if we use the past comps as the barometer, Cody would only have a 50/50 chance of winning a game of Pictionary against a blind woman. So, it’s time to shoot craps.
(Note: If the veto is used, Victoria is 100% going up.)
Why Cody and not Victoria or Caleb?
If Cody is gone, Victoria WILL go to Donny’s side. But it HAS to be Cody! If Caleb is gone, Victoria will stay with Cody and Derrick and Donny will NOT be able to pull Zach in. This will leave the house at 6 to 2 against Donny and Nicole. (Or Hayden)
If Cody goes, Donny COULD pull in Zach and WILL pull in Victoria. That would change the game from 6 to 2 to totally EVEN UP. Now THAT would be GREAT!
Donny, (Nicole or Hayden), Victoria, Zach
Derrick, Frankie, Caleb, Christine
Fingers crossed.
Is Derrick trying to double-cross Cody? Please say it’s so!!!!!
i would love for victoria to win it just so their plans keep falling through but that means that they would probably put up zach. and even if zach wins it i’m thinking he would use it so victoria goes up (but maybe not, it could go either way). best case scenario is donny wins and keeps the noms the same. i would prefer cody to go home over caleb but at that point i’d just be so happy it happened i wouldn’t care. here’s wishful thinking!! hope hayden comes back and him and donny (ad zach maybe?!) turn the detonators or the bomb squad or whatever dumb name they call themselves into the panty poopers. so tired of seeing them comfortable!!
***just had a thought while writing, maybe in some strange turn of events derrick uses his annoying but effective skills of manipulation and if the veto is somehow used manages to save victoria from going home and then everyone will see what’s really going on. maaan that would make up for a pretty boring season. but of course, that has maybe a 12% chance of happening. #provemewrongderrick
Cody is just useless…USELESS! He’s not even attractive so I don’t get his appeal to all these thirsty women who have been all over him this whole summer.
Cody is in the closet…….nothing wrong with that. He’s cuddling Christine because Nicole and Victoria already had their men (Hayden and Derrick).
Hope the noms stay the same. Does anyone honestly think Frankie has the balls to nominate Derrick?
Christine/Cody must be talking about their future times together in the jury house, where they can be as nasty as they wanna be!!………YUCK!!!
Glad Donny is safe this week. I know there is some debate as to whether or not his strategy is really good or not, but that’s not the central issue for me. I’m all for game play, i.e. manipulations and backstabbing but the people in the BombSquad really seem to enjoy tormenting people. They don’t seem to have any remorse and all their grandstanding about their “victories” is repulsive. This season has been more about wanting people not to win (with the exception of Donny) because they’re are acting like such nasty human beings. And clean up that fu**ing house!! I’m sick of looking at their trash and clothes and food which they just spread out everywhere. I also hope some of them use their stipend money to go back to school. It’s obvious many of them could benefit from further education. Hate this season!
So happy that Almira Gulch is on slop this week, very fitting
I swear I cackled so hard after looking up who that is.
I almost peed in my dainties when I saw this Lololol!
Ok, Frankie chose Christine and Victoria for have-not’s because they’ve been have-not’s for the least amount of time and Derrick has been a have-not’s “0” ok thanks for showing fairness. Wake-up girls.
Christine and Cody you guys are really nasty and if you haven’t done the nasty please don’t because that’s time when we all PUKE. Stick a fork in it and be done with it.
Derrick you’re such an Anal Caleb hands you her bracelet and what do you say “Now I’m her Bitch” then you have the nerve to say if Victoria wins you’ll have her to put up the Veto for Cody how lame are you? Who are these People and where did they come from” I don’t know his wife and I honestly will say I feel sorry for her, even though she’ll probably say “he’s a great man, husband and daddy” He’s an Anal Hole with s Penis hanging out.
Actually Derrick has done two weeks as a have not. Everyone who is left in the house has had two weeks except Christine, Victoria, Frankie and Donny, and now Christine and Victoria are doing their second week.
Derrick has been a Have Not, but only once I think.
Hoping either Donny or Vic win POV. It’s about time these guys start scrambling, especially Cody and Derrick. They thought it was gonna be an easy week, guess what boys, skating time is over.
I guess I don’t understand why people think Vic will use the Veto… Derrick will absolutely convince her to not use the Veto as chance he would go on block.
After reading the banter between Cody and Chrustine I threw up in my mouth a little.
Zach and Donny is a good combo.
Both of America’s favorites working together, and then bring back Nicole or Hayden to join them (I lean towards Nicole because her and Zach’s sibling like relationship is entertaining to watch during the downtime of events).
I hope that Zach gets a Diamond POV or Coup d’etat power soon as well. Out of all the houseguests he deserves it the most even over Donny because Zach will use it in the most entertaining and satisfying way possible, especially if it’s during a week that he is up on the block and looking to be headed home.
If Frankie gets an opportunity but doesn’t backdoor Derrick this week, then we will know that he’s not as smart or perceptive as he thinks he is. Last time I checked, it was Derrick, NOT Donny, that was rallying the troops to get Frankie out. It was Caleb, NOT Donny, that said “I won’t do this BOB with you” and then sat on the side, forcing Frankie to win BOB by himself.
I’m hoping that maybe all of this has entered into Frankie’s mind and he’s just trying to do like Donny and not give away 100% on his game. But at the end of the day, I’m pretty sure glitter, unicorns, OH MY GAWWWDDD MY SISTER THE POP DIVA, twerking and Caleb’s muscles are the only things Frankie’s actually thinking about.
I would agree with you if Team America didn’t exist. But TA changes everything up and makes it beneficial for Frankie to potentially keep Derrick around so he can keep collecting that 5k weekly.
Sucks, but Derrick got thrown that bone so he has a sort of protection to his game in that regard
It’s not stopped them from going after Donny.
Derrick and Frankie have been targeting their “alliance” member. Donny’s been nom’d what 5 or 6 times now?
If Frankie had sense, he would realize that as quick as Derrick turned on Donny is how fast he would (and already has) turn on Frankie. I’m just glad that Zach confirmed Donny’s suspicions that Derrick and Frankie wanted him out and Donny knows for sure that he can’t trust them outside of TA missions.
Also, how funny that everyone made of Devin for talking about his daughter but nothing is said about Don Derrick and his “taking food out of my daughter’s mouth”? Baaa…baaa…baaa…Sheep!!!
muscle not plural!!
Poster’s let’s not be so picky regarding people making mistakes with spelling and grammar we all have made mistakes, those who have not (you have been Blessed). We’re suppose to be having fun exchanging thoughts and ideas not criticizing or pointing out someone mistake. Sometimes our fingers may hit the wrong key, or our thoughts jump before us whatever the case is stop being so critical and let’s enjoy one another thumbs up or thumbs dow.
I think that was suppose to be a joke….As in there’s only one muscle of Caleb’s that Frankie is thinking about. 🙂
I also think production has told Frankie its not good for his game to be mean to Zach and to get Zach out…
Derrick really needs to go this week and then his minions…Cody and Victoria will self destruct without him causing chaos among the rest of HG, but if Derrick gets in the jury house with a chance of returning he will also be sure to mist Jacosta, Nicole and Hayden to assure they vote for him in the case the dictator gets back in and happens to make it to final two. It sure would be good to see him backdoored though!
I just cannot see how only Donny has him figured out.
NO, don’t want Vapid Vic to win VETO. Derrick will command her to take Cody off and they’ll put Zach up. I only want Zach or Donny to win
Zach’s not playing so I guess that only leaves you Donny
I would laugh so hard if Derrick convinced Victoria to use the veto on Cody then Frankie put Derrick up.
If Derrick told Victoria that he’d give her all the money if he won the game, she would believe him..
When I read “Tranny Ghoulash” I literally ROLMFAO… Big Brother sure can pick the nastiest items for the Have-Nots to eat…
I wonder, what are the limitations to what they can have them eat?
Please give them Pig Snout, Lips, Feet and Hot Sauce… Just ONCE
Dawg –
Was that a typo or has hell frozen over??? A humble comment from Caleb? – It’s in my hands to win it today. But I’ve failed many times in my life. WOW!
Yeah I thought losing wasn’t in his vocabulary..
I love you Simon/Dawg and want to say you guys do a really good job. I know the job you do is difficult, and I don’t even care about typos/misspelled words, but I would like to just suggest to you guys to try and make sure to get the houseguest’s names correctly. Some times, the names of the houseguest are wrong of who is talkig to who or who is talking about who, and it gets a little confusing. Please dont hate me for my suggestions because I seriously appreciate what you guys do. (Just a little bit of constructive criticism). I can hear you guys now calling me a b!tch. Jk : )
P.S. I would love to come work for you guys next summer. I’m an excellent proof reader ; )
You can be in charge of sucking all the fun out of reading these posts. You can also be in charge of testing because clearly you are some kind of control freak….please don’t hate me….lol
Im not tryin to make a big deal out of it. Thanks Simon/Dawg.
passive aggressive much?
No, not passive aggressive. I was trying to be polite. Some thing you would know Nothing about.
Being “polite” would have meant contacting them personally.. What these two guys do in a 24 hour period is amazing and we are all so thankful; minute to minute re-caps. I know I would make way more mistakes than they do… Sometimes, their mishaps, are so funny as heck (because they keep us in the “know”) and makes me smile as it enlivens a very boring one-sided alliance game this Summer.
Thank you Dawg and Simon, for graciously giving me so much more insight to the BB game!
people are seriously saying you need a cody derrick f2 because derrick deserves to win?
how? the game isn’t over yet. he is very close to being a target of just about everyone. no one will want to take him to the end. that is part of the game, you are the best if you actually make it there and win. as Dr will did.
If Christine was smart, she would have turned on the 5 guys that will keep her “safe”. She was HoH. She had all the power. If she had allied with Donny, Nicole, and Victoria, then she could’ve done some serious damage. OF COURSE she’s stupid and does the wrong thing…
AND PLEASE DONT THROW COMPETITIONS THIS LATE IN THE GAME. You’re just asking to be evicted at this point.
According to Big Brother, there is someone named “Jocasta” in the jury house.
MAN I hope that Victoria or Donny win this POV… then the noms would stay the same and Caleb would most likely go home… even if Victoria won and used it, it would mean a BIG DOG FINALLY getting evicted! I just hope hope hope they don’t backdoor Victoria cuz she is a threat to NO ONE! It’s final 8 people… it’s TIME to get out the BIG DOGS! Not the female followers!
I hope the first thing Donny hides is the food out of Derrick’s kid’s mouth.
one earlier posting mentioned a special veto with a special power such as blocking oneself from being one of the two people up on the block to be voted out. canadian big brother season 2 had a special veto so it would be cool if usa big brother also had it to bring a special twist to destroy derrick’s alliance. i wanna see derrick voted out this week with hayden brought back in. now that would really shake up the house.
Wasn’t Cody the one that said he was agreeing to the Bomb Squad but didn’t want to be associated with all of them. Yet he rode the BS and Detonators wave all the way through. Gawd I can’t stand this kid!
Listening to Vic on the live feeds bragging at length about her high-end shopping adventures. So shallow. So materialistic. A sheltered princess, indeed…
Hey, don’t HATE on ME…I got a FAMILY, I have to FEED!
I got it – Victoria reminds me of Peg Bundy (when she’s dressed for live shows) with a heavy dose of Hebrew old-world matronly style. The white shoes she sports when she’s dressed up (circa 1985) are as hideous as the hair she keeps tugging at while it’s hanging heavily to one side of her head. The ugly headbands (that a 2-year-old wears to school are her ‘signature’ . She had the audacity to make fun of Zach’s pink hat. Now that’s rich.
that is her hat, she gave it to him as a prop type thing.
I think Derrick is playing a good game! That said I dont believe he would be if he was playing with Dan Will Rachel or even Amanda! I think he got lucky that there are young 20 somethings that seem to not have a mind of their own and just do and trust whatever Derrick says! I think he has been very good at manipulation with everyone to the point of sometimes being questionable but these hg dont seem to have a clue?! I dont think he would have gotten away with it so much playing against some of BB bests! I really dont like how he points out Donny to everyone to the point that if your seen talking to him your damned! I think in his own way he was afraid of Nicole catching onto him and was so adiment about wanting her out! It was insane how he lobbied to get her out! I would prefer to see Donny win yes because he is a nice guy but he also has survived against all odds and fought to be there via comps! The only negative about Donny is that he is walking around the house like he is an old man! I am 46 and dont act like I am in my 60’s! Is that his strategy?! To appear like an old man?! It seems he would have had a better chance of an alliance sadly if he lost the beard and appeared his age of being a young 40+ year old! Thats jmo of course:)
I think Frankie hates women and he wants to be alone with all the guys.